path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py')
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/test/test_agent.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Tests for L{twisted.conch.ssh.agent}.
-import struct
-from twisted.trial import unittest
- import OpenSSL
-except ImportError:
- iosim = None
- from twisted.test import iosim
- import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
-except ImportError:
- Crypto = None
- import pyasn1
-except ImportError:
- pyasn1 = None
-if Crypto and pyasn1:
- from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, agent
- keys = agent = None
-from twisted.conch.test import keydata
-from twisted.conch.error import ConchError, MissingKeyStoreError
-class StubFactory(object):
- """
- Mock factory that provides the keys attribute required by the
- SSHAgentServerProtocol
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.keys = {}
-class AgentTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- Tests for SSHAgentServer/Client.
- """
- if iosim is None:
- skip = "iosim requires SSL, but SSL is not available"
- elif agent is None or keys is None:
- skip = "Cannot run without PyCrypto or PyASN1"
- def setUp(self):
- # wire up our client <-> server
- self.client, self.server, self.pump = iosim.connectedServerAndClient(
- agent.SSHAgentServer, agent.SSHAgentClient)
- # the server's end of the protocol is stateful and we store it on the
- # factory, for which we only need a mock
- self.server.factory = StubFactory()
- # pub/priv keys of each kind
- self.rsaPrivate = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateRSA_openssh)
- self.dsaPrivate = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.privateDSA_openssh)
- self.rsaPublic = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicRSA_openssh)
- self.dsaPublic = keys.Key.fromString(keydata.publicDSA_openssh)
-class TestServerProtocolContractWithFactory(AgentTestBase):
- """
- The server protocol is stateful and so uses its factory to track state
- across requests. This test asserts that the protocol raises if its factory
- doesn't provide the necessary storage for that state.
- """
- def test_factorySuppliesKeyStorageForServerProtocol(self):
- # need a message to send into the server
- msg = struct.pack('!LB',1, agent.AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES)
- del self.server.factory.__dict__['keys']
- self.assertRaises(MissingKeyStoreError,
- self.server.dataReceived, msg)
-class TestUnimplementedVersionOneServer(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Tests for methods with no-op implementations on the server. We need these
- for clients, such as openssh, that try v1 methods before going to v2.
- Because the client doesn't expose these operations with nice method names,
- we invoke sendRequest directly with an op code.
- """
- def test_agentc_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA identities request
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _cb(packet):
- self.assertEqual(
- agent.AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER, ord(packet[0]))
- return d.addCallback(_cb)
- def test_agentc_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA remove identity request
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
- def test_agentc_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES(self):
- """
- assert that we get the correct op code for an RSA remove all identities
- request.
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(agent.AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, '')
-if agent is not None:
- class CorruptServer(agent.SSHAgentServer):
- """
- A misbehaving server that returns bogus response op codes so that we can
- verify that our callbacks that deal with these op codes handle such
- miscreants.
- """
- def agentc_REQUEST_IDENTITIES(self, data):
- self.sendResponse(254, '')
- def agentc_SIGN_REQUEST(self, data):
- self.sendResponse(254, '')
-class TestClientWithBrokenServer(AgentTestBase):
- """
- verify error handling code in the client using a misbehaving server
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.client, self.server, self.pump = iosim.connectedServerAndClient(
- CorruptServer, agent.SSHAgentClient)
- # the server's end of the protocol is stateful and we store it on the
- # factory, for which we only need a mock
- self.server.factory = StubFactory()
- def test_signDataCallbackErrorHandling(self):
- """
- Assert that L{SSHAgentClient.signData} raises a ConchError
- if we get a response from the server whose opcode doesn't match
- the protocol for data signing requests.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
- def test_requestIdentitiesCallbackErrorHandling(self):
- """
- Assert that L{SSHAgentClient.requestIdentities} raises a ConchError
- if we get a response from the server whose opcode doesn't match
- the protocol for identity requests.
- """
- d = self.client.requestIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
-class TestAgentKeyAddition(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test adding different flavors of keys to an agent.
- """
- def test_addRSAIdentityNoComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that ommitting the comment produces an
- empty string for the comment on the server.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(self.rsaPrivate.privateBlob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.rsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addDSAIdentityNoComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that ommitting the comment produces an
- empty string for the comment on the server.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(self.dsaPrivate.privateBlob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.dsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addRSAIdentityWithComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that the server receives/stores the comment
- as sent by the client.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(
- self.rsaPrivate.privateBlob(), comment='My special key')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.rsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('My special key', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_addDSAIdentityWithComment(self):
- """
- L{SSHAgentClient.addIdentity} adds the private key it is called
- with to the SSH agent server to which it is connected, associating
- it with the comment it is called with.
- This test asserts that the server receives/stores the comment
- as sent by the client.
- """
- d = self.client.addIdentity(
- self.dsaPrivate.privateBlob(), comment='My special key')
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- serverKey = self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()]
- self.assertEqual(self.dsaPrivate, serverKey[0])
- self.assertEqual('My special key', serverKey[1])
- return d.addCallback(_check)
-class TestAgentClientFailure(AgentTestBase):
- def test_agentFailure(self):
- """
- verify that the client raises ConchError on AGENT_FAILURE
- """
- d = self.client.sendRequest(254, '')
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
-class TestAgentIdentityRequests(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test operations against a server with identities already loaded.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.dsaPrivate, 'a comment')
- self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.rsaPrivate, 'another comment')
- def test_signDataRSA(self):
- """
- Sign data with an RSA private key and then verify it with the public
- key.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(sig):
- expected = self.rsaPrivate.sign("John Hancock")
- self.assertEqual(expected, sig)
- self.assertTrue(self.rsaPublic.verify(sig, "John Hancock"))
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_signDataDSA(self):
- """
- Sign data with a DSA private key and then verify it with the public
- key.
- """
- d = self.client.signData(self.dsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(sig):
- # Cannot do this b/c DSA uses random numbers when signing
- # expected = self.dsaPrivate.sign("John Hancock")
- # self.assertEqual(expected, sig)
- self.assertTrue(self.dsaPublic.verify(sig, "John Hancock"))
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_signDataRSAErrbackOnUnknownBlob(self):
- """
- Assert that we get an errback if we try to sign data using a key that
- wasn't added.
- """
- del self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPublic.blob()]
- d = self.client.signData(self.rsaPublic.blob(), "John Hancock")
- self.pump.flush()
- return self.assertFailure(d, ConchError)
- def test_requestIdentities(self):
- """
- Assert that we get all of the keys/comments that we add when we issue a
- request for all identities.
- """
- d = self.client.requestIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(keyt):
- expected = {}
- expected[self.dsaPublic.blob()] = 'a comment'
- expected[self.rsaPublic.blob()] = 'another comment'
- received = {}
- for k in keyt:
- received[keys.Key.fromString(k[0], type='blob').blob()] = k[1]
- self.assertEqual(expected, received)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
-class TestAgentKeyRemoval(AgentTestBase):
- """
- Test support for removing keys in a remote server.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- AgentTestBase.setUp(self)
- self.server.factory.keys[self.dsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.dsaPrivate, 'a comment')
- self.server.factory.keys[self.rsaPrivate.blob()] = (
- self.rsaPrivate, 'another comment')
- def test_removeRSAIdentity(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove an RSA identity.
- """
- # only need public key for this
- d = self.client.removeIdentity(self.rsaPrivate.blob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(1, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- self.assertIn(self.dsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- self.assertNotIn(self.rsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_removeDSAIdentity(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove a DSA identity.
- """
- # only need public key for this
- d = self.client.removeIdentity(self.dsaPrivate.blob())
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(1, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- self.assertIn(self.rsaPrivate.blob(), self.server.factory.keys)
- return d.addCallback(_check)
- def test_removeAllIdentities(self):
- """
- Assert that we can remove all identities.
- """
- d = self.client.removeAllIdentities()
- self.pump.flush()
- def _check(ignored):
- self.assertEqual(0, len(self.server.factory.keys))
- return d.addCallback(_check)