path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/cred/credentials.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/cred/credentials.py')
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/cred/credentials.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_newcred-*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-import hmac, time, random
-from twisted.python.hashlib import md5
-from twisted.python.randbytes import secureRandom
-from twisted.cred._digest import calcResponse, calcHA1, calcHA2
-from twisted.cred import error
-class ICredentials(Interface):
- """
- I check credentials.
- Implementors _must_ specify which sub-interfaces of ICredentials
- to which it conforms, using zope.interface.implements().
- """
-class IUsernameDigestHash(ICredentials):
- """
- This credential is used when a CredentialChecker has access to the hash
- of the username:realm:password as in an Apache .htdigest file.
- """
- def checkHash(digestHash):
- """
- @param digestHash: The hashed username:realm:password to check against.
- @return: C{True} if the credentials represented by this object match
- the given hash, C{False} if they do not, or a L{Deferred} which
- will be called back with one of these values.
- """
-class IUsernameHashedPassword(ICredentials):
- """
- I encapsulate a username and a hashed password.
- This credential is used when a hashed password is received from the
- party requesting authentication. CredentialCheckers which check this
- kind of credential must store the passwords in plaintext (or as
- password-equivalent hashes) form so that they can be hashed in a manner
- appropriate for the particular credentials class.
- @type username: C{str}
- @ivar username: The username associated with these credentials.
- """
- def checkPassword(password):
- """
- Validate these credentials against the correct password.
- @type password: C{str}
- @param password: The correct, plaintext password against which to
- check.
- @rtype: C{bool} or L{Deferred}
- @return: C{True} if the credentials represented by this object match the
- given password, C{False} if they do not, or a L{Deferred} which will
- be called back with one of these values.
- """
-class IUsernamePassword(ICredentials):
- """
- I encapsulate a username and a plaintext password.
- This encapsulates the case where the password received over the network
- has been hashed with the identity function (That is, not at all). The
- CredentialsChecker may store the password in whatever format it desires,
- it need only transform the stored password in a similar way before
- performing the comparison.
- @type username: C{str}
- @ivar username: The username associated with these credentials.
- @type password: C{str}
- @ivar password: The password associated with these credentials.
- """
- def checkPassword(password):
- """
- Validate these credentials against the correct password.
- @type password: C{str}
- @param password: The correct, plaintext password against which to
- check.
- @rtype: C{bool} or L{Deferred}
- @return: C{True} if the credentials represented by this object match the
- given password, C{False} if they do not, or a L{Deferred} which will
- be called back with one of these values.
- """
-class IAnonymous(ICredentials):
- """
- I am an explicitly anonymous request for access.
- """
-class DigestedCredentials(object):
- """
- Yet Another Simple HTTP Digest authentication scheme.
- """
- implements(IUsernameHashedPassword, IUsernameDigestHash)
- def __init__(self, username, method, realm, fields):
- self.username = username
- self.method = method
- self.realm = realm
- self.fields = fields
- def checkPassword(self, password):
- """
- Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
- given plaintext C{password} by hashing C{password} in the same way the
- response hash represented by this object was generated and comparing
- the results.
- """
- response = self.fields.get('response')
- uri = self.fields.get('uri')
- nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
- cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
- nc = self.fields.get('nc')
- algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', 'md5').lower()
- qop = self.fields.get('qop', 'auth')
- expected = calcResponse(
- calcHA1(algo, self.username, self.realm, password, nonce, cnonce),
- calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),
- algo, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop)
- return expected == response
- def checkHash(self, digestHash):
- """
- Verify that the credentials represented by this object agree with the
- credentials represented by the I{H(A1)} given in C{digestHash}.
- @param digestHash: A precomputed H(A1) value based on the username,
- realm, and password associate with this credentials object.
- """
- response = self.fields.get('response')
- uri = self.fields.get('uri')
- nonce = self.fields.get('nonce')
- cnonce = self.fields.get('cnonce')
- nc = self.fields.get('nc')
- algo = self.fields.get('algorithm', 'md5').lower()
- qop = self.fields.get('qop', 'auth')
- expected = calcResponse(
- calcHA1(algo, None, None, None, nonce, cnonce, preHA1=digestHash),
- calcHA2(algo, self.method, uri, qop, None),
- algo, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop)
- return expected == response
-class DigestCredentialFactory(object):
- """
- Support for RFC2617 HTTP Digest Authentication
- @cvar CHALLENGE_LIFETIME_SECS: The number of seconds for which an
- opaque should be valid.
- @type privateKey: C{str}
- @ivar privateKey: A random string used for generating the secure opaque.
- @type algorithm: C{str}
- @param algorithm: Case insensitive string specifying the hash algorithm to
- use. Must be either C{'md5'} or C{'sha'}. C{'md5-sess'} is B{not}
- supported.
- @type authenticationRealm: C{str}
- @param authenticationRealm: case sensitive string that specifies the realm
- portion of the challenge
- """
- CHALLENGE_LIFETIME_SECS = 15 * 60 # 15 minutes
- scheme = "digest"
- def __init__(self, algorithm, authenticationRealm):
- self.algorithm = algorithm
- self.authenticationRealm = authenticationRealm
- self.privateKey = secureRandom(12)
- def getChallenge(self, address):
- """
- Generate the challenge for use in the WWW-Authenticate header.
- @param address: The client address to which this challenge is being
- sent.
- @return: The C{dict} that can be used to generate a WWW-Authenticate
- header.
- """
- c = self._generateNonce()
- o = self._generateOpaque(c, address)
- return {'nonce': c,
- 'opaque': o,
- 'qop': 'auth',
- 'algorithm': self.algorithm,
- 'realm': self.authenticationRealm}
- def _generateNonce(self):
- """
- Create a random value suitable for use as the nonce parameter of a
- WWW-Authenticate challenge.
- @rtype: C{str}
- """
- return secureRandom(12).encode('hex')
- def _getTime(self):
- """
- Parameterize the time based seed used in C{_generateOpaque}
- so we can deterministically unittest it's behavior.
- """
- return time.time()
- def _generateOpaque(self, nonce, clientip):
- """
- Generate an opaque to be returned to the client. This is a unique
- string that can be returned to us and verified.
- """
- # Now, what we do is encode the nonce, client ip and a timestamp in the
- # opaque value with a suitable digest.
- now = str(int(self._getTime()))
- if clientip is None:
- clientip = ''
- key = "%s,%s,%s" % (nonce, clientip, now)
- digest = md5(key + self.privateKey).hexdigest()
- ekey = key.encode('base64')
- return "%s-%s" % (digest, ekey.replace('\n', ''))
- def _verifyOpaque(self, opaque, nonce, clientip):
- """
- Given the opaque and nonce from the request, as well as the client IP
- that made the request, verify that the opaque was generated by us.
- And that it's not too old.
- @param opaque: The opaque value from the Digest response
- @param nonce: The nonce value from the Digest response
- @param clientip: The remote IP address of the client making the request
- or C{None} if the request was submitted over a channel where this
- does not make sense.
- @return: C{True} if the opaque was successfully verified.
- @raise error.LoginFailed: if C{opaque} could not be parsed or
- contained the wrong values.
- """
- # First split the digest from the key
- opaqueParts = opaque.split('-')
- if len(opaqueParts) != 2:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, invalid opaque value')
- if clientip is None:
- clientip = ''
- # Verify the key
- key = opaqueParts[1].decode('base64')
- keyParts = key.split(',')
- if len(keyParts) != 3:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, invalid opaque value')
- if keyParts[0] != nonce:
- raise error.LoginFailed(
- 'Invalid response, incompatible opaque/nonce values')
- if keyParts[1] != clientip:
- raise error.LoginFailed(
- 'Invalid response, incompatible opaque/client values')
- try:
- when = int(keyParts[2])
- except ValueError:
- raise error.LoginFailed(
- 'Invalid response, invalid opaque/time values')
- if (int(self._getTime()) - when >
- DigestCredentialFactory.CHALLENGE_LIFETIME_SECS):
- raise error.LoginFailed(
- 'Invalid response, incompatible opaque/nonce too old')
- # Verify the digest
- digest = md5(key + self.privateKey).hexdigest()
- if digest != opaqueParts[0]:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, invalid opaque value')
- return True
- def decode(self, response, method, host):
- """
- Decode the given response and attempt to generate a
- L{DigestedCredentials} from it.
- @type response: C{str}
- @param response: A string of comma seperated key=value pairs
- @type method: C{str}
- @param method: The action requested to which this response is addressed
- @type host: C{str}
- @param host: The address the request was sent from.
- @raise error.LoginFailed: If the response does not contain a username,
- a nonce, an opaque, or if the opaque is invalid.
- @return: L{DigestedCredentials}
- """
- def unq(s):
- if s[0] == s[-1] == '"':
- return s[1:-1]
- return s
- response = ' '.join(response.splitlines())
- parts = response.split(',')
- auth = {}
- for (k, v) in [p.split('=', 1) for p in parts]:
- auth[k.strip()] = unq(v.strip())
- username = auth.get('username')
- if not username:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no username given.')
- if 'opaque' not in auth:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no opaque given.')
- if 'nonce' not in auth:
- raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid response, no nonce given.')
- # Now verify the nonce/opaque values for this client
- if self._verifyOpaque(auth.get('opaque'), auth.get('nonce'), host):
- return DigestedCredentials(username,
- method,
- self.authenticationRealm,
- auth)
-class CramMD5Credentials:
- implements(IUsernameHashedPassword)
- challenge = ''
- response = ''
- def __init__(self, host=None):
- self.host = host
- def getChallenge(self):
- if self.challenge:
- return self.challenge
- # The data encoded in the first ready response contains an
- # presumptively arbitrary string of random digits, a timestamp, and
- # the fully-qualified primary host name of the server. The syntax of
- # the unencoded form must correspond to that of an RFC 822 'msg-id'
- # [RFC822] as described in [POP3].
- # -- RFC 2195
- r = random.randrange(0x7fffffff)
- t = time.time()
- self.challenge = '<%d.%d@%s>' % (r, t, self.host)
- return self.challenge
- def setResponse(self, response):
- self.username, self.response = response.split(None, 1)
- def moreChallenges(self):
- return False
- def checkPassword(self, password):
- verify = hmac.HMAC(password, self.challenge).hexdigest()
- return verify == self.response
-class UsernameHashedPassword:
- implements(IUsernameHashedPassword)
- def __init__(self, username, hashed):
- self.username = username
- self.hashed = hashed
- def checkPassword(self, password):
- return self.hashed == password
-class UsernamePassword:
- implements(IUsernamePassword)
- def __init__(self, username, password):
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- def checkPassword(self, password):
- return self.password == password
-class Anonymous:
- implements(IAnonymous)
-class ISSHPrivateKey(ICredentials):
- """
- L{ISSHPrivateKey} credentials encapsulate an SSH public key to be checked
- against a user's private key.
- @ivar username: The username associated with these credentials.
- @type username: C{str}
- @ivar algName: The algorithm name for the blob.
- @type algName: C{str}
- @ivar blob: The public key blob as sent by the client.
- @type blob: C{str}
- @ivar sigData: The data the signature was made from.
- @type sigData: C{str}
- @ivar signature: The signed data. This is checked to verify that the user
- owns the private key.
- @type signature: C{str} or C{NoneType}
- """
-class SSHPrivateKey:
- implements(ISSHPrivateKey)
- def __init__(self, username, algName, blob, sigData, signature):
- self.username = username
- self.algName = algName
- self.blob = blob
- self.sigData = sigData
- self.signature = signature
-class IPluggableAuthenticationModules(ICredentials):
- """I encapsulate the authentication of a user via PAM (Pluggable
- Authentication Modules. I use PyPAM (available from
- http://www.tummy.com/Software/PyPam/index.html).
- @ivar username: The username for the user being logged in.
- @ivar pamConversion: A function that is called with a list of tuples
- (message, messageType). See the PAM documentation
- for the meaning of messageType. The function
- returns a Deferred which will fire with a list
- of (response, 0), one for each message. The 0 is
- currently unused, but is required by the PAM library.
- """
-class PluggableAuthenticationModules:
- implements(IPluggableAuthenticationModules)
- def __init__(self, username, pamConversion):
- self.username = username
- self.pamConversion = pamConversion