path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/manhole/explorer.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/manhole/explorer.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 654 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/manhole/explorer.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/manhole/explorer.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/manhole/explorer.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_explorer -*-
-# $Id: explorer.py,v 1.6 2003/02/18 21:15:30 acapnotic Exp $
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""Support for python object introspection and exploration.
-Note that Explorers, what with their list of attributes, are much like
-manhole.coil.Configurables. Someone should investigate this further. (TODO)
-Also TODO: Determine how much code in here (particularly the function
-signature stuff) can be replaced with functions available in the
-L{inspect} module available in Python 2.1.
-# System Imports
-import inspect, string, sys, types
-import UserDict
-# Twisted Imports
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.python import reflect
-False=not True
-class Pool(UserDict.UserDict):
- def getExplorer(self, object, identifier):
- oid = id(object)
- if oid in self.data:
- # XXX: This potentially returns something with
- # 'identifier' set to a different value.
- return self.data[oid]
- else:
- klass = typeTable.get(type(object), ExplorerGeneric)
- e = types.InstanceType(klass, {})
- self.data[oid] = e
- klass.__init__(e, object, identifier)
- return e
-explorerPool = Pool()
-class Explorer(pb.Cacheable):
- properties = ["id", "identifier"]
- attributeGroups = []
- accessors = ["get_refcount"]
- id = None
- identifier = None
- def __init__(self, object, identifier):
- self.object = object
- self.identifier = identifier
- self.id = id(object)
- self.properties = []
- reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'properties',
- self.properties)
- self.attributeGroups = []
- reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'attributeGroups',
- self.attributeGroups)
- self.accessors = []
- reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'accessors',
- self.accessors)
- def getStateToCopyFor(self, perspective):
- all = ["properties", "attributeGroups", "accessors"]
- all.extend(self.properties)
- all.extend(self.attributeGroups)
- state = {}
- for key in all:
- state[key] = getattr(self, key)
- state['view'] = pb.ViewPoint(perspective, self)
- state['explorerClass'] = self.__class__.__name__
- return state
- def view_get_refcount(self, perspective):
- return sys.getrefcount(self)
-class ExplorerGeneric(Explorer):
- properties = ["str", "repr", "typename"]
- def __init__(self, object, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, object, identifier)
- self.str = str(object)
- self.repr = repr(object)
- self.typename = type(object).__name__
-class ExplorerImmutable(Explorer):
- properties = ["value"]
- def __init__(self, object, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, object, identifier)
- self.value = object
-class ExplorerSequence(Explorer):
- properties = ["len"]
- attributeGroups = ["elements"]
- accessors = ["get_elements"]
- def __init__(self, seq, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, seq, identifier)
- self.seq = seq
- self.len = len(seq)
- # Use accessor method to fill me in.
- self.elements = []
- def get_elements(self):
- self.len = len(self.seq)
- l = []
- for i in xrange(self.len):
- identifier = "%s[%s]" % (self.identifier, i)
- # GLOBAL: using global explorerPool
- l.append(explorerPool.getExplorer(self.seq[i], identifier))
- return l
- def view_get_elements(self, perspective):
- # XXX: set the .elements member of all my remoteCaches
- return self.get_elements()
-class ExplorerMapping(Explorer):
- properties = ["len"]
- attributeGroups = ["keys"]
- accessors = ["get_keys", "get_item"]
- def __init__(self, dct, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, dct, identifier)
- self.dct = dct
- self.len = len(dct)
- # Use accessor method to fill me in.
- self.keys = []
- def get_keys(self):
- keys = self.dct.keys()
- self.len = len(keys)
- l = []
- for i in xrange(self.len):
- identifier = "%s.keys()[%s]" % (self.identifier, i)
- # GLOBAL: using global explorerPool
- l.append(explorerPool.getExplorer(keys[i], identifier))
- return l
- def view_get_keys(self, perspective):
- # XXX: set the .keys member of all my remoteCaches
- return self.get_keys()
- def view_get_item(self, perspective, key):
- if type(key) is types.InstanceType:
- key = key.object
- item = self.dct[key]
- identifier = "%s[%s]" % (self.identifier, repr(key))
- # GLOBAL: using global explorerPool
- item = explorerPool.getExplorer(item, identifier)
- return item
-class ExplorerBuiltin(Explorer):
- """
- @ivar name: the name the function was defined as
- @ivar doc: function's docstring, or C{None} if unavailable
- @ivar self: if not C{None}, the function is a method of this object.
- """
- properties = ["doc", "name", "self"]
- def __init__(self, function, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, function, identifier)
- self.doc = function.__doc__
- self.name = function.__name__
- self.self = function.__self__
-class ExplorerInstance(Explorer):
- """
- Attribute groups:
- - B{methods} -- dictionary of methods
- - B{data} -- dictionary of data members
- Note these are only the *instance* methods and members --
- if you want the class methods, you'll have to look up the class.
- TODO: Detail levels (me, me & class, me & class ancestory)
- @ivar klass: the class this is an instance of.
- """
- properties = ["klass"]
- attributeGroups = ["methods", "data"]
- def __init__(self, instance, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, instance, identifier)
- members = {}
- methods = {}
- for i in dir(instance):
- # TODO: Make screening of private attributes configurable.
- if i[0] == '_':
- continue
- mIdentifier = string.join([identifier, i], ".")
- member = getattr(instance, i)
- mType = type(member)
- if mType is types.MethodType:
- methods[i] = explorerPool.getExplorer(member, mIdentifier)
- else:
- members[i] = explorerPool.getExplorer(member, mIdentifier)
- self.klass = explorerPool.getExplorer(instance.__class__,
- self.identifier +
- '.__class__')
- self.data = members
- self.methods = methods
-class ExplorerClass(Explorer):
- """
- @ivar name: the name the class was defined with
- @ivar doc: the class's docstring
- @ivar bases: a list of this class's base classes.
- @ivar module: the module the class is defined in
- Attribute groups:
- - B{methods} -- class methods
- - B{data} -- other members of the class
- """
- properties = ["name", "doc", "bases", "module"]
- attributeGroups = ["methods", "data"]
- def __init__(self, theClass, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, theClass, identifier)
- if not identifier:
- identifier = theClass.__name__
- members = {}
- methods = {}
- for i in dir(theClass):
- if (i[0] == '_') and (i != '__init__'):
- continue
- mIdentifier = string.join([identifier, i], ".")
- member = getattr(theClass, i)
- mType = type(member)
- if mType is types.MethodType:
- methods[i] = explorerPool.getExplorer(member, mIdentifier)
- else:
- members[i] = explorerPool.getExplorer(member, mIdentifier)
- self.name = theClass.__name__
- self.doc = inspect.getdoc(theClass)
- self.data = members
- self.methods = methods
- self.bases = explorerPool.getExplorer(theClass.__bases__,
- identifier + ".__bases__")
- self.module = getattr(theClass, '__module__', None)
-class ExplorerFunction(Explorer):
- properties = ["name", "doc", "file", "line","signature"]
- """
- name -- the name the function was defined as
- signature -- the function's calling signature (Signature instance)
- doc -- the function's docstring
- file -- the file the function is defined in
- line -- the line in the file the function begins on
- """
- def __init__(self, function, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, function, identifier)
- code = function.func_code
- argcount = code.co_argcount
- takesList = (code.co_flags & 0x04) and 1
- takesKeywords = (code.co_flags & 0x08) and 1
- n = (argcount + takesList + takesKeywords)
- signature = Signature(code.co_varnames[:n])
- if function.func_defaults:
- i_d = 0
- for i in xrange(argcount - len(function.func_defaults),
- argcount):
- default = function.func_defaults[i_d]
- default = explorerPool.getExplorer(
- default, '%s.func_defaults[%d]' % (identifier, i_d))
- signature.set_default(i, default)
- i_d = i_d + 1
- if takesKeywords:
- signature.set_keyword(n - 1)
- if takesList:
- signature.set_varlist(n - 1 - takesKeywords)
- # maybe also: function.func_globals,
- # or at least func_globals.__name__?
- # maybe the bytecode, for disassembly-view?
- self.name = function.__name__
- self.signature = signature
- self.doc = inspect.getdoc(function)
- self.file = code.co_filename
- self.line = code.co_firstlineno
-class ExplorerMethod(ExplorerFunction):
- properties = ["self", "klass"]
- """
- In addition to ExplorerFunction properties:
- self -- the object I am bound to, or None if unbound
- klass -- the class I am a method of
- """
- def __init__(self, method, identifier):
- function = method.im_func
- if type(function) is types.InstanceType:
- function = function.__call__.im_func
- ExplorerFunction.__init__(self, function, identifier)
- self.id = id(method)
- self.klass = explorerPool.getExplorer(method.im_class,
- identifier + '.im_class')
- self.self = explorerPool.getExplorer(method.im_self,
- identifier + '.im_self')
- if method.im_self:
- # I'm a bound method -- eat the 'self' arg.
- self.signature.discardSelf()
-class ExplorerModule(Explorer):
- """
- @ivar name: the name the module was defined as
- @ivar doc: documentation string for the module
- @ivar file: the file the module is defined in
- Attribute groups:
- - B{classes} -- the public classes provided by the module
- - B{functions} -- the public functions provided by the module
- - B{data} -- the public data members provided by the module
- (\"Public\" is taken to be \"anything that doesn't start with _\")
- """
- properties = ["name","doc","file"]
- attributeGroups = ["classes", "functions", "data"]
- def __init__(self, module, identifier):
- Explorer.__init__(self, module, identifier)
- functions = {}
- classes = {}
- data = {}
- for key, value in module.__dict__.items():
- if key[0] == '_':
- continue
- mIdentifier = "%s.%s" % (identifier, key)
- if type(value) is types.ClassType:
- classes[key] = explorerPool.getExplorer(value,
- mIdentifier)
- elif type(value) is types.FunctionType:
- functions[key] = explorerPool.getExplorer(value,
- mIdentifier)
- elif type(value) is types.ModuleType:
- pass # pass on imported modules
- else:
- data[key] = explorerPool.getExplorer(value, mIdentifier)
- self.name = module.__name__
- self.doc = inspect.getdoc(module)
- self.file = getattr(module, '__file__', None)
- self.classes = classes
- self.functions = functions
- self.data = data
-typeTable = {types.InstanceType: ExplorerInstance,
- types.ClassType: ExplorerClass,
- types.MethodType: ExplorerMethod,
- types.FunctionType: ExplorerFunction,
- types.ModuleType: ExplorerModule,
- types.BuiltinFunctionType: ExplorerBuiltin,
- types.ListType: ExplorerSequence,
- types.TupleType: ExplorerSequence,
- types.DictType: ExplorerMapping,
- types.StringType: ExplorerImmutable,
- types.NoneType: ExplorerImmutable,
- types.IntType: ExplorerImmutable,
- types.FloatType: ExplorerImmutable,
- types.LongType: ExplorerImmutable,
- types.ComplexType: ExplorerImmutable,
- }
-class Signature(pb.Copyable):
- """I represent the signature of a callable.
- Signatures are immutable, so don't expect my contents to change once
- they've been set.
- """
- _VAR_LIST = 4
- def __init__(self, argNames):
- self.name = argNames
- self.default = [None] * len(argNames)
- self.flavour = [None] * len(argNames)
- def get_name(self, arg):
- return self.name[arg]
- def get_default(self, arg):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- # Wouldn't it be nice if we just returned "None" when there
- # wasn't a default? Well, yes, but often times "None" *is*
- # the default, so return a tuple instead.
- if self.flavour[arg] == self._HAS_DEFAULT:
- return (True, self.default[arg])
- else:
- return (False, None)
- def set_default(self, arg, value):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- self.flavour[arg] = self._HAS_DEFAULT
- self.default[arg] = value
- def set_varlist(self, arg):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- self.flavour[arg] = self._VAR_LIST
- def set_keyword(self, arg):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- self.flavour[arg] = self._KEYWORD_DICT
- def is_varlist(self, arg):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- return (self.flavour[arg] == self._VAR_LIST)
- def is_keyword(self, arg):
- if arg is types.StringType:
- arg = self.name.index(arg)
- return (self.flavour[arg] == self._KEYWORD_DICT)
- def discardSelf(self):
- """Invoke me to discard the first argument if this is a bound method.
- """
- ## if self.name[0] != 'self':
- ## log.msg("Warning: Told to discard self, but name is %s" %
- ## self.name[0])
- self.name = self.name[1:]
- self.default.pop(0)
- self.flavour.pop(0)
- def getStateToCopy(self):
- return {'name': tuple(self.name),
- 'flavour': tuple(self.flavour),
- 'default': tuple(self.default)}
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.name)
- def __str__(self):
- arglist = []
- for arg in xrange(len(self)):
- name = self.get_name(arg)
- hasDefault, default = self.get_default(arg)
- if hasDefault:
- a = "%s=%s" % (name, default)
- elif self.is_varlist(arg):
- a = "*%s" % (name,)
- elif self.is_keyword(arg):
- a = "**%s" % (name,)
- else:
- a = name
- arglist.append(a)
- return string.join(arglist,", ")
-class CRUFT_WatchyThingie:
- # TODO:
- #
- # * an exclude mechanism for the watcher's browser, to avoid
- # sending back large and uninteresting data structures.
- #
- # * an exclude mechanism for the watcher's trigger, to avoid
- # triggering on some frequently-called-method-that-doesn't-
- # actually-change-anything.
- #
- # * XXX! need removeWatch()
- def watchIdentifier(self, identifier, callback):
- """Watch the object returned by evaluating the identifier.
- Whenever I think the object might have changed, I'll send an
- ObjectLink of it to the callback.
- WARNING: This calls eval() on its argument!
- """
- object = eval(identifier,
- self.globalNamespace,
- self.localNamespace)
- return self.watchObject(object, identifier, callback)
- def watchObject(self, object, identifier, callback):
- """Watch the given object.
- Whenever I think the object might have changed, I'll send an
- ObjectLink of it to the callback.
- The identifier argument is used to generate identifiers for
- objects which are members of this one.
- """
- if type(object) is not types.InstanceType:
- raise TypeError, "Sorry, can only place a watch on Instances."
- # uninstallers = []
- dct = {}
- reflect.addMethodNamesToDict(object.__class__, dct, '')
- for k in object.__dict__.keys():
- dct[k] = 1
- members = dct.keys()
- clazzNS = {}
- clazz = types.ClassType('Watching%s%X' %
- (object.__class__.__name__, id(object)),
- (_MonkeysSetattrMixin, object.__class__,),
- clazzNS)
- clazzNS['_watchEmitChanged'] = types.MethodType(
- lambda slf, i=identifier, b=self, cb=callback:
- cb(b.browseObject(slf, i)),
- None, clazz)
- # orig_class = object.__class__
- object.__class__ = clazz
- for name in members:
- m = getattr(object, name)
- # Only hook bound methods.
- if ((type(m) is types.MethodType)
- and (m.im_self is not None)):
- # What's the use of putting watch monkeys on methods
- # in addition to __setattr__? Well, um, uh, if the
- # methods modify their attributes (i.e. add a key to
- # a dictionary) instead of [re]setting them, then
- # we wouldn't know about it unless we did this.
- # (Is that convincing?)
- monkey = _WatchMonkey(object)
- monkey.install(name)
- # uninstallers.append(monkey.uninstall)
- # XXX: This probably prevents these objects from ever having a
- # zero refcount. Leak, Leak!
- ## self.watchUninstallers[object] = uninstallers
-class _WatchMonkey:
- """I hang on a method and tell you what I see.
- TODO: Aya! Now I just do browseObject all the time, but I could
- tell you what got called with what when and returning what.
- """
- oldMethod = None
- def __init__(self, instance):
- """Make a monkey to hang on this instance object.
- """
- self.instance = instance
- def install(self, methodIdentifier):
- """Install myself on my instance in place of this method.
- """
- oldMethod = getattr(self.instance, methodIdentifier, None)
- # XXX: this conditional probably isn't effective.
- if oldMethod is not self:
- # avoid triggering __setattr__
- self.instance.__dict__[methodIdentifier] = types.MethodType(
- self, self.instance, self.instance.__class__)
- self.oldMethod = (methodIdentifier, oldMethod)
- def uninstall(self):
- """Remove myself from this instance and restore the original method.
- (I hope.)
- """
- if self.oldMethod is None:
- return
- # XXX: This probably doesn't work if multiple monkies are hanging
- # on a method and they're not removed in order.
- if self.oldMethod[1] is None:
- delattr(self.instance, self.oldMethod[0])
- else:
- setattr(self.instance, self.oldMethod[0], self.oldMethod[1])
- def __call__(self, instance, *a, **kw):
- """Pretend to be the method I replaced, and ring the bell.
- """
- if self.oldMethod[1]:
- rval = apply(self.oldMethod[1], a, kw)
- else:
- rval = None
- instance._watchEmitChanged()
- return rval
-class _MonkeysSetattrMixin:
- """A mix-in class providing __setattr__ for objects being watched.
- """
- def __setattr__(self, k, v):
- """Set the attribute and ring the bell.
- """
- if hasattr(self.__class__.__bases__[1], '__setattr__'):
- # Hack! Using __bases__[1] is Bad, but since we created
- # this class, we can be reasonably sure it'll work.
- self.__class__.__bases__[1].__setattr__(self, k, v)
- else:
- self.__dict__[k] = v
- # XXX: Hey, waitasec, did someone just hang a new method on me?
- # Do I need to put a monkey on it?
- self._watchEmitChanged()