path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/util.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/util.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/util.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/util.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c6cdb61..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_util -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An assortment of web server-related utilities.
-__all__ = [
- "redirectTo", "Redirect", "ChildRedirector", "ParentRedirect",
- "DeferredResource", "htmlIndent", "FailureElement", "formatFailure"]
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import linecache
-import string
-import types
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.reflect import fullyQualifiedName
-from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from twisted.python.modules import getModule
-from twisted.web import html, resource
-from twisted.web.template import (
- TagLoader, XMLFile, Element, renderer, flattenString)
-def redirectTo(URL, request):
- """
- Generate a redirect to the given location.
- @param URL: A C{str} giving the location to which to redirect.
- @type URL: C{str}
- @param request: The request object to use to generate the redirect.
- @type request: L{IRequest<twisted.web.iweb.IRequest>} provider
- @raise TypeError: If the type of C{URL} a C{unicode} instead of C{str}.
- @return: A C{str} containing HTML which tries to convince the client agent
- to visit the new location even if it doesn't respect the I{FOUND}
- response code. This is intended to be returned from a render method,
- eg::
- def render_GET(self, request):
- return redirectTo("http://example.com/", request)
- """
- if isinstance(URL, unicode) :
- raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as URL")
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- request.redirect(URL)
- return """
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=%(url)s\">
- </head>
- <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\">
- <a href=\"%(url)s\">click here</a>
- </body>
-""" % {'url': URL}
-class Redirect(resource.Resource):
- isLeaf = 1
- def __init__(self, url):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.url = url
- def render(self, request):
- return redirectTo(self.url, request)
- def getChild(self, name, request):
- return self
-class ChildRedirector(Redirect):
- isLeaf = 0
- def __init__(self, url):
- # XXX is this enough?
- if ((url.find('://') == -1)
- and (not url.startswith('..'))
- and (not url.startswith('/'))):
- raise ValueError("It seems you've given me a redirect (%s) that is a child of myself! That's not good, it'll cause an infinite redirect." % url)
- Redirect.__init__(self, url)
- def getChild(self, name, request):
- newUrl = self.url
- if not newUrl.endswith('/'):
- newUrl += '/'
- newUrl += name
- return ChildRedirector(newUrl)
-from twisted.python import urlpath
-class ParentRedirect(resource.Resource):
- """
- I redirect to URLPath.here().
- """
- isLeaf = 1
- def render(self, request):
- return redirectTo(urlpath.URLPath.fromRequest(request).here(), request)
- def getChild(self, request):
- return self
-class DeferredResource(resource.Resource):
- """
- I wrap up a Deferred that will eventually result in a Resource
- object.
- """
- isLeaf = 1
- def __init__(self, d):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.d = d
- def getChild(self, name, request):
- return self
- def render(self, request):
- self.d.addCallback(self._cbChild, request).addErrback(
- self._ebChild,request)
- from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
- return NOT_DONE_YET
- def _cbChild(self, child, request):
- request.render(resource.getChildForRequest(child, request))
- def _ebChild(self, reason, request):
- request.processingFailed(reason)
- return reason
-stylesheet = ""
-def htmlrepr(x):
- return htmlReprTypes.get(type(x), htmlUnknown)(x)
-def saferepr(x):
- try:
- rx = repr(x)
- except:
- rx = "<repr failed! %s instance at %s>" % (x.__class__, id(x))
- return rx
-def htmlUnknown(x):
- return '<code>'+html.escape(saferepr(x))+'</code>'
-def htmlDict(d):
- io = StringIO()
- w = io.write
- w('<div class="dict"><span class="heading">Dictionary instance @ %s</span>' % hex(id(d)))
- w('<table class="dict">')
- for k, v in d.items():
- if k == '__builtins__':
- v = 'builtin dictionary'
- w('<tr><td class="dictKey">%s</td><td class="dictValue">%s</td></tr>' % (htmlrepr(k), htmlrepr(v)))
- w('</table></div>')
- return io.getvalue()
-def htmlList(l):
- io = StringIO()
- w = io.write
- w('<div class="list"><span class="heading">List instance @ %s</span>' % hex(id(l)))
- for i in l:
- w('<div class="listItem">%s</div>' % htmlrepr(i))
- w('</div>')
- return io.getvalue()
-def htmlInst(i):
- if hasattr(i, "__html__"):
- s = i.__html__()
- else:
- s = html.escape(saferepr(i))
- return '''<div class="instance"><span class="instanceName">%s instance @ %s</span>
- <span class="instanceRepr">%s</span></div>
- ''' % (i.__class__, hex(id(i)), s)
-def htmlString(s):
- return html.escape(saferepr(s))
-def htmlFunc(f):
- return ('<div class="function">' +
- html.escape("function %s in file %s at line %s" %
- (f.__name__, f.func_code.co_filename,
- f.func_code.co_firstlineno))+
- '</div>')
-htmlReprTypes = {types.DictType: htmlDict,
- types.ListType: htmlList,
- types.InstanceType: htmlInst,
- types.StringType: htmlString,
- types.FunctionType: htmlFunc}
-def htmlIndent(snippetLine):
- ret = string.replace(string.replace(html.escape(string.rstrip(snippetLine)),
- ' ', '&nbsp;'),
- '\t', '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ')
- return ret
-class _SourceLineElement(Element):
- """
- L{_SourceLineElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render a single line of
- source code.
- @ivar number: A C{int} giving the line number of the source code to be
- rendered.
- @ivar source: A C{str} giving the source code to be rendered.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader, number, source):
- Element.__init__(self, loader)
- self.number = number
- self.source = source
- @renderer
- def sourceLine(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the line of source as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(self.source.replace(' ', u' \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}'))
- @renderer
- def lineNumber(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the line number as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(str(self.number))
-class _SourceFragmentElement(Element):
- """
- L{_SourceFragmentElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render several lines
- of source code near the line number of a particular frame object.
- @ivar frame: A L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}-style frame object
- for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple
- holding some information from a frame object. See
- L{Failure.frames<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} for specifics.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader, frame):
- Element.__init__(self, loader)
- self.frame = frame
- def _getSourceLines(self):
- """
- Find the source line references by C{self.frame} and yield, in source
- line order, it and the previous and following lines.
- @return: A generator which yields two-tuples. Each tuple gives a source
- line number and the contents of that source line.
- """
- filename = self.frame[1]
- lineNumber = self.frame[2]
- for snipLineNumber in range(lineNumber - 1, lineNumber + 2):
- yield (snipLineNumber,
- linecache.getline(filename, snipLineNumber).rstrip())
- @renderer
- def sourceLines(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the source line indicated by C{self.frame} and several
- surrounding lines. The active line will be given a I{class} of
- C{"snippetHighlightLine"}. Other lines will be given a I{class} of
- C{"snippetLine"}.
- """
- for (lineNumber, sourceLine) in self._getSourceLines():
- newTag = tag.clone()
- if lineNumber == self.frame[2]:
- cssClass = "snippetHighlightLine"
- else:
- cssClass = "snippetLine"
- loader = TagLoader(newTag(**{"class": cssClass}))
- yield _SourceLineElement(loader, lineNumber, sourceLine)
-class _FrameElement(Element):
- """
- L{_FrameElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render details about one
- frame from a L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}.
- @ivar frame: A L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}-style frame object
- for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple
- holding some information from a frame object. See
- L{Failure.frames<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} for specifics.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader, frame):
- Element.__init__(self, loader)
- self.frame = frame
- @renderer
- def filename(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the name of the file this frame references as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(self.frame[1])
- @renderer
- def lineNumber(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the source line number this frame references as a child of
- C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(str(self.frame[2]))
- @renderer
- def function(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the function name this frame references as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(self.frame[0])
- @renderer
- def source(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the source code surrounding the line this frame references,
- replacing C{tag}.
- """
- return _SourceFragmentElement(TagLoader(tag), self.frame)
-class _StackElement(Element):
- """
- L{_StackElement} renders an L{IRenderable} which can render a list of frames.
- """
- def __init__(self, loader, stackFrames):
- Element.__init__(self, loader)
- self.stackFrames = stackFrames
- @renderer
- def frames(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the list of frames in this L{_StackElement}, replacing C{tag}.
- """
- return [
- _FrameElement(TagLoader(tag.clone()), frame)
- for frame
- in self.stackFrames]
-class FailureElement(Element):
- """
- L{FailureElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render detailed information
- about a L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}.
- @ivar failure: The L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>} instance which
- will be rendered.
- @since: 12.1
- """
- loader = XMLFile(getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("failure.xhtml"))
- def __init__(self, failure, loader=None):
- Element.__init__(self, loader)
- self.failure = failure
- @renderer
- def type(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the exception type as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(fullyQualifiedName(self.failure.type))
- @renderer
- def value(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render the exception value as a child of C{tag}.
- """
- return tag(str(self.failure.value))
- @renderer
- def traceback(self, request, tag):
- """
- Render all the frames in the wrapped
- L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}'s traceback stack, replacing
- C{tag}.
- """
- return _StackElement(TagLoader(tag), self.failure.frames)
-def formatFailure(myFailure):
- """
- Construct an HTML representation of the given failure.
- Consider using L{FailureElement} instead.
- @type myFailure: L{Failure<twisted.python.failure.Failure>}
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: A string containing the HTML representation of the given failure.
- """
- result = []
- flattenString(None, FailureElement(myFailure)).addBoth(result.append)
- if isinstance(result[0], str):
- # Ensure the result string is all ASCII, for compatibility with the
- # default encoding expected by browsers.
- return result[0].decode('utf-8').encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
- result[0].raiseException()
-_twelveOne = Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0)
-for name in ["htmlrepr", "saferepr", "htmlUnknown", "htmlString", "htmlList",
- "htmlDict", "htmlInst", "htmlFunc", "htmlIndent", "htmlReprTypes",
- "stylesheet"]:
- deprecatedModuleAttribute(
- _twelveOne, "See twisted.web.template.", __name__, name)
-del name