path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/test/test_endpoints.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/test/test_endpoints.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2021 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/test/test_endpoints.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Test the C{I...Endpoint} implementations that wrap the L{IReactorTCP},
-L{IReactorSSL}, and L{IReactorUNIX} interfaces found in
-from errno import EPERM
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import error, interfaces, defer
-from twisted.internet import endpoints
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, UNIXAddress
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, Protocol
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import (
- MemoryReactor, RaisingMemoryReactor, StringTransport)
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.python.systemd import ListenFDs
-from twisted.plugin import getPlugins
-from twisted import plugins
-from twisted.python.modules import getModule
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, stdio
-from twisted.internet.stdio import PipeAddress
-pemPath = getModule("twisted.test").filePath.sibling("server.pem")
-casPath = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("fake_CAs")
-escapedPEMPathName = endpoints.quoteStringArgument(pemPath.path)
-escapedCAsPathName = endpoints.quoteStringArgument(casPath.path)
- from twisted.test.test_sslverify import makeCertificate
- from twisted.internet.ssl import CertificateOptions, Certificate, \
- KeyPair, PrivateCertificate
- from OpenSSL.SSL import ContextType
- testCertificate = Certificate.loadPEM(pemPath.getContent())
- testPrivateCertificate = PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(pemPath.getContent())
- skipSSL = False
-except ImportError:
- skipSSL = "OpenSSL is required to construct SSL Endpoints"
-class TestProtocol(Protocol):
- """
- Protocol whose only function is to callback deferreds on the
- factory when it is connected or disconnected.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = []
- self.connectionsLost = []
- self.connectionMadeCalls = 0
- def logPrefix(self):
- return "A Test Protocol"
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.connectionMadeCalls += 1
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- self.data.append(data)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- self.connectionsLost.append(reason)
-class TestHalfCloseableProtocol(TestProtocol):
- """
- A Protocol that implements L{IHalfCloseableProtocol} and records whether its
- C{readConnectionLost} and {writeConnectionLost} methods are called.
- @ivar readLost: A C{bool} indicating whether C{readConnectionLost} has been
- called.
- @ivar writeLost: A C{bool} indicating whether C{writeConnectionLost} has
- been called.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol)
- def __init__(self):
- TestProtocol.__init__(self)
- self.readLost = False
- self.writeLost = False
- def readConnectionLost(self):
- self.readLost = True
- def writeConnectionLost(self):
- self.writeLost = True
-class TestFileDescriptorReceiverProtocol(TestProtocol):
- """
- A Protocol that implements L{IFileDescriptorReceiver} and records how its
- C{fileDescriptorReceived} method is called.
- @ivar receivedDescriptors: A C{list} containing all of the file descriptors
- passed to C{fileDescriptorReceived} calls made on this instance.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver)
- def connectionMade(self):
- TestProtocol.connectionMade(self)
- self.receivedDescriptors = []
- def fileDescriptorReceived(self, descriptor):
- self.receivedDescriptors.append(descriptor)
-class TestFactory(ClientFactory):
- """
- Simple factory to be used both when connecting and listening. It contains
- two deferreds which are called back when my protocol connects and
- disconnects.
- """
- protocol = TestProtocol
-class WrappingFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Test the behaviour of our ugly implementation detail C{_WrappingFactory}.
- """
- def test_doStart(self):
- """
- L{_WrappingFactory.doStart} passes through to the wrapped factory's
- C{doStart} method, allowing application-specific setup and logging.
- """
- factory = ClientFactory()
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(factory)
- wf.doStart()
- self.assertEqual(1, factory.numPorts)
- def test_doStop(self):
- """
- L{_WrappingFactory.doStop} passes through to the wrapped factory's
- C{doStop} method, allowing application-specific cleanup and logging.
- """
- factory = ClientFactory()
- factory.numPorts = 3
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(factory)
- wf.doStop()
- self.assertEqual(2, factory.numPorts)
- def test_failedBuildProtocol(self):
- """
- An exception raised in C{buildProtocol} of our wrappedFactory
- results in our C{onConnection} errback being fired.
- """
- class BogusFactory(ClientFactory):
- """
- A one off factory whose C{buildProtocol} raises an C{Exception}.
- """
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- raise ValueError("My protocol is poorly defined.")
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(BogusFactory())
- wf.buildProtocol(None)
- d = self.assertFailure(wf._onConnection, ValueError)
- d.addCallback(lambda e: self.assertEqual(
- e.args,
- ("My protocol is poorly defined.",)))
- return d
- def test_logPrefixPassthrough(self):
- """
- If the wrapped protocol provides L{ILoggingContext}, whatever is
- returned from the wrapped C{logPrefix} method is returned from
- L{_WrappingProtocol.logPrefix}.
- """
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory())
- wp = wf.buildProtocol(None)
- self.assertEqual(wp.logPrefix(), "A Test Protocol")
- def test_logPrefixDefault(self):
- """
- If the wrapped protocol does not provide L{ILoggingContext}, the wrapped
- protocol's class name is returned from L{_WrappingProtocol.logPrefix}.
- """
- class NoProtocol(object):
- pass
- factory = TestFactory()
- factory.protocol = NoProtocol
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(factory)
- wp = wf.buildProtocol(None)
- self.assertEqual(wp.logPrefix(), "NoProtocol")
- def test_wrappedProtocolDataReceived(self):
- """
- The wrapped C{Protocol}'s C{dataReceived} will get called when our
- C{_WrappingProtocol}'s C{dataReceived} gets called.
- """
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory())
- p = wf.buildProtocol(None)
- p.makeConnection(None)
- p.dataReceived('foo')
- self.assertEqual(p._wrappedProtocol.data, ['foo'])
- p.dataReceived('bar')
- self.assertEqual(p._wrappedProtocol.data, ['foo', 'bar'])
- def test_wrappedProtocolTransport(self):
- """
- Our transport is properly hooked up to the wrappedProtocol when a
- connection is made.
- """
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory())
- p = wf.buildProtocol(None)
- dummyTransport = object()
- p.makeConnection(dummyTransport)
- self.assertEqual(p.transport, dummyTransport)
- self.assertEqual(p._wrappedProtocol.transport, dummyTransport)
- def test_wrappedProtocolConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Our wrappedProtocol's connectionLost method is called when
- L{_WrappingProtocol.connectionLost} is called.
- """
- tf = TestFactory()
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(tf)
- p = wf.buildProtocol(None)
- p.connectionLost("fail")
- self.assertEqual(p._wrappedProtocol.connectionsLost, ["fail"])
- def test_clientConnectionFailed(self):
- """
- Calls to L{_WrappingFactory.clientConnectionLost} should errback the
- L{_WrappingFactory._onConnection} L{Deferred}
- """
- wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory())
- expectedFailure = Failure(error.ConnectError(string="fail"))
- wf.clientConnectionFailed(
- None,
- expectedFailure)
- errors = []
- def gotError(f):
- errors.append(f)
- wf._onConnection.addErrback(gotError)
- self.assertEqual(errors, [expectedFailure])
- def test_wrappingProtocolFileDescriptorReceiver(self):
- """
- Our L{_WrappingProtocol} should be an L{IFileDescriptorReceiver} if the
- wrapped protocol is.
- """
- connectedDeferred = None
- applicationProtocol = TestFileDescriptorReceiverProtocol()
- wrapper = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(
- connectedDeferred, applicationProtocol)
- self.assertTrue(interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver.providedBy(wrapper))
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver, wrapper))
- def test_wrappingProtocolNotFileDescriptorReceiver(self):
- """
- Our L{_WrappingProtocol} does not provide L{IHalfCloseableProtocol} if
- the wrapped protocol doesn't.
- """
- tp = TestProtocol()
- p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, tp)
- self.assertFalse(interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver.providedBy(p))
- def test_wrappedProtocolFileDescriptorReceived(self):
- """
- L{_WrappingProtocol.fileDescriptorReceived} calls the wrapped protocol's
- C{fileDescriptorReceived} method.
- """
- wrappedProtocol = TestFileDescriptorReceiverProtocol()
- wrapper = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(
- defer.Deferred(), wrappedProtocol)
- wrapper.makeConnection(StringTransport())
- wrapper.fileDescriptorReceived(42)
- self.assertEqual(wrappedProtocol.receivedDescriptors, [42])
- def test_wrappingProtocolHalfCloseable(self):
- """
- Our L{_WrappingProtocol} should be an L{IHalfCloseableProtocol} if the
- C{wrappedProtocol} is.
- """
- cd = object()
- hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
- p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(cd, hcp)
- self.assertEqual(
- interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol.providedBy(p), True)
- def test_wrappingProtocolNotHalfCloseable(self):
- """
- Our L{_WrappingProtocol} should not provide L{IHalfCloseableProtocol}
- if the C{WrappedProtocol} doesn't.
- """
- tp = TestProtocol()
- p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, tp)
- self.assertEqual(
- interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol.providedBy(p), False)
- def test_wrappedProtocolReadConnectionLost(self):
- """
- L{_WrappingProtocol.readConnectionLost} should proxy to the wrapped
- protocol's C{readConnectionLost}
- """
- hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
- p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, hcp)
- p.readConnectionLost()
- self.assertEqual(hcp.readLost, True)
- def test_wrappedProtocolWriteConnectionLost(self):
- """
- L{_WrappingProtocol.writeConnectionLost} should proxy to the wrapped
- protocol's C{writeConnectionLost}
- """
- hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
- p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, hcp)
- p.writeConnectionLost()
- self.assertEqual(hcp.writeLost, True)
-class ClientEndpointTestCaseMixin(object):
- """
- Generic test methods to be mixed into all client endpoint test classes.
- """
- def retrieveConnectedFactory(self, reactor):
- """
- Retrieve a single factory that has connected using the given reactor.
- (This behavior is valid for TCP and SSL but needs to be overridden for
- UNIX.)
- @param reactor: a L{MemoryReactor}
- """
- return self.expectedClients(reactor)[0][2]
- def test_endpointConnectSuccess(self):
- """
- A client endpoint can connect and returns a deferred who gets called
- back with a protocol instance.
- """
- proto = object()
- mreactor = MemoryReactor()
- clientFactory = object()
- ep, expectedArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
- mreactor, clientFactory)
- d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
- receivedProtos = []
- def checkProto(p):
- receivedProtos.append(p)
- d.addCallback(checkProto)
- factory = self.retrieveConnectedFactory(mreactor)
- factory._onConnection.callback(proto)
- self.assertEqual(receivedProtos, [proto])
- expectedClients = self.expectedClients(mreactor)
- self.assertEqual(len(expectedClients), 1)
- self.assertConnectArgs(expectedClients[0], expectedArgs)
- def test_endpointConnectFailure(self):
- """
- If an endpoint tries to connect to a non-listening port it gets
- a C{ConnectError} failure.
- """
- expectedError = error.ConnectError(string="Connection Failed")
- mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactor(connectException=expectedError)
- clientFactory = object()
- ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
- mreactor, clientFactory)
- d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
- receivedExceptions = []
- def checkFailure(f):
- receivedExceptions.append(f.value)
- d.addErrback(checkFailure)
- self.assertEqual(receivedExceptions, [expectedError])
- def test_endpointConnectingCancelled(self):
- """
- Calling L{Deferred.cancel} on the L{Deferred} returned from
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} is errbacked with an expected
- L{ConnectingCancelledError} exception.
- """
- mreactor = MemoryReactor()
- clientFactory = object()
- ep, ignoredArgs, address = self.createClientEndpoint(
- mreactor, clientFactory)
- d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
- receivedFailures = []
- def checkFailure(f):
- receivedFailures.append(f)
- d.addErrback(checkFailure)
- d.cancel()
- # When canceled, the connector will immediately notify its factory that
- # the connection attempt has failed due to a UserError.
- attemptFactory = self.retrieveConnectedFactory(mreactor)
- attemptFactory.clientConnectionFailed(None, Failure(error.UserError()))
- # This should be a feature of MemoryReactor: <http://tm.tl/5630>.
- self.assertEqual(len(receivedFailures), 1)
- failure = receivedFailures[0]
- self.assertIsInstance(failure.value, error.ConnectingCancelledError)
- self.assertEqual(failure.value.address, address)
- def test_endpointConnectNonDefaultArgs(self):
- """
- The endpoint should pass it's connectArgs parameter to the reactor's
- listen methods.
- """
- factory = object()
- mreactor = MemoryReactor()
- ep, expectedArgs, ignoredHost = self.createClientEndpoint(
- mreactor, factory,
- **self.connectArgs())
- ep.connect(factory)
- expectedClients = self.expectedClients(mreactor)
- self.assertEqual(len(expectedClients), 1)
- self.assertConnectArgs(expectedClients[0], expectedArgs)
-class ServerEndpointTestCaseMixin(object):
- """
- Generic test methods to be mixed into all client endpoint test classes.
- """
- def test_endpointListenSuccess(self):
- """
- An endpoint can listen and returns a deferred that gets called back
- with a port instance.
- """
- mreactor = MemoryReactor()
- factory = object()
- ep, expectedArgs, expectedHost = self.createServerEndpoint(
- mreactor, factory)
- d = ep.listen(factory)
- receivedHosts = []
- def checkPortAndServer(port):
- receivedHosts.append(port.getHost())
- d.addCallback(checkPortAndServer)
- self.assertEqual(receivedHosts, [expectedHost])
- self.assertEqual(self.expectedServers(mreactor), [expectedArgs])
- def test_endpointListenFailure(self):
- """
- When an endpoint tries to listen on an already listening port, a
- C{CannotListenError} failure is errbacked.
- """
- factory = object()
- exception = error.CannotListenError('', 80, factory)
- mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactor(listenException=exception)
- ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createServerEndpoint(
- mreactor, factory)
- d = ep.listen(object())
- receivedExceptions = []
- def checkFailure(f):
- receivedExceptions.append(f.value)
- d.addErrback(checkFailure)
- self.assertEqual(receivedExceptions, [exception])
- def test_endpointListenNonDefaultArgs(self):
- """
- The endpoint should pass it's listenArgs parameter to the reactor's
- listen methods.
- """
- factory = object()
- mreactor = MemoryReactor()
- ep, expectedArgs, ignoredHost = self.createServerEndpoint(
- mreactor, factory,
- **self.listenArgs())
- ep.listen(factory)
- expectedServers = self.expectedServers(mreactor)
- self.assertEqual(expectedServers, [expectedArgs])
-class EndpointTestCaseMixin(ServerEndpointTestCaseMixin,
- ClientEndpointTestCaseMixin):
- """
- Generic test methods to be mixed into all endpoint test classes.
- """
-class StdioFactory(protocol.Factory):
- protocol = basic.LineReceiver
-class StandardIOEndpointsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for Standard I/O Endpoints
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.ep = endpoints.StandardIOEndpoint(reactor)
- def test_standardIOInstance(self):
- """
- The endpoint creates an L{endpoints.StandardIO} instance.
- """
- self.d = self.ep.listen(StdioFactory())
- def checkInstanceAndLoseConnection(stdioOb):
- self.assertIsInstance(stdioOb, stdio.StandardIO)
- stdioOb.loseConnection()
- self.d.addCallback(checkInstanceAndLoseConnection)
- return self.d
- def test_reactor(self):
- """
- The reactor passed to the endpoint is set as its _reactor attribute.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.ep._reactor, reactor)
- def test_protocol(self):
- """
- The protocol used in the endpoint is a L{basic.LineReceiver} instance.
- """
- self.d = self.ep.listen(StdioFactory())
- def checkProtocol(stdioOb):
- from twisted.python.runtime import platform
- if platform.isWindows():
- self.assertIsInstance(stdioOb.proto, basic.LineReceiver)
- else:
- self.assertIsInstance(stdioOb.protocol, basic.LineReceiver)
- stdioOb.loseConnection()
- self.d.addCallback(checkProtocol)
- return self.d
- def test_address(self):
- """
- The address passed to the factory's buildProtocol in the endpoint
- should be a PipeAddress instance.
- """
- class TestAddrFactory(protocol.Factory):
- protocol = basic.LineReceiver
- _address = None
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- self._address = addr
- p = self.protocol()
- p.factory = self
- return p
- def getAddress(self):
- return self._address
- myFactory = TestAddrFactory()
- self.d = self.ep.listen(myFactory)
- def checkAddress(stdioOb):
- self.assertIsInstance(myFactory.getAddress(), PipeAddress)
- stdioOb.loseConnection()
- self.d.addCallback(checkAddress)
- return self.d
-class TCP4EndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for TCP IPv4 Endpoints.
- """
- def expectedServers(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}
- """
- return reactor.tcpServers
- def expectedClients(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- return reactor.tcpClients
- def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
- """
- Compare host, port, timeout, and bindAddress in C{receivedArgs}
- to C{expectedArgs}. We ignore the factory because we don't
- only care what protocol comes out of the
- C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.
- @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to have been passed
- to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- """
- (host, port, ignoredFactory, timeout, bindAddress) = receivedArgs
- (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory,
- expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs
- self.assertEqual(host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(port, expectedPort)
- self.assertEqual(timeout, expectedTimeout)
- self.assertEqual(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)
- def connectArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
- """
- return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}
- def listenArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
- """
- return {'backlog': 100, 'interface': ''}
- def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
- """
- Create an L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behaviour.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} on.
- @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
- @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}.
- """
- address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 0)
- if listenArgs is None:
- listenArgs = {}
- return (endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor,
- address.port,
- **listenArgs),
- (address.port, factory,
- listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
- listenArgs.get('interface', '')),
- address)
- def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
- """
- Create an L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behavior.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP} on.
- @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
- @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- address = IPv4Address("TCP", "localhost", 80)
- return (endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor,
- address.host,
- address.port,
- **connectArgs),
- (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
- connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
- connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),
- address)
-class TCP6EndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for TCP IPv6 Endpoints.
- """
- def expectedServers(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}
- """
- return reactor.tcpServers
- def expectedClients(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- return reactor.tcpClients
- def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
- """
- Compare host, port, timeout, and bindAddress in C{receivedArgs}
- to C{expectedArgs}. We ignore the factory because we don't
- only care what protocol comes out of the
- C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.
- @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to have been passed
- to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- """
- (host, port, ignoredFactory, timeout, bindAddress) = receivedArgs
- (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory,
- expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs
- self.assertEqual(host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(port, expectedPort)
- self.assertEqual(timeout, expectedTimeout)
- self.assertEqual(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)
- def connectArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
- """
- return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}
- def listenArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
- """
- return {'backlog': 100, 'interface': '::1'}
- def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
- """
- Create a L{TCP6ServerEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behaviour.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP6ServerEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} on.
- @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
- @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}.
- """
- interface = listenArgs.get('interface', '::')
- address = IPv6Address("TCP", interface, 0)
- if listenArgs is None:
- listenArgs = {}
- return (endpoints.TCP6ServerEndpoint(reactor,
- address.port,
- **listenArgs),
- (address.port, factory,
- listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
- interface),
- address)
- def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
- """
- Create a L{TCP6ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behavior.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP6ClientEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP} on.
- @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
- @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- address = IPv6Address("TCP", "::1", 80)
- return (endpoints.TCP6ClientEndpoint(reactor,
- address.host,
- address.port,
- **connectArgs),
- (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
- connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
- connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),
- address)
-class TCP6EndpointNameResolutionTestCase(ClientEndpointTestCaseMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for a TCP IPv6 Client Endpoint pointed at a hostname instead
- of an IPv6 address literal.
- """
- def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
- """
- Create a L{TCP6ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behavior.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP6ClientEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP} on.
- @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
- @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- address = IPv6Address("TCP", "::2", 80)
- self.ep = endpoints.TCP6ClientEndpoint(reactor,
- 'ipv6.example.com',
- address.port,
- **connectArgs)
- def testNameResolution(host):
- self.assertEqual("ipv6.example.com", host)
- data = [(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, '', ('::2', 0, 0, 0)),
- (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, '', ('::3', 0, 0, 0)),
- (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, '', ('::4', 0, 0, 0))]
- return defer.succeed(data)
- self.ep._nameResolution = testNameResolution
- return (self.ep,
- (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
- connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
- connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),
- address)
- def connectArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
- """
- return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}
- def expectedClients(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- return reactor.tcpClients
- def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
- """
- Compare host, port, timeout, and bindAddress in C{receivedArgs}
- to C{expectedArgs}. We ignore the factory because we don't
- only care what protocol comes out of the
- C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.
- @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
- L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to have been passed
- to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
- """
- (host, port, ignoredFactory, timeout, bindAddress) = receivedArgs
- (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory,
- expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs
- self.assertEqual(host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(port, expectedPort)
- self.assertEqual(timeout, expectedTimeout)
- self.assertEqual(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)
- def test_nameResolution(self):
- """
- While resolving host names, _nameResolution calls
- _deferToThread with _getaddrinfo.
- """
- calls = []
- def fakeDeferToThread(f, *args, **kwargs):
- calls.append((f, args, kwargs))
- return defer.Deferred()
- endpoint = endpoints.TCP6ClientEndpoint(reactor, 'ipv6.example.com',
- 1234)
- fakegetaddrinfo = object()
- endpoint._getaddrinfo = fakegetaddrinfo
- endpoint._deferToThread = fakeDeferToThread
- endpoint.connect(TestFactory())
- self.assertEqual(
- [(fakegetaddrinfo, ("ipv6.example.com", 0, AF_INET6), {})], calls)
-class SSL4EndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSL Endpoints.
- """
- if skipSSL:
- skip = skipSSL
- def expectedServers(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL}
- """
- return reactor.sslServers
- def expectedClients(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}
- """
- return reactor.sslClients
- def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
- """
- Compare host, port, contextFactory, timeout, and bindAddress in
- C{receivedArgs} to C{expectedArgs}. We ignore the factory because we
- don't only care what protocol comes out of the
- C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.
- @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{contextFactory}, C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
- L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}.
- @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
- C{contextFactory}, C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to
- have been passed to L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}.
- """
- (host, port, ignoredFactory, contextFactory, timeout,
- bindAddress) = receivedArgs
- (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory, expectedContextFactory,
- expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs
- self.assertEqual(host, expectedHost)
- self.assertEqual(port, expectedPort)
- self.assertEqual(contextFactory, expectedContextFactory)
- self.assertEqual(timeout, expectedTimeout)
- self.assertEqual(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)
- def connectArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
- """
- return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}
- def listenArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
- """
- return {'backlog': 100, 'interface': ''}
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Set up client and server SSL contexts for use later.
- """
- self.sKey, self.sCert = makeCertificate(
- O="Server Test Certificate",
- CN="server")
- self.cKey, self.cCert = makeCertificate(
- O="Client Test Certificate",
- CN="client")
- self.serverSSLContext = CertificateOptions(
- privateKey=self.sKey,
- certificate=self.sCert,
- requireCertificate=False)
- self.clientSSLContext = CertificateOptions(
- requireCertificate=False)
- def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
- """
- Create an L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} and return the tools to verify its
- behaviour.
- @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorSSL} that L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL} on.
- @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL}.
- """
- address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 0)
- return (endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint(reactor,
- address.port,
- self.serverSSLContext,
- **listenArgs),
- (address.port, factory, self.serverSSLContext,
- listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
- listenArgs.get('interface', '')),
- address)
- def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
- """
- Create an L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behaviour.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorSSL} that L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL} on.
- @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
- @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}
- """
- address = IPv4Address("TCP", "localhost", 80)
- if connectArgs is None:
- connectArgs = {}
- return (endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor,
- address.host,
- address.port,
- self.clientSSLContext,
- **connectArgs),
- (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
- self.clientSSLContext,
- connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
- connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),
- address)
-class UNIXEndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for UnixSocket Endpoints.
- """
- def retrieveConnectedFactory(self, reactor):
- """
- Override L{EndpointTestCaseMixin.retrieveConnectedFactory} to account
- for different index of 'factory' in C{connectUNIX} args.
- """
- return self.expectedClients(reactor)[0][1]
- def expectedServers(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX}
- """
- return reactor.unixServers
- def expectedClients(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: List of calls to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}
- """
- return reactor.unixClients
- def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
- """
- Compare path, timeout, checkPID in C{receivedArgs} to C{expectedArgs}.
- We ignore the factory because we don't only care what protocol comes
- out of the C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.
- @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{path}, C{timeout}, C{checkPID})
- that was passed to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}.
- @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{path}, C{timeout}, C{checkPID})
- that we expect to have been passed to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}.
- """
- (path, ignoredFactory, timeout, checkPID) = receivedArgs
- (expectedPath, _ignoredFactory, expectedTimeout,
- expectedCheckPID) = expectedArgs
- self.assertEqual(path, expectedPath)
- self.assertEqual(timeout, expectedTimeout)
- self.assertEqual(checkPID, expectedCheckPID)
- def connectArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
- """
- return {'timeout': 10, 'checkPID': 1}
- def listenArgs(self):
- """
- @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
- """
- return {'backlog': 100, 'mode': 0600, 'wantPID': 1}
- def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
- """
- Create an L{UNIXServerEndpoint} and return the tools to verify its
- behaviour.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorUNIX} that L{UNIXServerEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX} on.
- @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
- @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX}.
- """
- address = UNIXAddress(self.mktemp())
- return (endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint(reactor, address.name,
- **listenArgs),
- (address.name, factory,
- listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
- listenArgs.get('mode', 0666),
- listenArgs.get('wantPID', 0)),
- address)
- def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
- """
- Create an L{UNIXClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
- its behaviour.
- @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorUNIX} that L{UNIXClientEndpoint} can
- call L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX} on.
- @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
- @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
- L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}
- """
- address = UNIXAddress(self.mktemp())
- return (endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, address.name,
- **connectArgs),
- (address.name, clientFactory,
- connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
- connectArgs.get('checkPID', 0)),
- address)
-class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{endpoints._parseServer}, the low-level parsing logic.
- """
- f = "Factory"
- def parse(self, *a, **kw):
- """
- Provide a hook for test_strports to substitute the deprecated API.
- """
- return endpoints._parseServer(*a, **kw)
- def test_simpleTCP(self):
- """
- Simple strings with a 'tcp:' prefix should be parsed as TCP.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.parse('tcp:80', self.f),
- ('TCP', (80, self.f), {'interface':'', 'backlog':50}))
- def test_interfaceTCP(self):
- """
- TCP port descriptions parse their 'interface' argument as a string.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse('tcp:80:interface=', self.f),
- ('TCP', (80, self.f), {'interface':'', 'backlog':50}))
- def test_backlogTCP(self):
- """
- TCP port descriptions parse their 'backlog' argument as an integer.
- """
- self.assertEqual(self.parse('tcp:80:backlog=6', self.f),
- ('TCP', (80, self.f),
- {'interface':'', 'backlog':6}))
- def test_simpleUNIX(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._parseServer} returns a C{'UNIX'} port description with
- defaults for C{'mode'}, C{'backlog'}, and C{'wantPID'} when passed a
- string with the C{'unix:'} prefix and no other parameter values.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse('unix:/var/run/finger', self.f),
- ('UNIX', ('/var/run/finger', self.f),
- {'mode': 0666, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': True}))
- def test_modeUNIX(self):
- """
- C{mode} can be set by including C{"mode=<some integer>"}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse('unix:/var/run/finger:mode=0660', self.f),
- ('UNIX', ('/var/run/finger', self.f),
- {'mode': 0660, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': True}))
- def test_wantPIDUNIX(self):
- """
- C{wantPID} can be set to false by included C{"lockfile=0"}.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse('unix:/var/run/finger:lockfile=0', self.f),
- ('UNIX', ('/var/run/finger', self.f),
- {'mode': 0666, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': False}))
- def test_escape(self):
- """
- Backslash can be used to escape colons and backslashes in port
- descriptions.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse(r'unix:foo\:bar\=baz\:qux\\', self.f),
- ('UNIX', ('foo:bar=baz:qux\\', self.f),
- {'mode': 0666, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': True}))
- def test_quoteStringArgument(self):
- """
- L{endpoints.quoteStringArgument} should quote backslashes and colons
- for interpolation into L{endpoints.serverFromString} and
- L{endpoints.clientFactory} arguments.
- """
- self.assertEqual(endpoints.quoteStringArgument("some : stuff \\"),
- "some \\: stuff \\\\")
- def test_impliedEscape(self):
- """
- In strports descriptions, '=' in a parameter value does not need to be
- quoted; it will simply be parsed as part of the value.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse(r'unix:address=foo=bar', self.f),
- ('UNIX', ('foo=bar', self.f),
- {'mode': 0666, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': True}))
- def test_nonstandardDefault(self):
- """
- For compatibility with the old L{twisted.application.strports.parse},
- the third 'mode' argument may be specified to L{endpoints.parse} to
- indicate a default other than TCP.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- self.parse('filename', self.f, 'unix'),
- ('UNIX', ('filename', self.f),
- {'mode': 0666, 'backlog': 50, 'wantPID': True}))
- def test_unknownType(self):
- """
- L{strports.parse} raises C{ValueError} when given an unknown endpoint
- type.
- """
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.parse, "bogus-type:nothing", self.f)
-class ServerStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString}.
- """
- def test_tcp(self):
- """
- When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString}
- returns a L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values
- from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- server = endpoints.serverFromString(
- reactor, "tcp:1234:backlog=12:interface=")
- self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(server._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(server._port, 1234)
- self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 12)
- self.assertEqual(server._interface, "")
- def test_ssl(self):
- """
- When passed an SSL strports description, L{endpoints.serverFromString}
- returns a L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values
- from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- server = endpoints.serverFromString(
- reactor,
- "ssl:1234:backlog=12:privateKey=%s:"
- "certKey=%s:interface=" % (escapedPEMPathName,
- escapedPEMPathName))
- self.assertIsInstance(server, endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(server._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(server._port, 1234)
- self.assertEqual(server._backlog, 12)
- self.assertEqual(server._interface, "")
- ctx = server._sslContextFactory.getContext()
- self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
- if skipSSL:
- test_ssl.skip = skipSSL
- def test_unix(self):
- """
- When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpoint.serverFromString}
- returns a L{UNIXServerEndpoint} instance initialized with the values
- from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(
- reactor,
- "unix:/var/foo/bar:backlog=7:mode=0123:lockfile=1")
- self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(endpoint._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._address, "/var/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._backlog, 7)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._mode, 0123)
- self.assertEqual(endpoint._wantPID, True)
- def test_implicitDefaultNotAllowed(self):
- """
- The older service-based API (L{twisted.internet.strports.service})
- allowed an implicit default of 'tcp' so that TCP ports could be
- specified as a simple integer, but we've since decided that's a bad
- idea, and the new API does not accept an implicit default argument; you
- have to say 'tcp:' now. If you try passing an old implicit port number
- to the new API, you'll get a C{ValueError}.
- """
- value = self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, endpoints.serverFromString, None, "4321")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(value),
- "Unqualified strport description passed to 'service'."
- "Use qualified endpoint descriptions; for example, 'tcp:4321'.")
- def test_unknownType(self):
- """
- L{endpoints.serverFromString} raises C{ValueError} when given an
- unknown endpoint type.
- """
- value = self.assertRaises(
- # faster-than-light communication not supported
- ValueError, endpoints.serverFromString, None,
- "ftl:andromeda/carcosa/hali/2387")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(value),
- "Unknown endpoint type: 'ftl'")
- def test_typeFromPlugin(self):
- """
- L{endpoints.serverFromString} looks up plugins of type
- L{IStreamServerEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them.
- """
- # Set up a plugin which will only be accessible for the duration of
- # this test.
- addFakePlugin(self)
- # Plugin is set up: now actually test.
- notAReactor = object()
- fakeEndpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(
- notAReactor, "fake:hello:world:yes=no:up=down")
- from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fake
- self.assertIdentical(fakeEndpoint.parser, fake)
- self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.args, (notAReactor, 'hello', 'world'))
- self.assertEqual(fakeEndpoint.kwargs, dict(yes='no', up='down'))
-def addFakePlugin(testCase, dropinSource="fakeendpoint.py"):
- """
- For the duration of C{testCase}, add a fake plugin to twisted.plugins which
- contains some sample endpoint parsers.
- """
- import sys
- savedModules = sys.modules.copy()
- savedPluginPath = plugins.__path__
- def cleanup():
- sys.modules.clear()
- sys.modules.update(savedModules)
- plugins.__path__[:] = savedPluginPath
- testCase.addCleanup(cleanup)
- fp = FilePath(testCase.mktemp())
- fp.createDirectory()
- getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling(dropinSource).copyTo(
- fp.child(dropinSource))
- plugins.__path__.append(fp.path)
-class ClientStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString}.
- """
- def test_tcp(self):
- """
- When passed a TCP strports description, L{endpoints.clientFromString}
- returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values
- from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "tcp:host=example.com:port=1234:timeout=7:bindAddress=")
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.com")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7)
- self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, "")
- def test_tcpPositionalArgs(self):
- """
- When passed a TCP strports description using positional arguments,
- L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} instance
- initialized with the values from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "tcp:example.com:1234:timeout=7:bindAddress=")
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.com")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 7)
- self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, "")
- def test_tcpHostPositionalArg(self):
- """
- When passed a TCP strports description specifying host as a positional
- argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint}
- instance initialized with the values from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "tcp:example.com:port=1234:timeout=7:bindAddress=")
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.com")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
- def test_tcpPortPositionalArg(self):
- """
- When passed a TCP strports description specifying port as a positional
- argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{TCP4ClientEndpoint}
- instance initialized with the values from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "tcp:host=example.com:1234:timeout=7:bindAddress=")
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.com")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 1234)
- def test_tcpDefaults(self):
- """
- A TCP strports description may omit I{timeout} or I{bindAddress} to
- allow the default to be used.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "tcp:host=example.com:port=1234")
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 30)
- self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, None)
- def test_unix(self):
- """
- When passed a UNIX strports description, L{endpoints.clientFromString}
- returns a L{UNIXClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values
- from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "unix:path=/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9")
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._path, "/var/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 9)
- self.assertEqual(client._checkPID, True)
- def test_unixDefaults(self):
- """
- A UNIX strports description may omit I{lockfile} or I{timeout} to allow
- the defaults to be used.
- """
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(object(), "unix:path=/var/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 30)
- self.assertEqual(client._checkPID, False)
- def test_unixPathPositionalArg(self):
- """
- When passed a UNIX strports description specifying path as a positional
- argument, L{endpoints.clientFromString} returns a L{UNIXClientEndpoint}
- instance initialized with the values from the string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "unix:/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9")
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._path, "/var/foo/bar")
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 9)
- self.assertEqual(client._checkPID, True)
- def test_typeFromPlugin(self):
- """
- L{endpoints.clientFromString} looks up plugins of type
- L{IStreamClientEndpoint} and constructs endpoints from them.
- """
- addFakePlugin(self)
- notAReactor = object()
- clientEndpoint = endpoints.clientFromString(
- notAReactor, "cfake:alpha:beta:cee=dee:num=1")
- from twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint import fakeClient
- self.assertIdentical(clientEndpoint.parser, fakeClient)
- self.assertEqual(clientEndpoint.args, ('alpha', 'beta'))
- self.assertEqual(clientEndpoint.kwargs, dict(cee='dee', num='1'))
- def test_unknownType(self):
- """
- L{endpoints.serverFromString} raises C{ValueError} when given an
- unknown endpoint type.
- """
- value = self.assertRaises(
- # faster-than-light communication not supported
- ValueError, endpoints.clientFromString, None,
- "ftl:andromeda/carcosa/hali/2387")
- self.assertEqual(
- str(value),
- "Unknown endpoint type: 'ftl'")
-class SSLClientStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString} which require SSL.
- """
- if skipSSL:
- skip = skipSSL
- def test_ssl(self):
- """
- When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a
- L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the
- string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "ssl:host=example.net:port=4321:privateKey=%s:"
- "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" %
- (escapedPEMPathName,
- escapedPEMPathName,
- escapedCAsPathName))
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.net")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321)
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3)
- self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, "")
- certOptions = client._sslContextFactory
- self.assertIsInstance(certOptions, CertificateOptions)
- ctx = certOptions.getContext()
- self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
- self.assertEqual(Certificate(certOptions.certificate),
- testCertificate)
- privateCert = PrivateCertificate(certOptions.certificate)
- privateCert._setPrivateKey(KeyPair(certOptions.privateKey))
- self.assertEqual(privateCert, testPrivateCertificate)
- expectedCerts = [
- Certificate.loadPEM(x.getContent()) for x in
- [casPath.child("thing1.pem"), casPath.child("thing2.pem")]
- if x.basename().lower().endswith('.pem')
- ]
- self.assertEqual(sorted((Certificate(x) for x in certOptions.caCerts),
- key=lambda cert: cert.digest()),
- sorted(expectedCerts,
- key=lambda cert: cert.digest()))
- def test_sslPositionalArgs(self):
- """
- When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a
- L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the
- string.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor,
- "ssl:example.net:4321:privateKey=%s:"
- "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" %
- (escapedPEMPathName,
- escapedPEMPathName,
- escapedCAsPathName))
- self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint)
- self.assertIdentical(client._reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.net")
- self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321)
- self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3)
- self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, "")
- def test_unreadableCertificate(self):
- """
- If a certificate in the directory is unreadable,
- L{endpoints._loadCAsFromDir} will ignore that certificate.
- """
- class UnreadableFilePath(FilePath):
- def getContent(self):
- data = FilePath.getContent(self)
- # There is a duplicate of thing2.pem, so ignore anything that
- # looks like it.
- if data == casPath.child("thing2.pem").getContent():
- raise IOError(EPERM)
- else:
- return data
- casPathClone = casPath.child("ignored").parent()
- casPathClone.clonePath = UnreadableFilePath
- self.assertEqual(
- [Certificate(x) for x in endpoints._loadCAsFromDir(casPathClone)],
- [Certificate.loadPEM(casPath.child("thing1.pem").getContent())])
- def test_sslSimple(self):
- """
- When passed an SSL strports description without any extra parameters,
- L{clientFromString} returns a simple non-verifying endpoint that will
- speak SSL.
- """
- reactor = object()
- client = endpoints.clientFromString(
- reactor, "ssl:host=simple.example.org:port=4321")
- certOptions = client._sslContextFactory
- self.assertIsInstance(certOptions, CertificateOptions)
- self.assertEqual(certOptions.verify, False)
- ctx = certOptions.getContext()
- self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType)
-class AdoptedStreamServerEndpointTestCase(ServerEndpointTestCaseMixin,
- unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for adopted socket-based stream server endpoints.
- """
- def _createStubbedAdoptedEndpoint(self, reactor, fileno, addressFamily):
- """
- Create an L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint} which may safely be used with
- an invalid file descriptor. This is convenient for a number of unit
- tests.
- """
- e = endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint(reactor, fileno, addressFamily)
- # Stub out some syscalls which would fail, given our invalid file
- # descriptor.
- e._close = lambda fd: None
- e._setNonBlocking = lambda fd: None
- return e
- def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory):
- """
- Create a new L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint} for use by a test.
- @return: A three-tuple:
- - The endpoint
- - A tuple of the arguments expected to be passed to the underlying
- reactor method
- - An IAddress object which will match the result of
- L{IListeningPort.getHost} on the port returned by the endpoint.
- """
- fileno = 12
- addressFamily = AF_INET
- endpoint = self._createStubbedAdoptedEndpoint(
- reactor, fileno, addressFamily)
- # Magic numbers come from the implementation of MemoryReactor
- address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 1234)
- return (endpoint, (fileno, addressFamily, factory), address)
- def expectedServers(self, reactor):
- """
- @return: The ports which were actually adopted by C{reactor} via calls
- to its L{IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort} implementation.
- """
- return reactor.adoptedPorts
- def listenArgs(self):
- """
- @return: A C{dict} of additional keyword arguments to pass to the
- C{createServerEndpoint}.
- """
- return {}
- def test_singleUse(self):
- """
- L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint.listen} can only be used once. The file
- descriptor given is closed after the first use, and subsequent calls to
- C{listen} return a L{Deferred} that fails with L{AlreadyListened}.
- """
- reactor = MemoryReactor()
- endpoint = self._createStubbedAdoptedEndpoint(reactor, 13, AF_INET)
- endpoint.listen(object())
- d = self.assertFailure(endpoint.listen(object()), error.AlreadyListened)
- def listenFailed(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(1, len(reactor.adoptedPorts))
- d.addCallback(listenFailed)
- return d
- def test_descriptionNonBlocking(self):
- """
- L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint.listen} sets the file description given to
- it to non-blocking.
- """
- reactor = MemoryReactor()
- endpoint = self._createStubbedAdoptedEndpoint(reactor, 13, AF_INET)
- events = []
- def setNonBlocking(fileno):
- events.append(("setNonBlocking", fileno))
- endpoint._setNonBlocking = setNonBlocking
- d = endpoint.listen(object())
- def listened(ignored):
- self.assertEqual([("setNonBlocking", 13)], events)
- d.addCallback(listened)
- return d
- def test_descriptorClosed(self):
- """
- L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint.listen} closes its file descriptor after
- adding it to the reactor with L{IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort}.
- """
- reactor = MemoryReactor()
- endpoint = self._createStubbedAdoptedEndpoint(reactor, 13, AF_INET)
- events = []
- def close(fileno):
- events.append(("close", fileno, len(reactor.adoptedPorts)))
- endpoint._close = close
- d = endpoint.listen(object())
- def listened(ignored):
- self.assertEqual([("close", 13, 1)], events)
- d.addCallback(listened)
- return d
-class SystemdEndpointPluginTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Unit tests for the systemd stream server endpoint and endpoint string
- description parser.
- @see: U{systemd<http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd>}
- """
- _parserClass = endpoints._SystemdParser
- def test_pluginDiscovery(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._SystemdParser} is found as a plugin for
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} interface.
- """
- parsers = list(getPlugins(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser))
- for p in parsers:
- if isinstance(p, self._parserClass):
- break
- else:
- self.fail("Did not find systemd parser in %r" % (parsers,))
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._SystemdParser} instances provide
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser}.
- """
- parser = self._parserClass()
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser, parser))
- def _parseStreamServerTest(self, addressFamily, addressFamilyString):
- """
- Helper for unit tests for L{endpoints._SystemdParser.parseStreamServer}
- for different address families.
- Handling of the address family given will be verify. If there is a
- problem a test-failing exception will be raised.
- @param addressFamily: An address family constant, like L{socket.AF_INET}.
- @param addressFamilyString: A string which should be recognized by the
- parser as representing C{addressFamily}.
- """
- reactor = object()
- descriptors = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- index = 3
- parser = self._parserClass()
- parser._sddaemon = ListenFDs(descriptors)
- server = parser.parseStreamServer(
- reactor, domain=addressFamilyString, index=str(index))
- self.assertIdentical(server.reactor, reactor)
- self.assertEqual(server.addressFamily, addressFamily)
- self.assertEqual(server.fileno, descriptors[index])
- def test_parseStreamServerINET(self):
- """
- IPv4 can be specified using the string C{"INET"}.
- """
- self._parseStreamServerTest(AF_INET, "INET")
- def test_parseStreamServerINET6(self):
- """
- IPv6 can be specified using the string C{"INET6"}.
- """
- self._parseStreamServerTest(AF_INET6, "INET6")
- def test_parseStreamServerUNIX(self):
- """
- A UNIX domain socket can be specified using the string C{"UNIX"}.
- """
- try:
- from socket import AF_UNIX
- except ImportError:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("Platform lacks AF_UNIX support")
- else:
- self._parseStreamServerTest(AF_UNIX, "UNIX")
-class TCP6ServerEndpointPluginTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Unit tests for the TCP IPv6 stream server endpoint string description parser.
- """
- _parserClass = endpoints._TCP6ServerParser
- def test_pluginDiscovery(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._TCP6ServerParser} is found as a plugin for
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} interface.
- """
- parsers = list(getPlugins(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser))
- for p in parsers:
- if isinstance(p, self._parserClass):
- break
- else:
- self.fail("Did not find TCP6ServerEndpoint parser in %r" % (parsers,))
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._TCP6ServerParser} instances provide
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser}.
- """
- parser = self._parserClass()
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser, parser))
- def test_stringDescription(self):
- """
- L{serverFromString} returns a L{TCP6ServerEndpoint} instance with a 'tcp6'
- endpoint string description.
- """
- ep = endpoints.serverFromString(MemoryReactor(),
- "tcp6:8080:backlog=12:interface=\:\:1")
- self.assertIsInstance(ep, endpoints.TCP6ServerEndpoint)
- self.assertIsInstance(ep._reactor, MemoryReactor)
- self.assertEqual(ep._port, 8080)
- self.assertEqual(ep._backlog, 12)
- self.assertEqual(ep._interface, '::1')
-class StandardIOEndpointPluginTests(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Unit tests for the Standard I/O endpoint string description parser.
- """
- _parserClass = endpoints._StandardIOParser
- def test_pluginDiscovery(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._StandardIOParser} is found as a plugin for
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} interface.
- """
- parsers = list(getPlugins(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser))
- for p in parsers:
- if isinstance(p, self._parserClass):
- break
- else:
- self.fail("Did not find StandardIOEndpoint parser in %r" % (parsers,))
- def test_interface(self):
- """
- L{endpoints._StandardIOParser} instances provide
- L{interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser}.
- """
- parser = self._parserClass()
- self.assertTrue(verifyObject(
- interfaces.IStreamServerEndpointStringParser, parser))
- def test_stringDescription(self):
- """
- L{serverFromString} returns a L{StandardIOEndpoint} instance with a 'stdio'
- endpoint string description.
- """
- ep = endpoints.serverFromString(MemoryReactor(), "stdio:")
- self.assertIsInstance(ep, endpoints.StandardIOEndpoint)
- self.assertIsInstance(ep._reactor, MemoryReactor)