path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_xml.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_xml.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1105 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_xml.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_xml.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_xml.py
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@@ -1,1105 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Some fairly inadequate testcases for Twisted XML support.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.web import sux
-from twisted.web import microdom
-from twisted.web import domhelpers
-class Sux0r(sux.XMLParser):
- def __init__(self):
- self.tokens = []
- def getTagStarts(self):
- return [token for token in self.tokens if token[0] == 'start']
- def gotTagStart(self, name, attrs):
- self.tokens.append(("start", name, attrs))
- def gotText(self, text):
- self.tokens.append(("text", text))
-class SUXTest(TestCase):
- def testBork(self):
- s = "<bork><bork><bork>"
- ms = Sux0r()
- ms.connectionMade()
- ms.dataReceived(s)
- self.assertEqual(len(ms.getTagStarts()),3)
-class MicroDOMTest(TestCase):
- def test_leadingTextDropping(self):
- """
- Make sure that if there's no top-level node lenient-mode won't
- drop leading text that's outside of any elements.
- """
- s = "Hi orders! <br>Well. <br>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True)
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(),
- '<html>Hi orders! <br />Well. <br /></html>')
- def test_trailingTextDropping(self):
- """
- Ensure that no *trailing* text in a mal-formed
- no-top-level-element document(s) will not be dropped.
- """
- s = "<br>Hi orders!"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True)
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(),
- '<html><br />Hi orders!</html>')
- def test_noTags(self):
- """
- A string with nothing that looks like a tag at all should just
- be parsed as body text.
- """
- s = "Hi orders!"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True)
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(),
- "<html>Hi orders!</html>")
- def test_surroundingCrap(self):
- """
- If a document is surrounded by non-xml text, the text should
- be remain in the XML.
- """
- s = "Hi<br> orders!"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True)
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(),
- "<html>Hi<br /> orders!</html>")
- def testCaseSensitiveSoonCloser(self):
- s = """
- <A HREF="http://www.apache.org/"><IMG SRC="/icons/apache_pb.gif"></A>
- </P>
- <P>
- This is an insane set of text nodes that should NOT be gathered under
- the A tag above.
- </P>
- </BODY></HTML>
- """
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- l = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(d.documentElement, 'a')
- n = domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(l[0],1).replace('&nbsp;',' ')
- self.assertEqual(n.find('insane'), -1)
- def test_lenientParenting(self):
- """
- Test that C{parentNode} attributes are set to meaningful values when
- we are parsing HTML that lacks a root node.
- """
- # Spare the rod, ruin the child.
- s = "<br/><br/>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertIdentical(d.documentElement,
- d.documentElement.firstChild().parentNode)
- def test_lenientParentSingle(self):
- """
- Test that the C{parentNode} attribute is set to a meaningful value
- when we parse an HTML document that has a non-Element root node.
- """
- s = "Hello"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertIdentical(d.documentElement,
- d.documentElement.firstChild().parentNode)
- def testUnEntities(self):
- s = """
- <HTML>
- This HTML goes between Stupid <=CrAzY!=> Dumb.
- </HTML>
- """
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- n = domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(d)
- self.assertNotEquals(n.find('>'), -1)
- def testEmptyError(self):
- self.assertRaises(sux.ParseError, microdom.parseString, "")
- def testTameDocument(self):
- s = """
- <test>
- <it>
- <is>
- <a>
- test
- </a>
- </is>
- </it>
- </test>
- """
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- self.assertEqual(
- domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(d.documentElement).strip() ,'test')
- def testAwfulTagSoup(self):
- s = """
- <html>
- <head><title> I send you this message to have your advice!!!!</titl e
- </headd>
- <body bgcolor alink hlink vlink>
- <script LANGUAGE="javascript">
-function give_answers() {
-if (score < 70) {
-alert("I hate you");
- </script><a href=/foo.com/lalal name=foo>lalal</a>
- </body>
- </HTML>
- """
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- l = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(d.documentElement, 'blink')
- self.assertEqual(len(l), 1)
- def testScriptLeniency(self):
- s = """
- <script>(foo < bar) and (bar > foo)</script>
- <script language="javascript">foo </scrip bar </script>
- <script src="foo">
- <script src="foo">baz</script>
- <script /><script></script>
- """
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().firstChild().firstChild().data,
- "(foo < bar) and (bar > foo)")
- self.assertEqual(
- d.firstChild().getElementsByTagName("script")[1].firstChild().data,
- "foo </scrip bar ")
- def testScriptLeniencyIntelligence(self):
- # if there is comment or CDATA in script, the autoquoting in bEL mode
- # should not happen
- s = """<script><!-- lalal --></script>"""
- self.assertEqual(
- microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s)
- s = """<script><![CDATA[lalal]]></script>"""
- self.assertEqual(
- microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s)
- s = """<script> // <![CDATA[
- lalal
- //]]></script>"""
- self.assertEqual(
- microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s)
- def testPreserveCase(self):
- s = '<eNcApSuLaTe><sUxor></sUxor><bOrk><w00T>TeXt</W00t></BoRk></EnCaPsUlAtE>'
- s2 = s.lower().replace('text', 'TeXt')
- # these are the only two option permutations that *can* parse the above
- d = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1)
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0)
- # caseInsensitive=0 preserveCase=0 is not valid, it's converted to
- # caseInsensitive=0 preserveCase=1
- d3 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1)
- d4 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0)
- d5 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1)
- # this is slightly contrived, toxml() doesn't need to be identical
- # for the documents to be equivalent (i.e. <b></b> to <b/>),
- # however this assertion tests preserving case for start and
- # end tags while still matching stuff like <bOrk></BoRk>
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), s)
- self.assert_(d.isEqualToDocument(d2), "%r != %r" % (d.toxml(), d2.toxml()))
- self.assert_(d2.isEqualToDocument(d3), "%r != %r" % (d2.toxml(), d3.toxml()))
- # caseInsensitive=0 on the left, NOT perserveCase=1 on the right
- #self.failIf(d3.isEqualToDocument(d2), "%r == %r" % (d3.toxml(), d2.toxml()))
- self.assert_(d3.isEqualToDocument(d4), "%r != %r" % (d3.toxml(), d4.toxml()))
- self.assert_(d4.isEqualToDocument(d5), "%r != %r" % (d4.toxml(), d5.toxml()))
- def testDifferentQuotes(self):
- s = '<test a="a" b=\'b\' />'
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- e = d.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute('a'), 'a')
- self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute('b'), 'b')
- def testLinebreaks(self):
- s = '<test \na="a"\n\tb="#b" />'
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- e = d.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute('a'), 'a')
- self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute('b'), '#b')
- def testMismatchedTags(self):
- for s in '<test>', '<test> </tset>', '</test>':
- self.assertRaises(microdom.MismatchedTags, microdom.parseString, s)
- def testComment(self):
- s = "<bar><!--<foo />--></bar>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- e = d.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(e.nodeName, "bar")
- c = e.childNodes[0]
- self.assert_(isinstance(c, microdom.Comment))
- self.assertEqual(c.value, "<foo />")
- c2 = c.cloneNode()
- self.assert_(c is not c2)
- self.assertEqual(c2.toxml(), "<!--<foo />-->")
- def testText(self):
- d = microdom.parseString("<bar>xxxx</bar>").documentElement
- text = d.childNodes[0]
- self.assert_(isinstance(text, microdom.Text))
- self.assertEqual(text.value, "xxxx")
- clone = text.cloneNode()
- self.assert_(clone is not text)
- self.assertEqual(clone.toxml(), "xxxx")
- def testEntities(self):
- nodes = microdom.parseString("<b>&amp;&#12AB;</b>").documentElement.childNodes
- self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 2)
- self.assertEqual(nodes[0].data, "&amp;")
- self.assertEqual(nodes[1].data, "&#12AB;")
- self.assertEqual(nodes[0].cloneNode().toxml(), "&amp;")
- for n in nodes:
- self.assert_(isinstance(n, microdom.EntityReference))
- def testCData(self):
- s = '<x><![CDATA[</x>\r\n & foo]]></x>'
- cdata = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.childNodes[0]
- self.assert_(isinstance(cdata, microdom.CDATASection))
- self.assertEqual(cdata.data, "</x>\r\n & foo")
- self.assertEqual(cdata.cloneNode().toxml(), "<![CDATA[</x>\r\n & foo]]>")
- def testSingletons(self):
- s = "<foo><b/><b /><b\n/></foo>"
- s2 = "<foo><b/><b/><b/></foo>"
- nodes = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.childNodes
- nodes2 = microdom.parseString(s2).documentElement.childNodes
- self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 3)
- for (n, n2) in zip(nodes, nodes2):
- self.assert_(isinstance(n, microdom.Element))
- self.assertEqual(n.nodeName, "b")
- self.assert_(n.isEqualToNode(n2))
- def testAttributes(self):
- s = '<foo a="b" />'
- node = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement
- self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("a"), "b")
- self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("c"), None)
- self.assert_(node.hasAttribute("a"))
- self.assert_(not node.hasAttribute("c"))
- a = node.getAttributeNode("a")
- self.assertEqual(a.value, "b")
- node.setAttribute("foo", "bar")
- self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("foo"), "bar")
- def testChildren(self):
- s = "<foo><bar /><baz /><bax>foo</bax></foo>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement
- self.assertEqual([n.nodeName for n in d.childNodes], ["bar", "baz", "bax"])
- self.assertEqual(d.lastChild().nodeName, "bax")
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().nodeName, "bar")
- self.assert_(d.hasChildNodes())
- self.assert_(not d.firstChild().hasChildNodes())
- def testMutate(self):
- s = "<foo />"
- s1 = '<foo a="b"><bar/><foo/></foo>'
- s2 = '<foo a="b">foo</foo>'
- d = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement
- d1 = microdom.parseString(s1).documentElement
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s2).documentElement
- d.appendChild(d.cloneNode())
- d.setAttribute("a", "b")
- child = d.childNodes[0]
- self.assertEqual(child.getAttribute("a"), None)
- self.assertEqual(child.nodeName, "foo")
- d.insertBefore(microdom.Element("bar"), child)
- self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[0].nodeName, "bar")
- self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[1], child)
- for n in d.childNodes:
- self.assertEqual(n.parentNode, d)
- self.assert_(d.isEqualToNode(d1))
- d.removeChild(child)
- self.assertEqual(len(d.childNodes), 1)
- self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[0].nodeName, "bar")
- t = microdom.Text("foo")
- d.replaceChild(t, d.firstChild())
- self.assertEqual(d.firstChild(), t)
- self.assert_(d.isEqualToNode(d2))
- def test_replaceNonChild(self):
- """
- L{Node.replaceChild} raises L{ValueError} if the node given to be
- replaced is not a child of the node C{replaceChild} is called on.
- """
- parent = microdom.parseString('<foo />')
- orphan = microdom.parseString('<bar />')
- replacement = microdom.parseString('<baz />')
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, parent.replaceChild, replacement, orphan)
- def testSearch(self):
- s = "<foo><bar id='me' /><baz><foo /></baz></foo>"
- s2 = "<fOo><bAr id='me' /><bAz><fOO /></bAz></fOo>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1)
- d3 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1)
- root = d.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d.getElementById('me'))
- self.assertEqual(d.getElementsByTagName("foo"),
- [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()])
- root = d2.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d2.getElementById('me'))
- self.assertEqual(d2.getElementsByTagName('fOo'), [root])
- self.assertEqual(d2.getElementsByTagName('fOO'),
- [root.lastChild().firstChild()])
- self.assertEqual(d2.getElementsByTagName('foo'), [])
- root = d3.documentElement
- self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d3.getElementById('me'))
- self.assertEqual(d3.getElementsByTagName('FOO'),
- [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()])
- self.assertEqual(d3.getElementsByTagName('fOo'),
- [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()])
- def testDoctype(self):
- s = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- '<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd">'
- '<foo></foo>')
- s2 = '<foo/>'
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s2)
- self.assertEqual(d.doctype,
- 'foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd"')
- self.assertEqual(d.toxml(), s)
- self.failIf(d.isEqualToDocument(d2))
- self.failUnless(d.documentElement.isEqualToNode(d2.documentElement))
- samples = [("<img/>", "<img />"),
- ("<foo A='b'>x</foo>", '<foo A="b">x</foo>'),
- ("<foo><BAR /></foo>", "<foo><BAR></BAR></foo>"),
- ("<foo>hello there &amp; yoyoy</foo>",
- "<foo>hello there &amp; yoyoy</foo>"),
- ]
- def testOutput(self):
- for s, out in self.samples:
- d = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=0)
- d2 = microdom.parseString(out, caseInsensitive=0)
- testOut = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(out, testOut)
- self.assert_(d.isEqualToDocument(d2))
- def testErrors(self):
- for s in ["<foo>&am</foo>", "<foo", "<f>&</f>", "<() />"]:
- self.assertRaises(Exception, microdom.parseString, s)
- def testCaseInsensitive(self):
- s = "<foo a='b'><BAx>x</bax></FOO>"
- s2 = '<foo a="b"><bax>x</bax></foo>'
- s3 = "<FOO a='b'><BAx>x</BAx></FOO>"
- s4 = "<foo A='b'>x</foo>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s2)
- d3 = microdom.parseString(s3, caseInsensitive=1)
- d4 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1)
- d5 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0)
- d6 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=0)
- out = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertRaises(microdom.MismatchedTags, microdom.parseString,
- s, caseInsensitive=0)
- self.assertEqual(out, s2)
- self.failUnless(d.isEqualToDocument(d2))
- self.failUnless(d.isEqualToDocument(d3))
- self.failUnless(d4.documentElement.hasAttribute('a'))
- self.failIf(d6.documentElement.hasAttribute('a'))
- self.assertEqual(d4.documentElement.toxml(), '<foo A="b">x</foo>')
- self.assertEqual(d5.documentElement.toxml(), '<foo a="b">x</foo>')
- def testEatingWhitespace(self):
- s = """<hello>
- </hello>"""
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- self.failUnless(not d.documentElement.hasChildNodes(),
- d.documentElement.childNodes)
- self.failUnless(d.isEqualToDocument(microdom.parseString('<hello></hello>')))
- def testLenientAmpersand(self):
- prefix = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
- # we use <pre> so space will be preserved
- for i, o in [("&", "&amp;"),
- ("& ", "&amp; "),
- ("&amp;", "&amp;"),
- ("&hello monkey", "&amp;hello monkey")]:
- d = microdom.parseString("%s<pre>%s</pre>"
- % (prefix, i), beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), "<pre>%s</pre>" % o)
- # non-space preserving
- d = microdom.parseString("<t>hello & there</t>", beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), "<t>hello &amp; there</t>")
- def testInsensitiveLenient(self):
- # testing issue #537
- d = microdom.parseString(
- "<?xml version='1.0'?><bar><xA><y>c</Xa> <foo></bar>",
- beExtremelyLenient=1)
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.firstChild().toxml(), "<xa><y>c</y></xa>")
- def testLaterCloserSimple(self):
- s = "<ul><li>foo<li>bar<li>baz</ul>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- expected = "<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li><li>baz</li></ul>"
- actual = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- def testLaterCloserCaseInsensitive(self):
- s = "<DL><p><DT>foo<DD>bar</DL>"
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- expected = "<dl><p></p><dt>foo</dt><dd>bar</dd></dl>"
- actual = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- def testLaterCloserTable(self):
- s = ("<table>"
- "<tr><th>name<th>value<th>comment"
- "<tr><th>this<td>tag<td>soup"
- "<tr><th>must<td>be<td>handled"
- "</table>")
- expected = ("<table>"
- "<tr><th>name</th><th>value</th><th>comment</th></tr>"
- "<tr><th>this</th><td>tag</td><td>soup</td></tr>"
- "<tr><th>must</th><td>be</td><td>handled</td></tr>"
- "</table>")
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- actual = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- testLaterCloserTable.todo = "Table parsing needs to be fixed."
- def testLaterCloserDL(self):
- s = ("<dl>"
- "<dt>word<dd>definition"
- "<dt>word<dt>word<dd>definition<dd>definition"
- "</dl>")
- expected = ("<dl>"
- "<dt>word</dt><dd>definition</dd>"
- "<dt>word</dt><dt>word</dt><dd>definition</dd><dd>definition</dd>"
- "</dl>")
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- actual = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- def testLaterCloserDL2(self):
- s = ("<dl>"
- "<dt>word<dd>definition<p>more definition"
- "<dt>word"
- "</dl>")
- expected = ("<dl>"
- "<dt>word</dt><dd>definition<p>more definition</p></dd>"
- "<dt>word</dt>"
- "</dl>")
- d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1)
- actual = d.documentElement.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- testLaterCloserDL2.todo = "unclosed <p> messes it up."
- def testUnicodeTolerance(self):
- import struct
- s = '<foo><bar><baz /></bar></foo>'
- j =(u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UCS-2" ?>\r\n<JAPANESE>\r\n'
- u'<TITLE>\u5c02\u9580\u5bb6\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8 </TITLE></JAPANESE>')
- j2=('\xff\xfe<\x00?\x00x\x00m\x00l\x00 \x00v\x00e\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00o'
- '\x00n\x00=\x00"\x001\x00.\x000\x00"\x00 \x00e\x00n\x00c\x00o\x00d'
- '\x00i\x00n\x00g\x00=\x00"\x00U\x00C\x00S\x00-\x002\x00"\x00 \x00?'
- '\x00>\x00\r\x00\n\x00<\x00J\x00A\x00P\x00A\x00N\x00E\x00S\x00E'
- '\x00>\x00\r\x00\n\x00<\x00T\x00I\x00T\x00L\x00E\x00>\x00\x02\\'
- '\x80\x95\xb6[\xea0\xb90\xc80 \x00<\x00/\x00T\x00I\x00T\x00L\x00E'
- '\x00>\x00<\x00/\x00J\x00A\x00P\x00A\x00N\x00E\x00S\x00E\x00>\x00')
- def reverseBytes(s):
- fmt = str(len(s) // 2) + 'H'
- return struct.pack('<' + fmt, *struct.unpack('>' + fmt, s))
- urd = microdom.parseString(reverseBytes(s.encode('UTF-16')))
- ud = microdom.parseString(s.encode('UTF-16'))
- sd = microdom.parseString(s)
- self.assert_(ud.isEqualToDocument(sd))
- self.assert_(ud.isEqualToDocument(urd))
- ud = microdom.parseString(j)
- urd = microdom.parseString(reverseBytes(j2))
- sd = microdom.parseString(j2)
- self.assert_(ud.isEqualToDocument(sd))
- self.assert_(ud.isEqualToDocument(urd))
- # test that raw text still gets encoded
- # test that comments get encoded
- j3=microdom.parseString(u'<foo/>')
- hdr='<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- div=microdom.lmx().text(u'\u221a', raw=1).node
- de=j3.documentElement
- de.appendChild(div)
- de.appendChild(j3.createComment(u'\u221a'))
- self.assertEqual(j3.toxml(), hdr+
- u'<foo><div>\u221a</div><!--\u221a--></foo>'.encode('utf8'))
- def testNamedChildren(self):
- tests = {"<foo><bar /><bar unf='1' /><bar>asdfadsf</bar>"
- "<bam/></foo>" : 3,
- '<foo>asdf</foo>' : 0,
- '<foo><bar><bar></bar></bar></foo>' : 1,
- }
- for t in tests.keys():
- node = microdom.parseString(t).documentElement
- result = domhelpers.namedChildren(node, 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(len(result), tests[t])
- if result:
- self.assert_(hasattr(result[0], 'tagName'))
- def testCloneNode(self):
- s = '<foo a="b"><bax>x</bax></foo>'
- node = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement
- clone = node.cloneNode(deep=1)
- self.failIfEquals(node, clone)
- self.assertEqual(len(node.childNodes), len(clone.childNodes))
- c1, c2 = node.firstChild(), clone.firstChild()
- self.failIfEquals(c1, c2)
- self.assertEqual(len(c1.childNodes), len(c2.childNodes))
- self.failIfEquals(c1.firstChild(), c2.firstChild())
- self.assertEqual(s, clone.toxml())
- self.assertEqual(node.namespace, clone.namespace)
- def testCloneDocument(self):
- s = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'
- '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><foo></foo>')
- node = microdom.parseString(s)
- clone = node.cloneNode(deep=1)
- self.failIfEquals(node, clone)
- self.assertEqual(len(node.childNodes), len(clone.childNodes))
- self.assertEqual(s, clone.toxml())
- self.failUnless(clone.isEqualToDocument(node))
- self.failUnless(node.isEqualToDocument(clone))
- def testLMX(self):
- n = microdom.Element("p")
- lmx = microdom.lmx(n)
- lmx.text("foo")
- b = lmx.b(a="c")
- b.foo()["z"] = "foo"
- b.foo()
- b.add("bar", c="y")
- s = '<p>foo<b a="c"><foo z="foo"></foo><foo></foo><bar c="y"></bar></b></p>'
- self.assertEqual(s, n.toxml())
- def testDict(self):
- n = microdom.Element("p")
- d = {n : 1} # will fail if Element is unhashable
- def testEscaping(self):
- # issue 590
- raw = "&'some \"stuff\"', <what up?>"
- cooked = "&amp;'some &quot;stuff&quot;', &lt;what up?&gt;"
- esc1 = microdom.escape(raw)
- self.assertEqual(esc1, cooked)
- self.assertEqual(microdom.unescape(esc1), raw)
- def testNamespaces(self):
- s = '''
- <x xmlns="base">
- <y />
- <y q="1" x:q="2" y:q="3" />
- <y:y xml:space="1">here is some space </y:y>
- <y:y />
- <x:y />
- </x>
- '''
- d = microdom.parseString(s)
- # at least make sure it doesn't traceback
- s2 = d.toprettyxml()
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.namespace,
- "base")
- self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[0].namespace,
- "base")
- self.assertEqual(
- d.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[1].getAttributeNS('base','q'),
- '1')
- d2 = microdom.parseString(s2)
- self.assertEqual(d2.documentElement.namespace,
- "base")
- self.assertEqual(d2.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[0].namespace,
- "base")
- self.assertEqual(
- d2.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[1].getAttributeNS('base','q'),
- '1')
- def testNamespaceDelete(self):
- """
- Test that C{toxml} can support xml structures that remove namespaces.
- """
- s1 = ('<?xml version="1.0"?><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">'
- '<body xmlns=""></body></html>')
- s2 = microdom.parseString(s1).toxml()
- self.assertEqual(s1, s2)
- def testNamespaceInheritance(self):
- """
- Check that unspecified namespace is a thing separate from undefined
- namespace. This test added after discovering some weirdness in Lore.
- """
- # will only work if childNodes is mutated. not sure why.
- child = microdom.Element('ol')
- parent = microdom.Element('div', namespace='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
- parent.childNodes = [child]
- self.assertEqual(parent.toxml(),
- '<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><ol></ol></div>')
- def test_prefixedTags(self):
- """
- XML elements with a prefixed name as per upper level tag definition
- have a start-tag of C{"<prefix:tag>"} and an end-tag of
- C{"</prefix:tag>"}.
- Refer to U{http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#ns-using} for details.
- """
- outerNamespace = "http://example.com/outer"
- innerNamespace = "http://example.com/inner"
- document = microdom.Document()
- # Create the root in one namespace. Microdom will probably make this
- # the default namespace.
- root = document.createElement("root", namespace=outerNamespace)
- # Give the root some prefixes to use.
- root.addPrefixes({innerNamespace: "inner"})
- # Append a child to the root from the namespace that prefix is bound
- # to.
- tag = document.createElement("tag", namespace=innerNamespace)
- # Give that tag a child too. This way we test rendering of tags with
- # children and without children.
- child = document.createElement("child", namespace=innerNamespace)
- tag.appendChild(child)
- root.appendChild(tag)
- document.appendChild(root)
- # ok, the xml should appear like this
- xmlOk = (
- '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- '<root xmlns="http://example.com/outer" '
- 'xmlns:inner="http://example.com/inner">'
- '<inner:tag><inner:child></inner:child></inner:tag>'
- '</root>')
- xmlOut = document.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(xmlOut, xmlOk)
- def test_prefixPropagation(self):
- """
- Children of prefixed tags respect the default namespace at the point
- where they are rendered. Specifically, they are not influenced by the
- prefix of their parent as that prefix has no bearing on them.
- See U{http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#scoping} for details.
- To further clarify the matter, the following::
- <root xmlns="http://example.com/ns/test">
- <mytag xmlns="http://example.com/ns/mytags">
- <mysubtag xmlns="http://example.com/ns/mytags">
- <element xmlns="http://example.com/ns/test"></element>
- </mysubtag>
- </mytag>
- </root>
- Should become this after all the namespace declarations have been
- I{moved up}::
- <root xmlns="http://example.com/ns/test"
- xmlns:mytags="http://example.com/ns/mytags">
- <mytags:mytag>
- <mytags:mysubtag>
- <element></element>
- </mytags:mysubtag>
- </mytags:mytag>
- </root>
- """
- outerNamespace = "http://example.com/outer"
- innerNamespace = "http://example.com/inner"
- document = microdom.Document()
- # creates a root element
- root = document.createElement("root", namespace=outerNamespace)
- document.appendChild(root)
- # Create a child with a specific namespace with a prefix bound to it.
- root.addPrefixes({innerNamespace: "inner"})
- mytag = document.createElement("mytag",namespace=innerNamespace)
- root.appendChild(mytag)
- # Create a child of that which has the outer namespace.
- mysubtag = document.createElement("mysubtag", namespace=outerNamespace)
- mytag.appendChild(mysubtag)
- xmlOk = (
- '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- '<root xmlns="http://example.com/outer" '
- 'xmlns:inner="http://example.com/inner">'
- '<inner:mytag>'
- '<mysubtag></mysubtag>'
- '</inner:mytag>'
- '</root>'
- )
- xmlOut = document.toxml()
- self.assertEqual(xmlOut, xmlOk)
-class TestBrokenHTML(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for when microdom encounters very bad HTML and C{beExtremelyLenient}
- is enabled. These tests are inspired by some HTML generated in by a mailer,
- which breaks up very long lines by splitting them with '!\n '. The expected
- behaviour is loosely modelled on the way Firefox treats very bad HTML.
- """
- def checkParsed(self, input, expected, beExtremelyLenient=1):
- """
- Check that C{input}, when parsed, produces a DOM where the XML
- of the document element is equal to C{expected}.
- """
- output = microdom.parseString(input,
- beExtremelyLenient=beExtremelyLenient)
- self.assertEqual(output.documentElement.toxml(), expected)
- def test_brokenAttributeName(self):
- """
- Check that microdom does its best to handle broken attribute names.
- The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception.
- """
- input = '<body><h1><div al!\n ign="center">Foo</div></h1></body>'
- expected = ('<body><h1><div ign="center" al="True">'
- 'Foo</div></h1></body>')
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- def test_brokenAttributeValue(self):
- """
- Check that microdom encompasses broken attribute values.
- """
- input = '<body><h1><div align="cen!\n ter">Foo</div></h1></body>'
- expected = '<body><h1><div align="cen!\n ter">Foo</div></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- def test_brokenOpeningTag(self):
- """
- Check that microdom does its best to handle broken opening tags.
- The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception.
- """
- input = '<body><h1><sp!\n an>Hello World!</span></h1></body>'
- expected = '<body><h1><sp an="True">Hello World!</sp></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- def test_brokenSelfClosingTag(self):
- """
- Check that microdom does its best to handle broken self-closing tags
- The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception.
- """
- self.checkParsed('<body><span /!\n></body>',
- '<body><span></span></body>')
- self.checkParsed('<span!\n />', '<span></span>')
- def test_brokenClosingTag(self):
- """
- Check that microdom does its best to handle broken closing tags.
- The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception.
- """
- input = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!</sp!\nan></h1></body>'
- expected = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!</span></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- input = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!</!\nspan></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- input = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!</span!\n></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
- input = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!<!\n/span></h1></body>'
- expected = '<body><h1><span>Hello World!<!></!></span></h1></body>'
- self.checkParsed(input, expected)
-class NodeTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Node}.
- """
- def test_isNodeEqualTo(self):
- """
- L{Node.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Node}
- with the same children.
- """
- # A node is equal to itself
- node = microdom.Node(object())
- self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(node))
- another = microdom.Node(object())
- # Two nodes with no children are equal
- self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another))
- node.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- # A node with no children is not equal to a node with a child
- self.assertFalse(node.isEqualToNode(another))
- another.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- # A node with a child and no grandchildren is equal to another node
- # with a child and no grandchildren.
- self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another))
- # A node with a child and a grandchild is not equal to another node
- # with a child and no grandchildren.
- node.firstChild().appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertFalse(node.isEqualToNode(another))
- # A node with a child and a grandchild is equal to another node with a
- # child and a grandchild.
- another.firstChild().appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another))
- def test_validChildInstance(self):
- """
- Children of L{Node} instances must also be L{Node} instances.
- """
- node = microdom.Node()
- child = microdom.Node()
- # Node.appendChild() only accepts Node instances.
- node.appendChild(child)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.appendChild, None)
- # Node.insertBefore() only accepts Node instances.
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, child, None)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, None, child)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, None, None)
- # Node.removeChild() only accepts Node instances.
- node.removeChild(child)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.removeChild, None)
- # Node.replaceChild() only accepts Node instances.
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, child, None)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, None, child)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, None, None)
-class DocumentTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Document}.
- """
- doctype = 'foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd"'
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{Document.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a
- L{Document} with the same C{doctype} and C{documentElement}.
- """
- # A document is equal to itself
- document = microdom.Document()
- self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(document))
- # A document without a doctype or documentElement is equal to another
- # document without a doctype or documentElement.
- another = microdom.Document()
- self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- # A document with a doctype is not equal to a document without a
- # doctype.
- document.doctype = self.doctype
- self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- # Two documents with the same doctype are equal
- another.doctype = self.doctype
- self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- # A document with a documentElement is not equal to a document without
- # a documentElement
- document.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- # Two documents with equal documentElements are equal.
- another.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- # Two documents with documentElements which are not equal are not
- # equal.
- document.documentElement.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another))
- def test_childRestriction(self):
- """
- L{Document.appendChild} raises L{ValueError} if the document already
- has a child.
- """
- document = microdom.Document()
- child = microdom.Node()
- another = microdom.Node()
- document.appendChild(child)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, document.appendChild, another)
-class EntityReferenceTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{EntityReference}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{EntityReference.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed
- a L{EntityReference} with the same C{eref}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.EntityReference('quot').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.EntityReference('quot')))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.EntityReference('quot').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.EntityReference('apos')))
-class CharacterDataTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{CharacterData}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{CharacterData.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a
- L{CharacterData} with the same value.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.CharacterData('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.CharacterData('foo')))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.CharacterData('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.CharacterData('bar')))
-class CommentTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Comment}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{Comment.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a
- L{Comment} with the same value.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.Comment('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Comment('foo')))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Comment('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Comment('bar')))
-class TextTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Text}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{Text.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Text}
- which represents the same data.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.Text('foo', raw=True).isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Text('foo', raw=True)))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Text('foo', raw=True).isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Text('foo', raw=False)))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Text('foo', raw=True).isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Text('bar', raw=True)))
-class CDATASectionTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{CDATASection}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{CDATASection.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a
- L{CDATASection} which represents the same data.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.CDATASection('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.CDATASection('foo')))
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.CDATASection('foo').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.CDATASection('bar')))
-class ElementTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{Element}.
- """
- def test_isEqualToNode(self):
- """
- L{Element.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a
- L{Element} with the same C{nodeName}, C{namespace}, C{childNodes}, and
- C{attributes}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar')))
- # Elements with different nodeName values do not compare equal.
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Element(
- 'bar', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar')))
- # Elements with different namespaces do not compare equal.
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='baz')))
- # Elements with different childNodes do not compare equal.
- one = microdom.Element('foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar')
- two = microdom.Element('foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar')
- two.appendChild(microdom.Node(object()))
- self.assertFalse(one.isEqualToNode(two))
- # Elements with different attributes do not compare equal.
- self.assertFalse(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'b'}, object(), namespace='bar').isEqualToNode(
- microdom.Element(
- 'foo', {'a': 'c'}, object(), namespace='bar')))