path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0df82ae1..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_process -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import os
-# Win32 imports
-import win32api
-import win32con
-import win32event
-import win32file
-import win32pipe
-import win32process
-import win32security
-import pywintypes
-# security attributes for pipes
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet.interfaces import IProcessTransport, IConsumer, IProducer
-from twisted.python.win32 import quoteArguments
-from twisted.internet import error
-from twisted.internet import _pollingfile
-from twisted.internet._baseprocess import BaseProcess
-def debug(msg):
- import sys
- print msg
- sys.stdout.flush()
-class _Reaper(_pollingfile._PollableResource):
- def __init__(self, proc):
- self.proc = proc
- def checkWork(self):
- if win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.proc.hProcess, 0) != win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
- return 0
- exitCode = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self.proc.hProcess)
- self.deactivate()
- self.proc.processEnded(exitCode)
- return 0
-def _findShebang(filename):
- """
- Look for a #! line, and return the value following the #! if one exists, or
- None if this file is not a script.
- I don't know if there are any conventions for quoting in Windows shebang
- lines, so this doesn't support any; therefore, you may not pass any
- arguments to scripts invoked as filters. That's probably wrong, so if
- somebody knows more about the cultural expectations on Windows, please feel
- free to fix.
- This shebang line support was added in support of the CGI tests;
- appropriately enough, I determined that shebang lines are culturally
- accepted in the Windows world through this page::
- http://www.cgi101.com/learn/connect/winxp.html
- @param filename: str representing a filename
- @return: a str representing another filename.
- """
- f = file(filename, 'rU')
- if f.read(2) == '#!':
- exe = f.readline(1024).strip('\n')
- return exe
-def _invalidWin32App(pywinerr):
- """
- Determine if a pywintypes.error is telling us that the given process is
- 'not a valid win32 application', i.e. not a PE format executable.
- @param pywinerr: a pywintypes.error instance raised by CreateProcess
- @return: a boolean
- """
- # Let's do this better in the future, but I have no idea what this error
- # is; MSDN doesn't mention it, and there is no symbolic constant in
- # win32process module that represents 193.
- return pywinerr.args[0] == 193
-class Process(_pollingfile._PollingTimer, BaseProcess):
- """A process that integrates with the Twisted event loop.
- If your subprocess is a python program, you need to:
- - Run python.exe with the '-u' command line option - this turns on
- unbuffered I/O. Buffering stdout/err/in can cause problems, see e.g.
- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q1903
- - If you don't want Windows messing with data passed over
- stdin/out/err, set the pipes to be in binary mode::
- import os, sys, mscvrt
- msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdin.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
- msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
- msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
- """
- implements(IProcessTransport, IConsumer, IProducer)
- closedNotifies = 0
- def __init__(self, reactor, protocol, command, args, environment, path):
- """
- Create a new child process.
- """
- _pollingfile._PollingTimer.__init__(self, reactor)
- BaseProcess.__init__(self, protocol)
- # security attributes for pipes
- sAttrs = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
- sAttrs.bInheritHandle = 1
- # create the pipes which will connect to the secondary process
- self.hStdoutR, hStdoutW = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sAttrs, 0)
- self.hStderrR, hStderrW = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sAttrs, 0)
- hStdinR, self.hStdinW = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sAttrs, 0)
- win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState(self.hStdinW,
- win32pipe.PIPE_NOWAIT,
- None,
- None)
- # set the info structure for the new process.
- StartupInfo = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
- StartupInfo.hStdOutput = hStdoutW
- StartupInfo.hStdError = hStderrW
- StartupInfo.hStdInput = hStdinR
- StartupInfo.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
- # Create new handles whose inheritance property is false
- currentPid = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
- tmp = win32api.DuplicateHandle(currentPid, self.hStdoutR, currentPid, 0, 0,
- win32file.CloseHandle(self.hStdoutR)
- self.hStdoutR = tmp
- tmp = win32api.DuplicateHandle(currentPid, self.hStderrR, currentPid, 0, 0,
- win32file.CloseHandle(self.hStderrR)
- self.hStderrR = tmp
- tmp = win32api.DuplicateHandle(currentPid, self.hStdinW, currentPid, 0, 0,
- win32file.CloseHandle(self.hStdinW)
- self.hStdinW = tmp
- # Add the specified environment to the current environment - this is
- # necessary because certain operations are only supported on Windows
- # if certain environment variables are present.
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env.update(environment or {})
- cmdline = quoteArguments(args)
- # TODO: error detection here. See #2787 and #4184.
- def doCreate():
- self.hProcess, self.hThread, self.pid, dwTid = win32process.CreateProcess(
- command, cmdline, None, None, 1, 0, env, path, StartupInfo)
- try:
- try:
- doCreate()
- except TypeError, e:
- # win32process.CreateProcess cannot deal with mixed
- # str/unicode environment, so we make it all Unicode
- if e.args != ('All dictionary items must be strings, or '
- 'all must be unicode',):
- raise
- newenv = {}
- for key, value in env.items():
- newenv[unicode(key)] = unicode(value)
- env = newenv
- doCreate()
- except pywintypes.error, pwte:
- if not _invalidWin32App(pwte):
- # This behavior isn't _really_ documented, but let's make it
- # consistent with the behavior that is documented.
- raise OSError(pwte)
- else:
- # look for a shebang line. Insert the original 'command'
- # (actually a script) into the new arguments list.
- sheb = _findShebang(command)
- if sheb is None:
- raise OSError(
- "%r is neither a Windows executable, "
- "nor a script with a shebang line" % command)
- else:
- args = list(args)
- args.insert(0, command)
- cmdline = quoteArguments(args)
- origcmd = command
- command = sheb
- try:
- # Let's try again.
- doCreate()
- except pywintypes.error, pwte2:
- # d'oh, failed again!
- if _invalidWin32App(pwte2):
- raise OSError(
- "%r has an invalid shebang line: "
- "%r is not a valid executable" % (
- origcmd, sheb))
- raise OSError(pwte2)
- # close handles which only the child will use
- win32file.CloseHandle(hStderrW)
- win32file.CloseHandle(hStdoutW)
- win32file.CloseHandle(hStdinR)
- # set up everything
- self.stdout = _pollingfile._PollableReadPipe(
- self.hStdoutR,
- lambda data: self.proto.childDataReceived(1, data),
- self.outConnectionLost)
- self.stderr = _pollingfile._PollableReadPipe(
- self.hStderrR,
- lambda data: self.proto.childDataReceived(2, data),
- self.errConnectionLost)
- self.stdin = _pollingfile._PollableWritePipe(
- self.hStdinW, self.inConnectionLost)
- for pipewatcher in self.stdout, self.stderr, self.stdin:
- self._addPollableResource(pipewatcher)
- # notify protocol
- self.proto.makeConnection(self)
- self._addPollableResource(_Reaper(self))
- def signalProcess(self, signalID):
- if self.pid is None:
- raise error.ProcessExitedAlready()
- if signalID in ("INT", "TERM", "KILL"):
- win32process.TerminateProcess(self.hProcess, 1)
- def _getReason(self, status):
- if status == 0:
- return error.ProcessDone(status)
- return error.ProcessTerminated(status)
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Write data to the process' stdin.
- @type data: C{str}
- """
- self.stdin.write(data)
- def writeSequence(self, seq):
- """
- Write data to the process' stdin.
- @type data: C{list} of C{str}
- """
- self.stdin.writeSequence(seq)
- def writeToChild(self, fd, data):
- """
- Similar to L{ITransport.write} but also allows the file descriptor in
- the child process which will receive the bytes to be specified.
- This implementation is limited to writing to the child's standard input.
- @param fd: The file descriptor to which to write. Only stdin (C{0}) is
- supported.
- @type fd: C{int}
- @param data: The bytes to write.
- @type data: C{str}
- @return: C{None}
- @raise KeyError: If C{fd} is anything other than the stdin file
- descriptor (C{0}).
- """
- if fd == 0:
- self.stdin.write(data)
- else:
- raise KeyError(fd)
- def closeChildFD(self, fd):
- if fd == 0:
- self.closeStdin()
- elif fd == 1:
- self.closeStdout()
- elif fd == 2:
- self.closeStderr()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Only standard-IO file descriptors available on win32")
- def closeStdin(self):
- """Close the process' stdin.
- """
- self.stdin.close()
- def closeStderr(self):
- self.stderr.close()
- def closeStdout(self):
- self.stdout.close()
- def loseConnection(self):
- """Close the process' stdout, in and err."""
- self.closeStdin()
- self.closeStdout()
- self.closeStderr()
- def outConnectionLost(self):
- self.proto.childConnectionLost(1)
- self.connectionLostNotify()
- def errConnectionLost(self):
- self.proto.childConnectionLost(2)
- self.connectionLostNotify()
- def inConnectionLost(self):
- self.proto.childConnectionLost(0)
- self.connectionLostNotify()
- def connectionLostNotify(self):
- """
- Will be called 3 times, by stdout/err threads and process handle.
- """
- self.closedNotifies += 1
- self.maybeCallProcessEnded()
- def maybeCallProcessEnded(self):
- if self.closedNotifies == 3 and self.lostProcess:
- win32file.CloseHandle(self.hProcess)
- win32file.CloseHandle(self.hThread)
- self.hProcess = None
- self.hThread = None
- BaseProcess.maybeCallProcessEnded(self)
- # IConsumer
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- self.stdin.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.stdin.unregisterProducer()
- # IProducer
- def pauseProducing(self):
- self._pause()
- def resumeProducing(self):
- self._unpause()
- def stopProducing(self):
- self.loseConnection()
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- Return a string representation of the process.
- """
- return "<%s pid=%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pid)