path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_sslverify.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_sslverify.py')
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_sslverify.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_sslverify -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-import itertools
-from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto
-from twisted.python import reflect, util
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5
-from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
-from twisted.internet.error import VerifyError, CertificateError
-# Private - shared between all OpenSSLCertificateOptions, counts up to provide
-# a unique session id for each context
-_sessionCounter = itertools.count().next
-_x509names = {
- 'CN': 'commonName',
- 'commonName': 'commonName',
- 'O': 'organizationName',
- 'organizationName': 'organizationName',
- 'OU': 'organizationalUnitName',
- 'organizationalUnitName': 'organizationalUnitName',
- 'L': 'localityName',
- 'localityName': 'localityName',
- 'ST': 'stateOrProvinceName',
- 'stateOrProvinceName': 'stateOrProvinceName',
- 'C': 'countryName',
- 'countryName': 'countryName',
- 'emailAddress': 'emailAddress'}
-class DistinguishedName(dict):
- """
- Identify and describe an entity.
- Distinguished names are used to provide a minimal amount of identifying
- information about a certificate issuer or subject. They are commonly
- created with one or more of the following fields::
- commonName (CN)
- organizationName (O)
- organizationalUnitName (OU)
- localityName (L)
- stateOrProvinceName (ST)
- countryName (C)
- emailAddress
- """
- __slots__ = ()
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- for k, v in kw.iteritems():
- setattr(self, k, v)
- def _copyFrom(self, x509name):
- d = {}
- for name in _x509names:
- value = getattr(x509name, name, None)
- if value is not None:
- setattr(self, name, value)
- def _copyInto(self, x509name):
- for k, v in self.iteritems():
- setattr(x509name, k, v)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<DN %s>' % (dict.__repr__(self)[1:-1])
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- try:
- return self[_x509names[attr]]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- assert type(attr) is str
- if not attr in _x509names:
- raise AttributeError("%s is not a valid OpenSSL X509 name field" % (attr,))
- realAttr = _x509names[attr]
- value = value.encode('ascii')
- assert type(value) is str
- self[realAttr] = value
- def inspect(self):
- """
- Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this DN.
- """
- l = []
- lablen = 0
- def uniqueValues(mapping):
- return set(mapping.itervalues())
- for k in sorted(uniqueValues(_x509names)):
- label = util.nameToLabel(k)
- lablen = max(len(label), lablen)
- v = getattr(self, k, None)
- if v is not None:
- l.append((label, v))
- lablen += 2
- for n, (label, attr) in enumerate(l):
- l[n] = (label.rjust(lablen)+': '+ attr)
- return '\n'.join(l)
-DN = DistinguishedName
-class CertBase:
- def __init__(self, original):
- self.original = original
- def _copyName(self, suffix):
- dn = DistinguishedName()
- dn._copyFrom(getattr(self.original, 'get_'+suffix)())
- return dn
- def getSubject(self):
- """
- Retrieve the subject of this certificate.
- @rtype: L{DistinguishedName}
- @return: A copy of the subject of this certificate.
- """
- return self._copyName('subject')
-def _handleattrhelper(Class, transport, methodName):
- """
- (private) Helper for L{Certificate.peerFromTransport} and
- L{Certificate.hostFromTransport} which checks for incompatible handle types
- and null certificates and raises the appropriate exception or returns the
- appropriate certificate object.
- """
- method = getattr(transport.getHandle(),
- "get_%s_certificate" % (methodName,), None)
- if method is None:
- raise CertificateError(
- "non-TLS transport %r did not have %s certificate" % (transport, methodName))
- cert = method()
- if cert is None:
- raise CertificateError(
- "TLS transport %r did not have %s certificate" % (transport, methodName))
- return Class(cert)
-class Certificate(CertBase):
- """
- An x509 certificate.
- """
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s Subject=%s Issuer=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- self.getSubject().commonName,
- self.getIssuer().commonName)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Certificate):
- return self.dump() == other.dump()
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def load(Class, requestData, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, args=()):
- """
- Load a certificate from an ASN.1- or PEM-format string.
- @rtype: C{Class}
- """
- return Class(crypto.load_certificate(format, requestData), *args)
- load = classmethod(load)
- _load = load
- def dumpPEM(self):
- """
- Dump this certificate to a PEM-format data string.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- return self.dump(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM)
- def loadPEM(Class, data):
- """
- Load a certificate from a PEM-format data string.
- @rtype: C{Class}
- """
- return Class.load(data, crypto.FILETYPE_PEM)
- loadPEM = classmethod(loadPEM)
- def peerFromTransport(Class, transport):
- """
- Get the certificate for the remote end of the given transport.
- @type: L{ISystemHandle}
- @rtype: C{Class}
- @raise: L{CertificateError}, if the given transport does not have a peer
- certificate.
- """
- return _handleattrhelper(Class, transport, 'peer')
- peerFromTransport = classmethod(peerFromTransport)
- def hostFromTransport(Class, transport):
- """
- Get the certificate for the local end of the given transport.
- @param transport: an L{ISystemHandle} provider; the transport we will
- @rtype: C{Class}
- @raise: L{CertificateError}, if the given transport does not have a host
- certificate.
- """
- return _handleattrhelper(Class, transport, 'host')
- hostFromTransport = classmethod(hostFromTransport)
- def getPublicKey(self):
- """
- Get the public key for this certificate.
- @rtype: L{PublicKey}
- """
- return PublicKey(self.original.get_pubkey())
- def dump(self, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return crypto.dump_certificate(format, self.original)
- def serialNumber(self):
- """
- Retrieve the serial number of this certificate.
- @rtype: C{int}
- """
- return self.original.get_serial_number()
- def digest(self, method='md5'):
- """
- Return a digest hash of this certificate using the specified hash
- algorithm.
- @param method: One of C{'md5'} or C{'sha'}.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- return self.original.digest(method)
- def _inspect(self):
- return '\n'.join(['Certificate For Subject:',
- self.getSubject().inspect(),
- '\nIssuer:',
- self.getIssuer().inspect(),
- '\nSerial Number: %d' % self.serialNumber(),
- 'Digest: %s' % self.digest()])
- def inspect(self):
- """
- Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this
- Certificate, including information about the subject, issuer, and
- public key.
- """
- return '\n'.join((self._inspect(), self.getPublicKey().inspect()))
- def getIssuer(self):
- """
- Retrieve the issuer of this certificate.
- @rtype: L{DistinguishedName}
- @return: A copy of the issuer of this certificate.
- """
- return self._copyName('issuer')
- def options(self, *authorities):
- raise NotImplementedError('Possible, but doubtful we need this yet')
-class CertificateRequest(CertBase):
- """
- An x509 certificate request.
- Certificate requests are given to certificate authorities to be signed and
- returned resulting in an actual certificate.
- """
- def load(Class, requestData, requestFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- req = crypto.load_certificate_request(requestFormat, requestData)
- dn = DistinguishedName()
- dn._copyFrom(req.get_subject())
- if not req.verify(req.get_pubkey()):
- raise VerifyError("Can't verify that request for %r is self-signed." % (dn,))
- return Class(req)
- load = classmethod(load)
- def dump(self, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return crypto.dump_certificate_request(format, self.original)
-class PrivateCertificate(Certificate):
- """
- An x509 certificate and private key.
- """
- def __repr__(self):
- return Certificate.__repr__(self) + ' with ' + repr(self.privateKey)
- def _setPrivateKey(self, privateKey):
- if not privateKey.matches(self.getPublicKey()):
- raise VerifyError(
- "Certificate public and private keys do not match.")
- self.privateKey = privateKey
- return self
- def newCertificate(self, newCertData, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- """
- Create a new L{PrivateCertificate} from the given certificate data and
- this instance's private key.
- """
- return self.load(newCertData, self.privateKey, format)
- def load(Class, data, privateKey, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return Class._load(data, format)._setPrivateKey(privateKey)
- load = classmethod(load)
- def inspect(self):
- return '\n'.join([Certificate._inspect(self),
- self.privateKey.inspect()])
- def dumpPEM(self):
- """
- Dump both public and private parts of a private certificate to
- PEM-format data.
- """
- return self.dump(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM) + self.privateKey.dump(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM)
- def loadPEM(Class, data):
- """
- Load both private and public parts of a private certificate from a
- chunk of PEM-format data.
- """
- return Class.load(data, KeyPair.load(data, crypto.FILETYPE_PEM),
- crypto.FILETYPE_PEM)
- loadPEM = classmethod(loadPEM)
- def fromCertificateAndKeyPair(Class, certificateInstance, privateKey):
- privcert = Class(certificateInstance.original)
- return privcert._setPrivateKey(privateKey)
- fromCertificateAndKeyPair = classmethod(fromCertificateAndKeyPair)
- def options(self, *authorities):
- options = dict(privateKey=self.privateKey.original,
- certificate=self.original)
- if authorities:
- options.update(dict(verify=True,
- requireCertificate=True,
- caCerts=[auth.original for auth in authorities]))
- return OpenSSLCertificateOptions(**options)
- def certificateRequest(self, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1,
- digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- return self.privateKey.certificateRequest(
- self.getSubject(),
- format,
- digestAlgorithm)
- def signCertificateRequest(self,
- requestData,
- verifyDNCallback,
- serialNumber,
- requestFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1,
- certificateFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- issuer = self.getSubject()
- return self.privateKey.signCertificateRequest(
- issuer,
- requestData,
- verifyDNCallback,
- serialNumber,
- requestFormat,
- certificateFormat)
- def signRequestObject(self, certificateRequest, serialNumber,
- secondsToExpiry=60 * 60 * 24 * 365, # One year
- digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- return self.privateKey.signRequestObject(self.getSubject(),
- certificateRequest,
- serialNumber,
- secondsToExpiry,
- digestAlgorithm)
-class PublicKey:
- def __init__(self, osslpkey):
- self.original = osslpkey
- req1 = crypto.X509Req()
- req1.set_pubkey(osslpkey)
- self._emptyReq = crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, req1)
- def matches(self, otherKey):
- return self._emptyReq == otherKey._emptyReq
- # XXX This could be a useful method, but sometimes it triggers a segfault,
- # so we'll steer clear for now.
-# def verifyCertificate(self, certificate):
-# """
-# returns None, or raises a VerifyError exception if the certificate
-# could not be verified.
-# """
-# if not certificate.original.verify(self.original):
-# raise VerifyError("We didn't sign that certificate.")
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.keyHash())
- def keyHash(self):
- """
- MD5 hex digest of signature on an empty certificate request with this
- key.
- """
- return md5(self._emptyReq).hexdigest()
- def inspect(self):
- return 'Public Key with Hash: %s' % (self.keyHash(),)
-class KeyPair(PublicKey):
- def load(Class, data, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return Class(crypto.load_privatekey(format, data))
- load = classmethod(load)
- def dump(self, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return crypto.dump_privatekey(format, self.original)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return self.dump()
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.__init__(crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, state))
- def inspect(self):
- t = self.original.type()
- if t == crypto.TYPE_RSA:
- ts = 'RSA'
- elif t == crypto.TYPE_DSA:
- ts = 'DSA'
- else:
- ts = '(Unknown Type!)'
- L = (self.original.bits(), ts, self.keyHash())
- return '%s-bit %s Key Pair with Hash: %s' % L
- def generate(Class, kind=crypto.TYPE_RSA, size=1024):
- pkey = crypto.PKey()
- pkey.generate_key(kind, size)
- return Class(pkey)
- def newCertificate(self, newCertData, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1):
- return PrivateCertificate.load(newCertData, self, format)
- generate = classmethod(generate)
- def requestObject(self, distinguishedName, digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- req = crypto.X509Req()
- req.set_pubkey(self.original)
- distinguishedName._copyInto(req.get_subject())
- req.sign(self.original, digestAlgorithm)
- return CertificateRequest(req)
- def certificateRequest(self, distinguishedName,
- format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1,
- digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- """Create a certificate request signed with this key.
- @return: a string, formatted according to the 'format' argument.
- """
- return self.requestObject(distinguishedName, digestAlgorithm).dump(format)
- def signCertificateRequest(self,
- issuerDistinguishedName,
- requestData,
- verifyDNCallback,
- serialNumber,
- requestFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1,
- certificateFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1,
- secondsToExpiry=60 * 60 * 24 * 365, # One year
- digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- """
- Given a blob of certificate request data and a certificate authority's
- DistinguishedName, return a blob of signed certificate data.
- If verifyDNCallback returns a Deferred, I will return a Deferred which
- fires the data when that Deferred has completed.
- """
- hlreq = CertificateRequest.load(requestData, requestFormat)
- dn = hlreq.getSubject()
- vval = verifyDNCallback(dn)
- def verified(value):
- if not value:
- raise VerifyError("DN callback %r rejected request DN %r" % (verifyDNCallback, dn))
- return self.signRequestObject(issuerDistinguishedName, hlreq,
- serialNumber, secondsToExpiry, digestAlgorithm).dump(certificateFormat)
- if isinstance(vval, Deferred):
- return vval.addCallback(verified)
- else:
- return verified(vval)
- def signRequestObject(self,
- issuerDistinguishedName,
- requestObject,
- serialNumber,
- secondsToExpiry=60 * 60 * 24 * 365, # One year
- digestAlgorithm='md5'):
- """
- Sign a CertificateRequest instance, returning a Certificate instance.
- """
- req = requestObject.original
- dn = requestObject.getSubject()
- cert = crypto.X509()
- issuerDistinguishedName._copyInto(cert.get_issuer())
- cert.set_subject(req.get_subject())
- cert.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey())
- cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0)
- cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(secondsToExpiry)
- cert.set_serial_number(serialNumber)
- cert.sign(self.original, digestAlgorithm)
- return Certificate(cert)
- def selfSignedCert(self, serialNumber, **kw):
- dn = DN(**kw)
- return PrivateCertificate.fromCertificateAndKeyPair(
- self.signRequestObject(dn, self.requestObject(dn), serialNumber),
- self)
-class OpenSSLCertificateOptions(object):
- """
- A factory for SSL context objects for both SSL servers and clients.
- """
- _context = None
- # Older versions of PyOpenSSL didn't provide OP_ALL. Fudge it here, just in case.
- _OP_ALL = getattr(SSL, 'OP_ALL', 0x0000FFFF)
- # OP_NO_TICKET is not (yet) exposed by PyOpenSSL
- _OP_NO_TICKET = 0x00004000
- method = SSL.TLSv1_METHOD
- def __init__(self,
- privateKey=None,
- certificate=None,
- method=None,
- verify=False,
- caCerts=None,
- verifyDepth=9,
- requireCertificate=True,
- verifyOnce=True,
- enableSingleUseKeys=True,
- enableSessions=True,
- fixBrokenPeers=False,
- enableSessionTickets=False):
- """
- Create an OpenSSL context SSL connection context factory.
- @param privateKey: A PKey object holding the private key.
- @param certificate: An X509 object holding the certificate.
- @param method: The SSL protocol to use, one of SSLv23_METHOD,
- @param verify: If True, verify certificates received from the peer and
- fail the handshake if verification fails. Otherwise, allow anonymous
- sessions and sessions with certificates which fail validation. By
- default this is False.
- @param caCerts: List of certificate authority certificate objects to
- use to verify the peer's certificate. Only used if verify is
- C{True}, and if verify is C{True}, this must be specified. Since
- verify is C{False} by default, this is C{None} by default.
- @type caCerts: C{list} of L{OpenSSL.crypto.X509}
- @param verifyDepth: Depth in certificate chain down to which to verify.
- If unspecified, use the underlying default (9).
- @param requireCertificate: If True, do not allow anonymous sessions.
- @param verifyOnce: If True, do not re-verify the certificate
- on session resumption.
- @param enableSingleUseKeys: If True, generate a new key whenever
- ephemeral DH parameters are used to prevent small subgroup attacks.
- @param enableSessions: If True, set a session ID on each context. This
- allows a shortened handshake to be used when a known client reconnects.
- @param fixBrokenPeers: If True, enable various non-spec protocol fixes
- for broken SSL implementations. This should be entirely safe,
- according to the OpenSSL documentation, but YMMV. This option is now
- off by default, because it causes problems with connections between
- peers using OpenSSL 0.9.8a.
- @param enableSessionTickets: If True, enable session ticket extension
- for session resumption per RFC 5077. Note there is no support for
- controlling session tickets. This option is off by default, as some
- server implementations don't correctly process incoming empty session
- ticket extensions in the hello.
- """
- assert (privateKey is None) == (certificate is None), "Specify neither or both of privateKey and certificate"
- self.privateKey = privateKey
- self.certificate = certificate
- if method is not None:
- self.method = method
- self.verify = verify
- assert ((verify and caCerts) or
- (not verify)), "Specify client CA certificate information if and only if enabling certificate verification"
- self.caCerts = caCerts
- self.verifyDepth = verifyDepth
- self.requireCertificate = requireCertificate
- self.verifyOnce = verifyOnce
- self.enableSingleUseKeys = enableSingleUseKeys
- self.enableSessions = enableSessions
- self.fixBrokenPeers = fixBrokenPeers
- self.enableSessionTickets = enableSessionTickets
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- try:
- del d['_context']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.__dict__ = state
- def getContext(self):
- """Return a SSL.Context object.
- """
- if self._context is None:
- self._context = self._makeContext()
- return self._context
- def _makeContext(self):
- ctx = SSL.Context(self.method)
- if self.certificate is not None and self.privateKey is not None:
- ctx.use_certificate(self.certificate)
- ctx.use_privatekey(self.privateKey)
- # Sanity check
- ctx.check_privatekey()
- verifyFlags = SSL.VERIFY_NONE
- if self.verify:
- verifyFlags = SSL.VERIFY_PEER
- if self.requireCertificate:
- if self.verifyOnce:
- if self.caCerts:
- store = ctx.get_cert_store()
- for cert in self.caCerts:
- store.add_cert(cert)
- # It'd be nice if pyOpenSSL let us pass None here for this behavior (as
- # the underlying OpenSSL API call allows NULL to be passed). It
- # doesn't, so we'll supply a function which does the same thing.
- def _verifyCallback(conn, cert, errno, depth, preverify_ok):
- return preverify_ok
- ctx.set_verify(verifyFlags, _verifyCallback)
- if self.verifyDepth is not None:
- ctx.set_verify_depth(self.verifyDepth)
- if self.enableSingleUseKeys:
- ctx.set_options(SSL.OP_SINGLE_DH_USE)
- if self.fixBrokenPeers:
- ctx.set_options(self._OP_ALL)
- if self.enableSessions:
- sessionName = md5("%s-%d" % (reflect.qual(self.__class__), _sessionCounter())).hexdigest()
- ctx.set_session_id(sessionName)
- if not self.enableSessionTickets:
- ctx.set_options(self._OP_NO_TICKET)
- return ctx