path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/test/test_lore.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/test/test_lore.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1198 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/test/test_lore.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/test/test_lore.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f399d99..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/lore/test/test_lore.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1198 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# ++ single anchor added to individual output file
-# ++ two anchors added to individual output file
-# ++ anchors added to individual output files
-# ++ entry added to index
-# ++ index entry pointing to correct file and anchor
-# ++ multiple entries added to index
-# ++ multiple index entries pointing to correct files and anchors
-# __ all of above for files in deep directory structure
-# ++ group index entries by indexed term
-# ++ sort index entries by indexed term
-# __ hierarchical index entries (e.g. language!programming)
-# ++ add parameter for what the index filename should be
-# ++ add (default) ability to NOT index (if index not specified)
-# ++ put actual index filename into INDEX link (if any) in the template
-# __ make index links RELATIVE!
-# __ make index pay attention to the outputdir!
-# __ make index look nice
-# ++ add section numbers to headers in lore output
-# ++ make text of index entry links be chapter numbers
-# ++ make text of index entry links be section numbers
-# __ put all of our test files someplace neat and tidy
-import os, shutil, errno, time
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from xml.dom import minidom as dom
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.lore import tree, process, indexer, numberer, htmlbook, default
-from twisted.lore.default import factory
-from twisted.lore.latex import LatexSpitter
-from twisted.python.util import sibpath
-from twisted.lore.scripts import lore
-from twisted.web import domhelpers
-def sp(originalFileName):
- return sibpath(__file__, originalFileName)
-options = {"template" : sp("template.tpl"), 'baseurl': '%s', 'ext': '.xhtml' }
-d = options
-class _XMLAssertionMixin:
- """
- Test mixin defining a method for comparing serialized XML documents.
- """
- def assertXMLEqual(self, first, second):
- """
- Verify that two strings represent the same XML document.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- dom.parseString(first).toxml(),
- dom.parseString(second).toxml())
-class TestFactory(unittest.TestCase, _XMLAssertionMixin):
- file = sp('simple.html')
- linkrel = ""
- def assertEqualFiles1(self, exp, act):
- if (exp == act): return True
- fact = open(act)
- self.assertEqualsFile(exp, fact.read())
- def assertEqualFiles(self, exp, act):
- if (exp == act): return True
- fact = open(sp(act))
- self.assertEqualsFile(exp, fact.read())
- def assertEqualsFile(self, exp, act):
- expected = open(sp(exp)).read()
- self.assertEqual(expected, act)
- def makeTemp(self, *filenames):
- tmp = self.mktemp()
- os.mkdir(tmp)
- for filename in filenames:
- tmpFile = os.path.join(tmp, filename)
- shutil.copyfile(sp(filename), tmpFile)
- return tmp
- def setUp(self):
- indexer.reset()
- numberer.reset()
- def testProcessingFunctionFactory(self):
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- simple = base.child('simple.html')
- FilePath(__file__).sibling('simple.html').copyTo(simple)
- htmlGenerator = factory.generate_html(options)
- htmlGenerator(simple.path, self.linkrel)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="index.xhtml">Index</a>
- </body>
- simple.sibling('simple.xhtml').getContent())
- def testProcessingFunctionFactoryWithFilenameGenerator(self):
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- def filenameGenerator(originalFileName, outputExtension):
- name = os.path.splitext(FilePath(originalFileName).basename())[0]
- return base.child(name + outputExtension).path
- htmlGenerator = factory.generate_html(options, filenameGenerator)
- htmlGenerator(self.file, self.linkrel)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="index.xhtml">Index</a>
- </body>
- base.child("simple.xhtml").getContent())
- def test_doFile(self):
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- simple = base.child('simple.html')
- FilePath(__file__).sibling('simple.html').copyTo(simple)
- templ = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- tree.doFile(simple.path, self.linkrel, d['ext'], d['baseurl'], templ, d)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="index.xhtml">Index</a>
- </body>
- base.child("simple.xhtml").getContent())
- def test_doFile_withFilenameGenerator(self):
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- def filenameGenerator(originalFileName, outputExtension):
- name = os.path.splitext(FilePath(originalFileName).basename())[0]
- return base.child(name + outputExtension).path
- templ = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- tree.doFile(self.file, self.linkrel, d['ext'], d['baseurl'], templ, d, filenameGenerator)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="index.xhtml">Index</a>
- </body>
- base.child("simple.xhtml").getContent())
- def test_munge(self):
- indexer.setIndexFilename("lore_index_file.html")
- doc = dom.parse(open(self.file))
- node = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- tree.munge(doc, node, self.linkrel,
- os.path.dirname(self.file),
- self.file,
- d['ext'], d['baseurl'], d)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="lore_index_file.html">Index</a>
- </body>
- node.toxml())
- def test_mungeAuthors(self):
- """
- If there is a node with a I{class} attribute set to C{"authors"},
- L{tree.munge} adds anchors as children to it, takeing the necessary
- information from any I{link} nodes in the I{head} with their I{rel}
- attribute set to C{"author"}.
- """
- document = dom.parseString(
- """\
- <head>
- <title>munge authors</title>
- <link rel="author" title="foo" href="bar"/>
- <link rel="author" title="baz" href="quux"/>
- <link rel="author" title="foobar" href="barbaz"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>munge authors</h1>
- </body>
- template = dom.parseString(
- """\
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
- <head>
- <title />
- </head>
- <body>
- <div class="body" />
- <div class="authors" />
- </body>
- tree.munge(
- document, template, self.linkrel, os.path.dirname(self.file),
- self.file, d['ext'], d['baseurl'], d)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- template.toxml(),
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>munge authors</title>
- <link href="bar" rel="author" title="foo"/><link href="quux" rel="author" title="baz"/><link href="barbaz" rel="author" title="foobar"/></head>
- <body>
- <div class="content">
- <span/>
- </div>
- <div class="authors"><span><a href="bar">foo</a>, <a href="quux">baz</a>, and <a href="barbaz">foobar</a></span></div>
- </body>
- def test_getProcessor(self):
- base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- base.makedirs()
- input = base.child("simple3.html")
- FilePath(__file__).sibling("simple3.html").copyTo(input)
- options = { 'template': sp('template.tpl'), 'ext': '.xhtml', 'baseurl': 'burl',
- 'filenameMapping': None }
- p = process.getProcessor(default, "html", options)
- p(input.path, self.linkrel)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: My Test Lore Input</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">My Test Lore Input</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>A Body.</p>
- <a href="index.xhtml">Index</a>
- </body>
- base.child("simple3.xhtml").getContent())
- def test_outputdirGenerator(self):
- normp = os.path.normpath; join = os.path.join
- inputdir = normp(join("/", 'home', 'joe'))
- outputdir = normp(join("/", 'away', 'joseph'))
- actual = process.outputdirGenerator(join("/", 'home', 'joe', "myfile.html"),
- '.xhtml', inputdir, outputdir)
- expected = normp(join("/", 'away', 'joseph', 'myfile.xhtml'))
- self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
- def test_outputdirGeneratorBadInput(self):
- options = {'outputdir': '/away/joseph/', 'inputdir': '/home/joe/' }
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, process.outputdirGenerator, '.html', '.xhtml', **options)
- def test_makeSureDirectoryExists(self):
- dirname = os.path.join("tmp", 'nonexistentdir')
- if os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.rmdir(dirname)
- self.failIf(os.path.exists(dirname), "Hey: someone already created the dir")
- filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'newfile')
- tree.makeSureDirectoryExists(filename)
- self.failUnless(os.path.exists(dirname), 'should have created dir')
- os.rmdir(dirname)
- def test_indexAnchorsAdded(self):
- indexer.setIndexFilename('theIndexFile.html')
- # generate the output file
- templ = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- tmp = self.makeTemp('lore_index_test.xhtml')
- tree.doFile(os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_index_test.xhtml'),
- self.linkrel, '.html', d['baseurl'], templ, d)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: The way of the program</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">The way of the program</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>The first paragraph.</p>
-<h2>The Python programming language<a name="auto0"/></h2>
-<a name="index01"/>
-<a name="index02"/>
-<p>The second paragraph.</p>
- <a href="theIndexFile.html">Index</a>
- </body>
- FilePath(tmp).child("lore_index_test.html").getContent())
- def test_indexEntriesAdded(self):
- indexer.addEntry('lore_index_test.html', 'index02', 'language of programming', '1.3')
- indexer.addEntry('lore_index_test.html', 'index01', 'programming language', '1.2')
- indexer.setIndexFilename("lore_index_file.html")
- indexer.generateIndex()
- self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_out.html", "lore_index_file.html")
- def test_book(self):
- tmp = self.makeTemp()
- inputFilename = sp('lore_index_test.xhtml')
- bookFilename = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_test_book.book')
- bf = open(bookFilename, 'w')
- bf.write('Chapter(r"%s", None)\r\n' % inputFilename)
- bf.close()
- book = htmlbook.Book(bookFilename)
- expected = {'indexFilename': None,
- 'chapters': [(inputFilename, None)],
- }
- dct = book.__dict__
- for k in dct:
- self.assertEqual(dct[k], expected[k])
- def test_runningLore(self):
- options = lore.Options()
- tmp = self.makeTemp('lore_index_test.xhtml')
- templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
- inputFilename = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_index_test.xhtml')
- indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'
- bookFilename = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_test_book.book')
- bf = open(bookFilename, 'w')
- bf.write('Chapter(r"%s", None)\n' % inputFilename)
- bf.close()
- options.parseOptions(['--null', '--book=%s' % bookFilename,
- '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
- '--index=%s' % indexFilename
- ])
- result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)
- self.assertEqual(None, result)
- self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_unnumbered_out.html", indexFilename + ".html")
- def test_runningLoreMultipleFiles(self):
- tmp = self.makeTemp('lore_index_test.xhtml', 'lore_index_test2.xhtml')
- templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
- inputFilename = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_index_test.xhtml')
- inputFilename2 = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_index_test2.xhtml')
- indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'
- bookFilename = os.path.join(tmp, 'lore_test_book.book')
- bf = open(bookFilename, 'w')
- bf.write('Chapter(r"%s", None)\n' % inputFilename)
- bf.write('Chapter(r"%s", None)\n' % inputFilename2)
- bf.close()
- options = lore.Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--null', '--book=%s' % bookFilename,
- '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
- '--index=%s' % indexFilename
- ])
- result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)
- self.assertEqual(None, result)
- self.assertEqual(
- # XXX This doesn't seem like a very good index file.
- """\
-aahz: <a href="lore_index_test2.html#index03">link</a><br />
-aahz2: <a href="lore_index_test2.html#index02">link</a><br />
-language of programming: <a href="lore_index_test.html#index02">link</a>, <a href="lore_index_test2.html#index01">link</a><br />
-programming language: <a href="lore_index_test.html#index01">link</a><br />
- file(FilePath(indexFilename + ".html").path).read())
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: The way of the program</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">The way of the program</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>The first paragraph.</p>
-<h2>The Python programming language<a name="auto0"/></h2>
-<a name="index01"/>
-<a name="index02"/>
-<p>The second paragraph.</p>
- <a href="theIndexFile.html">Index</a>
- </body>
- FilePath(tmp).child("lore_index_test.html").getContent())
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- """\
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head><title>Twisted Documentation: The second page to index</title></head>
- <body bgcolor="white">
- <h1 class="title">The second page to index</h1>
- <div class="content">
-<p>The first paragraph of the second page.</p>
-<h2>The Jython programming language<a name="auto0"/></h2>
-<a name="index01"/>
-<a name="index02"/>
-<a name="index03"/>
-<p>The second paragraph of the second page.</p>
- <a href="theIndexFile.html">Index</a>
- </body>
- FilePath(tmp).child("lore_index_test2.html").getContent())
- def XXXtest_NumberedSections(self):
- # run two files through lore, with numbering turned on
- # every h2 should be numbered:
- # first file's h2s should be 1.1, 1.2
- # second file's h2s should be 2.1, 2.2
- templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
- inputFilename = sp('lore_numbering_test.xhtml')
- inputFilename2 = sp('lore_numbering_test2.xhtml')
- indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'
- # you can number without a book:
- options = lore.Options()
- options.parseOptions(['--null',
- '--index=%s' % indexFilename,
- '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
- '--config', 'ext=%s' % ".tns",
- '--number',
- inputFilename, inputFilename2])
- result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)
- self.assertEqual(None, result)
- #self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_out_multiple.html", indexFilename + ".tns")
- # VVV change to new, numbered files
- self.assertEqualFiles("lore_numbering_test_out.html", "lore_numbering_test.tns")
- self.assertEqualFiles("lore_numbering_test_out2.html", "lore_numbering_test2.tns")
- def test_setTitle(self):
- """
- L{tree.setTitle} inserts the given title into the first I{title}
- element and the first element with the I{title} class in the given
- template.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- firstTitle = dom.Element('title')
- parent.appendChild(firstTitle)
- secondTitle = dom.Element('span')
- secondTitle.setAttribute('class', 'title')
- parent.appendChild(secondTitle)
- titleNodes = [dom.Text()]
- # minidom has issues with cloning documentless-nodes. See Python issue
- # 4851.
- titleNodes[0].ownerDocument = dom.Document()
- titleNodes[0].data = 'foo bar'
- tree.setTitle(parent, titleNodes, None)
- self.assertEqual(firstTitle.toxml(), '<title>foo bar</title>')
- self.assertEqual(
- secondTitle.toxml(), '<span class="title">foo bar</span>')
- def test_setTitleWithChapter(self):
- """
- L{tree.setTitle} includes a chapter number if it is passed one.
- """
- document = dom.Document()
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- parent.ownerDocument = document
- title = dom.Element('title')
- parent.appendChild(title)
- titleNodes = [dom.Text()]
- titleNodes[0].ownerDocument = document
- titleNodes[0].data = 'foo bar'
- # Oh yea. The numberer has to agree to put the chapter number in, too.
- numberer.setNumberSections(True)
- tree.setTitle(parent, titleNodes, '13')
- self.assertEqual(title.toxml(), '<title>13. foo bar</title>')
- def test_setIndexLink(self):
- """
- Tests to make sure that index links are processed when an index page
- exists and removed when there is not.
- """
- templ = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'
- numLinks = len(domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "class",
- "index-link"))
- # if our testing template has no index-link nodes, complain about it
- self.assertNotEquals(
- [],
- domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "class",
- "index-link"))
- tree.setIndexLink(templ, indexFilename)
- self.assertEqual(
- [],
- domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "class",
- "index-link"))
- indexLinks = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "href",
- indexFilename)
- self.assertTrue(len(indexLinks) >= numLinks)
- templ = dom.parse(open(d['template']))
- self.assertNotEquals(
- [],
- domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "class",
- "index-link"))
- indexFilename = None
- tree.setIndexLink(templ, indexFilename)
- self.assertEqual(
- [],
- domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(templ,
- "class",
- "index-link"))
- def test_addMtime(self):
- """
- L{tree.addMtime} inserts a text node giving the last modification time
- of the specified file wherever it encounters an element with the
- I{mtime} class.
- """
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.setContent('')
- when = time.ctime(path.getModificationTime())
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- mtime = dom.Element('span')
- mtime.setAttribute('class', 'mtime')
- parent.appendChild(mtime)
- tree.addMtime(parent, path.path)
- self.assertEqual(
- mtime.toxml(), '<span class="mtime">' + when + '</span>')
- def test_makeLineNumbers(self):
- """
- L{tree._makeLineNumbers} takes an integer and returns a I{p} tag with
- that number of line numbers in it.
- """
- numbers = tree._makeLineNumbers(1)
- self.assertEqual(numbers.tagName, 'p')
- self.assertEqual(numbers.getAttribute('class'), 'py-linenumber')
- self.assertIsInstance(numbers.firstChild, dom.Text)
- self.assertEqual(numbers.firstChild.nodeValue, '1\n')
- numbers = tree._makeLineNumbers(10)
- self.assertEqual(numbers.tagName, 'p')
- self.assertEqual(numbers.getAttribute('class'), 'py-linenumber')
- self.assertIsInstance(numbers.firstChild, dom.Text)
- self.assertEqual(
- numbers.firstChild.nodeValue,
- ' 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5\n'
- ' 6\n 7\n 8\n 9\n10\n')
- def test_fontifyPythonNode(self):
- """
- L{tree.fontifyPythonNode} accepts a text node and replaces it in its
- parent with a syntax colored and line numbered version of the Python
- source it contains.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- source = dom.Text()
- source.data = 'def foo():\n pass\n'
- parent.appendChild(source)
- tree.fontifyPythonNode(source)
- expected = """\
-<div><pre class="python"><p class="py-linenumber">1
-</p><span class="py-src-keyword">def</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">foo</span>():
- <span class="py-src-keyword">pass</span>
- self.assertEqual(parent.toxml(), expected)
- def test_addPyListings(self):
- """
- L{tree.addPyListings} accepts a document with nodes with their I{class}
- attribute set to I{py-listing} and replaces those nodes with Python
- source listings from the file given by the node's I{href} attribute.
- """
- listingPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- listingPath.setContent('def foo():\n pass\n')
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- listing = dom.Element('a')
- listing.setAttribute('href', listingPath.basename())
- listing.setAttribute('class', 'py-listing')
- parent.appendChild(listing)
- tree.addPyListings(parent, listingPath.dirname())
- expected = """\
-<div><div class="py-listing"><pre><p class="py-linenumber">1
-</p><span class="py-src-keyword">def</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">foo</span>():
- <span class="py-src-keyword">pass</span>
-</pre><div class="caption"> - <a href="temp"><span class="filename">temp</span></a></div></div></div>"""
- self.assertEqual(parent.toxml(), expected)
- def test_addPyListingsSkipLines(self):
- """
- If a node with the I{py-listing} class also has a I{skipLines}
- attribute, that number of lines from the beginning of the source
- listing are omitted.
- """
- listingPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- listingPath.setContent('def foo():\n pass\n')
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- listing = dom.Element('a')
- listing.setAttribute('href', listingPath.basename())
- listing.setAttribute('class', 'py-listing')
- listing.setAttribute('skipLines', 1)
- parent.appendChild(listing)
- tree.addPyListings(parent, listingPath.dirname())
- expected = """\
-<div><div class="py-listing"><pre><p class="py-linenumber">1
-</p> <span class="py-src-keyword">pass</span>
-</pre><div class="caption"> - <a href="temp"><span class="filename">temp</span></a></div></div></div>"""
- self.assertEqual(parent.toxml(), expected)
- def test_fixAPI(self):
- """
- The element passed to L{tree.fixAPI} has all of its children with the
- I{API} class rewritten to contain links to the API which is referred to
- by the text they contain.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- link = dom.Element('span')
- link.setAttribute('class', 'API')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'foo'
- link.appendChild(text)
- parent.appendChild(link)
- tree.fixAPI(parent, 'http://example.com/%s')
- self.assertEqual(
- parent.toxml(),
- '<div><span class="API">'
- '<a href="http://example.com/foo" title="foo">foo</a>'
- '</span></div>')
- def test_fixAPIBase(self):
- """
- If a node with the I{API} class and a value for the I{base} attribute
- is included in the DOM passed to L{tree.fixAPI}, the link added to that
- node refers to the API formed by joining the value of the I{base}
- attribute to the text contents of the node.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- link = dom.Element('span')
- link.setAttribute('class', 'API')
- link.setAttribute('base', 'bar')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'baz'
- link.appendChild(text)
- parent.appendChild(link)
- tree.fixAPI(parent, 'http://example.com/%s')
- self.assertEqual(
- parent.toxml(),
- '<div><span class="API">'
- '<a href="http://example.com/bar.baz" title="bar.baz">baz</a>'
- '</span></div>')
- def test_fixLinks(self):
- """
- Links in the nodes of the DOM passed to L{tree.fixLinks} have their
- extensions rewritten to the given extension.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- link = dom.Element('a')
- link.setAttribute('href', 'foo.html')
- parent.appendChild(link)
- tree.fixLinks(parent, '.xhtml')
- self.assertEqual(parent.toxml(), '<div><a href="foo.xhtml"/></div>')
- def test_setVersion(self):
- """
- Nodes of the DOM passed to L{tree.setVersion} which have the I{version}
- class have the given version added to them a child.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- version = dom.Element('span')
- version.setAttribute('class', 'version')
- parent.appendChild(version)
- tree.setVersion(parent, '1.2.3')
- self.assertEqual(
- parent.toxml(), '<div><span class="version">1.2.3</span></div>')
- def test_footnotes(self):
- """
- L{tree.footnotes} finds all of the nodes with the I{footnote} class in
- the DOM passed to it and adds a footnotes section to the end of the
- I{body} element which includes them. It also inserts links to those
- footnotes from the original definition location.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- body = dom.Element('body')
- footnote = dom.Element('span')
- footnote.setAttribute('class', 'footnote')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'this is the footnote'
- footnote.appendChild(text)
- body.appendChild(footnote)
- body.appendChild(dom.Element('p'))
- parent.appendChild(body)
- tree.footnotes(parent)
- self.assertEqual(
- parent.toxml(),
- '<div><body>'
- '<a href="#footnote-1" title="this is the footnote">'
- '<super>1</super>'
- '</a>'
- '<p/>'
- '<h2>Footnotes</h2>'
- '<ol><li><a name="footnote-1">'
- '<span class="footnote">this is the footnote</span>'
- '</a></li></ol>'
- '</body></div>')
- def test_generateTableOfContents(self):
- """
- L{tree.generateToC} returns an element which contains a table of
- contents generated from the headers in the document passed to it.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('body')
- header = dom.Element('h2')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = u'header & special character'
- header.appendChild(text)
- parent.appendChild(header)
- subheader = dom.Element('h3')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'subheader'
- subheader.appendChild(text)
- parent.appendChild(subheader)
- tableOfContents = tree.generateToC(parent)
- self.assertEqual(
- tableOfContents.toxml(),
- '<ol><li><a href="#auto0">header &amp; special character</a></li><ul><li><a href="#auto1">subheader</a></li></ul></ol>')
- self.assertEqual(
- header.toxml(),
- '<h2>header &amp; special character<a name="auto0"/></h2>')
- self.assertEqual(
- subheader.toxml(),
- '<h3>subheader<a name="auto1"/></h3>')
- def test_putInToC(self):
- """
- L{tree.putInToC} replaces all of the children of the first node with
- the I{toc} class with the given node representing a table of contents.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- toc = dom.Element('span')
- toc.setAttribute('class', 'toc')
- toc.appendChild(dom.Element('foo'))
- parent.appendChild(toc)
- tree.putInToC(parent, dom.Element('toc'))
- self.assertEqual(toc.toxml(), '<span class="toc"><toc/></span>')
- def test_invalidTableOfContents(self):
- """
- If passed a document with I{h3} elements before any I{h2} element,
- L{tree.generateToC} raises L{ValueError} explaining that this is not a
- valid document.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('body')
- parent.appendChild(dom.Element('h3'))
- err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, tree.generateToC, parent)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err), "No H3 element is allowed until after an H2 element")
- def test_notes(self):
- """
- L{tree.notes} inserts some additional markup before the first child of
- any node with the I{note} class.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- noteworthy = dom.Element('span')
- noteworthy.setAttribute('class', 'note')
- noteworthy.appendChild(dom.Element('foo'))
- parent.appendChild(noteworthy)
- tree.notes(parent)
- self.assertEqual(
- noteworthy.toxml(),
- '<span class="note"><strong>Note: </strong><foo/></span>')
- def test_findNodeJustBefore(self):
- """
- L{tree.findNodeJustBefore} returns the previous sibling of the node it
- is passed. The list of nodes passed in is ignored.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('div')
- result = dom.Element('foo')
- target = dom.Element('bar')
- parent.appendChild(result)
- parent.appendChild(target)
- self.assertIdentical(
- tree.findNodeJustBefore(target, [parent, result]),
- result)
- # Also, support other configurations. This is a really not nice API.
- newTarget = dom.Element('baz')
- target.appendChild(newTarget)
- self.assertIdentical(
- tree.findNodeJustBefore(newTarget, [parent, result]),
- result)
- def test_getSectionNumber(self):
- """
- L{tree.getSectionNumber} accepts an I{H2} element and returns its text
- content.
- """
- header = dom.Element('foo')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'foobar'
- header.appendChild(text)
- self.assertEqual(tree.getSectionNumber(header), 'foobar')
- def test_numberDocument(self):
- """
- L{tree.numberDocument} inserts section numbers into the text of each
- header.
- """
- parent = dom.Element('foo')
- section = dom.Element('h2')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = 'foo'
- section.appendChild(text)
- parent.appendChild(section)
- tree.numberDocument(parent, '7')
- self.assertEqual(section.toxml(), '<h2>7.1 foo</h2>')
- def test_parseFileAndReport(self):
- """
- L{tree.parseFileAndReport} parses the contents of the filename passed
- to it and returns the corresponding DOM.
- """
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.setContent('<foo bar="baz">hello</foo>\n')
- document = tree.parseFileAndReport(path.path)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- document.toxml(),
- '<?xml version="1.0" ?><foo bar="baz">hello</foo>')
- def test_parseFileAndReportMismatchedTags(self):
- """
- If the contents of the file passed to L{tree.parseFileAndReport}
- contain a mismatched tag, L{process.ProcessingFailure} is raised
- indicating the location of the open and close tags which were
- mismatched.
- """
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.setContent(' <foo>\n\n </bar>')
- err = self.assertRaises(
- process.ProcessingFailure, tree.parseFileAndReport, path.path)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err),
- "mismatched close tag at line 3, column 4; expected </foo> "
- "(from line 1, column 2)")
- # Test a case which requires involves proper close tag handling.
- path.setContent('<foo><bar></bar>\n </baz>')
- err = self.assertRaises(
- process.ProcessingFailure, tree.parseFileAndReport, path.path)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(err),
- "mismatched close tag at line 2, column 4; expected </foo> "
- "(from line 1, column 0)")
- def test_parseFileAndReportParseError(self):
- """
- If the contents of the file passed to L{tree.parseFileAndReport} cannot
- be parsed for a reason other than mismatched tags,
- L{process.ProcessingFailure} is raised with a string describing the
- parse error.
- """
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.setContent('\n foo')
- err = self.assertRaises(
- process.ProcessingFailure, tree.parseFileAndReport, path.path)
- self.assertEqual(str(err), 'syntax error at line 2, column 3')
- def test_parseFileAndReportIOError(self):
- """
- If an L{IOError} is raised while reading from the file specified to
- L{tree.parseFileAndReport}, a L{process.ProcessingFailure} is raised
- indicating what the error was. The file should be closed by the
- time the exception is raised to the caller.
- """
- class FakeFile:
- _open = True
- def read(self, bytes=None):
- raise IOError(errno.ENOTCONN, 'socket not connected')
- def close(self):
- self._open = False
- theFile = FakeFile()
- def fakeOpen(filename):
- return theFile
- err = self.assertRaises(
- process.ProcessingFailure, tree.parseFileAndReport, "foo", fakeOpen)
- self.assertEqual(str(err), "socket not connected, filename was 'foo'")
- self.assertFalse(theFile._open)
-class XMLParsingTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for various aspects of parsing a Lore XML input document using
- L{tree.parseFileAndReport}.
- """
- def _parseTest(self, xml):
- path = FilePath(self.mktemp())
- path.setContent(xml)
- return tree.parseFileAndReport(path.path)
- def test_withoutDocType(self):
- """
- A Lore XML input document may omit a I{DOCTYPE} declaration. If it
- does so, the XHTML1 Strict DTD is used.
- """
- # Parsing should succeed.
- document = self._parseTest("<foo>uses an xhtml entity: &copy;</foo>")
- # But even more than that, the &copy; entity should be turned into the
- # appropriate unicode codepoint.
- self.assertEqual(
- domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(document.documentElement),
- u"uses an xhtml entity: \N{COPYRIGHT SIGN}")
- def test_withTransitionalDocType(self):
- """
- A Lore XML input document may include a I{DOCTYPE} declaration
- referring to the XHTML1 Transitional DTD.
- """
- # Parsing should succeed.
- document = self._parseTest("""\
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<foo>uses an xhtml entity: &copy;</foo>
- # But even more than that, the &copy; entity should be turned into the
- # appropriate unicode codepoint.
- self.assertEqual(
- domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(document.documentElement),
- u"uses an xhtml entity: \N{COPYRIGHT SIGN}")
- def test_withStrictDocType(self):
- """
- A Lore XML input document may include a I{DOCTYPE} declaration
- referring to the XHTML1 Strict DTD.
- """
- # Parsing should succeed.
- document = self._parseTest("""\
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<foo>uses an xhtml entity: &copy;</foo>
- # But even more than that, the &copy; entity should be turned into the
- # appropriate unicode codepoint.
- self.assertEqual(
- domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(document.documentElement),
- u"uses an xhtml entity: \N{COPYRIGHT SIGN}")
- def test_withDisallowedDocType(self):
- """
- A Lore XML input document may not include a I{DOCTYPE} declaration
- referring to any DTD other than XHTML1 Transitional or XHTML1 Strict.
- """
- self.assertRaises(
- process.ProcessingFailure,
- self._parseTest,
- """\
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
-<foo>uses an xhtml entity: &copy;</foo>
-class XMLSerializationTests(unittest.TestCase, _XMLAssertionMixin):
- """
- Tests for L{tree._writeDocument}.
- """
- def test_nonASCIIData(self):
- """
- A document which contains non-ascii characters is serialized to a
- file using UTF-8.
- """
- document = dom.Document()
- parent = dom.Element('foo')
- text = dom.Text()
- text.data = u'\N{SNOWMAN}'
- parent.appendChild(text)
- document.appendChild(parent)
- outFile = self.mktemp()
- tree._writeDocument(outFile, document)
- self.assertXMLEqual(
- FilePath(outFile).getContent(),
- u'<foo>\N{SNOWMAN}</foo>'.encode('utf-8'))
-class LatexSpitterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for the Latex output plugin.
- """
- def test_indexedSpan(self):
- """
- Test processing of a span tag with an index class results in a latex
- \\index directive the correct value.
- """
- doc = dom.parseString('<span class="index" value="name" />').documentElement
- out = StringIO()
- spitter = LatexSpitter(out.write)
- spitter.visitNode(doc)
- self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), u'\\index{name}\n')
-class ScriptTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.lore.scripts.lore}, the I{lore} command's
- implementation,
- """
- def test_getProcessor(self):
- """
- L{lore.getProcessor} loads the specified output plugin from the
- specified input plugin.
- """
- processor = lore.getProcessor("lore", "html", options)
- self.assertNotIdentical(processor, None)