path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/unix.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/unix.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 518 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/unix.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/unix.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/unix.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_unix,twisted.internet.test.test_unix,twisted.internet.test.test_posixbase -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Various asynchronous TCP/IP classes.
-End users shouldn't use this module directly - use the reactor APIs instead.
-Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
-# System imports
-import os, sys, stat, socket, struct
-from zope.interface import implements, implementsOnly, implementedBy
-if not hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
- raise ImportError("UNIX sockets not supported on this platform")
-# Twisted imports
-from twisted.internet import main, base, tcp, udp, error, interfaces, protocol, address
-from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
-from twisted.python.util import untilConcludes
-from twisted.python import lockfile, log, reflect, failure
- from twisted.python import sendmsg
-except ImportError:
- sendmsg = None
-def _ancillaryDescriptor(fd):
- """
- Pack an integer into an ancillary data structure suitable for use with
- L{sendmsg.send1msg}.
- """
- packed = struct.pack("i", fd)
- return [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, sendmsg.SCM_RIGHTS, packed)]
-class _SendmsgMixin(object):
- """
- Mixin for stream-oriented UNIX transports which uses sendmsg and recvmsg to
- offer additional functionality, such as copying file descriptors into other
- processes.
- @ivar _writeSomeDataBase: The class which provides the basic implementation
- of C{writeSomeData}. Ultimately this should be a subclass of
- L{twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor}. Subclasses which mix in
- L{_SendmsgMixin} must define this.
- @ivar _sendmsgQueue: A C{list} of C{int} holding file descriptors which are
- currently buffered before being sent.
- @ivar _fileDescriptorBufferSize: An C{int} giving the maximum number of file
- descriptors to accept and queue for sending before pausing the
- registered producer, if there is one.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IUNIXTransport)
- _writeSomeDataBase = None
- _fileDescriptorBufferSize = 64
- def __init__(self):
- self._sendmsgQueue = []
- def _isSendBufferFull(self):
- """
- Determine whether the user-space send buffer for this transport is full
- or not.
- This extends the base determination by adding consideration of how many
- file descriptors need to be sent using L{sendmsg.send1msg}. When there
- are more than C{self._fileDescriptorBufferSize}, the buffer is
- considered full.
- @return: C{True} if it is full, C{False} otherwise.
- """
- # There must be some bytes in the normal send buffer, checked by
- # _writeSomeDataBase._isSendBufferFull, in order to send file
- # descriptors from _sendmsgQueue. That means that the buffer will
- # eventually be considered full even without this additional logic.
- # However, since we send only one byte per file descriptor, having lots
- # of elements in _sendmsgQueue incurs more overhead and perhaps slows
- # things down. Anyway, try this for now, maybe rethink it later.
- return (
- len(self._sendmsgQueue) > self._fileDescriptorBufferSize
- or self._writeSomeDataBase._isSendBufferFull(self))
- def sendFileDescriptor(self, fileno):
- """
- Queue the given file descriptor to be sent and start trying to send it.
- """
- self._sendmsgQueue.append(fileno)
- self._maybePauseProducer()
- self.startWriting()
- def writeSomeData(self, data):
- """
- Send as much of C{data} as possible. Also send any pending file
- descriptors.
- """
- # Make it a programming error to send more file descriptors than you
- # send regular bytes. Otherwise, due to the limitation mentioned below,
- # we could end up with file descriptors left, but no bytes to send with
- # them, therefore no way to send those file descriptors.
- if len(self._sendmsgQueue) > len(data):
- return error.FileDescriptorOverrun()
- # If there are file descriptors to send, try sending them first, using a
- # little bit of data from the stream-oriented write buffer too. It is
- # not possible to send a file descriptor without sending some regular
- # data.
- index = 0
- try:
- while index < len(self._sendmsgQueue):
- fd = self._sendmsgQueue[index]
- try:
- untilConcludes(
- sendmsg.send1msg, self.socket.fileno(), data[index], 0,
- _ancillaryDescriptor(fd))
- except socket.error, se:
- if se.args[0] in (EWOULDBLOCK, ENOBUFS):
- return index
- else:
- return main.CONNECTION_LOST
- else:
- index += 1
- finally:
- del self._sendmsgQueue[:index]
- # Hand the remaining data to the base implementation. Avoid slicing in
- # favor of a buffer, in case that happens to be any faster.
- limitedData = buffer(data, index)
- result = self._writeSomeDataBase.writeSomeData(self, limitedData)
- try:
- return index + result
- except TypeError:
- return result
- def doRead(self):
- """
- Calls L{IFileDescriptorReceiver.fileDescriptorReceived} and
- L{IProtocol.dataReceived} with all available data.
- This reads up to C{self.bufferSize} bytes of data from its socket, then
- dispatches the data to protocol callbacks to be handled. If the
- connection is not lost through an error in the underlying recvmsg(),
- this function will return the result of the dataReceived call.
- """
- try:
- data, flags, ancillary = untilConcludes(
- sendmsg.recv1msg, self.socket.fileno(), 0, self.bufferSize)
- except socket.error, se:
- if se.args[0] == EWOULDBLOCK:
- return
- else:
- return main.CONNECTION_LOST
- if ancillary:
- fd = struct.unpack('i', ancillary[0][2])[0]
- if interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver.providedBy(self.protocol):
- self.protocol.fileDescriptorReceived(fd)
- else:
- log.msg(
- format=(
- "%(protocolName)s (on %(hostAddress)r) does not "
- "provide IFileDescriptorReceiver; closing file "
- "descriptor received (from %(peerAddress)r)."),
- hostAddress=self.getHost(), peerAddress=self.getPeer(),
- protocolName=self._getLogPrefix(self.protocol),
- )
- os.close(fd)
- return self._dataReceived(data)
-if sendmsg is None:
- class _SendmsgMixin(object):
- """
- Behaviorless placeholder used when L{twisted.python.sendmsg} is not
- available, preventing L{IUNIXTransport} from being supported.
- """
-class Server(_SendmsgMixin, tcp.Server):
- _writeSomeDataBase = tcp.Server
- def __init__(self, sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno, reactor):
- _SendmsgMixin.__init__(self)
- tcp.Server.__init__(self, sock, protocol, (client, None), server, sessionno, reactor)
- def getHost(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(self.socket.getsockname())
- def getPeer(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(self.hostname or None)
-def _inFilesystemNamespace(path):
- """
- Determine whether the given unix socket path is in a filesystem namespace.
- While most PF_UNIX sockets are entries in the filesystem, Linux 2.2 and
- above support PF_UNIX sockets in an "abstract namespace" that does not
- correspond to any path. This function returns C{True} if the given socket
- path is stored in the filesystem and C{False} if the path is in this
- abstract namespace.
- """
- return path[:1] != "\0"
-class _UNIXPort(object):
- def getHost(self):
- """Returns a UNIXAddress.
- This indicates the server's address.
- """
- if sys.version_info > (2, 5) or _inFilesystemNamespace(self.port):
- path = self.socket.getsockname()
- else:
- # Abstract namespace sockets aren't well supported on Python 2.4.
- # getsockname() always returns ''.
- path = self.port
- return address.UNIXAddress(path)
-class Port(_UNIXPort, tcp.Port):
- addressFamily = socket.AF_UNIX
- socketType = socket.SOCK_STREAM
- transport = Server
- lockFile = None
- def __init__(self, fileName, factory, backlog=50, mode=0666, reactor=None, wantPID = 0):
- tcp.Port.__init__(self, fileName, factory, backlog, reactor=reactor)
- self.mode = mode
- self.wantPID = wantPID
- def __repr__(self):
- factoryName = reflect.qual(self.factory.__class__)
- if hasattr(self, 'socket'):
- return '<%s on %r>' % (factoryName, self.port)
- else:
- return '<%s (not listening)>' % (factoryName,)
- def _buildAddr(self, name):
- return address.UNIXAddress(name)
- def startListening(self):
- """
- Create and bind my socket, and begin listening on it.
- This is called on unserialization, and must be called after creating a
- server to begin listening on the specified port.
- """
- log.msg("%s starting on %r" % (
- self._getLogPrefix(self.factory), self.port))
- if self.wantPID:
- self.lockFile = lockfile.FilesystemLock(self.port + ".lock")
- if not self.lockFile.lock():
- raise CannotListenError, (None, self.port, "Cannot acquire lock")
- else:
- if not self.lockFile.clean:
- try:
- # This is a best-attempt at cleaning up
- # left-over unix sockets on the filesystem.
- # If it fails, there's not much else we can
- # do. The bind() below will fail with an
- # exception that actually propagates.
- if stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(self.port).st_mode):
- os.remove(self.port)
- except:
- pass
- self.factory.doStart()
- try:
- skt = self.createInternetSocket()
- skt.bind(self.port)
- except socket.error, le:
- raise CannotListenError, (None, self.port, le)
- else:
- if _inFilesystemNamespace(self.port):
- # Make the socket readable and writable to the world.
- os.chmod(self.port, self.mode)
- skt.listen(self.backlog)
- self.connected = True
- self.socket = skt
- self.fileno = self.socket.fileno
- self.numberAccepts = 100
- self.startReading()
- def _logConnectionLostMsg(self):
- """
- Log message for closing socket
- """
- log.msg('(UNIX Port %s Closed)' % (repr(self.port),))
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if _inFilesystemNamespace(self.port):
- os.unlink(self.port)
- if self.lockFile is not None:
- self.lockFile.unlock()
- tcp.Port.connectionLost(self, reason)
-class Client(_SendmsgMixin, tcp.BaseClient):
- """A client for Unix sockets."""
- addressFamily = socket.AF_UNIX
- socketType = socket.SOCK_STREAM
- _writeSomeDataBase = tcp.BaseClient
- def __init__(self, filename, connector, reactor=None, checkPID = 0):
- _SendmsgMixin.__init__(self)
- self.connector = connector
- self.realAddress = self.addr = filename
- if checkPID and not lockfile.isLocked(filename + ".lock"):
- self._finishInit(None, None, error.BadFileError(filename), reactor)
- self._finishInit(self.doConnect, self.createInternetSocket(),
- None, reactor)
- def getPeer(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(self.addr)
- def getHost(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(None)
-class Connector(base.BaseConnector):
- def __init__(self, address, factory, timeout, reactor, checkPID):
- base.BaseConnector.__init__(self, factory, timeout, reactor)
- self.address = address
- self.checkPID = checkPID
- def _makeTransport(self):
- return Client(self.address, self, self.reactor, self.checkPID)
- def getDestination(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(self.address)
-class DatagramPort(_UNIXPort, udp.Port):
- """Datagram UNIX port, listening for packets."""
- implements(interfaces.IUNIXDatagramTransport)
- addressFamily = socket.AF_UNIX
- def __init__(self, addr, proto, maxPacketSize=8192, mode=0666, reactor=None):
- """Initialize with address to listen on.
- """
- udp.Port.__init__(self, addr, proto, maxPacketSize=maxPacketSize, reactor=reactor)
- self.mode = mode
- def __repr__(self):
- protocolName = reflect.qual(self.protocol.__class__,)
- if hasattr(self, 'socket'):
- return '<%s on %r>' % (protocolName, self.port)
- else:
- return '<%s (not listening)>' % (protocolName,)
- def _bindSocket(self):
- log.msg("%s starting on %s"%(self.protocol.__class__, repr(self.port)))
- try:
- skt = self.createInternetSocket() # XXX: haha misnamed method
- if self.port:
- skt.bind(self.port)
- except socket.error, le:
- raise error.CannotListenError, (None, self.port, le)
- if self.port and _inFilesystemNamespace(self.port):
- # Make the socket readable and writable to the world.
- os.chmod(self.port, self.mode)
- self.connected = 1
- self.socket = skt
- self.fileno = self.socket.fileno
- def write(self, datagram, address):
- """Write a datagram."""
- try:
- return self.socket.sendto(datagram, address)
- except socket.error, se:
- no = se.args[0]
- if no == EINTR:
- return self.write(datagram, address)
- elif no == EMSGSIZE:
- raise error.MessageLengthError, "message too long"
- elif no == EAGAIN:
- # oh, well, drop the data. The only difference from UDP
- # is that UDP won't ever notice.
- # TODO: add TCP-like buffering
- pass
- else:
- raise
- def connectionLost(self, reason=None):
- """Cleans up my socket.
- """
- log.msg('(Port %s Closed)' % repr(self.port))
- base.BasePort.connectionLost(self, reason)
- if hasattr(self, "protocol"):
- # we won't have attribute in ConnectedPort, in cases
- # where there was an error in connection process
- self.protocol.doStop()
- self.connected = 0
- self.socket.close()
- del self.socket
- del self.fileno
- if hasattr(self, "d"):
- self.d.callback(None)
- del self.d
- def setLogStr(self):
- self.logstr = reflect.qual(self.protocol.__class__) + " (UDP)"
-class ConnectedDatagramPort(DatagramPort):
- """
- A connected datagram UNIX socket.
- """
- implementsOnly(interfaces.IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport,
- *(implementedBy(base.BasePort)))
- def __init__(self, addr, proto, maxPacketSize=8192, mode=0666,
- bindAddress=None, reactor=None):
- assert isinstance(proto, protocol.ConnectedDatagramProtocol)
- DatagramPort.__init__(self, bindAddress, proto, maxPacketSize, mode,
- reactor)
- self.remoteaddr = addr
- def startListening(self):
- try:
- self._bindSocket()
- self.socket.connect(self.remoteaddr)
- self._connectToProtocol()
- except:
- self.connectionFailed(failure.Failure())
- def connectionFailed(self, reason):
- """
- Called when a connection fails. Stop listening on the socket.
- @type reason: L{Failure}
- @param reason: Why the connection failed.
- """
- self.stopListening()
- self.protocol.connectionFailed(reason)
- del self.protocol
- def doRead(self):
- """
- Called when my socket is ready for reading.
- """
- read = 0
- while read < self.maxThroughput:
- try:
- data, addr = self.socket.recvfrom(self.maxPacketSize)
- read += len(data)
- self.protocol.datagramReceived(data)
- except socket.error, se:
- no = se.args[0]
- return
- if no == ECONNREFUSED:
- self.protocol.connectionRefused()
- else:
- raise
- except:
- log.deferr()
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Write a datagram.
- """
- try:
- return self.socket.send(data)
- except socket.error, se:
- no = se.args[0]
- if no == EINTR:
- return self.write(data)
- elif no == EMSGSIZE:
- raise error.MessageLengthError, "message too long"
- elif no == ECONNREFUSED:
- self.protocol.connectionRefused()
- elif no == EAGAIN:
- # oh, well, drop the data. The only difference from UDP
- # is that UDP won't ever notice.
- # TODO: add TCP-like buffering
- pass
- else:
- raise
- def getPeer(self):
- return address.UNIXAddress(self.remoteaddr)