path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/spread/ui/tkutil.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/spread/ui/tkutil.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/spread/ui/tkutil.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/spread/ui/tkutil.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2aee67d6..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/spread/ui/tkutil.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""Utilities for building L{PB<twisted.spread.pb>} clients with L{Tkinter}.
-from Tkinter import *
-from tkSimpleDialog import _QueryString
-from tkFileDialog import _Dialog
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted import copyright
-import string
-#normalFont = Font("-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
-#boldFont = Font("-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
-#errorFont = Font("-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
-class _QueryPassword(_QueryString):
- def body(self, master):
- w = Label(master, text=self.prompt, justify=LEFT)
- w.grid(row=0, padx=5, sticky=W)
- self.entry = Entry(master, name="entry",show="*")
- self.entry.grid(row=1, padx=5, sticky=W+E)
- if self.initialvalue:
- self.entry.insert(0, self.initialvalue)
- self.entry.select_range(0, END)
- return self.entry
-def askpassword(title, prompt, **kw):
- '''get a password from the user
- @param title: the dialog title
- @param prompt: the label text
- @param **kw: see L{SimpleDialog} class
- @returns: a string
- '''
- d = apply(_QueryPassword, (title, prompt), kw)
- return d.result
-def grid_setexpand(widget):
- cols,rows=widget.grid_size()
- for i in range(cols):
- widget.columnconfigure(i,weight=1)
- for i in range(rows):
- widget.rowconfigure(i,weight=1)
-class CList(Frame):
- def __init__(self,parent,labels,disablesorting=0,**kw):
- Frame.__init__(self,parent)
- self.labels=labels
- self.lists=[]
- self.disablesorting=disablesorting
- kw["exportselection"]=0
- for i in range(len(labels)):
- b=Button(self,text=labels[i],anchor=W,height=1,pady=0)
- b.config(command=lambda s=self,i=i:s.setSort(i))
- b.grid(column=i,row=0,sticky=N+E+W)
- box=apply(Listbox,(self,),kw)
- box.grid(column=i,row=1,sticky=N+E+S+W)
- self.lists.append(box)
- grid_setexpand(self)
- self.rowconfigure(0,weight=0)
- self._callall("bind",'<Button-1>',self.Button1)
- self._callall("bind",'<B1-Motion>',self.Button1)
- self.bind('<Up>',self.UpKey)
- self.bind('<Down>',self.DownKey)
- self.sort=None
- def _callall(self,funcname,*args,**kw):
- rets=[]
- for l in self.lists:
- func=getattr(l,funcname)
- ret=apply(func,args,kw)
- if ret!=None: rets.append(ret)
- if rets: return rets
- def Button1(self,e):
- index=self.nearest(e.y)
- self.select_clear(0,END)
- self.select_set(index)
- self.activate(index)
- return "break"
- def UpKey(self,e):
- index=self.index(ACTIVE)
- if index:
- self.select_clear(0,END)
- self.select_set(index-1)
- return "break"
- def DownKey(self,e):
- index=self.index(ACTIVE)
- if index!=self.size()-1:
- self.select_clear(0,END)
- self.select_set(index+1)
- return "break"
- def setSort(self,index):
- if self.sort==None:
- self.sort=[index,1]
- elif self.sort[0]==index:
- self.sort[1]=-self.sort[1]
- else:
- self.sort=[index,1]
- self._sort()
- def _sort(self):
- if self.disablesorting:
- return
- if self.sort==None:
- return
- ind,direc=self.sort
- li=list(self.get(0,END))
- li.sort(lambda x,y,i=ind,d=direc:d*cmp(x[i],y[i]))
- self.delete(0,END)
- for l in li:
- self._insert(END,l)
- def activate(self,index):
- self._callall("activate",index)
- # def bbox(self,index):
- # return self._callall("bbox",index)
- def curselection(self):
- return self.lists[0].curselection()
- def delete(self,*args):
- apply(self._callall,("delete",)+args)
- def get(self,*args):
- bad=apply(self._callall,("get",)+args)
- if len(args)==1:
- return bad
- ret=[]
- for i in range(len(bad[0])):
- r=[]
- for j in range(len(bad)):
- r.append(bad[j][i])
- ret.append(r)
- return ret
- def index(self,index):
- return self.lists[0].index(index)
- def insert(self,index,items):
- self._insert(index,items)
- self._sort()
- def _insert(self,index,items):
- for i in range(len(items)):
- self.lists[i].insert(index,items[i])
- def nearest(self,y):
- return self.lists[0].nearest(y)
- def see(self,index):
- self._callall("see",index)
- def size(self):
- return self.lists[0].size()
- def selection_anchor(self,index):
- self._callall("selection_anchor",index)
- select_anchor=selection_anchor
- def selection_clear(self,*args):
- apply(self._callall,("selection_clear",)+args)
- select_clear=selection_clear
- def selection_includes(self,index):
- return self.lists[0].select_includes(index)
- select_includes=selection_includes
- def selection_set(self,*args):
- apply(self._callall,("selection_set",)+args)
- select_set=selection_set
- def xview(self,*args):
- if not args: return self.lists[0].xview()
- apply(self._callall,("xview",)+args)
- def yview(self,*args):
- if not args: return self.lists[0].yview()
- apply(self._callall,("yview",)+args)
-class ProgressBar:
- def __init__(self, master=None, orientation="horizontal",
- min=0, max=100, width=100, height=18,
- doLabel=1, appearance="sunken",
- fillColor="blue", background="gray",
- labelColor="yellow", labelFont="Verdana",
- labelText="", labelFormat="%d%%",
- value=0, bd=2):
- # preserve various values
- self.master=master
- self.orientation=orientation
- self.min=min
- self.max=max
- self.width=width
- self.height=height
- self.doLabel=doLabel
- self.fillColor=fillColor
- self.labelFont= labelFont
- self.labelColor=labelColor
- self.background=background
- self.labelText=labelText
- self.labelFormat=labelFormat
- self.value=value
- self.frame=Frame(master, relief=appearance, bd=bd)
- self.canvas=Canvas(self.frame, height=height, width=width, bd=0,
- highlightthickness=0, background=background)
- self.scale=self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, width, height,
- fill=fillColor)
- self.label=self.canvas.create_text(self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth() / 2,
- height / 2, text=labelText,
- anchor="c", fill=labelColor,
- font=self.labelFont)
- self.update()
- self.canvas.pack(side='top', fill='x', expand='no')
- def updateProgress(self, newValue, newMax=None):
- if newMax:
- self.max = newMax
- self.value = newValue
- self.update()
- def update(self):
- # Trim the values to be between min and max
- value=self.value
- if value > self.max:
- value = self.max
- if value < self.min:
- value = self.min
- # Adjust the rectangle
- if self.orientation == "horizontal":
- self.canvas.coords(self.scale, 0, 0,
- float(value) / self.max * self.width, self.height)
- else:
- self.canvas.coords(self.scale, 0,
- self.height - (float(value) /
- self.max*self.height),
- self.width, self.height)
- # Now update the colors
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.scale, fill=self.fillColor)
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, fill=self.labelColor)
- # And update the label
- if self.doLabel:
- if value:
- if value >= 0:
- pvalue = int((float(value) / float(self.max)) *
- 100.0)
- else:
- pvalue = 0
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text=self.labelFormat
- % pvalue)
- else:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text='')
- else:
- self.canvas.itemconfig(self.label, text=self.labelFormat %
- self.labelText)
- self.canvas.update_idletasks()
-class DirectoryBrowser(_Dialog):
- command = "tk_chooseDirectory"
-def askdirectory(**options):
- "Ask for a directory to save to."
- return apply(DirectoryBrowser, (), options).show()
-class GenericLogin(Toplevel):
- def __init__(self,callback,buttons):
- Toplevel.__init__(self)
- self.callback=callback
- Label(self,text="Twisted v%s"%copyright.version).grid(column=0,row=0,columnspan=2)
- self.entries={}
- row=1
- for stuff in buttons:
- label,value=stuff[:2]
- if len(stuff)==3:
- dict=stuff[2]
- else: dict={}
- Label(self,text=label+": ").grid(column=0,row=row)
- e=apply(Entry,(self,),dict)
- e.grid(column=1,row=row)
- e.insert(0,value)
- self.entries[label]=e
- row=row+1
- Button(self,text="Login",command=self.doLogin).grid(column=0,row=row)
- Button(self,text="Cancel",command=self.close).grid(column=1,row=row)
- self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',self.close)
- def close(self):
- self.tk.quit()
- self.destroy()
- def doLogin(self):
- values={}
- for k in self.entries.keys():
- values[string.lower(k)]=self.entries[k].get()
- self.callback(values)
- self.destroy()
-class Login(Toplevel):
- def __init__(self,
- callback,
- referenced = None,
- initialUser = "guest",
- initialPassword = "guest",
- initialHostname = "localhost",
- initialService = "",
- initialPortno = pb.portno):
- Toplevel.__init__(self)
- version_label = Label(self,text="Twisted v%s" % copyright.version)
- self.pbReferenceable = referenced
- self.pbCallback = callback
- # version_label.show()
- self.username = Entry(self)
- self.password = Entry(self,show='*')
- self.hostname = Entry(self)
- self.service = Entry(self)
- self.port = Entry(self)
- self.username.insert(0,initialUser)
- self.password.insert(0,initialPassword)
- self.service.insert(0,initialService)
- self.hostname.insert(0,initialHostname)
- self.port.insert(0,str(initialPortno))
- userlbl=Label(self,text="Username:")
- passlbl=Label(self,text="Password:")
- servicelbl=Label(self,text="Service:")
- hostlbl=Label(self,text="Hostname:")
- portlbl=Label(self,text="Port #:")
- self.logvar=StringVar()
- self.logvar.set("Protocol PB-%s"%pb.Broker.version)
- self.logstat = Label(self,textvariable=self.logvar)
- self.okbutton = Button(self,text="Log In", command=self.login)
- version_label.grid(column=0,row=0,columnspan=2)
- z=0
- for i in [[userlbl,self.username],
- [passlbl,self.password],
- [hostlbl,self.hostname],
- [servicelbl,self.service],
- [portlbl,self.port]]:
- i[0].grid(column=0,row=z+1)
- i[1].grid(column=1,row=z+1)
- z = z+1
- self.logstat.grid(column=0,row=6,columnspan=2)
- self.okbutton.grid(column=0,row=7,columnspan=2)
- self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',self.tk.quit)
- def loginReset(self):
- self.logvar.set("Idle.")
- def loginReport(self, txt):
- self.logvar.set(txt)
- self.after(30000, self.loginReset)
- def login(self):
- host = self.hostname.get()
- port = self.port.get()
- service = self.service.get()
- try:
- port = int(port)
- except:
- pass
- user = self.username.get()
- pswd = self.password.get()
- pb.connect(host, port, user, pswd, service,
- client=self.pbReferenceable).addCallback(self.pbCallback).addErrback(
- self.couldNotConnect)
- def couldNotConnect(self,f):
- self.loginReport("could not connect:"+f.getErrorMessage())
-if __name__=="__main__":
- root=Tk()
- o=CList(root,["Username","Online","Auto-Logon","Gateway"])
- o.pack()
- for i in range(0,16,4):
- o.insert(END,[i,i+1,i+2,i+3])
- mainloop()