path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/dns.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/dns.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1954 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/dns.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/dns.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b47d4d5..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/names/dns.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1954 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.names.test.test_dns -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-DNS protocol implementation.
-Future Plans:
- - Get rid of some toplevels, maybe.
-@author: Moshe Zadka
-@author: Jean-Paul Calderone
-__all__ = [
- 'IEncodable', 'IRecord',
- 'A', 'A6', 'AAAA', 'AFSDB', 'CNAME', 'DNAME', 'HINFO',
- 'MAILA', 'MAILB', 'MB', 'MD', 'MF', 'MG', 'MINFO', 'MR', 'MX',
- 'NAPTR', 'NS', 'NULL', 'PTR', 'RP', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'WKS',
- 'ANY', 'CH', 'CS', 'HS', 'IN',
- 'Record_A', 'Record_A6', 'Record_AAAA', 'Record_AFSDB', 'Record_CNAME',
- 'Record_DNAME', 'Record_HINFO', 'Record_MB', 'Record_MD', 'Record_MF',
- 'Record_MG', 'Record_MINFO', 'Record_MR', 'Record_MX', 'Record_NAPTR',
- 'Record_NS', 'Record_NULL', 'Record_PTR', 'Record_RP', 'Record_SOA',
- 'Record_SPF', 'Record_SRV', 'Record_TXT', 'Record_WKS', 'UnknownRecord',
- 'Charstr', 'Message', 'Name', 'Query', 'RRHeader', 'SimpleRecord',
- 'DNSDatagramProtocol', 'DNSMixin', 'DNSProtocol',
- 'PORT',
- 'AuthoritativeDomainError', 'DNSQueryTimeoutError', 'DomainError',
- ]
-# System imports
-import warnings
-import struct, random, types, socket
-import cStringIO as StringIO
-AF_INET6 = socket.AF_INET6
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface, Attribute
-# Twisted imports
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
-from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
-from twisted.python import log, failure
-from twisted.python import util as tputil
-from twisted.python import randbytes
-def randomSource():
- """
- Wrapper around L{randbytes.secureRandom} to return 2 random chars.
- """
- return struct.unpack('H', randbytes.secureRandom(2, fallback=True))[0]
-PORT = 53
- RP, AFSDB) = range(1, 19)
-AAAA = 28
-SRV = 33
-NAPTR = 35
-A6 = 38
-DNAME = 39
-SPF = 99
- A: 'A',
- NS: 'NS',
- MD: 'MD',
- MF: 'MF',
- SOA: 'SOA',
- MB: 'MB',
- MG: 'MG',
- MR: 'MR',
- WKS: 'WKS',
- PTR: 'PTR',
- MX: 'MX',
- TXT: 'TXT',
- RP: 'RP',
- # 19 through 27? Eh, I'll get to 'em.
- SRV: 'SRV',
- A6: 'A6',
- SPF: 'SPF'
-IXFR, AXFR, MAILB, MAILA, ALL_RECORDS = range(251, 256)
-# "Extended" queries (Hey, half of these are deprecated, good job)
-REV_TYPES = dict([
- (v, k) for (k, v) in QUERY_TYPES.items() + EXT_QUERIES.items()
-IN, CS, CH, HS = range(1, 5)
-ANY = 255
- IN: 'IN',
- CS: 'CS',
- CH: 'CH',
- HS: 'HS',
- ANY: 'ANY'
-REV_CLASSES = dict([
- (v, k) for (k, v) in QUERY_CLASSES.items()
-# Opcodes
-OP_NOTIFY = 4 # RFC 1996
-OP_UPDATE = 5 # RFC 2136
-# Response Codes
-class IRecord(Interface):
- """
- An single entry in a zone of authority.
- """
- TYPE = Attribute("An indicator of what kind of record this is.")
-# Backwards compatibility aliases - these should be deprecated or something I
-# suppose. -exarkun
-from twisted.names.error import DomainError, AuthoritativeDomainError
-from twisted.names.error import DNSQueryTimeoutError
-def str2time(s):
- suffixes = (
- ('S', 1), ('M', 60), ('H', 60 * 60), ('D', 60 * 60 * 24),
- ('W', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), ('Y', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
- )
- if isinstance(s, types.StringType):
- s = s.upper().strip()
- for (suff, mult) in suffixes:
- if s.endswith(suff):
- return int(float(s[:-1]) * mult)
- try:
- s = int(s)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError, "Invalid time interval specifier: " + s
- return s
-def readPrecisely(file, l):
- buff = file.read(l)
- if len(buff) < l:
- raise EOFError
- return buff
-class IEncodable(Interface):
- """
- Interface for something which can be encoded to and decoded
- from a file object.
- """
- def encode(strio, compDict = None):
- """
- Write a representation of this object to the given
- file object.
- @type strio: File-like object
- @param strio: The stream to which to write bytes
- @type compDict: C{dict} or C{None}
- @param compDict: A dictionary of backreference addresses that have
- have already been written to this stream and that may be used for
- compression.
- """
- def decode(strio, length = None):
- """
- Reconstruct an object from data read from the given
- file object.
- @type strio: File-like object
- @param strio: The stream from which bytes may be read
- @type length: C{int} or C{None}
- @param length: The number of bytes in this RDATA field. Most
- implementations can ignore this value. Only in the case of
- records similar to TXT where the total length is in no way
- encoded in the data is it necessary.
- """
-class Charstr(object):
- implements(IEncodable)
- def __init__(self, string=''):
- if not isinstance(string, str):
- raise ValueError("%r is not a string" % (string,))
- self.string = string
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- """
- Encode this Character string into the appropriate byte format.
- @type strio: file
- @param strio: The byte representation of this Charstr will be written
- to this file.
- """
- string = self.string
- ind = len(string)
- strio.write(chr(ind))
- strio.write(string)
- def decode(self, strio, length=None):
- """
- Decode a byte string into this Name.
- @type strio: file
- @param strio: Bytes will be read from this file until the full string
- is decoded.
- @raise EOFError: Raised when there are not enough bytes available from
- C{strio}.
- """
- self.string = ''
- l = ord(readPrecisely(strio, 1))
- self.string = readPrecisely(strio, l)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Charstr):
- return self.string == other.string
- return False
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.string)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.string
-class Name:
- implements(IEncodable)
- def __init__(self, name=''):
- assert isinstance(name, types.StringTypes), "%r is not a string" % (name,)
- self.name = name
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- """
- Encode this Name into the appropriate byte format.
- @type strio: file
- @param strio: The byte representation of this Name will be written to
- this file.
- @type compDict: dict
- @param compDict: dictionary of Names that have already been encoded
- and whose addresses may be backreferenced by this Name (for the purpose
- of reducing the message size).
- """
- name = self.name
- while name:
- if compDict is not None:
- if name in compDict:
- strio.write(
- struct.pack("!H", 0xc000 | compDict[name]))
- return
- else:
- compDict[name] = strio.tell() + Message.headerSize
- ind = name.find('.')
- if ind > 0:
- label, name = name[:ind], name[ind + 1:]
- else:
- label, name = name, ''
- ind = len(label)
- strio.write(chr(ind))
- strio.write(label)
- strio.write(chr(0))
- def decode(self, strio, length=None):
- """
- Decode a byte string into this Name.
- @type strio: file
- @param strio: Bytes will be read from this file until the full Name
- is decoded.
- @raise EOFError: Raised when there are not enough bytes available
- from C{strio}.
- @raise ValueError: Raised when the name cannot be decoded (for example,
- because it contains a loop).
- """
- visited = set()
- self.name = ''
- off = 0
- while 1:
- l = ord(readPrecisely(strio, 1))
- if l == 0:
- if off > 0:
- strio.seek(off)
- return
- if (l >> 6) == 3:
- new_off = ((l&63) << 8
- | ord(readPrecisely(strio, 1)))
- if new_off in visited:
- raise ValueError("Compression loop in encoded name")
- visited.add(new_off)
- if off == 0:
- off = strio.tell()
- strio.seek(new_off)
- continue
- label = readPrecisely(strio, l)
- if self.name == '':
- self.name = label
- else:
- self.name = self.name + '.' + label
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Name):
- return str(self) == str(other)
- return 0
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(str(self))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
-class Query:
- """
- Represent a single DNS query.
- @ivar name: The name about which this query is requesting information.
- @ivar type: The query type.
- @ivar cls: The query class.
- """
- implements(IEncodable)
- name = None
- type = None
- cls = None
- def __init__(self, name='', type=A, cls=IN):
- """
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name about which to request information.
- @type type: C{int}
- @param type: The query type.
- @type cls: C{int}
- @param cls: The query class.
- """
- self.name = Name(name)
- self.type = type
- self.cls = cls
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- self.name.encode(strio, compDict)
- strio.write(struct.pack("!HH", self.type, self.cls))
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.name.decode(strio)
- buff = readPrecisely(strio, 4)
- self.type, self.cls = struct.unpack("!HH", buff)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((str(self.name).lower(), self.type, self.cls))
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return isinstance(other, Query) and cmp(
- (str(self.name).lower(), self.type, self.cls),
- (str(other.name).lower(), other.type, other.cls)
- ) or cmp(self.__class__, other.__class__)
- def __str__(self):
- t = QUERY_TYPES.get(self.type, EXT_QUERIES.get(self.type, 'UNKNOWN (%d)' % self.type))
- c = QUERY_CLASSES.get(self.cls, 'UNKNOWN (%d)' % self.cls)
- return '<Query %s %s %s>' % (self.name, t, c)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Query(%r, %r, %r)' % (str(self.name), self.type, self.cls)
-class RRHeader(tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- A resource record header.
- @cvar fmt: C{str} specifying the byte format of an RR.
- @ivar name: The name about which this reply contains information.
- @ivar type: The query type of the original request.
- @ivar cls: The query class of the original request.
- @ivar ttl: The time-to-live for this record.
- @ivar payload: An object that implements the IEncodable interface
- @ivar auth: A C{bool} indicating whether this C{RRHeader} was parsed from an
- authoritative message.
- """
- implements(IEncodable)
- compareAttributes = ('name', 'type', 'cls', 'ttl', 'payload', 'auth')
- fmt = "!HHIH"
- name = None
- type = None
- cls = None
- ttl = None
- payload = None
- rdlength = None
- cachedResponse = None
- def __init__(self, name='', type=A, cls=IN, ttl=0, payload=None, auth=False):
- """
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name about which this reply contains information.
- @type type: C{int}
- @param type: The query type.
- @type cls: C{int}
- @param cls: The query class.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @param ttl: Time to live for this record.
- @type payload: An object implementing C{IEncodable}
- @param payload: A Query Type specific data object.
- @raises ValueError: if the ttl is negative.
- """
- assert (payload is None) or isinstance(payload, UnknownRecord) or (payload.TYPE == type)
- if ttl < 0:
- raise ValueError("TTL cannot be negative")
- self.name = Name(name)
- self.type = type
- self.cls = cls
- self.ttl = ttl
- self.payload = payload
- self.auth = auth
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- self.name.encode(strio, compDict)
- strio.write(struct.pack(self.fmt, self.type, self.cls, self.ttl, 0))
- if self.payload:
- prefix = strio.tell()
- self.payload.encode(strio, compDict)
- aft = strio.tell()
- strio.seek(prefix - 2, 0)
- strio.write(struct.pack('!H', aft - prefix))
- strio.seek(aft, 0)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.name.decode(strio)
- l = struct.calcsize(self.fmt)
- buff = readPrecisely(strio, l)
- r = struct.unpack(self.fmt, buff)
- self.type, self.cls, self.ttl, self.rdlength = r
- def isAuthoritative(self):
- return self.auth
- def __str__(self):
- t = QUERY_TYPES.get(self.type, EXT_QUERIES.get(self.type, 'UNKNOWN (%d)' % self.type))
- c = QUERY_CLASSES.get(self.cls, 'UNKNOWN (%d)' % self.cls)
- return '<RR name=%s type=%s class=%s ttl=%ds auth=%s>' % (self.name, t, c, self.ttl, self.auth and 'True' or 'False')
- __repr__ = __str__
-class SimpleRecord(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- A Resource Record which consists of a single RFC 1035 domain-name.
- @type name: L{Name}
- @ivar name: The name associated with this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- showAttributes = (('name', 'name', '%s'), 'ttl')
- compareAttributes = ('name', 'ttl')
- TYPE = None
- name = None
- def __init__(self, name='', ttl=None):
- self.name = Name(name)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- self.name.encode(strio, compDict)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.name = Name()
- self.name.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.name)
-# Kinds of RRs - oh my!
-class Record_NS(SimpleRecord):
- """
- An authoritative nameserver.
- """
- fancybasename = 'NS'
-class Record_MD(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A mail destination.
- This record type is obsolete.
- @see: L{Record_MX}
- """
- fancybasename = 'MD'
-class Record_MF(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A mail forwarder.
- This record type is obsolete.
- @see: L{Record_MX}
- """
- fancybasename = 'MF'
-class Record_CNAME(SimpleRecord):
- """
- The canonical name for an alias.
- """
- fancybasename = 'CNAME'
-class Record_MB(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A mailbox domain name.
- This is an experimental record type.
- """
- fancybasename = 'MB'
-class Record_MG(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A mail group member.
- This is an experimental record type.
- """
- fancybasename = 'MG'
-class Record_MR(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A mail rename domain name.
- This is an experimental record type.
- """
- fancybasename = 'MR'
-class Record_PTR(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A domain name pointer.
- """
- fancybasename = 'PTR'
-class Record_DNAME(SimpleRecord):
- """
- A non-terminal DNS name redirection.
- This record type provides the capability to map an entire subtree of the
- DNS name space to another domain. It differs from the CNAME record which
- maps a single node of the name space.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2672.html}
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3363.html}
- """
- fancybasename = 'DNAME'
-class Record_A(tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- An IPv4 host address.
- @type address: C{str}
- @ivar address: The packed network-order representation of the IPv4 address
- associated with this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- compareAttributes = ('address', 'ttl')
- TYPE = A
- address = None
- def __init__(self, address='', ttl=None):
- address = socket.inet_aton(address)
- self.address = address
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(self.address)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.address = readPrecisely(strio, 4)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.address)
- def __str__(self):
- return '<A address=%s ttl=%s>' % (self.dottedQuad(), self.ttl)
- __repr__ = __str__
- def dottedQuad(self):
- return socket.inet_ntoa(self.address)
-class Record_SOA(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- Marks the start of a zone of authority.
- This record describes parameters which are shared by all records within a
- particular zone.
- @type mname: L{Name}
- @ivar mname: The domain-name of the name server that was the original or
- primary source of data for this zone.
- @type rname: L{Name}
- @ivar rname: A domain-name which specifies the mailbox of the person
- responsible for this zone.
- @type serial: C{int}
- @ivar serial: The unsigned 32 bit version number of the original copy of
- the zone. Zone transfers preserve this value. This value wraps and
- should be compared using sequence space arithmetic.
- @type refresh: C{int}
- @ivar refresh: A 32 bit time interval before the zone should be refreshed.
- @type minimum: C{int}
- @ivar minimum: The unsigned 32 bit minimum TTL field that should be
- exported with any RR from this zone.
- @type expire: C{int}
- @ivar expire: A 32 bit time value that specifies the upper limit on the
- time interval that can elapse before the zone is no longer
- authoritative.
- @type retry: C{int}
- @ivar retry: A 32 bit time interval that should elapse before a failed
- refresh should be retried.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The default TTL to use for records served from this zone.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'SOA'
- compareAttributes = ('serial', 'mname', 'rname', 'refresh', 'expire', 'retry', 'minimum', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = (('mname', 'mname', '%s'), ('rname', 'rname', '%s'), 'serial', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'minimum', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, mname='', rname='', serial=0, refresh=0, retry=0, expire=0, minimum=0, ttl=None):
- self.mname, self.rname = Name(mname), Name(rname)
- self.serial, self.refresh = str2time(serial), str2time(refresh)
- self.minimum, self.expire = str2time(minimum), str2time(expire)
- self.retry = str2time(retry)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- self.mname.encode(strio, compDict)
- self.rname.encode(strio, compDict)
- strio.write(
- struct.pack(
- '!LlllL',
- self.serial, self.refresh, self.retry, self.expire,
- self.minimum
- )
- )
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.mname, self.rname = Name(), Name()
- self.mname.decode(strio)
- self.rname.decode(strio)
- r = struct.unpack('!LlllL', readPrecisely(strio, 20))
- self.serial, self.refresh, self.retry, self.expire, self.minimum = r
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((
- self.serial, self.mname, self.rname,
- self.refresh, self.expire, self.retry
- ))
-class Record_NULL(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- A null record.
- This is an experimental record type.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'NULL'
- showAttributes = compareAttributes = ('payload', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, payload=None, ttl=None):
- self.payload = payload
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(self.payload)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.payload = readPrecisely(strio, length)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.payload)
-class Record_WKS(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- A well known service description.
- This record type is obsolete. See L{Record_SRV}.
- @type address: C{str}
- @ivar address: The packed network-order representation of the IPv4 address
- associated with this record.
- @type protocol: C{int}
- @ivar protocol: The 8 bit IP protocol number for which this service map is
- relevant.
- @type map: C{str}
- @ivar map: A bitvector indicating the services available at the specified
- address.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = "WKS"
- compareAttributes = ('address', 'protocol', 'map', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = [('_address', 'address', '%s'), 'protocol', 'ttl']
- _address = property(lambda self: socket.inet_ntoa(self.address))
- def __init__(self, address='', protocol=0, map='', ttl=None):
- self.address = socket.inet_aton(address)
- self.protocol, self.map = protocol, map
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(self.address)
- strio.write(struct.pack('!B', self.protocol))
- strio.write(self.map)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.address = readPrecisely(strio, 4)
- self.protocol = struct.unpack('!B', readPrecisely(strio, 1))[0]
- self.map = readPrecisely(strio, length - 5)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.address, self.protocol, self.map))
-class Record_AAAA(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- An IPv6 host address.
- @type address: C{str}
- @ivar address: The packed network-order representation of the IPv6 address
- associated with this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1886.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'AAAA'
- showAttributes = (('_address', 'address', '%s'), 'ttl')
- compareAttributes = ('address', 'ttl')
- _address = property(lambda self: socket.inet_ntop(AF_INET6, self.address))
- def __init__(self, address = '::', ttl=None):
- self.address = socket.inet_pton(AF_INET6, address)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(self.address)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.address = readPrecisely(strio, 16)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.address)
-class Record_A6(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- An IPv6 address.
- This is an experimental record type.
- @type prefixLen: C{int}
- @ivar prefixLen: The length of the suffix.
- @type suffix: C{str}
- @ivar suffix: An IPv6 address suffix in network order.
- @type prefix: L{Name}
- @ivar prefix: If specified, a name which will be used as a prefix for other
- A6 records.
- @type bytes: C{int}
- @ivar bytes: The length of the prefix.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2874.html}
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3363.html}
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3364.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- TYPE = A6
- fancybasename = 'A6'
- showAttributes = (('_suffix', 'suffix', '%s'), ('prefix', 'prefix', '%s'), 'ttl')
- compareAttributes = ('prefixLen', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'ttl')
- _suffix = property(lambda self: socket.inet_ntop(AF_INET6, self.suffix))
- def __init__(self, prefixLen=0, suffix='::', prefix='', ttl=None):
- self.prefixLen = prefixLen
- self.suffix = socket.inet_pton(AF_INET6, suffix)
- self.prefix = Name(prefix)
- self.bytes = int((128 - self.prefixLen) / 8.0)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!B', self.prefixLen))
- if self.bytes:
- strio.write(self.suffix[-self.bytes:])
- if self.prefixLen:
- # This may not be compressed
- self.prefix.encode(strio, None)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.prefixLen = struct.unpack('!B', readPrecisely(strio, 1))[0]
- self.bytes = int((128 - self.prefixLen) / 8.0)
- if self.bytes:
- self.suffix = '\x00' * (16 - self.bytes) + readPrecisely(strio, self.bytes)
- if self.prefixLen:
- self.prefix.decode(strio)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Record_A6):
- return (self.prefixLen == other.prefixLen and
- self.suffix[-self.bytes:] == other.suffix[-self.bytes:] and
- self.prefix == other.prefix and
- self.ttl == other.ttl)
- return NotImplemented
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.prefixLen, self.suffix[-self.bytes:], self.prefix))
- def __str__(self):
- return '<A6 %s %s (%d) ttl=%s>' % (
- self.prefix,
- socket.inet_ntop(AF_INET6, self.suffix),
- self.prefixLen, self.ttl
- )
-class Record_SRV(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- The location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain.
- This is an experimental record type.
- @type priority: C{int}
- @ivar priority: The priority of this target host. A client MUST attempt to
- contact the target host with the lowest-numbered priority it can reach;
- target hosts with the same priority SHOULD be tried in an order defined
- by the weight field.
- @type weight: C{int}
- @ivar weight: Specifies a relative weight for entries with the same
- priority. Larger weights SHOULD be given a proportionately higher
- probability of being selected.
- @type port: C{int}
- @ivar port: The port on this target host of this service.
- @type target: L{Name}
- @ivar target: The domain name of the target host. There MUST be one or
- more address records for this name, the name MUST NOT be an alias (in
- the sense of RFC 1034 or RFC 2181). Implementors are urged, but not
- required, to return the address record(s) in the Additional Data
- section. Unless and until permitted by future standards action, name
- compression is not to be used for this field.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2782.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'SRV'
- compareAttributes = ('priority', 'weight', 'target', 'port', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = ('priority', 'weight', ('target', 'target', '%s'), 'port', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, priority=0, weight=0, port=0, target='', ttl=None):
- self.priority = int(priority)
- self.weight = int(weight)
- self.port = int(port)
- self.target = Name(target)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!HHH', self.priority, self.weight, self.port))
- # This can't be compressed
- self.target.encode(strio, None)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- r = struct.unpack('!HHH', readPrecisely(strio, struct.calcsize('!HHH')))
- self.priority, self.weight, self.port = r
- self.target = Name()
- self.target.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.priority, self.weight, self.port, self.target))
-class Record_NAPTR(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- The location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain.
- @type order: C{int}
- @ivar order: An integer specifying the order in which the NAPTR records
- MUST be processed to ensure the correct ordering of rules. Low numbers
- are processed before high numbers.
- @type preference: C{int}
- @ivar preference: An integer that specifies the order in which NAPTR
- records with equal "order" values SHOULD be processed, low numbers
- being processed before high numbers.
- @type flag: L{Charstr}
- @ivar flag: A <character-string> containing flags to control aspects of the
- rewriting and interpretation of the fields in the record. Flags
- aresingle characters from the set [A-Z0-9]. The case of the alphabetic
- characters is not significant.
- At this time only four flags, "S", "A", "U", and "P", are defined.
- @type service: L{Charstr}
- @ivar service: Specifies the service(s) available down this rewrite path.
- It may also specify the particular protocol that is used to talk with a
- service. A protocol MUST be specified if the flags field states that
- the NAPTR is terminal.
- @type regexp: L{Charstr}
- @ivar regexp: A STRING containing a substitution expression that is applied
- to the original string held by the client in order to construct the
- next domain name to lookup.
- @type replacement: L{Name}
- @ivar replacement: The next NAME to query for NAPTR, SRV, or address
- records depending on the value of the flags field. This MUST be a
- fully qualified domain-name.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2915.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- compareAttributes = ('order', 'preference', 'flags', 'service', 'regexp',
- 'replacement')
- fancybasename = 'NAPTR'
- showAttributes = ('order', 'preference', ('flags', 'flags', '%s'),
- ('service', 'service', '%s'), ('regexp', 'regexp', '%s'),
- ('replacement', 'replacement', '%s'), 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, order=0, preference=0, flags='', service='', regexp='',
- replacement='', ttl=None):
- self.order = int(order)
- self.preference = int(preference)
- self.flags = Charstr(flags)
- self.service = Charstr(service)
- self.regexp = Charstr(regexp)
- self.replacement = Name(replacement)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!HH', self.order, self.preference))
- # This can't be compressed
- self.flags.encode(strio, None)
- self.service.encode(strio, None)
- self.regexp.encode(strio, None)
- self.replacement.encode(strio, None)
- def decode(self, strio, length=None):
- r = struct.unpack('!HH', readPrecisely(strio, struct.calcsize('!HH')))
- self.order, self.preference = r
- self.flags = Charstr()
- self.service = Charstr()
- self.regexp = Charstr()
- self.replacement = Name()
- self.flags.decode(strio)
- self.service.decode(strio)
- self.regexp.decode(strio)
- self.replacement.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((
- self.order, self.preference, self.flags,
- self.service, self.regexp, self.replacement))
-class Record_AFSDB(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Map from a domain name to the name of an AFS cell database server.
- @type subtype: C{int}
- @ivar subtype: In the case of subtype 1, the host has an AFS version 3.0
- Volume Location Server for the named AFS cell. In the case of subtype
- 2, the host has an authenticated name server holding the cell-root
- directory node for the named DCE/NCA cell.
- @type hostname: L{Name}
- @ivar hostname: The domain name of a host that has a server for the cell
- named by this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1183.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'AFSDB'
- compareAttributes = ('subtype', 'hostname', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = ('subtype', ('hostname', 'hostname', '%s'), 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, subtype=0, hostname='', ttl=None):
- self.subtype = int(subtype)
- self.hostname = Name(hostname)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!H', self.subtype))
- self.hostname.encode(strio, compDict)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- r = struct.unpack('!H', readPrecisely(strio, struct.calcsize('!H')))
- self.subtype, = r
- self.hostname.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.subtype, self.hostname))
-class Record_RP(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- The responsible person for a domain.
- @type mbox: L{Name}
- @ivar mbox: A domain name that specifies the mailbox for the responsible
- person.
- @type txt: L{Name}
- @ivar txt: A domain name for which TXT RR's exist (indirection through
- which allows information sharing about the contents of this RP record).
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- @see: U{http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1183.html}
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'RP'
- compareAttributes = ('mbox', 'txt', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = (('mbox', 'mbox', '%s'), ('txt', 'txt', '%s'), 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, mbox='', txt='', ttl=None):
- self.mbox = Name(mbox)
- self.txt = Name(txt)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- self.mbox.encode(strio, compDict)
- self.txt.encode(strio, compDict)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.mbox = Name()
- self.txt = Name()
- self.mbox.decode(strio)
- self.txt.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.mbox, self.txt))
-class Record_HINFO(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Host information.
- @type cpu: C{str}
- @ivar cpu: Specifies the CPU type.
- @type os: C{str}
- @ivar os: Specifies the OS.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'HINFO'
- showAttributes = compareAttributes = ('cpu', 'os', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, cpu='', os='', ttl=None):
- self.cpu, self.os = cpu, os
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!B', len(self.cpu)) + self.cpu)
- strio.write(struct.pack('!B', len(self.os)) + self.os)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- cpu = struct.unpack('!B', readPrecisely(strio, 1))[0]
- self.cpu = readPrecisely(strio, cpu)
- os = struct.unpack('!B', readPrecisely(strio, 1))[0]
- self.os = readPrecisely(strio, os)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Record_HINFO):
- return (self.os.lower() == other.os.lower() and
- self.cpu.lower() == other.cpu.lower() and
- self.ttl == other.ttl)
- return NotImplemented
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.os.lower(), self.cpu.lower()))
-class Record_MINFO(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- Mailbox or mail list information.
- This is an experimental record type.
- @type rmailbx: L{Name}
- @ivar rmailbx: A domain-name which specifies a mailbox which is responsible
- for the mailing list or mailbox. If this domain name names the root,
- the owner of the MINFO RR is responsible for itself.
- @type emailbx: L{Name}
- @ivar emailbx: A domain-name which specifies a mailbox which is to receive
- error messages related to the mailing list or mailbox specified by the
- owner of the MINFO record. If this domain name names the root, errors
- should be returned to the sender of the message.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- rmailbx = None
- emailbx = None
- fancybasename = 'MINFO'
- compareAttributes = ('rmailbx', 'emailbx', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = (('rmailbx', 'responsibility', '%s'),
- ('emailbx', 'errors', '%s'),
- 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, rmailbx='', emailbx='', ttl=None):
- self.rmailbx, self.emailbx = Name(rmailbx), Name(emailbx)
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- self.rmailbx.encode(strio, compDict)
- self.emailbx.encode(strio, compDict)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.rmailbx, self.emailbx = Name(), Name()
- self.rmailbx.decode(strio)
- self.emailbx.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.rmailbx, self.emailbx))
-class Record_MX(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin):
- """
- Mail exchange.
- @type preference: C{int}
- @ivar preference: Specifies the preference given to this RR among others at
- the same owner. Lower values are preferred.
- @type name: L{Name}
- @ivar name: A domain-name which specifies a host willing to act as a mail
- exchange.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be
- cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'MX'
- compareAttributes = ('preference', 'name', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = ('preference', ('name', 'name', '%s'), 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, preference=0, name='', ttl=None, **kwargs):
- self.preference, self.name = int(preference), Name(kwargs.get('exchange', name))
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- strio.write(struct.pack('!H', self.preference))
- self.name.encode(strio, compDict)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- self.preference = struct.unpack('!H', readPrecisely(strio, 2))[0]
- self.name = Name()
- self.name.decode(strio)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.preference, self.name))
-# Oh god, Record_TXT how I hate thee.
-class Record_TXT(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin):
- """
- Freeform text.
- @type data: C{list} of C{str}
- @ivar data: Freeform text which makes up this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached.
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'TXT'
- showAttributes = compareAttributes = ('data', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, *data, **kw):
- self.data = list(data)
- # arg man python sucks so bad
- self.ttl = str2time(kw.get('ttl', None))
- def encode(self, strio, compDict = None):
- for d in self.data:
- strio.write(struct.pack('!B', len(d)) + d)
- def decode(self, strio, length = None):
- soFar = 0
- self.data = []
- while soFar < length:
- L = struct.unpack('!B', readPrecisely(strio, 1))[0]
- self.data.append(readPrecisely(strio, L))
- soFar += L + 1
- if soFar != length:
- log.msg(
- "Decoded %d bytes in %s record, but rdlength is %d" % (
- soFar, self.fancybasename, length
- )
- )
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(tuple(self.data))
-# This is a fallback record
-class UnknownRecord(tputil.FancyEqMixin, tputil.FancyStrMixin, object):
- """
- Encapsulate the wire data for unkown record types so that they can
- pass through the system unchanged.
- @type data: C{str}
- @ivar data: Wire data which makes up this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached.
- @since: 11.1
- """
- implements(IEncodable, IRecord)
- fancybasename = 'UNKNOWN'
- compareAttributes = ('data', 'ttl')
- showAttributes = ('data', 'ttl')
- def __init__(self, data='', ttl=None):
- self.data = data
- self.ttl = str2time(ttl)
- def encode(self, strio, compDict=None):
- """
- Write the raw bytes corresponding to this record's payload to the
- stream.
- """
- strio.write(self.data)
- def decode(self, strio, length=None):
- """
- Load the bytes which are part of this record from the stream and store
- them unparsed and unmodified.
- """
- if length is None:
- raise Exception('must know length for unknown record types')
- self.data = readPrecisely(strio, length)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.data, self.ttl))
-class Record_SPF(Record_TXT):
- """
- Structurally, freeform text. Semantically, a policy definition, formatted
- as defined in U{rfc 4408<http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4408.html>}.
- @type data: C{list} of C{str}
- @ivar data: Freeform text which makes up this record.
- @type ttl: C{int}
- @ivar ttl: The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached.
- """
- fancybasename = 'SPF'
-class Message:
- """
- L{Message} contains all the information represented by a single
- DNS request or response.
- """
- headerFmt = "!H2B4H"
- headerSize = struct.calcsize(headerFmt)
- # Question, answer, additional, and nameserver lists
- queries = answers = add = ns = None
- def __init__(self, id=0, answer=0, opCode=0, recDes=0, recAv=0,
- auth=0, rCode=OK, trunc=0, maxSize=512):
- self.maxSize = maxSize
- self.id = id
- self.answer = answer
- self.opCode = opCode
- self.auth = auth
- self.trunc = trunc
- self.recDes = recDes
- self.recAv = recAv
- self.rCode = rCode
- self.queries = []
- self.answers = []
- self.authority = []
- self.additional = []
- def addQuery(self, name, type=ALL_RECORDS, cls=IN):
- """
- Add another query to this Message.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name to query.
- @type type: C{int}
- @param type: Query type
- @type cls: C{int}
- @param cls: Query class
- """
- self.queries.append(Query(name, type, cls))
- def encode(self, strio):
- compDict = {}
- body_tmp = StringIO.StringIO()
- for q in self.queries:
- q.encode(body_tmp, compDict)
- for q in self.answers:
- q.encode(body_tmp, compDict)
- for q in self.authority:
- q.encode(body_tmp, compDict)
- for q in self.additional:
- q.encode(body_tmp, compDict)
- body = body_tmp.getvalue()
- size = len(body) + self.headerSize
- if self.maxSize and size > self.maxSize:
- self.trunc = 1
- body = body[:self.maxSize - self.headerSize]
- byte3 = (( ( self.answer & 1 ) << 7 )
- | ((self.opCode & 0xf ) << 3 )
- | ((self.auth & 1 ) << 2 )
- | ((self.trunc & 1 ) << 1 )
- | ( self.recDes & 1 ) )
- byte4 = ( ( (self.recAv & 1 ) << 7 )
- | (self.rCode & 0xf ) )
- strio.write(struct.pack(self.headerFmt, self.id, byte3, byte4,
- len(self.queries), len(self.answers),
- len(self.authority), len(self.additional)))
- strio.write(body)
- def decode(self, strio, length=None):
- self.maxSize = 0
- header = readPrecisely(strio, self.headerSize)
- r = struct.unpack(self.headerFmt, header)
- self.id, byte3, byte4, nqueries, nans, nns, nadd = r
- self.answer = ( byte3 >> 7 ) & 1
- self.opCode = ( byte3 >> 3 ) & 0xf
- self.auth = ( byte3 >> 2 ) & 1
- self.trunc = ( byte3 >> 1 ) & 1
- self.recDes = byte3 & 1
- self.recAv = ( byte4 >> 7 ) & 1
- self.rCode = byte4 & 0xf
- self.queries = []
- for i in range(nqueries):
- q = Query()
- try:
- q.decode(strio)
- except EOFError:
- return
- self.queries.append(q)
- items = ((self.answers, nans), (self.authority, nns), (self.additional, nadd))
- for (l, n) in items:
- self.parseRecords(l, n, strio)
- def parseRecords(self, list, num, strio):
- for i in range(num):
- header = RRHeader(auth=self.auth)
- try:
- header.decode(strio)
- except EOFError:
- return
- t = self.lookupRecordType(header.type)
- if not t:
- continue
- header.payload = t(ttl=header.ttl)
- try:
- header.payload.decode(strio, header.rdlength)
- except EOFError:
- return
- list.append(header)
- # Create a mapping from record types to their corresponding Record_*
- # classes. This relies on the global state which has been created so
- # far in initializing this module (so don't define Record classes after
- # this).
- _recordTypes = {}
- for name in globals():
- if name.startswith('Record_'):
- _recordTypes[globals()[name].TYPE] = globals()[name]
- # Clear the iteration variable out of the class namespace so it
- # doesn't become an attribute.
- del name
- def lookupRecordType(self, type):
- """
- Retrieve the L{IRecord} implementation for the given record type.
- @param type: A record type, such as L{A} or L{NS}.
- @type type: C{int}
- @return: An object which implements L{IRecord} or C{None} if none
- can be found for the given type.
- @rtype: L{types.ClassType}
- """
- return self._recordTypes.get(type, UnknownRecord)
- def toStr(self):
- strio = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.encode(strio)
- return strio.getvalue()
- def fromStr(self, str):
- strio = StringIO.StringIO(str)
- self.decode(strio)
-class DNSMixin(object):
- """
- DNS protocol mixin shared by UDP and TCP implementations.
- @ivar _reactor: A L{IReactorTime} and L{IReactorUDP} provider which will
- be used to issue DNS queries and manage request timeouts.
- """
- id = None
- liveMessages = None
- def __init__(self, controller, reactor=None):
- self.controller = controller
- self.id = random.randrange(2 ** 10, 2 ** 15)
- if reactor is None:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- self._reactor = reactor
- def pickID(self):
- """
- Return a unique ID for queries.
- """
- while True:
- id = randomSource()
- if id not in self.liveMessages:
- return id
- def callLater(self, period, func, *args):
- """
- Wrapper around reactor.callLater, mainly for test purpose.
- """
- return self._reactor.callLater(period, func, *args)
- def _query(self, queries, timeout, id, writeMessage):
- """
- Send out a message with the given queries.
- @type queries: C{list} of C{Query} instances
- @param queries: The queries to transmit
- @type timeout: C{int} or C{float}
- @param timeout: How long to wait before giving up
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: Unique key for this request
- @type writeMessage: C{callable}
- @param writeMessage: One-parameter callback which writes the message
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: a C{Deferred} which will be fired with the result of the
- query, or errbacked with any errors that could happen (exceptions
- during writing of the query, timeout errors, ...).
- """
- m = Message(id, recDes=1)
- m.queries = queries
- try:
- writeMessage(m)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- resultDeferred = defer.Deferred()
- cancelCall = self.callLater(timeout, self._clearFailed, resultDeferred, id)
- self.liveMessages[id] = (resultDeferred, cancelCall)
- return resultDeferred
- def _clearFailed(self, deferred, id):
- """
- Clean the Deferred after a timeout.
- """
- try:
- del self.liveMessages[id]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- deferred.errback(failure.Failure(DNSQueryTimeoutError(id)))
-class DNSDatagramProtocol(DNSMixin, protocol.DatagramProtocol):
- """
- DNS protocol over UDP.
- """
- resends = None
- def stopProtocol(self):
- """
- Stop protocol: reset state variables.
- """
- self.liveMessages = {}
- self.resends = {}
- self.transport = None
- def startProtocol(self):
- """
- Upon start, reset internal state.
- """
- self.liveMessages = {}
- self.resends = {}
- def writeMessage(self, message, address):
- """
- Send a message holding DNS queries.
- @type message: L{Message}
- """
- self.transport.write(message.toStr(), address)
- def startListening(self):
- self._reactor.listenUDP(0, self, maxPacketSize=512)
- def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
- """
- Read a datagram, extract the message in it and trigger the associated
- Deferred.
- """
- m = Message()
- try:
- m.fromStr(data)
- except EOFError:
- log.msg("Truncated packet (%d bytes) from %s" % (len(data), addr))
- return
- except:
- # Nothing should trigger this, but since we're potentially
- # invoking a lot of different decoding methods, we might as well
- # be extra cautious. Anything that triggers this is itself
- # buggy.
- log.err(failure.Failure(), "Unexpected decoding error")
- return
- if m.id in self.liveMessages:
- d, canceller = self.liveMessages[m.id]
- del self.liveMessages[m.id]
- canceller.cancel()
- # XXX we shouldn't need this hack of catching exception on callback()
- try:
- d.callback(m)
- except:
- log.err()
- else:
- if m.id not in self.resends:
- self.controller.messageReceived(m, self, addr)
- def removeResend(self, id):
- """
- Mark message ID as no longer having duplication suppression.
- """
- try:
- del self.resends[id]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def query(self, address, queries, timeout=10, id=None):
- """
- Send out a message with the given queries.
- @type address: C{tuple} of C{str} and C{int}
- @param address: The address to which to send the query
- @type queries: C{list} of C{Query} instances
- @param queries: The queries to transmit
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- """
- if not self.transport:
- # XXX transport might not get created automatically, use callLater?
- try:
- self.startListening()
- except CannotListenError:
- return defer.fail()
- if id is None:
- id = self.pickID()
- else:
- self.resends[id] = 1
- def writeMessage(m):
- self.writeMessage(m, address)
- return self._query(queries, timeout, id, writeMessage)
-class DNSProtocol(DNSMixin, protocol.Protocol):
- """
- DNS protocol over TCP.
- """
- length = None
- buffer = ''
- def writeMessage(self, message):
- """
- Send a message holding DNS queries.
- @type message: L{Message}
- """
- s = message.toStr()
- self.transport.write(struct.pack('!H', len(s)) + s)
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Connection is made: reset internal state, and notify the controller.
- """
- self.liveMessages = {}
- self.controller.connectionMade(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Notify the controller that this protocol is no longer
- connected.
- """
- self.controller.connectionLost(self)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.buffer += data
- while self.buffer:
- if self.length is None and len(self.buffer) >= 2:
- self.length = struct.unpack('!H', self.buffer[:2])[0]
- self.buffer = self.buffer[2:]
- if len(self.buffer) >= self.length:
- myChunk = self.buffer[:self.length]
- m = Message()
- m.fromStr(myChunk)
- try:
- d, canceller = self.liveMessages[m.id]
- except KeyError:
- self.controller.messageReceived(m, self)
- else:
- del self.liveMessages[m.id]
- canceller.cancel()
- # XXX we shouldn't need this hack
- try:
- d.callback(m)
- except:
- log.err()
- self.buffer = self.buffer[self.length:]
- self.length = None
- else:
- break
- def query(self, queries, timeout=60):
- """
- Send out a message with the given queries.
- @type queries: C{list} of C{Query} instances
- @param queries: The queries to transmit
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- """
- id = self.pickID()
- return self._query(queries, timeout, id, self.writeMessage)