path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_util.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_util.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_util.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_util.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_util.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.web.util}.
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.web import util
-from twisted.web.error import FlattenerError
-from twisted.web.util import (
- redirectTo, _SourceLineElement,
- _SourceFragmentElement, _FrameElement, _StackElement,
- FailureElement, formatFailure)
-from twisted.web.http import FOUND
-from twisted.web.server import Request
-from twisted.web.template import TagLoader, flattenString, tags
-from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyChannel
-class RedirectToTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{redirectTo}.
- """
- def test_headersAndCode(self):
- """
- L{redirectTo} will set the C{Location} and C{Content-Type} headers on
- its request, and set the response code to C{FOUND}, so the browser will
- be redirected.
- """
- request = Request(DummyChannel(), True)
- request.method = 'GET'
- targetURL = "http://target.example.com/4321"
- redirectTo(targetURL, request)
- self.assertEqual(request.code, FOUND)
- self.assertEqual(
- request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('location'), [targetURL])
- self.assertEqual(
- request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('content-type'),
- ['text/html; charset=utf-8'])
- def test_redirectToUnicodeURL(self) :
- """
- L{redirectTo} will raise TypeError if unicode object is passed in URL
- """
- request = Request(DummyChannel(), True)
- request.method = 'GET'
- targetURL = u'http://target.example.com/4321'
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, redirectTo, targetURL, request)
-class FailureElementTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{FailureElement} and related helpers which can render a
- L{Failure} as an HTML string.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{Failure} which can be used by the rendering tests.
- """
- def lineNumberProbeAlsoBroken():
- message = "This is a problem"
- raise Exception(message)
- # Figure out the line number from which the exception will be raised.
- self.base = lineNumberProbeAlsoBroken.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1
- try:
- lineNumberProbeAlsoBroken()
- except:
- self.failure = Failure(captureVars=True)
- self.frame = self.failure.frames[-1]
- def test_sourceLineElement(self):
- """
- L{_SourceLineElement} renders a source line and line number.
- """
- element = _SourceLineElement(
- TagLoader(tags.div(
- tags.span(render="lineNumber"),
- tags.span(render="sourceLine"))),
- 50, " print 'hello'")
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- expected = (
- u"<div><span>50</span><span>"
- u" \N{NO-BREAK SPACE} \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}print 'hello'</span></div>")
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual, expected.encode('utf-8'))
- return d
- def test_sourceFragmentElement(self):
- """
- L{_SourceFragmentElement} renders source lines at and around the line
- number indicated by a frame object.
- """
- element = _SourceFragmentElement(
- TagLoader(tags.div(
- tags.span(render="lineNumber"),
- tags.span(render="sourceLine"),
- render="sourceLines")),
- self.frame)
- source = [
- u' \N{NO-BREAK SPACE} \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}message = '
- u'"This is a problem"',
- u' \N{NO-BREAK SPACE} \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}raise Exception(message)',
- u'# Figure out the line number from which the exception will be '
- u'raised.',
- ]
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual,
- ''.join([
- '<div class="snippet%sLine"><span>%d</span><span>%s</span>'
- '</div>' % (
- ["", "Highlight"][lineNumber == 1],
- self.base + lineNumber,
- (u" \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}" * 4 + sourceLine).encode(
- 'utf-8'))
- for (lineNumber, sourceLine)
- in enumerate(source)]))
- return d
- def test_frameElementFilename(self):
- """
- The I{filename} renderer of L{_FrameElement} renders the filename
- associated with the frame object used to initialize the
- L{_FrameElement}.
- """
- element = _FrameElement(
- TagLoader(tags.span(render="filename")),
- self.frame)
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- # __file__ differs depending on whether an up-to-date .pyc file
- # already existed.
- self.assertEqual, "<span>" + __file__.rstrip('c') + "</span>")
- return d
- def test_frameElementLineNumber(self):
- """
- The I{lineNumber} renderer of L{_FrameElement} renders the line number
- associated with the frame object used to initialize the
- L{_FrameElement}.
- """
- element = _FrameElement(
- TagLoader(tags.span(render="lineNumber")),
- self.frame)
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual, "<span>" + str(self.base + 1) + "</span>")
- return d
- def test_frameElementFunction(self):
- """
- The I{function} renderer of L{_FrameElement} renders the line number
- associated with the frame object used to initialize the
- L{_FrameElement}.
- """
- element = _FrameElement(
- TagLoader(tags.span(render="function")),
- self.frame)
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual, "<span>lineNumberProbeAlsoBroken</span>")
- return d
- def test_frameElementSource(self):
- """
- The I{source} renderer of L{_FrameElement} renders the source code near
- the source filename/line number associated with the frame object used to
- initialize the L{_FrameElement}.
- """
- element = _FrameElement(None, self.frame)
- renderer = element.lookupRenderMethod("source")
- tag = tags.div()
- result = renderer(None, tag)
- self.assertIsInstance(result, _SourceFragmentElement)
- self.assertIdentical(result.frame, self.frame)
- self.assertEqual([tag], result.loader.load())
- def test_stackElement(self):
- """
- The I{frames} renderer of L{_StackElement} renders each stack frame in
- the list of frames used to initialize the L{_StackElement}.
- """
- element = _StackElement(None, self.failure.frames[:2])
- renderer = element.lookupRenderMethod("frames")
- tag = tags.div()
- result = renderer(None, tag)
- self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
- self.assertIsInstance(result[0], _FrameElement)
- self.assertIdentical(result[0].frame, self.failure.frames[0])
- self.assertIsInstance(result[1], _FrameElement)
- self.assertIdentical(result[1].frame, self.failure.frames[1])
- # They must not share the same tag object.
- self.assertNotEqual(result[0].loader.load(), result[1].loader.load())
- self.assertEqual(2, len(result))
- def test_failureElementTraceback(self):
- """
- The I{traceback} renderer of L{FailureElement} renders the failure's
- stack frames using L{_StackElement}.
- """
- element = FailureElement(self.failure)
- renderer = element.lookupRenderMethod("traceback")
- tag = tags.div()
- result = renderer(None, tag)
- self.assertIsInstance(result, _StackElement)
- self.assertIdentical(result.stackFrames, self.failure.frames)
- self.assertEqual([tag], result.loader.load())
- def test_failureElementType(self):
- """
- The I{type} renderer of L{FailureElement} renders the failure's
- exception type.
- """
- element = FailureElement(
- self.failure, TagLoader(tags.span(render="type")))
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual, "<span>exceptions.Exception</span>")
- return d
- def test_failureElementValue(self):
- """
- The I{value} renderer of L{FailureElement} renders the value's exception
- value.
- """
- element = FailureElement(
- self.failure, TagLoader(tags.span(render="value")))
- d = flattenString(None, element)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual, '<span>This is a problem</span>')
- return d
-class FormatFailureTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.web.util.formatFailure} which returns an HTML string
- representing the L{Failure} instance passed to it.
- """
- def test_flattenerError(self):
- """
- If there is an error flattening the L{Failure} instance,
- L{formatFailure} raises L{FlattenerError}.
- """
- self.assertRaises(FlattenerError, formatFailure, object())
- def test_returnsBytes(self):
- """
- The return value of L{formatFailure} is a C{str} instance (not a
- C{unicode} instance) with numeric character references for any non-ASCII
- characters meant to appear in the output.
- """
- try:
- raise Exception("Fake bug")
- except:
- result = formatFailure(Failure())
- self.assertIsInstance(result, str)
- self.assertTrue(all(ord(ch) < 128 for ch in result))
- # Indentation happens to rely on NO-BREAK SPACE
- self.assertIn("&#160;", result)
-class DeprecatedHTMLHelpers(TestCase):
- """
- The various HTML generation helper APIs in L{twisted.web.util} are
- deprecated.
- """
- def _htmlHelperDeprecationTest(self, functionName):
- """
- Helper method which asserts that using the name indicated by
- C{functionName} from the L{twisted.web.util} module emits a deprecation
- warning.
- """
- getattr(util, functionName)
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- "twisted.web.util.%s was deprecated in Twisted 12.1.0: "
- "See twisted.web.template." % (functionName,))
- def test_htmlrepr(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlrepr} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlrepr")
- def test_saferepr(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.saferepr} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("saferepr")
- def test_htmlUnknown(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlUnknown} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlUnknown")
- def test_htmlDict(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlDict} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlDict")
- def test_htmlList(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlList} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlList")
- def test_htmlInst(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlInst} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlInst")
- def test_htmlString(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlString} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlString")
- def test_htmlIndent(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlIndent} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlIndent")
- def test_htmlFunc(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlFunc} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlFunc")
- def test_htmlReprTypes(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.htmlReprTypes} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("htmlReprTypes")
- def test_stylesheet(self):
- """
- L{twisted.web.util.stylesheet} is deprecated.
- """
- self._htmlHelperDeprecationTest("stylesheet")