path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/endpoints.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.internet.test.test_endpoints -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementations of L{IStreamServerEndpoint} and L{IStreamClientEndpoint} that
-wrap the L{IReactorTCP}, L{IReactorSSL}, and L{IReactorUNIX} interfaces.
-This also implements an extensible mini-language for describing endpoints,
-parsed by the L{clientFromString} and L{serverFromString} functions.
-@since: 10.1
-import os, socket
-from zope.interface import implements, directlyProvides
-import warnings
-from twisted.internet import interfaces, defer, error, fdesc, threads
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, Protocol
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin, getPlugins
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IStreamServerEndpointStringParser
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IStreamClientEndpointStringParser
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python.systemd import ListenFDs
-from twisted.internet.abstract import isIPv6Address
-from twisted.internet import stdio
-from twisted.internet.stdio import PipeAddress
-__all__ = ["clientFromString", "serverFromString",
- "TCP4ServerEndpoint", "TCP6ServerEndpoint",
- "TCP4ClientEndpoint", "TCP6ClientEndpoint",
- "UNIXServerEndpoint", "UNIXClientEndpoint",
- "SSL4ServerEndpoint", "SSL4ClientEndpoint",
- "AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint", "StandardIOEndpoint"]
-class _WrappingProtocol(Protocol):
- """
- Wrap another protocol in order to notify my user when a connection has
- been made.
- """
- def __init__(self, connectedDeferred, wrappedProtocol):
- """
- @param connectedDeferred: The L{Deferred} that will callback
- with the C{wrappedProtocol} when it is connected.
- @param wrappedProtocol: An L{IProtocol} provider that will be
- connected.
- """
- self._connectedDeferred = connectedDeferred
- self._wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol
- for iface in [interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol,
- interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver]:
- if iface.providedBy(self._wrappedProtocol):
- directlyProvides(self, iface)
- def logPrefix(self):
- """
- Transparently pass through the wrapped protocol's log prefix.
- """
- if interfaces.ILoggingContext.providedBy(self._wrappedProtocol):
- return self._wrappedProtocol.logPrefix()
- return self._wrappedProtocol.__class__.__name__
- def connectionMade(self):
- """
- Connect the C{self._wrappedProtocol} to our C{self.transport} and
- callback C{self._connectedDeferred} with the C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- self._wrappedProtocol.makeConnection(self.transport)
- self._connectedDeferred.callback(self._wrappedProtocol)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- """
- Proxy C{dataReceived} calls to our C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- return self._wrappedProtocol.dataReceived(data)
- def fileDescriptorReceived(self, descriptor):
- """
- Proxy C{fileDescriptorReceived} calls to our C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- return self._wrappedProtocol.fileDescriptorReceived(descriptor)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Proxy C{connectionLost} calls to our C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- return self._wrappedProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
- def readConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Proxy L{IHalfCloseableProtocol.readConnectionLost} to our
- C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- self._wrappedProtocol.readConnectionLost()
- def writeConnectionLost(self):
- """
- Proxy L{IHalfCloseableProtocol.writeConnectionLost} to our
- C{self._wrappedProtocol}
- """
- self._wrappedProtocol.writeConnectionLost()
-class _WrappingFactory(ClientFactory):
- """
- Wrap a factory in order to wrap the protocols it builds.
- @ivar _wrappedFactory: A provider of I{IProtocolFactory} whose buildProtocol
- method will be called and whose resulting protocol will be wrapped.
- @ivar _onConnection: A L{Deferred} that fires when the protocol is
- connected
- @ivar _connector: A L{connector <twisted.internet.interfaces.IConnector>}
- that is managing the current or previous connection attempt.
- """
- protocol = _WrappingProtocol
- def __init__(self, wrappedFactory):
- """
- @param wrappedFactory: A provider of I{IProtocolFactory} whose
- buildProtocol method will be called and whose resulting protocol
- will be wrapped.
- """
- self._wrappedFactory = wrappedFactory
- self._onConnection = defer.Deferred(canceller=self._canceller)
- def startedConnecting(self, connector):
- """
- A connection attempt was started. Remember the connector which started
- said attempt, for use later.
- """
- self._connector = connector
- def _canceller(self, deferred):
- """
- The outgoing connection attempt was cancelled. Fail that L{Deferred}
- with an L{error.ConnectingCancelledError}.
- @param deferred: The L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>} that was cancelled;
- should be the same as C{self._onConnection}.
- @type deferred: L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>}
- @note: This relies on startedConnecting having been called, so it may
- seem as though there's a race condition where C{_connector} may not
- have been set. However, using public APIs, this condition is
- impossible to catch, because a connection API
- (C{connectTCP}/C{SSL}/C{UNIX}) is always invoked before a
- L{_WrappingFactory}'s L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>} is returned to
- C{connect()}'s caller.
- @return: C{None}
- """
- deferred.errback(
- error.ConnectingCancelledError(
- self._connector.getDestination()))
- self._connector.stopConnecting()
- def doStart(self):
- """
- Start notifications are passed straight through to the wrapped factory.
- """
- self._wrappedFactory.doStart()
- def doStop(self):
- """
- Stop notifications are passed straight through to the wrapped factory.
- """
- self._wrappedFactory.doStop()
- def buildProtocol(self, addr):
- """
- Proxy C{buildProtocol} to our C{self._wrappedFactory} or errback
- the C{self._onConnection} L{Deferred}.
- @return: An instance of L{_WrappingProtocol} or C{None}
- """
- try:
- proto = self._wrappedFactory.buildProtocol(addr)
- except:
- self._onConnection.errback()
- else:
- return self.protocol(self._onConnection, proto)
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- """
- Errback the C{self._onConnection} L{Deferred} when the
- client connection fails.
- """
- if not self._onConnection.called:
- self._onConnection.errback(reason)
-class StandardIOEndpoint(object):
- """
- A Standard Input/Output endpoint
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor):
- """
- @param reactor: The reactor for the endpoint
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- def listen(self, stdioProtocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} to listen on stdin/stdout
- """
- return defer.execute(stdio.StandardIO,
- stdioProtocolFactory.buildProtocol(PipeAddress()))
-class _TCPServerEndpoint(object):
- """
- A TCP server endpoint interface
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, port, backlog, interface):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider.
- @param port: The port number used for listening
- @type port: int
- @param backlog: Size of the listen queue
- @type backlog: int
- @param interface: The hostname to bind to
- @type interface: str
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._port = port
- self._backlog = backlog
- self._interface = interface
- def listen(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} to listen on a TCP socket
- """
- return defer.execute(self._reactor.listenTCP,
- self._port,
- protocolFactory,
- backlog=self._backlog,
- interface=self._interface)
-class TCP4ServerEndpoint(_TCPServerEndpoint):
- """
- Implements TCP server endpoint with an IPv4 configuration
- """
- def __init__(self, reactor, port, backlog=50, interface=''):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider.
- @param port: The port number used for listening
- @type port: int
- @param backlog: Size of the listen queue
- @type backlog: int
- @param interface: The hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all)
- @type interface: str
- """
- _TCPServerEndpoint.__init__(self, reactor, port, backlog, interface)
-class TCP6ServerEndpoint(_TCPServerEndpoint):
- """
- Implements TCP server endpoint with an IPv6 configuration
- """
- def __init__(self, reactor, port, backlog=50, interface='::'):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider.
- @param port: The port number used for listening
- @type port: int
- @param backlog: Size of the listen queue
- @type backlog: int
- @param interface: The hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all)
- @type interface: str
- """
- _TCPServerEndpoint.__init__(self, reactor, port, backlog, interface)
-class TCP4ClientEndpoint(object):
- """
- TCP client endpoint with an IPv4 configuration.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider
- @param host: A hostname, used when connecting
- @type host: str
- @param port: The port number, used when connecting
- @type port: int
- @param timeout: The number of seconds to wait before assuming the
- connection has failed.
- @type timeout: int
- @param bindAddress: A (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to,
- or None.
- @type bindAddress: tuple
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- self._timeout = timeout
- self._bindAddress = bindAddress
- def connect(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} to connect via TCP.
- """
- try:
- wf = _WrappingFactory(protocolFactory)
- self._reactor.connectTCP(
- self._host, self._port, wf,
- timeout=self._timeout, bindAddress=self._bindAddress)
- return wf._onConnection
- except:
- return defer.fail()
-class TCP6ClientEndpoint(object):
- """
- TCP client endpoint with an IPv6 configuration.
- @ivar _getaddrinfo: A hook used for testing name resolution.
- @ivar _deferToThread: A hook used for testing deferToThread.
- @ivar _GAI_ADDRESS: Index of the address portion in result of
- getaddrinfo to be used.
- @ivar _GAI_ADDRESS_HOST: Index of the actual host-address in the
- 5-tuple L{_GAI_ADDRESS}.
- """
- _getaddrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo
- _deferToThread = threads.deferToThread
- def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
- """
- @param host: An IPv6 address literal or a hostname with an
- IPv6 address
- @see: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- self._timeout = timeout
- self._bindAddress = bindAddress
- def connect(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} to connect via TCP,
- once the hostname resolution is done.
- """
- if isIPv6Address(self._host):
- d = self._resolvedHostConnect(self._host, protocolFactory)
- else:
- d = self._nameResolution(self._host)
- d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0][self._GAI_ADDRESS]
- d.addCallback(self._resolvedHostConnect, protocolFactory)
- return d
- def _nameResolution(self, host):
- """
- Resolve the hostname string into a tuple containig the host
- IPv6 address.
- """
- return self._deferToThread(
- self._getaddrinfo, host, 0, socket.AF_INET6)
- def _resolvedHostConnect(self, resolvedHost, protocolFactory):
- """
- Connect to the server using the resolved hostname.
- """
- try:
- wf = _WrappingFactory(protocolFactory)
- self._reactor.connectTCP(resolvedHost, self._port, wf,
- timeout=self._timeout, bindAddress=self._bindAddress)
- return wf._onConnection
- except:
- return defer.fail()
-class SSL4ServerEndpoint(object):
- """
- SSL secured TCP server endpoint with an IPv4 configuration.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, port, sslContextFactory,
- backlog=50, interface=''):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorSSL} provider.
- @param port: The port number used for listening
- @type port: int
- @param sslContextFactory: An instance of
- L{twisted.internet._sslverify.OpenSSLCertificateOptions}.
- @param backlog: Size of the listen queue
- @type backlog: int
- @param interface: The hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all)
- @type interface: str
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._port = port
- self._sslContextFactory = sslContextFactory
- self._backlog = backlog
- self._interface = interface
- def listen(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} to listen for SSL on a
- TCP socket.
- """
- return defer.execute(self._reactor.listenSSL, self._port,
- protocolFactory,
- contextFactory=self._sslContextFactory,
- backlog=self._backlog,
- interface=self._interface)
-class SSL4ClientEndpoint(object):
- """
- SSL secured TCP client endpoint with an IPv4 configuration
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, sslContextFactory,
- timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorSSL} provider.
- @param host: A hostname, used when connecting
- @type host: str
- @param port: The port number, used when connecting
- @type port: int
- @param sslContextFactory: SSL Configuration information as an instance
- of L{OpenSSLCertificateOptions}.
- @param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming the
- connection has failed.
- @type timeout: int
- @param bindAddress: A (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to,
- or None.
- @type bindAddress: tuple
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- self._sslContextFactory = sslContextFactory
- self._timeout = timeout
- self._bindAddress = bindAddress
- def connect(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} to connect with SSL over
- TCP.
- """
- try:
- wf = _WrappingFactory(protocolFactory)
- self._reactor.connectSSL(
- self._host, self._port, wf, self._sslContextFactory,
- timeout=self._timeout, bindAddress=self._bindAddress)
- return wf._onConnection
- except:
- return defer.fail()
-class UNIXServerEndpoint(object):
- """
- UnixSocket server endpoint.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, address, backlog=50, mode=0666, wantPID=0):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorUNIX} provider.
- @param address: The path to the Unix socket file, used when listening
- @param backlog: number of connections to allow in backlog.
- @param mode: mode to set on the unix socket. This parameter is
- deprecated. Permissions should be set on the directory which
- contains the UNIX socket.
- @param wantPID: If True, create a pidfile for the socket.
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._address = address
- self._backlog = backlog
- self._mode = mode
- self._wantPID = wantPID
- def listen(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} to listen on a UNIX socket.
- """
- return defer.execute(self._reactor.listenUNIX, self._address,
- protocolFactory,
- backlog=self._backlog,
- mode=self._mode,
- wantPID=self._wantPID)
-class UNIXClientEndpoint(object):
- """
- UnixSocket client endpoint.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint)
- def __init__(self, reactor, path, timeout=30, checkPID=0):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorUNIX} provider.
- @param path: The path to the Unix socket file, used when connecting
- @type path: str
- @param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming the
- connection has failed.
- @type timeout: int
- @param checkPID: If True, check for a pid file to verify that a server
- is listening.
- @type checkPID: bool
- """
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._path = path
- self._timeout = timeout
- self._checkPID = checkPID
- def connect(self, protocolFactory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} to connect via a
- UNIX Socket
- """
- try:
- wf = _WrappingFactory(protocolFactory)
- self._reactor.connectUNIX(
- self._path, wf,
- timeout=self._timeout,
- checkPID=self._checkPID)
- return wf._onConnection
- except:
- return defer.fail()
-class AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint(object):
- """
- An endpoint for listening on a file descriptor initialized outside of
- Twisted.
- @ivar _used: A C{bool} indicating whether this endpoint has been used to
- listen with a factory yet. C{True} if so.
- """
- _close = os.close
- _setNonBlocking = staticmethod(fdesc.setNonBlocking)
- def __init__(self, reactor, fileno, addressFamily):
- """
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorSocket} provider.
- @param fileno: An integer file descriptor corresponding to a listening
- I{SOCK_STREAM} socket.
- @param addressFamily: The address family of the socket given by
- C{fileno}.
- """
- self.reactor = reactor
- self.fileno = fileno
- self.addressFamily = addressFamily
- self._used = False
- def listen(self, factory):
- """
- Implement L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} to start listening on, and
- then close, C{self._fileno}.
- """
- if self._used:
- return defer.fail(error.AlreadyListened())
- self._used = True
- try:
- self._setNonBlocking(self.fileno)
- port = self.reactor.adoptStreamPort(
- self.fileno, self.addressFamily, factory)
- self._close(self.fileno)
- except:
- return defer.fail()
- return defer.succeed(port)
-def _parseTCP(factory, port, interface="", backlog=50):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments for a TCP(IPv4) stream endpoint into the structured arguments.
- @param factory: the protocol factory being parsed, or C{None}. (This was a
- leftover argument from when this code was in C{strports}, and is now
- mostly None and unused.)
- @type factory: L{IProtocolFactory} or C{NoneType}
- @param port: the integer port number to bind
- @type port: C{str}
- @param interface: the interface IP to listen on
- @param backlog: the length of the listen queue
- @type backlog: C{str}
- @return: a 2-tuple of (args, kwargs), describing the parameters to
- L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} (or, modulo argument 2, the factory, arguments
- to L{TCP4ServerEndpoint}.
- """
- return (int(port), factory), {'interface': interface,
- 'backlog': int(backlog)}
-def _parseUNIX(factory, address, mode='666', backlog=50, lockfile=True):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments for a UNIX (AF_UNIX/SOCK_STREAM) stream endpoint into the
- structured arguments.
- @param factory: the protocol factory being parsed, or C{None}. (This was a
- leftover argument from when this code was in C{strports}, and is now
- mostly None and unused.)
- @type factory: L{IProtocolFactory} or C{NoneType}
- @param address: the pathname of the unix socket
- @type address: C{str}
- @param backlog: the length of the listen queue
- @type backlog: C{str}
- @param lockfile: A string '0' or '1', mapping to True and False
- respectively. See the C{wantPID} argument to C{listenUNIX}
- @return: a 2-tuple of (args, kwargs), describing the parameters to
- L{IReactorTCP.listenUNIX} (or, modulo argument 2, the factory,
- arguments to L{UNIXServerEndpoint}.
- """
- return (
- (address, factory),
- {'mode': int(mode, 8), 'backlog': int(backlog),
- 'wantPID': bool(int(lockfile))})
-def _parseSSL(factory, port, privateKey="server.pem", certKey=None,
- sslmethod=None, interface='', backlog=50):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments for an SSL (over TCP/IPv4) stream endpoint into the structured
- arguments.
- @param factory: the protocol factory being parsed, or C{None}. (This was a
- leftover argument from when this code was in C{strports}, and is now
- mostly None and unused.)
- @type factory: L{IProtocolFactory} or C{NoneType}
- @param port: the integer port number to bind
- @type port: C{str}
- @param interface: the interface IP to listen on
- @param backlog: the length of the listen queue
- @type backlog: C{str}
- @param privateKey: The file name of a PEM format private key file.
- @type privateKey: C{str}
- @param certKey: The file name of a PEM format certificate file.
- @type certKey: C{str}
- @param sslmethod: The string name of an SSL method, based on the name of a
- constant in C{OpenSSL.SSL}. Must be one of: "SSLv23_METHOD",
- @type sslmethod: C{str}
- @return: a 2-tuple of (args, kwargs), describing the parameters to
- L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL} (or, modulo argument 2, the factory, arguments
- to L{SSL4ServerEndpoint}.
- """
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- if certKey is None:
- certKey = privateKey
- kw = {}
- if sslmethod is not None:
- kw['sslmethod'] = getattr(ssl.SSL, sslmethod)
- cf = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(privateKey, certKey, **kw)
- return ((int(port), factory, cf),
- {'interface': interface, 'backlog': int(backlog)})
-class _StandardIOParser(object):
- """
- Stream server endpoint string parser for the Standard I/O type.
- @ivar prefix: See L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParser.prefix}.
- """
- implements(IPlugin, IStreamServerEndpointStringParser)
- prefix = "stdio"
- def _parseServer(self, reactor):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments into structured arguments for the L{StandardIOEndpoint}
- @param reactor: Reactor for the endpoint
- """
- return StandardIOEndpoint(reactor)
- def parseStreamServer(self, reactor, *args, **kwargs):
- # Redirects to another function (self._parseServer), tricks zope.interface
- # into believing the interface is correctly implemented.
- return self._parseServer(reactor)
-class _SystemdParser(object):
- """
- Stream server endpoint string parser for the I{systemd} endpoint type.
- @ivar prefix: See L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParser.prefix}.
- @ivar _sddaemon: A L{ListenFDs} instance used to translate an index into an
- actual file descriptor.
- """
- implements(IPlugin, IStreamServerEndpointStringParser)
- _sddaemon = ListenFDs.fromEnvironment()
- prefix = "systemd"
- def _parseServer(self, reactor, domain, index):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments for a systemd server endpoint into structured arguments for
- L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint}.
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorSocket} provider.
- @param domain: The domain (or address family) of the socket inherited
- from systemd. This is a string like C{"INET"} or C{"UNIX"}, ie the
- name of an address family from the L{socket} module, without the
- C{"AF_"} prefix.
- @type domain: C{str}
- @param index: An offset into the list of file descriptors inherited from
- systemd.
- @type index: C{str}
- @return: A two-tuple of parsed positional arguments and parsed keyword
- arguments (a tuple and a dictionary). These can be used to
- construct an L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint}.
- """
- index = int(index)
- fileno = self._sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors()[index]
- addressFamily = getattr(socket, 'AF_' + domain)
- return AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint(reactor, fileno, addressFamily)
- def parseStreamServer(self, reactor, *args, **kwargs):
- # Delegate to another function with a sane signature. This function has
- # an insane signature to trick zope.interface into believing the
- # interface is correctly implemented.
- return self._parseServer(reactor, *args, **kwargs)
-class _TCP6ServerParser(object):
- """
- Stream server endpoint string parser for the TCP6ServerEndpoint type.
- @ivar prefix: See L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParser.prefix}.
- """
- implements(IPlugin, IStreamServerEndpointStringParser)
- prefix = "tcp6" # Used in _parseServer to identify the plugin with the endpoint type
- def _parseServer(self, reactor, port, backlog=50, interface='::'):
- """
- Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string
- arguments into structured arguments for the L{TCP6ServerEndpoint}
- @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider.
- @param port: The port number used for listening
- @type port: int
- @param backlog: Size of the listen queue
- @type backlog: int
- @param interface: The hostname to bind to
- @type interface: str
- """
- port = int(port)
- backlog = int(backlog)
- return TCP6ServerEndpoint(reactor, port, backlog, interface)
- def parseStreamServer(self, reactor, *args, **kwargs):
- # Redirects to another function (self._parseServer), tricks zope.interface
- # into believing the interface is correctly implemented.
- return self._parseServer(reactor, *args, **kwargs)
-_serverParsers = {"tcp": _parseTCP,
- "unix": _parseUNIX,
- "ssl": _parseSSL,
- }
-_OP, _STRING = range(2)
-def _tokenize(description):
- """
- Tokenize a strports string and yield each token.
- @param description: a string as described by L{serverFromString} or
- L{clientFromString}.
- @return: an iterable of 2-tuples of (L{_OP} or L{_STRING}, string). Tuples
- starting with L{_OP} will contain a second element of either ':' (i.e.
- 'next parameter') or '=' (i.e. 'assign parameter value'). For example,
- the string 'hello:greet\=ing=world' would result in a generator
- yielding these values::
- _STRING, 'hello'
- _OP, ':'
- _STRING, 'greet=ing'
- _OP, '='
- _STRING, 'world'
- """
- current = ''
- ops = ':='
- nextOps = {':': ':=', '=': ':'}
- description = iter(description)
- for n in description:
- if n in ops:
- yield _STRING, current
- yield _OP, n
- current = ''
- ops = nextOps[n]
- elif n == '\\':
- current += description.next()
- else:
- current += n
- yield _STRING, current
-def _parse(description):
- """
- Convert a description string into a list of positional and keyword
- parameters, using logic vaguely like what Python does.
- @param description: a string as described by L{serverFromString} or
- L{clientFromString}.
- @return: a 2-tuple of C{(args, kwargs)}, where 'args' is a list of all
- ':'-separated C{str}s not containing an '=' and 'kwargs' is a map of
- all C{str}s which do contain an '='. For example, the result of
- C{_parse('a:b:d=1:c')} would be C{(['a', 'b', 'c'], {'d': '1'})}.
- """
- args, kw = [], {}
- def add(sofar):
- if len(sofar) == 1:
- args.append(sofar[0])
- else:
- kw[sofar[0]] = sofar[1]
- sofar = ()
- for (type, value) in _tokenize(description):
- if type is _STRING:
- sofar += (value,)
- elif value == ':':
- add(sofar)
- sofar = ()
- add(sofar)
- return args, kw
-# Mappings from description "names" to endpoint constructors.
-_endpointServerFactories = {
- 'TCP': TCP4ServerEndpoint,
- 'SSL': SSL4ServerEndpoint,
- 'UNIX': UNIXServerEndpoint,
- }
-_endpointClientFactories = {
- 'TCP': TCP4ClientEndpoint,
- 'SSL': SSL4ClientEndpoint,
- 'UNIX': UNIXClientEndpoint,
- }
-_NO_DEFAULT = object()
-def _parseServer(description, factory, default=None):
- """
- Parse a stports description into a 2-tuple of arguments and keyword values.
- @param description: A description in the format explained by
- L{serverFromString}.
- @type description: C{str}
- @param factory: A 'factory' argument; this is left-over from
- twisted.application.strports, it's not really used.
- @type factory: L{IProtocolFactory} or L{None}
- @param default: Deprecated argument, specifying the default parser mode to
- use for unqualified description strings (those which do not have a ':'
- and prefix).
- @type default: C{str} or C{NoneType}
- @return: a 3-tuple of (plugin or name, arguments, keyword arguments)
- """
- args, kw = _parse(description)
- if not args or (len(args) == 1 and not kw):
- deprecationMessage = (
- "Unqualified strport description passed to 'service'."
- "Use qualified endpoint descriptions; for example, 'tcp:%s'."
- % (description,))
- if default is None:
- default = 'tcp'
- warnings.warn(
- deprecationMessage, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4)
- elif default is _NO_DEFAULT:
- raise ValueError(deprecationMessage)
- # If the default has been otherwise specified, the user has already
- # been warned.
- args[0:0] = [default]
- endpointType = args[0]
- parser = _serverParsers.get(endpointType)
- if parser is None:
- # If the required parser is not found in _server, check if
- # a plugin exists for the endpointType
- for plugin in getPlugins(IStreamServerEndpointStringParser):
- if plugin.prefix == endpointType:
- return (plugin, args[1:], kw)
- raise ValueError("Unknown endpoint type: '%s'" % (endpointType,))
- return (endpointType.upper(),) + parser(factory, *args[1:], **kw)
-def _serverFromStringLegacy(reactor, description, default):
- """
- Underlying implementation of L{serverFromString} which avoids exposing the
- deprecated 'default' argument to anything but L{strports.service}.
- """
- nameOrPlugin, args, kw = _parseServer(description, None, default)
- if type(nameOrPlugin) is not str:
- plugin = nameOrPlugin
- return plugin.parseStreamServer(reactor, *args, **kw)
- else:
- name = nameOrPlugin
- # Chop out the factory.
- args = args[:1] + args[2:]
- return _endpointServerFactories[name](reactor, *args, **kw)
-def serverFromString(reactor, description):
- """
- Construct a stream server endpoint from an endpoint description string.
- The format for server endpoint descriptions is a simple string. It is a
- prefix naming the type of endpoint, then a colon, then the arguments for
- that endpoint.
- For example, you can call it like this to create an endpoint that will
- listen on TCP port 80::
- serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:80")
- Additional arguments may be specified as keywords, separated with colons.
- For example, you can specify the interface for a TCP server endpoint to
- bind to like this::
- serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:80:interface=")
- SSL server endpoints may be specified with the 'ssl' prefix, and the
- private key and certificate files may be specified by the C{privateKey} and
- C{certKey} arguments::
- serverFromString(reactor, "ssl:443:privateKey=key.pem:certKey=crt.pem")
- If a private key file name (C{privateKey}) isn't provided, a "server.pem"
- file is assumed to exist which contains the private key. If the certificate
- file name (C{certKey}) isn't provided, the private key file is assumed to
- contain the certificate as well.
- You may escape colons in arguments with a backslash, which you will need to
- use if you want to specify a full pathname argument on Windows::
- serverFromString(reactor,
- "ssl:443:privateKey=C\\:/key.pem:certKey=C\\:/cert.pem")
- finally, the 'unix' prefix may be used to specify a filesystem UNIX socket,
- optionally with a 'mode' argument to specify the mode of the socket file
- created by C{listen}::
- serverFromString(reactor, "unix:/var/run/finger")
- serverFromString(reactor, "unix:/var/run/finger:mode=660")
- This function is also extensible; new endpoint types may be registered as
- L{IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} plugins. See that interface for more
- information.
- @param reactor: The server endpoint will be constructed with this reactor.
- @param description: The strports description to parse.
- @return: A new endpoint which can be used to listen with the parameters
- given by by C{description}.
- @rtype: L{IStreamServerEndpoint<twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint>}
- @raise ValueError: when the 'description' string cannot be parsed.
- @since: 10.2
- """
- return _serverFromStringLegacy(reactor, description, _NO_DEFAULT)
-def quoteStringArgument(argument):
- """
- Quote an argument to L{serverFromString} and L{clientFromString}. Since
- arguments are separated with colons and colons are escaped with
- backslashes, some care is necessary if, for example, you have a pathname,
- you may be tempted to interpolate into a string like this::
- serverFromString("ssl:443:privateKey=%s" % (myPathName,))
- This may appear to work, but will have portability issues (Windows
- pathnames, for example). Usually you should just construct the appropriate
- endpoint type rather than interpolating strings, which in this case would
- be L{SSL4ServerEndpoint}. There are some use-cases where you may need to
- generate such a string, though; for example, a tool to manipulate a
- configuration file which has strports descriptions in it. To be correct in
- those cases, do this instead::
- serverFromString("ssl:443:privateKey=%s" %
- (quoteStringArgument(myPathName),))
- @param argument: The part of the endpoint description string you want to
- pass through.
- @type argument: C{str}
- @return: The quoted argument.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- return argument.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(':', '\\:')
-def _parseClientTCP(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Perform any argument value coercion necessary for TCP client parameters.
- Valid positional arguments to this function are host and port.
- Valid keyword arguments to this function are all L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
- arguments.
- @return: The coerced values as a C{dict}.
- """
- if len(args) == 2:
- kwargs['port'] = int(args[1])
- kwargs['host'] = args[0]
- elif len(args) == 1:
- if 'host' in kwargs:
- kwargs['port'] = int(args[0])
- else:
- kwargs['host'] = args[0]
- try:
- kwargs['port'] = int(kwargs['port'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- kwargs['timeout'] = int(kwargs['timeout'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return kwargs
-def _loadCAsFromDir(directoryPath):
- """
- Load certificate-authority certificate objects in a given directory.
- @param directoryPath: a L{FilePath} pointing at a directory to load .pem
- files from.
- @return: a C{list} of L{OpenSSL.crypto.X509} objects.
- """
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- caCerts = {}
- for child in directoryPath.children():
- if not child.basename().split('.')[-1].lower() == 'pem':
- continue
- try:
- data = child.getContent()
- except IOError:
- # Permission denied, corrupt disk, we don't care.
- continue
- try:
- theCert = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(data)
- except ssl.SSL.Error:
- # Duplicate certificate, invalid certificate, etc. We don't care.
- pass
- else:
- caCerts[theCert.digest()] = theCert.original
- return caCerts.values()
-def _parseClientSSL(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Perform any argument value coercion necessary for SSL client parameters.
- Valid keyword arguments to this function are all L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}
- arguments except for C{contextFactory}. Instead, C{certKey} (the path name
- of the certificate file) C{privateKey} (the path name of the private key
- associated with the certificate) are accepted and used to construct a
- context factory.
- Valid positional arguments to this function are host and port.
- @param caCertsDir: The one parameter which is not part of
- L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}'s signature, this is a path name used to
- construct a list of certificate authority certificates. The directory
- will be scanned for files ending in C{.pem}, all of which will be
- considered valid certificate authorities for this connection.
- @type caCertsDir: C{str}
- @return: The coerced values as a C{dict}.
- """
- from twisted.internet import ssl
- kwargs = _parseClientTCP(*args, **kwargs)
- certKey = kwargs.pop('certKey', None)
- privateKey = kwargs.pop('privateKey', None)
- caCertsDir = kwargs.pop('caCertsDir', None)
- if certKey is not None:
- certx509 = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(
- FilePath(certKey).getContent()).original
- else:
- certx509 = None
- if privateKey is not None:
- privateKey = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(
- FilePath(privateKey).getContent()).privateKey.original
- else:
- privateKey = None
- if caCertsDir is not None:
- verify = True
- caCerts = _loadCAsFromDir(FilePath(caCertsDir))
- else:
- verify = False
- caCerts = None
- kwargs['sslContextFactory'] = ssl.CertificateOptions(
- method=ssl.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD,
- certificate=certx509,
- privateKey=privateKey,
- verify=verify,
- caCerts=caCerts
- )
- return kwargs
-def _parseClientUNIX(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Perform any argument value coercion necessary for UNIX client parameters.
- Valid keyword arguments to this function are all L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}
- keyword arguments except for C{checkPID}. Instead, C{lockfile} is accepted
- and has the same meaning. Also C{path} is used instead of C{address}.
- Valid positional arguments to this function are C{path}.
- @return: The coerced values as a C{dict}.
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- kwargs['path'] = args[0]
- try:
- kwargs['checkPID'] = bool(int(kwargs.pop('lockfile')))
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- kwargs['timeout'] = int(kwargs['timeout'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return kwargs
-_clientParsers = {
- 'TCP': _parseClientTCP,
- 'SSL': _parseClientSSL,
- 'UNIX': _parseClientUNIX,
- }
-def clientFromString(reactor, description):
- """
- Construct a client endpoint from a description string.
- Client description strings are much like server description strings,
- although they take all of their arguments as keywords, aside from host and
- port.
- You can create a TCP client endpoint with the 'host' and 'port' arguments,
- like so::
- clientFromString(reactor, "tcp:host=www.example.com:port=80")
- or, without specifying host and port keywords::
- clientFromString(reactor, "tcp:www.example.com:80")
- Or you can specify only one or the other, as in the following 2 examples::
- clientFromString(reactor, "tcp:host=www.example.com:80")
- clientFromString(reactor, "tcp:www.example.com:port=80")
- or an SSL client endpoint with those arguments, plus the arguments used by
- the server SSL, for a client certificate::
- clientFromString(reactor, "ssl:web.example.com:443:"
- "privateKey=foo.pem:certKey=foo.pem")
- to specify your certificate trust roots, you can identify a directory with
- PEM files in it with the C{caCertsDir} argument::
- clientFromString(reactor, "ssl:host=web.example.com:port=443:"
- "caCertsDir=/etc/ssl/certs")
- You can create a UNIX client endpoint with the 'path' argument and optional
- 'lockfile' and 'timeout' arguments::
- clientFromString(reactor, "unix:path=/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9")
- or, with the path as a positional argument with or without optional
- arguments as in the following 2 examples::
- clientFromString(reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar")
- clientFromString(reactor, "unix:/var/foo/bar:lockfile=1:timeout=9")
- This function is also extensible; new endpoint types may be registered as
- L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParser} plugins. See that interface for more
- information.
- @param reactor: The client endpoint will be constructed with this reactor.
- @param description: The strports description to parse.
- @return: A new endpoint which can be used to connect with the parameters
- given by by C{description}.
- @rtype: L{IStreamClientEndpoint<twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint>}
- @since: 10.2
- """
- args, kwargs = _parse(description)
- aname = args.pop(0)
- name = aname.upper()
- for plugin in getPlugins(IStreamClientEndpointStringParser):
- if plugin.prefix.upper() == name:
- return plugin.parseStreamClient(*args, **kwargs)
- if name not in _clientParsers:
- raise ValueError("Unknown endpoint type: %r" % (aname,))
- kwargs = _clientParsers[name](*args, **kwargs)
- return _endpointClientFactories[name](reactor, **kwargs)