path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/client.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/client.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1600 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/client.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/client.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/client.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_webclient -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-HTTP client.
-import os, types
-from urlparse import urlunparse
-from urllib import splithost, splittype
-import zlib
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.web import http
-from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, task, reactor
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IProtocol
-from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint
-from twisted.python import failure
-from twisted.python.util import InsensitiveDict
-from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface
-from twisted.web import error
-from twisted.web.iweb import UNKNOWN_LENGTH, IBodyProducer, IResponse
-from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-class PartialDownloadError(error.Error):
- """
- Page was only partially downloaded, we got disconnected in middle.
- @ivar response: All of the response body which was downloaded.
- """
-class HTTPPageGetter(http.HTTPClient):
- """
- Gets a resource via HTTP, then quits.
- Typically used with L{HTTPClientFactory}. Note that this class does not, by
- itself, do anything with the response. If you want to download a resource
- into a file, use L{HTTPPageDownloader} instead.
- @ivar _completelyDone: A boolean indicating whether any further requests are
- necessary after this one completes in order to provide a result to
- C{self.factory.deferred}. If it is C{False}, then a redirect is going
- to be followed. Otherwise, this protocol's connection is the last one
- before firing the result Deferred. This is used to make sure the result
- Deferred is only fired after the connection is cleaned up.
- """
- quietLoss = 0
- followRedirect = True
- failed = 0
- _completelyDone = True
- _specialHeaders = set(('host', 'user-agent', 'cookie', 'content-length'))
- def connectionMade(self):
- method = getattr(self.factory, 'method', 'GET')
- self.sendCommand(method, self.factory.path)
- if self.factory.scheme == 'http' and self.factory.port != 80:
- host = '%s:%s' % (self.factory.host, self.factory.port)
- elif self.factory.scheme == 'https' and self.factory.port != 443:
- host = '%s:%s' % (self.factory.host, self.factory.port)
- else:
- host = self.factory.host
- self.sendHeader('Host', self.factory.headers.get("host", host))
- self.sendHeader('User-Agent', self.factory.agent)
- data = getattr(self.factory, 'postdata', None)
- if data is not None:
- self.sendHeader("Content-Length", str(len(data)))
- cookieData = []
- for (key, value) in self.factory.headers.items():
- if key.lower() not in self._specialHeaders:
- # we calculated it on our own
- self.sendHeader(key, value)
- if key.lower() == 'cookie':
- cookieData.append(value)
- for cookie, cookval in self.factory.cookies.items():
- cookieData.append('%s=%s' % (cookie, cookval))
- if cookieData:
- self.sendHeader('Cookie', '; '.join(cookieData))
- self.endHeaders()
- self.headers = {}
- if data is not None:
- self.transport.write(data)
- def handleHeader(self, key, value):
- """
- Called every time a header is received. Stores the header information
- as key-value pairs in the C{headers} attribute.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param key: An HTTP header field name.
- @type value: C{str}
- @param value: An HTTP header field value.
- """
- key = key.lower()
- l = self.headers.setdefault(key, [])
- l.append(value)
- def handleStatus(self, version, status, message):
- self.version, self.status, self.message = version, status, message
- self.factory.gotStatus(version, status, message)
- def handleEndHeaders(self):
- self.factory.gotHeaders(self.headers)
- m = getattr(self, 'handleStatus_'+self.status, self.handleStatusDefault)
- m()
- def handleStatus_200(self):
- pass
- handleStatus_201 = lambda self: self.handleStatus_200()
- handleStatus_202 = lambda self: self.handleStatus_200()
- def handleStatusDefault(self):
- self.failed = 1
- def handleStatus_301(self):
- l = self.headers.get('location')
- if not l:
- self.handleStatusDefault()
- return
- url = l[0]
- if self.followRedirect:
- scheme, host, port, path = \
- _parse(url, defaultPort=self.transport.getPeer().port)
- self.factory._redirectCount += 1
- if self.factory._redirectCount >= self.factory.redirectLimit:
- err = error.InfiniteRedirection(
- self.status,
- 'Infinite redirection detected',
- location=url)
- self.factory.noPage(failure.Failure(err))
- self.quietLoss = True
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- return
- self._completelyDone = False
- self.factory.setURL(url)
- if self.factory.scheme == 'https':
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
- reactor.connectSSL(self.factory.host, self.factory.port,
- self.factory, contextFactory)
- else:
- reactor.connectTCP(self.factory.host, self.factory.port,
- self.factory)
- else:
- self.handleStatusDefault()
- self.factory.noPage(
- failure.Failure(
- error.PageRedirect(
- self.status, self.message, location = url)))
- self.quietLoss = True
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def handleStatus_302(self):
- if self.afterFoundGet:
- self.handleStatus_303()
- else:
- self.handleStatus_301()
- def handleStatus_303(self):
- self.factory.method = 'GET'
- self.handleStatus_301()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- When the connection used to issue the HTTP request is closed, notify the
- factory if we have not already, so it can produce a result.
- """
- if not self.quietLoss:
- http.HTTPClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
- self.factory.noPage(reason)
- if self._completelyDone:
- # Only if we think we're completely done do we tell the factory that
- # we're "disconnected". This way when we're following redirects,
- # only the last protocol used will fire the _disconnectedDeferred.
- self.factory._disconnectedDeferred.callback(None)
- def handleResponse(self, response):
- if self.quietLoss:
- return
- if self.failed:
- self.factory.noPage(
- failure.Failure(
- error.Error(
- self.status, self.message, response)))
- if self.factory.method == 'HEAD':
- # Callback with empty string, since there is never a response
- # body for HEAD requests.
- self.factory.page('')
- elif self.length != None and self.length != 0:
- self.factory.noPage(failure.Failure(
- PartialDownloadError(self.status, self.message, response)))
- else:
- self.factory.page(response)
- # server might be stupid and not close connection. admittedly
- # the fact we do only one request per connection is also
- # stupid...
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def timeout(self):
- self.quietLoss = True
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- self.factory.noPage(defer.TimeoutError("Getting %s took longer than %s seconds." % (self.factory.url, self.factory.timeout)))
-class HTTPPageDownloader(HTTPPageGetter):
- transmittingPage = 0
- def handleStatus_200(self, partialContent=0):
- HTTPPageGetter.handleStatus_200(self)
- self.transmittingPage = 1
- self.factory.pageStart(partialContent)
- def handleStatus_206(self):
- self.handleStatus_200(partialContent=1)
- def handleResponsePart(self, data):
- if self.transmittingPage:
- self.factory.pagePart(data)
- def handleResponseEnd(self):
- if self.length:
- self.transmittingPage = 0
- self.factory.noPage(
- failure.Failure(
- PartialDownloadError(self.status)))
- if self.transmittingPage:
- self.factory.pageEnd()
- self.transmittingPage = 0
- if self.failed:
- self.factory.noPage(
- failure.Failure(
- error.Error(
- self.status, self.message, None)))
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-class HTTPClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- """Download a given URL.
- @type deferred: Deferred
- @ivar deferred: A Deferred that will fire when the content has
- been retrieved. Once this is fired, the ivars `status', `version',
- and `message' will be set.
- @type status: str
- @ivar status: The status of the response.
- @type version: str
- @ivar version: The version of the response.
- @type message: str
- @ivar message: The text message returned with the status.
- @type response_headers: dict
- @ivar response_headers: The headers that were specified in the
- response from the server.
- @type method: str
- @ivar method: The HTTP method to use in the request. This should be one of
- matters). Other values may be specified if the server being contacted
- supports them.
- @type redirectLimit: int
- @ivar redirectLimit: The maximum number of HTTP redirects that can occur
- before it is assumed that the redirection is endless.
- @type afterFoundGet: C{bool}
- @ivar afterFoundGet: Deviate from the HTTP 1.1 RFC by handling redirects
- the same way as most web browsers; if the request method is POST and a
- 302 status is encountered, the redirect is followed with a GET method
- @type _redirectCount: int
- @ivar _redirectCount: The current number of HTTP redirects encountered.
- @ivar _disconnectedDeferred: A L{Deferred} which only fires after the last
- connection associated with the request (redirects may cause multiple
- connections to be required) has closed. The result Deferred will only
- fire after this Deferred, so that callers can be assured that there are
- no more event sources in the reactor once they get the result.
- """
- protocol = HTTPPageGetter
- url = None
- scheme = None
- host = ''
- port = None
- path = None
- def __init__(self, url, method='GET', postdata=None, headers=None,
- agent="Twisted PageGetter", timeout=0, cookies=None,
- followRedirect=True, redirectLimit=20,
- afterFoundGet=False):
- self.followRedirect = followRedirect
- self.redirectLimit = redirectLimit
- self._redirectCount = 0
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.agent = agent
- self.afterFoundGet = afterFoundGet
- if cookies is None:
- cookies = {}
- self.cookies = cookies
- if headers is not None:
- self.headers = InsensitiveDict(headers)
- else:
- self.headers = InsensitiveDict()
- if postdata is not None:
- self.headers.setdefault('Content-Length', len(postdata))
- # just in case a broken http/1.1 decides to keep connection alive
- self.headers.setdefault("connection", "close")
- self.postdata = postdata
- self.method = method
- self.setURL(url)
- self.waiting = 1
- self._disconnectedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- # Make sure the first callback on the result Deferred pauses the
- # callback chain until the request connection is closed.
- self.deferred.addBoth(self._waitForDisconnect)
- self.response_headers = None
- def _waitForDisconnect(self, passthrough):
- """
- Chain onto the _disconnectedDeferred, preserving C{passthrough}, so that
- the result is only available after the associated connection has been
- closed.
- """
- self._disconnectedDeferred.addCallback(lambda ignored: passthrough)
- return self._disconnectedDeferred
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.url)
- def setURL(self, url):
- self.url = url
- scheme, host, port, path = _parse(url)
- if scheme and host:
- self.scheme = scheme
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.path = path
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = protocol.ClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
- p.followRedirect = self.followRedirect
- p.afterFoundGet = self.afterFoundGet
- if self.timeout:
- timeoutCall = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, p.timeout)
- self.deferred.addBoth(self._cancelTimeout, timeoutCall)
- return p
- def _cancelTimeout(self, result, timeoutCall):
- if timeoutCall.active():
- timeoutCall.cancel()
- return result
- def gotHeaders(self, headers):
- self.response_headers = headers
- if 'set-cookie' in headers:
- for cookie in headers['set-cookie']:
- cookparts = cookie.split(';')
- cook = cookparts[0]
- cook.lstrip()
- k, v = cook.split('=', 1)
- self.cookies[k.lstrip()] = v.lstrip()
- def gotStatus(self, version, status, message):
- self.version, self.status, self.message = version, status, message
- def page(self, page):
- if self.waiting:
- self.waiting = 0
- self.deferred.callback(page)
- def noPage(self, reason):
- if self.waiting:
- self.waiting = 0
- self.deferred.errback(reason)
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, _, reason):
- """
- When a connection attempt fails, the request cannot be issued. If no
- result has yet been provided to the result Deferred, provide the
- connection failure reason as an error result.
- """
- if self.waiting:
- self.waiting = 0
- # If the connection attempt failed, there is nothing more to
- # disconnect, so just fire that Deferred now.
- self._disconnectedDeferred.callback(None)
- self.deferred.errback(reason)
-class HTTPDownloader(HTTPClientFactory):
- """Download to a file."""
- protocol = HTTPPageDownloader
- value = None
- def __init__(self, url, fileOrName,
- method='GET', postdata=None, headers=None,
- agent="Twisted client", supportPartial=0,
- timeout=0, cookies=None, followRedirect=1,
- redirectLimit=20, afterFoundGet=False):
- self.requestedPartial = 0
- if isinstance(fileOrName, types.StringTypes):
- self.fileName = fileOrName
- self.file = None
- if supportPartial and os.path.exists(self.fileName):
- fileLength = os.path.getsize(self.fileName)
- if fileLength:
- self.requestedPartial = fileLength
- if headers == None:
- headers = {}
- headers["range"] = "bytes=%d-" % fileLength
- else:
- self.file = fileOrName
- HTTPClientFactory.__init__(
- self, url, method=method, postdata=postdata, headers=headers,
- agent=agent, timeout=timeout, cookies=cookies,
- followRedirect=followRedirect, redirectLimit=redirectLimit,
- afterFoundGet=afterFoundGet)
- def gotHeaders(self, headers):
- HTTPClientFactory.gotHeaders(self, headers)
- if self.requestedPartial:
- contentRange = headers.get("content-range", None)
- if not contentRange:
- # server doesn't support partial requests, oh well
- self.requestedPartial = 0
- return
- start, end, realLength = http.parseContentRange(contentRange[0])
- if start != self.requestedPartial:
- # server is acting wierdly
- self.requestedPartial = 0
- def openFile(self, partialContent):
- if partialContent:
- file = open(self.fileName, 'rb+')
- file.seek(0, 2)
- else:
- file = open(self.fileName, 'wb')
- return file
- def pageStart(self, partialContent):
- """Called on page download start.
- @param partialContent: tells us if the download is partial download we requested.
- """
- if partialContent and not self.requestedPartial:
- raise ValueError, "we shouldn't get partial content response if we didn't want it!"
- if self.waiting:
- try:
- if not self.file:
- self.file = self.openFile(partialContent)
- except IOError:
- #raise
- self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure())
- def pagePart(self, data):
- if not self.file:
- return
- try:
- self.file.write(data)
- except IOError:
- #raise
- self.file = None
- self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure())
- def noPage(self, reason):
- """
- Close the storage file and errback the waiting L{Deferred} with the
- given reason.
- """
- if self.waiting:
- self.waiting = 0
- if self.file:
- try:
- self.file.close()
- except:
- log.err(None, "Error closing HTTPDownloader file")
- self.deferred.errback(reason)
- def pageEnd(self):
- self.waiting = 0
- if not self.file:
- return
- try:
- self.file.close()
- except IOError:
- self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure())
- return
- self.deferred.callback(self.value)
-class _URL(tuple):
- """
- A parsed URL.
- At some point this should be replaced with a better URL implementation.
- """
- def __new__(self, scheme, host, port, path):
- return tuple.__new__(_URL, (scheme, host, port, path))
- def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, path):
- self.scheme = scheme
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.path = path
-def _parse(url, defaultPort=None):
- """
- Split the given URL into the scheme, host, port, and path.
- @type url: C{str}
- @param url: An URL to parse.
- @type defaultPort: C{int} or C{None}
- @param defaultPort: An alternate value to use as the port if the URL does
- not include one.
- @return: A four-tuple of the scheme, host, port, and path of the URL. All
- of these are C{str} instances except for port, which is an C{int}.
- """
- url = url.strip()
- parsed = http.urlparse(url)
- scheme = parsed[0]
- path = urlunparse(('', '') + parsed[2:])
- if defaultPort is None:
- if scheme == 'https':
- defaultPort = 443
- else:
- defaultPort = 80
- host, port = parsed[1], defaultPort
- if ':' in host:
- host, port = host.split(':')
- try:
- port = int(port)
- except ValueError:
- port = defaultPort
- if path == '':
- path = '/'
- return _URL(scheme, host, port, path)
-def _makeGetterFactory(url, factoryFactory, contextFactory=None,
- *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Create and connect an HTTP page getting factory.
- Any additional positional or keyword arguments are used when calling
- C{factoryFactory}.
- @param factoryFactory: Factory factory that is called with C{url}, C{args}
- and C{kwargs} to produce the getter
- @param contextFactory: Context factory to use when creating a secure
- connection, defaulting to C{None}
- @return: The factory created by C{factoryFactory}
- """
- scheme, host, port, path = _parse(url)
- factory = factoryFactory(url, *args, **kwargs)
- if scheme == 'https':
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- if contextFactory is None:
- contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
- reactor.connectSSL(host, port, factory, contextFactory)
- else:
- reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory)
- return factory
-def getPage(url, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Download a web page as a string.
- Download a page. Return a deferred, which will callback with a
- page (as a string) or errback with a description of the error.
- See L{HTTPClientFactory} to see what extra arguments can be passed.
- """
- return _makeGetterFactory(
- url,
- HTTPClientFactory,
- contextFactory=contextFactory,
- *args, **kwargs).deferred
-def downloadPage(url, file, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Download a web page to a file.
- @param file: path to file on filesystem, or file-like object.
- See HTTPDownloader to see what extra args can be passed.
- """
- factoryFactory = lambda url, *a, **kw: HTTPDownloader(url, file, *a, **kw)
- return _makeGetterFactory(
- url,
- factoryFactory,
- contextFactory=contextFactory,
- *args, **kwargs).deferred
-# The code which follows is based on the new HTTP client implementation. It
-# should be significantly better than anything above, though it is not yet
-# feature equivalent.
-from twisted.web.error import SchemeNotSupported
-from twisted.web._newclient import Request, Response, HTTP11ClientProtocol
-from twisted.web._newclient import ResponseDone, ResponseFailed
-from twisted.web._newclient import RequestNotSent, RequestTransmissionFailed
-from twisted.web._newclient import ResponseNeverReceived
- from twisted.internet.ssl import ClientContextFactory
-except ImportError:
- class WebClientContextFactory(object):
- """
- A web context factory which doesn't work because the necessary SSL
- support is missing.
- """
- def getContext(self, hostname, port):
- raise NotImplementedError("SSL support unavailable")
- class WebClientContextFactory(ClientContextFactory):
- """
- A web context factory which ignores the hostname and port and does no
- certificate verification.
- """
- def getContext(self, hostname, port):
- return ClientContextFactory.getContext(self)
-class _WebToNormalContextFactory(object):
- """
- Adapt a web context factory to a normal context factory.
- @ivar _webContext: A web context factory which accepts a hostname and port
- number to its C{getContext} method.
- @ivar _hostname: The hostname which will be passed to
- C{_webContext.getContext}.
- @ivar _port: The port number which will be passed to
- C{_webContext.getContext}.
- """
- def __init__(self, webContext, hostname, port):
- self._webContext = webContext
- self._hostname = hostname
- self._port = port
- def getContext(self):
- """
- Called the wrapped web context factory's C{getContext} method with a
- hostname and port number and return the resulting context object.
- """
- return self._webContext.getContext(self._hostname, self._port)
-class FileBodyProducer(object):
- """
- L{FileBodyProducer} produces bytes from an input file object incrementally
- and writes them to a consumer.
- Since file-like objects cannot be read from in an event-driven manner,
- L{FileBodyProducer} uses a L{Cooperator} instance to schedule reads from
- the file. This process is also paused and resumed based on notifications
- from the L{IConsumer} provider being written to.
- The file is closed after it has been read, or if the producer is stopped
- early.
- @ivar _inputFile: Any file-like object, bytes read from which will be
- written to a consumer.
- @ivar _cooperate: A method like L{Cooperator.cooperate} which is used to
- schedule all reads.
- @ivar _readSize: The number of bytes to read from C{_inputFile} at a time.
- """
- implements(IBodyProducer)
- # Python 2.4 doesn't have these symbolic constants
- _SEEK_SET = getattr(os, 'SEEK_SET', 0)
- _SEEK_END = getattr(os, 'SEEK_END', 2)
- def __init__(self, inputFile, cooperator=task, readSize=2 ** 16):
- self._inputFile = inputFile
- self._cooperate = cooperator.cooperate
- self._readSize = readSize
- self.length = self._determineLength(inputFile)
- def _determineLength(self, fObj):
- """
- Determine how many bytes can be read out of C{fObj} (assuming it is not
- modified from this point on). If the determination cannot be made,
- """
- try:
- seek = fObj.seek
- tell = fObj.tell
- except AttributeError:
- originalPosition = tell()
- seek(0, self._SEEK_END)
- end = tell()
- seek(originalPosition, self._SEEK_SET)
- return end - originalPosition
- def stopProducing(self):
- """
- Permanently stop writing bytes from the file to the consumer by
- stopping the underlying L{CooperativeTask}.
- """
- self._inputFile.close()
- self._task.stop()
- def startProducing(self, consumer):
- """
- Start a cooperative task which will read bytes from the input file and
- write them to C{consumer}. Return a L{Deferred} which fires after all
- bytes have been written.
- @param consumer: Any L{IConsumer} provider
- """
- self._task = self._cooperate(self._writeloop(consumer))
- d = self._task.whenDone()
- def maybeStopped(reason):
- # IBodyProducer.startProducing's Deferred isn't support to fire if
- # stopProducing is called.
- reason.trap(task.TaskStopped)
- return defer.Deferred()
- d.addCallbacks(lambda ignored: None, maybeStopped)
- return d
- def _writeloop(self, consumer):
- """
- Return an iterator which reads one chunk of bytes from the input file
- and writes them to the consumer for each time it is iterated.
- """
- while True:
- bytes = self._inputFile.read(self._readSize)
- if not bytes:
- self._inputFile.close()
- break
- consumer.write(bytes)
- yield None
- def pauseProducing(self):
- """
- Temporarily suspend copying bytes from the input file to the consumer
- by pausing the L{CooperativeTask} which drives that activity.
- """
- self._task.pause()
- def resumeProducing(self):
- """
- Undo the effects of a previous C{pauseProducing} and resume copying
- bytes to the consumer by resuming the L{CooperativeTask} which drives
- the write activity.
- """
- self._task.resume()
-class _HTTP11ClientFactory(protocol.Factory):
- """
- A factory for L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}, used by L{HTTPConnectionPool}.
- @ivar _quiescentCallback: The quiescent callback to be passed to protocol
- instances, used to return them to the connection pool.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, quiescentCallback):
- self._quiescentCallback = quiescentCallback
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- return HTTP11ClientProtocol(self._quiescentCallback)
-class _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(object):
- """
- A wrapper for L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} that automatically retries requests.
- @ivar _clientProtocol: The underlying L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}.
- @ivar _newConnection: A callable that creates a new connection for a
- retry.
- """
- def __init__(self, clientProtocol, newConnection):
- self._clientProtocol = clientProtocol
- self._newConnection = newConnection
- def _shouldRetry(self, method, exception, bodyProducer):
- """
- Indicate whether request should be retried.
- Only returns C{True} if method is idempotent, no response was
- received, and no body was sent. The latter requirement may be relaxed
- in the future, and PUT added to approved method list.
- """
- if method not in ("GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "DELETE", "TRACE"):
- return False
- if not isinstance(exception, (RequestNotSent, RequestTransmissionFailed,
- ResponseNeverReceived)):
- return False
- if bodyProducer is not None:
- return False
- return True
- def request(self, request):
- """
- Do a request, and retry once (with a new connection) it it fails in
- a retryable manner.
- @param request: A L{Request} instance that will be requested using the
- wrapped protocol.
- """
- d = self._clientProtocol.request(request)
- def failed(reason):
- if self._shouldRetry(request.method, reason.value,
- request.bodyProducer):
- return self._newConnection().addCallback(
- lambda connection: connection.request(request))
- else:
- return reason
- d.addErrback(failed)
- return d
-class HTTPConnectionPool(object):
- """
- A pool of persistent HTTP connections.
- Features:
- - Cached connections will eventually time out.
- - Limits on maximum number of persistent connections.
- Connections are stored using keys, which should be chosen such that any
- connections stored under a given key can be used interchangeably.
- Failed requests done using previously cached connections will be retried
- once if they use an idempotent method (e.g. GET), in case the HTTP server
- timed them out.
- @ivar persistent: Boolean indicating whether connections should be
- persistent. Connections are persistent by default.
- @ivar maxPersistentPerHost: The maximum number of cached persistent
- connections for a C{host:port} destination.
- @type maxPersistentPerHost: C{int}
- @ivar cachedConnectionTimeout: Number of seconds a cached persistent
- connection will stay open before disconnecting.
- @ivar retryAutomatically: C{boolean} indicating whether idempotent
- requests should be retried once if no response was received.
- @ivar _factory: The factory used to connect to the proxy.
- @ivar _connections: Map (scheme, host, port) to lists of
- L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instances.
- @ivar _timeouts: Map L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} instances to a
- C{IDelayedCall} instance of their timeout.
- @since: 12.1
- """
- _factory = _HTTP11ClientFactory
- maxPersistentPerHost = 2
- cachedConnectionTimeout = 240
- retryAutomatically = True
- def __init__(self, reactor, persistent=True):
- self._reactor = reactor
- self.persistent = persistent
- self._connections = {}
- self._timeouts = {}
- def getConnection(self, key, endpoint):
- """
- Retrieve a connection, either new or cached, to be used for a HTTP
- request.
- If a cached connection is returned, it will not be used for other
- requests until it is put back (which will happen automatically), since
- we do not support pipelined requests. If no cached connection is
- available, the passed in endpoint is used to create the connection.
- If the connection doesn't disconnect at the end of its request, it
- will be returned to this pool automatically. As such, only a single
- request should be sent using the returned connection.
- @param key: A unique key identifying connections that can be used
- interchangeably.
- @param endpoint: An endpoint that can be used to open a new connection
- if no cached connection is available.
- @return: A C{Deferred} that will fire with a L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}
- (or a wrapper) that can be used to send a single HTTP request.
- """
- # Try to get cached version:
- connections = self._connections.get(key)
- while connections:
- connection = connections.pop(0)
- # Cancel timeout:
- self._timeouts[connection].cancel()
- del self._timeouts[connection]
- if connection.state == "QUIESCENT":
- if self.retryAutomatically:
- newConnection = lambda: self._newConnection(key, endpoint)
- connection = _RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol(
- connection, newConnection)
- return defer.succeed(connection)
- return self._newConnection(key, endpoint)
- def _newConnection(self, key, endpoint):
- """
- Create a new connection.
- This implements the new connection code path for L{getConnection}.
- """
- def quiescentCallback(protocol):
- self._putConnection(key, protocol)
- factory = self._factory(quiescentCallback)
- return endpoint.connect(factory)
- def _removeConnection(self, key, connection):
- """
- Remove a connection from the cache and disconnect it.
- """
- connection.transport.loseConnection()
- self._connections[key].remove(connection)
- del self._timeouts[connection]
- def _putConnection(self, key, connection):
- """
- Return a persistent connection to the pool. This will be called by
- L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} when the connection becomes quiescent.
- """
- if connection.state != "QUIESCENT":
- # Log with traceback for debugging purposes:
- try:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "BUG: Non-quiescent protocol added to connection pool.")
- except:
- log.err()
- return
- connections = self._connections.setdefault(key, [])
- if len(connections) == self.maxPersistentPerHost:
- dropped = connections.pop(0)
- dropped.transport.loseConnection()
- self._timeouts[dropped].cancel()
- del self._timeouts[dropped]
- connections.append(connection)
- cid = self._reactor.callLater(self.cachedConnectionTimeout,
- self._removeConnection,
- key, connection)
- self._timeouts[connection] = cid
- def closeCachedConnections(self):
- """
- Close all persistent connections and remove them from the pool.
- @return: L{defer.Deferred} that fires when all connections have been
- closed.
- """
- results = []
- for protocols in self._connections.itervalues():
- for p in protocols:
- results.append(p.abort())
- self._connections = {}
- for dc in self._timeouts.values():
- dc.cancel()
- self._timeouts = {}
- return defer.gatherResults(results).addCallback(lambda ign: None)
-class _AgentBase(object):
- """
- Base class offering common facilities for L{Agent}-type classes.
- @ivar _reactor: The C{IReactorTime} implementation which will be used by
- the pool, and perhaps by subclasses as well.
- @ivar _pool: The L{HTTPConnectionPool} used to manage HTTP connections.
- """
- def __init__(self, reactor, pool):
- if pool is None:
- pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, False)
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._pool = pool
- def _computeHostValue(self, scheme, host, port):
- """
- Compute the string to use for the value of the I{Host} header, based on
- the given scheme, host name, and port number.
- """
- if (scheme, port) in (('http', 80), ('https', 443)):
- return host
- return '%s:%d' % (host, port)
- def _requestWithEndpoint(self, key, endpoint, method, parsedURI,
- headers, bodyProducer, requestPath):
- """
- Issue a new request, given the endpoint and the path sent as part of
- the request.
- """
- # Create minimal headers, if necessary:
- if headers is None:
- headers = Headers()
- if not headers.hasHeader('host'):
- headers = headers.copy()
- headers.addRawHeader(
- 'host', self._computeHostValue(parsedURI.scheme, parsedURI.host,
- parsedURI.port))
- d = self._pool.getConnection(key, endpoint)
- def cbConnected(proto):
- return proto.request(
- Request(method, requestPath, headers, bodyProducer,
- persistent=self._pool.persistent))
- d.addCallback(cbConnected)
- return d
-class Agent(_AgentBase):
- """
- L{Agent} is a very basic HTTP client. It supports I{HTTP} and I{HTTPS}
- scheme URIs (but performs no certificate checking by default).
- @param pool: A L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance, or C{None}, in which case a
- non-persistent L{HTTPConnectionPool} instance will be created.
- @ivar _contextFactory: A web context factory which will be used to create
- SSL context objects for any SSL connections the agent needs to make.
- @ivar _connectTimeout: If not C{None}, the timeout passed to C{connectTCP}
- or C{connectSSL} for specifying the connection timeout.
- @ivar _bindAddress: If not C{None}, the address passed to C{connectTCP} or
- C{connectSSL} for specifying the local address to bind to.
- @since: 9.0
- """
- def __init__(self, reactor, contextFactory=WebClientContextFactory(),
- connectTimeout=None, bindAddress=None,
- pool=None):
- _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
- self._contextFactory = contextFactory
- self._connectTimeout = connectTimeout
- self._bindAddress = bindAddress
- def _wrapContextFactory(self, host, port):
- """
- Create and return a normal context factory wrapped around
- C{self._contextFactory} in such a way that C{self._contextFactory} will
- have the host and port information passed to it.
- @param host: A C{str} giving the hostname which will be connected to in
- order to issue a request.
- @param port: An C{int} giving the port number the connection will be
- on.
- @return: A context factory suitable to be passed to
- C{reactor.connectSSL}.
- """
- return _WebToNormalContextFactory(self._contextFactory, host, port)
- def _getEndpoint(self, scheme, host, port):
- """
- Get an endpoint for the given host and port, using a transport
- selected based on scheme.
- @param scheme: A string like C{'http'} or C{'https'} (the only two
- supported values) to use to determine how to establish the
- connection.
- @param host: A C{str} giving the hostname which will be connected to in
- order to issue a request.
- @param port: An C{int} giving the port number the connection will be
- on.
- @return: An endpoint which can be used to connect to given address.
- """
- kwargs = {}
- if self._connectTimeout is not None:
- kwargs['timeout'] = self._connectTimeout
- kwargs['bindAddress'] = self._bindAddress
- if scheme == 'http':
- return TCP4ClientEndpoint(self._reactor, host, port, **kwargs)
- elif scheme == 'https':
- return SSL4ClientEndpoint(self._reactor, host, port,
- self._wrapContextFactory(host, port),
- **kwargs)
- else:
- raise SchemeNotSupported("Unsupported scheme: %r" % (scheme,))
- def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
- """
- Issue a new request.
- @param method: The request method to send.
- @type method: C{str}
- @param uri: The request URI send.
- @type uri: C{str}
- @param headers: The request headers to send. If no I{Host} header is
- included, one will be added based on the request URI.
- @type headers: L{Headers}
- @param bodyProducer: An object which will produce the request body or,
- if the request body is to be empty, L{None}.
- @type bodyProducer: L{IBodyProducer} provider
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the result of the request (a
- L{twisted.web.iweb.IResponse} provider), or fails if there is a
- problem setting up a connection over which to issue the request.
- It may also fail with L{SchemeNotSupported} if the scheme of the
- given URI is not supported.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- parsedURI = _parse(uri)
- try:
- endpoint = self._getEndpoint(parsedURI.scheme, parsedURI.host,
- parsedURI.port)
- except SchemeNotSupported:
- return defer.fail(Failure())
- key = (parsedURI.scheme, parsedURI.host, parsedURI.port)
- return self._requestWithEndpoint(key, endpoint, method, parsedURI,
- headers, bodyProducer, parsedURI.path)
-class ProxyAgent(_AgentBase):
- """
- An HTTP agent able to cross HTTP proxies.
- @ivar _proxyEndpoint: The endpoint used to connect to the proxy.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, endpoint, reactor=None, pool=None):
- if reactor is None:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
- self._proxyEndpoint = endpoint
- def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
- """
- Issue a new request via the configured proxy.
- """
- # Cache *all* connections under the same key, since we are only
- # connecting to a single destination, the proxy:
- key = ("http-proxy", self._proxyEndpoint)
- # To support proxying HTTPS via CONNECT, we will use key
- # ("http-proxy-CONNECT", scheme, host, port), and an endpoint that
- # wraps _proxyEndpoint with an additional callback to do the CONNECT.
- return self._requestWithEndpoint(key, self._proxyEndpoint, method,
- _parse(uri), headers, bodyProducer,
- uri)
-class _FakeUrllib2Request(object):
- """
- A fake C{urllib2.Request} object for C{cookielib} to work with.
- @see: U{http://docs.python.org/library/urllib2.html#request-objects}
- @type uri: C{str}
- @ivar uri: Request URI.
- @type headers: L{twisted.web.http_headers.Headers}
- @ivar headers: Request headers.
- @type type: C{str}
- @ivar type: The scheme of the URI.
- @type host: C{str}
- @ivar host: The host[:port] of the URI.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, uri):
- self.uri = uri
- self.headers = Headers()
- self.type, rest = splittype(self.uri)
- self.host, rest = splithost(rest)
- def has_header(self, header):
- return self.headers.hasHeader(header)
- def add_unredirected_header(self, name, value):
- self.headers.addRawHeader(name, value)
- def get_full_url(self):
- return self.uri
- def get_header(self, name, default=None):
- headers = self.headers.getRawHeaders(name, default)
- if headers is not None:
- return headers[0]
- return None
- def get_host(self):
- return self.host
- def get_type(self):
- return self.type
- def is_unverifiable(self):
- # In theory this shouldn't be hardcoded.
- return False
-class _FakeUrllib2Response(object):
- """
- A fake C{urllib2.Response} object for C{cookielib} to work with.
- @type response: C{twisted.web.iweb.IResponse}
- @ivar response: Underlying Twisted Web response.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, response):
- self.response = response
- def info(self):
- class _Meta(object):
- def getheaders(zelf, name):
- return self.response.headers.getRawHeaders(name, [])
- return _Meta()
-class CookieAgent(object):
- """
- L{CookieAgent} extends the basic L{Agent} to add RFC-compliant
- handling of HTTP cookies. Cookies are written to and extracted
- from a C{cookielib.CookieJar} instance.
- The same cookie jar instance will be used for any requests through this
- agent, mutating it whenever a I{Set-Cookie} header appears in a response.
- @type _agent: L{twisted.web.client.Agent}
- @ivar _agent: Underlying Twisted Web agent to issue requests through.
- @type cookieJar: C{cookielib.CookieJar}
- @ivar cookieJar: Initialized cookie jar to read cookies from and store
- cookies to.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, agent, cookieJar):
- self._agent = agent
- self.cookieJar = cookieJar
- def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
- """
- Issue a new request to the wrapped L{Agent}.
- Send a I{Cookie} header if a cookie for C{uri} is stored in
- L{CookieAgent.cookieJar}. Cookies are automatically extracted and
- stored from requests.
- If a C{'cookie'} header appears in C{headers} it will override the
- automatic cookie header obtained from the cookie jar.
- @see: L{Agent.request}
- """
- if headers is None:
- headers = Headers()
- lastRequest = _FakeUrllib2Request(uri)
- # Setting a cookie header explicitly will disable automatic request
- # cookies.
- if not headers.hasHeader('cookie'):
- self.cookieJar.add_cookie_header(lastRequest)
- cookieHeader = lastRequest.get_header('Cookie', None)
- if cookieHeader is not None:
- headers = headers.copy()
- headers.addRawHeader('cookie', cookieHeader)
- d = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
- d.addCallback(self._extractCookies, lastRequest)
- return d
- def _extractCookies(self, response, request):
- """
- Extract response cookies and store them in the cookie jar.
- @type response: L{twisted.web.iweb.IResponse}
- @param response: Twisted Web response.
- @param request: A urllib2 compatible request object.
- """
- resp = _FakeUrllib2Response(response)
- self.cookieJar.extract_cookies(resp, request)
- return response
-class GzipDecoder(proxyForInterface(IResponse)):
- """
- A wrapper for a L{Response} instance which handles gzip'ed body.
- @ivar original: The original L{Response} object.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, response):
- self.original = response
- self.length = UNKNOWN_LENGTH
- def deliverBody(self, protocol):
- """
- Override C{deliverBody} to wrap the given C{protocol} with
- L{_GzipProtocol}.
- """
- self.original.deliverBody(_GzipProtocol(protocol, self.original))
-class _GzipProtocol(proxyForInterface(IProtocol)):
- """
- A L{Protocol} implementation which wraps another one, transparently
- decompressing received data.
- @ivar _zlibDecompress: A zlib decompress object used to decompress the data
- stream.
- @ivar _response: A reference to the original response, in case of errors.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, protocol, response):
- self.original = protocol
- self._response = response
- self._zlibDecompress = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Decompress C{data} with the zlib decompressor, forwarding the raw data
- to the original protocol.
- """
- try:
- rawData = self._zlibDecompress.decompress(data)
- except zlib.error:
- raise ResponseFailed([failure.Failure()], self._response)
- if rawData:
- self.original.dataReceived(rawData)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Forward the connection lost event, flushing remaining data from the
- decompressor if any.
- """
- try:
- rawData = self._zlibDecompress.flush()
- except zlib.error:
- raise ResponseFailed([reason, failure.Failure()], self._response)
- if rawData:
- self.original.dataReceived(rawData)
- self.original.connectionLost(reason)
-class ContentDecoderAgent(object):
- """
- An L{Agent} wrapper to handle encoded content.
- It takes care of declaring the support for content in the
- I{Accept-Encoding} header, and automatically decompresses the received data
- if it's effectively using compression.
- @param decoders: A list or tuple of (name, decoder) objects. The name
- declares which decoding the decoder supports, and the decoder must
- return a response object when called/instantiated. For example,
- C{(('gzip', GzipDecoder))}. The order determines how the decoders are
- going to be advertized to the server.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, agent, decoders):
- self._agent = agent
- self._decoders = dict(decoders)
- self._supported = ','.join([decoder[0] for decoder in decoders])
- def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
- """
- Send a client request which declares supporting compressed content.
- @see: L{Agent.request}.
- """
- if headers is None:
- headers = Headers()
- else:
- headers = headers.copy()
- headers.addRawHeader('accept-encoding', self._supported)
- deferred = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
- return deferred.addCallback(self._handleResponse)
- def _handleResponse(self, response):
- """
- Check if the response is encoded, and wrap it to handle decompression.
- """
- contentEncodingHeaders = response.headers.getRawHeaders(
- 'content-encoding', [])
- contentEncodingHeaders = ','.join(contentEncodingHeaders).split(',')
- while contentEncodingHeaders:
- name = contentEncodingHeaders.pop().strip()
- decoder = self._decoders.get(name)
- if decoder is not None:
- response = decoder(response)
- else:
- # Add it back
- contentEncodingHeaders.append(name)
- break
- if contentEncodingHeaders:
- response.headers.setRawHeaders(
- 'content-encoding', [','.join(contentEncodingHeaders)])
- else:
- response.headers.removeHeader('content-encoding')
- return response
-class RedirectAgent(object):
- """
- An L{Agent} wrapper which handles HTTP redirects.
- The implementation is rather strict: 301 and 302 behaves like 307, not
- redirecting automatically on methods different from C{GET} and C{HEAD}.
- @param redirectLimit: The maximum number of times the agent is allowed to
- follow redirects before failing with a L{error.InfiniteRedirection}.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- def __init__(self, agent, redirectLimit=20):
- self._agent = agent
- self._redirectLimit = redirectLimit
- def request(self, method, uri, headers=None, bodyProducer=None):
- """
- Send a client request following HTTP redirects.
- @see: L{Agent.request}.
- """
- deferred = self._agent.request(method, uri, headers, bodyProducer)
- return deferred.addCallback(
- self._handleResponse, method, uri, headers, 0)
- def _handleRedirect(self, response, method, uri, headers, redirectCount):
- """
- Handle a redirect response, checking the number of redirects already
- followed, and extracting the location header fields.
- """
- if redirectCount >= self._redirectLimit:
- err = error.InfiniteRedirection(
- response.code,
- 'Infinite redirection detected',
- location=uri)
- raise ResponseFailed([failure.Failure(err)], response)
- locationHeaders = response.headers.getRawHeaders('location', [])
- if not locationHeaders:
- err = error.RedirectWithNoLocation(
- response.code, 'No location header field', uri)
- raise ResponseFailed([failure.Failure(err)], response)
- location = locationHeaders[0]
- deferred = self._agent.request(method, location, headers)
- return deferred.addCallback(
- self._handleResponse, method, uri, headers, redirectCount + 1)
- def _handleResponse(self, response, method, uri, headers, redirectCount):
- """
- Handle the response, making another request if it indicates a redirect.
- """
- if response.code in (http.MOVED_PERMANENTLY, http.FOUND,
- if method not in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
- err = error.PageRedirect(response.code, location=uri)
- raise ResponseFailed([failure.Failure(err)], response)
- return self._handleRedirect(response, method, uri, headers,
- redirectCount)
- elif response.code == http.SEE_OTHER:
- return self._handleRedirect(response, 'GET', uri, headers,
- redirectCount)
- return response
-__all__ = [
- 'PartialDownloadError', 'HTTPPageGetter', 'HTTPPageDownloader',
- 'HTTPClientFactory', 'HTTPDownloader', 'getPage', 'downloadPage',
- 'ResponseDone', 'Response', 'ResponseFailed', 'Agent', 'CookieAgent',
- 'ProxyAgent', 'ContentDecoderAgent', 'GzipDecoder', 'RedirectAgent',
- 'HTTPConnectionPool']