path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/_flatten.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/_flatten.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/_flatten.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/_flatten.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/web/_flatten.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_flatten -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly
-complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings.
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from sys import exc_info
-from types import GeneratorType
-from traceback import extract_tb
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
-from twisted.web.error import UnfilledSlot, UnsupportedType, FlattenerError
-from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable
-from twisted.web._stan import (
- Tag, slot, voidElements, Comment, CDATA, CharRef)
-def escapedData(data, inAttribute):
- """
- Escape a string for inclusion in a document.
- @type data: C{str} or C{unicode}
- @param data: The string to escape.
- @type inAttribute: C{bool}
- @param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should
- be quoted for use as the value of an XML tag value.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
- encoded string.
- """
- if isinstance(data, unicode):
- data = data.encode('utf-8')
- data = data.replace('&', '&'
- ).replace('<', '&lt;'
- ).replace('>', '&gt;')
- if inAttribute:
- data = data.replace('"', '&quot;')
- return data
-def escapedCDATA(data):
- """
- Escape CDATA for inclusion in a document.
- @type data: C{str} or C{unicode}
- @param data: The string to escape.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
- encoded string.
- """
- if isinstance(data, unicode):
- data = data.encode('utf-8')
- return data.replace(']]>', ']]]]><![CDATA[>')
-def escapedComment(data):
- """
- Escape a comment for inclusion in a document.
- @type data: C{str} or C{unicode}
- @param data: The string to escape.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
- encoded string.
- """
- if isinstance(data, unicode):
- data = data.encode('utf-8')
- data = data.replace('--', '- - ').replace('>', '&gt;')
- if data and data[-1] == '-':
- data += ' '
- return data
-def _getSlotValue(name, slotData, default=None):
- """
- Find the value of the named slot in the given stack of slot data.
- """
- for slotFrame in slotData[::-1]:
- if slotFrame is not None and name in slotFrame:
- return slotFrame[name]
- else:
- if default is not None:
- return default
- raise UnfilledSlot(name)
-def _flattenElement(request, root, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute):
- """
- Make C{root} slightly more flat by yielding all its immediate contents
- as strings, deferreds or generators that are recursive calls to itself.
- @param request: A request object which will be passed to
- L{IRenderable.render}.
- @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode},
- C{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag}, L{URL}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{GeneratorType},
- L{Deferred}, or an object that implements L{IRenderable}.
- @param slotData: A C{list} of C{dict} mapping C{str} slot names to data
- with which those slots will be replaced.
- @param renderFactory: If not C{None}, An object that provides L{IRenderable}.
- @param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that C{str} and
- C{unicode} instances encountered must be quoted as for XML tag
- attribute values.
- @return: An iterator which yields C{str}, L{Deferred}, and more iterators
- of the same type.
- """
- if isinstance(root, (str, unicode)):
- yield escapedData(root, inAttribute)
- elif isinstance(root, slot):
- slotValue = _getSlotValue(root.name, slotData, root.default)
- yield _flattenElement(request, slotValue, slotData, renderFactory,
- inAttribute)
- elif isinstance(root, CDATA):
- yield '<![CDATA['
- yield escapedCDATA(root.data)
- yield ']]>'
- elif isinstance(root, Comment):
- yield '<!--'
- yield escapedComment(root.data)
- yield '-->'
- elif isinstance(root, Tag):
- slotData.append(root.slotData)
- if root.render is not None:
- rendererName = root.render
- rootClone = root.clone(False)
- rootClone.render = None
- renderMethod = renderFactory.lookupRenderMethod(rendererName)
- result = renderMethod(request, rootClone)
- yield _flattenElement(request, result, slotData, renderFactory,
- False)
- slotData.pop()
- return
- if not root.tagName:
- yield _flattenElement(request, root.children, slotData, renderFactory, False)
- return
- yield '<'
- if isinstance(root.tagName, unicode):
- tagName = root.tagName.encode('ascii')
- else:
- tagName = str(root.tagName)
- yield tagName
- for k, v in root.attributes.iteritems():
- if isinstance(k, unicode):
- k = k.encode('ascii')
- yield ' ' + k + '="'
- yield _flattenElement(request, v, slotData, renderFactory, True)
- yield '"'
- if root.children or tagName not in voidElements:
- yield '>'
- yield _flattenElement(request, root.children, slotData, renderFactory, False)
- yield '</' + tagName + '>'
- else:
- yield ' />'
- elif isinstance(root, (tuple, list, GeneratorType)):
- for element in root:
- yield _flattenElement(request, element, slotData, renderFactory,
- inAttribute)
- elif isinstance(root, CharRef):
- yield '&#%d;' % (root.ordinal,)
- elif isinstance(root, Deferred):
- yield root.addCallback(
- lambda result: (result, _flattenElement(request, result, slotData,
- renderFactory, inAttribute)))
- elif IRenderable.providedBy(root):
- result = root.render(request)
- yield _flattenElement(request, result, slotData, root, inAttribute)
- else:
- raise UnsupportedType(root)
-def _flattenTree(request, root):
- """
- Make C{root} into an iterable of C{str} and L{Deferred} by doing a
- depth first traversal of the tree.
- @param request: A request object which will be passed to
- L{IRenderable.render}.
- @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode},
- C{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{GeneratorType},
- L{Deferred}, or something providing L{IRenderable}.
- @return: An iterator which yields objects of type C{str} and L{Deferred}.
- A L{Deferred} is only yielded when one is encountered in the process of
- flattening C{root}. The returned iterator must not be iterated again
- until the L{Deferred} is called back.
- """
- stack = [_flattenElement(request, root, [], None, False)]
- while stack:
- try:
- # In Python 2.5, after an exception, a generator's gi_frame is
- # None.
- frame = stack[-1].gi_frame
- element = stack[-1].next()
- except StopIteration:
- stack.pop()
- except Exception, e:
- stack.pop()
- roots = []
- for generator in stack:
- roots.append(generator.gi_frame.f_locals['root'])
- roots.append(frame.f_locals['root'])
- raise FlattenerError(e, roots, extract_tb(exc_info()[2]))
- else:
- if type(element) is str:
- yield element
- elif isinstance(element, Deferred):
- def cbx((original, toFlatten)):
- stack.append(toFlatten)
- return original
- yield element.addCallback(cbx)
- else:
- stack.append(element)
-def _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result):
- """
- Take strings from an iterator and pass them to a writer function.
- @param state: An iterator of C{str} and L{Deferred}. C{str} instances will
- be passed to C{write}. L{Deferred} instances will be waited on before
- resuming iteration of C{state}.
- @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each C{str}
- produced by iterating C{state}.
- @param result: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{state} has
- been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if
- an exception in a generator passed to C{state} or an errback from a
- L{Deferred} from state occurs.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- while True:
- try:
- element = state.next()
- except StopIteration:
- result.callback(None)
- except:
- result.errback()
- else:
- if type(element) is str:
- write(element)
- continue
- else:
- def cby(original):
- _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result)
- return original
- element.addCallbacks(cby, result.errback)
- break
-def flatten(request, root, write):
- """
- Incrementally write out a string representation of C{root} using C{write}.
- In order to create a string representation, C{root} will be decomposed into
- simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings
- or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered.
- @param request: A request object which will be passed to the C{render}
- method of any L{IRenderable} provider which is encountered.
- @param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode},
- C{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{GeneratorType},
- L{Deferred}, or something that provides L{IRenderable}.
- @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each C{str}
- produced by flattening C{root}.
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{root} has
- been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if
- an unexpected exception occurs.
- """
- result = Deferred()
- state = _flattenTree(request, root)
- _writeFlattenedData(state, write, result)
- return result
-def flattenString(request, root):
- """
- Collate a string representation of C{root} into a single string.
- This is basically gluing L{flatten} to a C{StringIO} and returning the
- results. See L{flatten} for the exact meanings of C{request} and
- C{root}.
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a single string as
- its result when C{root} has been completely flattened into C{write} or
- which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
- """
- io = StringIO()
- d = flatten(request, root, io.write)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: io.getvalue())
- return d