path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_tap.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_tap.py')
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diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_tap.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_tap.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_tap.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.web.tap}.
-import os, stat
-from twisted.python.usage import UsageError
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorUNIX
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.python.threadpool import ThreadPool
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.application import strports
-from twisted.web.server import Site
-from twisted.web.static import Data, File
-from twisted.web.distrib import ResourcePublisher, UserDirectory
-from twisted.web.wsgi import WSGIResource
-from twisted.web.tap import Options, makePersonalServerFactory, makeService
-from twisted.web.twcgi import CGIScript
-from twisted.web.script import PythonScript
-from twisted.spread.pb import PBServerFactory
-application = object()
-class ServiceTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the service creation APIs in L{twisted.web.tap}.
- """
- def _pathOption(self):
- """
- Helper for the I{--path} tests which creates a directory and creates
- an L{Options} object which uses that directory as its static
- filesystem root.
- @return: A two-tuple of a L{FilePath} referring to the directory and
- the value associated with the C{'root'} key in the L{Options}
- instance after parsing a I{--path} option.
- """
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.makedirs()
- options = Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--path', path.path])
- root = options['root']
- return path, root
- def test_path(self):
- """
- The I{--path} option causes L{Options} to create a root resource
- which serves responses from the specified path.
- """
- path, root = self._pathOption()
- self.assertIsInstance(root, File)
- self.assertEqual(root.path, path.path)
- def test_cgiProcessor(self):
- """
- The I{--path} option creates a root resource which serves a
- L{CGIScript} instance for any child with the C{".cgi"} extension.
- """
- path, root = self._pathOption()
- path.child("foo.cgi").setContent("")
- self.assertIsInstance(root.getChild("foo.cgi", None), CGIScript)
- def test_epyProcessor(self):
- """
- The I{--path} option creates a root resource which serves a
- L{PythonScript} instance for any child with the C{".epy"} extension.
- """
- path, root = self._pathOption()
- path.child("foo.epy").setContent("")
- self.assertIsInstance(root.getChild("foo.epy", None), PythonScript)
- def test_rpyProcessor(self):
- """
- The I{--path} option creates a root resource which serves the
- C{resource} global defined by the Python source in any child with
- the C{".rpy"} extension.
- """
- path, root = self._pathOption()
- path.child("foo.rpy").setContent(
- "from twisted.web.static import Data\n"
- "resource = Data('content', 'major/minor')\n")
- child = root.getChild("foo.rpy", None)
- self.assertIsInstance(child, Data)
- self.assertEqual(child.data, 'content')
- self.assertEqual(child.type, 'major/minor')
- def test_makePersonalServerFactory(self):
- """
- L{makePersonalServerFactory} returns a PB server factory which has
- as its root object a L{ResourcePublisher}.
- """
- # The fact that this pile of objects can actually be used somehow is
- # verified by twisted.web.test.test_distrib.
- site = Site(Data("foo bar", "text/plain"))
- serverFactory = makePersonalServerFactory(site)
- self.assertIsInstance(serverFactory, PBServerFactory)
- self.assertIsInstance(serverFactory.root, ResourcePublisher)
- self.assertIdentical(serverFactory.root.site, site)
- def test_personalServer(self):
- """
- The I{--personal} option to L{makeService} causes it to return a
- service which will listen on the server address given by the I{--port}
- option.
- """
- port = self.mktemp()
- options = Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--port', 'unix:' + port, '--personal'])
- service = makeService(options)
- service.startService()
- self.addCleanup(service.stopService)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(port))
- self.assertTrue(stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(port).st_mode))
- if not IReactorUNIX.providedBy(reactor):
- test_personalServer.skip = (
- "The reactor does not support UNIX domain sockets")
- def test_defaultPersonalPath(self):
- """
- If the I{--port} option not specified but the I{--personal} option is,
- L{Options} defaults the port to C{UserDirectory.userSocketName} in the
- user's home directory.
- """
- options = Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--personal'])
- path = os.path.expanduser(
- os.path.join('~', UserDirectory.userSocketName))
- self.assertEqual(
- strports.parse(options['port'], None)[:2],
- ('UNIX', (path, None)))
- if not IReactorUNIX.providedBy(reactor):
- test_defaultPersonalPath.skip = (
- "The reactor does not support UNIX domain sockets")
- def test_defaultPort(self):
- """
- If the I{--port} option is not specified, L{Options} defaults the port
- to C{8080}.
- """
- options = Options()
- options.parseOptions([])
- self.assertEqual(
- strports.parse(options['port'], None)[:2],
- ('TCP', (8080, None)))
- def test_wsgi(self):
- """
- The I{--wsgi} option takes the fully-qualifed Python name of a WSGI
- application object and creates a L{WSGIResource} at the root which
- serves that application.
- """
- options = Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--wsgi', __name__ + '.application'])
- root = options['root']
- self.assertTrue(root, WSGIResource)
- self.assertIdentical(root._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(root._threadpool, ThreadPool))
- self.assertIdentical(root._application, application)
- # The threadpool should start and stop with the reactor.
- self.assertFalse(root._threadpool.started)
- reactor.fireSystemEvent('startup')
- self.assertTrue(root._threadpool.started)
- self.assertFalse(root._threadpool.joined)
- reactor.fireSystemEvent('shutdown')
- self.assertTrue(root._threadpool.joined)
- def test_invalidApplication(self):
- """
- If I{--wsgi} is given an invalid name, L{Options.parseOptions}
- raises L{UsageError}.
- """
- options = Options()
- for name in [__name__ + '.nosuchthing', 'foo.']:
- exc = self.assertRaises(
- UsageError, options.parseOptions, ['--wsgi', name])
- self.assertEqual(str(exc), "No such WSGI application: %r" % (name,))