path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_httpauth.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_httpauth.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.web._auth}.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
-from twisted.cred import error, portal
-from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse
-from twisted.cred.checkers import ANONYMOUS, AllowAnonymousAccess
-from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword
-from twisted.web.iweb import ICredentialFactory
-from twisted.web.resource import IResource, Resource, getChildForRequest
-from twisted.web._auth import basic, digest
-from twisted.web._auth.wrapper import HTTPAuthSessionWrapper, UnauthorizedResource
-from twisted.web._auth.basic import BasicCredentialFactory
-from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
-from twisted.web.static import Data
-from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyRequest
-def b64encode(s):
- return s.encode('base64').strip()
-class BasicAuthTestsMixin:
- """
- L{TestCase} mixin class which defines a number of tests for
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory}. Because this mixin defines C{setUp}, it
- must be inherited before L{TestCase}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.request = self.makeRequest()
- self.realm = 'foo'
- self.username = 'dreid'
- self.password = 'S3CuR1Ty'
- self.credentialFactory = basic.BasicCredentialFactory(self.realm)
- def makeRequest(self, method='GET', clientAddress=None):
- """
- Create a request object to be passed to
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory.decode} along with a response value.
- Override this in a subclass.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("%r did not implement makeRequest" % (
- self.__class__,))
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{BasicCredentialFactory} implements L{ICredentialFactory}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- verifyObject(ICredentialFactory, self.credentialFactory))
- def test_usernamePassword(self):
- """
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory.decode} turns a base64-encoded response
- into a L{UsernamePassword} object with a password which reflects the
- one which was encoded in the response.
- """
- response = b64encode('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password))
- creds = self.credentialFactory.decode(response, self.request)
- self.assertTrue(IUsernamePassword.providedBy(creds))
- self.assertTrue(creds.checkPassword(self.password))
- self.assertFalse(creds.checkPassword(self.password + 'wrong'))
- def test_incorrectPadding(self):
- """
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory.decode} decodes a base64-encoded
- response with incorrect padding.
- """
- response = b64encode('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password))
- response = response.strip('=')
- creds = self.credentialFactory.decode(response, self.request)
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IUsernamePassword, creds))
- self.assertTrue(creds.checkPassword(self.password))
- def test_invalidEncoding(self):
- """
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory.decode} raises L{LoginFailed} if passed
- a response which is not base64-encoded.
- """
- response = 'x' # one byte cannot be valid base64 text
- self.assertRaises(
- error.LoginFailed,
- self.credentialFactory.decode, response, self.makeRequest())
- def test_invalidCredentials(self):
- """
- L{basic.BasicCredentialFactory.decode} raises L{LoginFailed} when
- passed a response which is not valid base64-encoded text.
- """
- response = b64encode('123abc+/')
- self.assertRaises(
- error.LoginFailed,
- self.credentialFactory.decode,
- response, self.makeRequest())
-class RequestMixin:
- def makeRequest(self, method='GET', clientAddress=None):
- """
- Create a L{DummyRequest} (change me to create a
- L{twisted.web.http.Request} instead).
- """
- request = DummyRequest('/')
- request.method = method
- request.client = clientAddress
- return request
-class BasicAuthTestCase(RequestMixin, BasicAuthTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Basic authentication tests which use L{twisted.web.http.Request}.
- """
-class DigestAuthTestCase(RequestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Digest authentication tests which use L{twisted.web.http.Request}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a DigestCredentialFactory for testing
- """
- self.realm = "test realm"
- self.algorithm = "md5"
- self.credentialFactory = digest.DigestCredentialFactory(
- self.algorithm, self.realm)
- self.request = self.makeRequest()
- def test_decode(self):
- """
- L{digest.DigestCredentialFactory.decode} calls the C{decode} method on
- L{twisted.cred.digest.DigestCredentialFactory} with the HTTP method and
- host of the request.
- """
- host = ''
- method = 'GET'
- done = [False]
- response = object()
- def check(_response, _method, _host):
- self.assertEqual(response, _response)
- self.assertEqual(method, _method)
- self.assertEqual(host, _host)
- done[0] = True
- self.patch(self.credentialFactory.digest, 'decode', check)
- req = self.makeRequest(method, IPv4Address('TCP', host, 81))
- self.credentialFactory.decode(response, req)
- self.assertTrue(done[0])
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{DigestCredentialFactory} implements L{ICredentialFactory}.
- """
- self.assertTrue(
- verifyObject(ICredentialFactory, self.credentialFactory))
- def test_getChallenge(self):
- """
- The challenge issued by L{DigestCredentialFactory.getChallenge} must
- include C{'qop'}, C{'realm'}, C{'algorithm'}, C{'nonce'}, and
- C{'opaque'} keys. The values for the C{'realm'} and C{'algorithm'}
- keys must match the values supplied to the factory's initializer.
- None of the values may have newlines in them.
- """
- challenge = self.credentialFactory.getChallenge(self.request)
- self.assertEqual(challenge['qop'], 'auth')
- self.assertEqual(challenge['realm'], 'test realm')
- self.assertEqual(challenge['algorithm'], 'md5')
- self.assertIn('nonce', challenge)
- self.assertIn('opaque', challenge)
- for v in challenge.values():
- self.assertNotIn('\n', v)
- def test_getChallengeWithoutClientIP(self):
- """
- L{DigestCredentialFactory.getChallenge} can issue a challenge even if
- the L{Request} it is passed returns C{None} from C{getClientIP}.
- """
- request = self.makeRequest('GET', None)
- challenge = self.credentialFactory.getChallenge(request)
- self.assertEqual(challenge['qop'], 'auth')
- self.assertEqual(challenge['realm'], 'test realm')
- self.assertEqual(challenge['algorithm'], 'md5')
- self.assertIn('nonce', challenge)
- self.assertIn('opaque', challenge)
-class UnauthorizedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{UnauthorizedResource}.
- """
- def test_getChildWithDefault(self):
- """
- An L{UnauthorizedResource} is every child of itself.
- """
- resource = UnauthorizedResource([])
- self.assertIdentical(
- resource.getChildWithDefault("foo", None), resource)
- self.assertIdentical(
- resource.getChildWithDefault("bar", None), resource)
- def _unauthorizedRenderTest(self, request):
- """
- Render L{UnauthorizedResource} for the given request object and verify
- that the response code is I{Unauthorized} and that a I{WWW-Authenticate}
- header is set in the response containing a challenge.
- """
- resource = UnauthorizedResource([
- BasicCredentialFactory('example.com')])
- request.render(resource)
- self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 401)
- self.assertEqual(
- request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('www-authenticate'),
- ['basic realm="example.com"'])
- def test_render(self):
- """
- L{UnauthorizedResource} renders with a 401 response code and a
- I{WWW-Authenticate} header and puts a simple unauthorized message
- into the response body.
- """
- request = DummyRequest([''])
- self._unauthorizedRenderTest(request)
- self.assertEqual('Unauthorized', ''.join(request.written))
- def test_renderHEAD(self):
- """
- The rendering behavior of L{UnauthorizedResource} for a I{HEAD} request
- is like its handling of a I{GET} request, but no response body is
- written.
- """
- request = DummyRequest([''])
- request.method = 'HEAD'
- self._unauthorizedRenderTest(request)
- self.assertEqual('', ''.join(request.written))
- def test_renderQuotesRealm(self):
- """
- The realm value included in the I{WWW-Authenticate} header set in
- the response when L{UnauthorizedResounrce} is rendered has quotes
- and backslashes escaped.
- """
- resource = UnauthorizedResource([
- BasicCredentialFactory('example\\"foo')])
- request = DummyRequest([''])
- request.render(resource)
- self.assertEqual(
- request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('www-authenticate'),
- ['basic realm="example\\\\\\"foo"'])
-class Realm(object):
- """
- A simple L{IRealm} implementation which gives out L{WebAvatar} for any
- avatarId.
- @type loggedIn: C{int}
- @ivar loggedIn: The number of times C{requestAvatar} has been invoked for
- L{IResource}.
- @type loggedOut: C{int}
- @ivar loggedOut: The number of times the logout callback has been invoked.
- """
- implements(portal.IRealm)
- def __init__(self, avatarFactory):
- self.loggedOut = 0
- self.loggedIn = 0
- self.avatarFactory = avatarFactory
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- if IResource in interfaces:
- self.loggedIn += 1
- return IResource, self.avatarFactory(avatarId), self.logout
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def logout(self):
- self.loggedOut += 1
-class HTTPAuthHeaderTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}.
- """
- makeRequest = DummyRequest
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a realm, portal, and L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper} to use in the tests.
- """
- self.username = 'foo bar'
- self.password = 'bar baz'
- self.avatarContent = "contents of the avatar resource itself"
- self.childName = "foo-child"
- self.childContent = "contents of the foo child of the avatar"
- self.checker = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- self.checker.addUser(self.username, self.password)
- self.avatar = Data(self.avatarContent, 'text/plain')
- self.avatar.putChild(
- self.childName, Data(self.childContent, 'text/plain'))
- self.avatars = {self.username: self.avatar}
- self.realm = Realm(self.avatars.get)
- self.portal = portal.Portal(self.realm, [self.checker])
- self.credentialFactories = []
- self.wrapper = HTTPAuthSessionWrapper(
- self.portal, self.credentialFactories)
- def _authorizedBasicLogin(self, request):
- """
- Add an I{basic authorization} header to the given request and then
- dispatch it, starting from C{self.wrapper} and returning the resulting
- L{IResource}.
- """
- authorization = b64encode(self.username + ':' + self.password)
- request.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + authorization
- return getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- def test_getChildWithDefault(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which encounters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{UnauthorizedResource} instance when the request does
- not have the required I{Authorization} headers.
- """
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(result):
- self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 401)
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d
- def _invalidAuthorizationTest(self, response):
- """
- Create a request with the given value as the value of an
- I{Authorization} header and perform resource traversal with it,
- starting at C{self.wrapper}. Assert that the result is a 401 response
- code. Return a L{Deferred} which fires when this is all done.
- """
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- request.headers['authorization'] = response
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(result):
- self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 401)
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d
- def test_getChildWithDefaultUnauthorizedUser(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which enouncters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{UnauthorizedResource} when the request has an
- I{Authorization} header with a user which does not exist.
- """
- return self._invalidAuthorizationTest('Basic ' + b64encode('foo:bar'))
- def test_getChildWithDefaultUnauthorizedPassword(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which enouncters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{UnauthorizedResource} when the request has an
- I{Authorization} header with a user which exists and the wrong
- password.
- """
- return self._invalidAuthorizationTest(
- 'Basic ' + b64encode(self.username + ':bar'))
- def test_getChildWithDefaultUnrecognizedScheme(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which enouncters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{UnauthorizedResource} when the request has an
- I{Authorization} header with an unrecognized scheme.
- """
- return self._invalidAuthorizationTest('Quux foo bar baz')
- def test_getChildWithDefaultAuthorized(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which encounters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{IResource} which renders the L{IResource} avatar
- retrieved from the portal when the request has a valid I{Authorization}
- header.
- """
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = self._authorizedBasicLogin(request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(request.written, [self.childContent])
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d
- def test_renderAuthorized(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which terminates at an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- and includes correct authentication headers results in the
- L{IResource} avatar (not one of its children) retrieved from the
- portal being rendered.
- """
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- # Request it exactly, not any of its children.
- request = self.makeRequest([])
- child = self._authorizedBasicLogin(request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(request.written, [self.avatarContent])
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d
- def test_getChallengeCalledWithRequest(self):
- """
- When L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper} finds an L{ICredentialFactory} to issue
- a challenge, it calls the C{getChallenge} method with the request as an
- argument.
- """
- class DumbCredentialFactory(object):
- implements(ICredentialFactory)
- scheme = 'dumb'
- def __init__(self):
- self.requests = []
- def getChallenge(self, request):
- self.requests.append(request)
- return {}
- factory = DumbCredentialFactory()
- self.credentialFactories.append(factory)
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(factory.requests, [request])
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d
- def _logoutTest(self):
- """
- Issue a request for an authentication-protected resource using valid
- credentials and then return the C{DummyRequest} instance which was
- used.
- This is a helper for tests about the behavior of the logout
- callback.
- """
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- class SlowerResource(Resource):
- def render(self, request):
- return NOT_DONE_YET
- self.avatar.putChild(self.childName, SlowerResource())
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = self._authorizedBasicLogin(request)
- request.render(child)
- self.assertEqual(self.realm.loggedOut, 0)
- return request
- def test_logout(self):
- """
- The realm's logout callback is invoked after the resource is rendered.
- """
- request = self._logoutTest()
- request.finish()
- self.assertEqual(self.realm.loggedOut, 1)
- def test_logoutOnError(self):
- """
- The realm's logout callback is also invoked if there is an error
- generating the response (for example, if the client disconnects
- early).
- """
- request = self._logoutTest()
- request.processingFailed(
- Failure(ConnectionDone("Simulated disconnect")))
- self.assertEqual(self.realm.loggedOut, 1)
- def test_decodeRaises(self):
- """
- Resource traversal which enouncters an L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper}
- results in an L{UnauthorizedResource} when the request has a I{Basic
- Authorization} header which cannot be decoded using base64.
- """
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- request.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic decode should fail'
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- self.assertIsInstance(child, UnauthorizedResource)
- def test_selectParseResponse(self):
- """
- L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper._selectParseHeader} returns a two-tuple giving
- the L{ICredentialFactory} to use to parse the header and a string
- containing the portion of the header which remains to be parsed.
- """
- basicAuthorization = 'Basic abcdef123456'
- self.assertEqual(
- self.wrapper._selectParseHeader(basicAuthorization),
- (None, None))
- factory = BasicCredentialFactory('example.com')
- self.credentialFactories.append(factory)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.wrapper._selectParseHeader(basicAuthorization),
- (factory, 'abcdef123456'))
- def test_unexpectedDecodeError(self):
- """
- Any unexpected exception raised by the credential factory's C{decode}
- method results in a 500 response code and causes the exception to be
- logged.
- """
- class UnexpectedException(Exception):
- pass
- class BadFactory(object):
- scheme = 'bad'
- def getChallenge(self, client):
- return {}
- def decode(self, response, request):
- raise UnexpectedException()
- self.credentialFactories.append(BadFactory())
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- request.headers['authorization'] = 'Bad abc'
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- request.render(child)
- self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 500)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(UnexpectedException)), 1)
- def test_unexpectedLoginError(self):
- """
- Any unexpected failure from L{Portal.login} results in a 500 response
- code and causes the failure to be logged.
- """
- class UnexpectedException(Exception):
- pass
- class BrokenChecker(object):
- credentialInterfaces = (IUsernamePassword,)
- def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
- raise UnexpectedException()
- self.portal.registerChecker(BrokenChecker())
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = self._authorizedBasicLogin(request)
- request.render(child)
- self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 500)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(UnexpectedException)), 1)
- def test_anonymousAccess(self):
- """
- Anonymous requests are allowed if a L{Portal} has an anonymous checker
- registered.
- """
- unprotectedContents = "contents of the unprotected child resource"
- self.avatars[ANONYMOUS] = Resource()
- self.avatars[ANONYMOUS].putChild(
- self.childName, Data(unprotectedContents, 'text/plain'))
- self.portal.registerChecker(AllowAnonymousAccess())
- self.credentialFactories.append(BasicCredentialFactory('example.com'))
- request = self.makeRequest([self.childName])
- child = getChildForRequest(self.wrapper, request)
- d = request.notifyFinish()
- def cbFinished(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(request.written, [unprotectedContents])
- d.addCallback(cbFinished)
- request.render(child)
- return d