path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/test/test_scripts.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/test/test_scripts.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/test/test_scripts.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/test/test_scripts.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eeb1d1ac..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/test/test_scripts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for the command-line scripts in the top-level I{bin/} directory.
-Tests for actual functionality belong elsewhere, written in a way that doesn't
-involve launching child processes.
-from os import devnull, getcwd, chdir
-from sys import executable
-from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
-from twisted.trial.unittest import SkipTest, TestCase
-from twisted.python.modules import getModule
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.test.test_shellcomp import ZshScriptTestMixin
-class ScriptTestsMixin:
- """
- Mixin for L{TestCase} subclasses which defines a helper function for testing
- a Twisted-using script.
- """
- bin = getModule("twisted").pathEntry.filePath.child("bin")
- def scriptTest(self, name):
- """
- Verify that the given script runs and uses the version of Twisted
- currently being tested.
- This only works when running tests against a vcs checkout of Twisted,
- since it relies on the scripts being in the place they are kept in
- version control, and exercises their logic for finding the right version
- of Twisted to use in that situation.
- @param name: A path fragment, relative to the I{bin} directory of a
- Twisted source checkout, identifying a script to test.
- @type name: C{str}
- @raise SkipTest: if the script is not where it is expected to be.
- """
- script = self.bin.preauthChild(name)
- if not script.exists():
- raise SkipTest(
- "Script tests do not apply to installed configuration.")
- from twisted.copyright import version
- scriptVersion = Popen(
- [executable, script.path, '--version'],
- stdout=PIPE, stderr=file(devnull)).stdout.read()
- self.assertIn(str(version), scriptVersion)
-class ScriptTests(TestCase, ScriptTestsMixin):
- """
- Tests for the core scripts.
- """
- def test_twistd(self):
- self.scriptTest("twistd")
- def test_twistdPathInsert(self):
- """
- The twistd script adds the current working directory to sys.path so
- that it's able to import modules from it.
- """
- script = self.bin.child("twistd")
- if not script.exists():
- raise SkipTest(
- "Script tests do not apply to installed configuration.")
- cwd = getcwd()
- self.addCleanup(chdir, cwd)
- testDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- testDir.makedirs()
- chdir(testDir.path)
- testDir.child("bar.tac").setContent(
- "import sys\n"
- "print sys.path\n")
- output = Popen(
- [executable, script.path, '-ny', 'bar.tac'],
- stdout=PIPE, stderr=file(devnull)).stdout.read()
- self.assertIn(repr(testDir.path), output)
- def test_manhole(self):
- self.scriptTest("manhole")
- def test_trial(self):
- self.scriptTest("trial")
- def test_trialPathInsert(self):
- """
- The trial script adds the current working directory to sys.path so that
- it's able to import modules from it.
- """
- script = self.bin.child("trial")
- if not script.exists():
- raise SkipTest(
- "Script tests do not apply to installed configuration.")
- cwd = getcwd()
- self.addCleanup(chdir, cwd)
- testDir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- testDir.makedirs()
- chdir(testDir.path)
- testDir.child("foo.py").setContent("")
- output = Popen(
- [executable, script.path, 'foo'],
- stdout=PIPE, stderr=file(devnull)).stdout.read()
- self.assertIn("PASSED", output)
- def test_pyhtmlizer(self):
- self.scriptTest("pyhtmlizer")
- def test_tap2rpm(self):
- self.scriptTest("tap2rpm")
- def test_tap2deb(self):
- self.scriptTest("tap2deb")
- def test_tapconvert(self):
- self.scriptTest("tapconvert")
- def test_deprecatedTkunzip(self):
- """
- The entire L{twisted.scripts.tkunzip} module, part of the old Windows
- installer tool chain, is deprecated.
- """
- from twisted.scripts import tkunzip
- warnings = self.flushWarnings(
- offendingFunctions=[self.test_deprecatedTkunzip])
- self.assertEqual(DeprecationWarning, warnings[0]['category'])
- self.assertEqual(
- "twisted.scripts.tkunzip was deprecated in Twisted 11.1.0: "
- "Seek unzipping software outside of Twisted.",
- warnings[0]['message'])
- self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
- def test_deprecatedTapconvert(self):
- """
- The entire L{twisted.scripts.tapconvert} module is deprecated.
- """
- from twisted.scripts import tapconvert
- warnings = self.flushWarnings(
- offendingFunctions=[self.test_deprecatedTapconvert])
- self.assertEqual(DeprecationWarning, warnings[0]['category'])
- self.assertEqual(
- "twisted.scripts.tapconvert was deprecated in Twisted 12.1.0: "
- "tapconvert has been deprecated.",
- warnings[0]['message'])
- self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
-class ZshIntegrationTestCase(TestCase, ZshScriptTestMixin):
- """
- Test that zsh completion functions are generated without error
- """
- generateFor = [('twistd', 'twisted.scripts.twistd.ServerOptions'),
- ('trial', 'twisted.scripts.trial.Options'),
- ('pyhtmlizer', 'twisted.scripts.htmlizer.Options'),
- ('tap2rpm', 'twisted.scripts.tap2rpm.MyOptions'),
- ('tap2deb', 'twisted.scripts.tap2deb.MyOptions'),
- ('tapconvert', 'twisted.scripts.tapconvert.ConvertOptions'),
- ('manhole', 'twisted.scripts.manhole.MyOptions')
- ]