path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/defer.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/defer.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_defer,twisted.test.test_defgen,twisted.internet.test.test_inlinecb -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Support for results that aren't immediately available.
-Maintainer: Glyph Lefkowitz
-@var _NO_RESULT: The result used to represent the fact that there is no
- result. B{Never ever ever use this as an actual result for a Deferred}. You
- have been warned.
-@var _CONTINUE: A marker left in L{Deferred.callbacks} to indicate a Deferred
- chain. Always accompanied by a Deferred instance in the args tuple pointing
- at the Deferred which is chained to the Deferred which has this marker.
-import traceback
-import types
-import warnings
-from sys import exc_info
-# Twisted imports
-from twisted.python import log, failure, lockfile
-from twisted.python.util import unsignedID, mergeFunctionMetadata
-class AlreadyCalledError(Exception):
- pass
-class CancelledError(Exception):
- """
- This error is raised by default when a L{Deferred} is cancelled.
- """
-class TimeoutError(Exception):
- """
- This exception is deprecated. It is used only by the deprecated
- L{Deferred.setTimeout} method.
- """
-def logError(err):
- log.err(err)
- return err
-def succeed(result):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that has already had C{.callback(result)} called.
- This is useful when you're writing synchronous code to an
- asynchronous interface: i.e., some code is calling you expecting a
- L{Deferred} result, but you don't actually need to do anything
- asynchronous. Just return C{defer.succeed(theResult)}.
- See L{fail} for a version of this function that uses a failing
- L{Deferred} rather than a successful one.
- @param result: The result to give to the Deferred's 'callback'
- method.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- d = Deferred()
- d.callback(result)
- return d
-def fail(result=None):
- """
- Return a L{Deferred} that has already had C{.errback(result)} called.
- See L{succeed}'s docstring for rationale.
- @param result: The same argument that L{Deferred.errback} takes.
- @raise NoCurrentExceptionError: If C{result} is C{None} but there is no
- current exception state.
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- """
- d = Deferred()
- d.errback(result)
- return d
-def execute(callable, *args, **kw):
- """
- Create a L{Deferred} from a callable and arguments.
- Call the given function with the given arguments. Return a L{Deferred}
- which has been fired with its callback as the result of that invocation
- or its C{errback} with a L{Failure} for the exception thrown.
- """
- try:
- result = callable(*args, **kw)
- except:
- return fail()
- else:
- return succeed(result)
-def maybeDeferred(f, *args, **kw):
- """
- Invoke a function that may or may not return a L{Deferred}.
- Call the given function with the given arguments. If the returned
- object is a L{Deferred}, return it. If the returned object is a L{Failure},
- wrap it with L{fail} and return it. Otherwise, wrap it in L{succeed} and
- return it. If an exception is raised, convert it to a L{Failure}, wrap it
- in L{fail}, and then return it.
- @type f: Any callable
- @param f: The callable to invoke
- @param args: The arguments to pass to C{f}
- @param kw: The keyword arguments to pass to C{f}
- @rtype: L{Deferred}
- @return: The result of the function call, wrapped in a L{Deferred} if
- necessary.
- """
- try:
- result = f(*args, **kw)
- except:
- return fail(failure.Failure(captureVars=Deferred.debug))
- if isinstance(result, Deferred):
- return result
- elif isinstance(result, failure.Failure):
- return fail(result)
- else:
- return succeed(result)
-def timeout(deferred):
- deferred.errback(failure.Failure(TimeoutError("Callback timed out")))
-def passthru(arg):
- return arg
-def setDebugging(on):
- """
- Enable or disable L{Deferred} debugging.
- When debugging is on, the call stacks from creation and invocation are
- recorded, and added to any L{AlreadyCalledErrors} we raise.
- """
- Deferred.debug=bool(on)
-def getDebugging():
- """
- Determine whether L{Deferred} debugging is enabled.
- """
- return Deferred.debug
-# See module docstring.
-_NO_RESULT = object()
-_CONTINUE = object()
-class Deferred:
- """
- This is a callback which will be put off until later.
- Why do we want this? Well, in cases where a function in a threaded
- program would block until it gets a result, for Twisted it should
- not block. Instead, it should return a L{Deferred}.
- This can be implemented for protocols that run over the network by
- writing an asynchronous protocol for L{twisted.internet}. For methods
- that come from outside packages that are not under our control, we use
- threads (see for example L{twisted.enterprise.adbapi}).
- For more information about Deferreds, see doc/core/howto/defer.html or
- U{http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/defer.html}
- When creating a Deferred, you may provide a canceller function, which
- will be called by d.cancel() to let you do any clean-up necessary if the
- user decides not to wait for the deferred to complete.
- @ivar called: A flag which is C{False} until either C{callback} or
- C{errback} is called and afterwards always C{True}.
- @type called: C{bool}
- @ivar paused: A counter of how many unmatched C{pause} calls have been made
- on this instance.
- @type paused: C{int}
- @ivar _suppressAlreadyCalled: A flag used by the cancellation mechanism
- which is C{True} if the Deferred has no canceller and has been
- cancelled, C{False} otherwise. If C{True}, it can be expected that
- C{callback} or C{errback} will eventually be called and the result
- should be silently discarded.
- @type _suppressAlreadyCalled: C{bool}
- @ivar _runningCallbacks: A flag which is C{True} while this instance is
- executing its callback chain, used to stop recursive execution of
- L{_runCallbacks}
- @type _runningCallbacks: C{bool}
- @ivar _chainedTo: If this Deferred is waiting for the result of another
- Deferred, this is a reference to the other Deferred. Otherwise, C{None}.
- """
- called = False
- paused = 0
- _debugInfo = None
- _suppressAlreadyCalled = False
- # Are we currently running a user-installed callback? Meant to prevent
- # recursive running of callbacks when a reentrant call to add a callback is
- # used.
- _runningCallbacks = False
- # Keep this class attribute for now, for compatibility with code that
- # sets it directly.
- debug = False
- _chainedTo = None
- def __init__(self, canceller=None):
- """
- Initialize a L{Deferred}.
- @param canceller: a callable used to stop the pending operation
- scheduled by this L{Deferred} when L{Deferred.cancel} is
- invoked. The canceller will be passed the deferred whose
- cancelation is requested (i.e., self).
- If a canceller is not given, or does not invoke its argument's
- C{callback} or C{errback} method, L{Deferred.cancel} will
- invoke L{Deferred.errback} with a L{CancelledError}.
- Note that if a canceller is not given, C{callback} or
- C{errback} may still be invoked exactly once, even though
- defer.py will have already invoked C{errback}, as described
- above. This allows clients of code which returns a L{Deferred}
- to cancel it without requiring the L{Deferred} instantiator to
- provide any specific implementation support for cancellation.
- New in 10.1.
- @type canceller: a 1-argument callable which takes a L{Deferred}. The
- return result is ignored.
- """
- self.callbacks = []
- self._canceller = canceller
- if self.debug:
- self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
- self._debugInfo.creator = traceback.format_stack()[:-1]
- def addCallbacks(self, callback, errback=None,
- callbackArgs=None, callbackKeywords=None,
- errbackArgs=None, errbackKeywords=None):
- """
- Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this L{Deferred}.
- These will be executed when the 'master' callback is run.
- @return: C{self}.
- @rtype: a L{Deferred}
- """
- assert callable(callback)
- assert errback == None or callable(errback)
- cbs = ((callback, callbackArgs, callbackKeywords),
- (errback or (passthru), errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))
- self.callbacks.append(cbs)
- if self.called:
- self._runCallbacks()
- return self
- def addCallback(self, callback, *args, **kw):
- """
- Convenience method for adding just a callback.
- See L{addCallbacks}.
- """
- return self.addCallbacks(callback, callbackArgs=args,
- callbackKeywords=kw)
- def addErrback(self, errback, *args, **kw):
- """
- Convenience method for adding just an errback.
- See L{addCallbacks}.
- """
- return self.addCallbacks(passthru, errback,
- errbackArgs=args,
- errbackKeywords=kw)
- def addBoth(self, callback, *args, **kw):
- """
- Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback
- and an errback.
- See L{addCallbacks}.
- """
- return self.addCallbacks(callback, callback,
- callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args,
- callbackKeywords=kw, errbackKeywords=kw)
- def chainDeferred(self, d):
- """
- Chain another L{Deferred} to this L{Deferred}.
- This method adds callbacks to this L{Deferred} to call C{d}'s callback
- or errback, as appropriate. It is merely a shorthand way of performing
- the following::
- self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)
- When you chain a deferred d2 to another deferred d1 with
- d1.chainDeferred(d2), you are making d2 participate in the callback
- chain of d1. Thus any event that fires d1 will also fire d2.
- However, the converse is B{not} true; if d2 is fired d1 will not be
- affected.
- Note that unlike the case where chaining is caused by a L{Deferred}
- being returned from a callback, it is possible to cause the call
- stack size limit to be exceeded by chaining many L{Deferred}s
- together with C{chainDeferred}.
- @return: C{self}.
- @rtype: a L{Deferred}
- """
- d._chainedTo = self
- return self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)
- def callback(self, result):
- """
- Run all success callbacks that have been added to this L{Deferred}.
- Each callback will have its result passed as the first argument to
- the next; this way, the callbacks act as a 'processing chain'. If
- the success-callback returns a L{Failure} or raises an L{Exception},
- processing will continue on the *error* callback chain. If a
- callback (or errback) returns another L{Deferred}, this L{Deferred}
- will be chained to it (and further callbacks will not run until that
- L{Deferred} has a result).
- """
- assert not isinstance(result, Deferred)
- self._startRunCallbacks(result)
- def errback(self, fail=None):
- """
- Run all error callbacks that have been added to this L{Deferred}.
- Each callback will have its result passed as the first
- argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
- 'processing chain'. Also, if the error-callback returns a non-Failure
- or doesn't raise an L{Exception}, processing will continue on the
- *success*-callback chain.
- If the argument that's passed to me is not a L{failure.Failure} instance,
- it will be embedded in one. If no argument is passed, a
- L{failure.Failure} instance will be created based on the current
- traceback stack.
- Passing a string as `fail' is deprecated, and will be punished with
- a warning message.
- @raise NoCurrentExceptionError: If C{fail} is C{None} but there is
- no current exception state.
- """
- if fail is None:
- fail = failure.Failure(captureVars=self.debug)
- elif not isinstance(fail, failure.Failure):
- fail = failure.Failure(fail)
- self._startRunCallbacks(fail)
- def pause(self):
- """
- Stop processing on a L{Deferred} until L{unpause}() is called.
- """
- self.paused = self.paused + 1
- def unpause(self):
- """
- Process all callbacks made since L{pause}() was called.
- """
- self.paused = self.paused - 1
- if self.paused:
- return
- if self.called:
- self._runCallbacks()
- def cancel(self):
- """
- Cancel this L{Deferred}.
- If the L{Deferred} has not yet had its C{errback} or C{callback} method
- invoked, call the canceller function provided to the constructor. If
- that function does not invoke C{callback} or C{errback}, or if no
- canceller function was provided, errback with L{CancelledError}.
- If this L{Deferred} is waiting on another L{Deferred}, forward the
- cancellation to the other L{Deferred}.
- """
- if not self.called:
- canceller = self._canceller
- if canceller:
- canceller(self)
- else:
- # Arrange to eat the callback that will eventually be fired
- # since there was no real canceller.
- self._suppressAlreadyCalled = True
- if not self.called:
- # There was no canceller, or the canceller didn't call
- # callback or errback.
- self.errback(failure.Failure(CancelledError()))
- elif isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
- # Waiting for another deferred -- cancel it instead.
- self.result.cancel()
- def _startRunCallbacks(self, result):
- if self.called:
- if self._suppressAlreadyCalled:
- self._suppressAlreadyCalled = False
- return
- if self.debug:
- if self._debugInfo is None:
- self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
- extra = "\n" + self._debugInfo._getDebugTracebacks()
- raise AlreadyCalledError(extra)
- raise AlreadyCalledError
- if self.debug:
- if self._debugInfo is None:
- self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
- self._debugInfo.invoker = traceback.format_stack()[:-2]
- self.called = True
- self.result = result
- self._runCallbacks()
- def _continuation(self):
- """
- Build a tuple of callback and errback with L{_continue} to be used by
- L{_addContinue} and L{_removeContinue} on another Deferred.
- """
- return ((_CONTINUE, (self,), None),
- (_CONTINUE, (self,), None))
- def _runCallbacks(self):
- """
- Run the chain of callbacks once a result is available.
- This consists of a simple loop over all of the callbacks, calling each
- with the current result and making the current result equal to the
- return value (or raised exception) of that call.
- If C{self._runningCallbacks} is true, this loop won't run at all, since
- it is already running above us on the call stack. If C{self.paused} is
- true, the loop also won't run, because that's what it means to be
- paused.
- The loop will terminate before processing all of the callbacks if a
- C{Deferred} without a result is encountered.
- If a C{Deferred} I{with} a result is encountered, that result is taken
- and the loop proceeds.
- @note: The implementation is complicated slightly by the fact that
- chaining (associating two Deferreds with each other such that one
- will wait for the result of the other, as happens when a Deferred is
- returned from a callback on another Deferred) is supported
- iteratively rather than recursively, to avoid running out of stack
- frames when processing long chains.
- """
- if self._runningCallbacks:
- # Don't recursively run callbacks
- return
- # Keep track of all the Deferreds encountered while propagating results
- # up a chain. The way a Deferred gets onto this stack is by having
- # added its _continuation() to the callbacks list of a second Deferred
- # and then that second Deferred being fired. ie, if ever had _chainedTo
- # set to something other than None, you might end up on this stack.
- chain = [self]
- while chain:
- current = chain[-1]
- if current.paused:
- # This Deferred isn't going to produce a result at all. All the
- # Deferreds up the chain waiting on it will just have to...
- # wait.
- return
- finished = True
- current._chainedTo = None
- while current.callbacks:
- item = current.callbacks.pop(0)
- callback, args, kw = item[
- isinstance(current.result, failure.Failure)]
- args = args or ()
- kw = kw or {}
- # Avoid recursion if we can.
- if callback is _CONTINUE:
- # Give the waiting Deferred our current result and then
- # forget about that result ourselves.
- chainee = args[0]
- chainee.result = current.result
- current.result = None
- # Making sure to update _debugInfo
- if current._debugInfo is not None:
- current._debugInfo.failResult = None
- chainee.paused -= 1
- chain.append(chainee)
- # Delay cleaning this Deferred and popping it from the chain
- # until after we've dealt with chainee.
- finished = False
- break
- try:
- current._runningCallbacks = True
- try:
- current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
- finally:
- current._runningCallbacks = False
- except:
- # Including full frame information in the Failure is quite
- # expensive, so we avoid it unless self.debug is set.
- current.result = failure.Failure(captureVars=self.debug)
- else:
- if isinstance(current.result, Deferred):
- # The result is another Deferred. If it has a result,
- # we can take it and keep going.
- resultResult = getattr(current.result, 'result', _NO_RESULT)
- if resultResult is _NO_RESULT or isinstance(resultResult, Deferred) or current.result.paused:
- # Nope, it didn't. Pause and chain.
- current.pause()
- current._chainedTo = current.result
- # Note: current.result has no result, so it's not
- # running its callbacks right now. Therefore we can
- # append to the callbacks list directly instead of
- # using addCallbacks.
- current.result.callbacks.append(current._continuation())
- break
- else:
- # Yep, it did. Steal it.
- current.result.result = None
- # Make sure _debugInfo's failure state is updated.
- if current.result._debugInfo is not None:
- current.result._debugInfo.failResult = None
- current.result = resultResult
- if finished:
- # As much of the callback chain - perhaps all of it - as can be
- # processed right now has been. The current Deferred is waiting on
- # another Deferred or for more callbacks. Before finishing with it,
- # make sure its _debugInfo is in the proper state.
- if isinstance(current.result, failure.Failure):
- # Stash the Failure in the _debugInfo for unhandled error
- # reporting.
- current.result.cleanFailure()
- if current._debugInfo is None:
- current._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
- current._debugInfo.failResult = current.result
- else:
- # Clear out any Failure in the _debugInfo, since the result
- # is no longer a Failure.
- if current._debugInfo is not None:
- current._debugInfo.failResult = None
- # This Deferred is done, pop it from the chain and move back up
- # to the Deferred which supplied us with our result.
- chain.pop()
- def __str__(self):
- """
- Return a string representation of this C{Deferred}.
- """
- cname = self.__class__.__name__
- result = getattr(self, 'result', _NO_RESULT)
- myID = hex(unsignedID(self))
- if self._chainedTo is not None:
- result = ' waiting on Deferred at %s' % (hex(unsignedID(self._chainedTo)),)
- elif result is _NO_RESULT:
- result = ''
- else:
- result = ' current result: %r' % (result,)
- return "<%s at %s%s>" % (cname, myID, result)
- __repr__ = __str__
-class DebugInfo:
- """
- Deferred debug helper.
- """
- failResult = None
- def _getDebugTracebacks(self):
- info = ''
- if hasattr(self, "creator"):
- info += " C: Deferred was created:\n C:"
- info += "".join(self.creator).rstrip().replace("\n","\n C:")
- info += "\n"
- if hasattr(self, "invoker"):
- info += " I: First Invoker was:\n I:"
- info += "".join(self.invoker).rstrip().replace("\n","\n I:")
- info += "\n"
- return info
- def __del__(self):
- """
- Print tracebacks and die.
- If the *last* (and I do mean *last*) callback leaves me in an error
- state, print a traceback (if said errback is a L{Failure}).
- """
- if self.failResult is not None:
- log.msg("Unhandled error in Deferred:", isError=True)
- debugInfo = self._getDebugTracebacks()
- if debugInfo != '':
- log.msg("(debug: " + debugInfo + ")", isError=True)
- log.err(self.failResult)
-class FirstError(Exception):
- """
- First error to occur in a L{DeferredList} if C{fireOnOneErrback} is set.
- @ivar subFailure: The L{Failure} that occurred.
- @type subFailure: L{Failure}
- @ivar index: The index of the L{Deferred} in the L{DeferredList} where
- it happened.
- @type index: C{int}
- """
- def __init__(self, failure, index):
- Exception.__init__(self, failure, index)
- self.subFailure = failure
- self.index = index
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- The I{repr} of L{FirstError} instances includes the repr of the
- wrapped failure's exception and the index of the L{FirstError}.
- """
- return 'FirstError[#%d, %r]' % (self.index, self.subFailure.value)
- def __str__(self):
- """
- The I{str} of L{FirstError} instances includes the I{str} of the
- entire wrapped failure (including its traceback and exception) and
- the index of the L{FirstError}.
- """
- return 'FirstError[#%d, %s]' % (self.index, self.subFailure)
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- """
- Comparison between L{FirstError} and other L{FirstError} instances
- is defined as the comparison of the index and sub-failure of each
- instance. L{FirstError} instances don't compare equal to anything
- that isn't a L{FirstError} instance.
- @since: 8.2
- """
- if isinstance(other, FirstError):
- return cmp(
- (self.index, self.subFailure),
- (other.index, other.subFailure))
- return -1
-class DeferredList(Deferred):
- """
- L{DeferredList} is a tool for collecting the results of several Deferreds.
- This tracks a list of L{Deferred}s for their results, and makes a single
- callback when they have all completed. By default, the ultimate result is a
- list of (success, result) tuples, 'success' being a boolean.
- L{DeferredList} exposes the same API that L{Deferred} does, so callbacks and
- errbacks can be added to it in the same way.
- L{DeferredList} is implemented by adding callbacks and errbacks to each
- L{Deferred} in the list passed to it. This means callbacks and errbacks
- added to the Deferreds before they are passed to L{DeferredList} will change
- the result that L{DeferredList} sees (i.e., L{DeferredList} is not special).
- Callbacks and errbacks can also be added to the Deferreds after they are
- passed to L{DeferredList} and L{DeferredList} may change the result that
- they see.
- See the documentation for the C{__init__} arguments for more information.
- """
- fireOnOneCallback = False
- fireOnOneErrback = False
- def __init__(self, deferredList, fireOnOneCallback=False,
- fireOnOneErrback=False, consumeErrors=False):
- """
- Initialize a DeferredList.
- @param deferredList: The list of deferreds to track.
- @type deferredList: C{list} of L{Deferred}s
- @param fireOnOneCallback: (keyword param) a flag indicating that this
- L{DeferredList} will fire when the first L{Deferred} in
- C{deferredList} fires with a non-failure result without waiting for
- any of the other Deferreds. When this flag is set, the DeferredList
- will fire with a two-tuple: the first element is the result of the
- Deferred which fired; the second element is the index in
- C{deferredList} of that Deferred.
- @type fireOnOneCallback: C{bool}
- @param fireOnOneErrback: (keyword param) a flag indicating that this
- L{DeferredList} will fire when the first L{Deferred} in
- C{deferredList} fires with a failure result without waiting for any
- of the other Deferreds. When this flag is set, if a Deferred in the
- list errbacks, the DeferredList will errback with a L{FirstError}
- failure wrapping the failure of that Deferred.
- @type fireOnOneErrback: C{bool}
- @param consumeErrors: (keyword param) a flag indicating that failures in
- any of the included L{Deferreds} should not be propagated to
- errbacks added to the individual L{Deferreds} after this
- L{DeferredList} is constructed. After constructing the
- L{DeferredList}, any errors in the individual L{Deferred}s will be
- converted to a callback result of C{None}. This is useful to
- prevent spurious 'Unhandled error in Deferred' messages from being
- logged. This does not prevent C{fireOnOneErrback} from working.
- @type consumeErrors: C{bool}
- """
- self.resultList = [None] * len(deferredList)
- Deferred.__init__(self)
- if len(deferredList) == 0 and not fireOnOneCallback:
- self.callback(self.resultList)
- # These flags need to be set *before* attaching callbacks to the
- # deferreds, because the callbacks use these flags, and will run
- # synchronously if any of the deferreds are already fired.
- self.fireOnOneCallback = fireOnOneCallback
- self.fireOnOneErrback = fireOnOneErrback
- self.consumeErrors = consumeErrors
- self.finishedCount = 0
- index = 0
- for deferred in deferredList:
- deferred.addCallbacks(self._cbDeferred, self._cbDeferred,
- callbackArgs=(index,SUCCESS),
- errbackArgs=(index,FAILURE))
- index = index + 1
- def _cbDeferred(self, result, index, succeeded):
- """
- (internal) Callback for when one of my deferreds fires.
- """
- self.resultList[index] = (succeeded, result)
- self.finishedCount += 1
- if not self.called:
- if succeeded == SUCCESS and self.fireOnOneCallback:
- self.callback((result, index))
- elif succeeded == FAILURE and self.fireOnOneErrback:
- self.errback(failure.Failure(FirstError(result, index)))
- elif self.finishedCount == len(self.resultList):
- self.callback(self.resultList)
- if succeeded == FAILURE and self.consumeErrors:
- result = None
- return result
-def _parseDListResult(l, fireOnOneErrback=False):
- if __debug__:
- for success, value in l:
- assert success
- return [x[1] for x in l]
-def gatherResults(deferredList, consumeErrors=False):
- """
- Returns, via a L{Deferred}, a list with the results of the given
- L{Deferred}s - in effect, a "join" of multiple deferred operations.
- The returned L{Deferred} will fire when I{all} of the provided L{Deferred}s
- have fired, or when any one of them has failed.
- This differs from L{DeferredList} in that you don't need to parse
- the result for success/failure.
- @type deferredList: C{list} of L{Deferred}s
- @param consumeErrors: (keyword param) a flag, defaulting to False,
- indicating that failures in any of the given L{Deferreds} should not be
- propagated to errbacks added to the individual L{Deferreds} after this
- L{gatherResults} invocation. Any such errors in the individual
- L{Deferred}s will be converted to a callback result of C{None}. This
- is useful to prevent spurious 'Unhandled error in Deferred' messages
- from being logged. This parameter is available since 11.1.0.
- @type consumeErrors: C{bool}
- """
- d = DeferredList(deferredList, fireOnOneErrback=True,
- consumeErrors=consumeErrors)
- d.addCallback(_parseDListResult)
- return d
-# Constants for use with DeferredList
-FAILURE = False
-## deferredGenerator
-class waitForDeferred:
- """
- See L{deferredGenerator}.
- """
- def __init__(self, d):
- if not isinstance(d, Deferred):
- raise TypeError("You must give waitForDeferred a Deferred. You gave it %r." % (d,))
- self.d = d
- def getResult(self):
- if isinstance(self.result, failure.Failure):
- self.result.raiseException()
- return self.result
-def _deferGenerator(g, deferred):
- """
- See L{deferredGenerator}.
- """
- result = None
- # This function is complicated by the need to prevent unbounded recursion
- # arising from repeatedly yielding immediately ready deferreds. This while
- # loop and the waiting variable solve that by manually unfolding the
- # recursion.
- waiting = [True, # defgen is waiting for result?
- None] # result
- while 1:
- try:
- result = g.next()
- except StopIteration:
- deferred.callback(result)
- return deferred
- except:
- deferred.errback()
- return deferred
- # Deferred.callback(Deferred) raises an error; we catch this case
- # early here and give a nicer error message to the user in case
- # they yield a Deferred.
- if isinstance(result, Deferred):
- return fail(TypeError("Yield waitForDeferred(d), not d!"))
- if isinstance(result, waitForDeferred):
- # a waitForDeferred was yielded, get the result.
- # Pass result in so it don't get changed going around the loop
- # This isn't a problem for waiting, as it's only reused if
- # gotResult has already been executed.
- def gotResult(r, result=result):
- result.result = r
- if waiting[0]:
- waiting[0] = False
- waiting[1] = r
- else:
- _deferGenerator(g, deferred)
- result.d.addBoth(gotResult)
- if waiting[0]:
- # Haven't called back yet, set flag so that we get reinvoked
- # and return from the loop
- waiting[0] = False
- return deferred
- # Reset waiting to initial values for next loop
- waiting[0] = True
- waiting[1] = None
- result = None
-def deferredGenerator(f):
- """
- deferredGenerator and waitForDeferred help you write L{Deferred}-using code
- that looks like a regular sequential function. If your code has a minimum
- requirement of Python 2.5, consider the use of L{inlineCallbacks} instead,
- which can accomplish the same thing in a more concise manner.
- There are two important functions involved: L{waitForDeferred}, and
- L{deferredGenerator}. They are used together, like this::
- @deferredGenerator
- def thingummy():
- thing = waitForDeferred(makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred())
- yield thing
- thing = thing.getResult()
- print thing #the result! hoorj!
- L{waitForDeferred} returns something that you should immediately yield; when
- your generator is resumed, calling C{thing.getResult()} will either give you
- the result of the L{Deferred} if it was a success, or raise an exception if it
- was a failure. Calling C{getResult} is B{absolutely mandatory}. If you do
- not call it, I{your program will not work}.
- L{deferredGenerator} takes one of these waitForDeferred-using generator
- functions and converts it into a function that returns a L{Deferred}. The
- result of the L{Deferred} will be the last value that your generator yielded
- unless the last value is a L{waitForDeferred} instance, in which case the
- result will be C{None}. If the function raises an unhandled exception, the
- L{Deferred} will errback instead. Remember that C{return result} won't work;
- use C{yield result; return} in place of that.
- Note that not yielding anything from your generator will make the L{Deferred}
- result in C{None}. Yielding a L{Deferred} from your generator is also an error
- condition; always yield C{waitForDeferred(d)} instead.
- The L{Deferred} returned from your deferred generator may also errback if your
- generator raised an exception. For example::
- @deferredGenerator
- def thingummy():
- thing = waitForDeferred(makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred())
- yield thing
- thing = thing.getResult()
- if thing == 'I love Twisted':
- # will become the result of the Deferred
- return
- else:
- # will trigger an errback
- raise Exception('DESTROY ALL LIFE')
- Put succinctly, these functions connect deferred-using code with this 'fake
- blocking' style in both directions: L{waitForDeferred} converts from a
- L{Deferred} to the 'blocking' style, and L{deferredGenerator} converts from the
- 'blocking' style to a L{Deferred}.
- """
- def unwindGenerator(*args, **kwargs):
- return _deferGenerator(f(*args, **kwargs), Deferred())
- return mergeFunctionMetadata(f, unwindGenerator)
-## inlineCallbacks
-# BaseException is only in Py 2.5.
- BaseException
-except NameError:
- BaseException=Exception
-class _DefGen_Return(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
-def returnValue(val):
- """
- Return val from a L{inlineCallbacks} generator.
- Note: this is currently implemented by raising an exception
- derived from L{BaseException}. You might want to change any
- 'except:' clauses to an 'except Exception:' clause so as not to
- catch this exception.
- Also: while this function currently will work when called from
- within arbitrary functions called from within the generator, do
- not rely upon this behavior.
- """
- raise _DefGen_Return(val)
-def _inlineCallbacks(result, g, deferred):
- """
- See L{inlineCallbacks}.
- """
- # This function is complicated by the need to prevent unbounded recursion
- # arising from repeatedly yielding immediately ready deferreds. This while
- # loop and the waiting variable solve that by manually unfolding the
- # recursion.
- waiting = [True, # waiting for result?
- None] # result
- while 1:
- try:
- # Send the last result back as the result of the yield expression.
- isFailure = isinstance(result, failure.Failure)
- if isFailure:
- result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
- else:
- result = g.send(result)
- except StopIteration:
- # fell off the end, or "return" statement
- deferred.callback(None)
- return deferred
- except _DefGen_Return, e:
- # returnValue() was called; time to give a result to the original
- # Deferred. First though, let's try to identify the potentially
- # confusing situation which results when returnValue() is
- # accidentally invoked from a different function, one that wasn't
- # decorated with @inlineCallbacks.
- # The traceback starts in this frame (the one for
- # _inlineCallbacks); the next one down should be the application
- # code.
- appCodeTrace = exc_info()[2].tb_next
- if isFailure:
- # If we invoked this generator frame by throwing an exception
- # into it, then throwExceptionIntoGenerator will consume an
- # additional stack frame itself, so we need to skip that too.
- appCodeTrace = appCodeTrace.tb_next
- # Now that we've identified the frame being exited by the
- # exception, let's figure out if returnValue was called from it
- # directly. returnValue itself consumes a stack frame, so the
- # application code will have a tb_next, but it will *not* have a
- # second tb_next.
- if appCodeTrace.tb_next.tb_next:
- # If returnValue was invoked non-local to the frame which it is
- # exiting, identify the frame that ultimately invoked
- # returnValue so that we can warn the user, as this behavior is
- # confusing.
- ultimateTrace = appCodeTrace
- while ultimateTrace.tb_next.tb_next:
- ultimateTrace = ultimateTrace.tb_next
- filename = ultimateTrace.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
- lineno = ultimateTrace.tb_lineno
- warnings.warn_explicit(
- "returnValue() in %r causing %r to exit: "
- "returnValue should only be invoked by functions decorated "
- "with inlineCallbacks" % (
- ultimateTrace.tb_frame.f_code.co_name,
- appCodeTrace.tb_frame.f_code.co_name),
- DeprecationWarning, filename, lineno)
- deferred.callback(e.value)
- return deferred
- except:
- deferred.errback()
- return deferred
- if isinstance(result, Deferred):
- # a deferred was yielded, get the result.
- def gotResult(r):
- if waiting[0]:
- waiting[0] = False
- waiting[1] = r
- else:
- _inlineCallbacks(r, g, deferred)
- result.addBoth(gotResult)
- if waiting[0]:
- # Haven't called back yet, set flag so that we get reinvoked
- # and return from the loop
- waiting[0] = False
- return deferred
- result = waiting[1]
- # Reset waiting to initial values for next loop. gotResult uses
- # waiting, but this isn't a problem because gotResult is only
- # executed once, and if it hasn't been executed yet, the return
- # branch above would have been taken.
- waiting[0] = True
- waiting[1] = None
- return deferred
-def inlineCallbacks(f):
- """
- WARNING: this function will not work in Python 2.4 and earlier!
- inlineCallbacks helps you write Deferred-using code that looks like a
- regular sequential function. This function uses features of Python 2.5
- generators. If you need to be compatible with Python 2.4 or before, use
- the L{deferredGenerator} function instead, which accomplishes the same
- thing, but with somewhat more boilerplate. For example::
- @inlineCallBacks
- def thingummy():
- thing = yield makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred()
- print thing #the result! hoorj!
- When you call anything that results in a L{Deferred}, you can simply yield it;
- your generator will automatically be resumed when the Deferred's result is
- available. The generator will be sent the result of the L{Deferred} with the
- 'send' method on generators, or if the result was a failure, 'throw'.
- Things that are not L{Deferred}s may also be yielded, and your generator
- will be resumed with the same object sent back. This means C{yield}
- performs an operation roughly equivalent to L{maybeDeferred}.
- Your inlineCallbacks-enabled generator will return a L{Deferred} object, which
- will result in the return value of the generator (or will fail with a
- failure object if your generator raises an unhandled exception). Note that
- you can't use C{return result} to return a value; use C{returnValue(result)}
- instead. Falling off the end of the generator, or simply using C{return}
- will cause the L{Deferred} to have a result of C{None}.
- Be aware that L{returnValue} will not accept a L{Deferred} as a parameter.
- If you believe the thing you'd like to return could be a L{Deferred}, do
- this::
- result = yield result
- returnValue(result)
- The L{Deferred} returned from your deferred generator may errback if your
- generator raised an exception::
- @inlineCallbacks
- def thingummy():
- thing = yield makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred()
- if thing == 'I love Twisted':
- # will become the result of the Deferred
- returnValue('TWISTED IS GREAT!')
- else:
- # will trigger an errback
- raise Exception('DESTROY ALL LIFE')
- """
- def unwindGenerator(*args, **kwargs):
- try:
- gen = f(*args, **kwargs)
- except _DefGen_Return:
- raise TypeError(
- "inlineCallbacks requires %r to produce a generator; instead"
- "caught returnValue being used in a non-generator" % (f,))
- if not isinstance(gen, types.GeneratorType):
- raise TypeError(
- "inlineCallbacks requires %r to produce a generator; "
- "instead got %r" % (f, gen))
- return _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, Deferred())
- return mergeFunctionMetadata(f, unwindGenerator)
-## DeferredLock/DeferredQueue
-class _ConcurrencyPrimitive(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.waiting = []
- def _releaseAndReturn(self, r):
- self.release()
- return r
- def run(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Acquire, run, release.
- This function takes a callable as its first argument and any
- number of other positional and keyword arguments. When the
- lock or semaphore is acquired, the callable will be invoked
- with those arguments.
- The callable may return a L{Deferred}; if it does, the lock or
- semaphore won't be released until that L{Deferred} fires.
- @return: L{Deferred} of function result.
- """
- if len(args) < 2:
- if not args:
- raise TypeError("run() takes at least 2 arguments, none given.")
- raise TypeError("%s.run() takes at least 2 arguments, 1 given" % (
- args[0].__class__.__name__,))
- self, f = args[:2]
- args = args[2:]
- def execute(ignoredResult):
- d = maybeDeferred(f, *args, **kwargs)
- d.addBoth(self._releaseAndReturn)
- return d
- d = self.acquire()
- d.addCallback(execute)
- return d
-class DeferredLock(_ConcurrencyPrimitive):
- """
- A lock for event driven systems.
- @ivar locked: C{True} when this Lock has been acquired, false at all other
- times. Do not change this value, but it is useful to examine for the
- equivalent of a "non-blocking" acquisition.
- """
- locked = False
- def _cancelAcquire(self, d):
- """
- Remove a deferred d from our waiting list, as the deferred has been
- canceled.
- Note: We do not need to wrap this in a try/except to catch d not
- being in self.waiting because this canceller will not be called if
- d has fired. release() pops a deferred out of self.waiting and
- calls it, so the canceller will no longer be called.
- @param d: The deferred that has been canceled.
- """
- self.waiting.remove(d)
- def acquire(self):
- """
- Attempt to acquire the lock. Returns a L{Deferred} that fires on
- lock acquisition with the L{DeferredLock} as the value. If the lock
- is locked, then the Deferred is placed at the end of a waiting list.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which fires on lock acquisition.
- @rtype: a L{Deferred}
- """
- d = Deferred(canceller=self._cancelAcquire)
- if self.locked:
- self.waiting.append(d)
- else:
- self.locked = True
- d.callback(self)
- return d
- def release(self):
- """
- Release the lock. If there is a waiting list, then the first
- L{Deferred} in that waiting list will be called back.
- Should be called by whomever did the L{acquire}() when the shared
- resource is free.
- """
- assert self.locked, "Tried to release an unlocked lock"
- self.locked = False
- if self.waiting:
- # someone is waiting to acquire lock
- self.locked = True
- d = self.waiting.pop(0)
- d.callback(self)
-class DeferredSemaphore(_ConcurrencyPrimitive):
- """
- A semaphore for event driven systems.
- @ivar tokens: At most this many users may acquire this semaphore at
- once.
- @type tokens: C{int}
- @ivar limit: The difference between C{tokens} and the number of users
- which have currently acquired this semaphore.
- @type limit: C{int}
- """
- def __init__(self, tokens):
- _ConcurrencyPrimitive.__init__(self)
- if tokens < 1:
- raise ValueError("DeferredSemaphore requires tokens >= 1")
- self.tokens = tokens
- self.limit = tokens
- def _cancelAcquire(self, d):
- """
- Remove a deferred d from our waiting list, as the deferred has been
- canceled.
- Note: We do not need to wrap this in a try/except to catch d not
- being in self.waiting because this canceller will not be called if
- d has fired. release() pops a deferred out of self.waiting and
- calls it, so the canceller will no longer be called.
- @param d: The deferred that has been canceled.
- """
- self.waiting.remove(d)
- def acquire(self):
- """
- Attempt to acquire the token.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which fires on token acquisition.
- """
- assert self.tokens >= 0, "Internal inconsistency?? tokens should never be negative"
- d = Deferred(canceller=self._cancelAcquire)
- if not self.tokens:
- self.waiting.append(d)
- else:
- self.tokens = self.tokens - 1
- d.callback(self)
- return d
- def release(self):
- """
- Release the token.
- Should be called by whoever did the L{acquire}() when the shared
- resource is free.
- """
- assert self.tokens < self.limit, "Someone released me too many times: too many tokens!"
- self.tokens = self.tokens + 1
- if self.waiting:
- # someone is waiting to acquire token
- self.tokens = self.tokens - 1
- d = self.waiting.pop(0)
- d.callback(self)
-class QueueOverflow(Exception):
- pass
-class QueueUnderflow(Exception):
- pass
-class DeferredQueue(object):
- """
- An event driven queue.
- Objects may be added as usual to this queue. When an attempt is
- made to retrieve an object when the queue is empty, a L{Deferred} is
- returned which will fire when an object becomes available.
- @ivar size: The maximum number of objects to allow into the queue
- at a time. When an attempt to add a new object would exceed this
- limit, L{QueueOverflow} is raised synchronously. C{None} for no limit.
- @ivar backlog: The maximum number of L{Deferred} gets to allow at
- one time. When an attempt is made to get an object which would
- exceed this limit, L{QueueUnderflow} is raised synchronously. C{None}
- for no limit.
- """
- def __init__(self, size=None, backlog=None):
- self.waiting = []
- self.pending = []
- self.size = size
- self.backlog = backlog
- def _cancelGet(self, d):
- """
- Remove a deferred d from our waiting list, as the deferred has been
- canceled.
- Note: We do not need to wrap this in a try/except to catch d not
- being in self.waiting because this canceller will not be called if
- d has fired. put() pops a deferred out of self.waiting and calls
- it, so the canceller will no longer be called.
- @param d: The deferred that has been canceled.
- """
- self.waiting.remove(d)
- def put(self, obj):
- """
- Add an object to this queue.
- @raise QueueOverflow: Too many objects are in this queue.
- """
- if self.waiting:
- self.waiting.pop(0).callback(obj)
- elif self.size is None or len(self.pending) < self.size:
- self.pending.append(obj)
- else:
- raise QueueOverflow()
- def get(self):
- """
- Attempt to retrieve and remove an object from the queue.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which fires with the next object available in
- the queue.
- @raise QueueUnderflow: Too many (more than C{backlog})
- L{Deferred}s are already waiting for an object from this queue.
- """
- if self.pending:
- return succeed(self.pending.pop(0))
- elif self.backlog is None or len(self.waiting) < self.backlog:
- d = Deferred(canceller=self._cancelGet)
- self.waiting.append(d)
- return d
- else:
- raise QueueUnderflow()
-class AlreadyTryingToLockError(Exception):
- """
- Raised when L{DeferredFilesystemLock.deferUntilLocked} is called twice on a
- single L{DeferredFilesystemLock}.
- """
-class DeferredFilesystemLock(lockfile.FilesystemLock):
- """
- A L{FilesystemLock} that allows for a L{Deferred} to be fired when the lock is
- acquired.
- @ivar _scheduler: The object in charge of scheduling retries. In this
- implementation this is parameterized for testing.
- @ivar _interval: The retry interval for an L{IReactorTime} based scheduler.
- @ivar _tryLockCall: A L{DelayedCall} based on C{_interval} that will manage
- the next retry for aquiring the lock.
- @ivar _timeoutCall: A L{DelayedCall} based on C{deferUntilLocked}'s timeout
- argument. This is in charge of timing out our attempt to acquire the
- lock.
- """
- _interval = 1
- _tryLockCall = None
- _timeoutCall = None
- def __init__(self, name, scheduler=None):
- """
- @param name: The name of the lock to acquire
- @param scheduler: An object which provides L{IReactorTime}
- """
- lockfile.FilesystemLock.__init__(self, name)
- if scheduler is None:
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- scheduler = reactor
- self._scheduler = scheduler
- def deferUntilLocked(self, timeout=None):
- """
- Wait until we acquire this lock. This method is not safe for
- concurrent use.
- @type timeout: C{float} or C{int}
- @param timeout: the number of seconds after which to time out if the
- lock has not been acquired.
- @return: a L{Deferred} which will callback when the lock is acquired, or
- errback with a L{TimeoutError} after timing out or an
- L{AlreadyTryingToLockError} if the L{deferUntilLocked} has already
- been called and not successfully locked the file.
- """
- if self._tryLockCall is not None:
- return fail(
- AlreadyTryingToLockError(
- "deferUntilLocked isn't safe for concurrent use."))
- d = Deferred()
- def _cancelLock():
- self._tryLockCall.cancel()
- self._tryLockCall = None
- self._timeoutCall = None
- if self.lock():
- d.callback(None)
- else:
- d.errback(failure.Failure(
- TimeoutError("Timed out aquiring lock: %s after %fs" % (
- self.name,
- timeout))))
- def _tryLock():
- if self.lock():
- if self._timeoutCall is not None:
- self._timeoutCall.cancel()
- self._timeoutCall = None
- self._tryLockCall = None
- d.callback(None)
- else:
- if timeout is not None and self._timeoutCall is None:
- self._timeoutCall = self._scheduler.callLater(
- timeout, _cancelLock)
- self._tryLockCall = self._scheduler.callLater(
- self._interval, _tryLock)
- _tryLock()
- return d
-__all__ = ["Deferred", "DeferredList", "succeed", "fail", "FAILURE", "SUCCESS",
- "AlreadyCalledError", "TimeoutError", "gatherResults",
- "maybeDeferred",
- "waitForDeferred", "deferredGenerator", "inlineCallbacks",
- "returnValue",
- "DeferredLock", "DeferredSemaphore", "DeferredQueue",
- "DeferredFilesystemLock", "AlreadyTryingToLockError",
- ]