path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 975 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 03e327a6..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_cftp.py
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@@ -1,975 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE file for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.scripts.cftp}.
-import locale
-import time, sys, os, operator, getpass, struct
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from twisted.conch.test.test_ssh import Crypto, pyasn1
-_reason = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1:
- try:
- from twisted.conch import unix
- from twisted.conch.scripts import cftp
- from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferForTestAvatar
- except ImportError, e:
- # Python 2.3 compatibility fix
- sys.modules.pop("twisted.conch.unix", None)
- unix = None
- _reason = str(e)
- del e
- unix = None
-from twisted.python.fakepwd import UserDatabase
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from twisted.cred import portal
-from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, interfaces, defer, error
-from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutputAndValue
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.conch import ls
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.conch.test import test_ssh, test_conch
-from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import SFTPTestBase
-from twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer import FileTransferTestAvatar
-class ListingTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{lsLine}, the function which generates an entry for a file or
- directory in an SFTP I{ls} command's output.
- """
- if getattr(time, 'tzset', None) is None:
- skip = "Cannot test timestamp formatting code without time.tzset"
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Patch the L{ls} module's time function so the results of L{lsLine} are
- deterministic.
- """
- self.now = 123456789
- def fakeTime():
- return self.now
- self.patch(ls, 'time', fakeTime)
- # Make sure that the timezone ends up the same after these tests as
- # it was before.
- if 'TZ' in os.environ:
- self.addCleanup(operator.setitem, os.environ, 'TZ', os.environ['TZ'])
- self.addCleanup(time.tzset)
- else:
- def cleanup():
- # os.environ.pop is broken! Don't use it! Ever! Or die!
- try:
- del os.environ['TZ']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- time.tzset()
- self.addCleanup(cleanup)
- def _lsInTimezone(self, timezone, stat):
- """
- Call L{ls.lsLine} after setting the timezone to C{timezone} and return
- the result.
- """
- # Set the timezone to a well-known value so the timestamps are
- # predictable.
- os.environ['TZ'] = timezone
- time.tzset()
- return ls.lsLine('foo', stat)
- def test_oldFile(self):
- """
- A file with an mtime six months (approximately) or more in the past has
- a listing including a low-resolution timestamp.
- """
- # Go with 7 months. That's more than 6 months.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 26 1973 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Apr 27 1973 foo')
- def test_oldSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self):
- """
- A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the
- month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with
- one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it.
- """
- # A point about 7 months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first of a
- # month so we test the case we want to test.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 7) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 5)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 01 1973 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 May 02 1973 foo')
- def test_newFile(self):
- """
- A file with an mtime fewer than six months (approximately) in the past
- has a listing including a high-resolution timestamp excluding the year.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo')
- def test_localeIndependent(self):
- """
- The month name in the date is locale independent.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- # Fake that we're in a language where August is not Aug (e.g.: Spanish)
- currentLocale = locale.getlocale()
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8")
- self.addCleanup(locale.setlocale, locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale)
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 28 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Aug 29 09:33 foo')
- # if alternate locale is not available, the previous test will be
- # skipped, please install this locale for it to run
- currentLocale = locale.getlocale()
- try:
- try:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "es_AR.UTF8")
- except locale.Error:
- test_localeIndependent.skip = "The es_AR.UTF8 locale is not installed."
- finally:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, currentLocale)
- def test_newSingleDigitDayOfMonth(self):
- """
- A file with a high-resolution timestamp which falls on a day of the
- month which can be represented by one decimal digit is formatted with
- one padding 0 to preserve the columns which come after it.
- """
- # A point about three months in the past, tweaked to fall on the first
- # of a month so we test the case we want to test.
- then = self.now - (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * 3) + (60 * 60 * 24 * 4)
- stat = os.stat_result((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, then, 0))
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('America/New_York', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 01 17:33 foo')
- self.assertEqual(
- self._lsInTimezone('Pacific/Auckland', stat),
- '!--------- 0 0 0 0 Sep 02 09:33 foo')
-class StdioClientTests(TestCase):
- """
- Tests for L{cftp.StdioClient}.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Create a L{cftp.StdioClient} hooked up to dummy transport and a fake
- user database.
- """
- class Connection:
- pass
- conn = Connection()
- conn.transport = StringTransport()
- conn.transport.localClosed = False
- self.client = cftp.StdioClient(conn)
- self.database = self.client._pwd = UserDatabase()
- # Intentionally bypassing makeConnection - that triggers some code
- # which uses features not provided by our dumb Connection fake.
- self.client.transport = StringTransport()
- def test_exec(self):
- """
- The I{exec} command runs its arguments locally in a child process
- using the user's shell.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar',
- sys.executable)
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec print 1 + 2")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "3\n")
- return d
- def test_execWithoutShell(self):
- """
- If the local user has no shell, the I{exec} command runs its arguments
- using I{/bin/sh}.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar', '')
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("exec echo hello")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hello\n")
- return d
- def test_bang(self):
- """
- The I{exec} command is run for lines which start with C{"!"}.
- """
- self.database.addUser(
- getpass.getuser(), 'secret', os.getuid(), 1234, 'foo', 'bar',
- '/bin/sh')
- d = self.client._dispatchCommand("!echo hello")
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "hello\n")
- return d
- def setKnownConsoleSize(self, width, height):
- """
- For the duration of this test, patch C{cftp}'s C{fcntl} module to return
- a fixed width and height.
- @param width: the width in characters
- @type width: C{int}
- @param height: the height in characters
- @type height: C{int}
- """
- import tty # local import to avoid win32 issues
- class FakeFcntl(object):
- def ioctl(self, fd, opt, mutate):
- if opt != tty.TIOCGWINSZ:
- self.fail("Only window-size queries supported.")
- return struct.pack("4H", height, width, 0, 0)
- self.patch(cftp, "fcntl", FakeFcntl())
- def test_progressReporting(self):
- """
- L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description,
- including percent done, amount transferred, transfer rate, and time
- remaining, all based the given start time, the given L{FileWrapper}'s
- progress information and the reactor's current time.
- """
- # Use a short, known console width because this simple test doesn't need
- # to test the console padding.
- self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34)
- clock = self.client.reactor = Clock()
- wrapped = StringIO("x")
- wrapped.name = "sample"
- wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped)
- wrapper.size = 1024 * 10
- startTime = clock.seconds()
- clock.advance(2.0)
- wrapper.total += 4096
- self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(),
- "\rsample 40% 4.0kB 2.0kBps 00:03 ")
- def test_reportNoProgress(self):
- """
- L{StdioClient._printProgressBar} prints a progress description that
- indicates 0 bytes transferred if no bytes have been transferred and no
- time has passed.
- """
- self.setKnownConsoleSize(10, 34)
- clock = self.client.reactor = Clock()
- wrapped = StringIO("x")
- wrapped.name = "sample"
- wrapper = cftp.FileWrapper(wrapped)
- startTime = clock.seconds()
- self.client._printProgressBar(wrapper, startTime)
- self.assertEqual(self.client.transport.value(),
- "\rsample 0% 0.0B 0.0Bps 00:00 ")
-class FileTransferTestRealm:
- def __init__(self, testDir):
- self.testDir = testDir
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces):
- a = FileTransferTestAvatar(self.testDir)
- return interfaces[0], a, lambda: None
-class SFTPTestProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
- """
- Protocol for testing cftp. Provides an interface between Python (where all
- the tests are) and the cftp client process (which does the work that is
- being tested).
- """
- def __init__(self, onOutReceived):
- """
- @param onOutReceived: A L{Deferred} to be fired as soon as data is
- received from stdout.
- """
- self.clearBuffer()
- self.onOutReceived = onOutReceived
- self.onProcessEnd = None
- self._expectingCommand = None
- self._processEnded = False
- def clearBuffer(self):
- """
- Clear any buffered data received from stdout. Should be private.
- """
- self.buffer = ''
- self._linesReceived = []
- self._lineBuffer = ''
- def outReceived(self, data):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stdout.
- """
- log.msg('got %s' % data)
- lines = (self._lineBuffer + data).split('\n')
- self._lineBuffer = lines.pop(-1)
- self._linesReceived.extend(lines)
- # XXX - not strictly correct.
- # We really want onOutReceived to fire after the first 'cftp>' prompt
- # has been received. (See use in TestOurServerCmdLineClient.setUp)
- if self.onOutReceived is not None:
- d, self.onOutReceived = self.onOutReceived, None
- d.callback(data)
- self.buffer += data
- self._checkForCommand()
- def _checkForCommand(self):
- prompt = 'cftp> '
- if self._expectingCommand and self._lineBuffer == prompt:
- buf = '\n'.join(self._linesReceived)
- if buf.startswith(prompt):
- buf = buf[len(prompt):]
- self.clearBuffer()
- d, self._expectingCommand = self._expectingCommand, None
- d.callback(buf)
- def errReceived(self, data):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client prints data to stderr.
- """
- log.msg('err: %s' % data)
- def getBuffer(self):
- """
- Return the contents of the buffer of data received from stdout.
- """
- return self.buffer
- def runCommand(self, command):
- """
- Issue the given command via the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that
- fires when the server returns a result. Note that the C{Deferred} will
- callback even if the server returns some kind of error.
- @param command: A string containing an sftp command.
- @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when the sftp server returns a
- result. The payload is the server's response string.
- """
- self._expectingCommand = defer.Deferred()
- self.clearBuffer()
- self.transport.write(command + '\n')
- return self._expectingCommand
- def runScript(self, commands):
- """
- Run each command in sequence and return a Deferred that fires when all
- commands are completed.
- @param commands: A list of strings containing sftp commands.
- @return: A C{Deferred} that fires when all commands are completed. The
- payload is a list of response strings from the server, in the same
- order as the commands.
- """
- sem = defer.DeferredSemaphore(1)
- dl = [sem.run(self.runCommand, command) for command in commands]
- return defer.gatherResults(dl)
- def killProcess(self):
- """
- Kill the process if it is still running.
- If the process is still running, sends a KILL signal to the transport
- and returns a C{Deferred} which fires when L{processEnded} is called.
- @return: a C{Deferred}.
- """
- if self._processEnded:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- self.onProcessEnd = defer.Deferred()
- self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
- return self.onProcessEnd
- def processEnded(self, reason):
- """
- Called by Twisted when the cftp client process ends.
- """
- self._processEnded = True
- if self.onProcessEnd:
- d, self.onProcessEnd = self.onProcessEnd, None
- d.callback(None)
-class CFTPClientTestBase(SFTPTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- f = open('dsa_test.pub','w')
- f.write(test_ssh.publicDSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- f = open('dsa_test','w')
- f.write(test_ssh.privateDSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- os.chmod('dsa_test', 33152)
- f = open('kh_test','w')
- f.write(' ' + test_ssh.publicRSA_openssh)
- f.close()
- return SFTPTestBase.setUp(self)
- def startServer(self):
- realm = FileTransferTestRealm(self.testDir)
- p = portal.Portal(realm)
- p.registerChecker(test_ssh.ConchTestPublicKeyChecker())
- fac = test_ssh.ConchTestServerFactory()
- fac.portal = p
- self.server = reactor.listenTCP(0, fac, interface="")
- def stopServer(self):
- if not hasattr(self.server.factory, 'proto'):
- return self._cbStopServer(None)
- self.server.factory.proto.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(
- self.server.factory.proto.transport.loseConnection)
- d.addCallback(self._cbStopServer)
- return d
- def _cbStopServer(self, ignored):
- return defer.maybeDeferred(self.server.stopListening)
- def tearDown(self):
- for f in ['dsa_test.pub', 'dsa_test', 'kh_test']:
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
- return SFTPTestBase.tearDown(self)
-class TestOurServerCmdLineClient(CFTPClientTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.startServer()
- cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser '
- '--known-hosts kh_test '
- '--user-authentications publickey '
- '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa '
- '-i dsa_test '
- '-a '
- '-v '
- '')
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- cmds = test_conch._makeArgs((cmds % port).split(), mod='cftp')
- log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.processProtocol = SFTPTestProcess(d)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.clearBuffer())
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- reactor.spawnProcess(self.processProtocol, sys.executable, cmds,
- env=env)
- return d
- def tearDown(self):
- d = self.stopServer()
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.processProtocol.killProcess())
- return d
- def _killProcess(self, ignored):
- try:
- self.processProtocol.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
- except error.ProcessExitedAlready:
- pass
- def runCommand(self, command):
- """
- Run the given command with the cftp client. Return a C{Deferred} that
- fires when the command is complete. Payload is the server's output for
- that command.
- """
- return self.processProtocol.runCommand(command)
- def runScript(self, *commands):
- """
- Run the given commands with the cftp client. Returns a C{Deferred}
- that fires when the commands are all complete. The C{Deferred}'s
- payload is a list of output for each command.
- """
- return self.processProtocol.runScript(commands)
- def testCdPwd(self):
- """
- Test that 'pwd' reports the current remote directory, that 'lpwd'
- reports the current local directory, and that changing to a
- subdirectory then changing to its parent leaves you in the original
- remote directory.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test, see docstring.
- homeDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.testDir)
- d = self.runScript('pwd', 'lpwd', 'cd testDirectory', 'cd ..', 'pwd')
- d.addCallback(lambda xs: xs[:3] + xs[4:])
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- [homeDir, os.getcwd(), '', homeDir])
- return d
- def testChAttrs(self):
- """
- Check that 'ls -l' output includes the access permissions and that
- this output changes appropriately with 'chmod'.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertTrue(results[0].startswith('-rw-r--r--'))
- self.assertEqual(results[1], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[2].startswith('----------'), results[2])
- self.assertEqual(results[3], '')
- d = self.runScript('ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 0 testfile1',
- 'ls -l testfile1', 'chmod 644 testfile1')
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- # XXX test chgrp/own
- def testList(self):
- """
- Check 'ls' works as expected. Checks for wildcards, hidden files,
- listing directories and listing empty directories.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- self.assertEqual(results[1], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- self.assertEqual(results[2], ['testRemoveFile', 'testRenameFile'])
- self.assertEqual(results[3], ['.testHiddenFile', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile'])
- self.assertEqual(results[4], [''])
- d = self.runScript('ls', 'ls ../' + os.path.basename(self.testDir),
- 'ls *File', 'ls -a *File', 'ls -l testDirectory')
- d.addCallback(lambda xs: [x.split('\n') for x in xs])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def testHelp(self):
- """
- Check that running the '?' command returns help.
- """
- d = self.runCommand('?')
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual,
- cftp.StdioClient(None).cmd_HELP('').strip())
- return d
- def assertFilesEqual(self, name1, name2, msg=None):
- """
- Assert that the files at C{name1} and C{name2} contain exactly the
- same data.
- """
- f1 = file(name1).read()
- f2 = file(name2).read()
- self.assertEqual(f1, f2, msg)
- def testGet(self):
- """
- Test that 'get' saves the remote file to the correct local location,
- that the output of 'get' is correct and that 'rm' actually removes
- the file.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- expectedOutput = ("Transferred %s/%s/testfile1 to %s/test file2"
- % (os.getcwd(), self.testDir, self.testDir))
- def _checkGet(result):
- self.assertTrue(result.endswith(expectedOutput))
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testfile1',
- self.testDir + '/test file2',
- "get failed")
- return self.runCommand('rm "test file2"')
- d = self.runCommand('get testfile1 "%s/test file2"' % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkGet)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.failIf(
- os.path.exists(self.testDir + '/test file2')))
- return d
- def testWildcardGet(self):
- """
- Test that 'get' works correctly when given wildcard parameters.
- """
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile get failed')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile get failed')
- d = self.runCommand('get testR*')
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def testPut(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly and that they can be
- successfully removed. Also check the output of the put command.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- expectedOutput = ('Transferred %s/testfile1 to %s/%s/test"file2'
- % (self.testDir, os.getcwd(), self.testDir))
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testfile1',
- self.testDir + '/test"file2')
- self.failUnless(result.endswith(expectedOutput))
- return self.runCommand('rm "test\\"file2"')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/testfile1 "test\\"file2"'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.failIf(
- os.path.exists(self.testDir + '/test"file2')))
- return d
- def test_putOverLongerFile(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer
- file.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'shorterFile'), 'w')
- f.write("a")
- f.close()
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'longerFile'), 'w')
- f.write("bb")
- f.close()
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/shorterFile',
- self.testDir + '/longerFile')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/shorterFile longerFile'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- return d
- def test_putMultipleOverLongerFile(self):
- """
- Check that 'put' uploads files correctly when overwriting a longer
- file and you use a wildcard to specify the files to upload.
- """
- # XXX - not actually a unit test
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'dir'))
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'dir', 'file'), 'w')
- f.write("a")
- f.close()
- f = file(os.path.join(self.testDir, 'file'), 'w')
- f.write("bb")
- f.close()
- def _checkPut(result):
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/dir/file',
- self.testDir + '/file')
- d = self.runCommand('put %s/dir/*'
- % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(_checkPut)
- return d
- def testWildcardPut(self):
- """
- What happens if you issue a 'put' command and include a wildcard (i.e.
- '*') in parameter? Check that all files matching the wildcard are
- uploaded to the correct directory.
- """
- def check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[2], '')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRemoveFile',
- self.testDir + '/../testRemoveFile',
- 'testRemoveFile get failed')
- self.assertFilesEqual(self.testDir + '/testRenameFile',
- self.testDir + '/../testRenameFile',
- 'testRenameFile get failed')
- d = self.runScript('cd ..',
- 'put %s/testR*' % (self.testDir,),
- 'cd %s' % os.path.basename(self.testDir))
- d.addCallback(check)
- return d
- def testLink(self):
- """
- Test that 'ln' creates a file which appears as a link in the output of
- 'ls'. Check that removing the new file succeeds without output.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.flushLoggedErrors()
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith('l'), 'link failed')
- return self.runCommand('rm testLink')
- d = self.runScript('ln testLink testfile1', 'ls -l testLink')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def testRemoteDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that we can create and remove directories with the cftp client.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertTrue(results[1].startswith('d'))
- return self.runCommand('rmdir testMakeDirectory')
- d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory',
- 'ls -l testMakeDirector?')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def test_existingRemoteDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that a C{mkdir} on an existing directory fails with the
- appropriate error, and doesn't log an useless error server side.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[1],
- 'remote error 11: mkdir failed')
- d = self.runScript('mkdir testMakeDirectory',
- 'mkdir testMakeDirectory')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- return d
- def testLocalDirectory(self):
- """
- Test that we can create a directory locally and remove it with the
- cftp client. This test works because the 'remote' server is running
- out of a local directory.
- """
- d = self.runCommand('lmkdir %s/testLocalDirectory' % (self.testDir,))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- d.addCallback(lambda _: self.runCommand('rmdir testLocalDirectory'))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
- def testRename(self):
- """
- Test that we can rename a file.
- """
- def _check(results):
- self.assertEqual(results[0], '')
- self.assertEqual(results[1], 'testfile2')
- return self.runCommand('rename testfile2 testfile1')
- d = self.runScript('rename testfile1 testfile2', 'ls testfile?')
- d.addCallback(_check)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- return d
-class TestOurServerBatchFile(CFTPClientTestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.startServer()
- def tearDown(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.tearDown(self)
- return self.stopServer()
- def _getBatchOutput(self, f):
- fn = self.mktemp()
- open(fn, 'w').write(f)
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- cmds = ('-p %i -l testuser '
- '--known-hosts kh_test '
- '--user-authentications publickey '
- '--host-key-algorithms ssh-rsa '
- '-i dsa_test '
- '-a '
- '-v -b %s') % (port, fn)
- cmds = test_conch._makeArgs(cmds.split(), mod='cftp')[1:]
- log.msg('running %s %s' % (sys.executable, cmds))
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
- self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = 1
- d = getProcessOutputAndValue(sys.executable, cmds, env=env)
- def _cleanup(res):
- os.remove(fn)
- return res
- d.addCallback(lambda res: res[0])
- d.addBoth(_cleanup)
- return d
- def testBatchFile(self):
- """Test whether batch file function of cftp ('cftp -b batchfile').
- This works by treating the file as a list of commands to be run.
- """
- cmds = """pwd
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- res = res.split('\n')
- log.msg('RES %s' % str(res))
- self.failUnless(res[1].find(self.testDir) != -1, repr(res))
- self.assertEqual(res[3:-2], ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1'])
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
- def testError(self):
- """Test that an error in the batch file stops running the batch.
- """
- cmds = """chown 0 missingFile
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- self.failIf(res.find(self.testDir) != -1)
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
- def testIgnoredError(self):
- """Test that a minus sign '-' at the front of a line ignores
- any errors.
- """
- cmds = """-chown 0 missingFile
- def _cbCheckResult(res):
- self.failIf(res.find(self.testDir) == -1)
- d = self._getBatchOutput(cmds)
- d.addCallback(_cbCheckResult)
- return d
-class TestOurServerSftpClient(CFTPClientTestBase):
- """
- Test the sftp server against sftp command line client.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- CFTPClientTestBase.setUp(self)
- return self.startServer()
- def tearDown(self):
- return self.stopServer()
- def test_extendedAttributes(self):
- """
- Test the return of extended attributes by the server: the sftp client
- should ignore them, but still be able to parse the response correctly.
- This test is mainly here to check that
- L{filetransfer.FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED} has the correct value.
- """
- fn = self.mktemp()
- open(fn, 'w').write("ls .\nexit")
- port = self.server.getHost().port
- oldGetAttr = FileTransferForTestAvatar._getAttrs
- def _getAttrs(self, s):
- attrs = oldGetAttr(self, s)
- attrs["ext_foo"] = "bar"
- return attrs
- self.patch(FileTransferForTestAvatar, "_getAttrs", _getAttrs)
- self.server.factory.expectedLoseConnection = True
- cmds = ('-o', 'IdentityFile=dsa_test',
- '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=kh_test',
- '-o', 'HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa',
- '-o', 'Port=%i' % (port,), '-b', fn, 'testuser@')
- d = getProcessOutputAndValue("sftp", cmds)
- def check(result):
- self.assertEqual(result[2], 0)
- for i in ['testDirectory', 'testRemoveFile',
- 'testRenameFile', 'testfile1']:
- self.assertIn(i, result[0])
- return d.addCallback(check)
-if unix is None or Crypto is None or pyasn1 is None or interfaces.IReactorProcess(reactor, None) is None:
- if _reason is None:
- _reason = "don't run w/o spawnProcess or PyCrypto or pyasn1"
- TestOurServerCmdLineClient.skip = _reason
- TestOurServerBatchFile.skip = _reason
- TestOurServerSftpClient.skip = _reason
- StdioClientTests.skip = _reason
- from twisted.python.procutils import which
- if not which('sftp'):
- TestOurServerSftpClient.skip = "no sftp command-line client available"