path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/imap4.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/imap4.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 6208 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/mail/imap4.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_imap -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-An IMAP4 protocol implementation
-@author: Jp Calderone
-To do::
- Suspend idle timeout while server is processing
- Use an async message parser instead of buffering in memory
- Figure out a way to not queue multi-message client requests (Flow? A simple callback?)
- Clarify some API docs (Query, etc)
- Make APPEND recognize (again) non-existent mailboxes before accepting the literal
-import rfc822
-import base64
-import binascii
-import hmac
-import re
-import copy
-import tempfile
-import string
-import time
-import random
-import types
-import email.Utils
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- import StringIO
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from twisted.protocols import policies
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet import error
-from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred
-from twisted.python import log, text
-from twisted.internet import interfaces
-from twisted import cred
-import twisted.cred.error
-import twisted.cred.credentials
-# locale-independent month names to use instead of strftime's
-_MONTH_NAMES = dict(zip(
- range(1, 13),
- "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split()))
-class MessageSet(object):
- """
- Essentially an infinite bitfield, with some extra features.
- @type getnext: Function taking C{int} returning C{int}
- @ivar getnext: A function that returns the next message number,
- used when iterating through the MessageSet. By default, a function
- returning the next integer is supplied, but as this can be rather
- inefficient for sparse UID iterations, it is recommended to supply
- one when messages are requested by UID. The argument is provided
- as a hint to the implementation and may be ignored if it makes sense
- to do so (eg, if an iterator is being used that maintains its own
- state, it is guaranteed that it will not be called out-of-order).
- """
- _empty = []
- def __init__(self, start=_empty, end=_empty):
- """
- Create a new MessageSet()
- @type start: Optional C{int}
- @param start: Start of range, or only message number
- @type end: Optional C{int}
- @param end: End of range.
- """
- self._last = self._empty # Last message/UID in use
- self.ranges = [] # List of ranges included
- self.getnext = lambda x: x+1 # A function which will return the next
- # message id. Handy for UID requests.
- if start is self._empty:
- return
- if isinstance(start, types.ListType):
- self.ranges = start[:]
- self.clean()
- else:
- self.add(start,end)
- # Ooo. A property.
- def last():
- def _setLast(self, value):
- if self._last is not self._empty:
- raise ValueError("last already set")
- self._last = value
- for i, (l, h) in enumerate(self.ranges):
- if l is not None:
- break # There are no more Nones after this
- l = value
- if h is None:
- h = value
- if l > h:
- l, h = h, l
- self.ranges[i] = (l, h)
- self.clean()
- def _getLast(self):
- return self._last
- doc = '''
- "Highest" message number, refered to by "*".
- Must be set before attempting to use the MessageSet.
- '''
- return _getLast, _setLast, None, doc
- last = property(*last())
- def add(self, start, end=_empty):
- """
- Add another range
- @type start: C{int}
- @param start: Start of range, or only message number
- @type end: Optional C{int}
- @param end: End of range.
- """
- if end is self._empty:
- end = start
- if self._last is not self._empty:
- if start is None:
- start = self.last
- if end is None:
- end = self.last
- if start > end:
- # Try to keep in low, high order if possible
- # (But we don't know what None means, this will keep
- # None at the start of the ranges list)
- start, end = end, start
- self.ranges.append((start, end))
- self.clean()
- def __add__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, MessageSet):
- ranges = self.ranges + other.ranges
- return MessageSet(ranges)
- else:
- res = MessageSet(self.ranges)
- try:
- res.add(*other)
- except TypeError:
- res.add(other)
- return res
- def extend(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, MessageSet):
- self.ranges.extend(other.ranges)
- self.clean()
- else:
- try:
- self.add(*other)
- except TypeError:
- self.add(other)
- return self
- def clean(self):
- """
- Clean ranges list, combining adjacent ranges
- """
- self.ranges.sort()
- oldl, oldh = None, None
- for i,(l, h) in enumerate(self.ranges):
- if l is None:
- continue
- # l is >= oldl and h is >= oldh due to sort()
- if oldl is not None and l <= oldh + 1:
- l = oldl
- h = max(oldh, h)
- self.ranges[i - 1] = None
- self.ranges[i] = (l, h)
- oldl, oldh = l, h
- self.ranges = filter(None, self.ranges)
- def __contains__(self, value):
- """
- May raise TypeError if we encounter an open-ended range
- """
- for l, h in self.ranges:
- if l is None:
- raise TypeError(
- "Can't determine membership; last value not set")
- if l <= value <= h:
- return True
- return False
- def _iterator(self):
- for l, h in self.ranges:
- l = self.getnext(l-1)
- while l <= h:
- yield l
- l = self.getnext(l)
- if l is None:
- break
- def __iter__(self):
- if self.ranges and self.ranges[0][0] is None:
- raise TypeError("Can't iterate; last value not set")
- return self._iterator()
- def __len__(self):
- res = 0
- for l, h in self.ranges:
- if l is None:
- if h is None:
- res += 1
- else:
- raise TypeError("Can't size object; last value not set")
- else:
- res += (h - l) + 1
- return res
- def __str__(self):
- p = []
- for low, high in self.ranges:
- if low == high:
- if low is None:
- p.append('*')
- else:
- p.append(str(low))
- elif low is None:
- p.append('%d:*' % (high,))
- else:
- p.append('%d:%d' % (low, high))
- return ','.join(p)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<MessageSet %s>' % (str(self),)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, MessageSet):
- return self.ranges == other.ranges
- return False
-class LiteralString:
- def __init__(self, size, defered):
- self.size = size
- self.data = []
- self.defer = defered
- def write(self, data):
- self.size -= len(data)
- passon = None
- if self.size > 0:
- self.data.append(data)
- else:
- if self.size:
- data, passon = data[:self.size], data[self.size:]
- else:
- passon = ''
- if data:
- self.data.append(data)
- return passon
- def callback(self, line):
- """
- Call defered with data and rest of line
- """
- self.defer.callback((''.join(self.data), line))
-class LiteralFile:
- _memoryFileLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 10
- def __init__(self, size, defered):
- self.size = size
- self.defer = defered
- if size > self._memoryFileLimit:
- self.data = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- else:
- self.data = StringIO.StringIO()
- def write(self, data):
- self.size -= len(data)
- passon = None
- if self.size > 0:
- self.data.write(data)
- else:
- if self.size:
- data, passon = data[:self.size], data[self.size:]
- else:
- passon = ''
- if data:
- self.data.write(data)
- return passon
- def callback(self, line):
- """
- Call defered with data and rest of line
- """
- self.data.seek(0,0)
- self.defer.callback((self.data, line))
-class WriteBuffer:
- """Buffer up a bunch of writes before sending them all to a transport at once.
- """
- def __init__(self, transport, size=8192):
- self.bufferSize = size
- self.transport = transport
- self._length = 0
- self._writes = []
- def write(self, s):
- self._length += len(s)
- self._writes.append(s)
- if self._length > self.bufferSize:
- self.flush()
- def flush(self):
- if self._writes:
- self.transport.writeSequence(self._writes)
- self._writes = []
- self._length = 0
-class Command:
- defer = None
- def __init__(self, command, args=None, wantResponse=(),
- continuation=None, *contArgs, **contKw):
- self.command = command
- self.args = args
- self.wantResponse = wantResponse
- self.continuation = lambda x: continuation(x, *contArgs, **contKw)
- self.lines = []
- def format(self, tag):
- if self.args is None:
- return ' '.join((tag, self.command))
- return ' '.join((tag, self.command, self.args))
- def finish(self, lastLine, unusedCallback):
- send = []
- unuse = []
- for L in self.lines:
- names = parseNestedParens(L)
- N = len(names)
- if (N >= 1 and names[0] in self._1_RESPONSES or
- N >= 2 and names[1] in self._2_RESPONSES or
- N >= 2 and names[0] == 'OK' and isinstance(names[1], types.ListType) and names[1][0] in self._OK_RESPONSES):
- send.append(names)
- else:
- unuse.append(names)
- d, self.defer = self.defer, None
- d.callback((send, lastLine))
- if unuse:
- unusedCallback(unuse)
-class LOGINCredentials(cred.credentials.UsernamePassword):
- def __init__(self):
- self.challenges = ['Password\0', 'User Name\0']
- self.responses = ['password', 'username']
- cred.credentials.UsernamePassword.__init__(self, None, None)
- def getChallenge(self):
- return self.challenges.pop()
- def setResponse(self, response):
- setattr(self, self.responses.pop(), response)
- def moreChallenges(self):
- return bool(self.challenges)
-class PLAINCredentials(cred.credentials.UsernamePassword):
- def __init__(self):
- cred.credentials.UsernamePassword.__init__(self, None, None)
- def getChallenge(self):
- return ''
- def setResponse(self, response):
- parts = response.split('\0')
- if len(parts) != 3:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed Response - wrong number of parts")
- useless, self.username, self.password = parts
- def moreChallenges(self):
- return False
-class IMAP4Exception(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- Exception.__init__(self, *args)
-class IllegalClientResponse(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class IllegalOperation(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class IllegalMailboxEncoding(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class IMailboxListener(Interface):
- """Interface for objects interested in mailbox events"""
- def modeChanged(writeable):
- """Indicates that the write status of a mailbox has changed.
- @type writeable: C{bool}
- @param writeable: A true value if write is now allowed, false
- otherwise.
- """
- def flagsChanged(newFlags):
- """Indicates that the flags of one or more messages have changed.
- @type newFlags: C{dict}
- @param newFlags: A mapping of message identifiers to tuples of flags
- now set on that message.
- """
- def newMessages(exists, recent):
- """Indicates that the number of messages in a mailbox has changed.
- @type exists: C{int} or C{None}
- @param exists: The total number of messages now in this mailbox.
- If the total number of messages has not changed, this should be
- C{None}.
- @type recent: C{int}
- @param recent: The number of messages now flagged \\Recent.
- If the number of recent messages has not changed, this should be
- C{None}.
- """
-class IMAP4Server(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
- """
- Protocol implementation for an IMAP4rev1 server.
- The server can be in any of four states:
- - Non-authenticated
- - Authenticated
- - Selected
- - Logout
- """
- implements(IMailboxListener)
- # Identifier for this server software
- IDENT = 'Twisted IMAP4rev1 Ready'
- # Number of seconds before idle timeout
- # Initially 1 minute. Raised to 30 minutes after login.
- timeOut = 60
- # Whether STARTTLS has been issued successfully yet or not.
- startedTLS = False
- # Whether our transport supports TLS
- canStartTLS = False
- # Mapping of tags to commands we have received
- tags = None
- # The object which will handle logins for us
- portal = None
- # The account object for this connection
- account = None
- # Logout callback
- _onLogout = None
- # The currently selected mailbox
- mbox = None
- # Command data to be processed when literal data is received
- _pendingLiteral = None
- # Maximum length to accept for a "short" string literal
- _literalStringLimit = 4096
- # IChallengeResponse factories for AUTHENTICATE command
- challengers = None
- # Search terms the implementation of which needs to be passed both the last
- # message identifier (UID) and the last sequence id.
- _requiresLastMessageInfo = set(["OR", "NOT", "UID"])
- state = 'unauth'
- parseState = 'command'
- def __init__(self, chal = None, contextFactory = None, scheduler = None):
- if chal is None:
- chal = {}
- self.challengers = chal
- self.ctx = contextFactory
- if scheduler is None:
- scheduler = iterateInReactor
- self._scheduler = scheduler
- self._queuedAsync = []
- def capabilities(self):
- cap = {'AUTH': self.challengers.keys()}
- if self.ctx and self.canStartTLS:
- if not self.startedTLS and interfaces.ISSLTransport(self.transport, None) is None:
- cap['LOGINDISABLED'] = None
- cap['STARTTLS'] = None
- cap['NAMESPACE'] = None
- cap['IDLE'] = None
- return cap
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.tags = {}
- self.canStartTLS = interfaces.ITLSTransport(self.transport, None) is not None
- self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
- self.sendServerGreeting()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.setTimeout(None)
- if self._onLogout:
- self._onLogout()
- self._onLogout = None
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- self.sendLine('* BYE Autologout; connection idle too long')
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- if self.mbox:
- self.mbox.removeListener(self)
- cmbx = ICloseableMailbox(self.mbox, None)
- if cmbx is not None:
- maybeDeferred(cmbx.close).addErrback(log.err)
- self.mbox = None
- self.state = 'timeout'
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- self.resetTimeout()
- passon = self._pendingLiteral.write(data)
- if passon is not None:
- self.setLineMode(passon)
- # Avoid processing commands while buffers are being dumped to
- # our transport
- blocked = None
- def _unblock(self):
- commands = self.blocked
- self.blocked = None
- while commands and self.blocked is None:
- self.lineReceived(commands.pop(0))
- if self.blocked is not None:
- self.blocked.extend(commands)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- if self.blocked is not None:
- self.blocked.append(line)
- return
- self.resetTimeout()
- f = getattr(self, 'parse_' + self.parseState)
- try:
- f(line)
- except Exception, e:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('BAD Server error: ' + str(e))
- log.err()
- def parse_command(self, line):
- args = line.split(None, 2)
- rest = None
- if len(args) == 3:
- tag, cmd, rest = args
- elif len(args) == 2:
- tag, cmd = args
- elif len(args) == 1:
- tag = args[0]
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Missing command')
- return None
- else:
- self.sendBadResponse(None, 'Null command')
- return None
- cmd = cmd.upper()
- try:
- return self.dispatchCommand(tag, cmd, rest)
- except IllegalClientResponse, e:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Illegal syntax: ' + str(e))
- except IllegalOperation, e:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Illegal operation: ' + str(e))
- except IllegalMailboxEncoding, e:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Illegal mailbox name: ' + str(e))
- def parse_pending(self, line):
- d = self._pendingLiteral
- self._pendingLiteral = None
- self.parseState = 'command'
- d.callback(line)
- def dispatchCommand(self, tag, cmd, rest, uid=None):
- f = self.lookupCommand(cmd)
- if f:
- fn = f[0]
- parseargs = f[1:]
- self.__doCommand(tag, fn, [self, tag], parseargs, rest, uid)
- else:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Unsupported command')
- def lookupCommand(self, cmd):
- return getattr(self, '_'.join((self.state, cmd.upper())), None)
- def __doCommand(self, tag, handler, args, parseargs, line, uid):
- for (i, arg) in enumerate(parseargs):
- if callable(arg):
- parseargs = parseargs[i+1:]
- maybeDeferred(arg, self, line).addCallback(
- self.__cbDispatch, tag, handler, args,
- parseargs, uid).addErrback(self.__ebDispatch, tag)
- return
- else:
- args.append(arg)
- if line:
- # Too many arguments
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Too many arguments for command: " + repr(line))
- if uid is not None:
- handler(uid=uid, *args)
- else:
- handler(*args)
- def __cbDispatch(self, (arg, rest), tag, fn, args, parseargs, uid):
- args.append(arg)
- self.__doCommand(tag, fn, args, parseargs, rest, uid)
- def __ebDispatch(self, failure, tag):
- if failure.check(IllegalClientResponse):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Illegal syntax: ' + str(failure.value))
- elif failure.check(IllegalOperation):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Illegal operation: ' +
- str(failure.value))
- elif failure.check(IllegalMailboxEncoding):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Illegal mailbox name: ' +
- str(failure.value))
- else:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: ' + str(failure.value))
- log.err(failure)
- def _stringLiteral(self, size):
- if size > self._literalStringLimit:
- raise IllegalClientResponse(
- "Literal too long! I accept at most %d octets" %
- (self._literalStringLimit,))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.parseState = 'pending'
- self._pendingLiteral = LiteralString(size, d)
- self.sendContinuationRequest('Ready for %d octets of text' % size)
- self.setRawMode()
- return d
- def _fileLiteral(self, size):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.parseState = 'pending'
- self._pendingLiteral = LiteralFile(size, d)
- self.sendContinuationRequest('Ready for %d octets of data' % size)
- self.setRawMode()
- return d
- def arg_astring(self, line):
- """
- Parse an astring from the line, return (arg, rest), possibly
- via a deferred (to handle literals)
- """
- line = line.strip()
- if not line:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing argument")
- d = None
- arg, rest = None, None
- if line[0] == '"':
- try:
- spam, arg, rest = line.split('"',2)
- rest = rest[1:] # Strip space
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Unmatched quotes")
- elif line[0] == '{':
- # literal
- if line[-1] != '}':
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed literal")
- try:
- size = int(line[1:-1])
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Bad literal size: " + line[1:-1])
- d = self._stringLiteral(size)
- else:
- arg = line.split(' ',1)
- if len(arg) == 1:
- arg.append('')
- arg, rest = arg
- return d or (arg, rest)
- # ATOM: Any CHAR except ( ) { % * " \ ] CTL SP (CHAR is 7bit)
- atomre = re.compile(r'(?P<atom>[^\](){%*"\\\x00-\x20\x80-\xff]+)( (?P<rest>.*$)|$)')
- def arg_atom(self, line):
- """
- Parse an atom from the line
- """
- if not line:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing argument")
- m = self.atomre.match(line)
- if m:
- return m.group('atom'), m.group('rest')
- else:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed ATOM")
- def arg_plist(self, line):
- """
- Parse a (non-nested) parenthesised list from the line
- """
- if not line:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing argument")
- if line[0] != "(":
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing parenthesis")
- i = line.find(")")
- if i == -1:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Mismatched parenthesis")
- return (parseNestedParens(line[1:i],0), line[i+2:])
- def arg_literal(self, line):
- """
- Parse a literal from the line
- """
- if not line:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing argument")
- if line[0] != '{':
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing literal")
- if line[-1] != '}':
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed literal")
- try:
- size = int(line[1:-1])
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Bad literal size: " + line[1:-1])
- return self._fileLiteral(size)
- def arg_searchkeys(self, line):
- """
- searchkeys
- """
- query = parseNestedParens(line)
- # XXX Should really use list of search terms and parse into
- # a proper tree
- return (query, '')
- def arg_seqset(self, line):
- """
- sequence-set
- """
- rest = ''
- arg = line.split(' ',1)
- if len(arg) == 2:
- rest = arg[1]
- arg = arg[0]
- try:
- return (parseIdList(arg), rest)
- except IllegalIdentifierError, e:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Bad message number " + str(e))
- def arg_fetchatt(self, line):
- """
- fetch-att
- """
- p = _FetchParser()
- p.parseString(line)
- return (p.result, '')
- def arg_flaglist(self, line):
- """
- Flag part of store-att-flag
- """
- flags = []
- if line[0] == '(':
- if line[-1] != ')':
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Mismatched parenthesis")
- line = line[1:-1]
- while line:
- m = self.atomre.search(line)
- if not m:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed flag")
- if line[0] == '\\' and m.start() == 1:
- flags.append('\\' + m.group('atom'))
- elif m.start() == 0:
- flags.append(m.group('atom'))
- else:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed flag")
- line = m.group('rest')
- return (flags, '')
- def arg_line(self, line):
- """
- Command line of UID command
- """
- return (line, '')
- def opt_plist(self, line):
- """
- Optional parenthesised list
- """
- if line.startswith('('):
- return self.arg_plist(line)
- else:
- return (None, line)
- def opt_datetime(self, line):
- """
- Optional date-time string
- """
- if line.startswith('"'):
- try:
- spam, date, rest = line.split('"',2)
- except IndexError:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed date-time")
- return (date, rest[1:])
- else:
- return (None, line)
- def opt_charset(self, line):
- """
- Optional charset of SEARCH command
- """
- if line[:7].upper() == 'CHARSET':
- arg = line.split(' ',2)
- if len(arg) == 1:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Missing charset identifier")
- if len(arg) == 2:
- arg.append('')
- spam, arg, rest = arg
- return (arg, rest)
- else:
- return (None, line)
- def sendServerGreeting(self):
- msg = '[CAPABILITY %s] %s' % (' '.join(self.listCapabilities()), self.IDENT)
- self.sendPositiveResponse(message=msg)
- def sendBadResponse(self, tag = None, message = ''):
- self._respond('BAD', tag, message)
- def sendPositiveResponse(self, tag = None, message = ''):
- self._respond('OK', tag, message)
- def sendNegativeResponse(self, tag = None, message = ''):
- self._respond('NO', tag, message)
- def sendUntaggedResponse(self, message, async=False):
- if not async or (self.blocked is None):
- self._respond(message, None, None)
- else:
- self._queuedAsync.append(message)
- def sendContinuationRequest(self, msg = 'Ready for additional command text'):
- if msg:
- self.sendLine('+ ' + msg)
- else:
- self.sendLine('+')
- def _respond(self, state, tag, message):
- if state in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD') and self._queuedAsync:
- lines = self._queuedAsync
- self._queuedAsync = []
- for msg in lines:
- self._respond(msg, None, None)
- if not tag:
- tag = '*'
- if message:
- self.sendLine(' '.join((tag, state, message)))
- else:
- self.sendLine(' '.join((tag, state)))
- def listCapabilities(self):
- caps = ['IMAP4rev1']
- for c, v in self.capabilities().iteritems():
- if v is None:
- caps.append(c)
- elif len(v):
- caps.extend([('%s=%s' % (c, cap)) for cap in v])
- return caps
- def do_CAPABILITY(self, tag):
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('CAPABILITY ' + ' '.join(self.listCapabilities()))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'CAPABILITY completed')
- def do_LOGOUT(self, tag):
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('BYE Nice talking to you')
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'LOGOUT successful')
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- unauth_LOGOUT = (do_LOGOUT,)
- auth_LOGOUT = unauth_LOGOUT
- select_LOGOUT = unauth_LOGOUT
- logout_LOGOUT = unauth_LOGOUT
- def do_NOOP(self, tag):
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'NOOP No operation performed')
- unauth_NOOP = (do_NOOP,)
- auth_NOOP = unauth_NOOP
- select_NOOP = unauth_NOOP
- logout_NOOP = unauth_NOOP
- def do_AUTHENTICATE(self, tag, args):
- args = args.upper().strip()
- if args not in self.challengers:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'AUTHENTICATE method unsupported')
- else:
- self.authenticate(self.challengers[args](), tag)
- unauth_AUTHENTICATE = (do_AUTHENTICATE, arg_atom)
- def authenticate(self, chal, tag):
- if self.portal is None:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Temporary authentication failure')
- return
- self._setupChallenge(chal, tag)
- def _setupChallenge(self, chal, tag):
- try:
- challenge = chal.getChallenge()
- except Exception, e:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: ' + str(e))
- else:
- coded = base64.encodestring(challenge)[:-1]
- self.parseState = 'pending'
- self._pendingLiteral = defer.Deferred()
- self.sendContinuationRequest(coded)
- self._pendingLiteral.addCallback(self.__cbAuthChunk, chal, tag)
- self._pendingLiteral.addErrback(self.__ebAuthChunk, tag)
- def __cbAuthChunk(self, result, chal, tag):
- try:
- uncoded = base64.decodestring(result)
- except binascii.Error:
- raise IllegalClientResponse("Malformed Response - not base64")
- chal.setResponse(uncoded)
- if chal.moreChallenges():
- self._setupChallenge(chal, tag)
- else:
- self.portal.login(chal, None, IAccount).addCallbacks(
- self.__cbAuthResp,
- self.__ebAuthResp,
- (tag,), None, (tag,), None
- )
- def __cbAuthResp(self, (iface, avatar, logout), tag):
- assert iface is IAccount, "IAccount is the only supported interface"
- self.account = avatar
- self.state = 'auth'
- self._onLogout = logout
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Authentication successful')
- self.setTimeout(self.POSTAUTH_TIMEOUT)
- def __ebAuthResp(self, failure, tag):
- if failure.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Authentication failed: unauthorized')
- elif failure.check(cred.error.UnhandledCredentials):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Authentication failed: server misconfigured')
- else:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: login failed unexpectedly')
- log.err(failure)
- def __ebAuthChunk(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Authentication failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- def do_STARTTLS(self, tag):
- if self.startedTLS:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'TLS already negotiated')
- elif self.ctx and self.canStartTLS:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Begin TLS negotiation now')
- self.transport.startTLS(self.ctx)
- self.startedTLS = True
- self.challengers = self.challengers.copy()
- if 'LOGIN' not in self.challengers:
- self.challengers['LOGIN'] = LOGINCredentials
- if 'PLAIN' not in self.challengers:
- self.challengers['PLAIN'] = PLAINCredentials
- else:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'TLS not available')
- unauth_STARTTLS = (do_STARTTLS,)
- def do_LOGIN(self, tag, user, passwd):
- if 'LOGINDISABLED' in self.capabilities():
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'LOGIN is disabled before STARTTLS')
- return
- maybeDeferred(self.authenticateLogin, user, passwd
- ).addCallback(self.__cbLogin, tag
- ).addErrback(self.__ebLogin, tag
- )
- unauth_LOGIN = (do_LOGIN, arg_astring, arg_astring)
- def authenticateLogin(self, user, passwd):
- """Lookup the account associated with the given parameters
- Override this method to define the desired authentication behavior.
- The default behavior is to defer authentication to C{self.portal}
- if it is not None, or to deny the login otherwise.
- @type user: C{str}
- @param user: The username to lookup
- @type passwd: C{str}
- @param passwd: The password to login with
- """
- if self.portal:
- return self.portal.login(
- cred.credentials.UsernamePassword(user, passwd),
- None, IAccount
- )
- raise cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin()
- def __cbLogin(self, (iface, avatar, logout), tag):
- if iface is not IAccount:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: login returned unexpected value')
- log.err("__cbLogin called with %r, IAccount expected" % (iface,))
- else:
- self.account = avatar
- self._onLogout = logout
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'LOGIN succeeded')
- self.state = 'auth'
- self.setTimeout(self.POSTAUTH_TIMEOUT)
- def __ebLogin(self, failure, tag):
- if failure.check(cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin):
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'LOGIN failed')
- else:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: ' + str(failure.value))
- log.err(failure)
- def do_NAMESPACE(self, tag):
- personal = public = shared = None
- np = INamespacePresenter(self.account, None)
- if np is not None:
- personal = np.getPersonalNamespaces()
- public = np.getSharedNamespaces()
- shared = np.getSharedNamespaces()
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('NAMESPACE ' + collapseNestedLists([personal, public, shared]))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, "NAMESPACE command completed")
- def _parseMbox(self, name):
- if isinstance(name, unicode):
- return name
- try:
- return name.decode('imap4-utf-7')
- except:
- log.err()
- raise IllegalMailboxEncoding(name)
- def _selectWork(self, tag, name, rw, cmdName):
- if self.mbox:
- self.mbox.removeListener(self)
- cmbx = ICloseableMailbox(self.mbox, None)
- if cmbx is not None:
- maybeDeferred(cmbx.close).addErrback(log.err)
- self.mbox = None
- self.state = 'auth'
- name = self._parseMbox(name)
- maybeDeferred(self.account.select, self._parseMbox(name), rw
- ).addCallback(self._cbSelectWork, cmdName, tag
- ).addErrback(self._ebSelectWork, cmdName, tag
- )
- def _ebSelectWork(self, failure, cmdName, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "%s failed: Server error" % (cmdName,))
- log.err(failure)
- def _cbSelectWork(self, mbox, cmdName, tag):
- if mbox is None:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'No such mailbox')
- return
- if '\\noselect' in [s.lower() for s in mbox.getFlags()]:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Mailbox cannot be selected')
- return
- flags = mbox.getFlags()
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(str(mbox.getMessageCount()) + ' EXISTS')
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(str(mbox.getRecentCount()) + ' RECENT')
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('FLAGS (%s)' % ' '.join(flags))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(None, '[UIDVALIDITY %d]' % mbox.getUIDValidity())
- s = mbox.isWriteable() and 'READ-WRITE' or 'READ-ONLY'
- mbox.addListener(self)
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, '[%s] %s successful' % (s, cmdName))
- self.state = 'select'
- self.mbox = mbox
- auth_SELECT = ( _selectWork, arg_astring, 1, 'SELECT' )
- select_SELECT = auth_SELECT
- auth_EXAMINE = ( _selectWork, arg_astring, 0, 'EXAMINE' )
- select_EXAMINE = auth_EXAMINE
- def do_IDLE(self, tag):
- self.sendContinuationRequest(None)
- self.parseTag = tag
- self.lastState = self.parseState
- self.parseState = 'idle'
- def parse_idle(self, *args):
- self.parseState = self.lastState
- del self.lastState
- self.sendPositiveResponse(self.parseTag, "IDLE terminated")
- del self.parseTag
- select_IDLE = ( do_IDLE, )
- auth_IDLE = select_IDLE
- def do_CREATE(self, tag, name):
- name = self._parseMbox(name)
- try:
- result = self.account.create(name)
- except MailboxException, c:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, str(c))
- except:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while creating mailbox")
- log.err()
- else:
- if result:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Mailbox created')
- else:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'Mailbox not created')
- auth_CREATE = (do_CREATE, arg_astring)
- select_CREATE = auth_CREATE
- def do_DELETE(self, tag, name):
- name = self._parseMbox(name)
- if name.lower() == 'inbox':
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'You cannot delete the inbox')
- return
- try:
- self.account.delete(name)
- except MailboxException, m:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, str(m))
- except:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while deleting mailbox")
- log.err()
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Mailbox deleted')
- auth_DELETE = (do_DELETE, arg_astring)
- select_DELETE = auth_DELETE
- def do_RENAME(self, tag, oldname, newname):
- oldname, newname = [self._parseMbox(n) for n in oldname, newname]
- if oldname.lower() == 'inbox' or newname.lower() == 'inbox':
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'You cannot rename the inbox, or rename another mailbox to inbox.')
- return
- try:
- self.account.rename(oldname, newname)
- except TypeError:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Invalid command syntax')
- except MailboxException, m:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, str(m))
- except:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while renaming mailbox")
- log.err()
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Mailbox renamed')
- auth_RENAME = (do_RENAME, arg_astring, arg_astring)
- select_RENAME = auth_RENAME
- def do_SUBSCRIBE(self, tag, name):
- name = self._parseMbox(name)
- try:
- self.account.subscribe(name)
- except MailboxException, m:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, str(m))
- except:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while subscribing to mailbox")
- log.err()
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Subscribed')
- auth_SUBSCRIBE = (do_SUBSCRIBE, arg_astring)
- def do_UNSUBSCRIBE(self, tag, name):
- name = self._parseMbox(name)
- try:
- self.account.unsubscribe(name)
- except MailboxException, m:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, str(m))
- except:
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while unsubscribing from mailbox")
- log.err()
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'Unsubscribed')
- auth_UNSUBSCRIBE = (do_UNSUBSCRIBE, arg_astring)
- def _listWork(self, tag, ref, mbox, sub, cmdName):
- mbox = self._parseMbox(mbox)
- maybeDeferred(self.account.listMailboxes, ref, mbox
- ).addCallback(self._cbListWork, tag, sub, cmdName
- ).addErrback(self._ebListWork, tag
- )
- def _cbListWork(self, mailboxes, tag, sub, cmdName):
- for (name, box) in mailboxes:
- if not sub or self.account.isSubscribed(name):
- flags = box.getFlags()
- delim = box.getHierarchicalDelimiter()
- resp = (DontQuoteMe(cmdName), map(DontQuoteMe, flags), delim, name.encode('imap4-utf-7'))
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(collapseNestedLists(resp))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, '%s completed' % (cmdName,))
- def _ebListWork(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while listing mailboxes.")
- log.err(failure)
- auth_LIST = (_listWork, arg_astring, arg_astring, 0, 'LIST')
- select_LIST = auth_LIST
- auth_LSUB = (_listWork, arg_astring, arg_astring, 1, 'LSUB')
- select_LSUB = auth_LSUB
- def do_STATUS(self, tag, mailbox, names):
- mailbox = self._parseMbox(mailbox)
- maybeDeferred(self.account.select, mailbox, 0
- ).addCallback(self._cbStatusGotMailbox, tag, mailbox, names
- ).addErrback(self._ebStatusGotMailbox, tag
- )
- def _cbStatusGotMailbox(self, mbox, tag, mailbox, names):
- if mbox:
- maybeDeferred(mbox.requestStatus, names).addCallbacks(
- self.__cbStatus, self.__ebStatus,
- (tag, mailbox), None, (tag, mailbox), None
- )
- else:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, "Could not open mailbox")
- def _ebStatusGotMailbox(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while opening mailbox.")
- log.err(failure)
- auth_STATUS = (do_STATUS, arg_astring, arg_plist)
- select_STATUS = auth_STATUS
- def __cbStatus(self, status, tag, box):
- line = ' '.join(['%s %s' % x for x in status.iteritems()])
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('STATUS %s (%s)' % (box, line))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'STATUS complete')
- def __ebStatus(self, failure, tag, box):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'STATUS %s failed: %s' % (box, str(failure.value)))
- def do_APPEND(self, tag, mailbox, flags, date, message):
- mailbox = self._parseMbox(mailbox)
- maybeDeferred(self.account.select, mailbox
- ).addCallback(self._cbAppendGotMailbox, tag, flags, date, message
- ).addErrback(self._ebAppendGotMailbox, tag
- )
- def _cbAppendGotMailbox(self, mbox, tag, flags, date, message):
- if not mbox:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, '[TRYCREATE] No such mailbox')
- return
- d = mbox.addMessage(message, flags, date)
- d.addCallback(self.__cbAppend, tag, mbox)
- d.addErrback(self.__ebAppend, tag)
- def _ebAppendGotMailbox(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while opening mailbox.")
- log.err(failure)
- auth_APPEND = (do_APPEND, arg_astring, opt_plist, opt_datetime,
- arg_literal)
- select_APPEND = auth_APPEND
- def __cbAppend(self, result, tag, mbox):
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d EXISTS' % mbox.getMessageCount())
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'APPEND complete')
- def __ebAppend(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'APPEND failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- def do_CHECK(self, tag):
- d = self.checkpoint()
- if d is None:
- self.__cbCheck(None, tag)
- else:
- d.addCallbacks(
- self.__cbCheck,
- self.__ebCheck,
- callbackArgs=(tag,),
- errbackArgs=(tag,)
- )
- select_CHECK = (do_CHECK,)
- def __cbCheck(self, result, tag):
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'CHECK completed')
- def __ebCheck(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'CHECK failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- def checkpoint(self):
- """Called when the client issues a CHECK command.
- This should perform any checkpoint operations required by the server.
- It may be a long running operation, but may not block. If it returns
- a deferred, the client will only be informed of success (or failure)
- when the deferred's callback (or errback) is invoked.
- """
- return None
- def do_CLOSE(self, tag):
- d = None
- if self.mbox.isWriteable():
- d = maybeDeferred(self.mbox.expunge)
- cmbx = ICloseableMailbox(self.mbox, None)
- if cmbx is not None:
- if d is not None:
- d.addCallback(lambda result: cmbx.close())
- else:
- d = maybeDeferred(cmbx.close)
- if d is not None:
- d.addCallbacks(self.__cbClose, self.__ebClose, (tag,), None, (tag,), None)
- else:
- self.__cbClose(None, tag)
- select_CLOSE = (do_CLOSE,)
- def __cbClose(self, result, tag):
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'CLOSE completed')
- self.mbox.removeListener(self)
- self.mbox = None
- self.state = 'auth'
- def __ebClose(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'CLOSE failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- def do_EXPUNGE(self, tag):
- if self.mbox.isWriteable():
- maybeDeferred(self.mbox.expunge).addCallbacks(
- self.__cbExpunge, self.__ebExpunge, (tag,), None, (tag,), None
- )
- else:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'EXPUNGE ignored on read-only mailbox')
- select_EXPUNGE = (do_EXPUNGE,)
- def __cbExpunge(self, result, tag):
- for e in result:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d EXPUNGE' % e)
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'EXPUNGE completed')
- def __ebExpunge(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'EXPUNGE failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- log.err(failure)
- def do_SEARCH(self, tag, charset, query, uid=0):
- sm = ISearchableMailbox(self.mbox, None)
- if sm is not None:
- maybeDeferred(sm.search, query, uid=uid
- ).addCallback(self.__cbSearch, tag, self.mbox, uid
- ).addErrback(self.__ebSearch, tag)
- else:
- # that's not the ideal way to get all messages, there should be a
- # method on mailboxes that gives you all of them
- s = parseIdList('1:*')
- maybeDeferred(self.mbox.fetch, s, uid=uid
- ).addCallback(self.__cbManualSearch,
- tag, self.mbox, query, uid
- ).addErrback(self.__ebSearch, tag)
- select_SEARCH = (do_SEARCH, opt_charset, arg_searchkeys)
- def __cbSearch(self, result, tag, mbox, uid):
- if uid:
- result = map(mbox.getUID, result)
- ids = ' '.join([str(i) for i in result])
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('SEARCH ' + ids)
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'SEARCH completed')
- def __cbManualSearch(self, result, tag, mbox, query, uid,
- searchResults=None):
- """
- Apply the search filter to a set of messages. Send the response to the
- client.
- @type result: C{list} of C{tuple} of (C{int}, provider of
- L{imap4.IMessage})
- @param result: A list two tuples of messages with their sequence ids,
- sorted by the ids in descending order.
- @type tag: C{str}
- @param tag: A command tag.
- @type mbox: Provider of L{imap4.IMailbox}
- @param mbox: The searched mailbox.
- @type query: C{list}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search query.
- @param uid: A flag indicating whether the search is over message
- sequence numbers or UIDs.
- @type searchResults: C{list}
- @param searchResults: The search results so far or C{None} if no
- results yet.
- """
- if searchResults is None:
- searchResults = []
- i = 0
- # result is a list of tuples (sequenceId, Message)
- lastSequenceId = result and result[-1][0]
- lastMessageId = result and result[-1][1].getUID()
- for (i, (id, msg)) in zip(range(5), result):
- # searchFilter and singleSearchStep will mutate the query. Dang.
- # Copy it here or else things will go poorly for subsequent
- # messages.
- if self._searchFilter(copy.deepcopy(query), id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId):
- if uid:
- searchResults.append(str(msg.getUID()))
- else:
- searchResults.append(str(id))
- if i == 4:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- reactor.callLater(
- 0, self.__cbManualSearch, result[5:], tag, mbox, query, uid,
- searchResults)
- else:
- if searchResults:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('SEARCH ' + ' '.join(searchResults))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'SEARCH completed')
- def _searchFilter(self, query, id, msg, lastSequenceId, lastMessageId):
- """
- Pop search terms from the beginning of C{query} until there are none
- left and apply them to the given message.
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search query.
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @param msg: The message being checked.
- @type lastSequenceId: C{int}
- @param lastSequenceId: The highest sequence number of any message in
- the mailbox being searched.
- @type lastMessageId: C{int}
- @param lastMessageId: The highest UID of any message in the mailbox
- being searched.
- @return: Boolean indicating whether all of the query terms match the
- message.
- """
- while query:
- if not self._singleSearchStep(query, id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId):
- return False
- return True
- def _singleSearchStep(self, query, id, msg, lastSequenceId, lastMessageId):
- """
- Pop one search term from the beginning of C{query} (possibly more than
- one element) and return whether it matches the given message.
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search query.
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @param msg: The message being checked.
- @param lastSequenceId: The highest sequence number of any message in
- the mailbox being searched.
- @param lastMessageId: The highest UID of any message in the mailbox
- being searched.
- @return: Boolean indicating whether the query term matched the message.
- """
- q = query.pop(0)
- if isinstance(q, list):
- if not self._searchFilter(q, id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId):
- return False
- else:
- c = q.upper()
- if not c[:1].isalpha():
- # A search term may be a word like ALL, ANSWERED, BCC, etc (see
- # below) or it may be a message sequence set. Here we
- # recognize a message sequence set "N:M".
- messageSet = parseIdList(c, lastSequenceId)
- return id in messageSet
- else:
- f = getattr(self, 'search_' + c, None)
- if f is None:
- raise IllegalQueryError("Invalid search command %s" % c)
- if c in self._requiresLastMessageInfo:
- result = f(query, id, msg, (lastSequenceId,
- lastMessageId))
- else:
- result = f(query, id, msg)
- if not result:
- return False
- return True
- def search_ALL(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message matches the ALL search key (always).
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed query string.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- return True
- def search_ANSWERED(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message has been answered.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed query string.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- return '\\Answered' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_BCC(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message has a BCC address matching the query.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list whose first element is a BCC C{str}
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- bcc = msg.getHeaders(False, 'bcc').get('bcc', '')
- return bcc.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_BEFORE(self, query, id, msg):
- date = parseTime(query.pop(0))
- return rfc822.parsedate(msg.getInternalDate()) < date
- def search_BODY(self, query, id, msg):
- body = query.pop(0).lower()
- return text.strFile(body, msg.getBodyFile(), False)
- def search_CC(self, query, id, msg):
- cc = msg.getHeaders(False, 'cc').get('cc', '')
- return cc.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_DELETED(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Deleted' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_DRAFT(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Draft' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_FLAGGED(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Flagged' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_FROM(self, query, id, msg):
- fm = msg.getHeaders(False, 'from').get('from', '')
- return fm.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_HEADER(self, query, id, msg):
- hdr = query.pop(0).lower()
- hdr = msg.getHeaders(False, hdr).get(hdr, '')
- return hdr.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_KEYWORD(self, query, id, msg):
- query.pop(0)
- return False
- def search_LARGER(self, query, id, msg):
- return int(query.pop(0)) < msg.getSize()
- def search_NEW(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Recent' in msg.getFlags() and '\\Seen' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_NOT(self, query, id, msg, (lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message does not match the query.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search query.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- @param msg: The message being checked.
- @type lastSequenceId: C{int}
- @param lastSequenceId: The highest sequence number of a message in the
- mailbox.
- @type lastMessageId: C{int}
- @param lastMessageId: The highest UID of a message in the mailbox.
- """
- return not self._singleSearchStep(query, id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)
- def search_OLD(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Recent' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_ON(self, query, id, msg):
- date = parseTime(query.pop(0))
- return rfc822.parsedate(msg.getInternalDate()) == date
- def search_OR(self, query, id, msg, (lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message matches any of the first two query
- items.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search query.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- @param msg: The message being checked.
- @type lastSequenceId: C{int}
- @param lastSequenceId: The highest sequence number of a message in the
- mailbox.
- @type lastMessageId: C{int}
- @param lastMessageId: The highest UID of a message in the mailbox.
- """
- a = self._singleSearchStep(query, id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)
- b = self._singleSearchStep(query, id, msg,
- lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)
- return a or b
- def search_RECENT(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Recent' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_SEEN(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Seen' in msg.getFlags()
- def search_SENTBEFORE(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message date is earlier than the query date.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list whose first element starts with a stringified date
- that is a fragment of an L{imap4.Query()}. The date must be in the
- format 'DD-Mon-YYYY', for example '03-March-2003' or '03-Mar-2003'.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- date = msg.getHeaders(False, 'date').get('date', '')
- date = rfc822.parsedate(date)
- return date < parseTime(query.pop(0))
- def search_SENTON(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message date is the same as the query date.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list whose first element starts with a stringified date
- that is a fragment of an L{imap4.Query()}. The date must be in the
- format 'DD-Mon-YYYY', for example '03-March-2003' or '03-Mar-2003'.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- date = msg.getHeaders(False, 'date').get('date', '')
- date = rfc822.parsedate(date)
- return date[:3] == parseTime(query.pop(0))[:3]
- def search_SENTSINCE(self, query, id, msg):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message date is later than the query date.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list whose first element starts with a stringified date
- that is a fragment of an L{imap4.Query()}. The date must be in the
- format 'DD-Mon-YYYY', for example '03-March-2003' or '03-Mar-2003'.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- """
- date = msg.getHeaders(False, 'date').get('date', '')
- date = rfc822.parsedate(date)
- return date > parseTime(query.pop(0))
- def search_SINCE(self, query, id, msg):
- date = parseTime(query.pop(0))
- return rfc822.parsedate(msg.getInternalDate()) > date
- def search_SMALLER(self, query, id, msg):
- return int(query.pop(0)) > msg.getSize()
- def search_SUBJECT(self, query, id, msg):
- subj = msg.getHeaders(False, 'subject').get('subject', '')
- return subj.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_TEXT(self, query, id, msg):
- # XXX - This must search headers too
- body = query.pop(0).lower()
- return text.strFile(body, msg.getBodyFile(), False)
- def search_TO(self, query, id, msg):
- to = msg.getHeaders(False, 'to').get('to', '')
- return to.lower().find(query.pop(0).lower()) != -1
- def search_UID(self, query, id, msg, (lastSequenceId, lastMessageId)):
- """
- Returns C{True} if the message UID is in the range defined by the
- search query.
- @type query: A C{list} of C{str}
- @param query: A list representing the parsed form of the search
- query. Its first element should be a C{str} that can be interpreted
- as a sequence range, for example '2:4,5:*'.
- @type id: C{int}
- @param id: The sequence number of the message being checked.
- @type msg: Provider of L{imap4.IMessage}
- @param msg: The message being checked.
- @type lastSequenceId: C{int}
- @param lastSequenceId: The highest sequence number of a message in the
- mailbox.
- @type lastMessageId: C{int}
- @param lastMessageId: The highest UID of a message in the mailbox.
- """
- c = query.pop(0)
- m = parseIdList(c, lastMessageId)
- return msg.getUID() in m
- def search_UNANSWERED(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Answered' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_UNDELETED(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Deleted' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_UNDRAFT(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Draft' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_UNFLAGGED(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Flagged' not in msg.getFlags()
- def search_UNKEYWORD(self, query, id, msg):
- query.pop(0)
- return False
- def search_UNSEEN(self, query, id, msg):
- return '\\Seen' not in msg.getFlags()
- def __ebSearch(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'SEARCH failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- log.err(failure)
- def do_FETCH(self, tag, messages, query, uid=0):
- if query:
- self._oldTimeout = self.setTimeout(None)
- maybeDeferred(self.mbox.fetch, messages, uid=uid
- ).addCallback(iter
- ).addCallback(self.__cbFetch, tag, query, uid
- ).addErrback(self.__ebFetch, tag
- )
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'FETCH complete')
- select_FETCH = (do_FETCH, arg_seqset, arg_fetchatt)
- def __cbFetch(self, results, tag, query, uid):
- if self.blocked is None:
- self.blocked = []
- try:
- id, msg = results.next()
- except StopIteration:
- # The idle timeout was suspended while we delivered results,
- # restore it now.
- self.setTimeout(self._oldTimeout)
- del self._oldTimeout
- # All results have been processed, deliver completion notification.
- # It's important to run this *after* resetting the timeout to "rig
- # a race" in some test code. writing to the transport will
- # synchronously call test code, which synchronously loses the
- # connection, calling our connectionLost method, which cancels the
- # timeout. We want to make sure that timeout is cancelled *after*
- # we reset it above, so that the final state is no timed
- # calls. This avoids reactor uncleanliness errors in the test
- # suite.
- # XXX: Perhaps loopback should be fixed to not call the user code
- # synchronously in transport.write?
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'FETCH completed')
- # Instance state is now consistent again (ie, it is as though
- # the fetch command never ran), so allow any pending blocked
- # commands to execute.
- self._unblock()
- else:
- self.spewMessage(id, msg, query, uid
- ).addCallback(lambda _: self.__cbFetch(results, tag, query, uid)
- ).addErrback(self.__ebSpewMessage
- )
- def __ebSpewMessage(self, failure):
- # This indicates a programming error.
- # There's no reliable way to indicate anything to the client, since we
- # may have already written an arbitrary amount of data in response to
- # the command.
- log.err(failure)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def spew_envelope(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('ENVELOPE ' + collapseNestedLists([getEnvelope(msg)]))
- def spew_flags(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('FLAGS ' + '(%s)' % (' '.join(msg.getFlags())))
- def spew_internaldate(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- idate = msg.getInternalDate()
- ttup = rfc822.parsedate_tz(idate)
- if ttup is None:
- log.msg("%d:%r: unpareseable internaldate: %r" % (id, msg, idate))
- raise IMAP4Exception("Internal failure generating INTERNALDATE")
- # need to specify the month manually, as strftime depends on locale
- strdate = time.strftime("%d-%%s-%Y %H:%M:%S ", ttup[:9])
- odate = strdate % (_MONTH_NAMES[ttup[1]],)
- if ttup[9] is None:
- odate = odate + "+0000"
- else:
- if ttup[9] >= 0:
- sign = "+"
- else:
- sign = "-"
- odate = odate + sign + str(((abs(ttup[9]) // 3600) * 100 + (abs(ttup[9]) % 3600) // 60)).zfill(4)
- _w('INTERNALDATE ' + _quote(odate))
- def spew_rfc822header(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- hdrs = _formatHeaders(msg.getHeaders(True))
- _w('RFC822.HEADER ' + _literal(hdrs))
- def spew_rfc822text(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('RFC822.TEXT ')
- _f()
- return FileProducer(msg.getBodyFile()
- ).beginProducing(self.transport
- )
- def spew_rfc822size(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('RFC822.SIZE ' + str(msg.getSize()))
- def spew_rfc822(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('RFC822 ')
- _f()
- mf = IMessageFile(msg, None)
- if mf is not None:
- return FileProducer(mf.open()
- ).beginProducing(self.transport
- )
- return MessageProducer(msg, None, self._scheduler
- ).beginProducing(self.transport
- )
- def spew_uid(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- _w('UID ' + str(msg.getUID()))
- def spew_bodystructure(self, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- _w('BODYSTRUCTURE ' + collapseNestedLists([getBodyStructure(msg, True)]))
- def spew_body(self, part, id, msg, _w=None, _f=None):
- if _w is None:
- _w = self.transport.write
- for p in part.part:
- if msg.isMultipart():
- msg = msg.getSubPart(p)
- elif p > 0:
- # Non-multipart messages have an implicit first part but no
- # other parts - reject any request for any other part.
- raise TypeError("Requested subpart of non-multipart message")
- if part.header:
- hdrs = msg.getHeaders(part.header.negate, *part.header.fields)
- hdrs = _formatHeaders(hdrs)
- _w(str(part) + ' ' + _literal(hdrs))
- elif part.text:
- _w(str(part) + ' ')
- _f()
- return FileProducer(msg.getBodyFile()
- ).beginProducing(self.transport
- )
- elif part.mime:
- hdrs = _formatHeaders(msg.getHeaders(True))
- _w(str(part) + ' ' + _literal(hdrs))
- elif part.empty:
- _w(str(part) + ' ')
- _f()
- if part.part:
- return FileProducer(msg.getBodyFile()
- ).beginProducing(self.transport
- )
- else:
- mf = IMessageFile(msg, None)
- if mf is not None:
- return FileProducer(mf.open()).beginProducing(self.transport)
- return MessageProducer(msg, None, self._scheduler).beginProducing(self.transport)
- else:
- _w('BODY ' + collapseNestedLists([getBodyStructure(msg)]))
- def spewMessage(self, id, msg, query, uid):
- wbuf = WriteBuffer(self.transport)
- write = wbuf.write
- flush = wbuf.flush
- def start():
- write('* %d FETCH (' % (id,))
- def finish():
- write(')\r\n')
- def space():
- write(' ')
- def spew():
- seenUID = False
- start()
- for part in query:
- if part.type == 'uid':
- seenUID = True
- if part.type == 'body':
- yield self.spew_body(part, id, msg, write, flush)
- else:
- f = getattr(self, 'spew_' + part.type)
- yield f(id, msg, write, flush)
- if part is not query[-1]:
- space()
- if uid and not seenUID:
- space()
- yield self.spew_uid(id, msg, write, flush)
- finish()
- flush()
- return self._scheduler(spew())
- def __ebFetch(self, failure, tag):
- self.setTimeout(self._oldTimeout)
- del self._oldTimeout
- log.err(failure)
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'FETCH failed: ' + str(failure.value))
- def do_STORE(self, tag, messages, mode, flags, uid=0):
- mode = mode.upper()
- silent = mode.endswith('SILENT')
- if mode.startswith('+'):
- mode = 1
- elif mode.startswith('-'):
- mode = -1
- else:
- mode = 0
- maybeDeferred(self.mbox.store, messages, flags, mode, uid=uid).addCallbacks(
- self.__cbStore, self.__ebStore, (tag, self.mbox, uid, silent), None, (tag,), None
- )
- select_STORE = (do_STORE, arg_seqset, arg_atom, arg_flaglist)
- def __cbStore(self, result, tag, mbox, uid, silent):
- if result and not silent:
- for (k, v) in result.iteritems():
- if uid:
- uidstr = ' UID %d' % mbox.getUID(k)
- else:
- uidstr = ''
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d FETCH (FLAGS (%s)%s)' %
- (k, ' '.join(v), uidstr))
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'STORE completed')
- def __ebStore(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: ' + str(failure.value))
- def do_COPY(self, tag, messages, mailbox, uid=0):
- mailbox = self._parseMbox(mailbox)
- maybeDeferred(self.account.select, mailbox
- ).addCallback(self._cbCopySelectedMailbox, tag, messages, mailbox, uid
- ).addErrback(self._ebCopySelectedMailbox, tag
- )
- select_COPY = (do_COPY, arg_seqset, arg_astring)
- def _cbCopySelectedMailbox(self, mbox, tag, messages, mailbox, uid):
- if not mbox:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'No such mailbox: ' + mailbox)
- else:
- maybeDeferred(self.mbox.fetch, messages, uid
- ).addCallback(self.__cbCopy, tag, mbox
- ).addCallback(self.__cbCopied, tag, mbox
- ).addErrback(self.__ebCopy, tag
- )
- def _ebCopySelectedMailbox(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'Server error: ' + str(failure.value))
- def __cbCopy(self, messages, tag, mbox):
- # XXX - This should handle failures with a rollback or something
- addedDeferreds = []
- addedIDs = []
- failures = []
- fastCopyMbox = IMessageCopier(mbox, None)
- for (id, msg) in messages:
- if fastCopyMbox is not None:
- d = maybeDeferred(fastCopyMbox.copy, msg)
- addedDeferreds.append(d)
- continue
- # XXX - The following should be an implementation of IMessageCopier.copy
- # on an IMailbox->IMessageCopier adapter.
- flags = msg.getFlags()
- date = msg.getInternalDate()
- body = IMessageFile(msg, None)
- if body is not None:
- bodyFile = body.open()
- d = maybeDeferred(mbox.addMessage, bodyFile, flags, date)
- else:
- def rewind(f):
- f.seek(0)
- return f
- buffer = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- d = MessageProducer(msg, buffer, self._scheduler
- ).beginProducing(None
- ).addCallback(lambda _, b=buffer, f=flags, d=date: mbox.addMessage(rewind(b), f, d)
- )
- addedDeferreds.append(d)
- return defer.DeferredList(addedDeferreds)
- def __cbCopied(self, deferredIds, tag, mbox):
- ids = []
- failures = []
- for (status, result) in deferredIds:
- if status:
- ids.append(result)
- else:
- failures.append(result.value)
- if failures:
- self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, '[ALERT] Some messages were not copied')
- else:
- self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'COPY completed')
- def __ebCopy(self, failure, tag):
- self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'COPY failed:' + str(failure.value))
- log.err(failure)
- def do_UID(self, tag, command, line):
- command = command.upper()
- if command not in ('COPY', 'FETCH', 'STORE', 'SEARCH'):
- raise IllegalClientResponse(command)
- self.dispatchCommand(tag, command, line, uid=1)
- select_UID = (do_UID, arg_atom, arg_line)
- #
- # IMailboxListener implementation
- #
- def modeChanged(self, writeable):
- if writeable:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(message='[READ-WRITE]', async=True)
- else:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(message='[READ-ONLY]', async=True)
- def flagsChanged(self, newFlags):
- for (mId, flags) in newFlags.iteritems():
- msg = '%d FETCH (FLAGS (%s))' % (mId, ' '.join(flags))
- self.sendUntaggedResponse(msg, async=True)
- def newMessages(self, exists, recent):
- if exists is not None:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d EXISTS' % exists, async=True)
- if recent is not None:
- self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d RECENT' % recent, async=True)
-class UnhandledResponse(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class NegativeResponse(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class NoSupportedAuthentication(IMAP4Exception):
- def __init__(self, serverSupports, clientSupports):
- IMAP4Exception.__init__(self, 'No supported authentication schemes available')
- self.serverSupports = serverSupports
- self.clientSupports = clientSupports
- def __str__(self):
- return (IMAP4Exception.__str__(self)
- + ': Server supports %r, client supports %r'
- % (self.serverSupports, self.clientSupports))
-class IllegalServerResponse(IMAP4Exception): pass
-TIMEOUT_ERROR = error.TimeoutError()
-class IMAP4Client(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
- """IMAP4 client protocol implementation
- @ivar state: A string representing the state the connection is currently
- in.
- """
- implements(IMailboxListener)
- tags = None
- waiting = None
- queued = None
- tagID = 1
- state = None
- startedTLS = False
- # Number of seconds to wait before timing out a connection.
- # If the number is <= 0 no timeout checking will be performed.
- timeout = 0
- # Capabilities are not allowed to change during the session
- # So cache the first response and use that for all later
- # lookups
- _capCache = None
- _memoryFileLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 10
- # Authentication is pluggable. This maps names to IClientAuthentication
- # objects.
- authenticators = None
- 'MESSAGES': int, 'RECENT': int, 'UNSEEN': int
- }
- context = None
- def __init__(self, contextFactory = None):
- self.tags = {}
- self.queued = []
- self.authenticators = {}
- self.context = contextFactory
- self._tag = None
- self._parts = None
- self._lastCmd = None
- def registerAuthenticator(self, auth):
- """Register a new form of authentication
- When invoking the authenticate() method of IMAP4Client, the first
- matching authentication scheme found will be used. The ordering is
- that in which the server lists support authentication schemes.
- @type auth: Implementor of C{IClientAuthentication}
- @param auth: The object to use to perform the client
- side of this authentication scheme.
- """
- self.authenticators[auth.getName().upper()] = auth
- def rawDataReceived(self, data):
- if self.timeout > 0:
- self.resetTimeout()
- self._pendingSize -= len(data)
- if self._pendingSize > 0:
- self._pendingBuffer.write(data)
- else:
- passon = ''
- if self._pendingSize < 0:
- data, passon = data[:self._pendingSize], data[self._pendingSize:]
- self._pendingBuffer.write(data)
- rest = self._pendingBuffer
- self._pendingBuffer = None
- self._pendingSize = None
- rest.seek(0, 0)
- self._parts.append(rest.read())
- self.setLineMode(passon.lstrip('\r\n'))
-# def sendLine(self, line):
-# print 'S:', repr(line)
-# return basic.LineReceiver.sendLine(self, line)
- def _setupForLiteral(self, rest, octets):
- self._pendingBuffer = self.messageFile(octets)
- self._pendingSize = octets
- if self._parts is None:
- self._parts = [rest, '\r\n']
- else:
- self._parts.extend([rest, '\r\n'])
- self.setRawMode()
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.timeout > 0:
- self.setTimeout(self.timeout)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """We are no longer connected"""
- if self.timeout > 0:
- self.setTimeout(None)
- if self.queued is not None:
- queued = self.queued
- self.queued = None
- for cmd in queued:
- cmd.defer.errback(reason)
- if self.tags is not None:
- tags = self.tags
- self.tags = None
- for cmd in tags.itervalues():
- if cmd is not None and cmd.defer is not None:
- cmd.defer.errback(reason)
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- """
- Attempt to parse a single line from the server.
- @type line: C{str}
- @param line: The line from the server, without the line delimiter.
- @raise IllegalServerResponse: If the line or some part of the line
- does not represent an allowed message from the server at this time.
- """
-# print 'C: ' + repr(line)
- if self.timeout > 0:
- self.resetTimeout()
- lastPart = line.rfind('{')
- if lastPart != -1:
- lastPart = line[lastPart + 1:]
- if lastPart.endswith('}'):
- # It's a literal a-comin' in
- try:
- octets = int(lastPart[:-1])
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalServerResponse(line)
- if self._parts is None:
- self._tag, parts = line.split(None, 1)
- else:
- parts = line
- self._setupForLiteral(parts, octets)
- return
- if self._parts is None:
- # It isn't a literal at all
- self._regularDispatch(line)
- else:
- # If an expression is in progress, no tag is required here
- # Since we didn't find a literal indicator, this expression
- # is done.
- self._parts.append(line)
- tag, rest = self._tag, ''.join(self._parts)
- self._tag = self._parts = None
- self.dispatchCommand(tag, rest)
- def timeoutConnection(self):
- if self._lastCmd and self._lastCmd.defer is not None:
- d, self._lastCmd.defer = self._lastCmd.defer, None
- d.errback(TIMEOUT_ERROR)
- if self.queued:
- for cmd in self.queued:
- if cmd.defer is not None:
- d, cmd.defer = cmd.defer, d
- d.errback(TIMEOUT_ERROR)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def _regularDispatch(self, line):
- parts = line.split(None, 1)
- if len(parts) != 2:
- parts.append('')
- tag, rest = parts
- self.dispatchCommand(tag, rest)
- def messageFile(self, octets):
- """Create a file to which an incoming message may be written.
- @type octets: C{int}
- @param octets: The number of octets which will be written to the file
- @rtype: Any object which implements C{write(string)} and
- C{seek(int, int)}
- @return: A file-like object
- """
- if octets > self._memoryFileLimit:
- return tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- else:
- return StringIO.StringIO()
- def makeTag(self):
- tag = '%0.4X' % self.tagID
- self.tagID += 1
- return tag
- def dispatchCommand(self, tag, rest):
- if self.state is None:
- f = self.response_UNAUTH
- else:
- f = getattr(self, 'response_' + self.state.upper(), None)
- if f:
- try:
- f(tag, rest)
- except:
- log.err()
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- else:
- log.err("Cannot dispatch: %s, %s, %s" % (self.state, tag, rest))
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def response_UNAUTH(self, tag, rest):
- if self.state is None:
- # Server greeting, this is
- status, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- if status.upper() == 'OK':
- self.state = 'unauth'
- elif status.upper() == 'PREAUTH':
- self.state = 'auth'
- else:
- # XXX - This is rude.
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- raise IllegalServerResponse(tag + ' ' + rest)
- b, e = rest.find('['), rest.find(']')
- if b != -1 and e != -1:
- self.serverGreeting(
- self.__cbCapabilities(
- ([parseNestedParens(rest[b + 1:e])], None)))
- else:
- self.serverGreeting(None)
- else:
- self._defaultHandler(tag, rest)
- def response_AUTH(self, tag, rest):
- self._defaultHandler(tag, rest)
- def _defaultHandler(self, tag, rest):
- if tag == '*' or tag == '+':
- if not self.waiting:
- self._extraInfo([parseNestedParens(rest)])
- else:
- cmd = self.tags[self.waiting]
- if tag == '+':
- cmd.continuation(rest)
- else:
- cmd.lines.append(rest)
- else:
- try:
- cmd = self.tags[tag]
- except KeyError:
- # XXX - This is rude.
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- raise IllegalServerResponse(tag + ' ' + rest)
- else:
- status, line = rest.split(None, 1)
- if status == 'OK':
- # Give them this last line, too
- cmd.finish(rest, self._extraInfo)
- else:
- cmd.defer.errback(IMAP4Exception(line))
- del self.tags[tag]
- self.waiting = None
- self._flushQueue()
- def _flushQueue(self):
- if self.queued:
- cmd = self.queued.pop(0)
- t = self.makeTag()
- self.tags[t] = cmd
- self.sendLine(cmd.format(t))
- self.waiting = t
- def _extraInfo(self, lines):
- # XXX - This is terrible.
- # XXX - Also, this should collapse temporally proximate calls into single
- # invocations of IMailboxListener methods, where possible.
- flags = {}
- recent = exists = None
- for response in lines:
- elements = len(response)
- if elements == 1 and response[0] == ['READ-ONLY']:
- self.modeChanged(False)
- elif elements == 1 and response[0] == ['READ-WRITE']:
- self.modeChanged(True)
- elif elements == 2 and response[1] == 'EXISTS':
- exists = int(response[0])
- elif elements == 2 and response[1] == 'RECENT':
- recent = int(response[0])
- elif elements == 3 and response[1] == 'FETCH':
- mId = int(response[0])
- values = self._parseFetchPairs(response[2])
- flags.setdefault(mId, []).extend(values.get('FLAGS', ()))
- else:
- log.msg('Unhandled unsolicited response: %s' % (response,))
- if flags:
- self.flagsChanged(flags)
- if recent is not None or exists is not None:
- self.newMessages(exists, recent)
- def sendCommand(self, cmd):
- cmd.defer = defer.Deferred()
- if self.waiting:
- self.queued.append(cmd)
- return cmd.defer
- t = self.makeTag()
- self.tags[t] = cmd
- self.sendLine(cmd.format(t))
- self.waiting = t
- self._lastCmd = cmd
- return cmd.defer
- def getCapabilities(self, useCache=1):
- """Request the capabilities available on this server.
- This command is allowed in any state of connection.
- @type useCache: C{bool}
- @param useCache: Specify whether to use the capability-cache or to
- re-retrieve the capabilities from the server. Server capabilities
- should never change, so for normal use, this flag should never be
- false.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked with a
- dictionary mapping capability types to lists of supported
- mechanisms, or to None if a support list is not applicable.
- """
- if useCache and self._capCache is not None:
- return defer.succeed(self._capCache)
- cmd = 'CAPABILITY'
- resp = ('CAPABILITY',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbCapabilities)
- return d
- def __cbCapabilities(self, (lines, tagline)):
- caps = {}
- for rest in lines:
- for cap in rest[1:]:
- parts = cap.split('=', 1)
- if len(parts) == 1:
- category, value = parts[0], None
- else:
- category, value = parts
- caps.setdefault(category, []).append(value)
- # Preserve a non-ideal API for backwards compatibility. It would
- # probably be entirely sensible to have an object with a wider API than
- # dict here so this could be presented less insanely.
- for category in caps:
- if caps[category] == [None]:
- caps[category] = None
- self._capCache = caps
- return caps
- def logout(self):
- """Inform the server that we are done with the connection.
- This command is allowed in any state of connection.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked with None
- when the proper server acknowledgement has been received.
- """
- d = self.sendCommand(Command('LOGOUT', wantResponse=('BYE',)))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbLogout)
- return d
- def __cbLogout(self, (lines, tagline)):
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- # We don't particularly care what the server said
- return None
- def noop(self):
- """Perform no operation.
- This command is allowed in any state of connection.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked with a list
- of untagged status updates the server responds with.
- """
- d = self.sendCommand(Command('NOOP'))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbNoop)
- return d
- def __cbNoop(self, (lines, tagline)):
- # Conceivable, this is elidable.
- # It is, afterall, a no-op.
- return lines
- def startTLS(self, contextFactory=None):
- """
- Initiates a 'STARTTLS' request and negotiates the TLS / SSL
- Handshake.
- @param contextFactory: The TLS / SSL Context Factory to
- leverage. If the contextFactory is None the IMAP4Client will
- either use the current TLS / SSL Context Factory or attempt to
- create a new one.
- @type contextFactory: C{ssl.ClientContextFactory}
- @return: A Deferred which fires when the transport has been
- secured according to the given contextFactory, or which fails
- if the transport cannot be secured.
- """
- assert not self.startedTLS, "Client and Server are currently communicating via TLS"
- if contextFactory is None:
- contextFactory = self._getContextFactory()
- if contextFactory is None:
- return defer.fail(IMAP4Exception(
- "IMAP4Client requires a TLS context to "
- "initiate the STARTTLS handshake"))
- if 'STARTTLS' not in self._capCache:
- return defer.fail(IMAP4Exception(
- "Server does not support secure communication "
- "via TLS / SSL"))
- tls = interfaces.ITLSTransport(self.transport, None)
- if tls is None:
- return defer.fail(IMAP4Exception(
- "IMAP4Client transport does not implement "
- "interfaces.ITLSTransport"))
- d = self.sendCommand(Command('STARTTLS'))
- d.addCallback(self._startedTLS, contextFactory)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.getCapabilities())
- return d
- def authenticate(self, secret):
- """Attempt to enter the authenticated state with the server
- This command is allowed in the Non-Authenticated state.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if the authentication
- succeeds and whose errback will be invoked otherwise.
- """
- if self._capCache is None:
- d = self.getCapabilities()
- else:
- d = defer.succeed(self._capCache)
- d.addCallback(self.__cbAuthenticate, secret)
- return d
- def __cbAuthenticate(self, caps, secret):
- auths = caps.get('AUTH', ())
- for scheme in auths:
- if scheme.upper() in self.authenticators:
- cmd = Command('AUTHENTICATE', scheme, (),
- self.__cbContinueAuth, scheme,
- secret)
- return self.sendCommand(cmd)
- if self.startedTLS:
- return defer.fail(NoSupportedAuthentication(
- auths, self.authenticators.keys()))
- else:
- def ebStartTLS(err):
- err.trap(IMAP4Exception)
- # We couldn't negotiate TLS for some reason
- return defer.fail(NoSupportedAuthentication(
- auths, self.authenticators.keys()))
- d = self.startTLS()
- d.addErrback(ebStartTLS)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.getCapabilities())
- d.addCallback(self.__cbAuthTLS, secret)
- return d
- def __cbContinueAuth(self, rest, scheme, secret):
- try:
- chal = base64.decodestring(rest + '\n')
- except binascii.Error:
- self.sendLine('*')
- raise IllegalServerResponse(rest)
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- else:
- auth = self.authenticators[scheme]
- chal = auth.challengeResponse(secret, chal)
- self.sendLine(base64.encodestring(chal).strip())
- def __cbAuthTLS(self, caps, secret):
- auths = caps.get('AUTH', ())
- for scheme in auths:
- if scheme.upper() in self.authenticators:
- cmd = Command('AUTHENTICATE', scheme, (),
- self.__cbContinueAuth, scheme,
- secret)
- return self.sendCommand(cmd)
- raise NoSupportedAuthentication(auths, self.authenticators.keys())
- def login(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate with the server using a username and password
- This command is allowed in the Non-Authenticated state. If the
- server supports the STARTTLS capability and our transport supports
- TLS, TLS is negotiated before the login command is issued.
- A more secure way to log in is to use C{startTLS} or
- C{authenticate} or both.
- @type username: C{str}
- @param username: The username to log in with
- @type password: C{str}
- @param password: The password to log in with
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if login is successful
- and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- d = maybeDeferred(self.getCapabilities)
- d.addCallback(self.__cbLoginCaps, username, password)
- return d
- def serverGreeting(self, caps):
- """Called when the server has sent us a greeting.
- @type caps: C{dict}
- @param caps: Capabilities the server advertised in its greeting.
- """
- def _getContextFactory(self):
- if self.context is not None:
- return self.context
- try:
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- except ImportError:
- return None
- else:
- context = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
- context.method = ssl.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD
- return context
- def __cbLoginCaps(self, capabilities, username, password):
- # If the server advertises STARTTLS, we might want to try to switch to TLS
- tryTLS = 'STARTTLS' in capabilities
- # If our transport supports switching to TLS, we might want to try to switch to TLS.
- tlsableTransport = interfaces.ITLSTransport(self.transport, None) is not None
- # If our transport is not already using TLS, we might want to try to switch to TLS.
- nontlsTransport = interfaces.ISSLTransport(self.transport, None) is None
- if not self.startedTLS and tryTLS and tlsableTransport and nontlsTransport:
- d = self.startTLS()
- d.addCallbacks(
- self.__cbLoginTLS,
- self.__ebLoginTLS,
- callbackArgs=(username, password),
- )
- return d
- else:
- if nontlsTransport:
- log.msg("Server has no TLS support. logging in over cleartext!")
- args = ' '.join((_quote(username), _quote(password)))
- return self.sendCommand(Command('LOGIN', args))
- def _startedTLS(self, result, context):
- self.transport.startTLS(context)
- self._capCache = None
- self.startedTLS = True
- return result
- def __cbLoginTLS(self, result, username, password):
- args = ' '.join((_quote(username), _quote(password)))
- return self.sendCommand(Command('LOGIN', args))
- def __ebLoginTLS(self, failure):
- log.err(failure)
- return failure
- def namespace(self):
- """Retrieve information about the namespaces available to this account
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with namespace
- information. An example of this information is::
- [[['', '/']], [], []]
- which indicates a single personal namespace called '' with '/'
- as its hierarchical delimiter, and no shared or user namespaces.
- """
- cmd = 'NAMESPACE'
- resp = ('NAMESPACE',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbNamespace)
- return d
- def __cbNamespace(self, (lines, last)):
- for parts in lines:
- if len(parts) == 4 and parts[0] == 'NAMESPACE':
- return [e or [] for e in parts[1:]]
- log.err("No NAMESPACE response to NAMESPACE command")
- return [[], [], []]
- def select(self, mailbox):
- """
- Select a mailbox
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type mailbox: C{str}
- @param mailbox: The name of the mailbox to select
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with mailbox
- information if the select is successful and whose errback is
- invoked otherwise. Mailbox information consists of a dictionary
- with the following keys and values::
- FLAGS: A list of strings containing the flags settable on
- messages in this mailbox.
- EXISTS: An integer indicating the number of messages in this
- mailbox.
- RECENT: An integer indicating the number of "recent"
- messages in this mailbox.
- UNSEEN: The message sequence number (an integer) of the
- first unseen message in the mailbox.
- PERMANENTFLAGS: A list of strings containing the flags that
- can be permanently set on messages in this mailbox.
- UIDVALIDITY: An integer uniquely identifying this mailbox.
- """
- cmd = 'SELECT'
- args = _prepareMailboxName(mailbox)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbSelect, 1)
- return d
- def examine(self, mailbox):
- """Select a mailbox in read-only mode
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type mailbox: C{str}
- @param mailbox: The name of the mailbox to examine
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with mailbox
- information if the examine is successful and whose errback
- is invoked otherwise. Mailbox information consists of a dictionary
- with the following keys and values::
- 'FLAGS': A list of strings containing the flags settable on
- messages in this mailbox.
- 'EXISTS': An integer indicating the number of messages in this
- mailbox.
- 'RECENT': An integer indicating the number of \"recent\"
- messages in this mailbox.
- 'UNSEEN': An integer indicating the number of messages not
- flagged \\Seen in this mailbox.
- 'PERMANENTFLAGS': A list of strings containing the flags that
- can be permanently set on messages in this mailbox.
- 'UIDVALIDITY': An integer uniquely identifying this mailbox.
- """
- cmd = 'EXAMINE'
- args = _prepareMailboxName(mailbox)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbSelect, 0)
- return d
- def _intOrRaise(self, value, phrase):
- """
- Parse C{value} as an integer and return the result or raise
- L{IllegalServerResponse} with C{phrase} as an argument if C{value}
- cannot be parsed as an integer.
- """
- try:
- return int(value)
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalServerResponse(phrase)
- def __cbSelect(self, (lines, tagline), rw):
- """
- Handle lines received in response to a SELECT or EXAMINE command.
- See RFC 3501, section 6.3.1.
- """
- # In the absense of specification, we are free to assume:
- # READ-WRITE access
- datum = {'READ-WRITE': rw}
- lines.append(parseNestedParens(tagline))
- for split in lines:
- if len(split) > 0 and split[0].upper() == 'OK':
- # Handle all the kinds of OK response.
- content = split[1]
- key = content[0].upper()
- if key == 'READ-ONLY':
- datum['READ-WRITE'] = False
- elif key == 'READ-WRITE':
- datum['READ-WRITE'] = True
- elif key == 'UIDVALIDITY':
- datum['UIDVALIDITY'] = self._intOrRaise(
- content[1], split)
- elif key == 'UNSEEN':
- datum['UNSEEN'] = self._intOrRaise(content[1], split)
- elif key == 'UIDNEXT':
- datum['UIDNEXT'] = self._intOrRaise(content[1], split)
- elif key == 'PERMANENTFLAGS':
- datum['PERMANENTFLAGS'] = tuple(content[1])
- else:
- log.err('Unhandled SELECT response (2): %s' % (split,))
- elif len(split) == 2:
- # Handle FLAGS, EXISTS, and RECENT
- if split[0].upper() == 'FLAGS':
- datum['FLAGS'] = tuple(split[1])
- elif isinstance(split[1], str):
- # Must make sure things are strings before treating them as
- # strings since some other forms of response have nesting in
- # places which results in lists instead.
- if split[1].upper() == 'EXISTS':
- datum['EXISTS'] = self._intOrRaise(split[0], split)
- elif split[1].upper() == 'RECENT':
- datum['RECENT'] = self._intOrRaise(split[0], split)
- else:
- log.err('Unhandled SELECT response (0): %s' % (split,))
- else:
- log.err('Unhandled SELECT response (1): %s' % (split,))
- else:
- log.err('Unhandled SELECT response (4): %s' % (split,))
- return datum
- def create(self, name):
- """Create a new mailbox on the server
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name of the mailbox to create.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if the mailbox creation
- is successful and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('CREATE', _prepareMailboxName(name)))
- def delete(self, name):
- """Delete a mailbox
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name of the mailbox to delete.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose calblack is invoked if the mailbox is
- deleted successfully and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('DELETE', _prepareMailboxName(name)))
- def rename(self, oldname, newname):
- """Rename a mailbox
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type oldname: C{str}
- @param oldname: The current name of the mailbox to rename.
- @type newname: C{str}
- @param newname: The new name to give the mailbox.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if the rename is
- successful and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- oldname = _prepareMailboxName(oldname)
- newname = _prepareMailboxName(newname)
- return self.sendCommand(Command('RENAME', ' '.join((oldname, newname))))
- def subscribe(self, name):
- """Add a mailbox to the subscription list
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The mailbox to mark as 'active' or 'subscribed'
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if the subscription
- is successful and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('SUBSCRIBE', _prepareMailboxName(name)))
- def unsubscribe(self, name):
- """Remove a mailbox from the subscription list
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The mailbox to unsubscribe
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked if the unsubscription
- is successful and whose errback is invoked otherwise.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('UNSUBSCRIBE', _prepareMailboxName(name)))
- def list(self, reference, wildcard):
- """List a subset of the available mailboxes
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type reference: C{str}
- @param reference: The context in which to interpret C{wildcard}
- @type wildcard: C{str}
- @param wildcard: The pattern of mailbox names to match, optionally
- including either or both of the '*' and '%' wildcards. '*' will
- match zero or more characters and cross hierarchical boundaries.
- '%' will also match zero or more characters, but is limited to a
- single hierarchical level.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a list of C{tuple}s,
- the first element of which is a C{tuple} of mailbox flags, the second
- element of which is the hierarchy delimiter for this mailbox, and the
- third of which is the mailbox name; if the command is unsuccessful,
- the deferred's errback is invoked instead.
- """
- cmd = 'LIST'
- args = '"%s" "%s"' % (reference, wildcard.encode('imap4-utf-7'))
- resp = ('LIST',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbList, 'LIST')
- return d
- def lsub(self, reference, wildcard):
- """List a subset of the subscribed available mailboxes
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- The parameters and returned object are the same as for the C{list}
- method, with one slight difference: Only mailboxes which have been
- subscribed can be included in the resulting list.
- """
- cmd = 'LSUB'
- args = '"%s" "%s"' % (reference, wildcard.encode('imap4-utf-7'))
- resp = ('LSUB',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbList, 'LSUB')
- return d
- def __cbList(self, (lines, last), command):
- results = []
- for parts in lines:
- if len(parts) == 4 and parts[0] == command:
- parts[1] = tuple(parts[1])
- results.append(tuple(parts[1:]))
- return results
- def status(self, mailbox, *names):
- """
- Retrieve the status of the given mailbox
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type mailbox: C{str}
- @param mailbox: The name of the mailbox to query
- @type *names: C{str}
- @param *names: The status names to query. These may be any number of:
- C{'UNSEEN'}.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred which fires with with the status information if the
- command is successful and whose errback is invoked otherwise. The
- status information is in the form of a C{dict}. Each element of
- C{names} is a key in the dictionary. The value for each key is the
- corresponding response from the server.
- """
- cmd = 'STATUS'
- args = "%s (%s)" % (_prepareMailboxName(mailbox), ' '.join(names))
- resp = ('STATUS',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbStatus)
- return d
- def __cbStatus(self, (lines, last)):
- status = {}
- for parts in lines:
- if parts[0] == 'STATUS':
- items = parts[2]
- items = [items[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(items), 2)]
- status.update(dict(items))
- for k in status.keys():
- if t:
- try:
- status[k] = t(status[k])
- except Exception, e:
- raise IllegalServerResponse('(%s %s): %s' % (k, status[k], str(e)))
- return status
- def append(self, mailbox, message, flags = (), date = None):
- """Add the given message to the given mailbox.
- This command is allowed in the Authenticated and Selected states.
- @type mailbox: C{str}
- @param mailbox: The mailbox to which to add this message.
- @type message: Any file-like object
- @param message: The message to add, in RFC822 format. Newlines
- in this file should be \\r\\n-style.
- @type flags: Any iterable of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to associated with this message.
- @type date: C{str}
- @param date: The date to associate with this message. This should
- be of the format DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS +/-HHMM. For example, in
- Eastern Standard Time, on July 1st 2004 at half past 1 PM,
- \"01-07-2004 13:30:00 -0500\".
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked when this command
- succeeds or whose errback is invoked if it fails.
- """
- message.seek(0, 2)
- L = message.tell()
- message.seek(0, 0)
- fmt = '%s (%s)%s {%d}'
- if date:
- date = ' "%s"' % date
- else:
- date = ''
- cmd = fmt % (
- _prepareMailboxName(mailbox), ' '.join(flags),
- date, L
- )
- d = self.sendCommand(Command('APPEND', cmd, (), self.__cbContinueAppend, message))
- return d
- def __cbContinueAppend(self, lines, message):
- s = basic.FileSender()
- return s.beginFileTransfer(message, self.transport, None
- ).addCallback(self.__cbFinishAppend)
- def __cbFinishAppend(self, foo):
- self.sendLine('')
- def check(self):
- """Tell the server to perform a checkpoint
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked when this command
- succeeds or whose errback is invoked if it fails.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('CHECK'))
- def close(self):
- """Return the connection to the Authenticated state.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- Issuing this command will also remove all messages flagged \\Deleted
- from the selected mailbox if it is opened in read-write mode,
- otherwise it indicates success by no messages are removed.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked when the command
- completes successfully or whose errback is invoked if it fails.
- """
- return self.sendCommand(Command('CLOSE'))
- def expunge(self):
- """Return the connection to the Authenticate state.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- Issuing this command will perform the same actions as issuing the
- close command, but will also generate an 'expunge' response for
- every message deleted.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a list of the
- 'expunge' responses when this command is successful or whose errback
- is invoked otherwise.
- """
- cmd = 'EXPUNGE'
- resp = ('EXPUNGE',)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, wantResponse=resp))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbExpunge)
- return d
- def __cbExpunge(self, (lines, last)):
- ids = []
- for parts in lines:
- if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == 'EXPUNGE':
- ids.append(self._intOrRaise(parts[0], parts))
- return ids
- def search(self, *queries, **kwarg):
- """Search messages in the currently selected mailbox
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- Any non-zero number of queries are accepted by this method, as
- returned by the C{Query}, C{Or}, and C{Not} functions.
- One keyword argument is accepted: if uid is passed in with a non-zero
- value, the server is asked to return message UIDs instead of message
- sequence numbers.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked with a list of all
- the message sequence numbers return by the search, or whose errback
- will be invoked if there is an error.
- """
- if kwarg.get('uid'):
- cmd = 'UID SEARCH'
- else:
- cmd = 'SEARCH'
- args = ' '.join(queries)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=(cmd,)))
- d.addCallback(self.__cbSearch)
- return d
- def __cbSearch(self, (lines, end)):
- ids = []
- for parts in lines:
- if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] == 'SEARCH':
- ids.extend([self._intOrRaise(p, parts) for p in parts[1:]])
- return ids
- def fetchUID(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the unique identifier for one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message sequence numbers to unique message identifiers, or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, uid=1)
- def fetchFlags(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the flags for one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: The messages for which to retrieve flags.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to lists of flags, or whose errback is invoked if
- there is an error.
- """
- return self._fetch(str(messages), useUID=uid, flags=1)
- def fetchInternalDate(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the internal date associated with one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: The messages for which to retrieve the internal date.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to date strings, or whose errback is invoked
- if there is an error. Date strings take the format of
- \"day-month-year time timezone\".
- """
- return self._fetch(str(messages), useUID=uid, internaldate=1)
- def fetchEnvelope(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the envelope data for one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: The messages for which to retrieve envelope data.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to envelope data, or whose errback is invoked
- if there is an error. Envelope data consists of a sequence of the
- date, subject, from, sender, reply-to, to, cc, bcc, in-reply-to,
- and message-id header fields. The date, subject, in-reply-to, and
- message-id fields are strings, while the from, sender, reply-to,
- to, cc, and bcc fields contain address data. Address data consists
- of a sequence of name, source route, mailbox name, and hostname.
- Fields which are not present for a particular address may be C{None}.
- """
- return self._fetch(str(messages), useUID=uid, envelope=1)
- def fetchBodyStructure(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the structure of the body of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: The messages for which to retrieve body structure
- data.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to body structure data, or whose errback is invoked
- if there is an error. Body structure data describes the MIME-IMB
- format of a message and consists of a sequence of mime type, mime
- subtype, parameters, content id, description, encoding, and size.
- The fields following the size field are variable: if the mime
- type/subtype is message/rfc822, the contained message's envelope
- information, body structure data, and number of lines of text; if
- the mime type is text, the number of lines of text. Extension fields
- may also be included; if present, they are: the MD5 hash of the body,
- body disposition, body language.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, bodystructure=1)
- def fetchSimplifiedBody(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the simplified body structure of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to body data, or whose errback is invoked
- if there is an error. The simplified body structure is the same
- as the body structure, except that extension fields will never be
- present.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, body=1)
- def fetchMessage(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve one or more entire messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: L{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with a C{dict} mapping message
- sequence numbers to C{dict}s giving message data for the
- corresponding message. If C{uid} is true, the inner dictionaries
- have a C{'UID'} key mapped to a C{str} giving the UID for the
- message. The text of the message is a C{str} associated with the
- C{'RFC822'} key in each dictionary.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, rfc822=1)
- def fetchHeaders(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve headers of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to dicts of message headers, or whose errback is
- invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, rfc822header=1)
- def fetchBody(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve body text of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to file-like objects containing body text, or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, rfc822text=1)
- def fetchSize(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve the size, in octets, of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to sizes, or whose errback is invoked if there is
- an error.
- """
- return self._fetch(messages, useUID=uid, rfc822size=1)
- def fetchFull(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve several different fields of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state. This is equivalent
- to issuing all of the C{fetchFlags}, C{fetchInternalDate},
- C{fetchSize}, C{fetchEnvelope}, and C{fetchSimplifiedBody}
- functions.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to dict of the retrieved data values, or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error. They dictionary keys
- are "flags", "date", "size", "envelope", and "body".
- """
- return self._fetch(
- messages, useUID=uid, flags=1, internaldate=1,
- rfc822size=1, envelope=1, body=1)
- def fetchAll(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve several different fields of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state. This is equivalent
- to issuing all of the C{fetchFlags}, C{fetchInternalDate},
- C{fetchSize}, and C{fetchEnvelope} functions.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to dict of the retrieved data values, or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error. They dictionary keys
- are "flags", "date", "size", and "envelope".
- """
- return self._fetch(
- messages, useUID=uid, flags=1, internaldate=1,
- rfc822size=1, envelope=1)
- def fetchFast(self, messages, uid=0):
- """Retrieve several different fields of one or more messages
- This command is allowed in the Selected state. This is equivalent
- to issuing all of the C{fetchFlags}, C{fetchInternalDate}, and
- C{fetchSize} functions.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a dict mapping
- message numbers to dict of the retrieved data values, or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error. They dictionary keys are
- "flags", "date", and "size".
- """
- return self._fetch(
- messages, useUID=uid, flags=1, internaldate=1, rfc822size=1)
- def _parseFetchPairs(self, fetchResponseList):
- """
- Given the result of parsing a single I{FETCH} response, construct a
- C{dict} mapping response keys to response values.
- @param fetchResponseList: The result of parsing a I{FETCH} response
- with L{parseNestedParens} and extracting just the response data
- (that is, just the part that comes after C{"FETCH"}). The form
- of this input (and therefore the output of this method) is very
- disagreable. A valuable improvement would be to enumerate the
- possible keys (representing them as structured objects of some
- sort) rather than using strings and tuples of tuples of strings
- and so forth. This would allow the keys to be documented more
- easily and would allow for a much simpler application-facing API
- (one not based on looking up somewhat hard to predict keys in a
- dict). Since C{fetchResponseList} notionally represents a
- flattened sequence of pairs (identifying keys followed by their
- associated values), collapsing such complex elements of this
- list as C{["BODY", ["HEADER.FIELDS", ["SUBJECT"]]]} into a
- single object would also greatly simplify the implementation of
- this method.
- @return: A C{dict} of the response data represented by C{pairs}. Keys
- in this dictionary are things like C{"RFC822.TEXT"}, C{"FLAGS"}, or
- C{("BODY", ("HEADER.FIELDS", ("SUBJECT",)))}. Values are entirely
- dependent on the key with which they are associated, but retain the
- same structured as produced by L{parseNestedParens}.
- """
- values = {}
- responseParts = iter(fetchResponseList)
- while True:
- try:
- key = responseParts.next()
- except StopIteration:
- break
- try:
- value = responseParts.next()
- except StopIteration:
- raise IllegalServerResponse(
- "Not enough arguments", fetchResponseList)
- # The parsed forms of responses like:
- #
- #
- # are:
- #
- # ["BODY", [], VALUE]
- # ["BODY", ["TEXT"], VALUE]
- # ["BODY", ["HEADER.FIELDS", ["SUBJECT"]], "<N.M>", VALUE]
- #
- # Here, check for these cases and grab as many extra elements as
- # necessary to retrieve the body information.
- if key in ("BODY", "BODY.PEEK") and isinstance(value, list) and len(value) < 3:
- if len(value) < 2:
- key = (key, tuple(value))
- else:
- key = (key, (value[0], tuple(value[1])))
- try:
- value = responseParts.next()
- except StopIteration:
- raise IllegalServerResponse(
- "Not enough arguments", fetchResponseList)
- # Handle partial ranges
- if value.startswith('<') and value.endswith('>'):
- try:
- int(value[1:-1])
- except ValueError:
- # This isn't really a range, it's some content.
- pass
- else:
- key = key + (value,)
- try:
- value = responseParts.next()
- except StopIteration:
- raise IllegalServerResponse(
- "Not enough arguments", fetchResponseList)
- values[key] = value
- return values
- def _cbFetch(self, (lines, last), requestedParts, structured):
- info = {}
- for parts in lines:
- if len(parts) == 3 and parts[1] == 'FETCH':
- id = self._intOrRaise(parts[0], parts)
- if id not in info:
- info[id] = [parts[2]]
- else:
- info[id][0].extend(parts[2])
- results = {}
- for (messageId, values) in info.iteritems():
- mapping = self._parseFetchPairs(values[0])
- results.setdefault(messageId, {}).update(mapping)
- flagChanges = {}
- for messageId in results.keys():
- values = results[messageId]
- for part in values.keys():
- if part not in requestedParts and part == 'FLAGS':
- flagChanges[messageId] = values['FLAGS']
- # Find flags in the result and get rid of them.
- for i in range(len(info[messageId][0])):
- if info[messageId][0][i] == 'FLAGS':
- del info[messageId][0][i:i+2]
- break
- del values['FLAGS']
- if not values:
- del results[messageId]
- if flagChanges:
- self.flagsChanged(flagChanges)
- if structured:
- return results
- else:
- return info
- def fetchSpecific(self, messages, uid=0, headerType=None,
- headerNumber=None, headerArgs=None, peek=None,
- offset=None, length=None):
- """Retrieve a specific section of one or more messages
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @type headerType: C{str}
- @param headerType: If specified, must be one of HEADER,
- which part of the message is retrieved. For HEADER.FIELDS and
- HEADER.FIELDS.NOT, C{headerArgs} must be a sequence of header names.
- For MIME, C{headerNumber} must be specified.
- @type headerNumber: C{int} or C{int} sequence
- @param headerNumber: The nested rfc822 index specifying the
- entity to retrieve. For example, C{1} retrieves the first
- entity of the message, and C{(2, 1, 3}) retrieves the 3rd
- entity inside the first entity inside the second entity of
- the message.
- @type headerArgs: A sequence of C{str}
- @param headerArgs: If C{headerType} is HEADER.FIELDS, these are the
- headers to retrieve. If it is HEADER.FIELDS.NOT, these are the
- headers to exclude from retrieval.
- @type peek: C{bool}
- @param peek: If true, cause the server to not set the \\Seen
- flag on this message as a result of this command.
- @type offset: C{int}
- @param offset: The number of octets at the beginning of the result
- to skip.
- @type length: C{int}
- @param length: The number of octets to retrieve.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a mapping of
- message numbers to retrieved data, or whose errback is invoked
- if there is an error.
- """
- fmt = '%s BODY%s[%s%s%s]%s'
- if headerNumber is None:
- number = ''
- elif isinstance(headerNumber, int):
- number = str(headerNumber)
- else:
- number = '.'.join(map(str, headerNumber))
- if headerType is None:
- header = ''
- elif number:
- header = '.' + headerType
- else:
- header = headerType
- if header and headerType not in ('TEXT', 'MIME'):
- if headerArgs is not None:
- payload = ' (%s)' % ' '.join(headerArgs)
- else:
- payload = ' ()'
- else:
- payload = ''
- if offset is None:
- extra = ''
- else:
- extra = '<%d.%d>' % (offset, length)
- fetch = uid and 'UID FETCH' or 'FETCH'
- cmd = fmt % (messages, peek and '.PEEK' or '', number, header, payload, extra)
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(fetch, cmd, wantResponse=('FETCH',)))
- d.addCallback(self._cbFetch, (), False)
- return d
- def _fetch(self, messages, useUID=0, **terms):
- fetch = useUID and 'UID FETCH' or 'FETCH'
- if 'rfc822text' in terms:
- del terms['rfc822text']
- terms['rfc822.text'] = True
- if 'rfc822size' in terms:
- del terms['rfc822size']
- terms['rfc822.size'] = True
- if 'rfc822header' in terms:
- del terms['rfc822header']
- terms['rfc822.header'] = True
- cmd = '%s (%s)' % (messages, ' '.join([s.upper() for s in terms.keys()]))
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(fetch, cmd, wantResponse=('FETCH',)))
- d.addCallback(self._cbFetch, map(str.upper, terms.keys()), True)
- return d
- def setFlags(self, messages, flags, silent=1, uid=0):
- """Set the flags for one or more messages.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type flags: Any iterable of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to set
- @type silent: C{bool}
- @param silent: If true, cause the server to supress its verbose
- response.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a list of the
- the server's responses (C{[]} if C{silent} is true) or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._store(str(messages), 'FLAGS', silent, flags, uid)
- def addFlags(self, messages, flags, silent=1, uid=0):
- """Add to the set flags for one or more messages.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type flags: Any iterable of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to set
- @type silent: C{bool}
- @param silent: If true, cause the server to supress its verbose
- response.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a list of the
- the server's responses (C{[]} if C{silent} is true) or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._store(str(messages),'+FLAGS', silent, flags, uid)
- def removeFlags(self, messages, flags, silent=1, uid=0):
- """Remove from the set flags for one or more messages.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet} or C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type flags: Any iterable of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to set
- @type silent: C{bool}
- @param silent: If true, cause the server to supress its verbose
- response.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: Indicates whether the message sequence set is of message
- numbers or of unique message IDs.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a list of the
- the server's responses (C{[]} if C{silent} is true) or whose
- errback is invoked if there is an error.
- """
- return self._store(str(messages), '-FLAGS', silent, flags, uid)
- def _store(self, messages, cmd, silent, flags, uid):
- if silent:
- cmd = cmd + '.SILENT'
- store = uid and 'UID STORE' or 'STORE'
- args = ' '.join((messages, cmd, '(%s)' % ' '.join(flags)))
- d = self.sendCommand(Command(store, args, wantResponse=('FETCH',)))
- expected = ()
- if not silent:
- expected = ('FLAGS',)
- d.addCallback(self._cbFetch, expected, True)
- return d
- def copy(self, messages, mailbox, uid):
- """Copy the specified messages to the specified mailbox.
- This command is allowed in the Selected state.
- @type messages: C{str}
- @param messages: A message sequence set
- @type mailbox: C{str}
- @param mailbox: The mailbox to which to copy the messages
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: If true, the C{messages} refers to message UIDs, rather
- than message sequence numbers.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with a true value
- when the copy is successful, or whose errback is invoked if there
- is an error.
- """
- if uid:
- cmd = 'UID COPY'
- else:
- cmd = 'COPY'
- args = '%s %s' % (messages, _prepareMailboxName(mailbox))
- return self.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args))
- #
- # IMailboxListener methods
- #
- def modeChanged(self, writeable):
- """Override me"""
- def flagsChanged(self, newFlags):
- """Override me"""
- def newMessages(self, exists, recent):
- """Override me"""
-class IllegalIdentifierError(IMAP4Exception): pass
-def parseIdList(s, lastMessageId=None):
- """
- Parse a message set search key into a C{MessageSet}.
- @type s: C{str}
- @param s: A string description of a id list, for example "1:3, 4:*"
- @type lastMessageId: C{int}
- @param lastMessageId: The last message sequence id or UID, depending on
- whether we are parsing the list in UID or sequence id context. The
- caller should pass in the correct value.
- @rtype: C{MessageSet}
- @return: A C{MessageSet} that contains the ids defined in the list
- """
- res = MessageSet()
- parts = s.split(',')
- for p in parts:
- if ':' in p:
- low, high = p.split(':', 1)
- try:
- if low == '*':
- low = None
- else:
- low = long(low)
- if high == '*':
- high = None
- else:
- high = long(high)
- if low is high is None:
- # *:* does not make sense
- raise IllegalIdentifierError(p)
- # non-positive values are illegal according to RFC 3501
- if ((low is not None and low <= 0) or
- (high is not None and high <= 0)):
- raise IllegalIdentifierError(p)
- # star means "highest value of an id in the mailbox"
- high = high or lastMessageId
- low = low or lastMessageId
- # RFC says that 2:4 and 4:2 are equivalent
- if low > high:
- low, high = high, low
- res.extend((low, high))
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalIdentifierError(p)
- else:
- try:
- if p == '*':
- p = None
- else:
- p = long(p)
- if p is not None and p <= 0:
- raise IllegalIdentifierError(p)
- except ValueError:
- raise IllegalIdentifierError(p)
- else:
- res.extend(p or lastMessageId)
- return res
-class IllegalQueryError(IMAP4Exception): pass
-def Query(sorted=0, **kwarg):
- """Create a query string
- Among the accepted keywords are::
- all : If set to a true value, search all messages in the
- current mailbox
- answered : If set to a true value, search messages flagged with
- \\Answered
- bcc : A substring to search the BCC header field for
- before : Search messages with an internal date before this
- value. The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- body : A substring to search the body of the messages for
- cc : A substring to search the CC header field for
- deleted : If set to a true value, search messages flagged with
- \\Deleted
- draft : If set to a true value, search messages flagged with
- \\Draft
- flagged : If set to a true value, search messages flagged with
- \\Flagged
- from : A substring to search the From header field for
- header : A two-tuple of a header name and substring to search
- for in that header
- keyword : Search for messages with the given keyword set
- larger : Search for messages larger than this number of octets
- messages : Search only the given message sequence set.
- new : If set to a true value, search messages flagged with
- \\Recent but not \\Seen
- old : If set to a true value, search messages not flagged with
- \\Recent
- on : Search messages with an internal date which is on this
- date. The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- recent : If set to a true value, search for messages flagged with
- \\Recent
- seen : If set to a true value, search for messages flagged with
- \\Seen
- sentbefore : Search for messages with an RFC822 'Date' header before
- this date. The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- senton : Search for messages with an RFC822 'Date' header which is
- on this date The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- sentsince : Search for messages with an RFC822 'Date' header which is
- after this date. The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- since : Search for messages with an internal date that is after
- this date.. The given date should be a string in the format
- of 'DD-Mon-YYYY'. For example, '03-Mar-2003'.
- smaller : Search for messages smaller than this number of octets
- subject : A substring to search the 'subject' header for
- text : A substring to search the entire message for
- to : A substring to search the 'to' header for
- uid : Search only the messages in the given message set
- unanswered : If set to a true value, search for messages not
- flagged with \\Answered
- undeleted : If set to a true value, search for messages not
- flagged with \\Deleted
- undraft : If set to a true value, search for messages not
- flagged with \\Draft
- unflagged : If set to a true value, search for messages not
- flagged with \\Flagged
- unkeyword : Search for messages without the given keyword set
- unseen : If set to a true value, search for messages not
- flagged with \\Seen
- @type sorted: C{bool}
- @param sorted: If true, the output will be sorted, alphabetically.
- The standard does not require it, but it makes testing this function
- easier. The default is zero, and this should be acceptable for any
- application.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: The formatted query string
- """
- cmd = []
- keys = kwarg.keys()
- if sorted:
- keys.sort()
- for k in keys:
- v = kwarg[k]
- k = k.upper()
- if k in _SIMPLE_BOOL and v:
- cmd.append(k)
- elif k == 'HEADER':
- cmd.extend([k, v[0], '"%s"' % (v[1],)])
- elif k not in _NO_QUOTES:
- cmd.extend([k, '"%s"' % (v,)])
- else:
- cmd.extend([k, '%s' % (v,)])
- if len(cmd) > 1:
- return '(%s)' % ' '.join(cmd)
- else:
- return ' '.join(cmd)
-def Or(*args):
- """The disjunction of two or more queries"""
- if len(args) < 2:
- raise IllegalQueryError, args
- elif len(args) == 2:
- return '(OR %s %s)' % args
- else:
- return '(OR %s %s)' % (args[0], Or(*args[1:]))
-def Not(query):
- """The negation of a query"""
- return '(NOT %s)' % (query,)
-class MismatchedNesting(IMAP4Exception):
- pass
-class MismatchedQuoting(IMAP4Exception):
- pass
-def wildcardToRegexp(wildcard, delim=None):
- wildcard = wildcard.replace('*', '(?:.*?)')
- if delim is None:
- wildcard = wildcard.replace('%', '(?:.*?)')
- else:
- wildcard = wildcard.replace('%', '(?:(?:[^%s])*?)' % re.escape(delim))
- return re.compile(wildcard, re.I)
-def splitQuoted(s):
- """Split a string into whitespace delimited tokens
- Tokens that would otherwise be separated but are surrounded by \"
- remain as a single token. Any token that is not quoted and is
- equal to \"NIL\" is tokenized as C{None}.
- @type s: C{str}
- @param s: The string to be split
- @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
- @return: A list of the resulting tokens
- @raise MismatchedQuoting: Raised if an odd number of quotes are present
- """
- s = s.strip()
- result = []
- word = []
- inQuote = inWord = False
- for i, c in enumerate(s):
- if c == '"':
- if i and s[i-1] == '\\':
- word.pop()
- word.append('"')
- elif not inQuote:
- inQuote = True
- else:
- inQuote = False
- result.append(''.join(word))
- word = []
- elif not inWord and not inQuote and c not in ('"' + string.whitespace):
- inWord = True
- word.append(c)
- elif inWord and not inQuote and c in string.whitespace:
- w = ''.join(word)
- if w == 'NIL':
- result.append(None)
- else:
- result.append(w)
- word = []
- inWord = False
- elif inWord or inQuote:
- word.append(c)
- if inQuote:
- raise MismatchedQuoting(s)
- if inWord:
- w = ''.join(word)
- if w == 'NIL':
- result.append(None)
- else:
- result.append(w)
- return result
-def splitOn(sequence, predicate, transformers):
- result = []
- mode = predicate(sequence[0])
- tmp = [sequence[0]]
- for e in sequence[1:]:
- p = predicate(e)
- if p != mode:
- result.extend(transformers[mode](tmp))
- tmp = [e]
- mode = p
- else:
- tmp.append(e)
- result.extend(transformers[mode](tmp))
- return result
-def collapseStrings(results):
- """
- Turns a list of length-one strings and lists into a list of longer
- strings and lists. For example,
- ['a', 'b', ['c', 'd']] is returned as ['ab', ['cd']]
- @type results: C{list} of C{str} and C{list}
- @param results: The list to be collapsed
- @rtype: C{list} of C{str} and C{list}
- @return: A new list which is the collapsed form of C{results}
- """
- copy = []
- begun = None
- listsList = [isinstance(s, types.ListType) for s in results]
- pred = lambda e: isinstance(e, types.TupleType)
- tran = {
- 0: lambda e: splitQuoted(''.join(e)),
- 1: lambda e: [''.join([i[0] for i in e])]
- }
- for (i, c, isList) in zip(range(len(results)), results, listsList):
- if isList:
- if begun is not None:
- copy.extend(splitOn(results[begun:i], pred, tran))
- begun = None
- copy.append(collapseStrings(c))
- elif begun is None:
- begun = i
- if begun is not None:
- copy.extend(splitOn(results[begun:], pred, tran))
- return copy
-def parseNestedParens(s, handleLiteral = 1):
- """Parse an s-exp-like string into a more useful data structure.
- @type s: C{str}
- @param s: The s-exp-like string to parse
- @rtype: C{list} of C{str} and C{list}
- @return: A list containing the tokens present in the input.
- @raise MismatchedNesting: Raised if the number or placement
- of opening or closing parenthesis is invalid.
- """
- s = s.strip()
- inQuote = 0
- contentStack = [[]]
- try:
- i = 0
- L = len(s)
- while i < L:
- c = s[i]
- if inQuote:
- if c == '\\':
- contentStack[-1].append(s[i:i+2])
- i += 2
- continue
- elif c == '"':
- inQuote = not inQuote
- contentStack[-1].append(c)
- i += 1
- else:
- if c == '"':
- contentStack[-1].append(c)
- inQuote = not inQuote
- i += 1
- elif handleLiteral and c == '{':
- end = s.find('}', i)
- if end == -1:
- raise ValueError, "Malformed literal"
- literalSize = int(s[i+1:end])
- contentStack[-1].append((s[end+3:end+3+literalSize],))
- i = end + 3 + literalSize
- elif c == '(' or c == '[':
- contentStack.append([])
- i += 1
- elif c == ')' or c == ']':
- contentStack[-2].append(contentStack.pop())
- i += 1
- else:
- contentStack[-1].append(c)
- i += 1
- except IndexError:
- raise MismatchedNesting(s)
- if len(contentStack) != 1:
- raise MismatchedNesting(s)
- return collapseStrings(contentStack[0])
-def _quote(s):
- return '"%s"' % (s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"'),)
-def _literal(s):
- return '{%d}\r\n%s' % (len(s), s)
-class DontQuoteMe:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.value)
-_ATOM_SPECIALS = '(){ %*"'
-def _needsQuote(s):
- if s == '':
- return 1
- for c in s:
- if c < '\x20' or c > '\x7f':
- return 1
- if c in _ATOM_SPECIALS:
- return 1
- return 0
-def _prepareMailboxName(name):
- name = name.encode('imap4-utf-7')
- if _needsQuote(name):
- return _quote(name)
- return name
-def _needsLiteral(s):
- # Change this to "return 1" to wig out stupid clients
- return '\n' in s or '\r' in s or len(s) > 1000
-def collapseNestedLists(items):
- """Turn a nested list structure into an s-exp-like string.
- Strings in C{items} will be sent as literals if they contain CR or LF,
- otherwise they will be quoted. References to None in C{items} will be
- translated to the atom NIL. Objects with a 'read' attribute will have
- it called on them with no arguments and the returned string will be
- inserted into the output as a literal. Integers will be converted to
- strings and inserted into the output unquoted. Instances of
- C{DontQuoteMe} will be converted to strings and inserted into the output
- unquoted.
- This function used to be much nicer, and only quote things that really
- needed to be quoted (and C{DontQuoteMe} did not exist), however, many
- broken IMAP4 clients were unable to deal with this level of sophistication,
- forcing the current behavior to be adopted for practical reasons.
- @type items: Any iterable
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- pieces = []
- for i in items:
- if i is None:
- pieces.extend([' ', 'NIL'])
- elif isinstance(i, (DontQuoteMe, int, long)):
- pieces.extend([' ', str(i)])
- elif isinstance(i, types.StringTypes):
- if _needsLiteral(i):
- pieces.extend([' ', '{', str(len(i)), '}', IMAP4Server.delimiter, i])
- else:
- pieces.extend([' ', _quote(i)])
- elif hasattr(i, 'read'):
- d = i.read()
- pieces.extend([' ', '{', str(len(d)), '}', IMAP4Server.delimiter, d])
- else:
- pieces.extend([' ', '(%s)' % (collapseNestedLists(i),)])
- return ''.join(pieces[1:])
-class IClientAuthentication(Interface):
- def getName():
- """Return an identifier associated with this authentication scheme.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- def challengeResponse(secret, challenge):
- """Generate a challenge response string"""
-class CramMD5ClientAuthenticator:
- implements(IClientAuthentication)
- def __init__(self, user):
- self.user = user
- def getName(self):
- return "CRAM-MD5"
- def challengeResponse(self, secret, chal):
- response = hmac.HMAC(secret, chal).hexdigest()
- return '%s %s' % (self.user, response)
-class LOGINAuthenticator:
- implements(IClientAuthentication)
- def __init__(self, user):
- self.user = user
- self.challengeResponse = self.challengeUsername
- def getName(self):
- return "LOGIN"
- def challengeUsername(self, secret, chal):
- # Respond to something like "Username:"
- self.challengeResponse = self.challengeSecret
- return self.user
- def challengeSecret(self, secret, chal):
- # Respond to something like "Password:"
- return secret
-class PLAINAuthenticator:
- implements(IClientAuthentication)
- def __init__(self, user):
- self.user = user
- def getName(self):
- return "PLAIN"
- def challengeResponse(self, secret, chal):
- return '\0%s\0%s' % (self.user, secret)
-class MailboxException(IMAP4Exception): pass
-class MailboxCollision(MailboxException):
- def __str__(self):
- return 'Mailbox named %s already exists' % self.args
-class NoSuchMailbox(MailboxException):
- def __str__(self):
- return 'No mailbox named %s exists' % self.args
-class ReadOnlyMailbox(MailboxException):
- def __str__(self):
- return 'Mailbox open in read-only state'
-class IAccount(Interface):
- """Interface for Account classes
- Implementors of this interface should consider implementing
- C{INamespacePresenter}.
- """
- def addMailbox(name, mbox = None):
- """Add a new mailbox to this account
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name associated with this mailbox. It may not
- contain multiple hierarchical parts.
- @type mbox: An object implementing C{IMailbox}
- @param mbox: The mailbox to associate with this name. If C{None},
- a suitable default is created and used.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose
- callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added for
- some reason. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a C{Deferred}
- is returned.
- """
- def create(pathspec):
- """Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.
- @type pathspec: C{str}
- @param pathspec: The full hierarchical name of a new mailbox to create.
- If any of the inferior hierarchical names to this one do not exist,
- they are created as well.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose
- callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added.
- This may also be raised asynchronously, if a C{Deferred} is
- returned.
- """
- def select(name, rw=True):
- """Acquire a mailbox, given its name.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The mailbox to acquire
- @type rw: C{bool}
- @param rw: If a true value, request a read-write version of this
- mailbox. If a false value, request a read-only version.
- @rtype: Any object implementing C{IMailbox} or C{Deferred}
- @return: The mailbox object, or a C{Deferred} whose callback will
- be invoked with the mailbox object. None may be returned if the
- specified mailbox may not be selected for any reason.
- """
- def delete(name):
- """Delete the mailbox with the specified name.
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The mailbox to delete.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the mailbox is successfully deleted, or a
- C{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked when the deletion
- completes.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be deleted.
- This may also be raised asynchronously, if a C{Deferred} is returned.
- """
- def rename(oldname, newname):
- """Rename a mailbox
- @type oldname: C{str}
- @param oldname: The current name of the mailbox to rename.
- @type newname: C{str}
- @param newname: The new name to associate with the mailbox.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the mailbox is successfully renamed, or a
- C{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked when the rename operation
- is completed.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be
- renamed. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a C{Deferred}
- is returned.
- """
- def isSubscribed(name):
- """Check the subscription status of a mailbox
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name of the mailbox to check
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the given mailbox is currently subscribed
- to, a false value otherwise. A C{Deferred} may also be returned
- whose callback will be invoked with one of these values.
- """
- def subscribe(name):
- """Subscribe to a mailbox
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name of the mailbox to subscribe to
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the mailbox is subscribed to successfully,
- or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when
- the subscription is successful.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be
- subscribed to. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a
- C{Deferred} is returned.
- """
- def unsubscribe(name):
- """Unsubscribe from a mailbox
- @type name: C{str}
- @param name: The name of the mailbox to unsubscribe from
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{bool}
- @return: A true value if the mailbox is unsubscribed from successfully,
- or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when
- the unsubscription is successful.
- @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be
- unsubscribed from. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a
- C{Deferred} is returned.
- """
- def listMailboxes(ref, wildcard):
- """List all the mailboxes that meet a certain criteria
- @type ref: C{str}
- @param ref: The context in which to apply the wildcard
- @type wildcard: C{str}
- @param wildcard: An expression against which to match mailbox names.
- '*' matches any number of characters in a mailbox name, and '%'
- matches similarly, but will not match across hierarchical boundaries.
- @rtype: C{list} of C{tuple}
- @return: A list of C{(mailboxName, mailboxObject)} which meet the
- given criteria. C{mailboxObject} should implement either
- C{IMailboxInfo} or C{IMailbox}. A Deferred may also be returned.
- """
-class INamespacePresenter(Interface):
- def getPersonalNamespaces():
- """Report the available personal namespaces.
- Typically there should be only one personal namespace. A common
- name for it is \"\", and its hierarchical delimiter is usually
- \"/\".
- @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
- @return: The personal namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters.
- If no namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
- """
- def getSharedNamespaces():
- """Report the available shared namespaces.
- Shared namespaces do not belong to any individual user but are
- usually to one or more of them. Examples of shared namespaces
- might be \"#news\" for a usenet gateway.
- @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
- @return: The shared namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters.
- If no namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
- """
- def getUserNamespaces():
- """Report the available user namespaces.
- These are namespaces that contain folders belonging to other users
- access to which this account has been granted.
- @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
- @return: The user namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters.
- If no namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
- """
-class MemoryAccount(object):
- implements(IAccount, INamespacePresenter)
- mailboxes = None
- subscriptions = None
- top_id = 0
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- self.mailboxes = {}
- self.subscriptions = []
- def allocateID(self):
- id = self.top_id
- self.top_id += 1
- return id
- ##
- ## IAccount
- ##
- def addMailbox(self, name, mbox = None):
- name = name.upper()
- if name in self.mailboxes:
- raise MailboxCollision, name
- if mbox is None:
- mbox = self._emptyMailbox(name, self.allocateID())
- self.mailboxes[name] = mbox
- return 1
- def create(self, pathspec):
- paths = filter(None, pathspec.split('/'))
- for accum in range(1, len(paths)):
- try:
- self.addMailbox('/'.join(paths[:accum]))
- except MailboxCollision:
- pass
- try:
- self.addMailbox('/'.join(paths))
- except MailboxCollision:
- if not pathspec.endswith('/'):
- return False
- return True
- def _emptyMailbox(self, name, id):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def select(self, name, readwrite=1):
- return self.mailboxes.get(name.upper())
- def delete(self, name):
- name = name.upper()
- # See if this mailbox exists at all
- mbox = self.mailboxes.get(name)
- if not mbox:
- raise MailboxException("No such mailbox")
- # See if this box is flagged \Noselect
- if r'\Noselect' in mbox.getFlags():
- # Check for hierarchically inferior mailboxes with this one
- # as part of their root.
- for others in self.mailboxes.keys():
- if others != name and others.startswith(name):
- raise MailboxException, "Hierarchically inferior mailboxes exist and \\Noselect is set"
- mbox.destroy()
- # iff there are no hierarchically inferior names, we will
- # delete it from our ken.
- if self._inferiorNames(name) > 1:
- del self.mailboxes[name]
- def rename(self, oldname, newname):
- oldname = oldname.upper()
- newname = newname.upper()
- if oldname not in self.mailboxes:
- raise NoSuchMailbox, oldname
- inferiors = self._inferiorNames(oldname)
- inferiors = [(o, o.replace(oldname, newname, 1)) for o in inferiors]
- for (old, new) in inferiors:
- if new in self.mailboxes:
- raise MailboxCollision, new
- for (old, new) in inferiors:
- self.mailboxes[new] = self.mailboxes[old]
- del self.mailboxes[old]
- def _inferiorNames(self, name):
- inferiors = []
- for infname in self.mailboxes.keys():
- if infname.startswith(name):
- inferiors.append(infname)
- return inferiors
- def isSubscribed(self, name):
- return name.upper() in self.subscriptions
- def subscribe(self, name):
- name = name.upper()
- if name not in self.subscriptions:
- self.subscriptions.append(name)
- def unsubscribe(self, name):
- name = name.upper()
- if name not in self.subscriptions:
- raise MailboxException, "Not currently subscribed to " + name
- self.subscriptions.remove(name)
- def listMailboxes(self, ref, wildcard):
- ref = self._inferiorNames(ref.upper())
- wildcard = wildcardToRegexp(wildcard, '/')
- return [(i, self.mailboxes[i]) for i in ref if wildcard.match(i)]
- ##
- ## INamespacePresenter
- ##
- def getPersonalNamespaces(self):
- return [["", "/"]]
- def getSharedNamespaces(self):
- return None
- def getOtherNamespaces(self):
- return None
-_statusRequestDict = {
- 'MESSAGES': 'getMessageCount',
- 'RECENT': 'getRecentCount',
- 'UIDNEXT': 'getUIDNext',
- 'UIDVALIDITY': 'getUIDValidity',
- 'UNSEEN': 'getUnseenCount'
-def statusRequestHelper(mbox, names):
- r = {}
- for n in names:
- r[n] = getattr(mbox, _statusRequestDict[n.upper()])()
- return r
-def parseAddr(addr):
- if addr is None:
- return [(None, None, None),]
- addrs = email.Utils.getaddresses([addr])
- return [[fn or None, None] + addr.split('@') for fn, addr in addrs]
-def getEnvelope(msg):
- headers = msg.getHeaders(True)
- date = headers.get('date')
- subject = headers.get('subject')
- from_ = headers.get('from')
- sender = headers.get('sender', from_)
- reply_to = headers.get('reply-to', from_)
- to = headers.get('to')
- cc = headers.get('cc')
- bcc = headers.get('bcc')
- in_reply_to = headers.get('in-reply-to')
- mid = headers.get('message-id')
- return (date, subject, parseAddr(from_), parseAddr(sender),
- reply_to and parseAddr(reply_to), to and parseAddr(to),
- cc and parseAddr(cc), bcc and parseAddr(bcc), in_reply_to, mid)
-def getLineCount(msg):
- # XXX - This must be the number of lines in the ENCODED version
- lines = 0
- for _ in msg.getBodyFile():
- lines += 1
- return lines
-def unquote(s):
- if s[0] == s[-1] == '"':
- return s[1:-1]
- return s
-def _getContentType(msg):
- """
- Return a two-tuple of the main and subtype of the given message.
- """
- attrs = None
- mm = msg.getHeaders(False, 'content-type').get('content-type', None)
- if mm:
- mm = ''.join(mm.splitlines())
- mimetype = mm.split(';')
- if mimetype:
- type = mimetype[0].split('/', 1)
- if len(type) == 1:
- major = type[0]
- minor = None
- elif len(type) == 2:
- major, minor = type
- else:
- major = minor = None
- attrs = dict(x.strip().lower().split('=', 1) for x in mimetype[1:])
- else:
- major = minor = None
- else:
- major = minor = None
- return major, minor, attrs
-def _getMessageStructure(message):
- """
- Construct an appropriate type of message structure object for the given
- message object.
- @param message: A L{IMessagePart} provider
- @return: A L{_MessageStructure} instance of the most specific type available
- for the given message, determined by inspecting the MIME type of the
- message.
- """
- main, subtype, attrs = _getContentType(message)
- if main is not None:
- main = main.lower()
- if subtype is not None:
- subtype = subtype.lower()
- if main == 'multipart':
- return _MultipartMessageStructure(message, subtype, attrs)
- elif (main, subtype) == ('message', 'rfc822'):
- return _RFC822MessageStructure(message, main, subtype, attrs)
- elif main == 'text':
- return _TextMessageStructure(message, main, subtype, attrs)
- else:
- return _SinglepartMessageStructure(message, main, subtype, attrs)
-class _MessageStructure(object):
- """
- L{_MessageStructure} is a helper base class for message structure classes
- representing the structure of particular kinds of messages, as defined by
- their MIME type.
- """
- def __init__(self, message, attrs):
- """
- @param message: An L{IMessagePart} provider which this structure object
- reports on.
- @param attrs: A C{dict} giving the parameters of the I{Content-Type}
- header of the message.
- """
- self.message = message
- self.attrs = attrs
- def _disposition(self, disp):
- """
- Parse a I{Content-Disposition} header into a two-sequence of the
- disposition and a flattened list of its parameters.
- @return: C{None} if there is no disposition header value, a C{list} with
- two elements otherwise.
- """
- if disp:
- disp = disp.split('; ')
- if len(disp) == 1:
- disp = (disp[0].lower(), None)
- elif len(disp) > 1:
- # XXX Poorly tested parser
- params = [x for param in disp[1:] for x in param.split('=', 1)]
- disp = [disp[0].lower(), params]
- return disp
- else:
- return None
- def _unquotedAttrs(self):
- """
- @return: The I{Content-Type} parameters, unquoted, as a flat list with
- each Nth element giving a parameter name and N+1th element giving
- the corresponding parameter value.
- """
- if self.attrs:
- unquoted = [(k, unquote(v)) for (k, v) in self.attrs.iteritems()]
- return [y for x in sorted(unquoted) for y in x]
- return None
-class _SinglepartMessageStructure(_MessageStructure):
- """
- L{_SinglepartMessageStructure} represents the message structure of a
- non-I{multipart/*} message.
- """
- _HEADERS = [
- 'content-id', 'content-description',
- 'content-transfer-encoding']
- def __init__(self, message, main, subtype, attrs):
- """
- @param message: An L{IMessagePart} provider which this structure object
- reports on.
- @param main: A C{str} giving the main MIME type of the message (for
- example, C{"text"}).
- @param subtype: A C{str} giving the MIME subtype of the message (for
- example, C{"plain"}).
- @param attrs: A C{dict} giving the parameters of the I{Content-Type}
- header of the message.
- """
- _MessageStructure.__init__(self, message, attrs)
- self.main = main
- self.subtype = subtype
- self.attrs = attrs
- def _basicFields(self):
- """
- Return a list of the basic fields for a single-part message.
- """
- headers = self.message.getHeaders(False, *self._HEADERS)
- # Number of octets total
- size = self.message.getSize()
- major, minor = self.main, self.subtype
- # content-type parameter list
- unquotedAttrs = self._unquotedAttrs()
- return [
- major, minor, unquotedAttrs,
- headers.get('content-id'),
- headers.get('content-description'),
- headers.get('content-transfer-encoding'),
- size,
- ]
- def encode(self, extended):
- """
- Construct and return a list of the basic and extended fields for a
- single-part message. The list suitable to be encoded into a BODY or
- """
- result = self._basicFields()
- if extended:
- result.extend(self._extended())
- return result
- def _extended(self):
- """
- The extension data of a non-multipart body part are in the
- following order:
- 1. body MD5
- A string giving the body MD5 value as defined in [MD5].
- 2. body disposition
- A parenthesized list with the same content and function as
- the body disposition for a multipart body part.
- 3. body language
- A string or parenthesized list giving the body language
- value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
- 4. body location
- A string list giving the body content URI as defined in
- """
- result = []
- headers = self.message.getHeaders(
- False, 'content-md5', 'content-disposition',
- 'content-language', 'content-language')
- result.append(headers.get('content-md5'))
- result.append(self._disposition(headers.get('content-disposition')))
- result.append(headers.get('content-language'))
- result.append(headers.get('content-location'))
- return result
-class _TextMessageStructure(_SinglepartMessageStructure):
- """
- L{_TextMessageStructure} represents the message structure of a I{text/*}
- message.
- """
- def encode(self, extended):
- """
- A body type of type TEXT contains, immediately after the basic
- fields, the size of the body in text lines. Note that this
- size is the size in its content transfer encoding and not the
- resulting size after any decoding.
- """
- result = _SinglepartMessageStructure._basicFields(self)
- result.append(getLineCount(self.message))
- if extended:
- result.extend(self._extended())
- return result
-class _RFC822MessageStructure(_SinglepartMessageStructure):
- """
- L{_RFC822MessageStructure} represents the message structure of a
- I{message/rfc822} message.
- """
- def encode(self, extended):
- """
- A body type of type MESSAGE and subtype RFC822 contains,
- immediately after the basic fields, the envelope structure,
- body structure, and size in text lines of the encapsulated
- message.
- """
- result = _SinglepartMessageStructure.encode(self, extended)
- contained = self.message.getSubPart(0)
- result.append(getEnvelope(contained))
- result.append(getBodyStructure(contained, False))
- result.append(getLineCount(contained))
- return result
-class _MultipartMessageStructure(_MessageStructure):
- """
- L{_MultipartMessageStructure} represents the message structure of a
- I{multipart/*} message.
- """
- def __init__(self, message, subtype, attrs):
- """
- @param message: An L{IMessagePart} provider which this structure object
- reports on.
- @param subtype: A C{str} giving the MIME subtype of the message (for
- example, C{"plain"}).
- @param attrs: A C{dict} giving the parameters of the I{Content-Type}
- header of the message.
- """
- _MessageStructure.__init__(self, message, attrs)
- self.subtype = subtype
- def _getParts(self):
- """
- Return an iterator over all of the sub-messages of this message.
- """
- i = 0
- while True:
- try:
- part = self.message.getSubPart(i)
- except IndexError:
- break
- else:
- yield part
- i += 1
- def encode(self, extended):
- """
- Encode each sub-message and added the additional I{multipart} fields.
- """
- result = [_getMessageStructure(p).encode(extended) for p in self._getParts()]
- result.append(self.subtype)
- if extended:
- result.extend(self._extended())
- return result
- def _extended(self):
- """
- The extension data of a multipart body part are in the following order:
- 1. body parameter parenthesized list
- A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs [e.g., ("foo"
- "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is the value of "foo", and
- "rag" is the value of "baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
- 2. body disposition
- A parenthesized list, consisting of a disposition type
- string, followed by a parenthesized list of disposition
- attribute/value pairs as defined in [DISPOSITION].
- 3. body language
- A string or parenthesized list giving the body language
- value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
- 4. body location
- A string list giving the body content URI as defined in
- """
- result = []
- headers = self.message.getHeaders(
- False, 'content-language', 'content-location',
- 'content-disposition')
- result.append(self._unquotedAttrs())
- result.append(self._disposition(headers.get('content-disposition')))
- result.append(headers.get('content-language', None))
- result.append(headers.get('content-location', None))
- return result
-def getBodyStructure(msg, extended=False):
- """
- RFC 3501, 7.4.2, BODYSTRUCTURE::
- A parenthesized list that describes the [MIME-IMB] body structure of a
- message. This is computed by the server by parsing the [MIME-IMB] header
- fields, defaulting various fields as necessary.
- For example, a simple text message of 48 lines and 2279 octets can have
- a body structure of: ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "US-ASCII") NIL NIL
- "7BIT" 2279 48)
- This is represented as::
- ["TEXT", "PLAIN", ["CHARSET", "US-ASCII"], None, None, "7BIT", 2279, 48]
- These basic fields are documented in the RFC as:
- 1. body type
- A string giving the content media type name as defined in
- 2. body subtype
- A string giving the content subtype name as defined in
- 3. body parameter parenthesized list
- A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs [e.g., ("foo"
- "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is the value of "foo" and
- "rag" is the value of "baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
- 4. body id
- A string giving the content id as defined in [MIME-IMB].
- 5. body description
- A string giving the content description as defined in
- 6. body encoding
- A string giving the content transfer encoding as defined in
- 7. body size
- A number giving the size of the body in octets. Note that this size is
- the size in its transfer encoding and not the resulting size after any
- decoding.
- Put another way, the body structure is a list of seven elements. The
- semantics of the elements of this list are:
- 1. Byte string giving the major MIME type
- 2. Byte string giving the minor MIME type
- 3. A list giving the Content-Type parameters of the message
- 4. A byte string giving the content identifier for the message part, or
- None if it has no content identifier.
- 5. A byte string giving the content description for the message part, or
- None if it has no content description.
- 6. A byte string giving the Content-Encoding of the message body
- 7. An integer giving the number of octets in the message body
- The RFC goes on::
- Multiple parts are indicated by parenthesis nesting. Instead of a body
- type as the first element of the parenthesized list, there is a sequence
- of one or more nested body structures. The second element of the
- parenthesized list is the multipart subtype (mixed, digest, parallel,
- alternative, etc.).
- For example, a two part message consisting of a text and a
- BASE64-encoded text attachment can have a body structure of: (("TEXT"
- ("CHARSET" "US-ASCII" "NAME" "cc.diff")
- "<960723163407.20117h@cac.washington.edu>" "Compiler diff" "BASE64" 4554
- 73) "MIXED")
- This is represented as::
- [["TEXT", "PLAIN", ["CHARSET", "US-ASCII"], None, None, "7BIT", 1152,
- 23],
- ["TEXT", "PLAIN", ["CHARSET", "US-ASCII", "NAME", "cc.diff"],
- "<960723163407.20117h@cac.washington.edu>", "Compiler diff",
- "BASE64", 4554, 73],
- "MIXED"]
- In other words, a list of N + 1 elements, where N is the number of parts in
- the message. The first N elements are structures as defined by the previous
- section. The last element is the minor MIME subtype of the multipart
- message.
- Additionally, the RFC describes extension data::
- Extension data follows the multipart subtype. Extension data is never
- returned with the BODY fetch, but can be returned with a BODYSTRUCTURE
- fetch. Extension data, if present, MUST be in the defined order.
- The C{extended} flag controls whether extension data might be returned with
- the normal data.
- """
- return _getMessageStructure(msg).encode(extended)
-class IMessagePart(Interface):
- def getHeaders(negate, *names):
- """Retrieve a group of message headers.
- @type names: C{tuple} of C{str}
- @param names: The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
- @type negate: C{bool}
- @param negate: If True, indicates that the headers listed in C{names}
- should be omitted from the return value, rather than included.
- @rtype: C{dict}
- @return: A mapping of header field names to header field values
- """
- def getBodyFile():
- """Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
- """
- def getSize():
- """Retrieve the total size, in octets, of this message.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def isMultipart():
- """Indicate whether this message has subparts.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- def getSubPart(part):
- """Retrieve a MIME sub-message
- @type part: C{int}
- @param part: The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
- @raise IndexError: Raised if the specified part does not exist.
- @raise TypeError: Raised if this message is not multipart.
- @rtype: Any object implementing C{IMessagePart}.
- @return: The specified sub-part.
- """
-class IMessage(IMessagePart):
- def getUID():
- """Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message.
- """
- def getFlags():
- """Retrieve the flags associated with this message.
- @rtype: C{iterable}
- @return: The flags, represented as strings.
- """
- def getInternalDate():
- """Retrieve the date internally associated with this message.
- @rtype: C{str}
- @return: An RFC822-formatted date string.
- """
-class IMessageFile(Interface):
- """Optional message interface for representing messages as files.
- If provided by message objects, this interface will be used instead
- the more complex MIME-based interface.
- """
- def open():
- """Return an file-like object opened for reading.
- Reading from the returned file will return all the bytes
- of which this message consists.
- """
-class ISearchableMailbox(Interface):
- def search(query, uid):
- """Search for messages that meet the given query criteria.
- If this interface is not implemented by the mailbox, L{IMailbox.fetch}
- and various methods of L{IMessage} will be used instead.
- Implementations which wish to offer better performance than the
- default implementation should implement this interface.
- @type query: C{list}
- @param query: The search criteria
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
- otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
- @rtype: C{list} or C{Deferred}
- @return: A list of message sequence numbers or message UIDs which
- match the search criteria or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be
- invoked with such a list.
- @raise IllegalQueryError: Raised when query is not valid.
- """
-class IMessageCopier(Interface):
- def copy(messageObject):
- """Copy the given message object into this mailbox.
- The message object will be one which was previously returned by
- L{IMailbox.fetch}.
- Implementations which wish to offer better performance than the
- default implementation should implement this interface.
- If this interface is not implemented by the mailbox, IMailbox.addMessage
- will be used instead.
- @rtype: C{Deferred} or C{int}
- @return: Either the UID of the message or a Deferred which fires
- with the UID when the copy finishes.
- """
-class IMailboxInfo(Interface):
- """Interface specifying only the methods required for C{listMailboxes}.
- Implementations can return objects implementing only these methods for
- return to C{listMailboxes} if it can allow them to operate more
- efficiently.
- """
- def getFlags():
- """Return the flags defined in this mailbox
- Flags with the \\ prefix are reserved for use as system flags.
- @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
- @return: A list of the flags that can be set on messages in this mailbox.
- """
- def getHierarchicalDelimiter():
- """Get the character which delimits namespaces for in this mailbox.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
-class IMailbox(IMailboxInfo):
- def getUIDValidity():
- """Return the unique validity identifier for this mailbox.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def getUIDNext():
- """Return the likely UID for the next message added to this mailbox.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def getUID(message):
- """Return the UID of a message in the mailbox
- @type message: C{int}
- @param message: The message sequence number
- @rtype: C{int}
- @return: The UID of the message.
- """
- def getMessageCount():
- """Return the number of messages in this mailbox.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def getRecentCount():
- """Return the number of messages with the 'Recent' flag.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def getUnseenCount():
- """Return the number of messages with the 'Unseen' flag.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- def isWriteable():
- """Get the read/write status of the mailbox.
- @rtype: C{int}
- @return: A true value if write permission is allowed, a false value otherwise.
- """
- def destroy():
- """Called before this mailbox is deleted, permanently.
- If necessary, all resources held by this mailbox should be cleaned
- up here. This function _must_ set the \\Noselect flag on this
- mailbox.
- """
- def requestStatus(names):
- """Return status information about this mailbox.
- Mailboxes which do not intend to do any special processing to
- generate the return value, C{statusRequestHelper} can be used
- to build the dictionary by calling the other interface methods
- which return the data for each name.
- @type names: Any iterable
- @param names: The status names to return information regarding.
- The possible values for each name are: MESSAGES, RECENT, UIDNEXT,
- @rtype: C{dict} or C{Deferred}
- @return: A dictionary containing status information about the
- requested names is returned. If the process of looking this
- information up would be costly, a deferred whose callback will
- eventually be passed this dictionary is returned instead.
- """
- def addListener(listener):
- """Add a mailbox change listener
- @type listener: Any object which implements C{IMailboxListener}
- @param listener: An object to add to the set of those which will
- be notified when the contents of this mailbox change.
- """
- def removeListener(listener):
- """Remove a mailbox change listener
- @type listener: Any object previously added to and not removed from
- this mailbox as a listener.
- @param listener: The object to remove from the set of listeners.
- @raise ValueError: Raised when the given object is not a listener for
- this mailbox.
- """
- def addMessage(message, flags = (), date = None):
- """Add the given message to this mailbox.
- @type message: A file-like object
- @param message: The RFC822 formatted message
- @type flags: Any iterable of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to associate with this message
- @type date: C{str}
- @param date: If specified, the date to associate with this
- message.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with the message
- id if the message is added successfully and whose errback is
- invoked otherwise.
- @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this Mailbox is not open for
- read-write.
- """
- def expunge():
- """Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted.
- @rtype: C{list} or C{Deferred}
- @return: The list of message sequence numbers which were deleted,
- or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked with such a list.
- @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this Mailbox is not open for
- read-write.
- """
- def fetch(messages, uid):
- """Retrieve one or more messages.
- @type messages: C{MessageSet}
- @param messages: The identifiers of messages to retrieve information
- about
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
- otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
- @rtype: Any iterable of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
- implementors of C{IMessage}.
- """
- def store(messages, flags, mode, uid):
- """Set the flags of one or more messages.
- @type messages: A MessageSet object with the list of messages requested
- @param messages: The identifiers of the messages to set the flags of.
- @type flags: sequence of C{str}
- @param flags: The flags to set, unset, or add.
- @type mode: -1, 0, or 1
- @param mode: If mode is -1, these flags should be removed from the
- specified messages. If mode is 1, these flags should be added to
- the specified messages. If mode is 0, all existing flags should be
- cleared and these flags should be added.
- @type uid: C{bool}
- @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
- otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
- @rtype: C{dict} or C{Deferred}
- @return: A C{dict} mapping message sequence numbers to sequences of C{str}
- representing the flags set on the message after this operation has
- been performed, or a C{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked with
- such a C{dict}.
- @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this mailbox is not open for
- read-write.
- """
-class ICloseableMailbox(Interface):
- """A supplementary interface for mailboxes which require cleanup on close.
- Implementing this interface is optional. If it is implemented, the protocol
- code will call the close method defined whenever a mailbox is closed.
- """
- def close():
- """Close this mailbox.
- @return: A C{Deferred} which fires when this mailbox
- has been closed, or None if the mailbox can be closed
- immediately.
- """
-def _formatHeaders(headers):
- hdrs = [': '.join((k.title(), '\r\n'.join(v.splitlines()))) for (k, v)
- in headers.iteritems()]
- hdrs = '\r\n'.join(hdrs) + '\r\n'
- return hdrs
-def subparts(m):
- i = 0
- try:
- while True:
- yield m.getSubPart(i)
- i += 1
- except IndexError:
- pass
-def iterateInReactor(i):
- """Consume an interator at most a single iteration per reactor iteration.
- If the iterator produces a Deferred, the next iteration will not occur
- until the Deferred fires, otherwise the next iteration will be taken
- in the next reactor iteration.
- @rtype: C{Deferred}
- @return: A deferred which fires (with None) when the iterator is
- exhausted or whose errback is called if there is an exception.
- """
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- d = defer.Deferred()
- def go(last):
- try:
- r = i.next()
- except StopIteration:
- d.callback(last)
- except:
- d.errback()
- else:
- if isinstance(r, defer.Deferred):
- r.addCallback(go)
- else:
- reactor.callLater(0, go, r)
- go(None)
- return d
-class MessageProducer:
- CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ** 2 ** 2 ** 2
- def __init__(self, msg, buffer = None, scheduler = None):
- """Produce this message.
- @param msg: The message I am to produce.
- @type msg: L{IMessage}
- @param buffer: A buffer to hold the message in. If None, I will
- use a L{tempfile.TemporaryFile}.
- @type buffer: file-like
- """
- self.msg = msg
- if buffer is None:
- buffer = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- self.buffer = buffer
- if scheduler is None:
- scheduler = iterateInReactor
- self.scheduler = scheduler
- self.write = self.buffer.write
- def beginProducing(self, consumer):
- self.consumer = consumer
- return self.scheduler(self._produce())
- def _produce(self):
- headers = self.msg.getHeaders(True)
- boundary = None
- if self.msg.isMultipart():
- content = headers.get('content-type')
- parts = [x.split('=', 1) for x in content.split(';')[1:]]
- parts = dict([(k.lower().strip(), v) for (k, v) in parts])
- boundary = parts.get('boundary')
- if boundary is None:
- # Bastards
- boundary = '----=_%f_boundary_%f' % (time.time(), random.random())
- headers['content-type'] += '; boundary="%s"' % (boundary,)
- else:
- if boundary.startswith('"') and boundary.endswith('"'):
- boundary = boundary[1:-1]
- self.write(_formatHeaders(headers))
- self.write('\r\n')
- if self.msg.isMultipart():
- for p in subparts(self.msg):
- self.write('\r\n--%s\r\n' % (boundary,))
- yield MessageProducer(p, self.buffer, self.scheduler
- ).beginProducing(None
- )
- self.write('\r\n--%s--\r\n' % (boundary,))
- else:
- f = self.msg.getBodyFile()
- while True:
- b = f.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
- if b:
- self.buffer.write(b)
- yield None
- else:
- break
- if self.consumer:
- self.buffer.seek(0, 0)
- yield FileProducer(self.buffer
- ).beginProducing(self.consumer
- ).addCallback(lambda _: self
- )
-class _FetchParser:
- class Envelope:
- # Response should be a list of fields from the message:
- # date, subject, from, sender, reply-to, to, cc, bcc, in-reply-to,
- # and message-id.
- #
- # from, sender, reply-to, to, cc, and bcc are themselves lists of
- # address information:
- # personal name, source route, mailbox name, host name
- #
- # reply-to and sender must not be None. If not present in a message
- # they should be defaulted to the value of the from field.
- type = 'envelope'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'envelope'
- class Flags:
- type = 'flags'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'flags'
- class InternalDate:
- type = 'internaldate'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'internaldate'
- class RFC822Header:
- type = 'rfc822header'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'rfc822.header'
- class RFC822Text:
- type = 'rfc822text'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'rfc822.text'
- class RFC822Size:
- type = 'rfc822size'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'rfc822.size'
- class RFC822:
- type = 'rfc822'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'rfc822'
- class UID:
- type = 'uid'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'uid'
- class Body:
- type = 'body'
- peek = False
- header = None
- mime = None
- text = None
- part = ()
- empty = False
- partialBegin = None
- partialLength = None
- def __str__(self):
- base = 'BODY'
- part = ''
- separator = ''
- if self.part:
- part = '.'.join([str(x + 1) for x in self.part])
- separator = '.'
-# if self.peek:
-# base += '.PEEK'
- if self.header:
- base += '[%s%s%s]' % (part, separator, self.header,)
- elif self.text:
- base += '[%s%sTEXT]' % (part, separator)
- elif self.mime:
- base += '[%s%sMIME]' % (part, separator)
- elif self.empty:
- base += '[%s]' % (part,)
- if self.partialBegin is not None:
- base += '<%d.%d>' % (self.partialBegin, self.partialLength)
- return base
- class BodyStructure:
- type = 'bodystructure'
- __str__ = lambda self: 'bodystructure'
- # These three aren't top-level, they don't need type indicators
- class Header:
- negate = False
- fields = None
- part = None
- def __str__(self):
- base = 'HEADER'
- if self.fields:
- base += '.FIELDS'
- if self.negate:
- base += '.NOT'
- fields = []
- for f in self.fields:
- f = f.title()
- if _needsQuote(f):
- f = _quote(f)
- fields.append(f)
- base += ' (%s)' % ' '.join(fields)
- if self.part:
- base = '.'.join([str(x + 1) for x in self.part]) + '.' + base
- return base
- class Text:
- pass
- class MIME:
- pass
- parts = None
- _simple_fetch_att = [
- ('envelope', Envelope),
- ('flags', Flags),
- ('internaldate', InternalDate),
- ('rfc822.header', RFC822Header),
- ('rfc822.text', RFC822Text),
- ('rfc822.size', RFC822Size),
- ('rfc822', RFC822),
- ('uid', UID),
- ('bodystructure', BodyStructure),
- ]
- def __init__(self):
- self.state = ['initial']
- self.result = []
- self.remaining = ''
- def parseString(self, s):
- s = self.remaining + s
- try:
- while s or self.state:
- # print 'Entering state_' + self.state[-1] + ' with', repr(s)
- state = self.state.pop()
- try:
- used = getattr(self, 'state_' + state)(s)
- except:
- self.state.append(state)
- raise
- else:
- # print state, 'consumed', repr(s[:used])
- s = s[used:]
- finally:
- self.remaining = s
- def state_initial(self, s):
- # In the initial state, the literals "ALL", "FULL", and "FAST"
- # are accepted, as is a ( indicating the beginning of a fetch_att
- # token, as is the beginning of a fetch_att token.
- if s == '':
- return 0
- l = s.lower()
- if l.startswith('all'):
- self.result.extend((
- self.Flags(), self.InternalDate(),
- self.RFC822Size(), self.Envelope()
- ))
- return 3
- if l.startswith('full'):
- self.result.extend((
- self.Flags(), self.InternalDate(),
- self.RFC822Size(), self.Envelope(),
- self.Body()
- ))
- return 4
- if l.startswith('fast'):
- self.result.extend((
- self.Flags(), self.InternalDate(), self.RFC822Size(),
- ))
- return 4
- if l.startswith('('):
- self.state.extend(('close_paren', 'maybe_fetch_att', 'fetch_att'))
- return 1
- self.state.append('fetch_att')
- return 0
- def state_close_paren(self, s):
- if s.startswith(')'):
- return 1
- raise Exception("Missing )")
- def state_whitespace(self, s):
- # Eat up all the leading whitespace
- if not s or not s[0].isspace():
- raise Exception("Whitespace expected, none found")
- i = 0
- for i in range(len(s)):
- if not s[i].isspace():
- break
- return i
- def state_maybe_fetch_att(self, s):
- if not s.startswith(')'):
- self.state.extend(('maybe_fetch_att', 'fetch_att', 'whitespace'))
- return 0
- def state_fetch_att(self, s):
- # Allowed fetch_att tokens are "ENVELOPE", "FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE",
- # "RFC822", "RFC822.HEADER", "RFC822.SIZE", "RFC822.TEXT", "BODY",
- # "BODY [".PEEK"] [<section>] ["<" <number> "." <nz_number> ">"]
- l = s.lower()
- for (name, cls) in self._simple_fetch_att:
- if l.startswith(name):
- self.result.append(cls())
- return len(name)
- b = self.Body()
- if l.startswith('body.peek'):
- b.peek = True
- used = 9
- elif l.startswith('body'):
- used = 4
- else:
- raise Exception("Nothing recognized in fetch_att: %s" % (l,))
- self.pending_body = b
- self.state.extend(('got_body', 'maybe_partial', 'maybe_section'))
- return used
- def state_got_body(self, s):
- self.result.append(self.pending_body)
- del self.pending_body
- return 0
- def state_maybe_section(self, s):
- if not s.startswith("["):
- return 0
- self.state.extend(('section', 'part_number'))
- return 1
- _partExpr = re.compile(r'(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)\.?')
- def state_part_number(self, s):
- m = self._partExpr.match(s)
- if m is not None:
- self.parts = [int(p) - 1 for p in m.groups()[0].split('.')]
- return m.end()
- else:
- self.parts = []
- return 0
- def state_section(self, s):
- # Grab "HEADER]" or "HEADER.FIELDS (Header list)]" or
- # "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Header list)]" or "TEXT]" or "MIME]" or
- # just "]".
- l = s.lower()
- used = 0
- if l.startswith(']'):
- self.pending_body.empty = True
- used += 1
- elif l.startswith('header]'):
- h = self.pending_body.header = self.Header()
- h.negate = True
- h.fields = ()
- used += 7
- elif l.startswith('text]'):
- self.pending_body.text = self.Text()
- used += 5
- elif l.startswith('mime]'):
- self.pending_body.mime = self.MIME()
- used += 5
- else:
- h = self.Header()
- if l.startswith('header.fields.not'):
- h.negate = True
- used += 17
- elif l.startswith('header.fields'):
- used += 13
- else:
- raise Exception("Unhandled section contents: %r" % (l,))
- self.pending_body.header = h
- self.state.extend(('finish_section', 'header_list', 'whitespace'))
- self.pending_body.part = tuple(self.parts)
- self.parts = None
- return used
- def state_finish_section(self, s):
- if not s.startswith(']'):
- raise Exception("section must end with ]")
- return 1
- def state_header_list(self, s):
- if not s.startswith('('):
- raise Exception("Header list must begin with (")
- end = s.find(')')
- if end == -1:
- raise Exception("Header list must end with )")
- headers = s[1:end].split()
- self.pending_body.header.fields = map(str.upper, headers)
- return end + 1
- def state_maybe_partial(self, s):
- # Grab <number.number> or nothing at all
- if not s.startswith('<'):
- return 0
- end = s.find('>')
- if end == -1:
- raise Exception("Found < but not >")
- partial = s[1:end]
- parts = partial.split('.', 1)
- if len(parts) != 2:
- raise Exception("Partial specification did not include two .-delimited integers")
- begin, length = map(int, parts)
- self.pending_body.partialBegin = begin
- self.pending_body.partialLength = length
- return end + 1
-class FileProducer:
- CHUNK_SIZE = 2 ** 2 ** 2 ** 2
- firstWrite = True
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.f = f
- def beginProducing(self, consumer):
- self.consumer = consumer
- self.produce = consumer.write
- d = self._onDone = defer.Deferred()
- self.consumer.registerProducer(self, False)
- return d
- def resumeProducing(self):
- b = ''
- if self.firstWrite:
- b = '{%d}\r\n' % self._size()
- self.firstWrite = False
- if not self.f:
- return
- b = b + self.f.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
- if not b:
- self.consumer.unregisterProducer()
- self._onDone.callback(self)
- self._onDone = self.f = self.consumer = None
- else:
- self.produce(b)
- def pauseProducing(self):
- pass
- def stopProducing(self):
- pass
- def _size(self):
- b = self.f.tell()
- self.f.seek(0, 2)
- e = self.f.tell()
- self.f.seek(b, 0)
- return e - b
-def parseTime(s):
- # XXX - This may require localization :(
- months = [
- 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct',
- 'nov', 'dec', 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june',
- 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december'
- ]
- expr = {
- 'day': r"(?P<day>3[0-1]|[1-2]\d|0[1-9]|[1-9]| [1-9])",
- 'mon': r"(?P<mon>\w+)",
- 'year': r"(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)"
- }
- m = re.match('%(day)s-%(mon)s-%(year)s' % expr, s)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError, "Cannot parse time string %r" % (s,)
- d = m.groupdict()
- try:
- d['mon'] = 1 + (months.index(d['mon'].lower()) % 12)
- d['year'] = int(d['year'])
- d['day'] = int(d['day'])
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError, "Cannot parse time string %r" % (s,)
- else:
- return time.struct_time(
- (d['year'], d['mon'], d['day'], 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1)
- )
-import codecs
-def modified_base64(s):
- s_utf7 = s.encode('utf-7')
- return s_utf7[1:-1].replace('/', ',')
-def modified_unbase64(s):
- s_utf7 = '+' + s.replace(',', '/') + '-'
- return s_utf7.decode('utf-7')
-def encoder(s, errors=None):
- """
- Encode the given C{unicode} string using the IMAP4 specific variation of
- UTF-7.
- @type s: C{unicode}
- @param s: The text to encode.
- @param errors: Policy for handling encoding errors. Currently ignored.
- @return: C{tuple} of a C{str} giving the encoded bytes and an C{int}
- giving the number of code units consumed from the input.
- """
- r = []
- _in = []
- for c in s:
- if ord(c) in (range(0x20, 0x26) + range(0x27, 0x7f)):
- if _in:
- r.extend(['&', modified_base64(''.join(_in)), '-'])
- del _in[:]
- r.append(str(c))
- elif c == '&':
- if _in:
- r.extend(['&', modified_base64(''.join(_in)), '-'])
- del _in[:]
- r.append('&-')
- else:
- _in.append(c)
- if _in:
- r.extend(['&', modified_base64(''.join(_in)), '-'])
- return (''.join(r), len(s))
-def decoder(s, errors=None):
- """
- Decode the given C{str} using the IMAP4 specific variation of UTF-7.
- @type s: C{str}
- @param s: The bytes to decode.
- @param errors: Policy for handling decoding errors. Currently ignored.
- @return: a C{tuple} of a C{unicode} string giving the text which was
- decoded and an C{int} giving the number of bytes consumed from the
- input.
- """
- r = []
- decode = []
- for c in s:
- if c == '&' and not decode:
- decode.append('&')
- elif c == '-' and decode:
- if len(decode) == 1:
- r.append('&')
- else:
- r.append(modified_unbase64(''.join(decode[1:])))
- decode = []
- elif decode:
- decode.append(c)
- else:
- r.append(c)
- if decode:
- r.append(modified_unbase64(''.join(decode[1:])))
- return (''.join(r), len(s))
-class StreamReader(codecs.StreamReader):
- def decode(self, s, errors='strict'):
- return decoder(s)
-class StreamWriter(codecs.StreamWriter):
- def encode(self, s, errors='strict'):
- return encoder(s)
-_codecInfo = (encoder, decoder, StreamReader, StreamWriter)
- _codecInfoClass = codecs.CodecInfo
-except AttributeError:
- pass
- _codecInfo = _codecInfoClass(*_codecInfo)
-def imap4_utf_7(name):
- if name == 'imap4-utf-7':
- return _codecInfo
-__all__ = [
- # Protocol classes
- 'IMAP4Server', 'IMAP4Client',
- # Interfaces
- 'IMailboxListener', 'IClientAuthentication', 'IAccount', 'IMailbox',
- 'INamespacePresenter', 'ICloseableMailbox', 'IMailboxInfo',
- 'IMessage', 'IMessageCopier', 'IMessageFile', 'ISearchableMailbox',
- # Exceptions
- 'IMAP4Exception', 'IllegalClientResponse', 'IllegalOperation',
- 'IllegalMailboxEncoding', 'UnhandledResponse', 'NegativeResponse',
- 'NoSupportedAuthentication', 'IllegalServerResponse',
- 'IllegalIdentifierError', 'IllegalQueryError', 'MismatchedNesting',
- 'MismatchedQuoting', 'MailboxException', 'MailboxCollision',
- 'NoSuchMailbox', 'ReadOnlyMailbox',
- # Auth objects
- 'CramMD5ClientAuthenticator', 'PLAINAuthenticator', 'LOGINAuthenticator',
- 'PLAINCredentials', 'LOGINCredentials',
- # Simple query interface
- 'Query', 'Not', 'Or',
- # Miscellaneous
- 'MemoryAccount',
- 'statusRequestHelper',