path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/test/test_rootresolve.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 705 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/test/test_rootresolve.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases for Twisted.names' root resolver.
-from random import randrange
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
-from twisted.python.log import msg
-from twisted.trial import util
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed, gatherResults
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorUDP, IUDPTransport
-from twisted.names.root import Resolver, lookupNameservers, lookupAddress
-from twisted.names.root import extractAuthority, discoverAuthority, retry
-from twisted.names.dns import IN, HS, A, NS, CNAME, OK, ENAME, Record_CNAME
-from twisted.names.dns import Query, Message, RRHeader, Record_A, Record_NS
-from twisted.names.error import DNSNameError, ResolverError
-class MemoryDatagramTransport(object):
- """
- This L{IUDPTransport} implementation enforces the usual connection rules
- and captures sent traffic in a list for later inspection.
- @ivar _host: The host address to which this transport is bound.
- @ivar _protocol: The protocol connected to this transport.
- @ivar _sentPackets: A C{list} of two-tuples of the datagrams passed to
- C{write} and the addresses to which they are destined.
- @ivar _connectedTo: C{None} if this transport is unconnected, otherwise an
- address to which all traffic is supposedly sent.
- @ivar _maxPacketSize: An C{int} giving the maximum length of a datagram
- which will be successfully handled by C{write}.
- """
- implements(IUDPTransport)
- def __init__(self, host, protocol, maxPacketSize):
- self._host = host
- self._protocol = protocol
- self._sentPackets = []
- self._connectedTo = None
- self._maxPacketSize = maxPacketSize
- def getHost(self):
- """
- Return the address which this transport is pretending to be bound
- to.
- """
- return IPv4Address('UDP', *self._host)
- def connect(self, host, port):
- """
- Connect this transport to the given address.
- """
- if self._connectedTo is not None:
- raise ValueError("Already connected")
- self._connectedTo = (host, port)
- def write(self, datagram, addr=None):
- """
- Send the given datagram.
- """
- if addr is None:
- addr = self._connectedTo
- if addr is None:
- raise ValueError("Need an address")
- if len(datagram) > self._maxPacketSize:
- raise ValueError("Packet too big")
- self._sentPackets.append((datagram, addr))
- def stopListening(self):
- """
- Shut down this transport.
- """
- self._protocol.stopProtocol()
- return succeed(None)
-verifyClass(IUDPTransport, MemoryDatagramTransport)
-class MemoryReactor(Clock):
- """
- An L{IReactorTime} and L{IReactorUDP} provider.
- Time is controlled deterministically via the base class, L{Clock}. UDP is
- handled in-memory by connecting protocols to instances of
- L{MemoryDatagramTransport}.
- @ivar udpPorts: A C{dict} mapping port numbers to instances of
- L{MemoryDatagramTransport}.
- """
- implements(IReactorUDP)
- def __init__(self):
- Clock.__init__(self)
- self.udpPorts = {}
- def listenUDP(self, port, protocol, interface='', maxPacketSize=8192):
- """
- Pretend to bind a UDP port and connect the given protocol to it.
- """
- if port == 0:
- while True:
- port = randrange(1, 2 ** 16)
- if port not in self.udpPorts:
- break
- if port in self.udpPorts:
- raise ValueError("Address in use")
- transport = MemoryDatagramTransport(
- (interface, port), protocol, maxPacketSize)
- self.udpPorts[port] = transport
- protocol.makeConnection(transport)
- return transport
-verifyClass(IReactorUDP, MemoryReactor)
-class RootResolverTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.names.root.Resolver}.
- """
- def _queryTest(self, filter):
- """
- Invoke L{Resolver._query} and verify that it sends the correct DNS
- query. Deliver a canned response to the query and return whatever the
- L{Deferred} returned by L{Resolver._query} fires with.
- @param filter: The value to pass for the C{filter} parameter to
- L{Resolver._query}.
- """
- reactor = MemoryReactor()
- resolver = Resolver([], reactor=reactor)
- d = resolver._query(
- Query('foo.example.com', A, IN), [('', 1053)], (30,),
- filter)
- # A UDP port should have been started.
- portNumber, transport = reactor.udpPorts.popitem()
- # And a DNS packet sent.
- [(packet, address)] = transport._sentPackets
- msg = Message()
- msg.fromStr(packet)
- # It should be a query with the parameters used above.
- self.assertEqual(msg.queries, [Query('foo.example.com', A, IN)])
- self.assertEqual(msg.answers, [])
- self.assertEqual(msg.authority, [])
- self.assertEqual(msg.additional, [])
- response = []
- d.addCallback(response.append)
- self.assertEqual(response, [])
- # Once a reply is received, the Deferred should fire.
- del msg.queries[:]
- msg.answer = 1
- msg.answers.append(RRHeader('foo.example.com', payload=Record_A('')))
- transport._protocol.datagramReceived(msg.toStr(), ('', 1053))
- return response[0]
- def test_filteredQuery(self):
- """
- L{Resolver._query} accepts a L{Query} instance and an address, issues
- the query, and returns a L{Deferred} which fires with the response to
- the query. If a true value is passed for the C{filter} parameter, the
- result is a three-tuple of lists of records.
- """
- answer, authority, additional = self._queryTest(True)
- self.assertEqual(
- answer,
- [RRHeader('foo.example.com', payload=Record_A('', ttl=0))])
- self.assertEqual(authority, [])
- self.assertEqual(additional, [])
- def test_unfilteredQuery(self):
- """
- Similar to L{test_filteredQuery}, but for the case where a false value
- is passed for the C{filter} parameter. In this case, the result is a
- L{Message} instance.
- """
- message = self._queryTest(False)
- self.assertIsInstance(message, Message)
- self.assertEqual(message.queries, [])
- self.assertEqual(
- message.answers,
- [RRHeader('foo.example.com', payload=Record_A('', ttl=0))])
- self.assertEqual(message.authority, [])
- self.assertEqual(message.additional, [])
- def _respond(self, answers=[], authority=[], additional=[], rCode=OK):
- """
- Create a L{Message} suitable for use as a response to a query.
- @param answers: A C{list} of two-tuples giving data for the answers
- section of the message. The first element of each tuple is a name
- for the L{RRHeader}. The second element is the payload.
- @param authority: A C{list} like C{answers}, but for the authority
- section of the response.
- @param additional: A C{list} like C{answers}, but for the
- additional section of the response.
- @param rCode: The response code the message will be created with.
- @return: A new L{Message} initialized with the given values.
- """
- response = Message(rCode=rCode)
- for (section, data) in [(response.answers, answers),
- (response.authority, authority),
- (response.additional, additional)]:
- section.extend([
- RRHeader(name, record.TYPE, getattr(record, 'CLASS', IN),
- payload=record)
- for (name, record) in data])
- return response
- def _getResolver(self, serverResponses, maximumQueries=10):
- """
- Create and return a new L{root.Resolver} modified to resolve queries
- against the record data represented by C{servers}.
- @param serverResponses: A mapping from dns server addresses to
- mappings. The inner mappings are from query two-tuples (name,
- type) to dictionaries suitable for use as **arguments to
- L{_respond}. See that method for details.
- """
- roots = ['']
- resolver = Resolver(roots, maximumQueries)
- def query(query, serverAddresses, timeout, filter):
- msg("Query for QNAME %s at %r" % (query.name, serverAddresses))
- for addr in serverAddresses:
- try:
- server = serverResponses[addr]
- except KeyError:
- continue
- records = server[str(query.name), query.type]
- return succeed(self._respond(**records))
- resolver._query = query
- return resolver
- def test_lookupAddress(self):
- """
- L{root.Resolver.lookupAddress} looks up the I{A} records for the
- specified hostname by first querying one of the root servers the
- resolver was created with and then following the authority delegations
- until a result is received.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('foo.example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- 'additional': [('ns1.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('foo.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- }
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('foo.example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans[0].payload.dottedQuad())
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def test_lookupChecksClass(self):
- """
- If a response includes a record with a class different from the one
- in the query, it is ignored and lookup continues until a record with
- the right class is found.
- """
- badClass = Record_A('')
- badClass.CLASS = HS
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('foo.example.com', badClass)],
- 'authority': [('foo.example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- 'additional': [('ns1.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('foo.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('foo.example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans[0].payload)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, Record_A(''))
- return d
- def test_missingGlue(self):
- """
- If an intermediate response includes no glue records for the
- authorities, separate queries are made to find those addresses.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('foo.example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.org'))],
- # Conspicuous lack of an additional section naming ns1.example.com
- },
- ('ns1.example.org', A): {
- 'answers': [('ns1.example.org', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('foo.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('foo.example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans[0].payload.dottedQuad())
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def test_missingName(self):
- """
- If a name is missing, L{Resolver.lookupAddress} returns a L{Deferred}
- which fails with L{DNSNameError}.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('foo.example.com', A): {
- 'rCode': ENAME,
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('foo.example.com')
- return self.assertFailure(d, DNSNameError)
- def test_answerless(self):
- """
- If a query is responded to with no answers or nameserver records, the
- L{Deferred} returned by L{Resolver.lookupAddress} fires with
- L{ResolverError}.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- return self.assertFailure(d, ResolverError)
- def test_delegationLookupError(self):
- """
- If there is an error resolving the nameserver in a delegation response,
- the L{Deferred} returned by L{Resolver.lookupAddress} fires with that
- error.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- },
- ('ns1.example.com', A): {
- 'rCode': ENAME,
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- return self.assertFailure(d, DNSNameError)
- def test_delegationLookupEmpty(self):
- """
- If there are no records in the response to a lookup of a delegation
- nameserver, the L{Deferred} returned by L{Resolver.lookupAddress} fires
- with L{ResolverError}.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- },
- ('ns1.example.com', A): {
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- return self.assertFailure(d, ResolverError)
- def test_lookupNameservers(self):
- """
- L{Resolver.lookupNameservers} is like L{Resolver.lookupAddress}, except
- it queries for I{NS} records instead of I{A} records.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'rCode': ENAME,
- },
- ('example.com', NS): {
- 'answers': [('example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupNameservers('example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): str(ans[0].payload.name))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'ns1.example.com')
- return d
- def test_returnCanonicalName(self):
- """
- If a I{CNAME} record is encountered as the answer to a query for
- another record type, that record is returned as the answer.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('example.com', Record_CNAME('example.net')),
- ('example.net', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual,
- [RRHeader('example.com', CNAME, payload=Record_CNAME('example.net')),
- RRHeader('example.net', A, payload=Record_A(''))])
- return d
- def test_followCanonicalName(self):
- """
- If no record of the requested type is included in a response, but a
- I{CNAME} record for the query name is included, queries are made to
- resolve the value of the I{CNAME}.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('example.com', Record_CNAME('example.net'))],
- },
- ('example.net', A): {
- 'answers': [('example.net', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- d.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans)
- d.addCallback(
- self.assertEqual,
- [RRHeader('example.com', CNAME, payload=Record_CNAME('example.net')),
- RRHeader('example.net', A, payload=Record_A(''))])
- return d
- def test_detectCanonicalNameLoop(self):
- """
- If there is a cycle between I{CNAME} records in a response, this is
- detected and the L{Deferred} returned by the lookup method fails
- with L{ResolverError}.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('example.com', Record_CNAME('example.net')),
- ('example.net', Record_CNAME('example.com'))],
- },
- },
- }
- resolver = self._getResolver(servers)
- d = resolver.lookupAddress('example.com')
- return self.assertFailure(d, ResolverError)
- def test_boundedQueries(self):
- """
- L{Resolver.lookupAddress} won't issue more queries following
- delegations than the limit passed to its initializer.
- """
- servers = {
- ('', 53): {
- # First query - force it to start over with a name lookup of
- # ns1.example.com
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('example.com', Record_NS('ns1.example.com'))],
- },
- # Second query - let it resume the original lookup with the
- # address of the nameserver handling the delegation.
- ('ns1.example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('ns1.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- ('', 53): {
- # Third query - let it jump straight to asking the
- # delegation server by including its address here (different
- # case from the first query).
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'authority': [('example.com', Record_NS('ns2.example.com'))],
- 'additional': [('ns2.example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- ('', 53): {
- # Fourth query - give it the answer, we're done.
- ('example.com', A): {
- 'answers': [('example.com', Record_A(''))],
- },
- },
- }
- # Make two resolvers. One which is allowed to make 3 queries
- # maximum, and so will fail, and on which may make 4, and so should
- # succeed.
- failer = self._getResolver(servers, 3)
- failD = self.assertFailure(
- failer.lookupAddress('example.com'), ResolverError)
- succeeder = self._getResolver(servers, 4)
- succeedD = succeeder.lookupAddress('example.com')
- succeedD.addCallback(lambda (ans, auth, add): ans[0].payload)
- succeedD.addCallback(self.assertEqual, Record_A(''))
- return gatherResults([failD, succeedD])
- def test_discoveredAuthorityDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{Resolver.discoveredAuthority} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- resolver = Resolver([])
- d = resolver.discoveredAuthority('', 'example.com', IN, A, (0,))
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_discoveredAuthorityDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.Resolver.discoveredAuthority is deprecated since '
- 'Twisted 10.0. Use twisted.names.client.Resolver directly, instead.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- # This will time out quickly, but we need to wait for it because there
- # are resources associated with.
- d.addErrback(lambda ignored: None)
- return d
-class StubDNSDatagramProtocol:
- """
- A do-nothing stand-in for L{DNSDatagramProtocol} which can be used to avoid
- network traffic in tests where that kind of thing doesn't matter.
- """
- def query(self, *a, **kw):
- return Deferred()
-_retrySuppression = util.suppress(
- category=DeprecationWarning,
- message=(
- 'twisted.names.root.retry is deprecated since Twisted 10.0. Use a '
- 'Resolver object for retry logic.'))
-class DiscoveryToolsTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the free functions in L{twisted.names.root} which help out with
- authority discovery. Since these are mostly deprecated, these are mostly
- deprecation tests.
- """
- def test_lookupNameserversDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{root.lookupNameservers} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- # Don't care about the return value, since it will never have a result,
- # since StubDNSDatagramProtocol doesn't actually work.
- lookupNameservers('example.com', '', StubDNSDatagramProtocol())
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_lookupNameserversDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.lookupNameservers is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupNameservers '
- 'instead.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- test_lookupNameserversDeprecated.suppress = [_retrySuppression]
- def test_lookupAddressDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{root.lookupAddress} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- # Don't care about the return value, since it will never have a result,
- # since StubDNSDatagramProtocol doesn't actually work.
- lookupAddress('example.com', '', StubDNSDatagramProtocol())
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_lookupAddressDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.lookupAddress is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupAddress '
- 'instead.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- test_lookupAddressDeprecated.suppress = [_retrySuppression]
- def test_extractAuthorityDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{root.extractAuthority} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- extractAuthority(Message(), {})
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_extractAuthorityDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.extractAuthority is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Please inspect the Message object directly.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- def test_discoverAuthorityDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{root.discoverAuthority} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- discoverAuthority(
- 'example.com', [''], p=StubDNSDatagramProtocol())
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_discoverAuthorityDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.discoverAuthority is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupNameservers '
- 'instead.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
- # discoverAuthority is implemented in terms of deprecated functions,
- # too. Ignore those.
- test_discoverAuthorityDeprecated.suppress = [
- util.suppress(
- category=DeprecationWarning,
- message=(
- 'twisted.names.root.lookupNameservers is deprecated since '
- 'Twisted 10.0. Use '
- 'twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupNameservers instead.')),
- _retrySuppression]
- def test_retryDeprecated(self):
- """
- Calling L{root.retry} produces a deprecation warning.
- """
- retry([0], StubDNSDatagramProtocol())
- warnings = self.flushWarnings([
- self.test_retryDeprecated])
- self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
- self.assertEqual(
- warnings[0]['message'],
- 'twisted.names.root.retry is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use a Resolver object for retry logic.')
- self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)