path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1087 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Twisted-12.2.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/conch/insults/insults.py
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-# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_insults -*-
-# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-VT102 and VT220 terminal manipulation.
-@author: Jp Calderone
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces as iinternet
-class ITerminalProtocol(Interface):
- def makeConnection(transport):
- """Called with an L{ITerminalTransport} when a connection is established.
- """
- def keystrokeReceived(keyID, modifier):
- """A keystroke was received.
- Each keystroke corresponds to one invocation of this method.
- keyID is a string identifier for that key. Printable characters
- are represented by themselves. Control keys, such as arrows and
- function keys, are represented with symbolic constants on
- L{ServerProtocol}.
- """
- def terminalSize(width, height):
- """Called to indicate the size of the terminal.
- A terminal of 80x24 should be assumed if this method is not
- called. This method might not be called for real terminals.
- """
- def unhandledControlSequence(seq):
- """Called when an unsupported control sequence is received.
- @type seq: C{str}
- @param seq: The whole control sequence which could not be interpreted.
- """
- def connectionLost(reason):
- """Called when the connection has been lost.
- reason is a Failure describing why.
- """
-class TerminalProtocol(object):
- implements(ITerminalProtocol)
- def makeConnection(self, terminal):
- # assert ITerminalTransport.providedBy(transport), "TerminalProtocol.makeConnection must be passed an ITerminalTransport implementor"
- self.terminal = terminal
- self.connectionMade()
- def connectionMade(self):
- """Called after a connection has been established.
- """
- def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
- pass
- def terminalSize(self, width, height):
- pass
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, seq):
- pass
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- pass
-class ITerminalTransport(iinternet.ITransport):
- def cursorUp(n=1):
- """Move the cursor up n lines.
- """
- def cursorDown(n=1):
- """Move the cursor down n lines.
- """
- def cursorForward(n=1):
- """Move the cursor right n columns.
- """
- def cursorBackward(n=1):
- """Move the cursor left n columns.
- """
- def cursorPosition(column, line):
- """Move the cursor to the given line and column.
- """
- def cursorHome():
- """Move the cursor home.
- """
- def index():
- """Move the cursor down one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def reverseIndex():
- """Move the cursor up one line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def nextLine():
- """Move the cursor to the first position on the next line, performing scrolling if necessary.
- """
- def saveCursor():
- """Save the cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
- """
- def restoreCursor():
- """Restore the previously saved cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection.
- If no cursor state was previously saved, move the cursor to the home position.
- """
- def setModes(modes):
- """Set the given modes on the terminal.
- """
- def resetModes(mode):
- """Reset the given modes on the terminal.
- """
- def setPrivateModes(modes):
- """
- Set the given DEC private modes on the terminal.
- """
- def resetPrivateModes(modes):
- """
- Reset the given DEC private modes on the terminal.
- """
- def applicationKeypadMode():
- """Cause keypad to generate control functions.
- Cursor key mode selects the type of characters generated by cursor keys.
- """
- def numericKeypadMode():
- """Cause keypad to generate normal characters.
- """
- def selectCharacterSet(charSet, which):
- """Select a character set.
- charSet should be one of CS_US, CS_UK, CS_DRAWING, CS_ALTERNATE, or
- which should be one of G0 or G1.
- """
- def shiftIn():
- """Activate the G0 character set.
- """
- def shiftOut():
- """Activate the G1 character set.
- """
- def singleShift2():
- """Shift to the G2 character set for a single character.
- """
- def singleShift3():
- """Shift to the G3 character set for a single character.
- """
- def selectGraphicRendition(*attributes):
- """Enabled one or more character attributes.
- Arguments should be one or more of UNDERLINE, REVERSE_VIDEO, BLINK, or BOLD.
- NORMAL may also be specified to disable all character attributes.
- """
- def horizontalTabulationSet():
- """Set a tab stop at the current cursor position.
- """
- def tabulationClear():
- """Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position.
- """
- def tabulationClearAll():
- """Clear all tab stops.
- """
- def doubleHeightLine(top=True):
- """Make the current line the top or bottom half of a double-height, double-width line.
- If top is True, the current line is the top half. Otherwise, it is the bottom half.
- """
- def singleWidthLine():
- """Make the current line a single-width, single-height line.
- """
- def doubleWidthLine():
- """Make the current line a double-width line.
- """
- def eraseToLineEnd():
- """Erase from the cursor to the end of line, including cursor position.
- """
- def eraseToLineBeginning():
- """Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the line, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseLine():
- """Erase the entire cursor line.
- """
- def eraseToDisplayEnd():
- """Erase from the cursor to the end of the display, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning():
- """Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the display, including the cursor position.
- """
- def eraseDisplay():
- """Erase the entire display.
- """
- def deleteCharacter(n=1):
- """Delete n characters starting at the cursor position.
- Characters to the right of deleted characters are shifted to the left.
- """
- def insertLine(n=1):
- """Insert n lines at the cursor position.
- Lines below the cursor are shifted down. Lines moved past the bottom margin are lost.
- This command is ignored when the cursor is outside the scroll region.
- """
- def deleteLine(n=1):
- """Delete n lines starting at the cursor position.
- Lines below the cursor are shifted up. This command is ignored when the cursor is outside
- the scroll region.
- """
- def reportCursorPosition():
- """Return a Deferred that fires with a two-tuple of (x, y) indicating the cursor position.
- """
- def reset():
- """Reset the terminal to its initial state.
- """
- def unhandledControlSequence(seq):
- """Called when an unsupported control sequence is received.
- @type seq: C{str}
- @param seq: The whole control sequence which could not be interpreted.
- """
-CSI = '\x1b'
-CST = {'~': 'tilde'}
-class modes:
- """ECMA 48 standardized modes
- """
- # When set, enables character insertion. New display characters
- # move old display characters to the right. Characters moved past
- # the right margin are lost.
- # When reset, enables replacement mode (disables character
- # insertion). New display characters replace old display
- # characters at cursor position. The old character is erased.
- # Set causes a received linefeed, form feed, or vertical tab to
- # move cursor to first column of next line. RETURN transmits both
- # a carriage return and linefeed. This selection is also called
- # new line option.
- # Reset causes a received linefeed, form feed, or vertical tab to
- # move cursor to next line in current column. RETURN transmits a
- # carriage return.
-class privateModes:
- """ANSI-Compatible Private Modes
- """
- ERROR = 0
- ANSI_VT52 = 2
- COLUMN = 3
- SCROLL = 4
- SCREEN = 5
- ORIGIN = 6
- # Toggle cursor visibility (reset hides it)
-# Character sets
-CS_US = 'CS_US'
-CS_UK = 'CS_UK'
-# Groupings (or something?? These are like variables that can be bound to character sets)
-G0 = 'G0'
-G1 = 'G1'
-# G2 and G3 cannot be changed, but they can be shifted to.
-G2 = 'G2'
-G3 = 'G3'
-# Character attributes
-BOLD = 1
-BLINK = 5
-class Vector:
- def __init__(self, x, y):
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
-def log(s):
- file('log', 'a').write(str(s) + '\n')
-# XXX TODO - These attributes are really part of the
-# ITerminalTransport interface, I think.
- 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
- 'F10', 'F11', 'F12',
-class _const(object):
- """
- @ivar name: A string naming this constant
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return '[' + self.name + ']'
- _const(_name) for _name in _KEY_NAMES]
-class ServerProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- implements(ITerminalTransport)
- protocolFactory = None
- terminalProtocol = None
- TAB = '\t'
- BACKSPACE = '\x7f'
- ##
- lastWrite = ''
- state = 'data'
- termSize = Vector(80, 24)
- cursorPos = Vector(0, 0)
- scrollRegion = None
- # Factory who instantiated me
- factory = None
- def __init__(self, protocolFactory=None, *a, **kw):
- """
- @param protocolFactory: A callable which will be invoked with
- *a, **kw and should return an ITerminalProtocol implementor.
- This will be invoked when a connection to this ServerProtocol
- is established.
- @param a: Any positional arguments to pass to protocolFactory.
- @param kw: Any keyword arguments to pass to protocolFactory.
- """
- # assert protocolFactory is None or ITerminalProtocol.implementedBy(protocolFactory), "ServerProtocol.__init__ must be passed an ITerminalProtocol implementor"
- if protocolFactory is not None:
- self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
- self.protocolArgs = a
- self.protocolKwArgs = kw
- self._cursorReports = []
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.protocolFactory is not None:
- self.terminalProtocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
- try:
- factory = self.factory
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.factory = factory
- self.terminalProtocol.makeConnection(self)
- def dataReceived(self, data):
- for ch in data:
- if self.state == 'data':
- if ch == '\x1b':
- self.state = 'escaped'
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(ch, None)
- elif self.state == 'escaped':
- if ch == '[':
- self.state = 'bracket-escaped'
- self.escBuf = []
- elif ch == 'O':
- self.state = 'low-function-escaped'
- else:
- self.state = 'data'
- self._handleShortControlSequence(ch)
- elif self.state == 'bracket-escaped':
- if ch == 'O':
- self.state = 'low-function-escaped'
- elif ch.isalpha() or ch == '~':
- self._handleControlSequence(''.join(self.escBuf) + ch)
- del self.escBuf
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- self.escBuf.append(ch)
- elif self.state == 'low-function-escaped':
- self._handleLowFunctionControlSequence(ch)
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Illegal state")
- def _handleShortControlSequence(self, ch):
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(ch, self.ALT)
- def _handleControlSequence(self, buf):
- buf = '\x1b[' + buf
- f = getattr(self.controlSequenceParser, CST.get(buf[-1], buf[-1]), None)
- if f is None:
- self.unhandledControlSequence(buf)
- else:
- f(self, self.terminalProtocol, buf[:-1])
- def unhandledControlSequence(self, buf):
- self.terminalProtocol.unhandledControlSequence(buf)
- def _handleLowFunctionControlSequence(self, ch):
- map = {'P': self.F1, 'Q': self.F2, 'R': self.F3, 'S': self.F4}
- keyID = map.get(ch)
- if keyID is not None:
- self.terminalProtocol.keystrokeReceived(keyID, None)
- else:
- self.terminalProtocol.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[O' + ch)
- class ControlSequenceParser:
- def A(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.UP_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'A')
- def B(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.DOWN_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'B')
- def C(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.RIGHT_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'C')
- def D(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.LEFT_ARROW, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'D')
- def E(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.NUMPAD_MIDDLE, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'E')
- def F(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.END, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'F')
- def H(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.HOME, None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'H')
- def R(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not proto._cursorReports:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- elif buf.startswith('\x1b['):
- report = buf[2:]
- parts = report.split(';')
- if len(parts) != 2:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- else:
- Pl, Pc = parts
- try:
- Pl, Pc = int(Pl), int(Pc)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- else:
- d = proto._cursorReports.pop(0)
- d.callback((Pc - 1, Pl - 1))
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'R')
- def Z(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '\x1b[':
- handler.keystrokeReceived(proto.TAB, proto.SHIFT)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + 'Z')
- def tilde(self, proto, handler, buf):
- map = {1: proto.HOME, 2: proto.INSERT, 3: proto.DELETE,
- 4: proto.END, 5: proto.PGUP, 6: proto.PGDN,
- 15: proto.F5, 17: proto.F6, 18: proto.F7,
- 19: proto.F8, 20: proto.F9, 21: proto.F10,
- 23: proto.F11, 24: proto.F12}
- if buf.startswith('\x1b['):
- ch = buf[2:]
- try:
- v = int(ch)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- else:
- symbolic = map.get(v)
- if symbolic is not None:
- handler.keystrokeReceived(map[v], None)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence(buf + '~')
- controlSequenceParser = ControlSequenceParser()
- # ITerminalTransport
- def cursorUp(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.y = max(self.cursorPos.y - n, 0)
- self.write('\x1b[%dA' % (n,))
- def cursorDown(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + n, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\x1b[%dB' % (n,))
- def cursorForward(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.x = min(self.cursorPos.x + n, self.termSize.x - 1)
- self.write('\x1b[%dC' % (n,))
- def cursorBackward(self, n=1):
- assert n >= 1
- self.cursorPos.x = max(self.cursorPos.x - n, 0)
- self.write('\x1b[%dD' % (n,))
- def cursorPosition(self, column, line):
- self.write('\x1b[%d;%dH' % (line + 1, column + 1))
- def cursorHome(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = self.cursorPos.y = 0
- self.write('\x1b[H')
- def index(self):
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + 1, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\x1bD')
- def reverseIndex(self):
- self.cursorPos.y = max(self.cursorPos.y - 1, 0)
- self.write('\x1bM')
- def nextLine(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = 0
- self.cursorPos.y = min(self.cursorPos.y + 1, self.termSize.y - 1)
- self.write('\n')
- def saveCursor(self):
- self._savedCursorPos = Vector(self.cursorPos.x, self.cursorPos.y)
- self.write('\x1b7')
- def restoreCursor(self):
- self.cursorPos = self._savedCursorPos
- del self._savedCursorPos
- self.write('\x1b8')
- def setModes(self, modes):
- # XXX Support ANSI-Compatible private modes
- self.write('\x1b[%sh' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def setPrivateModes(self, modes):
- self.write('\x1b[?%sh' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def resetModes(self, modes):
- # XXX Support ANSI-Compatible private modes
- self.write('\x1b[%sl' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def resetPrivateModes(self, modes):
- self.write('\x1b[?%sl' % (';'.join(map(str, modes)),))
- def applicationKeypadMode(self):
- self.write('\x1b=')
- def numericKeypadMode(self):
- self.write('\x1b>')
- def selectCharacterSet(self, charSet, which):
- # XXX Rewrite these as dict lookups
- if which == G0:
- which = '('
- elif which == G1:
- which = ')'
- else:
- raise ValueError("`which' argument to selectCharacterSet must be G0 or G1")
- if charSet == CS_UK:
- charSet = 'A'
- elif charSet == CS_US:
- charSet = 'B'
- elif charSet == CS_DRAWING:
- charSet = '0'
- elif charSet == CS_ALTERNATE:
- charSet = '1'
- elif charSet == CS_ALTERNATE_SPECIAL:
- charSet = '2'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid `charSet' argument to selectCharacterSet")
- self.write('\x1b' + which + charSet)
- def shiftIn(self):
- self.write('\x15')
- def shiftOut(self):
- self.write('\x14')
- def singleShift2(self):
- self.write('\x1bN')
- def singleShift3(self):
- self.write('\x1bO')
- def selectGraphicRendition(self, *attributes):
- attrs = []
- for a in attributes:
- attrs.append(a)
- self.write('\x1b[%sm' % (';'.join(attrs),))
- def horizontalTabulationSet(self):
- self.write('\x1bH')
- def tabulationClear(self):
- self.write('\x1b[q')
- def tabulationClearAll(self):
- self.write('\x1b[3q')
- def doubleHeightLine(self, top=True):
- if top:
- self.write('\x1b#3')
- else:
- self.write('\x1b#4')
- def singleWidthLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b#5')
- def doubleWidthLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b#6')
- def eraseToLineEnd(self):
- self.write('\x1b[K')
- def eraseToLineBeginning(self):
- self.write('\x1b[1K')
- def eraseLine(self):
- self.write('\x1b[2K')
- def eraseToDisplayEnd(self):
- self.write('\x1b[J')
- def eraseToDisplayBeginning(self):
- self.write('\x1b[1J')
- def eraseDisplay(self):
- self.write('\x1b[2J')
- def deleteCharacter(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dP' % (n,))
- def insertLine(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dL' % (n,))
- def deleteLine(self, n=1):
- self.write('\x1b[%dM' % (n,))
- def setScrollRegion(self, first=None, last=None):
- if first is not None:
- first = '%d' % (first,)
- else:
- first = ''
- if last is not None:
- last = '%d' % (last,)
- else:
- last = ''
- self.write('\x1b[%s;%sr' % (first, last))
- def resetScrollRegion(self):
- self.setScrollRegion()
- def reportCursorPosition(self):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._cursorReports.append(d)
- self.write('\x1b[6n')
- return d
- def reset(self):
- self.cursorPos.x = self.cursorPos.y = 0
- try:
- del self._savedCursorPos
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self.write('\x1bc')
- # ITransport
- def write(self, bytes):
- if bytes:
- self.lastWrite = bytes
- self.transport.write('\r\n'.join(bytes.split('\n')))
- def writeSequence(self, bytes):
- self.write(''.join(bytes))
- def loseConnection(self):
- self.reset()
- self.transport.loseConnection()
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.terminalProtocol is not None:
- try:
- self.terminalProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- self.terminalProtocol = None
-# Add symbolic names for function keys
-for name, const in zip(_KEY_NAMES, FUNCTION_KEYS):
- setattr(ServerProtocol, name, const)
-class ClientProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
- terminalFactory = None
- terminal = None
- state = 'data'
- _escBuf = None
- _shorts = {
- 'D': 'index',
- 'M': 'reverseIndex',
- 'E': 'nextLine',
- '7': 'saveCursor',
- '8': 'restoreCursor',
- '=': 'applicationKeypadMode',
- '>': 'numericKeypadMode',
- 'N': 'singleShift2',
- 'O': 'singleShift3',
- 'H': 'horizontalTabulationSet',
- 'c': 'reset'}
- _longs = {
- '[': 'bracket-escape',
- '(': 'select-g0',
- ')': 'select-g1',
- '#': 'select-height-width'}
- _charsets = {
- 'A': CS_UK,
- 'B': CS_US,
- '0': CS_DRAWING,
- # Factory who instantiated me
- factory = None
- def __init__(self, terminalFactory=None, *a, **kw):
- """
- @param terminalFactory: A callable which will be invoked with
- *a, **kw and should return an ITerminalTransport provider.
- This will be invoked when this ClientProtocol establishes a
- connection.
- @param a: Any positional arguments to pass to terminalFactory.
- @param kw: Any keyword arguments to pass to terminalFactory.
- """
- # assert terminalFactory is None or ITerminalTransport.implementedBy(terminalFactory), "ClientProtocol.__init__ must be passed an ITerminalTransport implementor"
- if terminalFactory is not None:
- self.terminalFactory = terminalFactory
- self.terminalArgs = a
- self.terminalKwArgs = kw
- def connectionMade(self):
- if self.terminalFactory is not None:
- self.terminal = self.terminalFactory(*self.terminalArgs, **self.terminalKwArgs)
- self.terminal.factory = self.factory
- self.terminal.makeConnection(self)
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- if self.terminal is not None:
- try:
- self.terminal.connectionLost(reason)
- finally:
- del self.terminal
- def dataReceived(self, bytes):
- """
- Parse the given data from a terminal server, dispatching to event
- handlers defined by C{self.terminal}.
- """
- toWrite = []
- for b in bytes:
- if self.state == 'data':
- if b == '\x1b':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.state = 'escaped'
- elif b == '\x14':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.shiftOut()
- elif b == '\x15':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.shiftIn()
- elif b == '\x08':
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- del toWrite[:]
- self.terminal.cursorBackward()
- else:
- toWrite.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'escaped':
- fName = self._shorts.get(b)
- if fName is not None:
- self.state = 'data'
- getattr(self.terminal, fName)()
- else:
- state = self._longs.get(b)
- if state is not None:
- self.state = state
- else:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b' + b)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'bracket-escape':
- if self._escBuf is None:
- self._escBuf = []
- if b.isalpha() or b == '~':
- self._handleControlSequence(''.join(self._escBuf), b)
- del self._escBuf
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- self._escBuf.append(b)
- elif self.state == 'select-g0':
- self.terminal.selectCharacterSet(self._charsets.get(b, b), G0)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'select-g1':
- self.terminal.selectCharacterSet(self._charsets.get(b, b), G1)
- self.state = 'data'
- elif self.state == 'select-height-width':
- self._handleHeightWidth(b)
- self.state = 'data'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Illegal state")
- if toWrite:
- self.terminal.write(''.join(toWrite))
- def _handleControlSequence(self, buf, terminal):
- f = getattr(self.controlSequenceParser, CST.get(terminal, terminal), None)
- if f is None:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + terminal)
- else:
- f(self, self.terminal, buf)
- class ControlSequenceParser:
- def _makeSimple(ch, fName):
- n = 'cursor' + fName
- def simple(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- getattr(handler, n)(1)
- else:
- try:
- m = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + ch)
- else:
- getattr(handler, n)(m)
- return simple
- for (ch, fName) in (('A', 'Up'),
- ('B', 'Down'),
- ('C', 'Forward'),
- ('D', 'Backward')):
- exec ch + " = _makeSimple(ch, fName)"
- del _makeSimple
- def h(self, proto, handler, buf):
- # XXX - Handle '?' to introduce ANSI-Compatible private modes.
- try:
- modes = map(int, buf.split(';'))
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'h')
- else:
- handler.setModes(modes)
- def l(self, proto, handler, buf):
- # XXX - Handle '?' to introduce ANSI-Compatible private modes.
- try:
- modes = map(int, buf.split(';'))
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'l')
- else:
- handler.resetModes(modes)
- def r(self, proto, handler, buf):
- parts = buf.split(';')
- if len(parts) == 1:
- handler.setScrollRegion(None, None)
- elif len(parts) == 2:
- try:
- if parts[0]:
- pt = int(parts[0])
- else:
- pt = None
- if parts[1]:
- pb = int(parts[1])
- else:
- pb = None
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'r')
- else:
- handler.setScrollRegion(pt, pb)
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'r')
- def K(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.eraseToLineEnd()
- elif buf == '1':
- handler.eraseToLineBeginning()
- elif buf == '2':
- handler.eraseLine()
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'K')
- def H(self, proto, handler, buf):
- handler.cursorHome()
- def J(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.eraseToDisplayEnd()
- elif buf == '1':
- handler.eraseToDisplayBeginning()
- elif buf == '2':
- handler.eraseDisplay()
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'J')
- def P(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.deleteCharacter(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'P')
- else:
- handler.deleteCharacter(n)
- def L(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.insertLine(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'L')
- else:
- handler.insertLine(n)
- def M(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.deleteLine(1)
- else:
- try:
- n = int(buf)
- except ValueError:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'M')
- else:
- handler.deleteLine(n)
- def n(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if buf == '6':
- x, y = handler.reportCursorPosition()
- proto.transport.write('\x1b[%d;%dR' % (x + 1, y + 1))
- else:
- handler.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b[' + buf + 'n')
- def m(self, proto, handler, buf):
- if not buf:
- handler.selectGraphicRendition(NORMAL)
- else:
- attrs = []
- for a in buf.split(';'):
- try:
- a = int(a)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- attrs.append(a)
- handler.selectGraphicRendition(*attrs)
- controlSequenceParser = ControlSequenceParser()
- def _handleHeightWidth(self, b):
- if b == '3':
- self.terminal.doubleHeightLine(True)
- elif b == '4':
- self.terminal.doubleHeightLine(False)
- elif b == '5':
- self.terminal.singleWidthLine()
- elif b == '6':
- self.terminal.doubleWidthLine()
- else:
- self.terminal.unhandledControlSequence('\x1b#' + b)
-__all__ = [
- # Interfaces
- 'ITerminalProtocol', 'ITerminalTransport',
- # Symbolic constants
- 'modes', 'privateModes', 'FUNCTION_KEYS',
- 'G0', 'G1', 'G2', 'G3',
- # Protocol classes
- 'ServerProtocol', 'ClientProtocol']