path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/basic.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/basic.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 939 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/protocols/basic.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_protocols -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Basic protocols, such as line-oriented, netstring, and int prefixed strings.
-Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
-# System imports
-import re
-from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
-import warnings
-import cStringIO
-import math
-from zope.interface import implements
-# Twisted imports
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces, error
-from twisted.python import log, deprecate, versions
-LENGTH, DATA, COMMA = range(3)
-NUMBER = re.compile('(\d*)(:?)')
-deprecatedSince = versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0)
-message = "NetstringReceiver parser state is private."
-for attr in ["LENGTH", "DATA", "COMMA", "NUMBER"]:
- deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(
- deprecatedSince, message, __name__, attr)
-del deprecatedSince, message, attr
-DEBUG = 0
-class NetstringParseError(ValueError):
- """
- The incoming data is not in valid Netstring format.
- """
-class IncompleteNetstring(Exception):
- """
- Not enough data to complete a netstring.
- """
-class NetstringReceiver(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- A protocol that sends and receives netstrings.
- See U{http://cr.yp.to/proto/netstrings.txt} for the specification of
- netstrings. Every netstring starts with digits that specify the length
- of the data. This length specification is separated from the data by
- a colon. The data is terminated with a comma.
- Override L{stringReceived} to handle received netstrings. This
- method is called with the netstring payload as a single argument
- whenever a complete netstring is received.
- Security features:
- 1. Messages are limited in size, useful if you don't want
- someone sending you a 500MB netstring (change C{self.MAX_LENGTH}
- to the maximum length you wish to accept).
- 2. The connection is lost if an illegal message is received.
- @ivar MAX_LENGTH: Defines the maximum length of netstrings that can be
- received.
- @type MAX_LENGTH: C{int}
- @ivar _LENGTH: A pattern describing all strings that contain a netstring
- length specification. Examples for length specifications are '0:',
- '12:', and '179:'. '007:' is no valid length specification, since
- leading zeros are not allowed.
- @type _LENGTH: C{re.Match}
- @ivar _LENGTH_PREFIX: A pattern describing all strings that contain
- the first part of a netstring length specification (without the
- trailing comma). Examples are '0', '12', and '179'. '007' does not
- start a netstring length specification, since leading zeros are
- not allowed.
- @type _LENGTH_PREFIX: C{re.Match}
- @ivar _PARSING_LENGTH: Indicates that the C{NetstringReceiver} is in
- the state of parsing the length portion of a netstring.
- @type _PARSING_LENGTH: C{int}
- @ivar _PARSING_PAYLOAD: Indicates that the C{NetstringReceiver} is in
- the state of parsing the payload portion (data and trailing comma)
- of a netstring.
- @type _PARSING_PAYLOAD: C{int}
- @ivar brokenPeer: Indicates if the connection is still functional
- @type brokenPeer: C{int}
- @ivar _state: Indicates if the protocol is consuming the length portion
- (C{PARSING_LENGTH}) or the payload (C{PARSING_PAYLOAD}) of a netstring
- @type _state: C{int}
- @ivar _remainingData: Holds the chunk of data that has not yet been consumed
- @type _remainingData: C{string}
- @ivar _payload: Holds the payload portion of a netstring including the
- trailing comma
- @type _payload: C{cStringIO.StringIO}
- @ivar _expectedPayloadSize: Holds the payload size plus one for the trailing
- comma.
- @type _expectedPayloadSize: C{int}
- """
- MAX_LENGTH = 99999
- _LENGTH = re.compile('(0|[1-9]\d*)(:)')
- _LENGTH_PREFIX = re.compile('(0|[1-9]\d*)$')
- # Some error information for NetstringParseError instances.
- _MISSING_LENGTH = ("The received netstring does not start with a "
- "length specification.")
- _OVERFLOW = ("The length specification of the received netstring "
- "cannot be represented in Python - it causes an "
- "OverflowError!")
- _TOO_LONG = ("The received netstring is longer than the maximum %s "
- "specified by self.MAX_LENGTH")
- _MISSING_COMMA = "The received netstring is not terminated by a comma."
- _DATA_SUPPORT_DEPRECATED = ("Data passed to sendString() must be a string. "
- "Non-string support is deprecated since "
- "Twisted 10.0")
- # The following constants are used for determining if the NetstringReceiver
- # is parsing the length portion of a netstring, or the payload.
- def makeConnection(self, transport):
- """
- Initializes the protocol.
- """
- protocol.Protocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
- self._remainingData = ""
- self._currentPayloadSize = 0
- self._payload = cStringIO.StringIO()
- self._state = self._PARSING_LENGTH
- self._expectedPayloadSize = 0
- self.brokenPeer = 0
- def sendString(self, string):
- """
- Sends a netstring.
- Wraps up C{string} by adding length information and a
- trailing comma; writes the result to the transport.
- @param string: The string to send. The necessary framing (length
- prefix, etc) will be added.
- @type string: C{str}
- """
- if not isinstance(string, str):
- warnings.warn(self._DATA_SUPPORT_DEPRECATED, DeprecationWarning, 2)
- string = str(string)
- self.transport.write('%d:%s,' % (len(string), string))
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Receives some characters of a netstring.
- Whenever a complete netstring is received, this method extracts
- its payload and calls L{stringReceived} to process it.
- @param data: A chunk of data representing a (possibly partial)
- netstring
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- self._remainingData += data
- while self._remainingData:
- try:
- self._consumeData()
- except IncompleteNetstring:
- break
- except NetstringParseError:
- self._handleParseError()
- break
- def stringReceived(self, string):
- """
- Override this for notification when each complete string is received.
- @param string: The complete string which was received with all
- framing (length prefix, etc) removed.
- @type string: C{str}
- @raise NotImplementedError: because the method has to be implemented
- by the child class.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _maxLengthSize(self):
- """
- Calculate and return the string size of C{self.MAX_LENGTH}.
- @return: The size of the string representation for C{self.MAX_LENGTH}
- @rtype: C{float}
- """
- return math.ceil(math.log10(self.MAX_LENGTH)) + 1
- def _consumeData(self):
- """
- Consumes the content of C{self._remainingData}.
- @raise IncompleteNetstring: if C{self._remainingData} does not
- contain enough data to complete the current netstring.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the received data do not
- form a valid netstring.
- """
- if self._state == self._PARSING_LENGTH:
- self._consumeLength()
- self._prepareForPayloadConsumption()
- if self._state == self._PARSING_PAYLOAD:
- self._consumePayload()
- def _consumeLength(self):
- """
- Consumes the length portion of C{self._remainingData}.
- @raise IncompleteNetstring: if C{self._remainingData} contains
- a partial length specification (digits without trailing
- comma).
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the received data do not form a valid
- netstring.
- """
- lengthMatch = self._LENGTH.match(self._remainingData)
- if not lengthMatch:
- self._checkPartialLengthSpecification()
- raise IncompleteNetstring()
- self._processLength(lengthMatch)
- def _checkPartialLengthSpecification(self):
- """
- Makes sure that the received data represents a valid number.
- Checks if C{self._remainingData} represents a number smaller or
- equal to C{self.MAX_LENGTH}.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if C{self._remainingData} is no
- number or is too big (checked by L{extractLength}).
- """
- partialLengthMatch = self._LENGTH_PREFIX.match(self._remainingData)
- if not partialLengthMatch:
- raise NetstringParseError(self._MISSING_LENGTH)
- lengthSpecification = (partialLengthMatch.group(1))
- self._extractLength(lengthSpecification)
- def _processLength(self, lengthMatch):
- """
- Processes the length definition of a netstring.
- Extracts and stores in C{self._expectedPayloadSize} the number
- representing the netstring size. Removes the prefix
- representing the length specification from
- C{self._remainingData}.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the received netstring does not
- start with a number or the number is bigger than
- C{self.MAX_LENGTH}.
- @param lengthMatch: A regular expression match object matching
- a netstring length specification
- @type lengthMatch: C{re.Match}
- """
- endOfNumber = lengthMatch.end(1)
- startOfData = lengthMatch.end(2)
- lengthString = self._remainingData[:endOfNumber]
- # Expect payload plus trailing comma:
- self._expectedPayloadSize = self._extractLength(lengthString) + 1
- self._remainingData = self._remainingData[startOfData:]
- def _extractLength(self, lengthAsString):
- """
- Attempts to extract the length information of a netstring.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the number is bigger than
- C{self.MAX_LENGTH}.
- @param lengthAsString: A chunk of data starting with a length
- specification
- @type lengthAsString: C{str}
- @return: The length of the netstring
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- self._checkStringSize(lengthAsString)
- length = int(lengthAsString)
- if length > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- raise NetstringParseError(self._TOO_LONG % (self.MAX_LENGTH,))
- return length
- def _checkStringSize(self, lengthAsString):
- """
- Checks the sanity of lengthAsString.
- Checks if the size of the length specification exceeds the
- size of the string representing self.MAX_LENGTH. If this is
- not the case, the number represented by lengthAsString is
- certainly bigger than self.MAX_LENGTH, and a
- NetstringParseError can be raised.
- This method should make sure that netstrings with extremely
- long length specifications are refused before even attempting
- to convert them to an integer (which might trigger a
- MemoryError).
- """
- if len(lengthAsString) > self._maxLengthSize():
- raise NetstringParseError(self._TOO_LONG % (self.MAX_LENGTH,))
- def _prepareForPayloadConsumption(self):
- """
- Sets up variables necessary for consuming the payload of a netstring.
- """
- self._state = self._PARSING_PAYLOAD
- self._currentPayloadSize = 0
- self._payload.seek(0)
- self._payload.truncate()
- def _consumePayload(self):
- """
- Consumes the payload portion of C{self._remainingData}.
- If the payload is complete, checks for the trailing comma and
- processes the payload. If not, raises an L{IncompleteNetstring}
- exception.
- @raise IncompleteNetstring: if the payload received so far
- contains fewer characters than expected.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the payload does not end with a
- comma.
- """
- self._extractPayload()
- if self._currentPayloadSize < self._expectedPayloadSize:
- raise IncompleteNetstring()
- self._checkForTrailingComma()
- self._state = self._PARSING_LENGTH
- self._processPayload()
- def _extractPayload(self):
- """
- Extracts payload information from C{self._remainingData}.
- Splits C{self._remainingData} at the end of the netstring. The
- first part becomes C{self._payload}, the second part is stored
- in C{self._remainingData}.
- If the netstring is not yet complete, the whole content of
- C{self._remainingData} is moved to C{self._payload}.
- """
- if self._payloadComplete():
- remainingPayloadSize = (self._expectedPayloadSize -
- self._currentPayloadSize)
- self._payload.write(self._remainingData[:remainingPayloadSize])
- self._remainingData = self._remainingData[remainingPayloadSize:]
- self._currentPayloadSize = self._expectedPayloadSize
- else:
- self._payload.write(self._remainingData)
- self._currentPayloadSize += len(self._remainingData)
- self._remainingData = ""
- def _payloadComplete(self):
- """
- Checks if enough data have been received to complete the netstring.
- @return: C{True} iff the received data contain at least as many
- characters as specified in the length section of the
- netstring
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- return (len(self._remainingData) + self._currentPayloadSize >=
- self._expectedPayloadSize)
- def _processPayload(self):
- """
- Processes the actual payload with L{stringReceived}.
- Strips C{self._payload} of the trailing comma and calls
- L{stringReceived} with the result.
- """
- self.stringReceived(self._payload.getvalue()[:-1])
- def _checkForTrailingComma(self):
- """
- Checks if the netstring has a trailing comma at the expected position.
- @raise NetstringParseError: if the last payload character is
- anything but a comma.
- """
- if self._payload.getvalue()[-1] != ",":
- raise NetstringParseError(self._MISSING_COMMA)
- def _handleParseError(self):
- """
- Terminates the connection and sets the flag C{self.brokenPeer}.
- """
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- self.brokenPeer = 1
-class LineOnlyReceiver(protocol.Protocol):
- """
- A protocol that receives only lines.
- This is purely a speed optimisation over LineReceiver, for the
- cases that raw mode is known to be unnecessary.
- @cvar delimiter: The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is
- '\\r\\n'.
- @cvar MAX_LENGTH: The maximum length of a line to allow (If a
- sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped).
- Default is 16384.
- """
- _buffer = ''
- delimiter = '\r\n'
- MAX_LENGTH = 16384
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived.
- """
- lines = (self._buffer+data).split(self.delimiter)
- self._buffer = lines.pop(-1)
- for line in lines:
- if self.transport.disconnecting:
- # this is necessary because the transport may be told to lose
- # the connection by a line within a larger packet, and it is
- # important to disregard all the lines in that packet following
- # the one that told it to close.
- return
- if len(line) > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- return self.lineLengthExceeded(line)
- else:
- self.lineReceived(line)
- if len(self._buffer) > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- return self.lineLengthExceeded(self._buffer)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- """
- Override this for when each line is received.
- @param line: The line which was received with the delimiter removed.
- @type line: C{str}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sendLine(self, line):
- """
- Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
- @param line: The line to send, not including the delimiter.
- @type line: C{str}
- """
- return self.transport.writeSequence((line, self.delimiter))
- def lineLengthExceeded(self, line):
- """
- Called when the maximum line length has been reached.
- Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.
- """
- return error.ConnectionLost('Line length exceeded')
-class _PauseableMixin:
- paused = False
- def pauseProducing(self):
- self.paused = True
- self.transport.pauseProducing()
- def resumeProducing(self):
- self.paused = False
- self.transport.resumeProducing()
- self.dataReceived('')
- def stopProducing(self):
- self.paused = True
- self.transport.stopProducing()
-class LineReceiver(protocol.Protocol, _PauseableMixin):
- """
- A protocol that receives lines and/or raw data, depending on mode.
- In line mode, each line that's received becomes a callback to
- L{lineReceived}. In raw data mode, each chunk of raw data becomes a
- callback to L{rawDataReceived}. The L{setLineMode} and L{setRawMode}
- methods switch between the two modes.
- This is useful for line-oriented protocols such as IRC, HTTP, POP, etc.
- @cvar delimiter: The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is
- '\\r\\n'.
- @cvar MAX_LENGTH: The maximum length of a line to allow (If a
- sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped).
- Default is 16384.
- """
- line_mode = 1
- __buffer = ''
- delimiter = '\r\n'
- MAX_LENGTH = 16384
- def clearLineBuffer(self):
- """
- Clear buffered data.
- @return: All of the cleared buffered data.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- b = self.__buffer
- self.__buffer = ""
- return b
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Protocol.dataReceived.
- Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived (or
- rawDataReceived, depending on mode.)
- """
- self.__buffer = self.__buffer+data
- while self.line_mode and not self.paused:
- try:
- line, self.__buffer = self.__buffer.split(self.delimiter, 1)
- except ValueError:
- if len(self.__buffer) > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- line, self.__buffer = self.__buffer, ''
- return self.lineLengthExceeded(line)
- break
- else:
- linelength = len(line)
- if linelength > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- exceeded = line + self.__buffer
- self.__buffer = ''
- return self.lineLengthExceeded(exceeded)
- why = self.lineReceived(line)
- if why or self.transport and self.transport.disconnecting:
- return why
- else:
- if not self.paused:
- data=self.__buffer
- self.__buffer=''
- if data:
- return self.rawDataReceived(data)
- def setLineMode(self, extra=''):
- """
- Sets the line-mode of this receiver.
- If you are calling this from a rawDataReceived callback,
- you can pass in extra unhandled data, and that data will
- be parsed for lines. Further data received will be sent
- to lineReceived rather than rawDataReceived.
- Do not pass extra data if calling this function from
- within a lineReceived callback.
- """
- self.line_mode = 1
- if extra:
- return self.dataReceived(extra)
- def setRawMode(self):
- """
- Sets the raw mode of this receiver.
- Further data received will be sent to rawDataReceived rather
- than lineReceived.
- """
- self.line_mode = 0
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Override this for when raw data is received.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- """
- Override this for when each line is received.
- @param line: The line which was received with the delimiter removed.
- @type line: C{str}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sendLine(self, line):
- """
- Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
- @param line: The line to send, not including the delimiter.
- @type line: C{str}
- """
- return self.transport.write(line + self.delimiter)
- def lineLengthExceeded(self, line):
- """
- Called when the maximum line length has been reached.
- Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.
- The argument 'line' contains the remainder of the buffer, starting
- with (at least some part) of the line which is too long. This may
- be more than one line, or may be only the initial portion of the
- line.
- """
- return self.transport.loseConnection()
-class StringTooLongError(AssertionError):
- """
- Raised when trying to send a string too long for a length prefixed
- protocol.
- """
-class _RecvdCompatHack(object):
- """
- Emulates the to-be-deprecated C{IntNStringReceiver.recvd} attribute.
- The C{recvd} attribute was where the working buffer for buffering and
- parsing netstrings was kept. It was updated each time new data arrived and
- each time some of that data was parsed and delivered to application code.
- The piecemeal updates to its string value were expensive and have been
- removed from C{IntNStringReceiver} in the normal case. However, for
- applications directly reading this attribute, this descriptor restores that
- behavior. It only copies the working buffer when necessary (ie, when
- accessed). This avoids the cost for applications not using the data.
- This is a custom descriptor rather than a property, because we still need
- the default __set__ behavior in both new-style and old-style subclasses.
- """
- def __get__(self, oself, type=None):
- return oself._unprocessed[oself._compatibilityOffset:]
-class IntNStringReceiver(protocol.Protocol, _PauseableMixin):
- """
- Generic class for length prefixed protocols.
- @ivar _unprocessed: bytes received, but not yet broken up into messages /
- sent to stringReceived. _compatibilityOffset must be updated when this
- value is updated so that the C{recvd} attribute can be generated
- correctly.
- @type _unprocessed: C{bytes}
- @ivar structFormat: format used for struct packing/unpacking. Define it in
- subclass.
- @type structFormat: C{str}
- @ivar prefixLength: length of the prefix, in bytes. Define it in subclass,
- using C{struct.calcsize(structFormat)}
- @type prefixLength: C{int}
- @ivar _compatibilityOffset: the offset within C{_unprocessed} to the next
- message to be parsed. (used to generate the recvd attribute)
- @type _compatibilityOffset: C{int}
- """
- MAX_LENGTH = 99999
- _unprocessed = ""
- _compatibilityOffset = 0
- # Backwards compatibility support for applications which directly touch the
- # "internal" parse buffer.
- recvd = _RecvdCompatHack()
- def stringReceived(self, string):
- """
- Override this for notification when each complete string is received.
- @param string: The complete string which was received with all
- framing (length prefix, etc) removed.
- @type string: C{str}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def lengthLimitExceeded(self, length):
- """
- Callback invoked when a length prefix greater than C{MAX_LENGTH} is
- received. The default implementation disconnects the transport.
- Override this.
- @param length: The length prefix which was received.
- @type length: C{int}
- """
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Convert int prefixed strings into calls to stringReceived.
- """
- # Try to minimize string copying (via slices) by keeping one buffer
- # containing all the data we have so far and a separate offset into that
- # buffer.
- alldata = self._unprocessed + data
- currentOffset = 0
- prefixLength = self.prefixLength
- fmt = self.structFormat
- self._unprocessed = alldata
- while len(alldata) >= (currentOffset + prefixLength) and not self.paused:
- messageStart = currentOffset + prefixLength
- length, = unpack(fmt, alldata[currentOffset:messageStart])
- if length > self.MAX_LENGTH:
- self._unprocessed = alldata
- self._compatibilityOffset = currentOffset
- self.lengthLimitExceeded(length)
- return
- messageEnd = messageStart + length
- if len(alldata) < messageEnd:
- break
- # Here we have to slice the working buffer so we can send just the
- # netstring into the stringReceived callback.
- packet = alldata[messageStart:messageEnd]
- currentOffset = messageEnd
- self._compatibilityOffset = currentOffset
- self.stringReceived(packet)
- # Check to see if the backwards compat "recvd" attribute got written
- # to by application code. If so, drop the current data buffer and
- # switch to the new buffer given by that attribute's value.
- if 'recvd' in self.__dict__:
- alldata = self.__dict__.pop('recvd')
- self._unprocessed = alldata
- self._compatibilityOffset = currentOffset = 0
- if alldata:
- continue
- return
- # Slice off all the data that has been processed, avoiding holding onto
- # memory to store it, and update the compatibility attributes to reflect
- # that change.
- self._unprocessed = alldata[currentOffset:]
- self._compatibilityOffset = 0
- def sendString(self, string):
- """
- Send a prefixed string to the other end of the connection.
- @param string: The string to send. The necessary framing (length
- prefix, etc) will be added.
- @type string: C{str}
- """
- if len(string) >= 2 ** (8 * self.prefixLength):
- raise StringTooLongError(
- "Try to send %s bytes whereas maximum is %s" % (
- len(string), 2 ** (8 * self.prefixLength)))
- self.transport.write(
- pack(self.structFormat, len(string)) + string)
-class Int32StringReceiver(IntNStringReceiver):
- """
- A receiver for int32-prefixed strings.
- An int32 string is a string prefixed by 4 bytes, the 32-bit length of
- the string encoded in network byte order.
- This class publishes the same interface as NetstringReceiver.
- """
- structFormat = "!I"
- prefixLength = calcsize(structFormat)
-class Int16StringReceiver(IntNStringReceiver):
- """
- A receiver for int16-prefixed strings.
- An int16 string is a string prefixed by 2 bytes, the 16-bit length of
- the string encoded in network byte order.
- This class publishes the same interface as NetstringReceiver.
- """
- structFormat = "!H"
- prefixLength = calcsize(structFormat)
-class Int8StringReceiver(IntNStringReceiver):
- """
- A receiver for int8-prefixed strings.
- An int8 string is a string prefixed by 1 byte, the 8-bit length of
- the string.
- This class publishes the same interface as NetstringReceiver.
- """
- structFormat = "!B"
- prefixLength = calcsize(structFormat)
-class StatefulStringProtocol:
- """
- A stateful string protocol.
- This is a mixin for string protocols (Int32StringReceiver,
- NetstringReceiver) which translates stringReceived into a callback
- (prefixed with 'proto_') depending on state.
- The state 'done' is special; if a proto_* method returns it, the
- connection will be closed immediately.
- """
- state = 'init'
- def stringReceived(self, string):
- """
- Choose a protocol phase function and call it.
- Call back to the appropriate protocol phase; this begins with
- the function proto_init and moves on to proto_* depending on
- what each proto_* function returns. (For example, if
- self.proto_init returns 'foo', then self.proto_foo will be the
- next function called when a protocol message is received.
- """
- try:
- pto = 'proto_'+self.state
- statehandler = getattr(self,pto)
- except AttributeError:
- log.msg('callback',self.state,'not found')
- else:
- self.state = statehandler(string)
- if self.state == 'done':
- self.transport.loseConnection()
-class FileSender:
- """
- A producer that sends the contents of a file to a consumer.
- This is a helper for protocols that, at some point, will take a
- file-like object, read its contents, and write them out to the network,
- optionally performing some transformation on the bytes in between.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IProducer)
- CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ** 14
- lastSent = ''
- deferred = None
- def beginFileTransfer(self, file, consumer, transform = None):
- """
- Begin transferring a file
- @type file: Any file-like object
- @param file: The file object to read data from
- @type consumer: Any implementor of IConsumer
- @param consumer: The object to write data to
- @param transform: A callable taking one string argument and returning
- the same. All bytes read from the file are passed through this before
- being written to the consumer.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked when the file has
- been completely written to the consumer. The last byte written to the
- consumer is passed to the callback.
- """
- self.file = file
- self.consumer = consumer
- self.transform = transform
- self.deferred = deferred = defer.Deferred()
- self.consumer.registerProducer(self, False)
- return deferred
- def resumeProducing(self):
- chunk = ''
- if self.file:
- chunk = self.file.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
- if not chunk:
- self.file = None
- self.consumer.unregisterProducer()
- if self.deferred:
- self.deferred.callback(self.lastSent)
- self.deferred = None
- return
- if self.transform:
- chunk = self.transform(chunk)
- self.consumer.write(chunk)
- self.lastSent = chunk[-1]
- def pauseProducing(self):
- pass
- def stopProducing(self):
- if self.deferred:
- self.deferred.errback(
- Exception("Consumer asked us to stop producing"))
- self.deferred = None