path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_paths.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_paths.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases covering L{twisted.python.filepath} and L{twisted.python.zippath}.
-import os, time, pickle, errno, zipfile, stat
-from twisted.python.compat import set
-from twisted.python.win32 import WindowsError, ERROR_DIRECTORY
-from twisted.python import filepath
-from twisted.python.zippath import ZipArchive
-from twisted.python.runtime import platform
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-class AbstractFilePathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- f1content = "file 1"
- f2content = "file 2"
- def _mkpath(self, *p):
- x = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cmn, *p))
- self.all.append(x)
- return x
- def subdir(self, *dirname):
- os.mkdir(self._mkpath(*dirname))
- def subfile(self, *dirname):
- return open(self._mkpath(*dirname), "wb")
- def setUp(self):
- self.now = time.time()
- cmn = self.cmn = os.path.abspath(self.mktemp())
- self.all = [cmn]
- os.mkdir(cmn)
- self.subdir("sub1")
- f = self.subfile("file1")
- f.write(self.f1content)
- f.close()
- f = self.subfile("sub1", "file2")
- f.write(self.f2content)
- f.close()
- self.subdir('sub3')
- f = self.subfile("sub3", "file3.ext1")
- f.close()
- f = self.subfile("sub3", "file3.ext2")
- f.close()
- f = self.subfile("sub3", "file3.ext3")
- f.close()
- self.path = filepath.FilePath(cmn)
- self.root = filepath.FilePath("/")
- def test_segmentsFromPositive(self):
- """
- Verify that the segments between two paths are correctly identified.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.path.child("a").child("b").child("c").segmentsFrom(self.path),
- ["a", "b", "c"])
- def test_segmentsFromNegative(self):
- """
- Verify that segmentsFrom notices when the ancestor isn't an ancestor.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError,
- self.path.child("a").child("b").child("c").segmentsFrom,
- self.path.child("d").child("c").child("e"))
- def test_walk(self):
- """
- Verify that walking the path gives the same result as the known file
- hierarchy.
- """
- x = [foo.path for foo in self.path.walk()]
- self.assertEqual(set(x), set(self.all))
- def test_parents(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.parents()} should return an iterator of every ancestor of
- the L{FilePath} in question.
- """
- L = []
- pathobj = self.path.child("a").child("b").child("c")
- fullpath = pathobj.path
- lastpath = fullpath
- thispath = os.path.dirname(fullpath)
- while lastpath != self.root.path:
- L.append(thispath)
- lastpath = thispath
- thispath = os.path.dirname(thispath)
- self.assertEqual([x.path for x in pathobj.parents()], L)
- def test_validSubdir(self):
- """
- Verify that a valid subdirectory will show up as a directory, but not as a
- file, not as a symlink, and be listable.
- """
- sub1 = self.path.child('sub1')
- self.failUnless(sub1.exists(),
- "This directory does exist.")
- self.failUnless(sub1.isdir(),
- "It's a directory.")
- self.failUnless(not sub1.isfile(),
- "It's a directory.")
- self.failUnless(not sub1.islink(),
- "It's a directory.")
- self.assertEqual(sub1.listdir(),
- ['file2'])
- def test_invalidSubdir(self):
- """
- Verify that a subdirectory that doesn't exist is reported as such.
- """
- sub2 = self.path.child('sub2')
- self.failIf(sub2.exists(),
- "This directory does not exist.")
- def test_validFiles(self):
- """
- Make sure that we can read existent non-empty files.
- """
- f1 = self.path.child('file1')
- self.assertEqual(f1.open().read(), self.f1content)
- f2 = self.path.child('sub1').child('file2')
- self.assertEqual(f2.open().read(), self.f2content)
- def test_multipleChildSegments(self):
- """
- C{fp.descendant([a, b, c])} returns the same L{FilePath} as is returned
- by C{fp.child(a).child(b).child(c)}.
- """
- multiple = self.path.descendant(['a', 'b', 'c'])
- single = self.path.child('a').child('b').child('c')
- self.assertEqual(multiple, single)
- def test_dictionaryKeys(self):
- """
- Verify that path instances are usable as dictionary keys.
- """
- f1 = self.path.child('file1')
- f1prime = self.path.child('file1')
- f2 = self.path.child('file2')
- dictoid = {}
- dictoid[f1] = 3
- dictoid[f1prime] = 4
- self.assertEqual(dictoid[f1], 4)
- self.assertEqual(dictoid.keys(), [f1])
- self.assertIdentical(dictoid.keys()[0], f1)
- self.assertNotIdentical(dictoid.keys()[0], f1prime) # sanity check
- dictoid[f2] = 5
- self.assertEqual(dictoid[f2], 5)
- self.assertEqual(len(dictoid), 2)
- def test_dictionaryKeyWithString(self):
- """
- Verify that path instances are usable as dictionary keys which do not clash
- with their string counterparts.
- """
- f1 = self.path.child('file1')
- dictoid = {f1: 'hello'}
- dictoid[f1.path] = 'goodbye'
- self.assertEqual(len(dictoid), 2)
- def test_childrenNonexistentError(self):
- """
- Verify that children raises the appropriate exception for non-existent
- directories.
- """
- self.assertRaises(filepath.UnlistableError,
- self.path.child('not real').children)
- def test_childrenNotDirectoryError(self):
- """
- Verify that listdir raises the appropriate exception for attempting to list
- a file rather than a directory.
- """
- self.assertRaises(filepath.UnlistableError,
- self.path.child('file1').children)
- def test_newTimesAreFloats(self):
- """
- Verify that all times returned from the various new time functions are ints
- (and hopefully therefore 'high precision').
- """
- for p in self.path, self.path.child('file1'):
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getAccessTime()), float)
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getModificationTime()), float)
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getStatusChangeTime()), float)
- def test_oldTimesAreInts(self):
- """
- Verify that all times returned from the various time functions are
- integers, for compatibility.
- """
- for p in self.path, self.path.child('file1'):
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getatime()), int)
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getmtime()), int)
- self.assertEqual(type(p.getctime()), int)
-class FakeWindowsPath(filepath.FilePath):
- """
- A test version of FilePath which overrides listdir to raise L{WindowsError}.
- """
- def listdir(self):
- """
- @raise WindowsError: always.
- """
- raise WindowsError(
- "A directory's validness was called into question")
-class ListingCompatibilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- These tests verify compatibility with legacy behavior of directory listing.
- """
- def test_windowsErrorExcept(self):
- """
- Verify that when a WindowsError is raised from listdir, catching
- WindowsError works.
- """
- fwp = FakeWindowsPath(self.mktemp())
- self.assertRaises(filepath.UnlistableError, fwp.children)
- self.assertRaises(WindowsError, fwp.children)
- def test_alwaysCatchOSError(self):
- """
- Verify that in the normal case where a directory does not exist, we will
- get an OSError.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.assertRaises(OSError, fp.children)
- def test_keepOriginalAttributes(self):
- """
- Verify that the Unlistable exception raised will preserve the attributes of
- the previously-raised exception.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- ose = self.assertRaises(OSError, fp.children)
- d1 = ose.__dict__.keys()
- d1.remove('originalException')
- d2 = ose.originalException.__dict__.keys()
- d1.sort()
- d2.sort()
- self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
-def zipit(dirname, zfname):
- """
- Create a zipfile on zfname, containing the contents of dirname'
- """
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfname, "w")
- for root, ignored, files, in os.walk(dirname):
- for fname in files:
- fspath = os.path.join(root, fname)
- arcpath = os.path.join(root, fname)[len(dirname)+1:]
- # print fspath, '=>', arcpath
- zf.write(fspath, arcpath)
- zf.close()
-class ZipFilePathTestCase(AbstractFilePathTestCase):
- """
- Test various L{ZipPath} path manipulations as well as reprs for L{ZipPath}
- and L{ZipArchive}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AbstractFilePathTestCase.setUp(self)
- zipit(self.cmn, self.cmn + '.zip')
- self.path = ZipArchive(self.cmn + '.zip')
- self.root = self.path
- self.all = [x.replace(self.cmn, self.cmn + '.zip') for x in self.all]
- def test_verifyObject(self):
- """
- ZipPaths implement IFilePath.
- """
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(filepath.IFilePath, self.path))
- def test_zipPathRepr(self):
- """
- Make sure that invoking ZipPath's repr prints the correct class name
- and an absolute path to the zip file.
- """
- child = self.path.child("foo")
- pathRepr = "ZipPath(%r)" % (
- os.path.abspath(self.cmn + ".zip" + os.sep + 'foo'),)
- # Check for an absolute path
- self.assertEqual(repr(child), pathRepr)
- # Create a path to the file rooted in the current working directory
- relativeCommon = self.cmn.replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, "", 1) + ".zip"
- relpath = ZipArchive(relativeCommon)
- child = relpath.child("foo")
- # Check using a path without the cwd prepended
- self.assertEqual(repr(child), pathRepr)
- def test_zipPathReprParentDirSegment(self):
- """
- The repr of a ZipPath with C{".."} in the internal part of its path
- includes the C{".."} rather than applying the usual parent directory
- meaning.
- """
- child = self.path.child("foo").child("..").child("bar")
- pathRepr = "ZipPath(%r)" % (
- self.cmn + ".zip" + os.sep.join(["", "foo", "..", "bar"]))
- self.assertEqual(repr(child), pathRepr)
- def test_zipPathReprEscaping(self):
- """
- Bytes in the ZipPath path which have special meaning in Python
- string literals are escaped in the ZipPath repr.
- """
- child = self.path.child("'")
- path = self.cmn + ".zip" + os.sep.join(["", "'"])
- pathRepr = "ZipPath('%s')" % (path.encode('string-escape'),)
- self.assertEqual(repr(child), pathRepr)
- def test_zipArchiveRepr(self):
- """
- Make sure that invoking ZipArchive's repr prints the correct class
- name and an absolute path to the zip file.
- """
- pathRepr = 'ZipArchive(%r)' % (os.path.abspath(self.cmn + '.zip'),)
- # Check for an absolute path
- self.assertEqual(repr(self.path), pathRepr)
- # Create a path to the file rooted in the current working directory
- relativeCommon = self.cmn.replace(os.getcwd() + os.sep, "", 1) + ".zip"
- relpath = ZipArchive(relativeCommon)
- # Check using a path without the cwd prepended
- self.assertEqual(repr(relpath), pathRepr)
-class ExplodingFile:
- """
- A C{file}-alike which raises exceptions from its I/O methods and keeps track
- of whether it has been closed.
- @ivar closed: A C{bool} which is C{False} until C{close} is called, then it
- is C{True}.
- """
- closed = False
- def read(self, n=0):
- """
- @raise IOError: Always raised.
- """
- raise IOError()
- def write(self, what):
- """
- @raise IOError: Always raised.
- """
- raise IOError()
- def close(self):
- """
- Mark the file as having been closed.
- """
- self.closed = True
-class TrackingFilePath(filepath.FilePath):
- """
- A subclass of L{filepath.FilePath} which maintains a list of all other paths
- created by clonePath.
- @ivar trackingList: A list of all paths created by this path via
- C{clonePath} (which also includes paths created by methods like
- C{parent}, C{sibling}, C{child}, etc (and all paths subsequently created
- by those paths, etc).
- @type trackingList: C{list} of L{TrackingFilePath}
- @ivar openedFiles: A list of all file objects opened by this
- L{TrackingFilePath} or any other L{TrackingFilePath} in C{trackingList}.
- @type openedFiles: C{list} of C{file}
- """
- def __init__(self, path, alwaysCreate=False, trackingList=None):
- filepath.FilePath.__init__(self, path, alwaysCreate)
- if trackingList is None:
- trackingList = []
- self.trackingList = trackingList
- self.openedFiles = []
- def open(self, *a, **k):
- """
- Override 'open' to track all files opened by this path.
- """
- f = filepath.FilePath.open(self, *a, **k)
- self.openedFiles.append(f)
- return f
- def openedPaths(self):
- """
- Return a list of all L{TrackingFilePath}s associated with this
- L{TrackingFilePath} that have had their C{open()} method called.
- """
- return [path for path in self.trackingList if path.openedFiles]
- def clonePath(self, name):
- """
- Override L{filepath.FilePath.clonePath} to give the new path a reference
- to the same tracking list.
- """
- clone = TrackingFilePath(name, trackingList=self.trackingList)
- self.trackingList.append(clone)
- return clone
-class ExplodingFilePath(filepath.FilePath):
- """
- A specialized L{FilePath} which always returns an instance of
- L{ExplodingFile} from its C{open} method.
- @ivar fp: The L{ExplodingFile} instance most recently returned from the
- C{open} method.
- """
- def __init__(self, pathName, originalExploder=None):
- """
- Initialize an L{ExplodingFilePath} with a name and a reference to the
- @param pathName: The path name as passed to L{filepath.FilePath}.
- @type pathName: C{str}
- @param originalExploder: The L{ExplodingFilePath} to associate opened
- files with.
- @type originalExploder: L{ExplodingFilePath}
- """
- filepath.FilePath.__init__(self, pathName)
- if originalExploder is None:
- originalExploder = self
- self._originalExploder = originalExploder
- def open(self, mode=None):
- """
- Create, save, and return a new C{ExplodingFile}.
- @param mode: Present for signature compatibility. Ignored.
- @return: A new C{ExplodingFile}.
- """
- f = self._originalExploder.fp = ExplodingFile()
- return f
- def clonePath(self, name):
- return ExplodingFilePath(name, self._originalExploder)
-class PermissionsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test Permissions and RWX classes
- """
- def assertNotUnequal(self, first, second, msg=None):
- """
- Tests that C{first} != C{second} is false. This method tests the
- __ne__ method, as opposed to L{assertEqual} (C{first} == C{second}),
- which tests the __eq__ method.
- Note: this should really be part of trial
- """
- if first != second:
- if msg is None:
- msg = '';
- if len(msg) > 0:
- msg += '\n'
- raise self.failureException(
- '%snot not unequal (__ne__ not implemented correctly):'
- '\na = %s\nb = %s\n'
- % (msg, pformat(first), pformat(second)))
- return first
- def test_rwxFromBools(self):
- """
- L{RWX}'s constructor takes a set of booleans
- """
- for r in (True, False):
- for w in (True, False):
- for x in (True, False):
- rwx = filepath.RWX(r, w, x)
- self.assertEqual(rwx.read, r)
- self.assertEqual(rwx.write, w)
- self.assertEqual(rwx.execute, x)
- rwx = filepath.RWX(True, True, True)
- self.assertTrue(rwx.read and rwx.write and rwx.execute)
- def test_rwxEqNe(self):
- """
- L{RWX}'s created with the same booleans are equivalent. If booleans
- are different, they are not equal.
- """
- for r in (True, False):
- for w in (True, False):
- for x in (True, False):
- self.assertEqual(filepath.RWX(r, w, x),
- filepath.RWX(r, w, x))
- self.assertNotUnequal(filepath.RWX(r, w, x),
- filepath.RWX(r, w, x))
- self.assertNotEqual(filepath.RWX(True, True, True),
- filepath.RWX(True, True, False))
- self.assertNotEqual(3, filepath.RWX(True, True, True))
- def test_rwxShorthand(self):
- """
- L{RWX}'s shorthand string should be 'rwx' if read, write, and execute
- permission bits are true. If any of those permissions bits are false,
- the character is replaced by a '-'.
- """
- def getChar(val, letter):
- if val:
- return letter
- return '-'
- for r in (True, False):
- for w in (True, False):
- for x in (True, False):
- rwx = filepath.RWX(r, w, x)
- self.assertEqual(rwx.shorthand(),
- getChar(r, 'r') +
- getChar(w, 'w') +
- getChar(x, 'x'))
- self.assertEqual(filepath.RWX(True, False, True).shorthand(), "r-x")
- def test_permissionsFromStat(self):
- """
- L{Permissions}'s constructor takes a valid permissions bitmask and
- parsaes it to produce the correct set of boolean permissions.
- """
- def _rwxFromStat(statModeInt, who):
- def getPermissionBit(what, who):
- return (statModeInt &
- getattr(stat, "S_I%s%s" % (what, who))) > 0
- return filepath.RWX(*[getPermissionBit(what, who) for what in
- ('R', 'W', 'X')])
- for u in range(0, 8):
- for g in range(0, 8):
- for o in range(0, 8):
- chmodString = "%d%d%d" % (u, g, o)
- chmodVal = int(chmodString, 8)
- perm = filepath.Permissions(chmodVal)
- self.assertEqual(perm.user,
- _rwxFromStat(chmodVal, "USR"),
- "%s: got user: %s" %
- (chmodString, perm.user))
- self.assertEqual(perm.group,
- _rwxFromStat(chmodVal, "GRP"),
- "%s: got group: %s" %
- (chmodString, perm.group))
- self.assertEqual(perm.other,
- _rwxFromStat(chmodVal, "OTH"),
- "%s: got other: %s" %
- (chmodString, perm.other))
- perm = filepath.Permissions(0777)
- for who in ("user", "group", "other"):
- for what in ("read", "write", "execute"):
- self.assertTrue(getattr(getattr(perm, who), what))
- def test_permissionsEq(self):
- """
- Two L{Permissions}'s that are created with the same bitmask
- are equivalent
- """
- self.assertEqual(filepath.Permissions(0777),
- filepath.Permissions(0777))
- self.assertNotUnequal(filepath.Permissions(0777),
- filepath.Permissions(0777))
- self.assertNotEqual(filepath.Permissions(0777),
- filepath.Permissions(0700))
- self.assertNotEqual(3, filepath.Permissions(0777))
- def test_permissionsShorthand(self):
- """
- L{Permissions}'s shorthand string is the RWX shorthand string for its
- user permission bits, group permission bits, and other permission bits
- concatenated together, without a space.
- """
- for u in range(0, 8):
- for g in range(0, 8):
- for o in range(0, 8):
- perm = filepath.Permissions(eval("0%d%d%d" % (u, g, o)))
- self.assertEqual(perm.shorthand(),
- ''.join(x.shorthand() for x in (
- perm.user, perm.group, perm.other)))
- self.assertEqual(filepath.Permissions(0770).shorthand(), "rwxrwx---")
-class FilePathTestCase(AbstractFilePathTestCase):
- """
- Test various L{FilePath} path manipulations.
- """
- def test_verifyObject(self):
- """
- FilePaths implement IFilePath.
- """
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(filepath.IFilePath, self.path))
- def test_chmod(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.chmod} modifies the permissions of
- the passed file as expected (using C{os.stat} to check). We use some
- basic modes that should work everywhere (even on Windows).
- """
- for mode in (0555, 0777):
- self.path.child("sub1").chmod(mode)
- self.assertEqual(
- stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(self.path.child("sub1").path).st_mode),
- mode)
- def symlink(self, target, name):
- """
- Create a symbolic link named C{name} pointing at C{target}.
- @type target: C{str}
- @type name: C{str}
- @raise SkipTest: raised if symbolic links are not supported on the
- host platform.
- """
- if getattr(os, 'symlink', None) is None:
- raise unittest.SkipTest(
- "Platform does not support symbolic links.")
- os.symlink(target, name)
- def createLinks(self):
- """
- Create several symbolic links to files and directories.
- """
- subdir = self.path.child("sub1")
- self.symlink(subdir.path, self._mkpath("sub1.link"))
- self.symlink(subdir.child("file2").path, self._mkpath("file2.link"))
- self.symlink(subdir.child("file2").path,
- self._mkpath("sub1", "sub1.file2.link"))
- def test_realpathSymlink(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.realpath} returns the path of the ultimate target of a
- symlink.
- """
- self.createLinks()
- self.symlink(self.path.child("file2.link").path,
- self.path.child("link.link").path)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("link.link").realpath(),
- self.path.child("sub1").child("file2"))
- def test_realpathCyclicalSymlink(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.realpath} raises L{filepath.LinkError} if the path is a
- symbolic link which is part of a cycle.
- """
- self.symlink(self.path.child("link1").path, self.path.child("link2").path)
- self.symlink(self.path.child("link2").path, self.path.child("link1").path)
- self.assertRaises(filepath.LinkError,
- self.path.child("link2").realpath)
- def test_realpathNoSymlink(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.realpath} returns the path itself if the path is not a
- symbolic link.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("sub1").realpath(),
- self.path.child("sub1"))
- def test_walkCyclicalSymlink(self):
- """
- Verify that walking a path with a cyclical symlink raises an error
- """
- self.createLinks()
- self.symlink(self.path.child("sub1").path,
- self.path.child("sub1").child("sub1.loopylink").path)
- def iterateOverPath():
- return [foo.path for foo in self.path.walk()]
- self.assertRaises(filepath.LinkError, iterateOverPath)
- def test_walkObeysDescendWithCyclicalSymlinks(self):
- """
- Verify that, after making a path with cyclical symlinks, when the
- supplied C{descend} predicate returns C{False}, the target is not
- traversed, as if it was a simple symlink.
- """
- self.createLinks()
- # we create cyclical symlinks
- self.symlink(self.path.child("sub1").path,
- self.path.child("sub1").child("sub1.loopylink").path)
- def noSymLinks(path):
- return not path.islink()
- def iterateOverPath():
- return [foo.path for foo in self.path.walk(descend=noSymLinks)]
- self.assertTrue(iterateOverPath())
- def test_walkObeysDescend(self):
- """
- Verify that when the supplied C{descend} predicate returns C{False},
- the target is not traversed.
- """
- self.createLinks()
- def noSymLinks(path):
- return not path.islink()
- x = [foo.path for foo in self.path.walk(descend=noSymLinks)]
- self.assertEqual(set(x), set(self.all))
- def test_getAndSet(self):
- content = 'newcontent'
- self.path.child('new').setContent(content)
- newcontent = self.path.child('new').getContent()
- self.assertEqual(content, newcontent)
- content = 'content'
- self.path.child('new').setContent(content, '.tmp')
- newcontent = self.path.child('new').getContent()
- self.assertEqual(content, newcontent)
- def test_getContentFileClosing(self):
- """
- If reading from the underlying file raises an exception,
- L{FilePath.getContent} raises that exception after closing the file.
- """
- fp = ExplodingFilePath("")
- self.assertRaises(IOError, fp.getContent)
- self.assertTrue(fp.fp.closed)
- def test_setContentFileClosing(self):
- """
- If writing to the underlying file raises an exception,
- L{FilePath.setContent} raises that exception after closing the file.
- """
- fp = ExplodingFilePath("")
- self.assertRaises(IOError, fp.setContent, "blah")
- self.assertTrue(fp.fp.closed)
- def test_setContentNameCollision(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.setContent} will use a different temporary filename on each
- invocation, so that multiple processes, threads, or reentrant
- invocations will not collide with each other.
- """
- fp = TrackingFilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.setContent("alpha")
- fp.setContent("beta")
- # Sanity check: setContent should only open one derivative path each
- # time to store the temporary file.
- openedSiblings = fp.openedPaths()
- self.assertEqual(len(openedSiblings), 2)
- self.assertNotEquals(openedSiblings[0], openedSiblings[1])
- def test_setContentExtension(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.setContent} creates temporary files with a user-supplied
- extension, so that if it is somehow interrupted while writing them, the
- file that it leaves behind will be identifiable.
- """
- fp = TrackingFilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.setContent("hello")
- opened = fp.openedPaths()
- self.assertEqual(len(opened), 1)
- self.assertTrue(opened[0].basename().endswith(".new"),
- "%s does not end with default '.new' extension" % (
- opened[0].basename()))
- fp.setContent("goodbye", "-something-else")
- opened = fp.openedPaths()
- self.assertEqual(len(opened), 2)
- self.assertTrue(opened[1].basename().endswith("-something-else"),
- "%s does not end with -something-else extension" % (
- opened[1].basename()))
- def test_symbolicLink(self):
- """
- Verify the behavior of the C{isLink} method against links and
- non-links. Also check that the symbolic link shares the directory
- property with its target.
- """
- s4 = self.path.child("sub4")
- s3 = self.path.child("sub3")
- self.symlink(s3.path, s4.path)
- self.assertTrue(s4.islink())
- self.assertFalse(s3.islink())
- self.assertTrue(s4.isdir())
- self.assertTrue(s3.isdir())
- def test_linkTo(self):
- """
- Verify that symlink creates a valid symlink that is both a link and a
- file if its target is a file, or a directory if its target is a
- directory.
- """
- targetLinks = [
- (self.path.child("sub2"), self.path.child("sub2.link")),
- (self.path.child("sub2").child("file3.ext1"),
- self.path.child("file3.ext1.link"))
- ]
- for target, link in targetLinks:
- target.linkTo(link)
- self.assertTrue(link.islink(), "This is a link")
- self.assertEqual(target.isdir(), link.isdir())
- self.assertEqual(target.isfile(), link.isfile())
- def test_linkToErrors(self):
- """
- Verify C{linkTo} fails in the following case:
- - the target is in a directory that doesn't exist
- - the target already exists
- """
- self.assertRaises(OSError, self.path.child("file1").linkTo,
- self.path.child('nosub').child('file1'))
- self.assertRaises(OSError, self.path.child("file1").linkTo,
- self.path.child('sub1').child('file2'))
- if not getattr(os, "symlink", None):
- skipMsg = "Your platform does not support symbolic links."
- test_symbolicLink.skip = skipMsg
- test_linkTo.skip = skipMsg
- test_linkToErrors.skip = skipMsg
- def testMultiExt(self):
- f3 = self.path.child('sub3').child('file3')
- exts = '.foo','.bar', 'ext1','ext2','ext3'
- self.failIf(f3.siblingExtensionSearch(*exts))
- f3e = f3.siblingExtension(".foo")
- f3e.touch()
- self.failIf(not f3.siblingExtensionSearch(*exts).exists())
- self.failIf(not f3.siblingExtensionSearch('*').exists())
- f3e.remove()
- self.failIf(f3.siblingExtensionSearch(*exts))
- def testPreauthChild(self):
- fp = filepath.FilePath('.')
- fp.preauthChild('foo/bar')
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, fp.child, '/foo')
- def testStatCache(self):
- p = self.path.child('stattest')
- p.touch()
- self.assertEqual(p.getsize(), 0)
- self.assertEqual(abs(p.getmtime() - time.time()) // 20, 0)
- self.assertEqual(abs(p.getctime() - time.time()) // 20, 0)
- self.assertEqual(abs(p.getatime() - time.time()) // 20, 0)
- self.assertEqual(p.exists(), True)
- self.assertEqual(p.exists(), True)
- # OOB removal: FilePath.remove() will automatically restat
- os.remove(p.path)
- # test caching
- self.assertEqual(p.exists(), True)
- p.restat(reraise=False)
- self.assertEqual(p.exists(), False)
- self.assertEqual(p.islink(), False)
- self.assertEqual(p.isdir(), False)
- self.assertEqual(p.isfile(), False)
- def testPersist(self):
- newpath = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.path))
- self.assertEqual(self.path.__class__, newpath.__class__)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.path, newpath.path)
- def testInsecureUNIX(self):
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, "..")
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, "/etc")
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, "../..")
- def testInsecureWin32(self):
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, r"..\..")
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, r"C:randomfile")
- if platform.getType() != 'win32':
- testInsecureWin32.skip = "Test will run only on Windows."
- def testInsecureWin32Whacky(self):
- """
- Windows has 'special' filenames like NUL and CON and COM1 and LPR
- and PRN and ... god knows what else. They can be located anywhere in
- the filesystem. For obvious reasons, we do not wish to normally permit
- access to these.
- """
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, "CON")
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, "C:CON")
- self.assertRaises(filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.child, r"C:\CON")
- if platform.getType() != 'win32':
- testInsecureWin32Whacky.skip = "Test will run only on Windows."
- def testComparison(self):
- self.assertEqual(filepath.FilePath('a'),
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('z') >
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('z') >=
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('a') >=
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('a') <=
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('a') <
- filepath.FilePath('z'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('a') <=
- filepath.FilePath('z'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('a') !=
- filepath.FilePath('z'))
- self.failUnless(filepath.FilePath('z') !=
- filepath.FilePath('a'))
- self.failIf(filepath.FilePath('z') !=
- filepath.FilePath('z'))
- def test_descendantOnly(self):
- """
- If C{".."} is in the sequence passed to L{FilePath.descendant},
- L{InsecurePath} is raised.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- filepath.InsecurePath, self.path.descendant, ['a', '..'])
- def testSibling(self):
- p = self.path.child('sibling_start')
- ts = p.sibling('sibling_test')
- self.assertEqual(ts.dirname(), p.dirname())
- self.assertEqual(ts.basename(), 'sibling_test')
- ts.createDirectory()
- self.assertIn(ts, self.path.children())
- def testTemporarySibling(self):
- ts = self.path.temporarySibling()
- self.assertEqual(ts.dirname(), self.path.dirname())
- self.assertNotIn(ts.basename(), self.path.listdir())
- ts.createDirectory()
- self.assertIn(ts, self.path.parent().children())
- def test_temporarySiblingExtension(self):
- """
- If L{FilePath.temporarySibling} is given an extension argument, it will
- produce path objects with that extension appended to their names.
- """
- testExtension = ".test-extension"
- ts = self.path.temporarySibling(testExtension)
- self.assertTrue(ts.basename().endswith(testExtension),
- "%s does not end with %s" % (
- ts.basename(), testExtension))
- def test_removeDirectory(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.remove} on a L{FilePath} that refers to a directory will
- recursively delete its contents.
- """
- self.path.remove()
- self.failIf(self.path.exists())
- def test_removeWithSymlink(self):
- """
- For a path which is a symbolic link, L{FilePath.remove} just deletes
- the link, not the target.
- """
- link = self.path.child("sub1.link")
- # setUp creates the sub1 child
- self.symlink(self.path.child("sub1").path, link.path)
- link.remove()
- self.assertFalse(link.exists())
- self.assertTrue(self.path.child("sub1").exists())
- def test_copyToDirectory(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.copyTo} makes a copy of all the contents of the directory
- named by that L{FilePath} if it is able to do so.
- """
- oldPaths = list(self.path.walk()) # Record initial state
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.path.copyTo(fp)
- self.path.remove()
- fp.copyTo(self.path)
- newPaths = list(self.path.walk()) # Record double-copy state
- newPaths.sort()
- oldPaths.sort()
- self.assertEqual(newPaths, oldPaths)
- def test_copyToMissingDestFileClosing(self):
- """
- If an exception is raised while L{FilePath.copyTo} is trying to open
- source file to read from, the destination file is closed and the
- exception is raised to the caller of L{FilePath.copyTo}.
- """
- nosuch = self.path.child("nothere")
- # Make it look like something to copy, even though it doesn't exist.
- # This could happen if the file is deleted between the isfile check and
- # the file actually being opened.
- nosuch.isfile = lambda: True
- # We won't get as far as writing to this file, but it's still useful for
- # tracking whether we closed it.
- destination = ExplodingFilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.assertRaises(IOError, nosuch.copyTo, destination)
- self.assertTrue(destination.fp.closed)
- def test_copyToFileClosing(self):
- """
- If an exception is raised while L{FilePath.copyTo} is copying bytes
- between two regular files, the source and destination files are closed
- and the exception propagates to the caller of L{FilePath.copyTo}.
- """
- destination = ExplodingFilePath(self.mktemp())
- source = ExplodingFilePath(__file__)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, source.copyTo, destination)
- self.assertTrue(source.fp.closed)
- self.assertTrue(destination.fp.closed)
- def test_copyToDirectoryItself(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.copyTo} fails with an OSError or IOError (depending on
- platform, as it propagates errors from open() and write()) when
- attempting to copy a directory to a child of itself.
- """
- self.assertRaises((OSError, IOError),
- self.path.copyTo, self.path.child('file1'))
- def test_copyToWithSymlink(self):
- """
- Verify that copying with followLinks=True copies symlink targets
- instead of symlinks
- """
- self.symlink(self.path.child("sub1").path,
- self.path.child("link1").path)
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.path.copyTo(fp)
- self.assertFalse(fp.child("link1").islink())
- self.assertEqual([x.basename() for x in fp.child("sub1").children()],
- [x.basename() for x in fp.child("link1").children()])
- def test_copyToWithoutSymlink(self):
- """
- Verify that copying with followLinks=False copies symlinks as symlinks
- """
- self.symlink("sub1", self.path.child("link1").path)
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.path.copyTo(fp, followLinks=False)
- self.assertTrue(fp.child("link1").islink())
- self.assertEqual(os.readlink(self.path.child("link1").path),
- os.readlink(fp.child("link1").path))
- def test_copyToMissingSource(self):
- """
- If the source path is missing, L{FilePath.copyTo} raises L{OSError}.
- """
- path = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- exc = self.assertRaises(OSError, path.copyTo, 'some other path')
- self.assertEqual(exc.errno, errno.ENOENT)
- def test_moveTo(self):
- """
- Verify that moving an entire directory results into another directory
- with the same content.
- """
- oldPaths = list(self.path.walk()) # Record initial state
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.path.moveTo(fp)
- fp.moveTo(self.path)
- newPaths = list(self.path.walk()) # Record double-move state
- newPaths.sort()
- oldPaths.sort()
- self.assertEqual(newPaths, oldPaths)
- def test_moveToExistsCache(self):
- """
- A L{FilePath} that has been moved aside with L{FilePath.moveTo} no
- longer registers as existing. Its previously non-existent target
- exists, though, as it was created by the call to C{moveTo}.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp2 = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.touch()
- # Both a sanity check (make sure the file status looks right) and an
- # enticement for stat-caching logic to kick in and remember that these
- # exist / don't exist.
- self.assertEqual(fp.exists(), True)
- self.assertEqual(fp2.exists(), False)
- fp.moveTo(fp2)
- self.assertEqual(fp.exists(), False)
- self.assertEqual(fp2.exists(), True)
- def test_moveToExistsCacheCrossMount(self):
- """
- The assertion of test_moveToExistsCache should hold in the case of a
- cross-mount move.
- """
- self.setUpFaultyRename()
- self.test_moveToExistsCache()
- def test_moveToSizeCache(self, hook=lambda : None):
- """
- L{FilePath.moveTo} clears its destination's status cache, such that
- calls to L{FilePath.getsize} after the call to C{moveTo} will report the
- new size, not the old one.
- This is a separate test from C{test_moveToExistsCache} because it is
- intended to cover the fact that the destination's cache is dropped;
- test_moveToExistsCache doesn't cover this case because (currently) a
- file that doesn't exist yet does not cache the fact of its non-
- existence.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp2 = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.setContent("1234")
- fp2.setContent("1234567890")
- hook()
- # Sanity check / kick off caching.
- self.assertEqual(fp.getsize(), 4)
- self.assertEqual(fp2.getsize(), 10)
- # Actually attempting to replace a file on Windows would fail with
- # ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, but we don't need to test that, just the cached
- # metadata, so, delete the file ...
- os.remove(fp2.path)
- # ... but don't clear the status cache, as fp2.remove() would.
- self.assertEqual(fp2.getsize(), 10)
- fp.moveTo(fp2)
- self.assertEqual(fp2.getsize(), 4)
- def test_moveToSizeCacheCrossMount(self):
- """
- The assertion of test_moveToSizeCache should hold in the case of a
- cross-mount move.
- """
- self.test_moveToSizeCache(hook=self.setUpFaultyRename)
- def test_moveToError(self):
- """
- Verify error behavior of moveTo: it should raises one of OSError or
- IOError if you want to move a path into one of its child. It's simply
- the error raised by the underlying rename system call.
- """
- self.assertRaises((OSError, IOError), self.path.moveTo, self.path.child('file1'))
- def setUpFaultyRename(self):
- """
- Set up a C{os.rename} that will fail with L{errno.EXDEV} on first call.
- This is used to simulate a cross-device rename failure.
- @return: a list of pair (src, dest) of calls to C{os.rename}
- @rtype: C{list} of C{tuple}
- """
- invokedWith = []
- def faultyRename(src, dest):
- invokedWith.append((src, dest))
- if len(invokedWith) == 1:
- raise OSError(errno.EXDEV, 'Test-induced failure simulating '
- 'cross-device rename failure')
- return originalRename(src, dest)
- originalRename = os.rename
- self.patch(os, "rename", faultyRename)
- return invokedWith
- def test_crossMountMoveTo(self):
- """
- C{moveTo} should be able to handle C{EXDEV} error raised by
- C{os.rename} when trying to move a file on a different mounted
- filesystem.
- """
- invokedWith = self.setUpFaultyRename()
- # Bit of a whitebox test - force os.rename, which moveTo tries
- # before falling back to a slower method, to fail, forcing moveTo to
- # use the slower behavior.
- self.test_moveTo()
- # A bit of a sanity check for this whitebox test - if our rename
- # was never invoked, the test has probably fallen into disrepair!
- self.assertTrue(invokedWith)
- def test_crossMountMoveToWithSymlink(self):
- """
- By default, when moving a symlink, it should follow the link and
- actually copy the content of the linked node.
- """
- invokedWith = self.setUpFaultyRename()
- f2 = self.path.child('file2')
- f3 = self.path.child('file3')
- self.symlink(self.path.child('file1').path, f2.path)
- f2.moveTo(f3)
- self.assertFalse(f3.islink())
- self.assertEqual(f3.getContent(), 'file 1')
- self.assertTrue(invokedWith)
- def test_crossMountMoveToWithoutSymlink(self):
- """
- Verify that moveTo called with followLinks=False actually create
- another symlink.
- """
- invokedWith = self.setUpFaultyRename()
- f2 = self.path.child('file2')
- f3 = self.path.child('file3')
- self.symlink(self.path.child('file1').path, f2.path)
- f2.moveTo(f3, followLinks=False)
- self.assertTrue(f3.islink())
- self.assertEqual(f3.getContent(), 'file 1')
- self.assertTrue(invokedWith)
- def test_createBinaryMode(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.create} should always open (and write to) files in binary
- mode; line-feed octets should be unmodified.
- (While this test should pass on all platforms, it is only really
- interesting on platforms which have the concept of binary mode, i.e.
- Windows platforms.)
- """
- path = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- f = path.create()
- self.failUnless("b" in f.mode)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
- read = open(path.path, "rb").read()
- self.assertEqual(read, "\n")
- def testOpen(self):
- # Opening a file for reading when it does not already exist is an error
- nonexistent = self.path.child('nonexistent')
- e = self.assertRaises(IOError, nonexistent.open)
- self.assertEqual(e.errno, errno.ENOENT)
- # Opening a file for writing when it does not exist is okay
- writer = self.path.child('writer')
- f = writer.open('w')
- f.write('abc\ndef')
- f.close()
- # Make sure those bytes ended up there - and test opening a file for
- # reading when it does exist at the same time
- f = writer.open()
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abc\ndef')
- f.close()
- # Re-opening that file in write mode should erase whatever was there.
- f = writer.open('w')
- f.close()
- f = writer.open()
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), '')
- f.close()
- # Put some bytes in a file so we can test that appending does not
- # destroy them.
- appender = self.path.child('appender')
- f = appender.open('w')
- f.write('abc')
- f.close()
- f = appender.open('a')
- f.write('def')
- f.close()
- f = appender.open('r')
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abcdef')
- f.close()
- # read/write should let us do both without erasing those bytes
- f = appender.open('r+')
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abcdef')
- # ANSI C *requires* an fseek or an fgetpos between an fread and an
- # fwrite or an fwrite and a fread. We can't reliable get Python to
- # invoke fgetpos, so we seek to a 0 byte offset from the current
- # position instead. Also, Python sucks for making this seek
- # relative to 1 instead of a symbolic constant representing the
- # current file position.
- f.seek(0, 1)
- # Put in some new bytes for us to test for later.
- f.write('ghi')
- f.close()
- # Make sure those new bytes really showed up
- f = appender.open('r')
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'abcdefghi')
- f.close()
- # write/read should let us do both, but erase anything that's there
- # already.
- f = appender.open('w+')
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), '')
- f.seek(0, 1) # Don't forget this!
- f.write('123')
- f.close()
- # super append mode should let us read and write and also position the
- # cursor at the end of the file, without erasing everything.
- f = appender.open('a+')
- # The order of these lines may seem surprising, but it is necessary.
- # The cursor is not at the end of the file until after the first write.
- f.write('456')
- f.seek(0, 1) # Asinine.
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), '')
- f.seek(0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(f.read(), '123456')
- f.close()
- # Opening a file exclusively must fail if that file exists already.
- nonexistent.requireCreate(True)
- nonexistent.open('w').close()
- existent = nonexistent
- del nonexistent
- self.assertRaises((OSError, IOError), existent.open)
- def test_openWithExplicitBinaryMode(self):
- """
- Due to a bug in Python 2.7 on Windows including multiple 'b'
- characters in the mode passed to the built-in open() will cause an
- error. FilePath.open() ensures that only a single 'b' character is
- included in the mode passed to the built-in open().
- See http://bugs.python.org/issue7686 for details about the bug.
- """
- writer = self.path.child('explicit-binary')
- file = writer.open('wb')
- file.write('abc\ndef')
- file.close()
- self.assertTrue(writer.exists)
- def test_openWithRedundantExplicitBinaryModes(self):
- """
- Due to a bug in Python 2.7 on Windows including multiple 'b'
- characters in the mode passed to the built-in open() will cause an
- error. No matter how many 'b' modes are specified, FilePath.open()
- ensures that only a single 'b' character is included in the mode
- passed to the built-in open().
- See http://bugs.python.org/issue7686 for details about the bug.
- """
- writer = self.path.child('multiple-binary')
- file = writer.open('wbb')
- file.write('abc\ndef')
- file.close()
- self.assertTrue(writer.exists)
- def test_existsCache(self):
- """
- Check that C{filepath.FilePath.exists} correctly restat the object if
- an operation has occurred in the mean time.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- self.assertEqual(fp.exists(), False)
- fp.makedirs()
- self.assertEqual(fp.exists(), True)
- def test_changed(self):
- """
- L{FilePath.changed} indicates that the L{FilePath} has changed, but does
- not re-read the status information from the filesystem until it is
- queried again via another method, such as C{getsize}.
- """
- fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
- fp.setContent("12345")
- self.assertEqual(fp.getsize(), 5)
- # Someone else comes along and changes the file.
- fObj = open(fp.path, 'wb')
- fObj.write("12345678")
- fObj.close()
- # Sanity check for caching: size should still be 5.
- self.assertEqual(fp.getsize(), 5)
- fp.changed()
- # This path should look like we don't know what status it's in, not that
- # we know that it didn't exist when last we checked.
- self.assertEqual(fp.statinfo, None)
- self.assertEqual(fp.getsize(), 8)
- def test_getPermissions_POSIX(self):
- """
- Getting permissions for a file returns a L{Permissions} object for
- POSIX platforms (which supports separate user, group, and other
- permissions bits.
- """
- for mode in (0777, 0700):
- self.path.child("sub1").chmod(mode)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("sub1").getPermissions(),
- filepath.Permissions(mode))
- self.path.child("sub1").chmod(0764) #sanity check
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("sub1").getPermissions().shorthand(),
- "rwxrw-r--")
- def test_getPermissions_Windows(self):
- """
- Getting permissions for a file returns a L{Permissions} object in
- Windows. Windows requires a different test, because user permissions
- = group permissions = other permissions. Also, chmod may not be able
- to set the execute bit, so we are skipping tests that set the execute
- bit.
- """
- for mode in (0777, 0555):
- self.path.child("sub1").chmod(mode)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("sub1").getPermissions(),
- filepath.Permissions(mode))
- self.path.child("sub1").chmod(0511) #sanity check to make sure that
- # user=group=other permissions
- self.assertEqual(self.path.child("sub1").getPermissions().shorthand(),
- "r-xr-xr-x")
- def test_whetherBlockOrSocket(self):
- """
- Ensure that a file is not a block or socket
- """
- self.assertFalse(self.path.isBlockDevice())
- self.assertFalse(self.path.isSocket())
- def test_statinfoBitsNotImplementedInWindows(self):
- """
- Verify that certain file stats are not available on Windows
- """
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.path.getInodeNumber)
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.path.getDevice)
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.path.getNumberOfHardLinks)
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.path.getUserID)
- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.path.getGroupID)
- def test_statinfoBitsAreNumbers(self):
- """
- Verify that file inode/device/nlinks/uid/gid stats are numbers in
- a POSIX environment
- """
- c = self.path.child('file1')
- for p in self.path, c:
- self.assertIsInstance(p.getInodeNumber(), long)
- self.assertIsInstance(p.getDevice(), long)
- self.assertIsInstance(p.getNumberOfHardLinks(), int)
- self.assertIsInstance(p.getUserID(), int)
- self.assertIsInstance(p.getGroupID(), int)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getUserID(), c.getUserID())
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getGroupID(), c.getGroupID())
- def test_statinfoNumbersAreValid(self):
- """
- Verify that the right numbers come back from the right accessor methods
- for file inode/device/nlinks/uid/gid (in a POSIX environment)
- """
- # specify fake statinfo information
- class FakeStat:
- st_ino = 200
- st_dev = 300
- st_nlink = 400
- st_uid = 500
- st_gid = 600
- # monkey patch in a fake restat method for self.path
- fake = FakeStat()
- def fakeRestat(*args, **kwargs):
- self.path.statinfo = fake
- self.path.restat = fakeRestat
- # ensure that restat will need to be called to get values
- self.path.statinfo = None
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getInodeNumber(), fake.st_ino)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getDevice(), fake.st_dev)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getNumberOfHardLinks(), fake.st_nlink)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getUserID(), fake.st_uid)
- self.assertEqual(self.path.getGroupID(), fake.st_gid)
- if platform.isWindows():
- test_statinfoBitsAreNumbers.skip = True
- test_statinfoNumbersAreValid.skip = True
- test_getPermissions_POSIX.skip = True
- else:
- test_statinfoBitsNotImplementedInWindows.skip = "Test will run only on Windows."
- test_getPermissions_Windows.skip = "Test will run only on Windows."
-from twisted.python import urlpath
-class URLPathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.path = urlpath.URLPath.fromString("http://example.com/foo/bar?yes=no&no=yes#footer")
- def testStringConversion(self):
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path), "http://example.com/foo/bar?yes=no&no=yes#footer")
- def testChildString(self):
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('hello')), "http://example.com/foo/bar/hello")
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('hello').child('')), "http://example.com/foo/bar/hello/")
- def testSiblingString(self):
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.sibling('baz')), 'http://example.com/foo/baz')
- # The sibling of http://example.com/foo/bar/
- # is http://example.comf/foo/bar/baz
- # because really we are constructing a sibling of
- # http://example.com/foo/bar/index.html
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('').sibling('baz')), 'http://example.com/foo/bar/baz')
- def testParentString(self):
- # parent should be equivalent to '..'
- # 'foo' is the current directory, '/' is the parent directory
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.parent()), 'http://example.com/')
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('').parent()), 'http://example.com/foo/')
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('baz').parent()), 'http://example.com/foo/')
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent()), 'http://example.com/')
- def testHereString(self):
- # here should be equivalent to '.'
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.here()), 'http://example.com/foo/')
- self.assertEqual(str(self.path.child('').here()), 'http://example.com/foo/bar/')