path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/trial/test/test_reporter.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/trial/test/test_reporter.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1650 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/trial/test/test_reporter.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/trial/test/test_reporter.py
deleted file mode 100755
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/trial/test/test_reporter.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# Maintainer: Jonathan Lange
-Tests for L{twisted.trial.reporter}.
-from __future__ import division
-import errno, sys, os, re, StringIO
-from inspect import getmro
-from twisted.internet.utils import suppressWarnings
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.trial import itrial, unittest, runner, reporter, util
-from twisted.trial.reporter import UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper
-from twisted.trial.test import erroneous
-from twisted.trial.unittest import makeTodo, SkipTest, Todo
-from twisted.trial.test import sample
-class BrokenStream(object):
- """
- Stream-ish object that raises a signal interrupt error. We use this to make
- sure that Trial still manages to write what it needs to write.
- """
- written = False
- flushed = False
- def __init__(self, fObj):
- self.fObj = fObj
- def write(self, s):
- if self.written:
- return self.fObj.write(s)
- self.written = True
- raise IOError(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted write")
- def flush(self):
- if self.flushed:
- return self.fObj.flush()
- self.flushed = True
- raise IOError(errno.EINTR, "Interrupted flush")
-class StringTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def stringComparison(self, expect, output):
- output = filter(None, output)
- self.failUnless(len(expect) <= len(output),
- "Must have more observed than expected"
- "lines %d < %d" % (len(output), len(expect)))
- REGEX_PATTERN_TYPE = type(re.compile(''))
- for line_number, (exp, out) in enumerate(zip(expect, output)):
- if exp is None:
- continue
- elif isinstance(exp, str):
- self.assertSubstring(exp, out, "Line %d: %r not in %r"
- % (line_number, exp, out))
- elif isinstance(exp, REGEX_PATTERN_TYPE):
- self.failUnless(exp.match(out),
- "Line %d: %r did not match string %r"
- % (line_number, exp.pattern, out))
- else:
- raise TypeError("don't know what to do with object %r"
- % (exp,))
-class TestTestResult(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.result = reporter.TestResult()
- def test_pyunitAddError(self):
- # pyunit passes an exc_info tuple directly to addError
- try:
- raise RuntimeError('foo')
- except RuntimeError, excValue:
- self.result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
- failure = self.result.errors[0][1]
- self.assertEqual(excValue, failure.value)
- self.assertEqual(RuntimeError, failure.type)
- def test_pyunitAddFailure(self):
- # pyunit passes an exc_info tuple directly to addFailure
- try:
- raise self.failureException('foo')
- except self.failureException, excValue:
- self.result.addFailure(self, sys.exc_info())
- failure = self.result.failures[0][1]
- self.assertEqual(excValue, failure.value)
- self.assertEqual(self.failureException, failure.type)
-class TestReporterRealtime(TestTestResult):
- def setUp(self):
- output = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.Reporter(output, realtime=True)
-class TestErrorReporting(StringTest):
- doubleSeparator = re.compile(r'^=+$')
- def setUp(self):
- self.loader = runner.TestLoader()
- self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.Reporter(self.output)
- def getOutput(self, suite):
- result = self.getResult(suite)
- result.done()
- return self.output.getvalue()
- def getResult(self, suite):
- suite.run(self.result)
- return self.result
- def test_formatErroredMethod(self):
- """
- A test method which runs and has an error recorded against it is
- reported in the output stream with the I{ERROR} tag along with a summary
- of what error was reported and the ID of the test.
- """
- cls = erroneous.SynchronousTestFailureInSetUp
- suite = self.loader.loadClass(cls)
- output = self.getOutput(suite).splitlines()
- match = [
- self.doubleSeparator,
- '[ERROR]',
- 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
- re.compile(r'^\s+File .*erroneous\.py., line \d+, in setUp$'),
- re.compile(r'^\s+raise FoolishError, '
- r'.I am a broken setUp method.$'),
- ('twisted.trial.test.erroneous.FoolishError: '
- 'I am a broken setUp method'),
- '%s.%s.test_noop' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)]
- self.stringComparison(match, output)
- def test_formatFailedMethod(self):
- """
- A test method which runs and has a failure recorded against it is
- reported in the output stream with the I{FAIL} tag along with a summary
- of what failure was reported and the ID of the test.
- """
- suite = self.loader.loadMethod(erroneous.TestRegularFail.test_fail)
- output = self.getOutput(suite).splitlines()
- match = [
- self.doubleSeparator,
- '[FAIL]',
- 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
- re.compile(r'^\s+File .*erroneous\.py., line \d+, in test_fail$'),
- re.compile(r'^\s+self\.fail\("I fail"\)$'),
- 'twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: I fail',
- 'twisted.trial.test.erroneous.TestRegularFail.test_fail',
- ]
- self.stringComparison(match, output)
- def test_doctestError(self):
- """
- A problem encountered while running a doctest is reported in the output
- stream with a I{FAIL} or I{ERROR} tag along with a summary of what
- problem was encountered and the ID of the test.
- """
- from twisted.trial.test import erroneous
- suite = unittest.decorate(
- self.loader.loadDoctests(erroneous), itrial.ITestCase)
- output = self.getOutput(suite)
- path = 'twisted.trial.test.erroneous.unexpectedException'
- for substring in ['1/0', 'ZeroDivisionError',
- 'Exception raised:', path]:
- self.assertSubstring(substring, output)
- self.failUnless(re.search('Fail(ed|ure in) example:', output),
- "Couldn't match 'Failure in example: ' "
- "or 'Failed example: '")
- expect = [self.doubleSeparator,
- re.compile(r'\[(ERROR|FAIL)\]')]
- self.stringComparison(expect, output.splitlines())
- def test_hiddenException(self):
- """
- Check that errors in C{DelayedCall}s get reported, even if the
- test already has a failure.
- Only really necessary for testing the deprecated style of tests that
- use iterate() directly. See
- L{erroneous.DelayedCall.testHiddenException} for more details.
- """
- test = erroneous.DelayedCall('testHiddenException')
- output = self.getOutput(test).splitlines()
- match = [
- self.doubleSeparator,
- '[FAIL]',
- 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
- re.compile(r'^\s+File .*erroneous\.py., line \d+, in '
- 'testHiddenException$'),
- re.compile(r'^\s+self\.fail\("Deliberate failure to mask the '
- 'hidden exception"\)$'),
- 'twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: '
- 'Deliberate failure to mask the hidden exception',
- 'twisted.trial.test.erroneous.DelayedCall.testHiddenException',
- self.doubleSeparator,
- '[ERROR]',
- 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
- re.compile(r'^\s+File .* in runUntilCurrent'),
- re.compile(r'^\s+.*'),
- re.compile('^\s+File .*erroneous\.py", line \d+, in go'),
- re.compile('^\s+raise RuntimeError\(self.hiddenExceptionMsg\)'),
- 'exceptions.RuntimeError: something blew up',
- 'twisted.trial.test.erroneous.DelayedCall.testHiddenException',
- ]
- self.stringComparison(match, output)
-class TestUncleanWarningWrapperErrorReporting(TestErrorReporting):
- """
- Tests that the L{UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper} can sufficiently proxy
- IReporter failure and error reporting methods to a L{reporter.Reporter}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.loader = runner.TestLoader()
- self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(
- reporter.Reporter(self.output))
-class TracebackHandling(unittest.TestCase):
- def getErrorFrames(self, test):
- stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- result = reporter.Reporter(stream)
- test.run(result)
- bads = result.failures + result.errors
- assert len(bads) == 1
- assert bads[0][0] == test
- return result._trimFrames(bads[0][1].frames)
- def checkFrames(self, observedFrames, expectedFrames):
- for observed, expected in zip(observedFrames, expectedFrames):
- self.assertEqual(observed[0], expected[0])
- observedSegs = os.path.splitext(observed[1])[0].split(os.sep)
- expectedSegs = expected[1].split('/')
- self.assertEqual(observedSegs[-len(expectedSegs):],
- expectedSegs)
- self.assertEqual(len(observedFrames), len(expectedFrames))
- def test_basic(self):
- test = erroneous.TestRegularFail('test_fail')
- frames = self.getErrorFrames(test)
- self.checkFrames(frames,
- [('test_fail', 'twisted/trial/test/erroneous')])
- def test_subroutine(self):
- test = erroneous.TestRegularFail('test_subfail')
- frames = self.getErrorFrames(test)
- self.checkFrames(frames,
- [('test_subfail', 'twisted/trial/test/erroneous'),
- ('subroutine', 'twisted/trial/test/erroneous')])
- def test_deferred(self):
- test = erroneous.TestFailureInDeferredChain('test_fail')
- frames = self.getErrorFrames(test)
- self.checkFrames(frames,
- [('_later', 'twisted/trial/test/erroneous')])
- def test_noFrames(self):
- result = reporter.Reporter(None)
- self.assertEqual([], result._trimFrames([]))
- def test_oneFrame(self):
- result = reporter.Reporter(None)
- self.assertEqual(['fake frame'], result._trimFrames(['fake frame']))
-class FormatFailures(StringTest):
- def setUp(self):
- try:
- raise RuntimeError('foo')
- except RuntimeError:
- self.f = Failure()
- self.f.frames = [
- ['foo', 'foo/bar.py', 5, [('x', 5)], [('y', 'orange')]],
- ['qux', 'foo/bar.py', 10, [('a', 'two')], [('b', 'MCMXCIX')]]
- ]
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.Reporter(self.stream)
- def test_formatDefault(self):
- tb = self.result._formatFailureTraceback(self.f)
- self.stringComparison([
- 'Traceback (most recent call last):',
- ' File "foo/bar.py", line 5, in foo',
- re.compile(r'^\s*$'),
- ' File "foo/bar.py", line 10, in qux',
- re.compile(r'^\s*$'),
- 'RuntimeError: foo'], tb.splitlines())
- def test_formatString(self):
- tb = '''
- File "twisted/trial/unittest.py", line 256, in failUnlessSubstring
- return self.failUnlessIn(substring, astring, msg)
-exceptions.TypeError: iterable argument required
- expected = '''
- File "twisted/trial/unittest.py", line 256, in failUnlessSubstring
- return self.failUnlessIn(substring, astring, msg)
-exceptions.TypeError: iterable argument required
- formatted = self.result._formatFailureTraceback(tb)
- self.assertEqual(expected, formatted)
- def test_mutation(self):
- frames = self.f.frames[:]
- # The call shouldn't mutate the frames.
- self.result._formatFailureTraceback(self.f)
- self.assertEqual(self.f.frames, frames)
-class PyunitTestNames(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.test = sample.PyunitTest('test_foo')
- def test_verboseReporter(self):
- result = reporter.VerboseTextReporter(self.stream)
- result.startTest(self.test)
- output = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(
- output, 'twisted.trial.test.sample.PyunitTest.test_foo ... ')
- def test_treeReporter(self):
- result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- result.startTest(self.test)
- output = self.stream.getvalue()
- output = output.splitlines()[-1].strip()
- self.assertEqual(output, result.getDescription(self.test) + ' ...')
- def test_getDescription(self):
- result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- output = result.getDescription(self.test)
- self.assertEqual(output, 'test_foo')
- def test_minimalReporter(self):
- """
- The summary of L{reporter.MinimalReporter} is a simple list of numbers,
- indicating how many tests ran, how many failed etc.
- The numbers represents:
- * the run time of the tests
- * the number of tests run, printed 2 times for legacy reasons
- * the number of errors
- * the number of failures
- * the number of skips
- """
- result = reporter.MinimalReporter(self.stream)
- self.test.run(result)
- result._printSummary()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().strip().split(' ')
- self.assertEqual(output[1:], ['1', '1', '0', '0', '0'])
- def test_minimalReporterTime(self):
- """
- L{reporter.MinimalReporter} reports the time to run the tests as first
- data in its output.
- """
- times = [1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.9]
- result = reporter.MinimalReporter(self.stream)
- result._getTime = lambda: times.pop(0)
- self.test.run(result)
- result._printSummary()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().strip().split(' ')
- timer = output[0]
- self.assertEqual(timer, "0.7")
- def test_emptyMinimalReporter(self):
- """
- The summary of L{reporter.MinimalReporter} is a list of zeroes when no
- test is actually run.
- """
- result = reporter.MinimalReporter(self.stream)
- result._printSummary()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().strip().split(' ')
- self.assertEqual(output, ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'])
-class TestDirtyReactor(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- The trial script has an option to treat L{DirtyReactorAggregateError}s as
- warnings, as a migration tool for test authors. It causes a wrapper to be
- placed around reporters that replaces L{DirtyReactorAggregatErrors} with
- warnings.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.dirtyError = Failure(
- util.DirtyReactorAggregateError(['foo'], ['bar']))
- self.output = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.test = TestDirtyReactor('test_errorByDefault')
- def test_errorByDefault(self):
- """
- L{DirtyReactorAggregateError}s are reported as errors with the default
- Reporter.
- """
- result = reporter.Reporter(stream=self.output)
- result.addError(self.test, self.dirtyError)
- self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1)
- self.assertEqual(result.errors[0][1], self.dirtyError)
- def test_warningsEnabled(self):
- """
- L{DirtyReactorAggregateError}s are reported as warnings when using
- the L{UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper}.
- """
- result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(
- reporter.Reporter(stream=self.output))
- self.assertWarns(UserWarning, self.dirtyError.getErrorMessage(),
- reporter.__file__,
- result.addError, self.test, self.dirtyError)
- def test_warningsMaskErrors(self):
- """
- L{DirtyReactorAggregateError}s are I{not} reported as errors if the
- L{UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper} is used.
- """
- result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(
- reporter.Reporter(stream=self.output))
- self.assertWarns(UserWarning, self.dirtyError.getErrorMessage(),
- reporter.__file__,
- result.addError, self.test, self.dirtyError)
- self.assertEqual(result._originalReporter.errors, [])
- def test_dealsWithThreeTuples(self):
- """
- Some annoying stuff can pass three-tuples to addError instead of
- Failures (like PyUnit). The wrapper, of course, handles this case,
- since it is a part of L{twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter}! But it does
- not convert L{DirtyReactorAggregateError} to warnings in this case,
- because nobody should be passing those in the form of three-tuples.
- """
- result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(
- reporter.Reporter(stream=self.output))
- result.addError(self.test,
- (self.dirtyError.type, self.dirtyError.value, None))
- self.assertEqual(len(result._originalReporter.errors), 1)
- self.assertEqual(result._originalReporter.errors[0][1].type,
- self.dirtyError.type)
- self.assertEqual(result._originalReporter.errors[0][1].value,
- self.dirtyError.value)
-class TrialTestNames(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.test = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- def test_verboseReporter(self):
- result = reporter.VerboseTextReporter(self.stream)
- result.startTest(self.test)
- output = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(output, self.test.id() + ' ... ')
- def test_treeReporter(self):
- result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- result.startTest(self.test)
- output = self.stream.getvalue()
- output = output.splitlines()[-1].strip()
- self.assertEqual(output, result.getDescription(self.test) + ' ...')
- def test_treeReporterWithDocstrings(self):
- """A docstring"""
- result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- self.assertEqual(result.getDescription(self),
- 'test_treeReporterWithDocstrings')
- def test_getDescription(self):
- result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- output = result.getDescription(self.test)
- self.assertEqual(output, "test_foo")
-class TestSkip(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{reporter.Reporter}'s handling of skips.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.Reporter(self.stream)
- self.test = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- def _getSkips(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of skips that happened to a reporter.
- """
- return len(result.skips)
- def test_accumulation(self):
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, 'some reason')
- self.assertEqual(self._getSkips(self.result), 1)
- def test_success(self):
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, 'some reason')
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- def test_summary(self):
- """
- The summary of a successful run with skips indicates that the test
- suite passed and includes the number of skips.
- """
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, 'some reason')
- self.result.done()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[-1]
- prefix = 'PASSED '
- self.failUnless(output.startswith(prefix))
- self.assertEqual(output[len(prefix):].strip(), '(skips=1)')
- def test_basicErrors(self):
- """
- The output at the end of a test run with skips includes the reasons
- for skipping those tests.
- """
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, 'some reason')
- self.result.done()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[3]
- self.assertEqual(output.strip(), 'some reason')
- def test_booleanSkip(self):
- """
- Tests can be skipped without specifying a reason by setting the 'skip'
- attribute to True. When this happens, the test output includes 'True'
- as the reason.
- """
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, True)
- self.result.done()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[3]
- self.assertEqual(output, 'True')
- def test_exceptionSkip(self):
- """
- Skips can be raised as errors. When this happens, the error is
- included in the summary at the end of the test suite.
- """
- try:
- 1/0
- except Exception, e:
- error = e
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, error)
- self.result.done()
- output = '\n'.join(self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[3:5]).strip()
- self.assertEqual(output, str(e))
-class UncleanWarningSkipTest(TestSkip):
- """
- Tests for skips on a L{reporter.Reporter} wrapped by an
- L{UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- TestSkip.setUp(self)
- self.result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(self.result)
- def _getSkips(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of skips that happened to a reporter inside of an
- unclean warnings reporter wrapper.
- """
- return len(result._originalReporter.skips)
-class TodoTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{reporter.Reporter}'s handling of todos.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.Reporter(self.stream)
- self.test = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- def _getTodos(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of todos that happened to a reporter.
- """
- return len(result.expectedFailures)
- def _getUnexpectedSuccesses(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of unexpected successes that happened to a reporter.
- """
- return len(result.unexpectedSuccesses)
- def test_accumulation(self):
- """
- L{reporter.Reporter} accumulates the expected failures that it
- is notified of.
- """
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(Exception()),
- makeTodo('todo!'))
- self.assertEqual(self._getTodos(self.result), 1)
- def test_success(self):
- """
- A test run is still successful even if there are expected failures.
- """
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(Exception()),
- makeTodo('todo!'))
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- def test_unexpectedSuccess(self):
- """
- A test which is marked as todo but succeeds will have an unexpected
- success reported to its result. A test run is still successful even
- when this happens.
- """
- self.result.addUnexpectedSuccess(self.test, makeTodo("Heya!"))
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- self.assertEqual(self._getUnexpectedSuccesses(self.result), 1)
- def test_summary(self):
- """
- The reporter's C{printSummary} method should print the number of
- expected failures that occured.
- """
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(Exception()),
- makeTodo('some reason'))
- self.result.done()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[-1]
- prefix = 'PASSED '
- self.failUnless(output.startswith(prefix))
- self.assertEqual(output[len(prefix):].strip(),
- '(expectedFailures=1)')
- def test_basicErrors(self):
- """
- The reporter's L{printErrors} method should include the value of the
- Todo.
- """
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(Exception()),
- makeTodo('some reason'))
- self.result.done()
- output = self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[3].strip()
- self.assertEqual(output, "Reason: 'some reason'")
- def test_booleanTodo(self):
- """
- Booleans CAN'T be used as the value of a todo. Maybe this sucks. This
- is a test for current behavior, not a requirement.
- """
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(Exception()),
- makeTodo(True))
- self.assertRaises(Exception, self.result.done)
- def test_exceptionTodo(self):
- """
- The exception for expected failures should be shown in the
- C{printErrors} output.
- """
- try:
- 1/0
- except Exception, e:
- error = e
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, Failure(error),
- makeTodo("todo!"))
- self.result.done()
- output = '\n'.join(self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[3:]).strip()
- self.assertTrue(str(e) in output)
-class UncleanWarningTodoTest(TodoTest):
- """
- Tests for L{UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper}'s handling of todos.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- TodoTest.setUp(self)
- self.result = UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper(self.result)
- def _getTodos(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of todos that happened to a reporter inside of an
- unclean warnings reporter wrapper.
- """
- return len(result._originalReporter.expectedFailures)
- def _getUnexpectedSuccesses(self, result):
- """
- Get the number of unexpected successes that happened to a reporter
- inside of an unclean warnings reporter wrapper.
- """
- return len(result._originalReporter.unexpectedSuccesses)
-class MockColorizer:
- """
- Used by TestTreeReporter to make sure that output is colored correctly.
- """
- def __init__(self, stream):
- self.log = []
- def write(self, text, color):
- self.log.append((color, text))
-class TestTreeReporter(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.test = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.result = reporter.TreeReporter(self.stream)
- self.result._colorizer = MockColorizer(self.stream)
- self.log = self.result._colorizer.log
- def makeError(self):
- try:
- 1/0
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- f = Failure()
- return f
- def test_cleanupError(self):
- """
- Run cleanupErrors and check that the output is correct, and colored
- correctly.
- """
- f = self.makeError()
- self.result.cleanupErrors(f)
- color, text = self.log[0]
- self.assertEqual(color.strip(), self.result.ERROR)
- self.assertEqual(text.strip(), 'cleanup errors')
- color, text = self.log[1]
- self.assertEqual(color.strip(), self.result.ERROR)
- self.assertEqual(text.strip(), '[ERROR]')
- test_cleanupError = suppressWarnings(
- test_cleanupError,
- util.suppress(category=reporter.BrokenTestCaseWarning),
- util.suppress(category=DeprecationWarning))
- def test_upDownError(self):
- """
- Run upDownError and check that the output is correct and colored
- correctly.
- """
- self.result.upDownError("method", None, None, False)
- color, text = self.log[0]
- self.assertEqual(color.strip(), self.result.ERROR)
- self.assertEqual(text.strip(), 'method')
- test_upDownError = suppressWarnings(
- test_upDownError,
- util.suppress(category=DeprecationWarning,
- message="upDownError is deprecated in Twisted 8.0."))
- def test_summaryColoredSuccess(self):
- """
- The summary in case of success should have a good count of successes
- and be colored properly.
- """
- self.result.addSuccess(self.test)
- self.result.done()
- self.assertEqual(self.log[1], (self.result.SUCCESS, 'PASSED'))
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[-1].strip(), "(successes=1)")
- def test_summaryColoredFailure(self):
- """
- The summary in case of failure should have a good count of errors
- and be colored properly.
- """
- try:
- raise RuntimeError('foo')
- except RuntimeError:
- self.result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
- self.result.done()
- self.assertEqual(self.log[1], (self.result.FAILURE, 'FAILED'))
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stream.getvalue().splitlines()[-1].strip(), "(errors=1)")
- def test_getPrelude(self):
- """
- The tree needs to get the segments of the test ID that correspond
- to the module and class that it belongs to.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- ['foo.bar', 'baz'],
- self.result._getPreludeSegments('foo.bar.baz.qux'))
- self.assertEqual(
- ['foo', 'bar'],
- self.result._getPreludeSegments('foo.bar.baz'))
- self.assertEqual(
- ['foo'],
- self.result._getPreludeSegments('foo.bar'))
- self.assertEqual([], self.result._getPreludeSegments('foo'))
- def test_groupResults(self):
- """
- If two different tests have the same error, L{Reporter._groupResults}
- includes them together in one of the tuples in the list it returns.
- """
- try:
- raise RuntimeError('foo')
- except RuntimeError:
- self.result.addError(self, sys.exc_info())
- self.result.addError(self.test, sys.exc_info())
- try:
- raise RuntimeError('bar')
- except RuntimeError:
- extra = sample.FooTest('test_bar')
- self.result.addError(extra, sys.exc_info())
- self.result.done()
- grouped = self.result._groupResults(
- self.result.errors, self.result._formatFailureTraceback)
- self.assertEqual(grouped[0][1], [self, self.test])
- self.assertEqual(grouped[1][1], [extra])
- def test_printResults(self):
- """
- L{Reporter._printResults} uses the results list and formatter callable
- passed to it to produce groups of results to write to its output stream.
- """
- def formatter(n):
- return str(n) + '\n'
- first = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- second = sample.FooTest('test_bar')
- third = sample.PyunitTest('test_foo')
- self.result._printResults(
- 'FOO', [(first, 1), (second, 1), (third, 2)], formatter)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stream.getvalue(),
- "%(double separator)s\n"
- "FOO\n"
- "1\n"
- "\n"
- "%(first)s\n"
- "%(second)s\n"
- "%(double separator)s\n"
- "FOO\n"
- "2\n"
- "\n"
- "%(third)s\n" % {
- 'double separator': self.result._doubleSeparator,
- 'first': first.id(),
- 'second': second.id(),
- 'third': third.id(),
- })
-class TestReporterInterface(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the bare interface of a trial reporter.
- Subclass this test case and provide a different 'resultFactory' to test
- that a particular reporter implementation will work with the rest of
- Trial.
- @cvar resultFactory: A callable that returns a reporter to be tested. The
- callable must take the same parameters as L{reporter.Reporter}.
- """
- resultFactory = reporter.Reporter
- def setUp(self):
- self.test = sample.FooTest('test_foo')
- self.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.publisher = log.LogPublisher()
- self.result = self.resultFactory(self.stream, publisher=self.publisher)
- def test_shouldStopInitiallyFalse(self):
- """
- shouldStop is False to begin with.
- """
- self.assertEqual(False, self.result.shouldStop)
- def test_shouldStopTrueAfterStop(self):
- """
- shouldStop becomes True soon as someone calls stop().
- """
- self.result.stop()
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.shouldStop)
- def test_wasSuccessfulInitiallyTrue(self):
- """
- wasSuccessful() is True when there have been no results reported.
- """
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- def test_wasSuccessfulTrueAfterSuccesses(self):
- """
- wasSuccessful() is True when there have been only successes, False
- otherwise.
- """
- self.result.addSuccess(self.test)
- self.assertEqual(True, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- def test_wasSuccessfulFalseAfterErrors(self):
- """
- wasSuccessful() becomes False after errors have been reported.
- """
- try:
- 1 / 0
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- self.result.addError(self.test, sys.exc_info())
- self.assertEqual(False, self.result.wasSuccessful())
- def test_wasSuccessfulFalseAfterFailures(self):
- """
- wasSuccessful() becomes False after failures have been reported.
- """
- try:
- self.fail("foo")
- except self.failureException:
- self.result.addFailure(self.test, sys.exc_info())
- self.assertEqual(False, self.result.wasSuccessful())
-class TestReporter(TestReporterInterface):
- """
- Tests for the base L{reporter.Reporter} class.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- TestReporterInterface.setUp(self)
- self._timer = 0
- self.result._getTime = self._getTime
- def _getTime(self):
- self._timer += 1
- return self._timer
- def test_startStop(self):
- self.result.startTest(self.test)
- self.result.stopTest(self.test)
- self.assertTrue(self.result._lastTime > 0)
- self.assertEqual(self.result.testsRun, 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.result.wasSuccessful(), True)
- def test_brokenStream(self):
- """
- Test that the reporter safely writes to its stream.
- """
- result = self.resultFactory(stream=BrokenStream(self.stream))
- result._writeln("Hello")
- self.assertEqual(self.stream.getvalue(), 'Hello\n')
- self.stream.truncate(0)
- result._writeln("Hello %s!", 'World')
- self.assertEqual(self.stream.getvalue(), 'Hello World!\n')
- def test_printErrorsDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.printErrors} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- self.result.printErrors()
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "printErrors is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_printSummaryDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.printSummary} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- self.result.printSummary()
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "printSummary is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_writeDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.write} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- self.result.write("")
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "write is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_writelnDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.writeln} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- self.result.writeln("")
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "writeln is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_separatorDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.separator} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- return self.result.separator
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "separator is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_streamDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.stream} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- return self.result.stream
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "stream is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_upDownErrorDeprecated(self):
- """
- L{IReporter.upDownError} was deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
- """
- def f():
- self.result.upDownError(None, None, None, None)
- self.assertWarns(
- DeprecationWarning, "upDownError is deprecated in Twisted 8.0.",
- __file__, f)
- def test_warning(self):
- """
- L{reporter.Reporter} observes warnings emitted by the Twisted log
- system and writes them to its output stream.
- """
- message = RuntimeWarning("some warning text")
- category = 'exceptions.RuntimeWarning'
- filename = "path/to/some/file.py"
- lineno = 71
- self.publisher.msg(
- warning=message, category=category,
- filename=filename, lineno=lineno)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.stream.getvalue(),
- "%s:%d: %s: %s\n" % (
- filename, lineno, category.split('.')[-1], message))
- def test_duplicateWarningSuppressed(self):
- """
- A warning emitted twice within a single test is only written to the
- stream once.
- """
- # Emit the warning and assert that it shows up
- self.test_warning()
- # Emit the warning again and assert that the stream still only has one
- # warning on it.
- self.test_warning()
- def test_warningEmittedForNewTest(self):
- """
- A warning emitted again after a new test has started is written to the
- stream again.
- """
- test = self.__class__('test_warningEmittedForNewTest')
- self.result.startTest(test)
- # Clear whatever startTest wrote to the stream
- self.stream.seek(0)
- self.stream.truncate()
- # Emit a warning (and incidentally, assert that it was emitted)
- self.test_warning()
- # Clean up from the first warning to simplify the rest of the
- # assertions.
- self.stream.seek(0)
- self.stream.truncate()
- # Stop the first test and start another one (it just happens to be the
- # same one, but that doesn't matter)
- self.result.stopTest(test)
- self.result.startTest(test)
- # Clean up the stopTest/startTest output
- self.stream.seek(0)
- self.stream.truncate()
- # Emit the warning again and make sure it shows up
- self.test_warning()
- def test_stopObserving(self):
- """
- L{reporter.Reporter} stops observing log events when its C{done} method
- is called.
- """
- self.result.done()
- self.stream.seek(0)
- self.stream.truncate()
- self.publisher.msg(
- warning=RuntimeWarning("some message"),
- category='exceptions.RuntimeWarning',
- filename="file/name.py", lineno=17)
- self.assertEqual(self.stream.getvalue(), "")
-class TestSafeStream(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_safe(self):
- """
- Test that L{reporter.SafeStream} successfully write to its original
- stream even if an interrupt happens during the write.
- """
- stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- broken = BrokenStream(stream)
- safe = reporter.SafeStream(broken)
- safe.write("Hello")
- self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "Hello")
-class TestSubunitReporter(TestReporterInterface):
- """
- Tests for the subunit reporter.
- This just tests that the subunit reporter implements the basic interface.
- """
- resultFactory = reporter.SubunitReporter
- def setUp(self):
- if reporter.TestProtocolClient is None:
- raise SkipTest(
- "Subunit not installed, cannot test SubunitReporter")
- TestReporterInterface.setUp(self)
- def assertForwardsToSubunit(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Assert that 'methodName' on L{SubunitReporter} forwards to the
- equivalent method on subunit.
- Checks that the return value from subunit is returned from the
- L{SubunitReporter} and that the reporter writes the same data to its
- stream as subunit does to its own.
- Assumes that the method on subunit has the same name as the method on
- L{SubunitReporter}.
- """
- stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- subunitClient = reporter.TestProtocolClient(stream)
- subunitReturn = getattr(subunitClient, methodName)(*args, **kwargs)
- subunitOutput = stream.getvalue()
- reporterReturn = getattr(self.result, methodName)(*args, **kwargs)
- self.assertEqual(subunitReturn, reporterReturn)
- self.assertEqual(subunitOutput, self.stream.getvalue())
- def removeMethod(self, klass, methodName):
- """
- Remove 'methodName' from 'klass'.
- If 'klass' does not have a method named 'methodName', then
- 'removeMethod' succeeds silently.
- If 'klass' does have a method named 'methodName', then it is removed
- using delattr. Also, methods of the same name are removed from all
- base classes of 'klass', thus removing the method entirely.
- @param klass: The class to remove the method from.
- @param methodName: The name of the method to remove.
- """
- method = getattr(klass, methodName, None)
- if method is None:
- return
- for base in getmro(klass):
- try:
- delattr(base, methodName)
- except (AttributeError, TypeError):
- break
- else:
- self.addCleanup(setattr, base, methodName, method)
- def test_subunitWithoutAddExpectedFailureInstalled(self):
- """
- Some versions of subunit don't have "addExpectedFailure". For these
- versions, we report expected failures as successes.
- """
- self.removeMethod(reporter.TestProtocolClient, 'addExpectedFailure')
- try:
- 1 / 0
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, sys.exc_info(), "todo")
- expectedFailureOutput = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.stream.truncate(0)
- self.result.addSuccess(self.test)
- successOutput = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(successOutput, expectedFailureOutput)
- def test_subunitWithoutAddSkipInstalled(self):
- """
- Some versions of subunit don't have "addSkip". For these versions, we
- report skips as successes.
- """
- self.removeMethod(reporter.TestProtocolClient, 'addSkip')
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, "reason")
- skipOutput = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.stream.truncate(0)
- self.result.addSuccess(self.test)
- successOutput = self.stream.getvalue()
- self.assertEqual(successOutput, skipOutput)
- def test_addExpectedFailurePassedThrough(self):
- """
- Some versions of subunit have "addExpectedFailure". For these
- versions, when we call 'addExpectedFailure' on the test result, we
- pass the error and test through to the subunit client.
- """
- addExpectedFailureCalls = []
- def addExpectedFailure(test, error):
- addExpectedFailureCalls.append((test, error))
- # Provide our own addExpectedFailure, whether or not the locally
- # installed subunit has addExpectedFailure.
- self.result._subunit.addExpectedFailure = addExpectedFailure
- try:
- 1 / 0
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- exc_info = sys.exc_info()
- self.result.addExpectedFailure(self.test, exc_info, 'todo')
- self.assertEqual(addExpectedFailureCalls, [(self.test, exc_info)])
- def test_addSkipSendsSubunitAddSkip(self):
- """
- Some versions of subunit have "addSkip". For these versions, when we
- call 'addSkip' on the test result, we pass the test and reason through
- to the subunit client.
- """
- addSkipCalls = []
- def addSkip(test, reason):
- addSkipCalls.append((test, reason))
- # Provide our own addSkip, whether or not the locally-installed
- # subunit has addSkip.
- self.result._subunit.addSkip = addSkip
- self.result.addSkip(self.test, 'reason')
- self.assertEqual(addSkipCalls, [(self.test, 'reason')])
- def test_doneDoesNothing(self):
- """
- The subunit reporter doesn't need to print out a summary -- the stream
- of results is everything. Thus, done() does nothing.
- """
- self.result.done()
- self.assertEqual('', self.stream.getvalue())
- def test_startTestSendsSubunitStartTest(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.startTest() sends the subunit 'startTest' message.
- """
- self.assertForwardsToSubunit('startTest', self.test)
- def test_stopTestSendsSubunitStopTest(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.stopTest() sends the subunit 'stopTest' message.
- """
- self.assertForwardsToSubunit('stopTest', self.test)
- def test_addSuccessSendsSubunitAddSuccess(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.addSuccess() sends the subunit 'addSuccess' message.
- """
- self.assertForwardsToSubunit('addSuccess', self.test)
- def test_addErrorSendsSubunitAddError(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.addError() sends the subunit 'addError' message.
- """
- try:
- 1 / 0
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- error = sys.exc_info()
- self.assertForwardsToSubunit('addError', self.test, error)
- def test_addFailureSendsSubunitAddFailure(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.addFailure() sends the subunit 'addFailure' message.
- """
- try:
- self.fail('hello')
- except self.failureException:
- failure = sys.exc_info()
- self.assertForwardsToSubunit('addFailure', self.test, failure)
- def test_addUnexpectedSuccessSendsSubunitAddSuccess(self):
- """
- SubunitReporter.addFailure() sends the subunit 'addSuccess' message,
- since subunit doesn't model unexpected success.
- """
- stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- subunitClient = reporter.TestProtocolClient(stream)
- subunitClient.addSuccess(self.test)
- subunitOutput = stream.getvalue()
- self.result.addUnexpectedSuccess(self.test, 'todo')
- self.assertEqual(subunitOutput, self.stream.getvalue())
- def test_loadTimeErrors(self):
- """
- Load-time errors are reported like normal errors.
- """
- test = runner.TestLoader().loadByName('doesntexist')
- test.run(self.result)
- output = self.stream.getvalue()
- # Just check that 'doesntexist' is in the output, rather than
- # assembling the expected stack trace.
- self.assertIn('doesntexist', output)
-class TestSubunitReporterNotInstalled(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test behaviour when the subunit reporter is not installed.
- """
- def test_subunitNotInstalled(self):
- """
- If subunit is not installed, TestProtocolClient will be None, and
- SubunitReporter will raise an error when you try to construct it.
- """
- stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.patch(reporter, 'TestProtocolClient', None)
- e = self.assertRaises(Exception, reporter.SubunitReporter, stream)
- self.assertEqual("Subunit not available", str(e))
-class TestTimingReporter(TestReporter):
- resultFactory = reporter.TimingTextReporter
-class LoggingReporter(reporter.Reporter):
- """
- Simple reporter that stores the last test that was passed to it.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- reporter.Reporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.test = None
- def addError(self, test, error):
- self.test = test
- def addExpectedFailure(self, test, failure, todo):
- self.test = test
- def addFailure(self, test, failure):
- self.test = test
- def addSkip(self, test, skip):
- self.test = test
- def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, todo):
- self.test = test
- def startTest(self, test):
- self.test = test
- def stopTest(self, test):
- self.test = test
-class TestAdaptedReporter(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- L{reporter._AdaptedReporter} is a reporter wrapper that wraps all of the
- tests it receives before passing them on to the original reporter.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.wrappedResult = self.getWrappedResult()
- def _testAdapter(self, test):
- return test.id()
- def assertWrapped(self, wrappedResult, test):
- self.assertEqual(wrappedResult._originalReporter.test, self._testAdapter(test))
- def getFailure(self, exceptionInstance):
- """
- Return a L{Failure} from raising the given exception.
- @param exceptionInstance: The exception to raise.
- @return: L{Failure}
- """
- try:
- raise exceptionInstance
- except:
- return Failure()
- def getWrappedResult(self):
- result = LoggingReporter()
- return reporter._AdaptedReporter(result, self._testAdapter)
- def test_addError(self):
- """
- C{addError} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.addError(self, self.getFailure(RuntimeError()))
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_addFailure(self):
- """
- C{addFailure} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.addFailure(self, self.getFailure(AssertionError()))
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_addSkip(self):
- """
- C{addSkip} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.addSkip(self, self.getFailure(SkipTest('no reason')))
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_startTest(self):
- """
- C{startTest} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.startTest(self)
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_stopTest(self):
- """
- C{stopTest} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.stopTest(self)
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_addExpectedFailure(self):
- """
- C{addExpectedFailure} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.addExpectedFailure(
- self, self.getFailure(RuntimeError()), Todo("no reason"))
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
- def test_addUnexpectedSuccess(self):
- """
- C{addUnexpectedSuccess} wraps its test with the provided adapter.
- """
- self.wrappedResult.addUnexpectedSuccess(self, Todo("no reason"))
- self.assertWrapped(self.wrappedResult, self)
-class FakeStream(object):
- """
- A fake stream which C{isatty} method returns some predictable.
- @ivar tty: returned value of C{isatty}.
- @type tty: C{bool}
- """
- def __init__(self, tty=True):
- self.tty = tty
- def isatty(self):
- return self.tty
-class AnsiColorizerTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{reporter._AnsiColorizer}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.savedModules = sys.modules.copy()
- def tearDown(self):
- sys.modules.clear()
- sys.modules.update(self.savedModules)
- def test_supportedStdOutTTY(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{False} if the given
- stream is not a TTY.
- """
- self.assertFalse(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream(False)))
- def test_supportedNoCurses(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{False} if the curses
- module can't be imported.
- """
- sys.modules['curses'] = None
- self.assertFalse(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- def test_supportedSetupTerm(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{True} if
- C{curses.tigetnum} returns more than 2 supported colors. It only tries
- to call C{curses.setupterm} if C{curses.tigetnum} previously failed
- with a C{curses.error}.
- """
- class fakecurses(object):
- error = RuntimeError
- setUp = 0
- def setupterm(self):
- self.setUp += 1
- def tigetnum(self, value):
- if self.setUp:
- return 3
- else:
- raise self.error()
- sys.modules['curses'] = fakecurses()
- self.assertTrue(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- self.assertTrue(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- self.assertEqual(sys.modules['curses'].setUp, 1)
- def test_supportedTigetNumWrongError(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{False} and doesn't try
- to call C{curses.setupterm} if C{curses.tigetnum} returns something
- different than C{curses.error}.
- """
- class fakecurses(object):
- error = RuntimeError
- def tigetnum(self, value):
- raise ValueError()
- sys.modules['curses'] = fakecurses()
- self.assertFalse(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- def test_supportedTigetNumNotEnoughColor(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{False} if
- C{curses.tigetnum} returns less than 2 supported colors.
- """
- class fakecurses(object):
- error = RuntimeError
- def tigetnum(self, value):
- return 1
- sys.modules['curses'] = fakecurses()
- self.assertFalse(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- def test_supportedTigetNumErrors(self):
- """
- L{reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported} returns C{False} if
- C{curses.tigetnum} raises an error, and calls C{curses.setupterm} once.
- """
- class fakecurses(object):
- error = RuntimeError
- setUp = 0
- def setupterm(self):
- self.setUp += 1
- def tigetnum(self, value):
- raise self.error()
- sys.modules['curses'] = fakecurses()
- self.assertFalse(reporter._AnsiColorizer.supported(FakeStream()))
- self.assertEqual(sys.modules['curses'].setUp, 1)