path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/scripts/mailmail.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/scripts/mailmail.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/scripts/mailmail.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/scripts/mailmail.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a045e822..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/scripts/mailmail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_mailmail -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation module for the I{mailmail} command.
-import os
-import sys
-import rfc822
-import getpass
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- import StringIO
-from twisted.copyright import version
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.mail import smtp
-GLOBAL_CFG = "/etc/mailmail"
-LOCAL_CFG = os.path.expanduser("~/.twisted/mailmail")
-ERROR_FMT = """\
-Subject: Failed Message Delivery
- Message delivery failed. The following occurred:
- %s
-The Twisted sendmail application.
-def log(message, *args):
- sys.stderr.write(str(message) % args + '\n')
-class Options:
- """
- @type to: C{list} of C{str}
- @ivar to: The addresses to which to deliver this message.
- @type sender: C{str}
- @ivar sender: The address from which this message is being sent.
- @type body: C{file}
- @ivar body: The object from which the message is to be read.
- """
-def getlogin():
- try:
- return os.getlogin()
- except:
- return getpass.getuser()
-_unsupportedOption = SystemExit("Unsupported option.")
-def parseOptions(argv):
- o = Options()
- o.to = [e for e in argv if not e.startswith('-')]
- o.sender = getlogin()
- # Just be very stupid
- # Skip -bm -- it is the default
- # Add a non-standard option for querying the version of this tool.
- if '--version' in argv:
- print 'mailmail version:', version
- raise SystemExit()
- # -bp lists queue information. Screw that.
- if '-bp' in argv:
- raise _unsupportedOption
- # -bs makes sendmail use stdin/stdout as its transport. Screw that.
- if '-bs' in argv:
- raise _unsupportedOption
- # -F sets who the mail is from, but is overridable by the From header
- if '-F' in argv:
- o.sender = argv[argv.index('-F') + 1]
- o.to.remove(o.sender)
- # -i and -oi makes us ignore lone "."
- if ('-i' in argv) or ('-oi' in argv):
- raise _unsupportedOption
- # -odb is background delivery
- if '-odb' in argv:
- o.background = True
- else:
- o.background = False
- # -odf is foreground delivery
- if '-odf' in argv:
- o.background = False
- else:
- o.background = True
- # -oem and -em cause errors to be mailed back to the sender.
- # It is also the default.
- # -oep and -ep cause errors to be printed to stderr
- if ('-oep' in argv) or ('-ep' in argv):
- o.printErrors = True
- else:
- o.printErrors = False
- # -om causes a copy of the message to be sent to the sender if the sender
- # appears in an alias expansion. We do not support aliases.
- if '-om' in argv:
- raise _unsupportedOption
- # -t causes us to pick the recipients of the message from the To, Cc, and Bcc
- # headers, and to remove the Bcc header if present.
- if '-t' in argv:
- o.recipientsFromHeaders = True
- o.excludeAddresses = o.to
- o.to = []
- else:
- o.recipientsFromHeaders = False
- o.exludeAddresses = []
- requiredHeaders = {
- 'from': [],
- 'to': [],
- 'cc': [],
- 'bcc': [],
- 'date': [],
- }
- headers = []
- buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
- while 1:
- write = 1
- line = sys.stdin.readline()
- if not line.strip():
- break
- hdrs = line.split(': ', 1)
- hdr = hdrs[0].lower()
- if o.recipientsFromHeaders and hdr in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
- o.to.extend([
- a[1] for a in rfc822.AddressList(hdrs[1]).addresslist
- ])
- if hdr == 'bcc':
- write = 0
- elif hdr == 'from':
- o.sender = rfc822.parseaddr(hdrs[1])[1]
- if hdr in requiredHeaders:
- requiredHeaders[hdr].append(hdrs[1])
- if write:
- buffer.write(line)
- if not requiredHeaders['from']:
- buffer.write('From: %s\r\n' % (o.sender,))
- if not requiredHeaders['to']:
- if not o.to:
- raise SystemExit("No recipients specified.")
- buffer.write('To: %s\r\n' % (', '.join(o.to),))
- if not requiredHeaders['date']:
- buffer.write('Date: %s\r\n' % (smtp.rfc822date(),))
- buffer.write(line)
- if o.recipientsFromHeaders:
- for a in o.excludeAddresses:
- try:
- o.to.remove(a)
- except:
- pass
- buffer.seek(0, 0)
- o.body = StringIO.StringIO(buffer.getvalue() + sys.stdin.read())
- return o
-class Configuration:
- """
- @ivar allowUIDs: A list of UIDs which are allowed to send mail.
- @ivar allowGIDs: A list of GIDs which are allowed to send mail.
- @ivar denyUIDs: A list of UIDs which are not allowed to send mail.
- @ivar denyGIDs: A list of GIDs which are not allowed to send mail.
- @type defaultAccess: C{bool}
- @ivar defaultAccess: C{True} if access will be allowed when no other access
- control rule matches or C{False} if it will be denied in that case.
- @ivar useraccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowUID} first
- or C{'deny'} to check C{denyUID} first.
- @ivar groupaccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowGID} first or
- C{'deny'} to check C{denyGID} first.
- @ivar identities: A C{dict} mapping hostnames to credentials to use when
- sending mail to that host.
- @ivar smarthost: C{None} or a hostname through which all outgoing mail will
- be sent.
- @ivar domain: C{None} or the hostname with which to identify ourselves when
- connecting to an MTA.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.allowUIDs = []
- self.denyUIDs = []
- self.allowGIDs = []
- self.denyGIDs = []
- self.useraccess = 'deny'
- self.groupaccess= 'deny'
- self.identities = {}
- self.smarthost = None
- self.domain = None
- self.defaultAccess = True
-def loadConfig(path):
- # [useraccess]
- # allow=uid1,uid2,...
- # deny=uid1,uid2,...
- # order=allow,deny
- # [groupaccess]
- # allow=gid1,gid2,...
- # deny=gid1,gid2,...
- # order=deny,allow
- # [identity]
- # host1=username:password
- # host2=username:password
- # [addresses]
- # smarthost=a.b.c.d
- # default_domain=x.y.z
- c = Configuration()
- if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
- return c
- p = ConfigParser()
- p.read(path)
- au = c.allowUIDs
- du = c.denyUIDs
- ag = c.allowGIDs
- dg = c.denyGIDs
- for (section, a, d) in (('useraccess', au, du), ('groupaccess', ag, dg)):
- if p.has_section(section):
- for (mode, L) in (('allow', a), ('deny', d)):
- if p.has_option(section, mode) and p.get(section, mode):
- for id in p.get(section, mode).split(','):
- try:
- id = int(id)
- except ValueError:
- log("Illegal %sID in [%s] section: %s", section[0].upper(), section, id)
- else:
- L.append(id)
- order = p.get(section, 'order')
- order = map(str.split, map(str.lower, order.split(',')))
- if order[0] == 'allow':
- setattr(c, section, 'allow')
- else:
- setattr(c, section, 'deny')
- if p.has_section('identity'):
- for (host, up) in p.items('identity'):
- parts = up.split(':', 1)
- if len(parts) != 2:
- log("Illegal entry in [identity] section: %s", up)
- continue
- p.identities[host] = parts
- if p.has_section('addresses'):
- if p.has_option('addresses', 'smarthost'):
- c.smarthost = p.get('addresses', 'smarthost')
- if p.has_option('addresses', 'default_domain'):
- c.domain = p.get('addresses', 'default_domain')
- return c
-def success(result):
- reactor.stop()
-failed = None
-def failure(f):
- global failed
- reactor.stop()
- failed = f
-def sendmail(host, options, ident):
- d = smtp.sendmail(host, options.sender, options.to, options.body)
- d.addCallbacks(success, failure)
- reactor.run()
-def senderror(failure, options):
- recipient = [options.sender]
- sender = '"Internally Generated Message (%s)"<postmaster@%s>' % (sys.argv[0], smtp.DNSNAME)
- error = StringIO.StringIO()
- failure.printTraceback(file=error)
- body = StringIO.StringIO(ERROR_FMT % error.getvalue())
- d = smtp.sendmail('localhost', sender, recipient, body)
- d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop())
-def deny(conf):
- uid = os.getuid()
- gid = os.getgid()
- if conf.useraccess == 'deny':
- if uid in conf.denyUIDs:
- return True
- if uid in conf.allowUIDs:
- return False
- else:
- if uid in conf.allowUIDs:
- return False
- if uid in conf.denyUIDs:
- return True
- if conf.groupaccess == 'deny':
- if gid in conf.denyGIDs:
- return True
- if gid in conf.allowGIDs:
- return False
- else:
- if gid in conf.allowGIDs:
- return False
- if gid in conf.denyGIDs:
- return True
- return not conf.defaultAccess
-def run():
- o = parseOptions(sys.argv[1:])
- gConf = loadConfig(GLOBAL_CFG)
- lConf = loadConfig(LOCAL_CFG)
- if deny(gConf) or deny(lConf):
- log("Permission denied")
- return
- host = lConf.smarthost or gConf.smarthost or SMARTHOST
- ident = gConf.identities.copy()
- ident.update(lConf.identities)
- if lConf.domain:
- smtp.DNSNAME = lConf.domain
- elif gConf.domain:
- smtp.DNSNAME = gConf.domain
- sendmail(host, o, ident)
- if failed:
- if o.printErrors:
- failed.printTraceback(file=sys.stderr)
- raise SystemExit(1)
- else:
- senderror(failed, o)