path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_wsgi.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_wsgi.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1572 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_wsgi.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_wsgi.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_wsgi.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.web.wsgi}.
-__metaclass__ = type
-from sys import exc_info
-from urllib import quote
-from thread import get_ident
-import StringIO, cStringIO, tempfile
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-from twisted.python.log import addObserver, removeObserver, err
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, gatherResults
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.web import http
-from twisted.web.resource import IResource, Resource
-from twisted.web.server import Request, Site, version
-from twisted.web.wsgi import WSGIResource
-from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyChannel
-class SynchronousThreadPool:
- """
- A single-threaded implementation of part of the L{ThreadPool} interface.
- This implementation calls functions synchronously rather than running
- them in a thread pool. It is used to make the tests which are not
- directly for thread-related behavior deterministic.
- """
- def callInThread(self, f, *a, **kw):
- """
- Call C{f(*a, **kw)} in this thread rather than scheduling it to be
- called in a thread.
- """
- try:
- f(*a, **kw)
- except:
- # callInThread doesn't let exceptions propagate to the caller.
- # None is always returned and any exception raised gets logged
- # later on.
- err(None, "Callable passed to SynchronousThreadPool.callInThread failed")
-class SynchronousReactorThreads:
- """
- A single-threaded implementation of part of the L{IReactorThreads}
- interface. This implementation assumes that it will only be invoked
- from the reactor thread, so it calls functions synchronously rather than
- trying to schedule them to run in the reactor thread. It is used in
- conjunction with L{SynchronousThreadPool} to make the tests which are
- not directly for thread-related behavior deterministic.
- """
- def callFromThread(self, f, *a, **kw):
- """
- Call C{f(*a, **kw)} in this thread which should also be the reactor
- thread.
- """
- f(*a, **kw)
-class WSGIResourceTests(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{WSGIResource} with synchronous threading objects and a no-op
- application object. This is useful for testing certain things about
- the resource implementation which are unrelated to WSGI.
- """
- self.resource = WSGIResource(
- SynchronousReactorThreads(), SynchronousThreadPool(),
- lambda environ, startResponse: None)
- def test_interfaces(self):
- """
- L{WSGIResource} implements L{IResource} and stops resource traversal.
- """
- verifyObject(IResource, self.resource)
- self.assertTrue(self.resource.isLeaf)
- def test_unsupported(self):
- """
- A L{WSGIResource} cannot have L{IResource} children. Its
- C{getChildWithDefault} and C{putChild} methods raise L{RuntimeError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- RuntimeError,
- self.resource.getChildWithDefault,
- "foo", Request(DummyChannel(), False))
- self.assertRaises(
- RuntimeError,
- self.resource.putChild,
- "foo", Resource())
-class WSGITestsMixin:
- """
- @ivar channelFactory: A no-argument callable which will be invoked to
- create a new HTTP channel to associate with request objects.
- """
- channelFactory = DummyChannel
- def setUp(self):
- self.threadpool = SynchronousThreadPool()
- self.reactor = SynchronousReactorThreads()
- def lowLevelRender(
- self, requestFactory, applicationFactory, channelFactory, method,
- version, resourceSegments, requestSegments, query=None, headers=[],
- body=None, safe=''):
- """
- @param method: A C{str} giving the request method to use.
- @param version: A C{str} like C{'1.1'} giving the request version.
- @param resourceSegments: A C{list} of unencoded path segments which
- specifies the location in the resource hierarchy at which the
- L{WSGIResource} will be placed, eg C{['']} for I{/}, C{['foo',
- 'bar', '']} for I{/foo/bar/}, etc.
- @param requestSegments: A C{list} of unencoded path segments giving the
- request URI.
- @param query: A C{list} of two-tuples of C{str} giving unencoded query
- argument keys and values.
- @param headers: A C{list} of two-tuples of C{str} giving request header
- names and corresponding values.
- @param safe: A C{str} giving the bytes which are to be considered
- I{safe} for inclusion in the request URI and not quoted.
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a two-tuple of
- the arguments passed which would be passed to the WSGI application
- object for this configuration and request (ie, the environment and
- start_response callable).
- """
- root = WSGIResource(
- self.reactor, self.threadpool, applicationFactory())
- resourceSegments.reverse()
- for seg in resourceSegments:
- tmp = Resource()
- tmp.putChild(seg, root)
- root = tmp
- channel = channelFactory()
- channel.site = Site(root)
- request = requestFactory(channel, False)
- for k, v in headers:
- request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(k, v)
- request.gotLength(0)
- if body:
- request.content.write(body)
- request.content.seek(0)
- uri = '/' + '/'.join([quote(seg, safe) for seg in requestSegments])
- if query is not None:
- uri += '?' + '&'.join(['='.join([quote(k, safe), quote(v, safe)])
- for (k, v) in query])
- request.requestReceived(method, uri, 'HTTP/' + version)
- return request
- def render(self, *a, **kw):
- result = Deferred()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(*args):
- environ, startResponse = args
- result.callback(args)
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- return iter(())
- return application
- self.lowLevelRender(
- Request, applicationFactory, self.channelFactory, *a, **kw)
- return result
- def requestFactoryFactory(self, requestClass=Request):
- d = Deferred()
- def requestFactory(*a, **kw):
- request = requestClass(*a, **kw)
- # If notifyFinish is called after lowLevelRender returns, it won't
- # do the right thing, because the request will have already
- # finished. One might argue that this is a bug in
- # Request.notifyFinish.
- request.notifyFinish().chainDeferred(d)
- return request
- return d, requestFactory
- def getContentFromResponse(self, response):
- return response.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)[1]
-class EnvironTests(WSGITestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the values in the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the application
- object by L{twisted.web.wsgi.WSGIResource}.
- """
- def environKeyEqual(self, key, value):
- def assertEnvironKeyEqual((environ, startResponse)):
- self.assertEqual(environ[key], value)
- return assertEnvironKeyEqual
- def test_environIsDict(self):
- """
- L{WSGIResource} calls the application object with an C{environ}
- parameter which is exactly of type C{dict}.
- """
- d = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- def cbRendered((environ, startResponse)):
- self.assertIdentical(type(environ), dict)
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- return d
- def test_requestMethod(self):
- """
- The C{'REQUEST_METHOD'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the HTTP method in the request (RFC 3875, section
- 4.1.12).
- """
- get = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- get.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET'))
- # Also make sure a different request method shows up as a different
- # value in the environ dict.
- post = self.render('POST', '1.1', [], [''])
- post.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('REQUEST_METHOD', 'POST'))
- return gatherResults([get, post])
- def test_scriptName(self):
- """
- The C{'SCRIPT_NAME'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the I{abs_path} (RFC 2396, section 3) to this
- resource (RFC 3875, section 4.1.13).
- """
- root = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- root.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', ''))
- emptyChild = self.render('GET', '1.1', [''], [''])
- emptyChild.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', '/'))
- leaf = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo'], ['foo'])
- leaf.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', '/foo'))
- container = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo', ''], ['foo', ''])
- container.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', '/foo/'))
- internal = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo'], ['foo', 'bar'])
- internal.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', '/foo'))
- unencoded = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', ['foo', '/', 'bar\xff'], ['foo', '/', 'bar\xff'])
- # The RFC says "(not URL-encoded)", even though that makes
- # interpretation of SCRIPT_NAME ambiguous.
- unencoded.addCallback(
- self.environKeyEqual('SCRIPT_NAME', '/foo///bar\xff'))
- return gatherResults([
- root, emptyChild, leaf, container, internal, unencoded])
- def test_pathInfo(self):
- """
- The C{'PATH_INFO'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the suffix of the request URI path which is not
- included in the value for the C{'SCRIPT_NAME'} key (RFC 3875, section
- 4.1.5).
- """
- assertKeyEmpty = self.environKeyEqual('PATH_INFO', '')
- root = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- root.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('PATH_INFO', '/'))
- emptyChild = self.render('GET', '1.1', [''], [''])
- emptyChild.addCallback(assertKeyEmpty)
- leaf = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo'], ['foo'])
- leaf.addCallback(assertKeyEmpty)
- container = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo', ''], ['foo', ''])
- container.addCallback(assertKeyEmpty)
- internalLeaf = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo'], ['foo', 'bar'])
- internalLeaf.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('PATH_INFO', '/bar'))
- internalContainer = self.render('GET', '1.1', ['foo'], ['foo', ''])
- internalContainer.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('PATH_INFO', '/'))
- unencoded = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], ['foo', '/', 'bar\xff'])
- unencoded.addCallback(
- self.environKeyEqual('PATH_INFO', '/foo///bar\xff'))
- return gatherResults([
- root, leaf, container, internalLeaf,
- internalContainer, unencoded])
- def test_queryString(self):
- """
- The C{'QUERY_STRING'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the portion of the request URI after the first
- I{?} (RFC 3875, section 4.1.7).
- """
- missing = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''], None)
- missing.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('QUERY_STRING', ''))
- empty = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''], [])
- empty.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('QUERY_STRING', ''))
- present = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''], [('foo', 'bar')])
- present.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('QUERY_STRING', 'foo=bar'))
- unencoded = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''], [('/', '/')])
- unencoded.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('QUERY_STRING', '%2F=%2F'))
- # "?" is reserved in the <searchpart> portion of a URL. However, it
- # seems to be a common mistake of clients to forget to quote it. So,
- # make sure we handle that invalid case.
- doubleQuestion = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], [('foo', '?bar')], safe='?')
- doubleQuestion.addCallback(
- self.environKeyEqual('QUERY_STRING', 'foo=?bar'))
- return gatherResults([
- missing, empty, present, unencoded, doubleQuestion])
- def test_contentType(self):
- """
- The C{'CONTENT_TYPE'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the value of the I{Content-Type} request header
- (RFC 3875, section 4.1.3).
- """
- missing = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- missing.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('CONTENT_TYPE', ''))
- present = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('content-type', 'x-foo/bar')])
- present.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('CONTENT_TYPE', 'x-foo/bar'))
- return gatherResults([missing, present])
- def test_contentLength(self):
- """
- The C{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the value of the I{Content-Length} request header
- (RFC 3875, section 4.1.2).
- """
- missing = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- missing.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('CONTENT_LENGTH', ''))
- present = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('content-length', '1234')])
- present.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('CONTENT_LENGTH', '1234'))
- return gatherResults([missing, present])
- def test_serverName(self):
- """
- The C{'SERVER_NAME'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the best determination of the server hostname
- possible, using either the value of the I{Host} header in the request
- or the address the server is listening on if that header is not
- present (RFC 3875, section 4.1.14).
- """
- missing = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- # value comes from a bit far away -
- # twisted.test.test_web.DummyChannel.transport.getHost().host
- missing.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SERVER_NAME', ''))
- present = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('host', 'example.org')])
- present.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SERVER_NAME', 'example.org'))
- return gatherResults([missing, present])
- def test_serverPort(self):
- """
- The C{'SERVER_PORT'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the port number of the server which received the
- request (RFC 3875, section 4.1.15).
- """
- portNumber = 12354
- def makeChannel():
- channel = DummyChannel()
- channel.transport = DummyChannel.TCP()
- channel.transport.port = portNumber
- return channel
- self.channelFactory = makeChannel
- d = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- d.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SERVER_PORT', str(portNumber)))
- return d
- def test_serverProtocol(self):
- """
- The C{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the HTTP version number received in the request
- (RFC 3875, section 4.1.16).
- """
- old = self.render('GET', '1.0', [], [''])
- old.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'HTTP/1.0'))
- new = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- new.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'HTTP/1.1'))
- return gatherResults([old, new])
- def test_remoteAddr(self):
- """
- The C{'REMOTE_ADDR'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application contains the address of the client making the request.
- """
- d = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- d.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('REMOTE_ADDR', ''))
- return d
- def test_headers(self):
- """
- HTTP request headers are copied into the C{environ} C{dict} passed to
- the application with a C{HTTP_} prefix added to their names.
- """
- singleValue = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux')])
- def cbRendered((environ, startResponse)):
- self.assertEqual(environ['HTTP_FOO'], 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(environ['HTTP_BAZ'], 'quux')
- singleValue.addCallback(cbRendered)
- multiValue = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('foo', 'bar'), ('foo', 'baz')])
- multiValue.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('HTTP_FOO', 'bar,baz'))
- withHyphen = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('foo-bar', 'baz')])
- withHyphen.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('HTTP_FOO_BAR', 'baz'))
- multiLine = self.render(
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [('foo', 'bar\n\tbaz')])
- multiLine.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('HTTP_FOO', 'bar \tbaz'))
- return gatherResults([singleValue, multiValue, withHyphen, multiLine])
- def test_wsgiVersion(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.version'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application has the value C{(1, 0)} indicating that this is a WSGI 1.0
- container.
- """
- versionDeferred = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- versionDeferred.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.version', (1, 0)))
- return versionDeferred
- def test_wsgiRunOnce(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.run_once'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application is set to C{False}.
- """
- once = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- once.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.run_once', False))
- return once
- def test_wsgiMultithread(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.multithread'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application is set to C{True}.
- """
- thread = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- thread.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.multithread', True))
- return thread
- def test_wsgiMultiprocess(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.multiprocess'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application is set to C{False}.
- """
- process = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- process.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.multiprocess', False))
- return process
- def test_wsgiURLScheme(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.url_scheme'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application has the request URL scheme.
- """
- # XXX Does this need to be different if the request is for an absolute
- # URL?
- def channelFactory():
- channel = DummyChannel()
- channel.transport = DummyChannel.SSL()
- return channel
- self.channelFactory = DummyChannel
- httpDeferred = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- httpDeferred.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.url_scheme', 'http'))
- self.channelFactory = channelFactory
- httpsDeferred = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- httpsDeferred.addCallback(self.environKeyEqual('wsgi.url_scheme', 'https'))
- return gatherResults([httpDeferred, httpsDeferred])
- def test_wsgiErrors(self):
- """
- The C{'wsgi.errors'} key of the C{environ} C{dict} passed to the
- application is a file-like object (as defined in the U{Input and Errors
- Streams<http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/#input-and-error-streams>}
- section of PEP 333) which converts bytes written to it into events for
- the logging system.
- """
- events = []
- addObserver(events.append)
- self.addCleanup(removeObserver, events.append)
- errors = self.render('GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- def cbErrors((environ, startApplication)):
- errors = environ['wsgi.errors']
- errors.write('some message\n')
- errors.writelines(['another\nmessage\n'])
- errors.flush()
- self.assertEqual(events[0]['message'], ('some message\n',))
- self.assertEqual(events[0]['system'], 'wsgi')
- self.assertTrue(events[0]['isError'])
- self.assertEqual(events[1]['message'], ('another\nmessage\n',))
- self.assertEqual(events[1]['system'], 'wsgi')
- self.assertTrue(events[1]['isError'])
- self.assertEqual(len(events), 2)
- errors.addCallback(cbErrors)
- return errors
-class InputStreamTestMixin(WSGITestsMixin):
- """
- A mixin for L{TestCase} subclasses which defines a number of tests against
- L{_InputStream}. The subclass is expected to create a file-like object to
- be wrapped by an L{_InputStream} under test.
- """
- def getFileType(self):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "%s.getFile must be implemented" % (self.__class__.__name__,))
- def _renderAndReturnReaderResult(self, reader, content):
- contentType = self.getFileType()
- class CustomizedRequest(Request):
- def gotLength(self, length):
- # Always allocate a file of the specified type, instead of
- # using the base behavior of selecting one depending on the
- # length.
- self.content = contentType()
- def appFactoryFactory(reader):
- result = Deferred()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(*args):
- environ, startResponse = args
- result.callback(reader(environ['wsgi.input']))
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- return iter(())
- return application
- return result, applicationFactory
- d, appFactory = appFactoryFactory(reader)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- CustomizedRequest, appFactory, DummyChannel,
- 'PUT', '1.1', [], [''], None, [],
- content)
- return d
- def test_readAll(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} with no arguments returns the entire input
- stream.
- """
- bytes = "some bytes are here"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(lambda input: input.read(), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, bytes)
- return d
- def test_readSome(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} with an integer returns that many bytes
- from the input stream, as long as it is less than or equal to the total
- number of bytes available.
- """
- bytes = "hello, world."
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(lambda input: input.read(3), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hel")
- return d
- def test_readMoreThan(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} with an integer that is greater than the
- total number of bytes in the input stream returns all bytes in the
- input stream.
- """
- bytes = "some bytes are here"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.read(len(bytes) + 3), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, bytes)
- return d
- def test_readTwice(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} a second time returns bytes starting from
- the position after the last byte returned by the previous read.
- """
- bytes = "some bytes, hello"
- def read(input):
- input.read(3)
- return input.read()
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(read, bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, bytes[3:])
- return d
- def test_readNone(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} with C{None} as an argument returns all
- bytes in the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "the entire stream"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.read(None), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, bytes)
- return d
- def test_readNegative(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.read} with a negative integer as an argument
- returns all bytes in the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "all of the input"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.read(-1), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, bytes)
- return d
- def test_readline(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} with no argument returns one line from
- the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "hello\nworld"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readline(), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hello\n")
- return d
- def test_readlineSome(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} with an integer returns at most that
- many bytes, even if it is not enough to make up a complete line.
- COMPATIBILITY NOTE: the size argument is excluded from the WSGI
- specification, but is provided here anyhow, because useful libraries
- such as python stdlib's cgi.py assume their input file-like-object
- supports readline with a size argument. If you use it, be aware your
- application may not be portable to other conformant WSGI servers.
- """
- bytes = "goodbye\nworld"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readline(3), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "goo")
- return d
- def test_readlineMoreThan(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} with an integer which is greater than
- the number of bytes in the next line returns only the next line.
- """
- bytes = "some lines\nof text"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readline(20), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "some lines\n")
- return d
- def test_readlineTwice(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} a second time returns the line
- following the line returned by the first call.
- """
- bytes = "first line\nsecond line\nlast line"
- def readline(input):
- input.readline()
- return input.readline()
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(readline, bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "second line\n")
- return d
- def test_readlineNone(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} with C{None} as an argument returns
- one line from the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "this is one line\nthis is another line"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readline(None), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "this is one line\n")
- return d
- def test_readlineNegative(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readline} with a negative integer as an argument
- returns one line from the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "input stream line one\nline two"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readline(-1), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "input stream line one\n")
- return d
- def test_readlines(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} with no arguments returns a list of
- all lines from the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "alice\nbob\ncarol"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readlines(), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["alice\n", "bob\n", "carol"])
- return d
- def test_readlinesSome(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} with an integer as an argument
- returns a list of lines from the input stream with the argument serving
- as an approximate bound on the total number of bytes to read.
- """
- bytes = "123\n456\n789\n0"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readlines(5), bytes)
- def cbLines(lines):
- # Make sure we got enough lines to make 5 bytes. Anything beyond
- # that is fine too.
- self.assertEqual(lines[:2], ["123\n", "456\n"])
- d.addCallback(cbLines)
- return d
- def test_readlinesMoreThan(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} with an integer which is greater than
- the total number of bytes in the input stream returns a list of all
- lines from the input.
- """
- bytes = "one potato\ntwo potato\nthree potato"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readlines(100), bytes)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual,
- ["one potato\n", "two potato\n", "three potato"])
- return d
- def test_readlinesAfterRead(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} after a call to L{_InputStream.read}
- returns lines starting at the byte after the last byte returned by the
- C{read} call.
- """
- bytes = "hello\nworld\nfoo"
- def readlines(input):
- input.read(7)
- return input.readlines()
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(readlines, bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["orld\n", "foo"])
- return d
- def test_readlinesNone(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} with C{None} as an argument returns
- all lines from the input.
- """
- bytes = "one fish\ntwo fish\n"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readlines(None), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["one fish\n", "two fish\n"])
- return d
- def test_readlinesNegative(self):
- """
- Calling L{_InputStream.readlines} with a negative integer as an
- argument returns a list of all lines from the input.
- """
- bytes = "red fish\nblue fish\n"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(
- lambda input: input.readlines(-1), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["red fish\n", "blue fish\n"])
- return d
- def test_iterable(self):
- """
- Iterating over L{_InputStream} produces lines from the input stream.
- """
- bytes = "green eggs\nand ham\n"
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(lambda input: list(input), bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["green eggs\n", "and ham\n"])
- return d
- def test_iterableAfterRead(self):
- """
- Iterating over L{_InputStream} after calling L{_InputStream.read}
- produces lines from the input stream starting from the first byte after
- the last byte returned by the C{read} call.
- """
- bytes = "green eggs\nand ham\n"
- def iterate(input):
- input.read(3)
- return list(input)
- d = self._renderAndReturnReaderResult(iterate, bytes)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ["en eggs\n", "and ham\n"])
- return d
-class InputStreamStringIOTests(InputStreamTestMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_InputStream} when it is wrapped around a L{StringIO.StringIO}.
- """
- def getFileType(self):
- return StringIO.StringIO
-class InputStreamCStringIOTests(InputStreamTestMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_InputStream} when it is wrapped around a
- L{cStringIO.StringIO}.
- """
- def getFileType(self):
- return cStringIO.StringIO
-class InputStreamTemporaryFileTests(InputStreamTestMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{_InputStream} when it is wrapped around a L{tempfile.TemporaryFile}.
- """
- def getFileType(self):
- return tempfile.TemporaryFile
-class StartResponseTests(WSGITestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the I{start_response} parameter passed to the application object
- by L{WSGIResource}.
- """
- def test_status(self):
- """
- The response status passed to the I{start_response} callable is written
- as the status of the response to the request.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('107 Strange message', [])
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertTrue(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue().startswith(
- 'HTTP/1.1 107 Strange message'))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def _headersTest(self, appHeaders, expectedHeaders):
- """
- Verify that if the response headers given by C{appHeaders} are passed
- to the I{start_response} callable, then the response header lines given
- by C{expectedHeaders} plus I{Server} and I{Date} header lines are
- included in the response.
- """
- # Make the Date header value deterministic
- self.patch(http, 'datetimeToString', lambda: 'Tuesday')
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', appHeaders)
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- response = channel.transport.written.getvalue()
- headers, rest = response.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)
- headerLines = headers.split('\r\n')[1:]
- headerLines.sort()
- allExpectedHeaders = expectedHeaders + [
- 'Date: Tuesday',
- 'Server: ' + version,
- 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked']
- allExpectedHeaders.sort()
- self.assertEqual(headerLines, allExpectedHeaders)
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_headers(self):
- """
- The headers passed to the I{start_response} callable are included in
- the response as are the required I{Date} and I{Server} headers and the
- necessary connection (hop to hop) header I{Transfer-Encoding}.
- """
- return self._headersTest(
- [('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux')],
- ['Baz: quux', 'Foo: bar'])
- def test_applicationProvidedContentType(self):
- """
- If I{Content-Type} is included in the headers passed to the
- I{start_response} callable, one I{Content-Type} header is included in
- the response.
- """
- return self._headersTest(
- [('content-type', 'monkeys are great')],
- ['Content-Type: monkeys are great'])
- def test_applicationProvidedServerAndDate(self):
- """
- If either I{Server} or I{Date} is included in the headers passed to the
- I{start_response} callable, they are disregarded.
- """
- return self._headersTest(
- [('server', 'foo'), ('Server', 'foo'),
- ('date', 'bar'), ('dATE', 'bar')],
- [])
- def test_delayedUntilReturn(self):
- """
- Nothing is written in response to a request when the I{start_response}
- callable is invoked. If the iterator returned by the application
- object produces only empty strings, the response is written after the
- last element is produced.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- intermediateValues = []
- def record():
- intermediateValues.append(channel.transport.written.getvalue())
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux')])
- yield ''
- record()
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(intermediateValues, [''])
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_delayedUntilContent(self):
- """
- Nothing is written in response to a request when the I{start_response}
- callable is invoked. Once a non-empty string has been produced by the
- iterator returned by the application object, the response status and
- headers are written.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- intermediateValues = []
- def record():
- intermediateValues.append(channel.transport.written.getvalue())
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [('foo', 'bar')])
- yield ''
- record()
- yield 'foo'
- record()
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertFalse(intermediateValues[0])
- self.assertTrue(intermediateValues[1])
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_content(self):
- """
- Content produced by the iterator returned by the application object is
- written to the request as it is produced.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- intermediateValues = []
- def record():
- intermediateValues.append(channel.transport.written.getvalue())
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [('content-length', '6')])
- yield 'foo'
- record()
- yield 'bar'
- record()
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getContentFromResponse(intermediateValues[0]),
- 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getContentFromResponse(intermediateValues[1]),
- 'foobar')
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_multipleStartResponse(self):
- """
- If the I{start_response} callable is invoked multiple times before a
- data for the response body is produced, the values from the last call
- are used.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('100 Foo', [])
- startResponse('200 Bar', [])
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertTrue(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue().startswith(
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 Bar\r\n'))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_startResponseWithException(self):
- """
- If the I{start_response} callable is invoked with a third positional
- argument before the status and headers have been written to the
- response, the status and headers become the newly supplied values.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('100 Foo', [], (Exception, Exception("foo"), None))
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertTrue(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue().startswith(
- 'HTTP/1.1 100 Foo\r\n'))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_startResponseWithExceptionTooLate(self):
- """
- If the I{start_response} callable is invoked with a third positional
- argument after the status and headers have been written to the
- response, the supplied I{exc_info} values are re-raised to the
- application.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- class SomeException(Exception):
- pass
- try:
- raise SomeException()
- except:
- excInfo = exc_info()
- reraised = []
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- yield 'foo'
- try:
- startResponse('500 ERR', [], excInfo)
- except:
- reraised.append(exc_info())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertTrue(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue().startswith(
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'))
- self.assertEqual(reraised[0][0], excInfo[0])
- self.assertEqual(reraised[0][1], excInfo[1])
- self.assertEqual(reraised[0][2].tb_next, excInfo[2])
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_write(self):
- """
- I{start_response} returns the I{write} callable which can be used to
- write bytes to the response body without buffering.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- intermediateValues = []
- def record():
- intermediateValues.append(channel.transport.written.getvalue())
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- write = startResponse('100 Foo', [('content-length', '6')])
- write('foo')
- record()
- write('bar')
- record()
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getContentFromResponse(intermediateValues[0]),
- 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getContentFromResponse(intermediateValues[1]),
- 'foobar')
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
-class ApplicationTests(WSGITestsMixin, TestCase):
- """
- Tests for things which are done to the application object and the iterator
- it returns.
- """
- def enableThreads(self):
- self.reactor = reactor
- self.threadpool = ThreadPool()
- self.threadpool.start()
- self.addCleanup(self.threadpool.stop)
- def test_close(self):
- """
- If the application object returns an iterator which also has a I{close}
- method, that method is called after iteration is complete.
- """
- channel = DummyChannel()
- class Result:
- def __init__(self):
- self.open = True
- def __iter__(self):
- for i in range(3):
- if self.open:
- yield str(i)
- def close(self):
- self.open = False
- result = Result()
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [('content-length', '3')])
- return result
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(
- self.getContentFromResponse(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue()),
- '012')
- self.assertFalse(result.open)
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return d
- def test_applicationCalledInThread(self):
- """
- The application object is invoked and iterated in a thread which is not
- the reactor thread.
- """
- self.enableThreads()
- invoked = []
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- def result():
- for i in range(3):
- invoked.append(get_ident())
- yield str(i)
- invoked.append(get_ident())
- startResponse('200 OK', [('content-length', '3')])
- return result()
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertNotIn(get_ident(), invoked)
- self.assertEqual(len(set(invoked)), 1)
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- DummyChannel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return d
- def test_writeCalledFromThread(self):
- """
- The I{write} callable returned by I{start_response} calls the request's
- C{write} method in the reactor thread.
- """
- self.enableThreads()
- invoked = []
- class ThreadVerifier(Request):
- def write(self, bytes):
- invoked.append(get_ident())
- return Request.write(self, bytes)
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- write = startResponse('200 OK', [])
- write('foo')
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory(ThreadVerifier)
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(set(invoked), set([get_ident()]))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory, DummyChannel,
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return d
- def test_iteratedValuesWrittenFromThread(self):
- """
- Strings produced by the iterator returned by the application object are
- written to the request in the reactor thread.
- """
- self.enableThreads()
- invoked = []
- class ThreadVerifier(Request):
- def write(self, bytes):
- invoked.append(get_ident())
- return Request.write(self, bytes)
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- yield 'foo'
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory(ThreadVerifier)
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(set(invoked), set([get_ident()]))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory, DummyChannel,
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return d
- def test_statusWrittenFromThread(self):
- """
- The response status is set on the request object in the reactor thread.
- """
- self.enableThreads()
- invoked = []
- class ThreadVerifier(Request):
- def setResponseCode(self, code, message):
- invoked.append(get_ident())
- return Request.setResponseCode(self, code, message)
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- return iter(())
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory(ThreadVerifier)
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(set(invoked), set([get_ident()]))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory, DummyChannel,
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return d
- def test_connectionClosedDuringIteration(self):
- """
- If the request connection is lost while the application object is being
- iterated, iteration is stopped.
- """
- class UnreliableConnection(Request):
- """
- This is a request which pretends its connection is lost immediately
- after the first write is done to it.
- """
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("No more connection")))
- self.badIter = False
- def appIter():
- yield "foo"
- self.badIter = True
- raise Exception("Should not have gotten here")
- def applicationFactory():
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- return appIter()
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory(UnreliableConnection)
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- self.assertFalse(self.badIter, "Should not have resumed iteration")
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory, DummyChannel,
- 'GET', '1.1', [], [''])
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConnectionLost)
- def _internalServerErrorTest(self, application):
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- def cbRendered(ignored):
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- self.assertTrue(
- channel.transport.written.getvalue().startswith(
- 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'))
- d.addCallback(cbRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactory, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- return d
- def test_applicationExceptionBeforeStartResponse(self):
- """
- If the application raises an exception before calling I{start_response}
- then the response status is I{500} and the exception is logged.
- """
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- raise RuntimeError("This application had some error.")
- return self._internalServerErrorTest(application)
- def test_applicationExceptionAfterStartResponse(self):
- """
- If the application calls I{start_response} but then raises an exception
- before any data is written to the response then the response status is
- I{500} and the exception is logged.
- """
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- raise RuntimeError("This application had some error.")
- return self._internalServerErrorTest(application)
- def _connectionClosedTest(self, application, responseContent):
- channel = DummyChannel()
- def applicationFactory():
- return application
- d, requestFactory = self.requestFactoryFactory()
- # Capture the request so we can disconnect it later on.
- requests = []
- def requestFactoryWrapper(*a, **kw):
- requests.append(requestFactory(*a, **kw))
- return requests[-1]
- def ebRendered(ignored):
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- response = channel.transport.written.getvalue()
- self.assertTrue(response.startswith('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'))
- # Chunked transfer-encoding makes this a little messy.
- self.assertIn(responseContent, response)
- d.addErrback(ebRendered)
- request = self.lowLevelRender(
- requestFactoryWrapper, applicationFactory,
- lambda: channel, 'GET', '1.1', [], [''], None, [])
- # By now the connection should be closed.
- self.assertTrue(channel.transport.disconnected)
- # Give it a little push to go the rest of the way.
- requests[0].connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionLost("All gone")))
- return d
- def test_applicationExceptionAfterWrite(self):
- """
- If the application raises an exception after the response status has
- already been sent then the connection is closed and the exception is
- logged.
- """
- responseContent = (
- 'Some bytes, triggering the server to start sending the response')
- def application(environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- yield responseContent
- raise RuntimeError("This application had some error.")
- return self._connectionClosedTest(application, responseContent)
- def test_applicationCloseException(self):
- """
- If the application returns a closeable iterator and the C{close} method
- raises an exception when called then the connection is still closed and
- the exception is logged.
- """
- responseContent = 'foo'
- class Application(object):
- def __init__(self, environ, startResponse):
- startResponse('200 OK', [])
- def __iter__(self):
- yield responseContent
- def close(self):
- raise RuntimeError("This application had some error.")
- return self._connectionClosedTest(Application, responseContent)