path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/test/test_pop3.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/test/test_pop3.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1071 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/test/test_pop3.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test cases for Ltwisted.mail.pop3} module.
-import StringIO
-import hmac
-import base64
-import itertools
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.trial import unittest, util
-from twisted import mail
-import twisted.mail.protocols
-import twisted.mail.pop3
-import twisted.internet.protocol
-from twisted import internet
-from twisted.mail import pop3
-from twisted.protocols import loopback
-from twisted.python import failure
-from twisted.python.util import OrderedDict
-from twisted import cred
-import twisted.cred.portal
-import twisted.cred.checkers
-import twisted.cred.credentials
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import LineSendingProtocol
-class UtilityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test the various helper functions and classes used by the POP3 server
- protocol implementation.
- """
- def testLineBuffering(self):
- """
- Test creating a LineBuffer and feeding it some lines. The lines should
- build up in its internal buffer for a while and then get spat out to
- the writer.
- """
- output = []
- input = iter(itertools.cycle(['012', '345', '6', '7', '8', '9']))
- c = pop3._IteratorBuffer(output.extend, input, 6)
- i = iter(c)
- self.assertEqual(output, []) # nothing is buffer
- i.next()
- self.assertEqual(output, []) # '012' is buffered
- i.next()
- self.assertEqual(output, []) # '012345' is buffered
- i.next()
- self.assertEqual(output, ['012', '345', '6']) # nothing is buffered
- for n in range(5):
- i.next()
- self.assertEqual(output, ['012', '345', '6', '7', '8', '9', '012', '345'])
- def testFinishLineBuffering(self):
- """
- Test that a LineBuffer flushes everything when its iterator is
- exhausted, and itself raises StopIteration.
- """
- output = []
- input = iter(['a', 'b', 'c'])
- c = pop3._IteratorBuffer(output.extend, input, 5)
- for i in c:
- pass
- self.assertEqual(output, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
- def testSuccessResponseFormatter(self):
- """
- Test that the thing that spits out POP3 'success responses' works
- right.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- pop3.successResponse('Great.'),
- '+OK Great.\r\n')
- def testStatLineFormatter(self):
- """
- Test that the function which formats stat lines does so appropriately.
- """
- statLine = list(pop3.formatStatResponse([]))[-1]
- self.assertEqual(statLine, '+OK 0 0\r\n')
- statLine = list(pop3.formatStatResponse([10, 31, 0, 10101]))[-1]
- self.assertEqual(statLine, '+OK 4 10142\r\n')
- def testListLineFormatter(self):
- """
- Test that the function which formats the lines in response to a LIST
- command does so appropriately.
- """
- listLines = list(pop3.formatListResponse([]))
- self.assertEqual(
- listLines,
- ['+OK 0\r\n', '.\r\n'])
- listLines = list(pop3.formatListResponse([1, 2, 3, 100]))
- self.assertEqual(
- listLines,
- ['+OK 4\r\n', '1 1\r\n', '2 2\r\n', '3 3\r\n', '4 100\r\n', '.\r\n'])
- def testUIDListLineFormatter(self):
- """
- Test that the function which formats lines in response to a UIDL
- command does so appropriately.
- """
- UIDs = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
- listLines = list(pop3.formatUIDListResponse([], UIDs.__getitem__))
- self.assertEqual(
- listLines,
- ['+OK \r\n', '.\r\n'])
- listLines = list(pop3.formatUIDListResponse([123, 431, 591], UIDs.__getitem__))
- self.assertEqual(
- listLines,
- ['+OK \r\n', '1 abc\r\n', '2 def\r\n', '3 ghi\r\n', '.\r\n'])
- listLines = list(pop3.formatUIDListResponse([0, None, 591], UIDs.__getitem__))
- self.assertEqual(
- listLines,
- ['+OK \r\n', '1 abc\r\n', '3 ghi\r\n', '.\r\n'])
-class MyVirtualPOP3(mail.protocols.VirtualPOP3):
- magic = '<moshez>'
- def authenticateUserAPOP(self, user, digest):
- user, domain = self.lookupDomain(user)
- return self.service.domains['baz.com'].authenticateUserAPOP(user, digest, self.magic, domain)
-class DummyDomain:
- def __init__(self):
- self.users = {}
- def addUser(self, name):
- self.users[name] = []
- def addMessage(self, name, message):
- self.users[name].append(message)
- def authenticateUserAPOP(self, name, digest, magic, domain):
- return pop3.IMailbox, ListMailbox(self.users[name]), lambda: None
-class ListMailbox:
- def __init__(self, list):
- self.list = list
- def listMessages(self, i=None):
- if i is None:
- return map(len, self.list)
- return len(self.list[i])
- def getMessage(self, i):
- return StringIO.StringIO(self.list[i])
- def getUidl(self, i):
- return i
- def deleteMessage(self, i):
- self.list[i] = ''
- def sync(self):
- pass
-class MyPOP3Downloader(pop3.POP3Client):
- def handle_WELCOME(self, line):
- pop3.POP3Client.handle_WELCOME(self, line)
- self.apop('hello@baz.com', 'world')
- def handle_APOP(self, line):
- parts = line.split()
- code = parts[0]
- data = (parts[1:] or ['NONE'])[0]
- if code != '+OK':
- print parts
- raise AssertionError, 'code is ' + code
- self.lines = []
- self.retr(1)
- def handle_RETR_continue(self, line):
- self.lines.append(line)
- def handle_RETR_end(self):
- self.message = '\n'.join(self.lines) + '\n'
- self.quit()
- def handle_QUIT(self, line):
- if line[:3] != '+OK':
- raise AssertionError, 'code is ' + line
-class POP3TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- message = '''\
-Subject: urgent
-Someone set up us the bomb!
- expectedOutput = '''\
-+OK <moshez>\015
-+OK Authentication succeeded\015
-+OK \015
-1 0\015
-+OK %d\015
-Subject: urgent\015
-Someone set up us the bomb!\015
-+OK \015
-''' % len(message)
- def setUp(self):
- self.factory = internet.protocol.Factory()
- self.factory.domains = {}
- self.factory.domains['baz.com'] = DummyDomain()
- self.factory.domains['baz.com'].addUser('hello')
- self.factory.domains['baz.com'].addMessage('hello', self.message)
- def testMessages(self):
- client = LineSendingProtocol([
- 'APOP hello@baz.com world',
- 'UIDL',
- 'RETR 1',
- 'QUIT',
- ])
- server = MyVirtualPOP3()
- server.service = self.factory
- def check(ignored):
- output = '\r\n'.join(client.response) + '\r\n'
- self.assertEqual(output, self.expectedOutput)
- return loopback.loopbackTCP(server, client).addCallback(check)
- def testLoopback(self):
- protocol = MyVirtualPOP3()
- protocol.service = self.factory
- clientProtocol = MyPOP3Downloader()
- def check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(clientProtocol.message, self.message)
- protocol.connectionLost(
- failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(protocol, clientProtocol)
- return d.addCallback(check)
- testLoopback.suppress = [util.suppress(message="twisted.mail.pop3.POP3Client is deprecated")]
-class DummyPOP3(pop3.POP3):
- magic = '<moshez>'
- def authenticateUserAPOP(self, user, password):
- return pop3.IMailbox, DummyMailbox(ValueError), lambda: None
-class DummyMailbox(pop3.Mailbox):
- messages = ['From: moshe\nTo: moshe\n\nHow are you, friend?\n']
- def __init__(self, exceptionType):
- self.messages = DummyMailbox.messages[:]
- self.exceptionType = exceptionType
- def listMessages(self, i=None):
- if i is None:
- return map(len, self.messages)
- if i >= len(self.messages):
- raise self.exceptionType()
- return len(self.messages[i])
- def getMessage(self, i):
- return StringIO.StringIO(self.messages[i])
- def getUidl(self, i):
- if i >= len(self.messages):
- raise self.exceptionType()
- return str(i)
- def deleteMessage(self, i):
- self.messages[i] = ''
-class AnotherPOP3TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def runTest(self, lines, expectedOutput):
- dummy = DummyPOP3()
- client = LineSendingProtocol(lines)
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(dummy, client)
- return d.addCallback(self._cbRunTest, client, dummy, expectedOutput)
- def _cbRunTest(self, ignored, client, dummy, expectedOutput):
- self.assertEqual('\r\n'.join(expectedOutput),
- '\r\n'.join(client.response))
- dummy.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- return ignored
- def test_buffer(self):
- """
- Test a lot of different POP3 commands in an extremely pipelined
- scenario.
- This test may cover legitimate behavior, but the intent and
- granularity are not very good. It would likely be an improvement to
- split it into a number of smaller, more focused tests.
- """
- return self.runTest(
- ["APOP moshez dummy",
- "LIST",
- "UIDL",
- "RETR 1",
- "RETR 2",
- "DELE 1",
- "RETR 1",
- "QUIT"],
- ['+OK <moshez>',
- '+OK Authentication succeeded',
- '+OK 1',
- '1 44',
- '.',
- '+OK ',
- '1 0',
- '.',
- '+OK 44',
- 'From: moshe',
- 'To: moshe',
- '',
- 'How are you, friend?',
- '.',
- '-ERR Bad message number argument',
- '+OK ',
- '-ERR message deleted',
- '+OK '])
- def test_noop(self):
- """
- Test the no-op command.
- """
- return self.runTest(
- ['APOP spiv dummy',
- 'NOOP',
- 'QUIT'],
- ['+OK <moshez>',
- '+OK Authentication succeeded',
- '+OK ',
- '+OK '])
- def testAuthListing(self):
- p = DummyPOP3()
- p.factory = internet.protocol.Factory()
- p.factory.challengers = {'Auth1': None, 'secondAuth': None, 'authLast': None}
- client = LineSendingProtocol([
- "AUTH",
- "QUIT",
- ])
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(p, client)
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestAuthListing, client)
- def _cbTestAuthListing(self, ignored, client):
- self.failUnless(client.response[1].startswith('+OK'))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(client.response[2:5]),
- self.assertEqual(client.response[5], ".")
- def testIllegalPASS(self):
- dummy = DummyPOP3()
- client = LineSendingProtocol([
- "PASS fooz",
- "QUIT"
- ])
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(dummy, client)
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestIllegalPASS, client, dummy)
- def _cbTestIllegalPASS(self, ignored, client, dummy):
- expected_output = '+OK <moshez>\r\n-ERR USER required before PASS\r\n+OK \r\n'
- self.assertEqual(expected_output, '\r\n'.join(client.response) + '\r\n')
- dummy.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- def testEmptyPASS(self):
- dummy = DummyPOP3()
- client = LineSendingProtocol([
- "PASS ",
- "QUIT"
- ])
- d = loopback.loopbackAsync(dummy, client)
- return d.addCallback(self._cbTestEmptyPASS, client, dummy)
- def _cbTestEmptyPASS(self, ignored, client, dummy):
- expected_output = '+OK <moshez>\r\n-ERR USER required before PASS\r\n+OK \r\n'
- self.assertEqual(expected_output, '\r\n'.join(client.response) + '\r\n')
- dummy.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
-class TestServerFactory:
- implements(pop3.IServerFactory)
- def cap_IMPLEMENTATION(self):
- return "Test Implementation String"
- def cap_EXPIRE(self):
- return 60
- challengers = OrderedDict([("SCHEME_1", None), ("SCHEME_2", None)])
- def cap_LOGIN_DELAY(self):
- return 120
- pue = True
- def perUserExpiration(self):
- return self.pue
- puld = True
- def perUserLoginDelay(self):
- return self.puld
-class TestMailbox:
- loginDelay = 100
- messageExpiration = 25
-class CapabilityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p = pop3.POP3()
- p.factory = TestServerFactory()
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.connectionMade()
- p.do_CAPA()
- self.caps = p.listCapabilities()
- self.pcaps = s.getvalue().splitlines()
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p.mbox = TestMailbox()
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.do_CAPA()
- self.lpcaps = s.getvalue().splitlines()
- p.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- def contained(self, s, *caps):
- for c in caps:
- self.assertIn(s, c)
- def testUIDL(self):
- self.contained("UIDL", self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps)
- def testTOP(self):
- self.contained("TOP", self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps)
- def testUSER(self):
- self.contained("USER", self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps)
- def testEXPIRE(self):
- self.contained("EXPIRE 60 USER", self.caps, self.pcaps)
- self.contained("EXPIRE 25", self.lpcaps)
- def testIMPLEMENTATION(self):
- self.contained(
- "IMPLEMENTATION Test Implementation String",
- self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps
- )
- def testSASL(self):
- self.contained(
- self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps
- )
- def testLOGIN_DELAY(self):
- self.contained("LOGIN-DELAY 120 USER", self.caps, self.pcaps)
- self.assertIn("LOGIN-DELAY 100", self.lpcaps)
-class GlobalCapabilitiesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p = pop3.POP3()
- p.factory = TestServerFactory()
- p.factory.pue = p.factory.puld = False
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.connectionMade()
- p.do_CAPA()
- self.caps = p.listCapabilities()
- self.pcaps = s.getvalue().splitlines()
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p.mbox = TestMailbox()
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.do_CAPA()
- self.lpcaps = s.getvalue().splitlines()
- p.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- def contained(self, s, *caps):
- for c in caps:
- self.assertIn(s, c)
- def testEXPIRE(self):
- self.contained("EXPIRE 60", self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps)
- def testLOGIN_DELAY(self):
- self.contained("LOGIN-DELAY 120", self.caps, self.pcaps, self.lpcaps)
-class TestRealm:
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
- if avatarId == 'testuser':
- return pop3.IMailbox, DummyMailbox(ValueError), lambda: None
- assert False
-class SASLTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def testValidLogin(self):
- p = pop3.POP3()
- p.factory = TestServerFactory()
- p.factory.challengers = {'CRAM-MD5': cred.credentials.CramMD5Credentials}
- p.portal = cred.portal.Portal(TestRealm())
- ch = cred.checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- ch.addUser('testuser', 'testpassword')
- p.portal.registerChecker(ch)
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.connectionMade()
- p.lineReceived("CAPA")
- self.failUnless(s.getvalue().find("SASL CRAM-MD5") >= 0)
- p.lineReceived("AUTH CRAM-MD5")
- chal = s.getvalue().splitlines()[-1][2:]
- chal = base64.decodestring(chal)
- response = hmac.HMAC('testpassword', chal).hexdigest()
- p.lineReceived(base64.encodestring('testuser ' + response).rstrip('\n'))
- self.failUnless(p.mbox)
- self.failUnless(s.getvalue().splitlines()[-1].find("+OK") >= 0)
- p.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
-class CommandMixin:
- """
- Tests for all the commands a POP3 server is allowed to receive.
- """
- extraMessage = '''\
-From: guy
-To: fellow
-More message text for you.
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Make a POP3 server protocol instance hooked up to a simple mailbox and
- a transport that buffers output to a StringIO.
- """
- p = pop3.POP3()
- p.mbox = self.mailboxType(self.exceptionType)
- p.schedule = list
- self.pop3Server = p
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- p.transport = internet.protocol.FileWrapper(s)
- p.connectionMade()
- s.truncate(0)
- self.pop3Transport = s
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Disconnect the server protocol so it can clean up anything it might
- need to clean up.
- """
- self.pop3Server.connectionLost(failure.Failure(Exception("Test harness disconnect")))
- def _flush(self):
- """
- Do some of the things that the reactor would take care of, if the
- reactor were actually running.
- """
- # Oh man FileWrapper is pooh.
- self.pop3Server.transport._checkProducer()
- def testLIST(self):
- """
- Test the two forms of list: with a message index number, which should
- return a short-form response, and without a message index number, which
- should return a long-form response, one line per message.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("LIST 1")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "+OK 1 44\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("LIST")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "+OK 1\r\n1 44\r\n.\r\n")
- def testLISTWithBadArgument(self):
- """
- Test that non-integers and out-of-bound integers produce appropriate
- error responses.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("LIST a")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Invalid message-number: 'a'\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("LIST 0")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Invalid message-number: 0\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("LIST 2")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Invalid message-number: 2\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testUIDL(self):
- """
- Test the two forms of the UIDL command. These are just like the two
- forms of the LIST command.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("UIDL 1")
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "+OK 0\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("UIDL")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "+OK \r\n1 0\r\n.\r\n")
- def testUIDLWithBadArgument(self):
- """
- Test that UIDL with a non-integer or an out-of-bounds integer produces
- the appropriate error response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("UIDL a")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("UIDL 0")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("UIDL 2")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testSTAT(self):
- """
- Test the single form of the STAT command, which returns a short-form
- response of the number of messages in the mailbox and their total size.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("STAT")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "+OK 1 44\r\n")
- def testRETR(self):
- """
- Test downloading a message.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("RETR 1")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "+OK 44\r\n"
- "From: moshe\r\n"
- "To: moshe\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "How are you, friend?\r\n"
- ".\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testRETRWithBadArgument(self):
- """
- Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either not
- an integer or an out-of-bounds integer, fails with the appropriate
- error response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.lineReceived("RETR a")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("RETR 0")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("RETR 2")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testTOP(self):
- """
- Test downloading the headers and part of the body of a message.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived("TOP 1 0")
- self._flush()
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "+OK Top of message follows\r\n"
- "From: moshe\r\n"
- "To: moshe\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- ".\r\n")
- def testTOPWithBadArgument(self):
- """
- Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either a
- message number which isn't an integer or is an out-of-bounds integer or
- a number of lines which isn't an integer or is a negative integer,
- fails with the appropriate error response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived("TOP 1 a")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad line count argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("TOP 1 -1")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad line count argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("TOP a 1")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("TOP 0 1")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived("TOP 3 1")
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "-ERR Bad message number argument\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testLAST(self):
- """
- Test the exceedingly pointless LAST command, which tells you the
- highest message index which you have already downloaded.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived('LAST')
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- "+OK 0\r\n")
- s.truncate(0)
- def testRetrieveUpdatesHighest(self):
- """
- Test that issuing a RETR command updates the LAST response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived('RETR 2')
- self._flush()
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived('LAST')
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- '+OK 2\r\n')
- s.truncate(0)
- def testTopUpdatesHighest(self):
- """
- Test that issuing a TOP command updates the LAST response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived('TOP 2 10')
- self._flush()
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived('LAST')
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- '+OK 2\r\n')
- def testHighestOnlyProgresses(self):
- """
- Test that downloading a message with a smaller index than the current
- LAST response doesn't change the LAST response.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived('RETR 2')
- self._flush()
- p.lineReceived('TOP 1 10')
- self._flush()
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived('LAST')
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- '+OK 2\r\n')
- def testResetClearsHighest(self):
- """
- Test that issuing RSET changes the LAST response to 0.
- """
- p = self.pop3Server
- s = self.pop3Transport
- p.mbox.messages.append(self.extraMessage)
- p.lineReceived('RETR 2')
- self._flush()
- p.lineReceived('RSET')
- s.truncate(0)
- p.lineReceived('LAST')
- self.assertEqual(
- s.getvalue(),
- '+OK 0\r\n')
-_listMessageDeprecation = (
- "twisted.mail.pop3.IMailbox.listMessages may not "
- "raise IndexError for out-of-bounds message numbers: "
- "raise ValueError instead.")
-_listMessageSuppression = util.suppress(
- message=_listMessageDeprecation,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
-_getUidlDeprecation = (
- "twisted.mail.pop3.IMailbox.getUidl may not "
- "raise IndexError for out-of-bounds message numbers: "
- "raise ValueError instead.")
-_getUidlSuppression = util.suppress(
- message=_getUidlDeprecation,
- category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
-class IndexErrorCommandTestCase(CommandMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Run all of the command tests against a mailbox which raises IndexError
- when an out of bounds request is made. This behavior will be deprecated
- shortly and then removed.
- """
- exceptionType = IndexError
- mailboxType = DummyMailbox
- def testLISTWithBadArgument(self):
- return CommandMixin.testLISTWithBadArgument(self)
- testLISTWithBadArgument.suppress = [_listMessageSuppression]
- def testUIDLWithBadArgument(self):
- return CommandMixin.testUIDLWithBadArgument(self)
- testUIDLWithBadArgument.suppress = [_getUidlSuppression]
- def testTOPWithBadArgument(self):
- return CommandMixin.testTOPWithBadArgument(self)
- testTOPWithBadArgument.suppress = [_listMessageSuppression]
- def testRETRWithBadArgument(self):
- return CommandMixin.testRETRWithBadArgument(self)
- testRETRWithBadArgument.suppress = [_listMessageSuppression]
-class ValueErrorCommandTestCase(CommandMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Run all of the command tests against a mailbox which raises ValueError
- when an out of bounds request is made. This is the correct behavior and
- after support for mailboxes which raise IndexError is removed, this will
- become just C{CommandTestCase}.
- """
- exceptionType = ValueError
- mailboxType = DummyMailbox
-class SyncDeferredMailbox(DummyMailbox):
- """
- Mailbox which has a listMessages implementation which returns a Deferred
- which has already fired.
- """
- def listMessages(self, n=None):
- return defer.succeed(DummyMailbox.listMessages(self, n))
-class IndexErrorSyncDeferredCommandTestCase(IndexErrorCommandTestCase):
- """
- Run all of the L{IndexErrorCommandTestCase} tests with a
- synchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
- """
- mailboxType = SyncDeferredMailbox
-class ValueErrorSyncDeferredCommandTestCase(ValueErrorCommandTestCase):
- """
- Run all of the L{ValueErrorCommandTestCase} tests with a
- synchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
- """
- mailboxType = SyncDeferredMailbox
-class AsyncDeferredMailbox(DummyMailbox):
- """
- Mailbox which has a listMessages implementation which returns a Deferred
- which has not yet fired.
- """
- def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
- self.waiting = []
- DummyMailbox.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
- def listMessages(self, n=None):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- # See AsyncDeferredMailbox._flush
- self.waiting.append((d, DummyMailbox.listMessages(self, n)))
- return d
-class IndexErrorAsyncDeferredCommandTestCase(IndexErrorCommandTestCase):
- """
- Run all of the L{IndexErrorCommandTestCase} tests with an asynchronous-Deferred
- returning IMailbox implementation.
- """
- mailboxType = AsyncDeferredMailbox
- def _flush(self):
- """
- Fire whatever Deferreds we've built up in our mailbox.
- """
- while self.pop3Server.mbox.waiting:
- d, a = self.pop3Server.mbox.waiting.pop()
- d.callback(a)
- IndexErrorCommandTestCase._flush(self)
-class ValueErrorAsyncDeferredCommandTestCase(ValueErrorCommandTestCase):
- """
- Run all of the L{IndexErrorCommandTestCase} tests with an asynchronous-Deferred
- returning IMailbox implementation.
- """
- mailboxType = AsyncDeferredMailbox
- def _flush(self):
- """
- Fire whatever Deferreds we've built up in our mailbox.
- """
- while self.pop3Server.mbox.waiting:
- d, a = self.pop3Server.mbox.waiting.pop()
- d.callback(a)
- ValueErrorCommandTestCase._flush(self)
-class POP3MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Miscellaneous tests more to do with module/package structure than
- anything to do with the Post Office Protocol.
- """
- def test_all(self):
- """
- This test checks that all names listed in
- twisted.mail.pop3.__all__ are actually present in the module.
- """
- mod = twisted.mail.pop3
- for attr in mod.__all__:
- self.failUnless(hasattr(mod, attr))