path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/server.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 592 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/server.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_web -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This is a web-server which integrates with the twisted.internet
-# System Imports
-import warnings
-import string
-import types
-import copy
-import os
-from urllib import quote
-from zope.interface import implements
-from urllib import unquote
-#some useful constants
-# Twisted Imports
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.internet import address, task
-from twisted.web import iweb, http
-from twisted.python import log, reflect, failure, components
-from twisted import copyright
-from twisted.web import util as webutil, resource
-from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod
-from twisted.web.microdom import escape
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
-__all__ = [
- 'supportedMethods',
- 'Request',
- 'Session',
- 'Site',
- 'version',
-# backwards compatability
- Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
- "Please use twisted.web.http.datetimeToString instead",
- "twisted.web.server",
- "date_time_string")
- Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
- "Please use twisted.web.http.stringToDatetime instead",
- "twisted.web.server",
- "string_date_time")
-date_time_string = http.datetimeToString
-string_date_time = http.stringToDatetime
-# Support for other methods may be implemented on a per-resource basis.
-supportedMethods = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST')
-def _addressToTuple(addr):
- if isinstance(addr, address.IPv4Address):
- return ('INET', addr.host, addr.port)
- elif isinstance(addr, address.UNIXAddress):
- return ('UNIX', addr.name)
- else:
- return tuple(addr)
-class Request(pb.Copyable, http.Request, components.Componentized):
- """
- An HTTP request.
- @ivar defaultContentType: A C{str} giving the default I{Content-Type} value
- to send in responses if no other value is set. C{None} disables the
- default.
- """
- implements(iweb.IRequest)
- defaultContentType = "text/html"
- site = None
- appRootURL = None
- __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=issuer'
- _inFakeHead = False
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- http.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- components.Componentized.__init__(self)
- def getStateToCopyFor(self, issuer):
- x = self.__dict__.copy()
- del x['transport']
- # XXX refactor this attribute out; it's from protocol
- # del x['server']
- del x['channel']
- del x['content']
- del x['site']
- self.content.seek(0, 0)
- x['content_data'] = self.content.read()
- x['remote'] = pb.ViewPoint(issuer, self)
- # Address objects aren't jellyable
- x['host'] = _addressToTuple(x['host'])
- x['client'] = _addressToTuple(x['client'])
- # Header objects also aren't jellyable.
- x['requestHeaders'] = list(x['requestHeaders'].getAllRawHeaders())
- return x
- # HTML generation helpers
- def sibLink(self, name):
- "Return the text that links to a sibling of the requested resource."
- if self.postpath:
- return (len(self.postpath)*"../") + name
- else:
- return name
- def childLink(self, name):
- "Return the text that links to a child of the requested resource."
- lpp = len(self.postpath)
- if lpp > 1:
- return ((lpp-1)*"../") + name
- elif lpp == 1:
- return name
- else: # lpp == 0
- if len(self.prepath) and self.prepath[-1]:
- return self.prepath[-1] + '/' + name
- else:
- return name
- def process(self):
- "Process a request."
- # get site from channel
- self.site = self.channel.site
- # set various default headers
- self.setHeader('server', version)
- self.setHeader('date', http.datetimeToString())
- # Resource Identification
- self.prepath = []
- self.postpath = map(unquote, string.split(self.path[1:], '/'))
- try:
- resrc = self.site.getResourceFor(self)
- self.render(resrc)
- except:
- self.processingFailed(failure.Failure())
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Write data to the transport (if not responding to a HEAD request).
- @param data: A string to write to the response.
- """
- if not self.startedWriting:
- # Before doing the first write, check to see if a default
- # Content-Type header should be supplied.
- modified = self.code != http.NOT_MODIFIED
- contentType = self.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('content-type')
- if modified and contentType is None and self.defaultContentType is not None:
- self.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders(
- 'content-type', [self.defaultContentType])
- # Only let the write happen if we're not generating a HEAD response by
- # faking out the request method. Note, if we are doing that,
- # startedWriting will never be true, and the above logic may run
- # multiple times. It will only actually change the responseHeaders once
- # though, so it's still okay.
- if not self._inFakeHead:
- http.Request.write(self, data)
- def render(self, resrc):
- """
- Ask a resource to render itself.
- @param resrc: a L{twisted.web.resource.IResource}.
- """
- try:
- body = resrc.render(self)
- except UnsupportedMethod, e:
- allowedMethods = e.allowedMethods
- if (self.method == "HEAD") and ("GET" in allowedMethods):
- # We must support HEAD (RFC 2616, 5.1.1). If the
- # resource doesn't, fake it by giving the resource
- # a 'GET' request and then return only the headers,
- # not the body.
- log.msg("Using GET to fake a HEAD request for %s" %
- (resrc,))
- self.method = "GET"
- self._inFakeHead = True
- body = resrc.render(self)
- if body is NOT_DONE_YET:
- log.msg("Tried to fake a HEAD request for %s, but "
- "it got away from me." % resrc)
- # Oh well, I guess we won't include the content length.
- else:
- self.setHeader('content-length', str(len(body)))
- self._inFakeHead = False
- self.method = "HEAD"
- self.write('')
- self.finish()
- return
- if self.method in (supportedMethods):
- # We MUST include an Allow header
- # (RFC 2616, 10.4.6 and 14.7)
- self.setHeader('Allow', ', '.join(allowedMethods))
- s = ('''Your browser approached me (at %(URI)s) with'''
- ''' the method "%(method)s". I only allow'''
- ''' the method%(plural)s %(allowed)s here.''' % {
- 'URI': escape(self.uri),
- 'method': self.method,
- 'plural': ((len(allowedMethods) > 1) and 's') or '',
- 'allowed': string.join(allowedMethods, ', ')
- })
- epage = resource.ErrorPage(http.NOT_ALLOWED,
- "Method Not Allowed", s)
- body = epage.render(self)
- else:
- epage = resource.ErrorPage(
- http.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Huh?",
- "I don't know how to treat a %s request." %
- (escape(self.method),))
- body = epage.render(self)
- # end except UnsupportedMethod
- if body == NOT_DONE_YET:
- return
- if type(body) is not types.StringType:
- body = resource.ErrorPage(
- "Request did not return a string",
- "Request: " + html.PRE(reflect.safe_repr(self)) + "<br />" +
- "Resource: " + html.PRE(reflect.safe_repr(resrc)) + "<br />" +
- "Value: " + html.PRE(reflect.safe_repr(body))).render(self)
- if self.method == "HEAD":
- if len(body) > 0:
- # This is a Bad Thing (RFC 2616, 9.4)
- log.msg("Warning: HEAD request %s for resource %s is"
- " returning a message body."
- " I think I'll eat it."
- % (self, resrc))
- self.setHeader('content-length', str(len(body)))
- self.write('')
- else:
- self.setHeader('content-length', str(len(body)))
- self.write(body)
- self.finish()
- def processingFailed(self, reason):
- log.err(reason)
- if self.site.displayTracebacks:
- body = ("<html><head><title>web.Server Traceback (most recent call last)</title></head>"
- "<body><b>web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):</b>\n\n"
- "%s\n\n</body></html>\n"
- % webutil.formatFailure(reason))
- else:
- body = ("<html><head><title>Processing Failed</title></head><body>"
- "<b>Processing Failed</b></body></html>")
- self.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- self.setHeader('content-type',"text/html")
- self.setHeader('content-length', str(len(body)))
- self.write(body)
- self.finish()
- return reason
- def view_write(self, issuer, data):
- """Remote version of write; same interface.
- """
- self.write(data)
- def view_finish(self, issuer):
- """Remote version of finish; same interface.
- """
- self.finish()
- def view_addCookie(self, issuer, k, v, **kwargs):
- """Remote version of addCookie; same interface.
- """
- self.addCookie(k, v, **kwargs)
- def view_setHeader(self, issuer, k, v):
- """Remote version of setHeader; same interface.
- """
- self.setHeader(k, v)
- def view_setLastModified(self, issuer, when):
- """Remote version of setLastModified; same interface.
- """
- self.setLastModified(when)
- def view_setETag(self, issuer, tag):
- """Remote version of setETag; same interface.
- """
- self.setETag(tag)
- def view_setResponseCode(self, issuer, code, message=None):
- """
- Remote version of setResponseCode; same interface.
- """
- self.setResponseCode(code, message)
- def view_registerProducer(self, issuer, producer, streaming):
- """Remote version of registerProducer; same interface.
- (requires a remote producer.)
- """
- self.registerProducer(_RemoteProducerWrapper(producer), streaming)
- def view_unregisterProducer(self, issuer):
- self.unregisterProducer()
- ### these calls remain local
- session = None
- def getSession(self, sessionInterface = None):
- # Session management
- if not self.session:
- cookiename = string.join(['TWISTED_SESSION'] + self.sitepath, "_")
- sessionCookie = self.getCookie(cookiename)
- if sessionCookie:
- try:
- self.session = self.site.getSession(sessionCookie)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # if it still hasn't been set, fix it up.
- if not self.session:
- self.session = self.site.makeSession()
- self.addCookie(cookiename, self.session.uid, path='/')
- self.session.touch()
- if sessionInterface:
- return self.session.getComponent(sessionInterface)
- return self.session
- def _prePathURL(self, prepath):
- port = self.getHost().port
- if self.isSecure():
- default = 443
- else:
- default = 80
- if port == default:
- hostport = ''
- else:
- hostport = ':%d' % port
- return 'http%s://%s%s/%s' % (
- self.isSecure() and 's' or '',
- self.getRequestHostname(),
- hostport,
- '/'.join([quote(segment, safe='') for segment in prepath]))
- def prePathURL(self):
- return self._prePathURL(self.prepath)
- def URLPath(self):
- from twisted.python import urlpath
- return urlpath.URLPath.fromRequest(self)
- def rememberRootURL(self):
- """
- Remember the currently-processed part of the URL for later
- recalling.
- """
- url = self._prePathURL(self.prepath[:-1])
- self.appRootURL = url
- def getRootURL(self):
- """
- Get a previously-remembered URL.
- """
- return self.appRootURL
-class _RemoteProducerWrapper:
- def __init__(self, remote):
- self.resumeProducing = remote.remoteMethod("resumeProducing")
- self.pauseProducing = remote.remoteMethod("pauseProducing")
- self.stopProducing = remote.remoteMethod("stopProducing")
-class Session(components.Componentized):
- """
- A user's session with a system.
- This utility class contains no functionality, but is used to
- represent a session.
- @ivar _reactor: An object providing L{IReactorTime} to use for scheduling
- expiration.
- @ivar sessionTimeout: timeout of a session, in seconds.
- @ivar loopFactory: Deprecated in Twisted 9.0. Does nothing. Do not use.
- """
- sessionTimeout = 900
- loopFactory = task.LoopingCall
- _expireCall = None
- def __init__(self, site, uid, reactor=None):
- """
- Initialize a session with a unique ID for that session.
- """
- components.Componentized.__init__(self)
- if reactor is None:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self._reactor = reactor
- self.site = site
- self.uid = uid
- self.expireCallbacks = []
- self.touch()
- self.sessionNamespaces = {}
- def startCheckingExpiration(self, lifetime=None):
- """
- Start expiration tracking.
- @param lifetime: Ignored; deprecated.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- if lifetime is not None:
- warnings.warn(
- "The lifetime parameter to startCheckingExpiration is "
- "deprecated since Twisted 9.0. See Session.sessionTimeout "
- "instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- self._expireCall = self._reactor.callLater(
- self.sessionTimeout, self.expire)
- def notifyOnExpire(self, callback):
- """
- Call this callback when the session expires or logs out.
- """
- self.expireCallbacks.append(callback)
- def expire(self):
- """
- Expire/logout of the session.
- """
- del self.site.sessions[self.uid]
- for c in self.expireCallbacks:
- c()
- self.expireCallbacks = []
- if self._expireCall and self._expireCall.active():
- self._expireCall.cancel()
- # Break reference cycle.
- self._expireCall = None
- def touch(self):
- """
- Notify session modification.
- """
- self.lastModified = self._reactor.seconds()
- if self._expireCall is not None:
- self._expireCall.reset(self.sessionTimeout)
- def checkExpired(self):
- """
- Deprecated; does nothing.
- """
- warnings.warn(
- "Session.checkExpired is deprecated since Twisted 9.0; sessions "
- "check themselves now, you don't need to.",
- stacklevel=2, category=DeprecationWarning)
-version = "TwistedWeb/%s" % copyright.version
-class Site(http.HTTPFactory):
- """
- A web site: manage log, sessions, and resources.
- @ivar counter: increment value used for generating unique sessions ID.
- @ivar requestFactory: factory creating requests objects. Default to
- L{Request}.
- @ivar displayTracebacks: if set, Twisted internal errors are displayed on
- rendered pages. Default to C{True}.
- @ivar sessionFactory: factory for sessions objects. Default to L{Session}.
- @ivar sessionCheckTime: Deprecated. See L{Session.sessionTimeout} instead.
- """
- counter = 0
- requestFactory = Request
- displayTracebacks = True
- sessionFactory = Session
- sessionCheckTime = 1800
- def __init__(self, resource, logPath=None, timeout=60*60*12):
- """
- Initialize.
- """
- http.HTTPFactory.__init__(self, logPath=logPath, timeout=timeout)
- self.sessions = {}
- self.resource = resource
- def _openLogFile(self, path):
- from twisted.python import logfile
- return logfile.LogFile(os.path.basename(path), os.path.dirname(path))
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- d['sessions'] = {}
- return d
- def _mkuid(self):
- """
- (internal) Generate an opaque, unique ID for a user's session.
- """
- from twisted.python.hashlib import md5
- import random
- self.counter = self.counter + 1
- return md5("%s_%s" % (str(random.random()) , str(self.counter))).hexdigest()
- def makeSession(self):
- """
- Generate a new Session instance, and store it for future reference.
- """
- uid = self._mkuid()
- session = self.sessions[uid] = self.sessionFactory(self, uid)
- session.startCheckingExpiration()
- return session
- def getSession(self, uid):
- """
- Get a previously generated session, by its unique ID.
- This raises a KeyError if the session is not found.
- """
- return self.sessions[uid]
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- """
- Generate a channel attached to this site.
- """
- channel = http.HTTPFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
- channel.requestFactory = self.requestFactory
- channel.site = self
- return channel
- isLeaf = 0
- def render(self, request):
- """
- Redirect because a Site is always a directory.
- """
- request.redirect(request.prePathURL() + '/')
- request.finish()
- def getChildWithDefault(self, pathEl, request):
- """
- Emulate a resource's getChild method.
- """
- request.site = self
- return self.resource.getChildWithDefault(pathEl, request)
- def getResourceFor(self, request):
- """
- Get a resource for a request.
- This iterates through the resource heirarchy, calling
- getChildWithDefault on each resource it finds for a path element,
- stopping when it hits an element where isLeaf is true.
- """
- request.site = self
- # Sitepath is used to determine cookie names between distributed
- # servers and disconnected sites.
- request.sitepath = copy.copy(request.prepath)
- return resource.getChildForRequest(self.resource, request)
-import html