path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/interfaces.py
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-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-This module contains interfaces defined for the L{twisted.conch} package.
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
-class IConchUser(Interface):
- """
- A user who has been authenticated to Cred through Conch. This is
- the interface between the SSH connection and the user.
- """
- conn = Attribute('The SSHConnection object for this user.')
- def lookupChannel(channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):
- """
- The other side requested a channel of some sort.
- channelType is the type of channel being requested,
- windowSize is the initial size of the remote window,
- maxPacket is the largest packet we should send,
- data is any other packet data (often nothing).
- We return a subclass of L{SSHChannel<ssh.channel.SSHChannel>}. If
- an appropriate channel can not be found, an exception will be
- raised. If a L{ConchError<error.ConchError>} is raised, the .value
- will be the message, and the .data will be the error code.
- @type channelType: C{str}
- @type windowSize: C{int}
- @type maxPacket: C{int}
- @type data: C{str}
- @rtype: subclass of L{SSHChannel}/C{tuple}
- """
- def lookupSubsystem(subsystem, data):
- """
- The other side requested a subsystem.
- subsystem is the name of the subsystem being requested.
- data is any other packet data (often nothing).
- We return a L{Protocol}.
- """
- def gotGlobalRequest(requestType, data):
- """
- A global request was sent from the other side.
- By default, this dispatches to a method 'channel_channelType' with any
- non-alphanumerics in the channelType replace with _'s. If it cannot
- find a suitable method, it returns an OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE error.
- The method is called with arguments of windowSize, maxPacket, data.
- """
-class ISession(Interface):
- def getPty(term, windowSize, modes):
- """
- Get a psuedo-terminal for use by a shell or command.
- If a psuedo-terminal is not available, or the request otherwise
- fails, raise an exception.
- """
- def openShell(proto):
- """
- Open a shell and connect it to proto.
- @param proto: a L{ProcessProtocol} instance.
- """
- def execCommand(proto, command):
- """
- Execute a command.
- @param proto: a L{ProcessProtocol} instance.
- """
- def windowChanged(newWindowSize):
- """
- Called when the size of the remote screen has changed.
- """
- def eofReceived():
- """
- Called when the other side has indicated no more data will be sent.
- """
- def closed():
- """
- Called when the session is closed.
- """
-class ISFTPServer(Interface):
- """
- The only attribute of this class is "avatar". It is the avatar
- returned by the Realm that we are authenticated with, and
- represents the logged-in user. Each method should check to verify
- that the user has permission for their actions.
- """
- def gotVersion(otherVersion, extData):
- """
- Called when the client sends their version info.
- otherVersion is an integer representing the version of the SFTP
- protocol they are claiming.
- extData is a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data items.
- These items are sent by the client to indicate additional features.
- This method should return a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data
- items. These items are the additional features (if any) supported
- by the server.
- """
- return {}
- def openFile(filename, flags, attrs):
- """
- Called when the clients asks to open a file.
- @param filename: a string representing the file to open.
- @param flags: an integer of the flags to open the file with, ORed together.
- The flags and their values are listed at the bottom of this file.
- @param attrs: a list of attributes to open the file with. It is a
- dictionary, consisting of 0 or more keys. The possible keys are::
- size: the size of the file in bytes
- uid: the user ID of the file as an integer
- gid: the group ID of the file as an integer
- permissions: the permissions of the file with as an integer.
- the bit representation of this field is defined by POSIX.
- atime: the access time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- mtime: the modification time of the file as seconds since the epoch.
- ext_*: extended attributes. The server is not required to
- understand this, but it may.
- NOTE: there is no way to indicate text or binary files. it is up
- to the SFTP client to deal with this.
- This method returns an object that meets the ISFTPFile interface.
- Alternatively, it can return a L{Deferred} that will be called back
- with the object.
- """
- def removeFile(filename):
- """
- Remove the given file.
- This method returns when the remove succeeds, or a Deferred that is
- called back when it succeeds.
- @param filename: the name of the file as a string.
- """
- def renameFile(oldpath, newpath):
- """
- Rename the given file.
- This method returns when the rename succeeds, or a L{Deferred} that is
- called back when it succeeds. If the rename fails, C{renameFile} will
- raise an implementation-dependent exception.
- @param oldpath: the current location of the file.
- @param newpath: the new file name.
- """
- def makeDirectory(path, attrs):
- """
- Make a directory.
- This method returns when the directory is created, or a Deferred that
- is called back when it is created.
- @param path: the name of the directory to create as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary of attributes to create the directory with.
- Its meaning is the same as the attrs in the L{openFile} method.
- """
- def removeDirectory(path):
- """
- Remove a directory (non-recursively)
- It is an error to remove a directory that has files or directories in
- it.
- This method returns when the directory is removed, or a Deferred that
- is called back when it is removed.
- @param path: the directory to remove.
- """
- def openDirectory(path):
- """
- Open a directory for scanning.
- This method returns an iterable object that has a close() method,
- or a Deferred that is called back with same.
- The close() method is called when the client is finished reading
- from the directory. At this point, the iterable will no longer
- be used.
- The iterable should return triples of the form (filename,
- longname, attrs) or Deferreds that return the same. The
- sequence must support __getitem__, but otherwise may be any
- 'sequence-like' object.
- filename is the name of the file relative to the directory.
- logname is an expanded format of the filename. The recommended format
- is:
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 mjos staff 348911 Mar 25 14:29 t-filexfer
- 1234567890 123 12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789012
- The first line is sample output, the second is the length of the field.
- The fields are: permissions, link count, user owner, group owner,
- size in bytes, modification time.
- attrs is a dictionary in the format of the attrs argument to openFile.
- @param path: the directory to open.
- """
- def getAttrs(path, followLinks):
- """
- Return the attributes for the given path.
- This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs
- argument to openFile or a Deferred that is called back with same.
- @param path: the path to return attributes for as a string.
- @param followLinks: a boolean. If it is True, follow symbolic links
- and return attributes for the real path at the base. If it is False,
- return attributes for the specified path.
- """
- def setAttrs(path, attrs):
- """
- Set the attributes for the path.
- This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is
- called back when they are.
- @param path: the path to set attributes for as a string.
- @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to
- L{openFile}.
- """
- def readLink(path):
- """
- Find the root of a set of symbolic links.
- This method returns the target of the link, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param path: the path of the symlink to read.
- """
- def makeLink(linkPath, targetPath):
- """
- Create a symbolic link.
- This method returns when the link is made, or a Deferred that
- returns the same.
- @param linkPath: the pathname of the symlink as a string.
- @param targetPath: the path of the target of the link as a string.
- """
- def realPath(path):
- """
- Convert any path to an absolute path.
- This method returns the absolute path as a string, or a Deferred
- that returns the same.
- @param path: the path to convert as a string.
- """
- def extendedRequest(extendedName, extendedData):
- """
- This is the extension mechanism for SFTP. The other side can send us
- arbitrary requests.
- If we don't implement the request given by extendedName, raise
- NotImplementedError.
- The return value is a string, or a Deferred that will be called
- back with a string.
- @param extendedName: the name of the request as a string.
- @param extendedData: the data the other side sent with the request,
- as a string.
- """
-class IKnownHostEntry(Interface):
- """
- A L{IKnownHostEntry} is an entry in an OpenSSH-formatted C{known_hosts}
- file.
- @since: 8.2
- """
- def matchesKey(key):
- """
- Return True if this entry matches the given Key object, False
- otherwise.
- @param key: The key object to match against.
- @type key: L{twisted.conch.ssh.Key}
- """
- def matchesHost(hostname):
- """
- Return True if this entry matches the given hostname, False otherwise.
- Note that this does no name resolution; if you want to match an IP
- address, you have to resolve it yourself, and pass it in as a dotted
- quad string.
- @param key: The hostname to match against.
- @type key: L{str}
- """
- def toString():
- """
- @return: a serialized string representation of this entry, suitable for
- inclusion in a known_hosts file. (Newline not included.)
- @rtype: L{str}
- """
-class ISFTPFile(Interface):
- """
- This represents an open file on the server. An object adhering to this
- interface should be returned from L{openFile}().
- """
- def close():
- """
- Close the file.
- This method returns nothing if the close succeeds immediately, or a
- Deferred that is called back when the close succeeds.
- """
- def readChunk(offset, length):
- """
- Read from the file.
- If EOF is reached before any data is read, raise EOFError.
- This method returns the data as a string, or a Deferred that is
- called back with same.
- @param offset: an integer that is the index to start from in the file.
- @param length: the maximum length of data to return. The actual amount
- returned may less than this. For normal disk files, however,
- this should read the requested number (up to the end of the file).
- """
- def writeChunk(offset, data):
- """
- Write to the file.
- This method returns when the write completes, or a Deferred that is
- called when it completes.
- @param offset: an integer that is the index to start from in the file.
- @param data: a string that is the data to write.
- """
- def getAttrs():
- """
- Return the attributes for the file.
- This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs
- argument to L{openFile} or a L{Deferred} that is called back with same.
- """
- def setAttrs(attrs):
- """
- Set the attributes for the file.
- This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is
- called back when they are.
- @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to
- L{openFile}.
- """