path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_flatten.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_flatten.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_flatten.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_flatten.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/test/test_flatten.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import sys
-import traceback
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.internet.defer import succeed, gatherResults
-from twisted.web._stan import Tag
-from twisted.web._flatten import flattenString
-from twisted.web.error import UnfilledSlot, UnsupportedType, FlattenerError
-from twisted.web.template import tags, Comment, CDATA, CharRef, slot
-from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable
-from twisted.web.test._util import FlattenTestCase
-class TestSerialization(FlattenTestCase):
- """
- Tests for flattening various things.
- """
- def test_nestedTags(self):
- """
- Test that nested tags flatten correctly.
- """
- return self.assertFlattensTo(
- tags.html(tags.body('42'), hi='there'),
- '<html hi="there"><body>42</body></html>')
- def test_serializeString(self):
- """
- Test that strings will be flattened and escaped correctly.
- """
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlattensTo('one', 'one'),
- self.assertFlattensTo('<abc&&>123', '&lt;abc&amp;&amp;&gt;123'),
- ])
- def test_serializeSelfClosingTags(self):
- """
- Test that some tags are normally written out as self-closing tags.
- """
- return self.assertFlattensTo(tags.img(src='test'), '<img src="test" />')
- def test_serializeComment(self):
- """
- Test that comments are correctly flattened and escaped.
- """
- return self.assertFlattensTo(Comment('foo bar'), '<!--foo bar-->'),
- def test_commentEscaping(self):
- """
- The data in a L{Comment} is escaped and mangled in the flattened output
- so that the result is a legal SGML and XML comment.
- SGML comment syntax is complicated and hard to use. This rule is more
- restrictive, and more compatible:
- Comments start with <!-- and end with --> and never contain -- or >.
- Also by XML syntax, a comment may not end with '-'.
- @see: U{http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-comments}
- """
- def verifyComment(c):
- self.assertTrue(
- c.startswith('<!--'),
- "%r does not start with the comment prefix" % (c,))
- self.assertTrue(
- c.endswith('-->'),
- "%r does not end with the comment suffix" % (c,))
- # If it is shorter than 7, then the prefix and suffix overlap
- # illegally.
- self.assertTrue(
- len(c) >= 7,
- "%r is too short to be a legal comment" % (c,))
- content = c[4:-3]
- self.assertNotIn('--', content)
- self.assertNotIn('>', content)
- if content:
- self.assertNotEqual(content[-1], '-')
- results = []
- for c in [
- '',
- 'foo---bar',
- 'foo---bar-',
- 'foo>bar',
- 'foo-->bar',
- '----------------',
- ]:
- d = flattenString(None, Comment(c))
- d.addCallback(verifyComment)
- results.append(d)
- return gatherResults(results)
- def test_serializeCDATA(self):
- """
- Test that CDATA is correctly flattened and escaped.
- """
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlattensTo(CDATA('foo bar'), '<![CDATA[foo bar]]>'),
- self.assertFlattensTo(
- CDATA('foo ]]> bar'),
- '<![CDATA[foo ]]]]><![CDATA[> bar]]>'),
- ])
- def test_serializeUnicode(self):
- """
- Test that unicode is encoded correctly in the appropriate places, and
- raises an error when it occurs in inappropriate place.
- """
- snowman = u'\N{SNOWMAN}'
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlattensTo(snowman, '\xe2\x98\x83'),
- self.assertFlattensTo(tags.p(snowman), '<p>\xe2\x98\x83</p>'),
- self.assertFlattensTo(Comment(snowman), '<!--\xe2\x98\x83-->'),
- self.assertFlattensTo(CDATA(snowman), '<![CDATA[\xe2\x98\x83]]>'),
- self.assertFlatteningRaises(
- Tag(snowman), UnicodeEncodeError),
- self.assertFlatteningRaises(
- Tag('p', attributes={snowman: ''}), UnicodeEncodeError),
- ])
- def test_serializeCharRef(self):
- """
- A character reference is flattened to a string using the I{&#NNNN;}
- syntax.
- """
- ref = CharRef(ord(u"\N{SNOWMAN}"))
- return self.assertFlattensTo(ref, "&#9731;")
- def test_serializeDeferred(self):
- """
- Test that a deferred is substituted with the current value in the
- callback chain when flattened.
- """
- return self.assertFlattensTo(succeed('two'), 'two')
- def test_serializeSameDeferredTwice(self):
- """
- Test that the same deferred can be flattened twice.
- """
- d = succeed('three')
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlattensTo(d, 'three'),
- self.assertFlattensTo(d, 'three'),
- ])
- def test_serializeIRenderable(self):
- """
- Test that flattening respects all of the IRenderable interface.
- """
- class FakeElement(object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- def render(ign,ored):
- return tags.p(
- 'hello, ',
- tags.transparent(render='test'), ' - ',
- tags.transparent(render='test'))
- def lookupRenderMethod(ign, name):
- self.assertEqual(name, 'test')
- return lambda ign, node: node('world')
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlattensTo(FakeElement(), '<p>hello, world - world</p>'),
- ])
- def test_serializeSlots(self):
- """
- Test that flattening a slot will use the slot value from the tag.
- """
- t1 = tags.p(slot('test'))
- t2 = t1.clone()
- t2.fillSlots(test='hello, world')
- return gatherResults([
- self.assertFlatteningRaises(t1, UnfilledSlot),
- self.assertFlattensTo(t2, '<p>hello, world</p>'),
- ])
- def test_serializeDeferredSlots(self):
- """
- Test that a slot with a deferred as its value will be flattened using
- the value from the deferred.
- """
- t = tags.p(slot('test'))
- t.fillSlots(test=succeed(tags.em('four>')))
- return self.assertFlattensTo(t, '<p><em>four&gt;</em></p>')
- def test_unknownTypeRaises(self):
- """
- Test that flattening an unknown type of thing raises an exception.
- """
- return self.assertFlatteningRaises(None, UnsupportedType)
-# Use the co_filename mechanism (instead of the __file__ mechanism) because
-# it is the mechanism traceback formatting uses. The two do not necessarily
-# agree with each other. This requires a code object compiled in this file.
-# The easiest way to get a code object is with a new function. I'll use a
-# lambda to avoid adding anything else to this namespace. The result will
-# be a string which agrees with the one the traceback module will put into a
-# traceback for frames associated with functions defined in this file.
-HERE = (lambda: None).func_code.co_filename
-class FlattenerErrorTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{FlattenerError}.
- """
- def test_string(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a string root, up to around 40
- bytes from that string are included in the string representation of the
- exception.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(RuntimeError("reason"), ['abc123xyz'], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " 'abc123xyz'\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(
- RuntimeError("reason"), ['0123456789' * 10], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " '01234567890123456789<...>01234567890123456789'\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- def test_unicode(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a unicode root, up to around 40
- characters from that string are included in the string representation
- of the exception.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(
- RuntimeError("reason"), [u'abc\N{SNOWMAN}xyz'], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " u'abc\\u2603xyz'\n" # Codepoint for SNOWMAN
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(
- RuntimeError("reason"), [u'01234567\N{SNOWMAN}9' * 10],
- [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " u'01234567\\u2603901234567\\u26039<...>01234567\\u2603901234567"
- "\\u26039'\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- def test_renderable(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with an L{IRenderable} provider root,
- the repr of that object is included in the string representation of the
- exception.
- """
- class Renderable(object):
- implements(IRenderable)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "renderable repr"
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(
- RuntimeError("reason"), [Renderable()], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " renderable repr\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- def test_tag(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a L{Tag} instance with source
- location information, the source location is included in the string
- representation of the exception.
- """
- tag = Tag(
- 'div', filename='/foo/filename.xhtml', lineNumber=17, columnNumber=12)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(RuntimeError("reason"), [tag], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " File \"/foo/filename.xhtml\", line 17, column 12, in \"div\"\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- def test_tagWithoutLocation(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a L{Tag} instance without source
- location information, only the tagName is included in the string
- representation of the exception.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(RuntimeError("reason"), [Tag('span')], [])),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " Tag <span>\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n")
- def test_traceback(self):
- """
- If a L{FlattenerError} is created with traceback frames, they are
- included in the string representation of the exception.
- """
- # Try to be realistic in creating the data passed in for the traceback
- # frames.
- def f():
- g()
- def g():
- raise RuntimeError("reason")
- try:
- f()
- except RuntimeError, exc:
- # Get the traceback, minus the info for *this* frame
- tbinfo = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[1:]
- else:
- self.fail("f() must raise RuntimeError")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(FlattenerError(exc, [], tbinfo)),
- "Exception while flattening:\n"
- " File \"%s\", line %d, in f\n"
- " g()\n"
- " File \"%s\", line %d, in g\n"
- " raise RuntimeError(\"reason\")\n"
- "RuntimeError: reason\n" % (
- HERE, f.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1,
- HERE, g.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1))