path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/runner/test/test_procmon.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/runner/test/test_procmon.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.runner.procmon}.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.runner.procmon import LoggingProtocol, ProcessMonitor
-from twisted.internet.error import (ProcessDone, ProcessTerminated,
- ProcessExitedAlready)
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
-class DummyProcess(object):
- """
- An incomplete and fake L{IProcessTransport} implementation for testing how
- L{ProcessMonitor} behaves when its monitored processes exit.
- @ivar _terminationDelay: the delay in seconds after which the DummyProcess
- will appear to exit when it receives a TERM signal
- """
- pid = 1
- proto = None
- _terminationDelay = 1
- def __init__(self, reactor, executable, args, environment, path,
- proto, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None):
- self.proto = proto
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._executable = executable
- self._args = args
- self._environment = environment
- self._path = path
- self._uid = uid
- self._gid = gid
- self._usePTY = usePTY
- self._childFDs = childFDs
- def signalProcess(self, signalID):
- """
- A partial implementation of signalProcess which can only handle TERM and
- KILL signals.
- - When a TERM signal is given, the dummy process will appear to exit
- after L{DummyProcess._terminationDelay} seconds with exit code 0
- - When a KILL signal is given, the dummy process will appear to exit
- immediately with exit code 1.
- @param signalID: The signal name or number to be issued to the process.
- @type signalID: C{str}
- """
- params = {
- "TERM": (self._terminationDelay, 0),
- "KILL": (0, 1)
- }
- if self.pid is None:
- raise ProcessExitedAlready()
- if signalID in params:
- delay, status = params[signalID]
- self._signalHandler = self._reactor.callLater(
- delay, self.processEnded, status)
- def processEnded(self, status):
- """
- Deliver the process ended event to C{self.proto}.
- """
- self.pid = None
- statusMap = {
- 0: ProcessDone,
- 1: ProcessTerminated,
- }
- self.proto.processEnded(Failure(statusMap[status](status)))
-class DummyProcessReactor(MemoryReactor, Clock):
- """
- @ivar spawnedProcesses: a list that keeps track of the fake process
- instances built by C{spawnProcess}.
- @type spawnedProcesses: C{list}
- """
- def __init__(self):
- MemoryReactor.__init__(self)
- Clock.__init__(self)
- self.spawnedProcesses = []
- def spawnProcess(self, processProtocol, executable, args=(), env={},
- path=None, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0,
- childFDs=None):
- """
- Fake L{reactor.spawnProcess}, that logs all the process
- arguments and returns a L{DummyProcess}.
- """
- proc = DummyProcess(self, executable, args, env, path,
- processProtocol, uid, gid, usePTY, childFDs)
- processProtocol.makeConnection(proc)
- self.spawnedProcesses.append(proc)
- return proc
-class ProcmonTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{ProcessMonitor}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create an L{ProcessMonitor} wrapped around a fake reactor.
- """
- self.reactor = DummyProcessReactor()
- self.pm = ProcessMonitor(reactor=self.reactor)
- self.pm.minRestartDelay = 2
- self.pm.maxRestartDelay = 10
- self.pm.threshold = 10
- def test_getStateIncludesProcesses(self):
- """
- The list of monitored processes must be included in the pickle state.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"],
- uid=1, gid=2, env={})
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.__getstate__()['processes'],
- {'foo': (['arg1', 'arg2'], 1, 2, {})})
- def test_getStateExcludesReactor(self):
- """
- The private L{ProcessMonitor._reactor} instance variable should not be
- included in the pickle state.
- """
- self.assertNotIn('_reactor', self.pm.__getstate__())
- def test_addProcess(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} only starts the named program if
- L{ProcessMonitor.startService} has been called.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"],
- uid=1, gid=2, env={})
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.protocols, {})
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.processes,
- {"foo": (["arg1", "arg2"], 1, 2, {})})
- self.pm.startService()
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.protocols.keys(), ["foo"])
- def test_addProcessDuplicateKeyError(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if a process with the
- given name already exists.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["arg1", "arg2"],
- uid=1, gid=2, env={})
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.addProcess,
- "foo", ["arg1", "arg2"], uid=1, gid=2, env={})
- def test_addProcessEnv(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.addProcess} takes an C{env} parameter that is passed to
- L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess}.
- """
- fakeEnv = {"KEY": "value"}
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"], uid=1, gid=2, env=fakeEnv)
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- self.assertEqual(
- self.reactor.spawnedProcesses[0]._environment, fakeEnv)
- def test_removeProcess(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.removeProcess} removes the process from the public
- processes list.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertEqual(len(self.pm.processes), 1)
- self.pm.removeProcess("foo")
- self.assertEqual(len(self.pm.processes), 0)
- def test_removeProcessUnknownKeyError(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.removeProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given
- process name isn't recognised.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.removeProcess, "foo")
- def test_startProcess(self):
- """
- When a process has been started, an instance of L{LoggingProtocol} will
- be added to the L{ProcessMonitor.protocols} dict and the start time of
- the process will be recorded in the L{ProcessMonitor.timeStarted}
- dictionary.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.pm.startProcess("foo")
- self.assertIsInstance(self.pm.protocols["foo"], LoggingProtocol)
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.timeStarted.keys())
- def test_startProcessAlreadyStarted(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.startProcess} silently returns if the named process is
- already started.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.pm.startProcess("foo")
- self.assertIdentical(None, self.pm.startProcess("foo"))
- def test_startProcessUnknownKeyError(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.startProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given
- process name isn't recognised.
- """
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.startProcess, "foo")
- def test_stopProcessNaturalTermination(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} immediately sends a TERM signal to the
- named process.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- # Configure fake process to die 1 second after receiving term signal
- timeToDie = self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay = 1
- # Advance the reactor to just before the short lived process threshold
- # and leave enough time for the process to die
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold)
- # Then signal the process to stop
- self.pm.stopProcess("foo")
- # Advance the reactor just enough to give the process time to die and
- # verify that the process restarts
- self.reactor.advance(timeToDie)
- # We expect it to be restarted immediately
- self.assertEqual(self.reactor.seconds(),
- self.pm.timeStarted["foo"])
- def test_stopProcessForcedKill(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} kills a process which fails to terminate
- naturally within L{ProcessMonitor.killTime} seconds.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold)
- proc = self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport
- # Arrange for the fake process to live longer than the killTime
- proc._terminationDelay = self.pm.killTime + 1
- self.pm.stopProcess("foo")
- # If process doesn't die before the killTime, procmon should
- # terminate it
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.killTime - 1)
- self.assertEqual(0.0, self.pm.timeStarted["foo"])
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- # We expect it to be immediately restarted
- self.assertEqual(self.reactor.seconds(), self.pm.timeStarted["foo"])
- def test_stopProcessUnknownKeyError(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} raises a C{KeyError} if the given process
- name isn't recognised.
- """
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.pm.stopProcess, "foo")
- def test_stopProcessAlreadyStopped(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopProcess} silently returns if the named process
- is already stopped. eg Process has crashed and a restart has been
- rescheduled, but in the meantime, the service is stopped.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertIdentical(None, self.pm.stopProcess("foo"))
- def test_connectionLostLongLivedProcess(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} should immediately restart a process
- if it has been running longer than L{ProcessMonitor.threshold} seconds.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- # Schedule the process to start
- self.pm.startService()
- # advance the reactor to start the process
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- # Long time passes
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold)
- # Process dies after threshold
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0)))
- self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- # Process should be restarted immediately
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- def test_connectionLostMurderCancel(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} cancels a scheduled process killer and
- deletes the DelayedCall from the L{ProcessMonitor.murder} list.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- # Schedule the process to start
- self.pm.startService()
- # Advance 1s to start the process then ask ProcMon to stop it
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- self.pm.stopProcess("foo")
- # A process killer has been scheduled, delayedCall is active
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.murder)
- delayedCall = self.pm.murder["foo"]
- self.assertTrue(delayedCall.active())
- # Advance to the point at which the dummy process exits
- self.reactor.advance(
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay)
- # Now the delayedCall has been cancelled and deleted
- self.assertFalse(delayedCall.active())
- self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.murder)
- def test_connectionLostProtocolDeletion(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} removes the corresponding
- ProcessProtocol instance from the L{ProcessMonitor.protocols} list.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport.signalProcess("KILL")
- self.reactor.advance(
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].transport._terminationDelay)
- self.assertNotIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- def test_connectionLostMinMaxRestartDelay(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} will wait at least minRestartDelay s
- and at most maxRestartDelay s
- """
- self.pm.minRestartDelay = 2
- self.pm.maxRestartDelay = 3
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay)
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold - 1)
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0)))
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.maxRestartDelay)
- def test_connectionLostBackoffDelayDoubles(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.connectionLost} doubles the restart delay each time
- the process dies too quickly.
- """
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold - 1) #9s
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay)
- # process dies within the threshold and should not restart immediately
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0)))
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.delay["foo"], self.pm.minRestartDelay * 2)
- def test_startService(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.startService} starts all monitored processes.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- # Schedule the process to start
- self.pm.startService()
- # advance the reactor to start the process
- self.reactor.advance(0)
- self.assertTrue("foo" in self.pm.protocols)
- def test_stopService(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should stop all monitored processes.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- self.pm.addProcess("bar", ["bar"])
- # Schedule the process to start
- self.pm.startService()
- # advance the reactor to start the processes
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold)
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- self.assertIn("bar", self.pm.protocols)
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- self.pm.stopService()
- # Advance to beyond the killTime - all monitored processes
- # should have exited
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.killTime + 1)
- # The processes shouldn't be restarted
- self.assertEqual({}, self.pm.protocols)
- def test_stopServiceCancelRestarts(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should cancel any scheduled process
- restarts.
- """
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- # Schedule the process to start
- self.pm.startService()
- # advance the reactor to start the processes
- self.reactor.advance(self.pm.threshold)
- self.assertIn("foo", self.pm.protocols)
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- # Kill the process early
- self.pm.protocols["foo"].processEnded(Failure(ProcessDone(0)))
- self.assertTrue(self.pm.restart['foo'].active())
- self.pm.stopService()
- # Scheduled restart should have been cancelled
- self.assertFalse(self.pm.restart['foo'].active())
- def test_stopServiceCleanupScheduledRestarts(self):
- """
- L{ProcessMonitor.stopService} should cancel all scheduled process
- restarts.
- """
- self.pm.threshold = 5
- self.pm.minRestartDelay = 5
- # Start service and add a process (started immediately)
- self.pm.startService()
- self.pm.addProcess("foo", ["foo"])
- # Stop the process after 1s
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- self.pm.stopProcess("foo")
- # Wait 1s for it to exit it will be scheduled to restart 5s later
- self.reactor.advance(1)
- # Meanwhile stop the service
- self.pm.stopService()
- # Advance to beyond the process restart time
- self.reactor.advance(6)
- # The process shouldn't have restarted because stopService has cancelled
- # all pending process restarts.
- self.assertEqual(self.pm.protocols, {})