path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_log.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/test/test_log.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.python.log}.
-import os, sys, time, logging, warnings, calendar
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import log, failure
-class FakeWarning(Warning):
- """
- A unique L{Warning} subclass used by tests for interactions of
- L{twisted.python.log} with the L{warnings} module.
- """
-class LogTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.catcher = []
- self.observer = self.catcher.append
- log.addObserver(self.observer)
- self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, self.observer)
- def testObservation(self):
- catcher = self.catcher
- log.msg("test", testShouldCatch=True)
- i = catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(i["message"][0], "test")
- self.assertEqual(i["testShouldCatch"], True)
- self.assertIn("time", i)
- self.assertEqual(len(catcher), 0)
- def testContext(self):
- catcher = self.catcher
- log.callWithContext({"subsystem": "not the default",
- "subsubsystem": "a",
- "other": "c"},
- log.callWithContext,
- {"subsubsystem": "b"}, log.msg, "foo", other="d")
- i = catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(i['subsubsystem'], 'b')
- self.assertEqual(i['subsystem'], 'not the default')
- self.assertEqual(i['other'], 'd')
- self.assertEqual(i['message'][0], 'foo')
- def testErrors(self):
- for e, ig in [("hello world","hello world"),
- (KeyError(), KeyError),
- (failure.Failure(RuntimeError()), RuntimeError)]:
- log.err(e)
- i = self.catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(i['isError'], 1)
- self.flushLoggedErrors(ig)
- def testErrorsWithWhy(self):
- for e, ig in [("hello world","hello world"),
- (KeyError(), KeyError),
- (failure.Failure(RuntimeError()), RuntimeError)]:
- log.err(e, 'foobar')
- i = self.catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(i['isError'], 1)
- self.assertEqual(i['why'], 'foobar')
- self.flushLoggedErrors(ig)
- def test_erroneousErrors(self):
- """
- Exceptions raised by log observers are logged but the observer which
- raised the exception remains registered with the publisher. These
- exceptions do not prevent the event from being sent to other observers
- registered with the publisher.
- """
- L1 = []
- L2 = []
- def broken(events):
- 1 // 0
- for observer in [L1.append, broken, L2.append]:
- log.addObserver(observer)
- self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, observer)
- for i in xrange(3):
- # Reset the lists for simpler comparison.
- L1[:] = []
- L2[:] = []
- # Send out the event which will break one of the observers.
- log.msg("Howdy, y'all.")
- # The broken observer should have caused this to be logged.
- excs = self.flushLoggedErrors(ZeroDivisionError)
- self.assertEqual(len(excs), 1)
- # Both other observers should have seen the message.
- self.assertEqual(len(L1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(len(L2), 2)
- # The order is slightly wrong here. The first event should be
- # delivered to all observers; then, errors should be delivered.
- self.assertEqual(L1[1]['message'], ("Howdy, y'all.",))
- self.assertEqual(L2[0]['message'], ("Howdy, y'all.",))
- def test_doubleErrorDoesNotRemoveObserver(self):
- """
- If logging causes an error, make sure that if logging the fact that
- logging failed also causes an error, the log observer is not removed.
- """
- events = []
- errors = []
- publisher = log.LogPublisher()
- class FailingObserver(object):
- calls = 0
- def log(self, msg, **kwargs):
- # First call raises RuntimeError:
- self.calls += 1
- if self.calls < 2:
- raise RuntimeError("Failure #%s" % (self.calls,))
- else:
- events.append(msg)
- observer = FailingObserver()
- publisher.addObserver(observer.log)
- self.assertEqual(publisher.observers, [observer.log])
- try:
- # When observer throws, the publisher attempts to log the fact by
- # calling self._err()... which also fails with recursion error:
- oldError = publisher._err
- def failingErr(failure, why, **kwargs):
- errors.append(failure.value)
- raise RuntimeError("Fake recursion error")
- publisher._err = failingErr
- publisher.msg("error in first observer")
- finally:
- publisher._err = oldError
- # Observer should still exist; we do this in finally since before
- # bug was fixed the test would fail due to uncaught exception, so
- # we want failing assert too in that case:
- self.assertEqual(publisher.observers, [observer.log])
- # The next message should succeed:
- publisher.msg("but this should succeed")
- self.assertEqual(observer.calls, 2)
- self.assertEqual(len(events), 1)
- self.assertEqual(events[0]['message'], ("but this should succeed",))
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(errors[0], RuntimeError)
- def test_showwarning(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.log.showwarning} emits the warning as a message
- to the Twisted logging system.
- """
- publisher = log.LogPublisher()
- publisher.addObserver(self.observer)
- publisher.showwarning(
- FakeWarning("unique warning message"), FakeWarning,
- "warning-filename.py", 27)
- event = self.catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(
- event['format'] % event,
- 'warning-filename.py:27: twisted.test.test_log.FakeWarning: '
- 'unique warning message')
- self.assertEqual(self.catcher, [])
- # Python 2.6 requires that any function used to override the
- # warnings.showwarning API accept a "line" parameter or a
- # deprecation warning is emitted.
- publisher.showwarning(
- FakeWarning("unique warning message"), FakeWarning,
- "warning-filename.py", 27, line=object())
- event = self.catcher.pop()
- self.assertEqual(
- event['format'] % event,
- 'warning-filename.py:27: twisted.test.test_log.FakeWarning: '
- 'unique warning message')
- self.assertEqual(self.catcher, [])
- def test_warningToFile(self):
- """
- L{twisted.python.log.showwarning} passes warnings with an explicit file
- target on to the underlying Python warning system.
- """
- message = "another unique message"
- category = FakeWarning
- filename = "warning-filename.py"
- lineno = 31
- output = StringIO()
- log.showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=output)
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno))
- # In Python 2.6, warnings.showwarning accepts a "line" argument which
- # gives the source line the warning message is to include.
- if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
- line = "hello world"
- output = StringIO()
- log.showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=output,
- line=line)
- self.assertEqual(
- output.getvalue(),
- warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno,
- line))
- def test_publisherReportsBrokenObserversPrivately(self):
- """
- Log publisher does not use the global L{log.err} when reporting broken
- observers.
- """
- errors = []
- def logError(eventDict):
- if eventDict.get("isError"):
- errors.append(eventDict["failure"].value)
- def fail(eventDict):
- raise RuntimeError("test_publisherLocalyReportsBrokenObservers")
- publisher = log.LogPublisher()
- publisher.addObserver(logError)
- publisher.addObserver(fail)
- publisher.msg("Hello!")
- self.assertEqual(publisher.observers, [logError, fail])
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(errors[0], RuntimeError)
-class FakeFile(list):
- def write(self, bytes):
- self.append(bytes)
- def flush(self):
- pass
-class EvilStr:
- def __str__(self):
- 1//0
-class EvilRepr:
- def __str__(self):
- return "Happy Evil Repr"
- def __repr__(self):
- 1//0
-class EvilReprStr(EvilStr, EvilRepr):
- pass
-class LogPublisherTestCaseMixin:
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Add a log observer which records log events in C{self.out}. Also,
- make sure the default string encoding is ASCII so that
- L{testSingleUnicode} can test the behavior of logging unencodable
- unicode messages.
- """
- self.out = FakeFile()
- self.lp = log.LogPublisher()
- self.flo = log.FileLogObserver(self.out)
- self.lp.addObserver(self.flo.emit)
- try:
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- # This is the behavior we want - don't change anything.
- self._origEncoding = None
- else:
- reload(sys)
- self._origEncoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
- sys.setdefaultencoding('ascii')
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Verify that everything written to the fake file C{self.out} was a
- C{str}. Also, restore the default string encoding to its previous
- setting, if it was modified by L{setUp}.
- """
- for chunk in self.out:
- self.failUnless(isinstance(chunk, str), "%r was not a string" % (chunk,))
- if self._origEncoding is not None:
- sys.setdefaultencoding(self._origEncoding)
- del sys.setdefaultencoding
-class LogPublisherTestCase(LogPublisherTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def testSingleString(self):
- self.lp.msg("Hello, world.")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- def testMultipleString(self):
- # Test some stupid behavior that will be deprecated real soon.
- # If you are reading this and trying to learn how the logging
- # system works, *do not use this feature*.
- self.lp.msg("Hello, ", "world.")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- def testSingleUnicode(self):
- self.lp.msg(u"Hello, \N{VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF} world.")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('with str error', self.out[0])
- self.assertIn('UnicodeEncodeError', self.out[0])
-class FileObserverTestCase(LogPublisherTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def test_getTimezoneOffset(self):
- """
- Attempt to verify that L{FileLogObserver.getTimezoneOffset} returns
- correct values for the current C{TZ} environment setting. Do this
- by setting C{TZ} to various well-known values and asserting that the
- reported offset is correct.
- """
- localDaylightTuple = (2006, 6, 30, 0, 0, 0, 4, 181, 1)
- utcDaylightTimestamp = time.mktime(localDaylightTuple)
- localStandardTuple = (2007, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 31, 0)
- utcStandardTimestamp = time.mktime(localStandardTuple)
- originalTimezone = os.environ.get('TZ', None)
- try:
- # Test something west of UTC
- os.environ['TZ'] = 'America/New_York'
- time.tzset()
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcDaylightTimestamp),
- 14400)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcStandardTimestamp),
- 18000)
- # Test something east of UTC
- os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Berlin'
- time.tzset()
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcDaylightTimestamp),
- -7200)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcStandardTimestamp),
- -3600)
- # Test a timezone that doesn't have DST
- os.environ['TZ'] = 'Africa/Johannesburg'
- time.tzset()
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcDaylightTimestamp),
- -7200)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset(utcStandardTimestamp),
- -7200)
- finally:
- if originalTimezone is None:
- del os.environ['TZ']
- else:
- os.environ['TZ'] = originalTimezone
- time.tzset()
- if getattr(time, 'tzset', None) is None:
- test_getTimezoneOffset.skip = (
- "Platform cannot change timezone, cannot verify correct offsets "
- "in well-known timezones.")
- def test_timeFormatting(self):
- """
- Test the method of L{FileLogObserver} which turns a timestamp into a
- human-readable string.
- """
- when = calendar.timegm((2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0))
- # Pretend to be in US/Eastern for a moment
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: 18000
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-02 23:05:06-0500')
- # Okay now we're in Eastern Europe somewhere
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: -3600
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 05:05:06+0100')
- # And off in the Pacific or someplace like that
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: -39600
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 15:05:06+1100')
- # One of those weird places with a half-hour offset timezone
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: 5400
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 02:35:06-0130')
- # Half-hour offset in the other direction
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: -5400
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 05:35:06+0130')
- # Test an offset which is between 0 and 60 minutes to make sure the
- # sign comes out properly in that case.
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: 1800
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 03:35:06-0030')
- # Test an offset between 0 and 60 minutes in the other direction.
- self.flo.getTimezoneOffset = lambda when: -1800
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001-02-03 04:35:06+0030')
- # If a strftime-format string is present on the logger, it should
- # use that instead. Note we don't assert anything about day, hour
- # or minute because we cannot easily control what time.strftime()
- # thinks the local timezone is.
- self.flo.timeFormat = '%Y %m'
- self.assertEqual(self.flo.formatTime(when), '2001 02')
- def test_loggingAnObjectWithBroken__str__(self):
- self.lp.msg(EvilStr())
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- # Logging system shouldn't need to crap itself for this trivial case
- self.assertNotIn('UNFORMATTABLE', self.out[0])
- def test_formattingAnObjectWithBroken__str__(self):
- self.lp.msg(format='%(blat)s', blat=EvilStr())
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('Invalid format string or unformattable object', self.out[0])
- def test_brokenSystem__str__(self):
- self.lp.msg('huh', system=EvilStr())
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('Invalid format string or unformattable object', self.out[0])
- def test_formattingAnObjectWithBroken__repr__Indirect(self):
- self.lp.msg(format='%(blat)s', blat=[EvilRepr()])
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('UNFORMATTABLE OBJECT', self.out[0])
- def test_systemWithBroker__repr__Indirect(self):
- self.lp.msg('huh', system=[EvilRepr()])
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('UNFORMATTABLE OBJECT', self.out[0])
- def test_simpleBrokenFormat(self):
- self.lp.msg(format='hooj %s %s', blat=1)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('Invalid format string or unformattable object', self.out[0])
- def test_ridiculousFormat(self):
- self.lp.msg(format=42, blat=1)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('Invalid format string or unformattable object', self.out[0])
- def test_evilFormat__repr__And__str__(self):
- self.lp.msg(format=EvilReprStr(), blat=1)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 1)
- self.assertIn('PATHOLOGICAL', self.out[0])
- def test_strangeEventDict(self):
- """
- This kind of eventDict used to fail silently, so test it does.
- """
- self.lp.msg(message='', isError=False)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.out), 0)
- def test_startLogging(self):
- """
- startLogging() installs FileLogObserver and overrides sys.stdout and
- sys.stderr.
- """
- # When done with test, reset stdout and stderr to current values:
- origStdout, origStderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stdout', sys.stdout)
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stderr', sys.stderr)
- fakeFile = StringIO()
- observer = log.startLogging(fakeFile)
- self.addCleanup(observer.stop)
- log.msg("Hello!")
- self.assertIn("Hello!", fakeFile.getvalue())
- self.assertIsInstance(sys.stdout, log.StdioOnnaStick)
- self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.isError, False)
- self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.encoding,
- origStdout.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())
- self.assertIsInstance(sys.stderr, log.StdioOnnaStick)
- self.assertEqual(sys.stderr.isError, True)
- self.assertEqual(sys.stderr.encoding,
- origStderr.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())
- def test_startLoggingTwice(self):
- """
- There are some obscure error conditions that can occur when logging is
- started twice. See http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/3289 for more
- information.
- """
- # The bug is particular to the way that the t.p.log 'global' function
- # handle stdout. If we use our own stream, the error doesn't occur. If
- # we use our own LogPublisher, the error doesn't occur.
- sys.stdout = StringIO()
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stdout', sys.stdout)
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stderr', sys.stderr)
- def showError(eventDict):
- if eventDict['isError']:
- sys.__stdout__.write(eventDict['failure'].getTraceback())
- log.addObserver(showError)
- self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, showError)
- observer = log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
- self.addCleanup(observer.stop)
- # At this point, we expect that sys.stdout is a StdioOnnaStick object.
- self.assertIsInstance(sys.stdout, log.StdioOnnaStick)
- fakeStdout = sys.stdout
- observer = log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
- self.assertIdentical(sys.stdout, fakeStdout)
-class PythonLoggingObserverTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test the bridge with python logging module.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.out = StringIO()
- rootLogger = logging.getLogger("")
- self.originalLevel = rootLogger.getEffectiveLevel()
- rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- self.hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(self.out)
- fmt = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT)
- self.hdlr.setFormatter(fmt)
- rootLogger.addHandler(self.hdlr)
- self.lp = log.LogPublisher()
- self.obs = log.PythonLoggingObserver()
- self.lp.addObserver(self.obs.emit)
- def tearDown(self):
- rootLogger = logging.getLogger("")
- rootLogger.removeHandler(self.hdlr)
- rootLogger.setLevel(self.originalLevel)
- logging.shutdown()
- def test_singleString(self):
- """
- Test simple output, and default log level.
- """
- self.lp.msg("Hello, world.")
- self.assertIn("Hello, world.", self.out.getvalue())
- self.assertIn("INFO", self.out.getvalue())
- def test_errorString(self):
- """
- Test error output.
- """
- self.lp.msg(failure=failure.Failure(ValueError("That is bad.")), isError=True)
- self.assertIn("ERROR", self.out.getvalue())
- def test_formatString(self):
- """
- Test logging with a format.
- """
- self.lp.msg(format="%(bar)s oo %(foo)s", bar="Hello", foo="world")
- self.assertIn("Hello oo world", self.out.getvalue())
- def test_customLevel(self):
- """
- Test the logLevel keyword for customizing level used.
- """
- self.lp.msg("Spam egg.", logLevel=logging.DEBUG)
- self.assertIn("Spam egg.", self.out.getvalue())
- self.assertIn("DEBUG", self.out.getvalue())
- self.out.reset()
- self.lp.msg("Foo bar.", logLevel=logging.WARNING)
- self.assertIn("Foo bar.", self.out.getvalue())
- self.assertIn("WARNING", self.out.getvalue())
- def test_strangeEventDict(self):
- """
- Verify that an event dictionary which is not an error and has an empty
- message isn't recorded.
- """
- self.lp.msg(message='', isError=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.out.getvalue(), '')
-class PythonLoggingIntegrationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test integration of python logging bridge.
- """
- def test_startStopObserver(self):
- """
- Test that start and stop methods of the observer actually register
- and unregister to the log system.
- """
- oldAddObserver = log.addObserver
- oldRemoveObserver = log.removeObserver
- l = []
- try:
- log.addObserver = l.append
- log.removeObserver = l.remove
- obs = log.PythonLoggingObserver()
- obs.start()
- self.assertEqual(l[0], obs.emit)
- obs.stop()
- self.assertEqual(len(l), 0)
- finally:
- log.addObserver = oldAddObserver
- log.removeObserver = oldRemoveObserver
- def test_inheritance(self):
- """
- Test that we can inherit L{log.PythonLoggingObserver} and use super:
- that's basically a validation that L{log.PythonLoggingObserver} is
- new-style class.
- """
- class MyObserver(log.PythonLoggingObserver):
- def emit(self, eventDict):
- super(MyObserver, self).emit(eventDict)
- obs = MyObserver()
- l = []
- oldEmit = log.PythonLoggingObserver.emit
- try:
- log.PythonLoggingObserver.emit = l.append
- obs.emit('foo')
- self.assertEqual(len(l), 1)
- finally:
- log.PythonLoggingObserver.emit = oldEmit
-class DefaultObserverTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test the default observer.
- """
- def test_failureLogger(self):
- """
- The reason argument passed to log.err() appears in the report
- generated by DefaultObserver.
- """
- from StringIO import StringIO
- obs = log.DefaultObserver()
- obs.stderr = StringIO()
- obs.start()
- reason = "The reason."
- log.err(Exception(), reason)
- errors = self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertSubstring(reason, obs.stderr.getvalue())
- self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
- obs.stop()
-class StdioOnnaStickTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- StdioOnnaStick should act like the normal sys.stdout object.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.resultLogs = []
- log.addObserver(self.resultLogs.append)
- def tearDown(self):
- log.removeObserver(self.resultLogs.append)
- def getLogMessages(self):
- return ["".join(d['message']) for d in self.resultLogs]
- def test_write(self):
- """
- Writing to a StdioOnnaStick instance results in Twisted log messages.
- Log messages are generated every time a '\n' is encountered.
- """
- stdio = log.StdioOnnaStick()
- stdio.write("Hello there\nThis is a test")
- self.assertEqual(self.getLogMessages(), ["Hello there"])
- stdio.write("!\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.getLogMessages(), ["Hello there", "This is a test!"])
- def test_metadata(self):
- """
- The log messages written by StdioOnnaStick have printed=1 keyword, and
- by default are not errors.
- """
- stdio = log.StdioOnnaStick()
- stdio.write("hello\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.resultLogs[0]['isError'], False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resultLogs[0]['printed'], True)
- def test_writeLines(self):
- """
- Writing lines to a StdioOnnaStick results in Twisted log messages.
- """
- stdio = log.StdioOnnaStick()
- stdio.writelines(["log 1", "log 2"])
- self.assertEqual(self.getLogMessages(), ["log 1", "log 2"])
- def test_print(self):
- """
- When StdioOnnaStick is set as sys.stdout, prints become log messages.
- """
- oldStdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = log.StdioOnnaStick()
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, "stdout", oldStdout)
- print "This",
- print "is a test"
- self.assertEqual(self.getLogMessages(), ["This is a test"])
- def test_error(self):
- """
- StdioOnnaStick created with isError=True log messages as errors.
- """
- stdio = log.StdioOnnaStick(isError=True)
- stdio.write("log 1\n")
- self.assertEqual(self.resultLogs[0]['isError'], True)
- def test_unicode(self):
- """
- StdioOnnaStick converts unicode prints to strings, in order to be
- compatible with the normal stdout/stderr objects.
- """
- unicodeString = u"Hello, \N{VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF} world."
- stdio = log.StdioOnnaStick(encoding="utf-8")
- self.assertEqual(stdio.encoding, "utf-8")
- stdio.write(unicodeString + u"\n")
- stdio.writelines([u"Also, " + unicodeString])
- oldStdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = stdio
- self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, "stdout", oldStdout)
- # This should go to the log, utf-8 encoded too:
- print unicodeString
- self.assertEqual(self.getLogMessages(),
- [unicodeString.encode("utf-8"),
- (u"Also, " + unicodeString).encode("utf-8"),
- unicodeString.encode("utf-8")])