path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/domhelpers.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/domhelpers.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/domhelpers.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/domhelpers.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/domhelpers.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_domhelpers -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-A library for performing interesting tasks with DOM objects.
-import StringIO
-from twisted.web import microdom
-from twisted.web.microdom import getElementsByTagName, escape, unescape
-class NodeLookupError(Exception):
- pass
-def substitute(request, node, subs):
- """
- Look through the given node's children for strings, and
- attempt to do string substitution with the given parameter.
- """
- for child in node.childNodes:
- if hasattr(child, 'nodeValue') and child.nodeValue:
- child.replaceData(0, len(child.nodeValue), child.nodeValue % subs)
- substitute(request, child, subs)
-def _get(node, nodeId, nodeAttrs=('id','class','model','pattern')):
- """
- (internal) Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
- C{id} or C{pattern} attributes.
- """
- if hasattr(node, 'hasAttributes') and node.hasAttributes():
- for nodeAttr in nodeAttrs:
- if (str (node.getAttribute(nodeAttr)) == nodeId):
- return node
- if node.hasChildNodes():
- if hasattr(node.childNodes, 'length'):
- length = node.childNodes.length
- else:
- length = len(node.childNodes)
- for childNum in range(length):
- result = _get(node.childNodes[childNum], nodeId)
- if result: return result
-def get(node, nodeId):
- """
- Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
- C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, raise
- L{NodeLookupError}.
- """
- result = _get(node, nodeId)
- if result: return result
- raise NodeLookupError, nodeId
-def getIfExists(node, nodeId):
- """
- Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
- C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, return
- C{None}.
- """
- return _get(node, nodeId)
-def getAndClear(node, nodeId):
- """Get a node with the specified C{nodeId} as any of the C{class},
- C{id} or C{pattern} attributes. If there is no such node, raise
- L{NodeLookupError}. Remove all child nodes before returning.
- """
- result = get(node, nodeId)
- if result:
- clearNode(result)
- return result
-def clearNode(node):
- """
- Remove all children from the given node.
- """
- node.childNodes[:] = []
-def locateNodes(nodeList, key, value, noNesting=1):
- """
- Find subnodes in the given node where the given attribute
- has the given value.
- """
- returnList = []
- if not isinstance(nodeList, type([])):
- return locateNodes(nodeList.childNodes, key, value, noNesting)
- for childNode in nodeList:
- if not hasattr(childNode, 'getAttribute'):
- continue
- if str(childNode.getAttribute(key)) == value:
- returnList.append(childNode)
- if noNesting:
- continue
- returnList.extend(locateNodes(childNode, key, value, noNesting))
- return returnList
-def superSetAttribute(node, key, value):
- if not hasattr(node, 'setAttribute'): return
- node.setAttribute(key, value)
- if node.hasChildNodes():
- for child in node.childNodes:
- superSetAttribute(child, key, value)
-def superPrependAttribute(node, key, value):
- if not hasattr(node, 'setAttribute'): return
- old = node.getAttribute(key)
- if old:
- node.setAttribute(key, value+'/'+old)
- else:
- node.setAttribute(key, value)
- if node.hasChildNodes():
- for child in node.childNodes:
- superPrependAttribute(child, key, value)
-def superAppendAttribute(node, key, value):
- if not hasattr(node, 'setAttribute'): return
- old = node.getAttribute(key)
- if old:
- node.setAttribute(key, old + '/' + value)
- else:
- node.setAttribute(key, value)
- if node.hasChildNodes():
- for child in node.childNodes:
- superAppendAttribute(child, key, value)
-def gatherTextNodes(iNode, dounescape=0, joinWith=""):
- """Visit each child node and collect its text data, if any, into a string.
-For example::
- >>> doc=microdom.parseString('<a>1<b>2<c>3</c>4</b></a>')
- >>> gatherTextNodes(doc.documentElement)
- '1234'
-With dounescape=1, also convert entities back into normal characters.
-@return: the gathered nodes as a single string
-@rtype: str
- gathered=[]
- gathered_append=gathered.append
- slice=[iNode]
- while len(slice)>0:
- c=slice.pop(0)
- if hasattr(c, 'nodeValue') and c.nodeValue is not None:
- if dounescape:
- val=unescape(c.nodeValue)
- else:
- val=c.nodeValue
- gathered_append(val)
- slice[:0]=c.childNodes
- return joinWith.join(gathered)
-class RawText(microdom.Text):
- """This is an evil and horrible speed hack. Basically, if you have a big
- chunk of XML that you want to insert into the DOM, but you don't want to
- incur the cost of parsing it, you can construct one of these and insert it
- into the DOM. This will most certainly only work with microdom as the API
- for converting nodes to xml is different in every DOM implementation.
- This could be improved by making this class a Lazy parser, so if you
- inserted this into the DOM and then later actually tried to mutate this
- node, it would be parsed then.
- """
- def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl="", strip=0, nsprefixes=None, namespace=None):
- writer.write("%s%s%s" % (indent, self.data, newl))
-def findNodes(parent, matcher, accum=None):
- if accum is None:
- accum = []
- if not parent.hasChildNodes():
- return accum
- for child in parent.childNodes:
- # print child, child.nodeType, child.nodeName
- if matcher(child):
- accum.append(child)
- findNodes(child, matcher, accum)
- return accum
-def findNodesShallowOnMatch(parent, matcher, recurseMatcher, accum=None):
- if accum is None:
- accum = []
- if not parent.hasChildNodes():
- return accum
- for child in parent.childNodes:
- # print child, child.nodeType, child.nodeName
- if matcher(child):
- accum.append(child)
- if recurseMatcher(child):
- findNodesShallowOnMatch(child, matcher, recurseMatcher, accum)
- return accum
-def findNodesShallow(parent, matcher, accum=None):
- if accum is None:
- accum = []
- if not parent.hasChildNodes():
- return accum
- for child in parent.childNodes:
- if matcher(child):
- accum.append(child)
- else:
- findNodes(child, matcher, accum)
- return accum
-def findElementsWithAttributeShallow(parent, attribute):
- """
- Return an iterable of the elements which are direct children of C{parent}
- and which have the C{attribute} attribute.
- """
- return findNodesShallow(parent,
- lambda n: getattr(n, 'tagName', None) is not None and
- n.hasAttribute(attribute))
-def findElements(parent, matcher):
- """
- Return an iterable of the elements which are children of C{parent} for
- which the predicate C{matcher} returns true.
- """
- return findNodes(
- parent,
- lambda n, matcher=matcher: getattr(n, 'tagName', None) is not None and
- matcher(n))
-def findElementsWithAttribute(parent, attribute, value=None):
- if value:
- return findElements(
- parent,
- lambda n, attribute=attribute, value=value:
- n.hasAttribute(attribute) and n.getAttribute(attribute) == value)
- else:
- return findElements(
- parent,
- lambda n, attribute=attribute: n.hasAttribute(attribute))
-def findNodesNamed(parent, name):
- return findNodes(parent, lambda n, name=name: n.nodeName == name)
-def writeNodeData(node, oldio):
- for subnode in node.childNodes:
- if hasattr(subnode, 'data'):
- oldio.write(subnode.data)
- else:
- writeNodeData(subnode, oldio)
-def getNodeText(node):
- oldio = StringIO.StringIO()
- writeNodeData(node, oldio)
- return oldio.getvalue()
-def getParents(node):
- l = []
- while node:
- l.append(node)
- node = node.parentNode
- return l
-def namedChildren(parent, nodeName):
- """namedChildren(parent, nodeName) -> children (not descendants) of parent
- that have tagName == nodeName
- """
- return [n for n in parent.childNodes if getattr(n, 'tagName', '')==nodeName]