path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/smtp.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/smtp.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1934 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/smtp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/smtp.py
deleted file mode 100755
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/smtp.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_smtp -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol implementation.
-import time, re, base64, types, socket, os, random, rfc822
-import binascii
-from email.base64MIME import encode as encode_base64
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.copyright import longversion
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from twisted.protocols import policies
-from twisted.internet import protocol
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet import error
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import ITLSTransport
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python import util
-from twisted import cred
-from twisted.python.runtime import platform
- from cStringIO import StringIO
-except ImportError:
- from StringIO import StringIO
-# Cache the hostname (XXX Yes - this is broken)
-if platform.isMacOSX():
- # On OS X, getfqdn() is ridiculously slow - use the
- # probably-identical-but-sometimes-not gethostname() there.
- DNSNAME = socket.gethostname()
- DNSNAME = socket.getfqdn()
-# Used for fast success code lookup
-SUCCESS = dict.fromkeys(xrange(200,300))
-class IMessageDelivery(Interface):
- def receivedHeader(helo, origin, recipients):
- """
- Generate the Received header for a message
- @type helo: C{(str, str)}
- @param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
- address.
- @type origin: C{Address}
- @param origin: The address the message is from
- @type recipients: C{list} of L{User}
- @param recipients: A list of the addresses for which this message
- is bound.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The full \"Received\" header string.
- """
- def validateTo(user):
- """
- Validate the address for which the message is destined.
- @type user: C{User}
- @param user: The address to validate.
- @rtype: no-argument callable
- @return: A C{Deferred} which becomes, or a callable which
- takes no arguments and returns an object implementing C{IMessage}.
- This will be called and the returned object used to deliver the
- message when it arrives.
- @raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are
- not to be accepted.
- """
- def validateFrom(helo, origin):
- """
- Validate the address from which the message originates.
- @type helo: C{(str, str)}
- @param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
- address.
- @type origin: C{Address}
- @param origin: The address the message is from
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{Address}
- @return: C{origin} or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be
- passed C{origin}.
- @raise SMTPBadSender: Raised of messages from this address are
- not to be accepted.
- """
-class IMessageDeliveryFactory(Interface):
- """An alternate interface to implement for handling message delivery.
- It is useful to implement this interface instead of L{IMessageDelivery}
- directly because it allows the implementor to distinguish between
- different messages delivery over the same connection. This can be
- used to optimize delivery of a single message to multiple recipients,
- something which cannot be done by L{IMessageDelivery} implementors
- due to their lack of information.
- """
- def getMessageDelivery():
- """Return an L{IMessageDelivery} object.
- This will be called once per message.
- """
-class SMTPError(Exception):
- pass
-class SMTPClientError(SMTPError):
- """Base class for SMTP client errors.
- """
- def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=False, retry=False):
- """
- @param code: The SMTP response code associated with this error.
- @param resp: The string response associated with this error.
- @param log: A string log of the exchange leading up to and including
- the error.
- @type log: L{str}
- @param isFatal: A boolean indicating whether this connection can
- proceed or not. If True, the connection will be dropped.
- @param retry: A boolean indicating whether the delivery should be
- retried. If True and the factory indicates further retries are
- desirable, they will be attempted, otherwise the delivery will
- be failed.
- """
- self.code = code
- self.resp = resp
- self.log = log
- self.addresses = addresses
- self.isFatal = isFatal
- self.retry = retry
- def __str__(self):
- if self.code > 0:
- res = ["%.3d %s" % (self.code, self.resp)]
- else:
- res = [self.resp]
- if self.log:
- res.append(self.log)
- res.append('')
- return '\n'.join(res)
-class ESMTPClientError(SMTPClientError):
- """Base class for ESMTP client errors.
- """
-class EHLORequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
- """The server does not support EHLO.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class AUTHRequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
- """Authentication was required but the server does not support it.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class TLSRequiredError(ESMTPClientError):
- """Transport security was required but the server does not support it.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class AUTHDeclinedError(ESMTPClientError):
- """The server rejected our credentials.
- Either the username, password, or challenge response
- given to the server was rejected.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class AuthenticationError(ESMTPClientError):
- """An error ocurred while authenticating.
- Either the server rejected our request for authentication or the
- challenge received was malformed.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class TLSError(ESMTPClientError):
- """An error occurred while negiotiating for transport security.
- This is considered a non-fatal error (the connection will not be
- dropped).
- """
-class SMTPConnectError(SMTPClientError):
- """Failed to connect to the mail exchange host.
- This is considered a fatal error. A retry will be made.
- """
- def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=True):
- SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
-class SMTPTimeoutError(SMTPClientError):
- """Failed to receive a response from the server in the expected time period.
- This is considered a fatal error. A retry will be made.
- """
- def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=True):
- SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
-class SMTPProtocolError(SMTPClientError):
- """The server sent a mangled response.
- This is considered a fatal error. A retry will not be made.
- """
- def __init__(self, code, resp, log=None, addresses=None, isFatal=True, retry=False):
- SMTPClientError.__init__(self, code, resp, log, addresses, isFatal, retry)
-class SMTPDeliveryError(SMTPClientError):
- """Indicates that a delivery attempt has had an error.
- """
-class SMTPServerError(SMTPError):
- def __init__(self, code, resp):
- self.code = code
- self.resp = resp
- def __str__(self):
- return "%.3d %s" % (self.code, self.resp)
-class SMTPAddressError(SMTPServerError):
- def __init__(self, addr, code, resp):
- SMTPServerError.__init__(self, code, resp)
- self.addr = Address(addr)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%.3d <%s>... %s" % (self.code, self.addr, self.resp)
-class SMTPBadRcpt(SMTPAddressError):
- def __init__(self, addr, code=550,
- resp='Cannot receive for specified address'):
- SMTPAddressError.__init__(self, addr, code, resp)
-class SMTPBadSender(SMTPAddressError):
- def __init__(self, addr, code=550, resp='Sender not acceptable'):
- SMTPAddressError.__init__(self, addr, code, resp)
-def rfc822date(timeinfo=None,local=1):
- """
- Format an RFC-2822 compliant date string.
- @param timeinfo: (optional) A sequence as returned by C{time.localtime()}
- or C{time.gmtime()}. Default is now.
- @param local: (optional) Indicates if the supplied time is local or
- universal time, or if no time is given, whether now should be local or
- universal time. Default is local, as suggested (SHOULD) by rfc-2822.
- @returns: A string representing the time and date in RFC-2822 format.
- """
- if not timeinfo:
- if local:
- timeinfo = time.localtime()
- else:
- timeinfo = time.gmtime()
- if local:
- if timeinfo[8]:
- # DST
- tz = -time.altzone
- else:
- tz = -time.timezone
- (tzhr, tzmin) = divmod(abs(tz), 3600)
- if tz:
- tzhr *= int(abs(tz)//tz)
- (tzmin, tzsec) = divmod(tzmin, 60)
- else:
- (tzhr, tzmin) = (0,0)
- return "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d" % (
- ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'][timeinfo[6]],
- timeinfo[2],
- ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][timeinfo[1] - 1],
- timeinfo[0], timeinfo[3], timeinfo[4], timeinfo[5],
- tzhr, tzmin)
-def idGenerator():
- i = 0
- while True:
- yield i
- i += 1
-def messageid(uniq=None, N=idGenerator().next):
- """Return a globally unique random string in RFC 2822 Message-ID format
- <datetime.pid.random@host.dom.ain>
- Optional uniq string will be added to strenghten uniqueness if given.
- """
- datetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
- pid = os.getpid()
- rand = random.randrange(2**31L-1)
- if uniq is None:
- uniq = ''
- else:
- uniq = '.' + uniq
- return '<%s.%s.%s%s.%s@%s>' % (datetime, pid, rand, uniq, N(), DNSNAME)
-def quoteaddr(addr):
- """Turn an email address, possibly with realname part etc, into
- a form suitable for and SMTP envelope.
- """
- if isinstance(addr, Address):
- return '<%s>' % str(addr)
- res = rfc822.parseaddr(addr)
- if res == (None, None):
- # It didn't parse, use it as-is
- return '<%s>' % str(addr)
- else:
- return '<%s>' % str(res[1])
-class AddressError(SMTPError):
- "Parse error in address"
-# Character classes for parsing addresses
-atom = r"[-A-Za-z0-9!\#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]"
-class Address:
- """Parse and hold an RFC 2821 address.
- Source routes are stipped and ignored, UUCP-style bang-paths
- and %-style routing are not parsed.
- @type domain: C{str}
- @ivar domain: The domain within which this address resides.
- @type local: C{str}
- @ivar local: The local (\"user\") portion of this address.
- """
- tstring = re.compile(r'''( # A string of
- (?:"[^"]*" # quoted string
- |\\. # backslash-escaped characted
- |''' + atom + r''' # atom character
- )+|.) # or any single character''',re.X)
- atomre = re.compile(atom) # match any one atom character
- def __init__(self, addr, defaultDomain=None):
- if isinstance(addr, User):
- addr = addr.dest
- if isinstance(addr, Address):
- self.__dict__ = addr.__dict__.copy()
- return
- elif not isinstance(addr, types.StringTypes):
- addr = str(addr)
- self.addrstr = addr
- # Tokenize
- atl = filter(None,self.tstring.split(addr))
- local = []
- domain = []
- while atl:
- if atl[0] == '<':
- if atl[-1] != '>':
- raise AddressError, "Unbalanced <>"
- atl = atl[1:-1]
- elif atl[0] == '@':
- atl = atl[1:]
- if not local:
- # Source route
- while atl and atl[0] != ':':
- # remove it
- atl = atl[1:]
- if not atl:
- raise AddressError, "Malformed source route"
- atl = atl[1:] # remove :
- elif domain:
- raise AddressError, "Too many @"
- else:
- # Now in domain
- domain = ['']
- elif len(atl[0]) == 1 and not self.atomre.match(atl[0]) and atl[0] != '.':
- raise AddressError, "Parse error at %r of %r" % (atl[0], (addr, atl))
- else:
- if not domain:
- local.append(atl[0])
- else:
- domain.append(atl[0])
- atl = atl[1:]
- self.local = ''.join(local)
- self.domain = ''.join(domain)
- if self.local != '' and self.domain == '':
- if defaultDomain is None:
- defaultDomain = DNSNAME
- self.domain = defaultDomain
- dequotebs = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
- def dequote(self,addr):
- """Remove RFC-2821 quotes from address."""
- res = []
- atl = filter(None,self.tstring.split(str(addr)))
- for t in atl:
- if t[0] == '"' and t[-1] == '"':
- res.append(t[1:-1])
- elif '\\' in t:
- res.append(self.dequotebs.sub(r'\1',t))
- else:
- res.append(t)
- return ''.join(res)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.local or self.domain:
- return '@'.join((self.local, self.domain))
- else:
- return ''
- def __repr__(self):
- return "%s.%s(%s)" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- repr(str(self)))
-class User:
- """Hold information about and SMTP message recipient,
- including information on where the message came from
- """
- def __init__(self, destination, helo, protocol, orig):
- host = getattr(protocol, 'host', None)
- self.dest = Address(destination, host)
- self.helo = helo
- self.protocol = protocol
- if isinstance(orig, Address):
- self.orig = orig
- else:
- self.orig = Address(orig, host)
- def __getstate__(self):
- """Helper for pickle.
- protocol isn't picklabe, but we want User to be, so skip it in
- the pickle.
- """
- return { 'dest' : self.dest,
- 'helo' : self.helo,
- 'protocol' : None,
- 'orig' : self.orig }
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.dest)
-class IMessage(Interface):
- """Interface definition for messages that can be sent via SMTP."""
- def lineReceived(line):
- """handle another line"""
- def eomReceived():
- """handle end of message
- return a deferred. The deferred should be called with either:
- callback(string) or errback(error)
- """
- def connectionLost():
- """handle message truncated
- semantics should be to discard the message
- """
-class SMTP(basic.LineOnlyReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
- """SMTP server-side protocol."""
- timeout = 600
- host = DNSNAME
- portal = None
- # Control whether we log SMTP events
- noisy = True
- # A factory for IMessageDelivery objects. If an
- # avatar implementing IMessageDeliveryFactory can
- # be acquired from the portal, it will be used to
- # create a new IMessageDelivery object for each
- # message which is received.
- deliveryFactory = None
- # An IMessageDelivery object. A new instance is
- # used for each message received if we can get an
- # IMessageDeliveryFactory from the portal. Otherwise,
- # a single instance is used throughout the lifetime
- # of the connection.
- delivery = None
- # Cred cleanup function.
- _onLogout = None
- def __init__(self, delivery=None, deliveryFactory=None):
- self.mode = COMMAND
- self._from = None
- self._helo = None
- self._to = []
- self.delivery = delivery
- self.deliveryFactory = deliveryFactory
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- msg = '%s Timeout. Try talking faster next time!' % (self.host,)
- self.sendCode(421, msg)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def greeting(self):
- return '%s NO UCE NO UBE NO RELAY PROBES' % (self.host,)
- def connectionMade(self):
- # Ensure user-code always gets something sane for _helo
- peer = self.transport.getPeer()
- try:
- host = peer.host
- except AttributeError: # not an IPv4Address
- host = str(peer)
- self._helo = (None, host)
- self.sendCode(220, self.greeting())
- self.setTimeout(self.timeout)
- def sendCode(self, code, message=''):
- "Send an SMTP code with a message."
- lines = message.splitlines()
- lastline = lines[-1:]
- for line in lines[:-1]:
- self.sendLine('%3.3d-%s' % (code, line))
- self.sendLine('%3.3d %s' % (code,
- lastline and lastline[0] or ''))
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- self.resetTimeout()
- return getattr(self, 'state_' + self.mode)(line)
- def state_COMMAND(self, line):
- # Ignore leading and trailing whitespace, as well as an arbitrary
- # amount of whitespace between the command and its argument, though
- # it is not required by the protocol, for it is a nice thing to do.
- line = line.strip()
- parts = line.split(None, 1)
- if parts:
- method = self.lookupMethod(parts[0]) or self.do_UNKNOWN
- if len(parts) == 2:
- method(parts[1])
- else:
- method('')
- else:
- self.sendSyntaxError()
- def sendSyntaxError(self):
- self.sendCode(500, 'Error: bad syntax')
- def lookupMethod(self, command):
- return getattr(self, 'do_' + command.upper(), None)
- def lineLengthExceeded(self, line):
- if self.mode is DATA:
- for message in self.__messages:
- message.connectionLost()
- self.mode = COMMAND
- del self.__messages
- self.sendCode(500, 'Line too long')
- def do_UNKNOWN(self, rest):
- self.sendCode(500, 'Command not implemented')
- def do_HELO(self, rest):
- peer = self.transport.getPeer()
- try:
- host = peer.host
- except AttributeError:
- host = str(peer)
- self._helo = (rest, host)
- self._from = None
- self._to = []
- self.sendCode(250, '%s Hello %s, nice to meet you' % (self.host, host))
- def do_QUIT(self, rest):
- self.sendCode(221, 'See you later')
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- # A string of quoted strings, backslash-escaped character or
- # atom characters + '@.,:'
- qstring = r'("[^"]*"|\\.|' + atom + r'|[@.,:])+'
- mail_re = re.compile(r'''\s*FROM:\s*(?P<path><> # Empty <>
- |<''' + qstring + r'''> # <addr>
- |''' + qstring + r''' # addr
- )\s*(\s(?P<opts>.*))? # Optional WS + ESMTP options
- $''',re.I|re.X)
- rcpt_re = re.compile(r'\s*TO:\s*(?P<path><' + qstring + r'''> # <addr>
- |''' + qstring + r''' # addr
- )\s*(\s(?P<opts>.*))? # Optional WS + ESMTP options
- $''',re.I|re.X)
- def do_MAIL(self, rest):
- if self._from:
- self.sendCode(503,"Only one sender per message, please")
- return
- # Clear old recipient list
- self._to = []
- m = self.mail_re.match(rest)
- if not m:
- self.sendCode(501, "Syntax error")
- return
- try:
- addr = Address(m.group('path'), self.host)
- except AddressError, e:
- self.sendCode(553, str(e))
- return
- validated = defer.maybeDeferred(self.validateFrom, self._helo, addr)
- validated.addCallbacks(self._cbFromValidate, self._ebFromValidate)
- def _cbFromValidate(self, from_, code=250, msg='Sender address accepted'):
- self._from = from_
- self.sendCode(code, msg)
- def _ebFromValidate(self, failure):
- if failure.check(SMTPBadSender):
- self.sendCode(failure.value.code,
- 'Cannot receive from specified address %s: %s'
- % (quoteaddr(failure.value.addr), failure.value.resp))
- elif failure.check(SMTPServerError):
- self.sendCode(failure.value.code, failure.value.resp)
- else:
- log.err(failure, "SMTP sender validation failure")
- self.sendCode(
- 451,
- 'Requested action aborted: local error in processing')
- def do_RCPT(self, rest):
- if not self._from:
- self.sendCode(503, "Must have sender before recipient")
- return
- m = self.rcpt_re.match(rest)
- if not m:
- self.sendCode(501, "Syntax error")
- return
- try:
- user = User(m.group('path'), self._helo, self, self._from)
- except AddressError, e:
- self.sendCode(553, str(e))
- return
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.validateTo, user)
- d.addCallbacks(
- self._cbToValidate,
- self._ebToValidate,
- callbackArgs=(user,)
- )
- def _cbToValidate(self, to, user=None, code=250, msg='Recipient address accepted'):
- if user is None:
- user = to
- self._to.append((user, to))
- self.sendCode(code, msg)
- def _ebToValidate(self, failure):
- if failure.check(SMTPBadRcpt, SMTPServerError):
- self.sendCode(failure.value.code, failure.value.resp)
- else:
- log.err(failure)
- self.sendCode(
- 451,
- 'Requested action aborted: local error in processing'
- )
- def _disconnect(self, msgs):
- for msg in msgs:
- try:
- msg.connectionLost()
- except:
- log.msg("msg raised exception from connectionLost")
- log.err()
- def do_DATA(self, rest):
- if self._from is None or (not self._to):
- self.sendCode(503, 'Must have valid receiver and originator')
- return
- self.mode = DATA
- helo, origin = self._helo, self._from
- recipients = self._to
- self._from = None
- self._to = []
- self.datafailed = None
- msgs = []
- for (user, msgFunc) in recipients:
- try:
- msg = msgFunc()
- rcvdhdr = self.receivedHeader(helo, origin, [user])
- if rcvdhdr:
- msg.lineReceived(rcvdhdr)
- msgs.append(msg)
- except SMTPServerError, e:
- self.sendCode(e.code, e.resp)
- self.mode = COMMAND
- self._disconnect(msgs)
- return
- except:
- log.err()
- self.sendCode(550, "Internal server error")
- self.mode = COMMAND
- self._disconnect(msgs)
- return
- self.__messages = msgs
- self.__inheader = self.__inbody = 0
- self.sendCode(354, 'Continue')
- if self.noisy:
- fmt = 'Receiving message for delivery: from=%s to=%s'
- log.msg(fmt % (origin, [str(u) for (u, f) in recipients]))
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- # self.sendCode(421, 'Dropping connection.') # This does nothing...
- # Ideally, if we (rather than the other side) lose the connection,
- # we should be able to tell the other side that we are going away.
- # RFC-2821 requires that we try.
- if self.mode is DATA:
- try:
- for message in self.__messages:
- try:
- message.connectionLost()
- except:
- log.err()
- del self.__messages
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if self._onLogout:
- self._onLogout()
- self._onLogout = None
- self.setTimeout(None)
- def do_RSET(self, rest):
- self._from = None
- self._to = []
- self.sendCode(250, 'I remember nothing.')
- def dataLineReceived(self, line):
- if line[:1] == '.':
- if line == '.':
- self.mode = COMMAND
- if self.datafailed:
- self.sendCode(self.datafailed.code,
- self.datafailed.resp)
- return
- if not self.__messages:
- self._messageHandled("thrown away")
- return
- defer.DeferredList([
- m.eomReceived() for m in self.__messages
- ], consumeErrors=True).addCallback(self._messageHandled
- )
- del self.__messages
- return
- line = line[1:]
- if self.datafailed:
- return
- try:
- # Add a blank line between the generated Received:-header
- # and the message body if the message comes in without any
- # headers
- if not self.__inheader and not self.__inbody:
- if ':' in line:
- self.__inheader = 1
- elif line:
- for message in self.__messages:
- message.lineReceived('')
- self.__inbody = 1
- if not line:
- self.__inbody = 1
- for message in self.__messages:
- message.lineReceived(line)
- except SMTPServerError, e:
- self.datafailed = e
- for message in self.__messages:
- message.connectionLost()
- state_DATA = dataLineReceived
- def _messageHandled(self, resultList):
- failures = 0
- for (success, result) in resultList:
- if not success:
- failures += 1
- log.err(result)
- if failures:
- msg = 'Could not send e-mail'
- L = len(resultList)
- if L > 1:
- msg += ' (%d failures out of %d recipients)' % (failures, L)
- self.sendCode(550, msg)
- else:
- self.sendCode(250, 'Delivery in progress')
- def _cbAnonymousAuthentication(self, (iface, avatar, logout)):
- """
- Save the state resulting from a successful anonymous cred login.
- """
- if issubclass(iface, IMessageDeliveryFactory):
- self.deliveryFactory = avatar
- self.delivery = None
- elif issubclass(iface, IMessageDelivery):
- self.deliveryFactory = None
- self.delivery = avatar
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("%s is not a supported interface" % (iface.__name__,))
- self._onLogout = logout
- self.challenger = None
- # overridable methods:
- def validateFrom(self, helo, origin):
- """
- Validate the address from which the message originates.
- @type helo: C{(str, str)}
- @param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
- address.
- @type origin: C{Address}
- @param origin: The address the message is from
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{Address}
- @return: C{origin} or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be
- passed C{origin}.
- @raise SMTPBadSender: Raised of messages from this address are
- not to be accepted.
- """
- if self.deliveryFactory is not None:
- self.delivery = self.deliveryFactory.getMessageDelivery()
- if self.delivery is not None:
- return defer.maybeDeferred(self.delivery.validateFrom,
- helo, origin)
- # No login has been performed, no default delivery object has been
- # provided: try to perform an anonymous login and then invoke this
- # method again.
- if self.portal:
- result = self.portal.login(
- cred.credentials.Anonymous(),
- None,
- IMessageDeliveryFactory, IMessageDelivery)
- def ebAuthentication(err):
- """
- Translate cred exceptions into SMTP exceptions so that the
- protocol code which invokes C{validateFrom} can properly report
- the failure.
- """
- if err.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
- exc = SMTPBadSender(origin)
- elif err.check(cred.error.UnhandledCredentials):
- exc = SMTPBadSender(
- origin, resp="Unauthenticated senders not allowed")
- else:
- return err
- return defer.fail(exc)
- result.addCallbacks(
- self._cbAnonymousAuthentication, ebAuthentication)
- def continueValidation(ignored):
- """
- Re-attempt from address validation.
- """
- return self.validateFrom(helo, origin)
- result.addCallback(continueValidation)
- return result
- raise SMTPBadSender(origin)
- def validateTo(self, user):
- """
- Validate the address for which the message is destined.
- @type user: C{User}
- @param user: The address to validate.
- @rtype: no-argument callable
- @return: A C{Deferred} which becomes, or a callable which
- takes no arguments and returns an object implementing C{IMessage}.
- This will be called and the returned object used to deliver the
- message when it arrives.
- @raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are
- not to be accepted.
- """
- if self.delivery is not None:
- return self.delivery.validateTo(user)
- raise SMTPBadRcpt(user)
- def receivedHeader(self, helo, origin, recipients):
- if self.delivery is not None:
- return self.delivery.receivedHeader(helo, origin, recipients)
- heloStr = ""
- if helo[0]:
- heloStr = " helo=%s" % (helo[0],)
- domain = self.transport.getHost().host
- from_ = "from %s ([%s]%s)" % (helo[0], helo[1], heloStr)
- by = "by %s with %s (%s)" % (domain,
- self.__class__.__name__,
- longversion)
- for_ = "for %s; %s" % (' '.join(map(str, recipients)),
- rfc822date())
- return "Received: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (from_, by, for_)
- def startMessage(self, recipients):
- if self.delivery:
- return self.delivery.startMessage(recipients)
- return []
-class SMTPFactory(protocol.ServerFactory):
- """Factory for SMTP."""
- # override in instances or subclasses
- domain = DNSNAME
- timeout = 600
- protocol = SMTP
- portal = None
- def __init__(self, portal = None):
- self.portal = portal
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = protocol.ServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
- p.portal = self.portal
- p.host = self.domain
- return p
-class SMTPClient(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
- """
- SMTP client for sending emails.
- After the client has connected to the SMTP server, it repeatedly calls
- L{SMTPClient.getMailFrom}, L{SMTPClient.getMailTo} and
- L{SMTPClient.getMailData} and uses this information to send an email.
- It then calls L{SMTPClient.getMailFrom} again; if it returns C{None}, the
- client will disconnect, otherwise it will continue as normal i.e. call
- L{SMTPClient.getMailTo} and L{SMTPClient.getMailData} and send a new email.
- """
- # If enabled then log SMTP client server communication
- debug = True
- # Number of seconds to wait before timing out a connection. If
- # None, perform no timeout checking.
- timeout = None
- def __init__(self, identity, logsize=10):
- self.identity = identity or ''
- self.toAddressesResult = []
- self.successAddresses = []
- self._from = None
- self.resp = []
- self.code = -1
- self.log = util.LineLog(logsize)
- def sendLine(self, line):
- # Log sendLine only if you are in debug mode for performance
- if self.debug:
- self.log.append('>>> ' + line)
- basic.LineReceiver.sendLine(self,line)
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.setTimeout(self.timeout)
- self._expected = [ 220 ]
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_helo
- self._failresponse = self.smtpConnectionFailed
- def connectionLost(self, reason=protocol.connectionDone):
- """We are no longer connected"""
- self.setTimeout(None)
- self.mailFile = None
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- self.sendError(
- SMTPTimeoutError(
- -1, "Timeout waiting for SMTP server response",
- self.log.str()))
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- self.resetTimeout()
- # Log lineReceived only if you are in debug mode for performance
- if self.debug:
- self.log.append('<<< ' + line)
- why = None
- try:
- self.code = int(line[:3])
- except ValueError:
- # This is a fatal error and will disconnect the transport lineReceived will not be called again
- self.sendError(SMTPProtocolError(-1, "Invalid response from SMTP server: %s" % line, self.log.str()))
- return
- if line[0] == '0':
- # Verbose informational message, ignore it
- return
- self.resp.append(line[4:])
- if line[3:4] == '-':
- # continuation
- return
- if self.code in self._expected:
- why = self._okresponse(self.code,'\n'.join(self.resp))
- else:
- why = self._failresponse(self.code,'\n'.join(self.resp))
- self.code = -1
- self.resp = []
- return why
- def smtpConnectionFailed(self, code, resp):
- self.sendError(SMTPConnectError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
- def smtpTransferFailed(self, code, resp):
- if code < 0:
- self.sendError(SMTPProtocolError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
- else:
- self.smtpState_msgSent(code, resp)
- def smtpState_helo(self, code, resp):
- self.sendLine('HELO ' + self.identity)
- self._expected = SUCCESS
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
- def smtpState_from(self, code, resp):
- self._from = self.getMailFrom()
- self._failresponse = self.smtpTransferFailed
- if self._from is not None:
- self.sendLine('MAIL FROM:%s' % quoteaddr(self._from))
- self._expected = [250]
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_to
- else:
- # All messages have been sent, disconnect
- self._disconnectFromServer()
- def smtpState_disconnect(self, code, resp):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def smtpState_to(self, code, resp):
- self.toAddresses = iter(self.getMailTo())
- self.toAddressesResult = []
- self.successAddresses = []
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_toOrData
- self._expected = xrange(0,1000)
- self.lastAddress = None
- return self.smtpState_toOrData(0, '')
- def smtpState_toOrData(self, code, resp):
- if self.lastAddress is not None:
- self.toAddressesResult.append((self.lastAddress, code, resp))
- if code in SUCCESS:
- self.successAddresses.append(self.lastAddress)
- try:
- self.lastAddress = self.toAddresses.next()
- except StopIteration:
- if self.successAddresses:
- self.sendLine('DATA')
- self._expected = [ 354 ]
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_data
- else:
- return self.smtpState_msgSent(code,'No recipients accepted')
- else:
- self.sendLine('RCPT TO:%s' % quoteaddr(self.lastAddress))
- def smtpState_data(self, code, resp):
- s = basic.FileSender()
- d = s.beginFileTransfer(
- self.getMailData(), self.transport, self.transformChunk)
- def ebTransfer(err):
- self.sendError(err.value)
- d.addCallbacks(self.finishedFileTransfer, ebTransfer)
- self._expected = SUCCESS
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_msgSent
- def smtpState_msgSent(self, code, resp):
- if self._from is not None:
- self.sentMail(code, resp, len(self.successAddresses),
- self.toAddressesResult, self.log)
- self.toAddressesResult = []
- self._from = None
- self.sendLine('RSET')
- self._expected = SUCCESS
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
- ##
- ## Helpers for FileSender
- ##
- def transformChunk(self, chunk):
- """
- Perform the necessary local to network newline conversion and escape
- leading periods.
- This method also resets the idle timeout so that as long as process is
- being made sending the message body, the client will not time out.
- """
- self.resetTimeout()
- return chunk.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\n.', '\r\n..')
- def finishedFileTransfer(self, lastsent):
- if lastsent != '\n':
- line = '\r\n.'
- else:
- line = '.'
- self.sendLine(line)
- ##
- # these methods should be overriden in subclasses
- def getMailFrom(self):
- """Return the email address the mail is from."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getMailTo(self):
- """Return a list of emails to send to."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getMailData(self):
- """Return file-like object containing data of message to be sent.
- Lines in the file should be delimited by '\\n'.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sendError(self, exc):
- """
- If an error occurs before a mail message is sent sendError will be
- called. This base class method sends a QUIT if the error is
- non-fatal and disconnects the connection.
- @param exc: The SMTPClientError (or child class) raised
- @type exc: C{SMTPClientError}
- """
- if isinstance(exc, SMTPClientError) and not exc.isFatal:
- self._disconnectFromServer()
- else:
- # If the error was fatal then the communication channel with the
- # SMTP Server is broken so just close the transport connection
- self.smtpState_disconnect(-1, None)
- def sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log):
- """Called when an attempt to send an email is completed.
- If some addresses were accepted, code and resp are the response
- to the DATA command. If no addresses were accepted, code is -1
- and resp is an informative message.
- @param code: the code returned by the SMTP Server
- @param resp: The string response returned from the SMTP Server
- @param numOK: the number of addresses accepted by the remote host.
- @param addresses: is a list of tuples (address, code, resp) listing
- the response to each RCPT command.
- @param log: is the SMTP session log
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _disconnectFromServer(self):
- self._expected = xrange(0, 1000)
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_disconnect
- self.sendLine('QUIT')
-class ESMTPClient(SMTPClient):
- # Fall back to HELO if the server does not support EHLO
- heloFallback = True
- # Refuse to proceed if authentication cannot be performed
- requireAuthentication = False
- # Refuse to proceed if TLS is not available
- requireTransportSecurity = False
- # Indicate whether or not our transport can be considered secure.
- tlsMode = False
- # ClientContextFactory to use for STARTTLS
- context = None
- def __init__(self, secret, contextFactory=None, *args, **kw):
- SMTPClient.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.authenticators = []
- self.secret = secret
- self.context = contextFactory
- self.tlsMode = False
- def esmtpEHLORequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- self.sendError(EHLORequiredError(502, "Server does not support ESMTP Authentication", self.log.str()))
- def esmtpAUTHRequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- tmp = []
- for a in self.authenticators:
- tmp.append(a.getName().upper())
- auth = "[%s]" % ', '.join(tmp)
- self.sendError(AUTHRequiredError(502, "Server does not support Client Authentication schemes %s" % auth,
- self.log.str()))
- def esmtpTLSRequired(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- self.sendError(TLSRequiredError(502, "Server does not support secure communication via TLS / SSL",
- self.log.str()))
- def esmtpTLSFailed(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- self.sendError(TLSError(code, "Could not complete the SSL/TLS handshake", self.log.str()))
- def esmtpAUTHDeclined(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- self.sendError(AUTHDeclinedError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
- def esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- str = "Login failed because the SMTP Server returned a malformed Authentication Challenge"
- self.sendError(AuthenticationError(501, str, self.log.str()))
- def esmtpAUTHServerError(self, code=-1, resp=None):
- self.sendError(AuthenticationError(code, resp, self.log.str()))
- def registerAuthenticator(self, auth):
- """Registers an Authenticator with the ESMTPClient. The ESMTPClient
- will attempt to login to the SMTP Server in the order the
- Authenticators are registered. The most secure Authentication
- mechanism should be registered first.
- @param auth: The Authentication mechanism to register
- @type auth: class implementing C{IClientAuthentication}
- """
- self.authenticators.append(auth)
- def connectionMade(self):
- SMTPClient.connectionMade(self)
- self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_ehlo
- def esmtpState_ehlo(self, code, resp):
- self._expected = SUCCESS
- self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_serverConfig
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpEHLORequired
- if self.heloFallback:
- self._failresponse = self.smtpState_helo
- self.sendLine('EHLO ' + self.identity)
- def esmtpState_serverConfig(self, code, resp):
- items = {}
- for line in resp.splitlines():
- e = line.split(None, 1)
- if len(e) > 1:
- items[e[0]] = e[1]
- else:
- items[e[0]] = None
- if self.tlsMode:
- self.authenticate(code, resp, items)
- else:
- self.tryTLS(code, resp, items)
- def tryTLS(self, code, resp, items):
- if self.context and 'STARTTLS' in items:
- self._expected = [220]
- self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_starttls
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpTLSFailed
- self.sendLine('STARTTLS')
- elif self.requireTransportSecurity:
- self.tlsMode = False
- self.esmtpTLSRequired()
- else:
- self.tlsMode = False
- self.authenticate(code, resp, items)
- def esmtpState_starttls(self, code, resp):
- try:
- self.transport.startTLS(self.context)
- self.tlsMode = True
- except:
- log.err()
- self.esmtpTLSFailed(451)
- # Send another EHLO once TLS has been started to
- # get the TLS / AUTH schemes. Some servers only allow AUTH in TLS mode.
- self.esmtpState_ehlo(code, resp)
- def authenticate(self, code, resp, items):
- if self.secret and items.get('AUTH'):
- schemes = items['AUTH'].split()
- tmpSchemes = {}
- #XXX: May want to come up with a more efficient way to do this
- for s in schemes:
- tmpSchemes[s.upper()] = 1
- for a in self.authenticators:
- auth = a.getName().upper()
- if auth in tmpSchemes:
- self._authinfo = a
- # Special condition handled
- if auth == "PLAIN":
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
- self._failresponse = self._esmtpState_plainAuth
- self._expected = [235]
- challenge = encode_base64(self._authinfo.challengeResponse(self.secret, 1), eol="")
- self.sendLine('AUTH ' + auth + ' ' + challenge)
- else:
- self._expected = [334]
- self._okresponse = self.esmtpState_challenge
- # If some error occurs here, the server declined the AUTH
- # before the user / password phase. This would be
- # a very rare case
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHServerError
- self.sendLine('AUTH ' + auth)
- return
- if self.requireAuthentication:
- self.esmtpAUTHRequired()
- else:
- self.smtpState_from(code, resp)
- def _esmtpState_plainAuth(self, code, resp):
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_from
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHDeclined
- self._expected = [235]
- challenge = encode_base64(self._authinfo.challengeResponse(self.secret, 2), eol="")
- self.sendLine('AUTH PLAIN ' + challenge)
- def esmtpState_challenge(self, code, resp):
- self._authResponse(self._authinfo, resp)
- def _authResponse(self, auth, challenge):
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHDeclined
- try:
- challenge = base64.decodestring(challenge)
- except binascii.Error:
- # Illegal challenge, give up, then quit
- self.sendLine('*')
- self._okresponse = self.esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge
- self._failresponse = self.esmtpAUTHMalformedChallenge
- else:
- resp = auth.challengeResponse(self.secret, challenge)
- self._expected = [235, 334]
- self._okresponse = self.smtpState_maybeAuthenticated
- self.sendLine(encode_base64(resp, eol=""))
- def smtpState_maybeAuthenticated(self, code, resp):
- """
- Called to handle the next message from the server after sending a
- response to a SASL challenge. The server response might be another
- challenge or it might indicate authentication has succeeded.
- """
- if code == 235:
- # Yes, authenticated!
- del self._authinfo
- self.smtpState_from(code, resp)
- else:
- # No, not authenticated yet. Keep trying.
- self._authResponse(self._authinfo, resp)
-class ESMTP(SMTP):
- ctx = None
- canStartTLS = False
- startedTLS = False
- authenticated = False
- def __init__(self, chal = None, contextFactory = None):
- SMTP.__init__(self)
- if chal is None:
- chal = {}
- self.challengers = chal
- self.authenticated = False
- self.ctx = contextFactory
- def connectionMade(self):
- SMTP.connectionMade(self)
- self.canStartTLS = ITLSTransport.providedBy(self.transport)
- self.canStartTLS = self.canStartTLS and (self.ctx is not None)
- def greeting(self):
- return SMTP.greeting(self) + ' ESMTP'
- def extensions(self):
- ext = {'AUTH': self.challengers.keys()}
- if self.canStartTLS and not self.startedTLS:
- ext['STARTTLS'] = None
- return ext
- def lookupMethod(self, command):
- m = SMTP.lookupMethod(self, command)
- if m is None:
- m = getattr(self, 'ext_' + command.upper(), None)
- return m
- def listExtensions(self):
- r = []
- for (c, v) in self.extensions().iteritems():
- if v is not None:
- if v:
- # Intentionally omit extensions with empty argument lists
- r.append('%s %s' % (c, ' '.join(v)))
- else:
- r.append(c)
- return '\n'.join(r)
- def do_EHLO(self, rest):
- peer = self.transport.getPeer().host
- self._helo = (rest, peer)
- self._from = None
- self._to = []
- self.sendCode(
- 250,
- '%s Hello %s, nice to meet you\n%s' % (
- self.host, peer,
- self.listExtensions(),
- )
- )
- def ext_STARTTLS(self, rest):
- if self.startedTLS:
- self.sendCode(503, 'TLS already negotiated')
- elif self.ctx and self.canStartTLS:
- self.sendCode(220, 'Begin TLS negotiation now')
- self.transport.startTLS(self.ctx)
- self.startedTLS = True
- else:
- self.sendCode(454, 'TLS not available')
- def ext_AUTH(self, rest):
- if self.authenticated:
- self.sendCode(503, 'Already authenticated')
- return
- parts = rest.split(None, 1)
- chal = self.challengers.get(parts[0].upper(), lambda: None)()
- if not chal:
- self.sendCode(504, 'Unrecognized authentication type')
- return
- self.mode = AUTH
- self.challenger = chal
- if len(parts) > 1:
- chal.getChallenge() # Discard it, apparently the client does not
- # care about it.
- rest = parts[1]
- else:
- rest = None
- self.state_AUTH(rest)
- def _cbAuthenticated(self, loginInfo):
- """
- Save the state resulting from a successful cred login and mark this
- connection as authenticated.
- """
- result = SMTP._cbAnonymousAuthentication(self, loginInfo)
- self.authenticated = True
- return result
- def _ebAuthenticated(self, reason):
- """
- Handle cred login errors by translating them to the SMTP authenticate
- failed. Translate all other errors into a generic SMTP error code and
- log the failure for inspection. Stop all errors from propagating.
- """
- self.challenge = None
- if reason.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
- self.sendCode(535, 'Authentication failed')
- else:
- log.err(reason, "SMTP authentication failure")
- self.sendCode(
- 451,
- 'Requested action aborted: local error in processing')
- def state_AUTH(self, response):
- """
- Handle one step of challenge/response authentication.
- @param response: The text of a response. If None, this
- function has been called as a result of an AUTH command with
- no initial response. A response of '*' aborts authentication,
- as per RFC 2554.
- """
- if self.portal is None:
- self.sendCode(454, 'Temporary authentication failure')
- self.mode = COMMAND
- return
- if response is None:
- challenge = self.challenger.getChallenge()
- encoded = challenge.encode('base64')
- self.sendCode(334, encoded)
- return
- if response == '*':
- self.sendCode(501, 'Authentication aborted')
- self.challenger = None
- self.mode = COMMAND
- return
- try:
- uncoded = response.decode('base64')
- except binascii.Error:
- self.sendCode(501, 'Syntax error in parameters or arguments')
- self.challenger = None
- self.mode = COMMAND
- return
- self.challenger.setResponse(uncoded)
- if self.challenger.moreChallenges():
- challenge = self.challenger.getChallenge()
- coded = challenge.encode('base64')[:-1]
- self.sendCode(334, coded)
- return
- self.mode = COMMAND
- result = self.portal.login(
- self.challenger, None,
- IMessageDeliveryFactory, IMessageDelivery)
- result.addCallback(self._cbAuthenticated)
- result.addCallback(lambda ign: self.sendCode(235, 'Authentication successful.'))
- result.addErrback(self._ebAuthenticated)
-class SenderMixin:
- """Utility class for sending emails easily.
- Use with SMTPSenderFactory or ESMTPSenderFactory.
- """
- done = 0
- def getMailFrom(self):
- if not self.done:
- self.done = 1
- return str(self.factory.fromEmail)
- else:
- return None
- def getMailTo(self):
- return self.factory.toEmail
- def getMailData(self):
- return self.factory.file
- def sendError(self, exc):
- # Call the base class to close the connection with the SMTP server
- SMTPClient.sendError(self, exc)
- # Do not retry to connect to SMTP Server if:
- # 1. No more retries left (This allows the correct error to be returned to the errorback)
- # 2. retry is false
- # 3. The error code is not in the 4xx range (Communication Errors)
- if (self.factory.retries >= 0 or
- (not exc.retry and not (exc.code >= 400 and exc.code < 500))):
- self.factory.sendFinished = 1
- self.factory.result.errback(exc)
- def sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log):
- # Do not retry, the SMTP server acknowledged the request
- self.factory.sendFinished = 1
- if code not in SUCCESS:
- errlog = []
- for addr, acode, aresp in addresses:
- if acode not in SUCCESS:
- errlog.append("%s: %03d %s" % (addr, acode, aresp))
- errlog.append(log.str())
- exc = SMTPDeliveryError(code, resp, '\n'.join(errlog), addresses)
- self.factory.result.errback(exc)
- else:
- self.factory.result.callback((numOk, addresses))
-class SMTPSender(SenderMixin, SMTPClient):
- """
- SMTP protocol that sends a single email based on information it
- gets from its factory, a L{SMTPSenderFactory}.
- """
-class SMTPSenderFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- """
- Utility factory for sending emails easily.
- """
- domain = DNSNAME
- protocol = SMTPSender
- def __init__(self, fromEmail, toEmail, file, deferred, retries=5,
- timeout=None):
- """
- @param fromEmail: The RFC 2821 address from which to send this
- message.
- @param toEmail: A sequence of RFC 2821 addresses to which to
- send this message.
- @param file: A file-like object containing the message to send.
- @param deferred: A Deferred to callback or errback when sending
- of this message completes.
- @param retries: The number of times to retry delivery of this
- message.
- @param timeout: Period, in seconds, for which to wait for
- server responses, or None to wait forever.
- """
- assert isinstance(retries, (int, long))
- if isinstance(toEmail, types.StringTypes):
- toEmail = [toEmail]
- self.fromEmail = Address(fromEmail)
- self.nEmails = len(toEmail)
- self.toEmail = toEmail
- self.file = file
- self.result = deferred
- self.result.addBoth(self._removeDeferred)
- self.sendFinished = 0
- self.retries = -retries
- self.timeout = timeout
- def _removeDeferred(self, argh):
- del self.result
- return argh
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, err):
- self._processConnectionError(connector, err)
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, err):
- self._processConnectionError(connector, err)
- def _processConnectionError(self, connector, err):
- if self.retries < self.sendFinished <= 0:
- log.msg("SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: %s" % -self.retries)
- # Rewind the file in case part of it was read while attempting to
- # send the message.
- self.file.seek(0, 0)
- connector.connect()
- self.retries += 1
- elif self.sendFinished <= 0:
- # If we were unable to communicate with the SMTP server a ConnectionDone will be
- # returned. We want a more clear error message for debugging
- if err.check(error.ConnectionDone):
- err.value = SMTPConnectError(-1, "Unable to connect to server.")
- self.result.errback(err.value)
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = self.protocol(self.domain, self.nEmails*2+2)
- p.factory = self
- p.timeout = self.timeout
- return p
-from twisted.mail.imap4 import IClientAuthentication
-from twisted.mail.imap4 import CramMD5ClientAuthenticator, LOGINAuthenticator
-from twisted.mail.imap4 import LOGINCredentials as _lcredentials
-class LOGINCredentials(_lcredentials):
- """
- L{LOGINCredentials} generates challenges for I{LOGIN} authentication.
- For interoperability with Outlook, the challenge generated does not exactly
- match the one defined in the
- U{draft specification<http://sepp.oetiker.ch/sasl-2.1.19-ds/draft-murchison-sasl-login-00.txt>}.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- _lcredentials.__init__(self)
- self.challenges = ['Password:', 'Username:']
-class PLAINAuthenticator:
- implements(IClientAuthentication)
- def __init__(self, user):
- self.user = user
- def getName(self):
- return "PLAIN"
- def challengeResponse(self, secret, chal=1):
- if chal == 1:
- return "%s\0%s\0%s" % (self.user, self.user, secret)
- else:
- return "%s\0%s" % (self.user, secret)
-class ESMTPSender(SenderMixin, ESMTPClient):
- requireAuthentication = True
- requireTransportSecurity = True
- def __init__(self, username, secret, contextFactory=None, *args, **kw):
- self.heloFallback = 0
- self.username = username
- if contextFactory is None:
- contextFactory = self._getContextFactory()
- ESMTPClient.__init__(self, secret, contextFactory, *args, **kw)
- self._registerAuthenticators()
- def _registerAuthenticators(self):
- # Register Authenticator in order from most secure to least secure
- self.registerAuthenticator(CramMD5ClientAuthenticator(self.username))
- self.registerAuthenticator(LOGINAuthenticator(self.username))
- self.registerAuthenticator(PLAINAuthenticator(self.username))
- def _getContextFactory(self):
- if self.context is not None:
- return self.context
- try:
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- except ImportError:
- return None
- else:
- try:
- context = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
- context.method = ssl.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD
- return context
- except AttributeError:
- return None
-class ESMTPSenderFactory(SMTPSenderFactory):
- """
- Utility factory for sending emails easily.
- """
- protocol = ESMTPSender
- def __init__(self, username, password, fromEmail, toEmail, file,
- deferred, retries=5, timeout=None,
- contextFactory=None, heloFallback=False,
- requireAuthentication=True,
- requireTransportSecurity=True):
- SMTPSenderFactory.__init__(self, fromEmail, toEmail, file, deferred, retries, timeout)
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self._contextFactory = contextFactory
- self._heloFallback = heloFallback
- self._requireAuthentication = requireAuthentication
- self._requireTransportSecurity = requireTransportSecurity
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- p = self.protocol(self.username, self.password, self._contextFactory, self.domain, self.nEmails*2+2)
- p.heloFallback = self._heloFallback
- p.requireAuthentication = self._requireAuthentication
- p.requireTransportSecurity = self._requireTransportSecurity
- p.factory = self
- p.timeout = self.timeout
- return p
-def sendmail(smtphost, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, senderDomainName=None, port=25):
- """Send an email
- This interface is intended to be a direct replacement for
- smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() (with the obvious change that
- you specify the smtphost as well). Also, ESMTP options
- are not accepted, as we don't do ESMTP yet. I reserve the
- right to implement the ESMTP options differently.
- @param smtphost: The host the message should be sent to
- @param from_addr: The (envelope) address sending this mail.
- @param to_addrs: A list of addresses to send this mail to. A string will
- be treated as a list of one address
- @param msg: The message, including headers, either as a file or a string.
- File-like objects need to support read() and close(). Lines must be
- delimited by '\\n'. If you pass something that doesn't look like a
- file, we try to convert it to a string (so you should be able to
- pass an email.Message directly, but doing the conversion with
- email.Generator manually will give you more control over the
- process).
- @param senderDomainName: Name by which to identify. If None, try
- to pick something sane (but this depends on external configuration
- and may not succeed).
- @param port: Remote port to which to connect.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @returns: A L{Deferred}, its callback will be called if a message is sent
- to ANY address, the errback if no message is sent.
- The callback will be called with a tuple (numOk, addresses) where numOk
- is the number of successful recipient addresses and addresses is a list
- of tuples (address, code, resp) giving the response to the RCPT command
- for each address.
- """
- if not hasattr(msg,'read'):
- # It's not a file
- msg = StringIO(str(msg))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- factory = SMTPSenderFactory(from_addr, to_addrs, msg, d)
- if senderDomainName is not None:
- factory.domain = senderDomainName
- reactor.connectTCP(smtphost, port, factory)
- return d
-## Yerg. Codecs!
-import codecs
-def xtext_encode(s, errors=None):
- r = []
- for ch in s:
- o = ord(ch)
- if ch == '+' or ch == '=' or o < 33 or o > 126:
- r.append('+%02X' % o)
- else:
- r.append(chr(o))
- return (''.join(r), len(s))
-def xtext_decode(s, errors=None):
- """
- Decode the xtext-encoded string C{s}.
- """
- r = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(s):
- if s[i] == '+':
- try:
- r.append(chr(int(s[i + 1:i + 3], 16)))
- except ValueError:
- r.append(s[i:i + 3])
- i += 3
- else:
- r.append(s[i])
- i += 1
- return (''.join(r), len(s))
-class xtextStreamReader(codecs.StreamReader):
- def decode(self, s, errors='strict'):
- return xtext_decode(s)
-class xtextStreamWriter(codecs.StreamWriter):
- def decode(self, s, errors='strict'):
- return xtext_encode(s)
-def xtext_codec(name):
- if name == 'xtext':
- return (xtext_encode, xtext_decode, xtextStreamReader, xtextStreamWriter)