path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/memcache.py
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diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/memcache.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/memcache.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/memcache.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_memcache -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Memcache client protocol. Memcached is a caching server, storing data in the
-form of pairs key/value, and memcache is the protocol to talk with it.
-To connect to a server, create a factory for L{MemCacheProtocol}::
- from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
- from twisted.protocols.memcache import MemCacheProtocol, DEFAULT_PORT
- d = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, MemCacheProtocol
- ).connectTCP("localhost", DEFAULT_PORT)
- def doSomething(proto):
- # Here you call the memcache operations
- return proto.set("mykey", "a lot of data")
- d.addCallback(doSomething)
- reactor.run()
-All the operations of the memcache protocol are present, but
-L{MemCacheProtocol.set} and L{MemCacheProtocol.get} are the more important.
-See U{http://code.sixapart.com/svn/memcached/trunk/server/doc/protocol.txt} for
-more information about the protocol.
- from collections import deque
-except ImportError:
- class deque(list):
- def popleft(self):
- return self.pop(0)
-from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
-from twisted.protocols.policies import TimeoutMixin
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, fail, TimeoutError
-from twisted.python import log
-class NoSuchCommand(Exception):
- """
- Exception raised when a non existent command is called.
- """
-class ClientError(Exception):
- """
- Error caused by an invalid client call.
- """
-class ServerError(Exception):
- """
- Problem happening on the server.
- """
-class Command(object):
- """
- Wrap a client action into an object, that holds the values used in the
- protocol.
- @ivar _deferred: the L{Deferred} object that will be fired when the result
- arrives.
- @type _deferred: L{Deferred}
- @ivar command: name of the command sent to the server.
- @type command: C{str}
- """
- def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
- """
- Create a command.
- @param command: the name of the command.
- @type command: C{str}
- @param kwargs: this values will be stored as attributes of the object
- for future use
- """
- self.command = command
- self._deferred = Deferred()
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, k, v)
- def success(self, value):
- """
- Shortcut method to fire the underlying deferred.
- """
- self._deferred.callback(value)
- def fail(self, error):
- """
- Make the underlying deferred fails.
- """
- self._deferred.errback(error)
-class MemCacheProtocol(LineReceiver, TimeoutMixin):
- """
- MemCache protocol: connect to a memcached server to store/retrieve values.
- @ivar persistentTimeOut: the timeout period used to wait for a response.
- @type persistentTimeOut: C{int}
- @ivar _current: current list of requests waiting for an answer from the
- server.
- @type _current: C{deque} of L{Command}
- @ivar _lenExpected: amount of data expected in raw mode, when reading for
- a value.
- @type _lenExpected: C{int}
- @ivar _getBuffer: current buffer of data, used to store temporary data
- when reading in raw mode.
- @type _getBuffer: C{list}
- @ivar _bufferLength: the total amount of bytes in C{_getBuffer}.
- @type _bufferLength: C{int}
- @ivar _disconnected: indicate if the connectionLost has been called or not.
- @type _disconnected: C{bool}
- """
- _disconnected = False
- def __init__(self, timeOut=60):
- """
- Create the protocol.
- @param timeOut: the timeout to wait before detecting that the
- connection is dead and close it. It's expressed in seconds.
- @type timeOut: C{int}
- """
- self._current = deque()
- self._lenExpected = None
- self._getBuffer = None
- self._bufferLength = None
- self.persistentTimeOut = self.timeOut = timeOut
- def _cancelCommands(self, reason):
- """
- Cancel all the outstanding commands, making them fail with C{reason}.
- """
- while self._current:
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- cmd.fail(reason)
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- """
- Close the connection in case of timeout.
- """
- self._cancelCommands(TimeoutError("Connection timeout"))
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Cause any outstanding commands to fail.
- """
- self._disconnected = True
- self._cancelCommands(reason)
- LineReceiver.connectionLost(self, reason)
- def sendLine(self, line):
- """
- Override sendLine to add a timeout to response.
- """
- if not self._current:
- self.setTimeout(self.persistentTimeOut)
- LineReceiver.sendLine(self, line)
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Collect data for a get.
- """
- self.resetTimeout()
- self._getBuffer.append(data)
- self._bufferLength += len(data)
- if self._bufferLength >= self._lenExpected + 2:
- data = "".join(self._getBuffer)
- buf = data[:self._lenExpected]
- rem = data[self._lenExpected + 2:]
- val = buf
- self._lenExpected = None
- self._getBuffer = None
- self._bufferLength = None
- cmd = self._current[0]
- if cmd.multiple:
- flags, cas = cmd.values[cmd.currentKey]
- cmd.values[cmd.currentKey] = (flags, cas, val)
- else:
- cmd.value = val
- self.setLineMode(rem)
- def cmd_STORED(self):
- """
- Manage a success response to a set operation.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(True)
- def cmd_NOT_STORED(self):
- """
- Manage a specific 'not stored' response to a set operation: this is not
- an error, but some condition wasn't met.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(False)
- def cmd_END(self):
- """
- This the end token to a get or a stat operation.
- """
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- if cmd.command == "get":
- if cmd.multiple:
- values = dict([(key, val[::2]) for key, val in
- cmd.values.iteritems()])
- cmd.success(values)
- else:
- cmd.success((cmd.flags, cmd.value))
- elif cmd.command == "gets":
- if cmd.multiple:
- cmd.success(cmd.values)
- else:
- cmd.success((cmd.flags, cmd.cas, cmd.value))
- elif cmd.command == "stats":
- cmd.success(cmd.values)
- def cmd_NOT_FOUND(self):
- """
- Manage error response for incr/decr/delete.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(False)
- def cmd_VALUE(self, line):
- """
- Prepare the reading a value after a get.
- """
- cmd = self._current[0]
- if cmd.command == "get":
- key, flags, length = line.split()
- cas = ""
- else:
- key, flags, length, cas = line.split()
- self._lenExpected = int(length)
- self._getBuffer = []
- self._bufferLength = 0
- if cmd.multiple:
- if key not in cmd.keys:
- raise RuntimeError("Unexpected commands answer.")
- cmd.currentKey = key
- cmd.values[key] = [int(flags), cas]
- else:
- if cmd.key != key:
- raise RuntimeError("Unexpected commands answer.")
- cmd.flags = int(flags)
- cmd.cas = cas
- self.setRawMode()
- def cmd_STAT(self, line):
- """
- Reception of one stat line.
- """
- cmd = self._current[0]
- key, val = line.split(" ", 1)
- cmd.values[key] = val
- def cmd_VERSION(self, versionData):
- """
- Read version token.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(versionData)
- def cmd_ERROR(self):
- """
- An non-existent command has been sent.
- """
- log.err("Non-existent command sent.")
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- cmd.fail(NoSuchCommand())
- def cmd_CLIENT_ERROR(self, errText):
- """
- An invalid input as been sent.
- """
- log.err("Invalid input: %s" % (errText,))
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- cmd.fail(ClientError(errText))
- def cmd_SERVER_ERROR(self, errText):
- """
- An error has happened server-side.
- """
- log.err("Server error: %s" % (errText,))
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- cmd.fail(ServerError(errText))
- def cmd_DELETED(self):
- """
- A delete command has completed successfully.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(True)
- def cmd_OK(self):
- """
- The last command has been completed.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(True)
- def cmd_EXISTS(self):
- """
- A C{checkAndSet} update has failed.
- """
- self._current.popleft().success(False)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- """
- Receive line commands from the server.
- """
- self.resetTimeout()
- token = line.split(" ", 1)[0]
- # First manage standard commands without space
- cmd = getattr(self, "cmd_%s" % (token,), None)
- if cmd is not None:
- args = line.split(" ", 1)[1:]
- if args:
- cmd(args[0])
- else:
- cmd()
- else:
- # Then manage commands with space in it
- line = line.replace(" ", "_")
- cmd = getattr(self, "cmd_%s" % (line,), None)
- if cmd is not None:
- cmd()
- else:
- # Increment/Decrement response
- cmd = self._current.popleft()
- val = int(line)
- cmd.success(val)
- if not self._current:
- # No pending request, remove timeout
- self.setTimeout(None)
- def increment(self, key, val=1):
- """
- Increment the value of C{key} by given value (default to 1).
- C{key} must be consistent with an int. Return the new value.
- @param key: the key to modify.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: the value to increment.
- @type val: C{int}
- @return: a deferred with will be called back with the new value
- associated with the key (after the increment).
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._incrdecr("incr", key, val)
- def decrement(self, key, val=1):
- """
- Decrement the value of C{key} by given value (default to 1).
- C{key} must be consistent with an int. Return the new value, coerced to
- 0 if negative.
- @param key: the key to modify.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: the value to decrement.
- @type val: C{int}
- @return: a deferred with will be called back with the new value
- associated with the key (after the decrement).
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._incrdecr("decr", key, val)
- def _incrdecr(self, cmd, key, val):
- """
- Internal wrapper for incr/decr.
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- if not isinstance(key, str):
- return fail(ClientError(
- "Invalid type for key: %s, expecting a string" % (type(key),)))
- if len(key) > self.MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
- return fail(ClientError("Key too long"))
- fullcmd = "%s %s %d" % (cmd, key, int(val))
- self.sendLine(fullcmd)
- cmdObj = Command(cmd, key=key)
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def replace(self, key, val, flags=0, expireTime=0):
- """
- Replace the given C{key}. It must already exist in the server.
- @param key: the key to replace.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: the new value associated with the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @param flags: the flags to store with the key.
- @type flags: C{int}
- @param expireTime: if different from 0, the relative time in seconds
- when the key will be deleted from the store.
- @type expireTime: C{int}
- @return: a deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded, and C{False} with the key didn't previously exist.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._set("replace", key, val, flags, expireTime, "")
- def add(self, key, val, flags=0, expireTime=0):
- """
- Add the given C{key}. It must not exist in the server.
- @param key: the key to add.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: the value associated with the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @param flags: the flags to store with the key.
- @type flags: C{int}
- @param expireTime: if different from 0, the relative time in seconds
- when the key will be deleted from the store.
- @type expireTime: C{int}
- @return: a deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded, and C{False} with the key already exists.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._set("add", key, val, flags, expireTime, "")
- def set(self, key, val, flags=0, expireTime=0):
- """
- Set the given C{key}.
- @param key: the key to set.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: the value associated with the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @param flags: the flags to store with the key.
- @type flags: C{int}
- @param expireTime: if different from 0, the relative time in seconds
- when the key will be deleted from the store.
- @type expireTime: C{int}
- @return: a deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._set("set", key, val, flags, expireTime, "")
- def checkAndSet(self, key, val, cas, flags=0, expireTime=0):
- """
- Change the content of C{key} only if the C{cas} value matches the
- current one associated with the key. Use this to store a value which
- hasn't been modified since last time you fetched it.
- @param key: The key to set.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: The value associated with the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @param cas: Unique 64-bit value returned by previous call of C{get}.
- @type cas: C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to store with the key.
- @type flags: C{int}
- @param expireTime: If different from 0, the relative time in seconds
- when the key will be deleted from the store.
- @type expireTime: C{int}
- @return: A deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded, C{False} otherwise.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._set("cas", key, val, flags, expireTime, cas)
- def _set(self, cmd, key, val, flags, expireTime, cas):
- """
- Internal wrapper for setting values.
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- if not isinstance(key, str):
- return fail(ClientError(
- "Invalid type for key: %s, expecting a string" % (type(key),)))
- if len(key) > self.MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
- return fail(ClientError("Key too long"))
- if not isinstance(val, str):
- return fail(ClientError(
- "Invalid type for value: %s, expecting a string" %
- (type(val),)))
- if cas:
- cas = " " + cas
- length = len(val)
- fullcmd = "%s %s %d %d %d%s" % (
- cmd, key, flags, expireTime, length, cas)
- self.sendLine(fullcmd)
- self.sendLine(val)
- cmdObj = Command(cmd, key=key, flags=flags, length=length)
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def append(self, key, val):
- """
- Append given data to the value of an existing key.
- @param key: The key to modify.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: The value to append to the current value associated with
- the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @return: A deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded, C{False} otherwise.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- # Even if flags and expTime values are ignored, we have to pass them
- return self._set("append", key, val, 0, 0, "")
- def prepend(self, key, val):
- """
- Prepend given data to the value of an existing key.
- @param key: The key to modify.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param val: The value to prepend to the current value associated with
- the key.
- @type val: C{str}
- @return: A deferred that will fire with C{True} if the operation has
- succeeded, C{False} otherwise.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- # Even if flags and expTime values are ignored, we have to pass them
- return self._set("prepend", key, val, 0, 0, "")
- def get(self, key, withIdentifier=False):
- """
- Get the given C{key}. It doesn't support multiple keys. If
- C{withIdentifier} is set to C{True}, the command issued is a C{gets},
- that will return the current identifier associated with the value. This
- identifier has to be used when issuing C{checkAndSet} update later,
- using the corresponding method.
- @param key: The key to retrieve.
- @type key: C{str}
- @param withIdentifier: If set to C{True}, retrieve the current
- identifier along with the value and the flags.
- @type withIdentifier: C{bool}
- @return: A deferred that will fire with the tuple (flags, value) if
- C{withIdentifier} is C{False}, or (flags, cas identifier, value)
- if C{True}. If the server indicates there is no value
- associated with C{key}, the returned value will be C{None} and
- the returned flags will be C{0}.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- return self._get([key], withIdentifier, False)
- def getMultiple(self, keys, withIdentifier=False):
- """
- Get the given list of C{keys}. If C{withIdentifier} is set to C{True},
- the command issued is a C{gets}, that will return the identifiers
- associated with each values. This identifier has to be used when
- issuing C{checkAndSet} update later, using the corresponding method.
- @param keys: The keys to retrieve.
- @type keys: C{list} of C{str}
- @param withIdentifier: If set to C{True}, retrieve the identifiers
- along with the values and the flags.
- @type withIdentifier: C{bool}
- @return: A deferred that will fire with a dictionary with the elements
- of C{keys} as keys and the tuples (flags, value) as values if
- C{withIdentifier} is C{False}, or (flags, cas identifier, value) if
- C{True}. If the server indicates there is no value associated with
- C{key}, the returned values will be C{None} and the returned flags
- will be C{0}.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @since: 9.0
- """
- return self._get(keys, withIdentifier, True)
- def _get(self, keys, withIdentifier, multiple):
- """
- Helper method for C{get} and C{getMultiple}.
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- for key in keys:
- if not isinstance(key, str):
- return fail(ClientError(
- "Invalid type for key: %s, expecting a string" % (type(key),)))
- if len(key) > self.MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
- return fail(ClientError("Key too long"))
- if withIdentifier:
- cmd = "gets"
- else:
- cmd = "get"
- fullcmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, " ".join(keys))
- self.sendLine(fullcmd)
- if multiple:
- values = dict([(key, (0, "", None)) for key in keys])
- cmdObj = Command(cmd, keys=keys, values=values, multiple=True)
- else:
- cmdObj = Command(cmd, key=keys[0], value=None, flags=0, cas="",
- multiple=False)
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def stats(self, arg=None):
- """
- Get some stats from the server. It will be available as a dict.
- @param arg: An optional additional string which will be sent along
- with the I{stats} command. The interpretation of this value by
- the server is left undefined by the memcache protocol
- specification.
- @type arg: L{NoneType} or L{str}
- @return: a deferred that will fire with a C{dict} of the available
- statistics.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- if arg:
- cmd = "stats " + arg
- else:
- cmd = "stats"
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- self.sendLine(cmd)
- cmdObj = Command("stats", values={})
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def version(self):
- """
- Get the version of the server.
- @return: a deferred that will fire with the string value of the
- version.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- self.sendLine("version")
- cmdObj = Command("version")
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def delete(self, key):
- """
- Delete an existing C{key}.
- @param key: the key to delete.
- @type key: C{str}
- @return: a deferred that will be called back with C{True} if the key
- was successfully deleted, or C{False} if not.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- if not isinstance(key, str):
- return fail(ClientError(
- "Invalid type for key: %s, expecting a string" % (type(key),)))
- self.sendLine("delete %s" % key)
- cmdObj = Command("delete", key=key)
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
- def flushAll(self):
- """
- Flush all cached values.
- @return: a deferred that will be called back with C{True} when the
- operation has succeeded.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- if self._disconnected:
- return fail(RuntimeError("not connected"))
- self.sendLine("flush_all")
- cmdObj = Command("flush_all")
- self._current.append(cmdObj)
- return cmdObj._deferred
-__all__ = ["MemCacheProtocol", "DEFAULT_PORT", "NoSuchCommand", "ClientError",
- "ServerError"]