path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/root.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/root.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/root.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.names.test.test_rootresolve -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Resolver implementation for querying successive authoritative servers to
-lookup a record, starting from the root nameservers.
-@author: Jp Calderone
- robustify it
- documentation
-import warnings
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.names import dns, common, error
-def retry(t, p, *args):
- """
- Issue a query one or more times.
- This function is deprecated. Use one of the resolver classes for retry
- logic, or implement it yourself.
- """
- warnings.warn(
- "twisted.names.root.retry is deprecated since Twisted 10.0. Use a "
- "Resolver object for retry logic.", category=DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=2)
- assert t, "Timeout is required"
- t = list(t)
- def errback(failure):
- failure.trap(defer.TimeoutError)
- if not t:
- return failure
- return p.query(timeout=t.pop(0), *args
- ).addErrback(errback
- )
- return p.query(timeout=t.pop(0), *args
- ).addErrback(errback
- )
-class _DummyController:
- """
- A do-nothing DNS controller. This is useful when all messages received
- will be responses to previously issued queries. Anything else received
- will be ignored.
- """
- def messageReceived(self, *args):
- pass
-class Resolver(common.ResolverBase):
- """
- L{Resolver} implements recursive lookup starting from a specified list of
- root servers.
- @ivar hints: A C{list} of C{str} giving the dotted quad representation
- of IP addresses of root servers at which to begin resolving names.
- @ivar _maximumQueries: A C{int} giving the maximum number of queries
- which will be attempted to resolve a single name.
- @ivar _reactor: A L{IReactorTime} and L{IReactorUDP} provider to use to
- bind UDP ports and manage timeouts.
- """
- def __init__(self, hints, maximumQueries=10, reactor=None):
- common.ResolverBase.__init__(self)
- self.hints = hints
- self._maximumQueries = maximumQueries
- self._reactor = reactor
- def _roots(self):
- """
- Return a list of two-tuples representing the addresses of the root
- servers, as defined by C{self.hints}.
- """
- return [(ip, dns.PORT) for ip in self.hints]
- def _query(self, query, servers, timeout, filter):
- """
- Issue one query and return a L{Deferred} which fires with its response.
- @param query: The query to issue.
- @type query: L{dns.Query}
- @param servers: The servers which might have an answer for this
- query.
- @type servers: L{list} of L{tuple} of L{str} and L{int}
- @param timeout: A timeout on how long to wait for the response.
- @type timeout: L{tuple} of L{int}
- @param filter: A flag indicating whether to filter the results. If
- C{True}, the returned L{Deferred} will fire with a three-tuple of
- lists of L{RRHeaders} (like the return value of the I{lookup*}
- methods of L{IResolver}. IF C{False}, the result will be a
- L{Message} instance.
- @type filter: L{bool}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the response or a timeout
- error.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- from twisted.names import client
- r = client.Resolver(servers=servers, reactor=self._reactor)
- d = r.queryUDP([query], timeout)
- if filter:
- d.addCallback(r.filterAnswers)
- return d
- def _lookup(self, name, cls, type, timeout):
- """
- Implement name lookup by recursively discovering the authoritative
- server for the name and then asking it, starting at one of the servers
- in C{self.hints}.
- """
- if timeout is None:
- # A series of timeouts for semi-exponential backoff, summing to an
- # arbitrary total of 60 seconds.
- timeout = (1, 3, 11, 45)
- return self._discoverAuthority(
- dns.Query(name, type, cls), self._roots(), timeout,
- self._maximumQueries)
- def _discoverAuthority(self, query, servers, timeout, queriesLeft):
- """
- Issue a query to a server and follow a delegation if necessary.
- @param query: The query to issue.
- @type query: L{dns.Query}
- @param servers: The servers which might have an answer for this
- query.
- @type servers: L{list} of L{tuple} of L{str} and L{int}
- @param timeout: A C{tuple} of C{int} giving the timeout to use for this
- query.
- @param queriesLeft: A C{int} giving the number of queries which may
- yet be attempted to answer this query before the attempt will be
- abandoned.
- @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
- L{RRHeaders} giving the response, or with a L{Failure} if there is
- a timeout or response error.
- """
- # Stop now if we've hit the query limit.
- if queriesLeft <= 0:
- return Failure(
- error.ResolverError("Query limit reached without result"))
- d = self._query(query, servers, timeout, False)
- d.addCallback(
- self._discoveredAuthority, query, timeout, queriesLeft - 1)
- return d
- def _discoveredAuthority(self, response, query, timeout, queriesLeft):
- """
- Interpret the response to a query, checking for error codes and
- following delegations if necessary.
- @param response: The L{Message} received in response to issuing C{query}.
- @type response: L{Message}
- @param query: The L{dns.Query} which was issued.
- @type query: L{dns.Query}.
- @param timeout: The timeout to use if another query is indicated by
- this response.
- @type timeout: L{tuple} of L{int}
- @param queriesLeft: A C{int} giving the number of queries which may
- yet be attempted to answer this query before the attempt will be
- abandoned.
- @return: A L{Failure} indicating a response error, a three-tuple of
- lists of L{RRHeaders} giving the response to C{query} or a
- L{Deferred} which will fire with one of those.
- """
- if response.rCode != dns.OK:
- return Failure(self.exceptionForCode(response.rCode)(response))
- # Turn the answers into a structure that's a little easier to work with.
- records = {}
- for answer in response.answers:
- records.setdefault(answer.name, []).append(answer)
- def findAnswerOrCName(name, type, cls):
- cname = None
- for record in records.get(name, []):
- if record.cls == cls:
- if record.type == type:
- return record
- elif record.type == dns.CNAME:
- cname = record
- # If there were any CNAME records, return the last one. There's
- # only supposed to be zero or one, though.
- return cname
- seen = set()
- name = query.name
- record = None
- while True:
- seen.add(name)
- previous = record
- record = findAnswerOrCName(name, query.type, query.cls)
- if record is None:
- if name == query.name:
- # If there's no answer for the original name, then this may
- # be a delegation. Code below handles it.
- break
- else:
- # Try to resolve the CNAME with another query.
- d = self._discoverAuthority(
- dns.Query(str(name), query.type, query.cls),
- self._roots(), timeout, queriesLeft)
- # We also want to include the CNAME in the ultimate result,
- # otherwise this will be pretty confusing.
- def cbResolved((answers, authority, additional)):
- answers.insert(0, previous)
- return (answers, authority, additional)
- d.addCallback(cbResolved)
- return d
- elif record.type == query.type:
- return (
- response.answers,
- response.authority,
- response.additional)
- else:
- # It's a CNAME record. Try to resolve it from the records
- # in this response with another iteration around the loop.
- if record.payload.name in seen:
- raise error.ResolverError("Cycle in CNAME processing")
- name = record.payload.name
- # Build a map to use to convert NS names into IP addresses.
- addresses = {}
- for rr in response.additional:
- if rr.type == dns.A:
- addresses[str(rr.name)] = rr.payload.dottedQuad()
- hints = []
- traps = []
- for rr in response.authority:
- if rr.type == dns.NS:
- ns = str(rr.payload.name)
- if ns in addresses:
- hints.append((addresses[ns], dns.PORT))
- else:
- traps.append(ns)
- if hints:
- return self._discoverAuthority(
- query, hints, timeout, queriesLeft)
- elif traps:
- d = self.lookupAddress(traps[0], timeout)
- d.addCallback(
- lambda (answers, authority, additional):
- answers[0].payload.dottedQuad())
- d.addCallback(
- lambda hint: self._discoverAuthority(
- query, [(hint, dns.PORT)], timeout, queriesLeft - 1))
- return d
- else:
- return Failure(error.ResolverError(
- "Stuck at response without answers or delegation"))
- def discoveredAuthority(self, auth, name, cls, type, timeout):
- warnings.warn(
- 'twisted.names.root.Resolver.discoveredAuthority is deprecated since '
- 'Twisted 10.0. Use twisted.names.client.Resolver directly, instead.',
- category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- from twisted.names import client
- q = dns.Query(name, type, cls)
- r = client.Resolver(servers=[(auth, dns.PORT)])
- d = r.queryUDP([q], timeout)
- d.addCallback(r.filterAnswers)
- return d
-def lookupNameservers(host, atServer, p=None):
- warnings.warn(
- 'twisted.names.root.lookupNameservers is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupNameservers instead.',
- category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- # print 'Nameserver lookup for', host, 'at', atServer, 'with', p
- if p is None:
- p = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(_DummyController())
- p.noisy = False
- return retry(
- (1, 3, 11, 45), # Timeouts
- p, # Protocol instance
- (atServer, dns.PORT), # Server to query
- [dns.Query(host, dns.NS, dns.IN)] # Question to ask
- )
-def lookupAddress(host, atServer, p=None):
- warnings.warn(
- 'twisted.names.root.lookupAddress is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupAddress instead.',
- category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- # print 'Address lookup for', host, 'at', atServer, 'with', p
- if p is None:
- p = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(_DummyController())
- p.noisy = False
- return retry(
- (1, 3, 11, 45), # Timeouts
- p, # Protocol instance
- (atServer, dns.PORT), # Server to query
- [dns.Query(host, dns.A, dns.IN)] # Question to ask
- )
-def extractAuthority(msg, cache):
- warnings.warn(
- 'twisted.names.root.extractAuthority is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Please inspect the Message object directly.',
- category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- records = msg.answers + msg.authority + msg.additional
- nameservers = [r for r in records if r.type == dns.NS]
- # print 'Records for', soFar, ':', records
- # print 'NS for', soFar, ':', nameservers
- if not nameservers:
- return None, nameservers
- if not records:
- raise IOError("No records")
- for r in records:
- if r.type == dns.A:
- cache[str(r.name)] = r.payload.dottedQuad()
- for r in records:
- if r.type == dns.NS:
- if str(r.payload.name) in cache:
- return cache[str(r.payload.name)], nameservers
- for addr in records:
- if addr.type == dns.A and addr.name == r.name:
- return addr.payload.dottedQuad(), nameservers
- return None, nameservers
-def discoverAuthority(host, roots, cache=None, p=None):
- warnings.warn(
- 'twisted.names.root.discoverAuthority is deprecated since Twisted '
- '10.0. Use twisted.names.root.Resolver.lookupNameservers instead.',
- category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4)
- if cache is None:
- cache = {}
- rootAuths = list(roots)
- parts = host.rstrip('.').split('.')
- parts.reverse()
- authority = rootAuths.pop()
- soFar = ''
- for part in parts:
- soFar = part + '.' + soFar
- # print '///////', soFar, authority, p
- msg = defer.waitForDeferred(lookupNameservers(soFar, authority, p))
- yield msg
- msg = msg.getResult()
- newAuth, nameservers = extractAuthority(msg, cache)
- if newAuth is not None:
- # print "newAuth is not None"
- authority = newAuth
- else:
- if nameservers:
- r = str(nameservers[0].payload.name)
- # print 'Recursively discovering authority for', r
- authority = defer.waitForDeferred(discoverAuthority(r, roots, cache, p))
- yield authority
- authority = authority.getResult()
- # print 'Discovered to be', authority, 'for', r
-## else:
-## # print 'Doing address lookup for', soFar, 'at', authority
-## msg = defer.waitForDeferred(lookupAddress(soFar, authority, p))
-## yield msg
-## msg = msg.getResult()
-## records = msg.answers + msg.authority + msg.additional
-## addresses = [r for r in records if r.type == dns.A]
-## if addresses:
-## authority = addresses[0].payload.dottedQuad()
-## else:
-## raise IOError("Resolution error")
- # print "Yielding authority", authority
- yield authority
-discoverAuthority = defer.deferredGenerator(discoverAuthority)
-def makePlaceholder(deferred, name):
- def placeholder(*args, **kw):
- deferred.addCallback(lambda r: getattr(r, name)(*args, **kw))
- return deferred
- return placeholder
-class DeferredResolver:
- def __init__(self, resolverDeferred):
- self.waiting = []
- resolverDeferred.addCallback(self.gotRealResolver)
- def gotRealResolver(self, resolver):
- w = self.waiting
- self.__dict__ = resolver.__dict__
- self.__class__ = resolver.__class__
- for d in w:
- d.callback(resolver)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name.startswith('lookup') or name in ('getHostByName', 'query'):
- self.waiting.append(defer.Deferred())
- return makePlaceholder(self.waiting[-1], name)
- raise AttributeError(name)
-def bootstrap(resolver):
- """Lookup the root nameserver addresses using the given resolver
- Return a Resolver which will eventually become a C{root.Resolver}
- instance that has references to all the root servers that we were able
- to look up.
- """
- domains = [chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(13)]
- # f = lambda r: (log.msg('Root server address: ' + str(r)), r)[1]
- f = lambda r: r
- L = [resolver.getHostByName('%s.root-servers.net' % d).addCallback(f) for d in domains]
- d = defer.DeferredList(L)
- d.addCallback(lambda r: Resolver([e[1] for e in r if e[0]]))
- return DeferredResolver(d)