path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 832 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e6db67f0..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/scripts/cftp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_cftp -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-Implementation module for the I{cftp} command.
-import os, sys, getpass, struct, tty, fcntl, stat
-import fnmatch, pwd, glob
-from twisted.conch.client import connect, default, options
-from twisted.conch.ssh import connection, common
-from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, filetransfer
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from twisted.internet import reactor, stdio, defer, utils
-from twisted.python import log, usage, failure
-class ClientOptions(options.ConchOptions):
- synopsis = """Usage: cftp [options] [user@]host
- cftp [options] [user@]host[:dir[/]]
- cftp [options] [user@]host[:file [localfile]]
- longdesc = ("cftp is a client for logging into a remote machine and "
- "executing commands to send and receive file information")
- optParameters = [
- ['buffersize', 'B', 32768, 'Size of the buffer to use for sending/receiving.'],
- ['batchfile', 'b', None, 'File to read commands from, or \'-\' for stdin.'],
- ['requests', 'R', 5, 'Number of requests to make before waiting for a reply.'],
- ['subsystem', 's', 'sftp', 'Subsystem/server program to connect to.']]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- descriptions={
- "buffersize": "Size of send/receive buffer (default: 32768)"},
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteUserAtHost(),
- usage.CompleteFiles(descr="local file")])
- def parseArgs(self, host, localPath=None):
- self['remotePath'] = ''
- if ':' in host:
- host, self['remotePath'] = host.split(':', 1)
- self['remotePath'].rstrip('/')
- self['host'] = host
- self['localPath'] = localPath
-def run():
-# import hotshot
-# prof = hotshot.Profile('cftp.prof')
-# prof.start()
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if '-l' in args: # cvs is an idiot
- i = args.index('-l')
- args = args[i:i+2]+args
- del args[i+2:i+4]
- options = ClientOptions()
- try:
- options.parseOptions(args)
- except usage.UsageError, u:
- print 'ERROR: %s' % u
- sys.exit(1)
- if options['log']:
- realout = sys.stdout
- log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
- sys.stdout = realout
- else:
- log.discardLogs()
- doConnect(options)
- reactor.run()
-# prof.stop()
-# prof.close()
-def handleError():
- global exitStatus
- exitStatus = 2
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except: pass
- log.err(failure.Failure())
- raise
-def doConnect(options):
-# log.deferr = handleError # HACK
- if '@' in options['host']:
- options['user'], options['host'] = options['host'].split('@',1)
- host = options['host']
- if not options['user']:
- options['user'] = getpass.getuser()
- if not options['port']:
- options['port'] = 22
- else:
- options['port'] = int(options['port'])
- host = options['host']
- port = options['port']
- conn = SSHConnection()
- conn.options = options
- vhk = default.verifyHostKey
- uao = default.SSHUserAuthClient(options['user'], options, conn)
- connect.connect(host, port, options, vhk, uao).addErrback(_ebExit)
-def _ebExit(f):
- #global exitStatus
- if hasattr(f.value, 'value'):
- s = f.value.value
- else:
- s = str(f)
- print s
- #exitStatus = "conch: exiting with error %s" % f
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except: pass
-def _ignore(*args): pass
-class FileWrapper:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.f = f
- self.total = 0.0
- f.seek(0, 2) # seek to the end
- self.size = f.tell()
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self.f, attr)
-class StdioClient(basic.LineReceiver):
- _pwd = pwd
- ps = 'cftp> '
- delimiter = '\n'
- reactor = reactor
- def __init__(self, client, f = None):
- self.client = client
- self.currentDirectory = ''
- self.file = f
- self.useProgressBar = (not f and 1) or 0
- def connectionMade(self):
- self.client.realPath('').addCallback(self._cbSetCurDir)
- def _cbSetCurDir(self, path):
- self.currentDirectory = path
- self._newLine()
- def lineReceived(self, line):
- if self.client.transport.localClosed:
- return
- log.msg('got line %s' % repr(line))
- line = line.lstrip()
- if not line:
- self._newLine()
- return
- if self.file and line.startswith('-'):
- self.ignoreErrors = 1
- line = line[1:]
- else:
- self.ignoreErrors = 0
- d = self._dispatchCommand(line)
- if d is not None:
- d.addCallback(self._cbCommand)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCommand)
- def _dispatchCommand(self, line):
- if ' ' in line:
- command, rest = line.split(' ', 1)
- rest = rest.lstrip()
- else:
- command, rest = line, ''
- if command.startswith('!'): # command
- f = self.cmd_EXEC
- rest = (command[1:] + ' ' + rest).strip()
- else:
- command = command.upper()
- log.msg('looking up cmd %s' % command)
- f = getattr(self, 'cmd_%s' % command, None)
- if f is not None:
- return defer.maybeDeferred(f, rest)
- else:
- self._ebCommand(failure.Failure(NotImplementedError(
- "No command called `%s'" % command)))
- self._newLine()
- def _printFailure(self, f):
- log.msg(f)
- e = f.trap(NotImplementedError, filetransfer.SFTPError, OSError, IOError)
- if e == NotImplementedError:
- self.transport.write(self.cmd_HELP(''))
- elif e == filetransfer.SFTPError:
- self.transport.write("remote error %i: %s\n" %
- (f.value.code, f.value.message))
- elif e in (OSError, IOError):
- self.transport.write("local error %i: %s\n" %
- (f.value.errno, f.value.strerror))
- def _newLine(self):
- if self.client.transport.localClosed:
- return
- self.transport.write(self.ps)
- self.ignoreErrors = 0
- if self.file:
- l = self.file.readline()
- if not l:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- else:
- self.transport.write(l)
- self.lineReceived(l.strip())
- def _cbCommand(self, result):
- if result is not None:
- self.transport.write(result)
- if not result.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- self._newLine()
- def _ebCommand(self, f):
- self._printFailure(f)
- if self.file and not self.ignoreErrors:
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- self._newLine()
- def cmd_CD(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- if not path.endswith('/'):
- path += '/'
- newPath = path and os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path) or ''
- d = self.client.openDirectory(newPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbCd)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCommand)
- return d
- def _cbCd(self, directory):
- directory.close()
- d = self.client.realPath(directory.name)
- d.addCallback(self._cbCurDir)
- return d
- def _cbCurDir(self, path):
- self.currentDirectory = path
- def cmd_CHGRP(self, rest):
- grp, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- grp = int(grp)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSetUsrGrp, path, grp=grp)
- return d
- def cmd_CHMOD(self, rest):
- mod, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- mod = int(mod, 8)
- d = self.client.setAttrs(path, {'permissions':mod})
- d.addCallback(_ignore)
- return d
- def cmd_CHOWN(self, rest):
- usr, rest = rest.split(None, 1)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- usr = int(usr)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSetUsrGrp, path, usr=usr)
- return d
- def _cbSetUsrGrp(self, attrs, path, usr=None, grp=None):
- new = {}
- new['uid'] = (usr is not None) and usr or attrs['uid']
- new['gid'] = (grp is not None) and grp or attrs['gid']
- d = self.client.setAttrs(path, new)
- d.addCallback(_ignore)
- return d
- def cmd_GET(self, rest):
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if '*' in remote or '?' in remote: # wildcard
- if rest:
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if not os.path.isdir(local):
- return "Wildcard get with non-directory target."
- else:
- local = ''
- d = self._remoteGlob(remote)
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetMultiple, local)
- return d
- if rest:
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- else:
- local = os.path.split(remote)[1]
- log.msg((remote, local))
- lf = file(local, 'w', 0)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- d = self.client.openFile(path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- return d
- def _cbGetMultiple(self, files, local):
- #if self._useProgressBar: # one at a time
- # XXX this can be optimized for times w/o progress bar
- return self._cbGetMultipleNext(None, files, local)
- def _cbGetMultipleNext(self, res, files, local):
- if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
- self._printFailure(res)
- elif res:
- self.transport.write(res)
- if not res.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- if not files:
- return
- f = files.pop(0)[0]
- lf = file(os.path.join(local, os.path.split(f)[1]), 'w', 0)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, f)
- d = self.client.openFile(path, filetransfer.FXF_READ, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbGetOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGetMultipleNext, files, local)
- return d
- def _ebCloseLf(self, f, lf):
- lf.close()
- return f
- def _cbGetOpenFile(self, rf, lf):
- return rf.getAttrs().addCallback(self._cbGetFileSize, rf, lf)
- def _cbGetFileSize(self, attrs, rf, lf):
- if not stat.S_ISREG(attrs['permissions']):
- rf.close()
- lf.close()
- return "Can't get non-regular file: %s" % rf.name
- rf.size = attrs['size']
- bufferSize = self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize']
- numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests']
- rf.total = 0.0
- dList = []
- chunks = []
- startTime = self.reactor.seconds()
- for i in range(numRequests):
- d = self._cbGetRead('', rf, lf, chunks, 0, bufferSize, startTime)
- dList.append(d)
- dl = defer.DeferredList(dList, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- dl.addCallback(self._cbGetDone, rf, lf)
- return dl
- def _getNextChunk(self, chunks):
- end = 0
- for chunk in chunks:
- if end == 'eof':
- return # nothing more to get
- if end != chunk[0]:
- i = chunks.index(chunk)
- chunks.insert(i, (end, chunk[0]))
- return (end, chunk[0] - end)
- end = chunk[1]
- bufSize = int(self.client.transport.conn.options['buffersize'])
- chunks.append((end, end + bufSize))
- return (end, bufSize)
- def _cbGetRead(self, data, rf, lf, chunks, start, size, startTime):
- if data and isinstance(data, failure.Failure):
- log.msg('get read err: %s' % data)
- reason = data
- reason.trap(EOFError)
- i = chunks.index((start, start + size))
- del chunks[i]
- chunks.insert(i, (start, 'eof'))
- elif data:
- log.msg('get read data: %i' % len(data))
- lf.seek(start)
- lf.write(data)
- if len(data) != size:
- log.msg('got less than we asked for: %i < %i' %
- (len(data), size))
- i = chunks.index((start, start + size))
- del chunks[i]
- chunks.insert(i, (start, start + len(data)))
- rf.total += len(data)
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self._printProgressBar(rf, startTime)
- chunk = self._getNextChunk(chunks)
- if not chunk:
- return
- else:
- start, length = chunk
- log.msg('asking for %i -> %i' % (start, start+length))
- d = rf.readChunk(start, length)
- d.addBoth(self._cbGetRead, rf, lf, chunks, start, length, startTime)
- return d
- def _cbGetDone(self, ignored, rf, lf):
- log.msg('get done')
- rf.close()
- lf.close()
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self.transport.write('\n')
- return "Transferred %s to %s" % (rf.name, lf.name)
- def cmd_PUT(self, rest):
- local, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if '*' in local or '?' in local: # wildcard
- if rest:
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- d = self.client.getAttrs(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutTargetAttrs, remote, local)
- return d
- else:
- remote = ''
- files = glob.glob(local)
- return self._cbPutMultipleNext(None, files, remote)
- if rest:
- remote, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- else:
- remote = os.path.split(local)[1]
- lf = file(local, 'r')
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, remote)
- flags = filetransfer.FXF_WRITE|filetransfer.FXF_CREAT|filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC
- d = self.client.openFile(path, flags, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- return d
- def _cbPutTargetAttrs(self, attrs, path, local):
- if not stat.S_ISDIR(attrs['permissions']):
- return "Wildcard put with non-directory target."
- return self._cbPutMultipleNext(None, files, path)
- def _cbPutMultipleNext(self, res, files, path):
- if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
- self._printFailure(res)
- elif res:
- self.transport.write(res)
- if not res.endswith('\n'):
- self.transport.write('\n')
- f = None
- while files and not f:
- try:
- f = files.pop(0)
- lf = file(f, 'r')
- except:
- self._printFailure(failure.Failure())
- f = None
- if not f:
- return
- name = os.path.split(f)[1]
- remote = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path, name)
- log.msg((name, remote, path))
- flags = filetransfer.FXF_WRITE|filetransfer.FXF_CREAT|filetransfer.FXF_TRUNC
- d = self.client.openFile(remote, flags, {})
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutOpenFile, lf)
- d.addErrback(self._ebCloseLf, lf)
- d.addBoth(self._cbPutMultipleNext, files, path)
- return d
- def _cbPutOpenFile(self, rf, lf):
- numRequests = self.client.transport.conn.options['requests']
- if self.useProgressBar:
- lf = FileWrapper(lf)
- dList = []
- chunks = []
- startTime = self.reactor.seconds()
- for i in range(numRequests):
- d = self._cbPutWrite(None, rf, lf, chunks, startTime)
- if d:
- dList.append(d)
- dl = defer.DeferredList(dList, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- dl.addCallback(self._cbPutDone, rf, lf)
- return dl
- def _cbPutWrite(self, ignored, rf, lf, chunks, startTime):
- chunk = self._getNextChunk(chunks)
- start, size = chunk
- lf.seek(start)
- data = lf.read(size)
- if self.useProgressBar:
- lf.total += len(data)
- self._printProgressBar(lf, startTime)
- if data:
- d = rf.writeChunk(start, data)
- d.addCallback(self._cbPutWrite, rf, lf, chunks, startTime)
- return d
- else:
- return
- def _cbPutDone(self, ignored, rf, lf):
- lf.close()
- rf.close()
- if self.useProgressBar:
- self.transport.write('\n')
- return 'Transferred %s to %s' % (lf.name, rf.name)
- def cmd_LCD(self, path):
- os.chdir(path)
- def cmd_LN(self, rest):
- linkpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- targetpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- linkpath, targetpath = map(
- lambda x: os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, x),
- (linkpath, targetpath))
- return self.client.makeLink(linkpath, targetpath).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LS(self, rest):
- # possible lines:
- # ls current directory
- # ls name_of_file that file
- # ls name_of_directory that directory
- # ls some_glob_string current directory, globbed for that string
- options = []
- rest = rest.split()
- while rest and rest[0] and rest[0][0] == '-':
- opts = rest.pop(0)[1:]
- for o in opts:
- if o == 'l':
- options.append('verbose')
- elif o == 'a':
- options.append('all')
- rest = ' '.join(rest)
- path, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- if not path:
- fullPath = self.currentDirectory + '/'
- else:
- fullPath = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- d = self._remoteGlob(fullPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbDisplayFiles, options)
- return d
- def _cbDisplayFiles(self, files, options):
- files.sort()
- if 'all' not in options:
- files = [f for f in files if not f[0].startswith('.')]
- if 'verbose' in options:
- lines = [f[1] for f in files]
- else:
- lines = [f[0] for f in files]
- if not lines:
- return None
- else:
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def cmd_MKDIR(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.makeDirectory(path, {}).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_RMDIR(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.removeDirectory(path).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LMKDIR(self, path):
- os.system("mkdir %s" % path)
- def cmd_RM(self, path):
- path, rest = self._getFilename(path)
- path = os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, path)
- return self.client.removeFile(path).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_LLS(self, rest):
- os.system("ls %s" % rest)
- def cmd_RENAME(self, rest):
- oldpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- newpath, rest = self._getFilename(rest)
- oldpath, newpath = map (
- lambda x: os.path.join(self.currentDirectory, x),
- (oldpath, newpath))
- return self.client.renameFile(oldpath, newpath).addCallback(_ignore)
- def cmd_EXIT(self, ignored):
- self.client.transport.loseConnection()
- cmd_QUIT = cmd_EXIT
- def cmd_VERSION(self, ignored):
- return "SFTP version %i" % self.client.version
- def cmd_HELP(self, ignored):
- return """Available commands:
-cd path Change remote directory to 'path'.
-chgrp gid path Change gid of 'path' to 'gid'.
-chmod mode path Change mode of 'path' to 'mode'.
-chown uid path Change uid of 'path' to 'uid'.
-exit Disconnect from the server.
-get remote-path [local-path] Get remote file.
-help Get a list of available commands.
-lcd path Change local directory to 'path'.
-lls [ls-options] [path] Display local directory listing.
-lmkdir path Create local directory.
-ln linkpath targetpath Symlink remote file.
-lpwd Print the local working directory.
-ls [-l] [path] Display remote directory listing.
-mkdir path Create remote directory.
-progress Toggle progress bar.
-put local-path [remote-path] Put local file.
-pwd Print the remote working directory.
-quit Disconnect from the server.
-rename oldpath newpath Rename remote file.
-rmdir path Remove remote directory.
-rm path Remove remote file.
-version Print the SFTP version.
-? Synonym for 'help'.
- def cmd_PWD(self, ignored):
- return self.currentDirectory
- def cmd_LPWD(self, ignored):
- return os.getcwd()
- def cmd_PROGRESS(self, ignored):
- self.useProgressBar = not self.useProgressBar
- return "%ssing progess bar." % (self.useProgressBar and "U" or "Not u")
- def cmd_EXEC(self, rest):
- """
- Run C{rest} using the user's shell (or /bin/sh if they do not have
- one).
- """
- shell = self._pwd.getpwnam(getpass.getuser())[6]
- if not shell:
- shell = '/bin/sh'
- if rest:
- cmds = ['-c', rest]
- return utils.getProcessOutput(shell, cmds, errortoo=1)
- else:
- os.system(shell)
- # accessory functions
- def _remoteGlob(self, fullPath):
- log.msg('looking up %s' % fullPath)
- head, tail = os.path.split(fullPath)
- if '*' in tail or '?' in tail:
- glob = 1
- else:
- glob = 0
- if tail and not glob: # could be file or directory
- # try directory first
- d = self.client.openDirectory(fullPath)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, '')
- d.addErrback(self._ebNotADirectory, head, tail)
- else:
- d = self.client.openDirectory(head)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, tail)
- return d
- def _cbOpenList(self, directory, glob):
- files = []
- d = directory.read()
- d.addBoth(self._cbReadFile, files, directory, glob)
- return d
- def _ebNotADirectory(self, reason, path, glob):
- d = self.client.openDirectory(path)
- d.addCallback(self._cbOpenList, glob)
- return d
- def _cbReadFile(self, files, l, directory, glob):
- if not isinstance(files, failure.Failure):
- if glob:
- l.extend([f for f in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(f[0], glob)])
- else:
- l.extend(files)
- d = directory.read()
- d.addBoth(self._cbReadFile, l, directory, glob)
- return d
- else:
- reason = files
- reason.trap(EOFError)
- directory.close()
- return l
- def _abbrevSize(self, size):
- # from http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/1999-December/018395.html
- _abbrevs = [
- (1<<50L, 'PB'),
- (1<<40L, 'TB'),
- (1<<30L, 'GB'),
- (1<<20L, 'MB'),
- (1<<10L, 'kB'),
- (1, 'B')
- ]
- for factor, suffix in _abbrevs:
- if size > factor:
- break
- return '%.1f' % (size/factor) + suffix
- def _abbrevTime(self, t):
- if t > 3600: # 1 hour
- hours = int(t / 3600)
- t -= (3600 * hours)
- mins = int(t / 60)
- t -= (60 * mins)
- return "%i:%02i:%02i" % (hours, mins, t)
- else:
- mins = int(t/60)
- t -= (60 * mins)
- return "%02i:%02i" % (mins, t)
- def _printProgressBar(self, f, startTime):
- """
- Update a console progress bar on this L{StdioClient}'s transport, based
- on the difference between the start time of the operation and the
- current time according to the reactor, and appropriate to the size of
- the console window.
- @param f: a wrapper around the file which is being written or read
- @type f: L{FileWrapper}
- @param startTime: The time at which the operation being tracked began.
- @type startTime: C{float}
- """
- diff = self.reactor.seconds() - startTime
- total = f.total
- try:
- winSize = struct.unpack('4H',
- fcntl.ioctl(0, tty.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345679'))
- except IOError:
- winSize = [None, 80]
- if diff == 0.0:
- speed = 0.0
- else:
- speed = total / diff
- if speed:
- timeLeft = (f.size - total) / speed
- else:
- timeLeft = 0
- front = f.name
- back = '%3i%% %s %sps %s ' % ((total / f.size) * 100,
- self._abbrevSize(total),
- self._abbrevSize(speed),
- self._abbrevTime(timeLeft))
- spaces = (winSize[1] - (len(front) + len(back) + 1)) * ' '
- self.transport.write('\r%s%s%s' % (front, spaces, back))
- def _getFilename(self, line):
- line.lstrip()
- if not line:
- return None, ''
- if line[0] in '\'"':
- ret = []
- line = list(line)
- try:
- for i in range(1,len(line)):
- c = line[i]
- if c == line[0]:
- return ''.join(ret), ''.join(line[i+1:]).lstrip()
- elif c == '\\': # quoted character
- del line[i]
- if line[i] not in '\'"\\':
- raise IndexError, "bad quote: \\%s" % line[i]
- ret.append(line[i])
- else:
- ret.append(line[i])
- except IndexError:
- raise IndexError, "unterminated quote"
- ret = line.split(None, 1)
- if len(ret) == 1:
- return ret[0], ''
- else:
- return ret
-StdioClient.__dict__['cmd_?'] = StdioClient.cmd_HELP
-class SSHConnection(connection.SSHConnection):
- def serviceStarted(self):
- self.openChannel(SSHSession())
-class SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel):
- name = 'session'
- def channelOpen(self, foo):
- log.msg('session %s open' % self.id)
- if self.conn.options['subsystem'].startswith('/'):
- request = 'exec'
- else:
- request = 'subsystem'
- d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, request, \
- common.NS(self.conn.options['subsystem']), wantReply=1)
- d.addCallback(self._cbSubsystem)
- d.addErrback(_ebExit)
- def _cbSubsystem(self, result):
- self.client = filetransfer.FileTransferClient()
- self.client.makeConnection(self)
- self.dataReceived = self.client.dataReceived
- f = None
- if self.conn.options['batchfile']:
- fn = self.conn.options['batchfile']
- if fn != '-':
- f = file(fn)
- self.stdio = stdio.StandardIO(StdioClient(self.client, f))
- def extReceived(self, t, data):
- if t==connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR:
- log.msg('got %s stderr data' % len(data))
- sys.stderr.write(data)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- def eofReceived(self):
- log.msg('got eof')
- self.stdio.closeStdin()
- def closeReceived(self):
- log.msg('remote side closed %s' % self)
- self.conn.sendClose(self)
- def closed(self):
- try:
- reactor.stop()
- except:
- pass
- def stopWriting(self):
- self.stdio.pauseProducing()
- def startWriting(self):
- self.stdio.resumeProducing()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()