path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 8257 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c591e680..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# sql/__init__.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import (
- Alias,
- ClauseElement,
- ColumnCollection,
- ColumnElement,
- CompoundSelect,
- Delete,
- FromClause,
- Insert,
- Join,
- Select,
- Selectable,
- TableClause,
- Update,
- alias,
- and_,
- asc,
- between,
- bindparam,
- case,
- cast,
- collate,
- column,
- delete,
- desc,
- distinct,
- except_,
- except_all,
- exists,
- extract,
- func,
- insert,
- intersect,
- intersect_all,
- join,
- label,
- literal,
- literal_column,
- modifier,
- not_,
- null,
- or_,
- outerjoin,
- outparam,
- over,
- select,
- subquery,
- table,
- text,
- tuple_,
- type_coerce,
- union,
- union_all,
- update,
- )
-from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import ClauseVisitor
-__tmp = locals().keys()
-__all__ = sorted([i for i in __tmp if not i.startswith('__')])
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 829adeba..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1793 +0,0 @@
-# sql/compiler.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Base SQL and DDL compiler implementations.
-Classes provided include:
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.SQLCompiler` - renders SQL
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.DDLCompiler` - renders DDL
-(data definition language) strings
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.GenericTypeCompiler` - renders
-type specification strings.
-To generate user-defined SQL strings, see
-import re
-from sqlalchemy import schema, engine, util, exc
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators, functions, util as sql_util, \
- visitors
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression as sql
-import decimal
- 'all', 'analyse', 'analyze', 'and', 'any', 'array',
- 'as', 'asc', 'asymmetric', 'authorization', 'between',
- 'binary', 'both', 'case', 'cast', 'check', 'collate',
- 'column', 'constraint', 'create', 'cross', 'current_date',
- 'current_role', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp',
- 'current_user', 'default', 'deferrable', 'desc',
- 'distinct', 'do', 'else', 'end', 'except', 'false',
- 'for', 'foreign', 'freeze', 'from', 'full', 'grant',
- 'group', 'having', 'ilike', 'in', 'initially', 'inner',
- 'intersect', 'into', 'is', 'isnull', 'join', 'leading',
- 'left', 'like', 'limit', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp',
- 'natural', 'new', 'not', 'notnull', 'null', 'off', 'offset',
- 'old', 'on', 'only', 'or', 'order', 'outer', 'overlaps',
- 'placing', 'primary', 'references', 'right', 'select',
- 'session_user', 'set', 'similar', 'some', 'symmetric', 'table',
- 'then', 'to', 'trailing', 'true', 'union', 'unique', 'user',
- 'using', 'verbose', 'when', 'where'])
-LEGAL_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r'^[A-Z0-9_$]+$', re.I)
-ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS = set([str(x) for x in xrange(0, 10)]).union(['$'])
-BIND_PARAMS = re.compile(r'(?<![:\w\$\x5c]):([\w\$]+)(?![:\w\$])', re.UNICODE)
-BIND_PARAMS_ESC = re.compile(r'\x5c(:[\w\$]+)(?![:\w\$])', re.UNICODE)
- 'pyformat':"%%(%(name)s)s",
- 'qmark':"?",
- 'format':"%%s",
- 'numeric':":%(position)s",
- 'named':":%(name)s"
- # binary
- operators.and_ : ' AND ',
- operators.or_ : ' OR ',
- operators.add : ' + ',
- operators.mul : ' * ',
- operators.sub : ' - ',
- # Py2K
- operators.div : ' / ',
- # end Py2K
- operators.mod : ' % ',
- operators.truediv : ' / ',
- operators.neg : '-',
- operators.lt : ' < ',
- operators.le : ' <= ',
- operators.ne : ' != ',
- operators.gt : ' > ',
- operators.ge : ' >= ',
- operators.eq : ' = ',
- operators.concat_op : ' || ',
- operators.between_op : ' BETWEEN ',
- operators.match_op : ' MATCH ',
- operators.in_op : ' IN ',
- operators.notin_op : ' NOT IN ',
- operators.comma_op : ', ',
- operators.from_ : ' FROM ',
- operators.as_ : ' AS ',
- operators.is_ : ' IS ',
- operators.isnot : ' IS NOT ',
- operators.collate : ' COLLATE ',
- # unary
- operators.exists : 'EXISTS ',
- operators.distinct_op : 'DISTINCT ',
- operators.inv : 'NOT ',
- # modifiers
- operators.desc_op : ' DESC',
- operators.asc_op : ' ASC',
- operators.nullsfirst_op : ' NULLS FIRST',
- operators.nullslast_op : ' NULLS LAST',
- functions.coalesce : 'coalesce%(expr)s',
- functions.current_date: 'CURRENT_DATE',
- functions.current_time: 'CURRENT_TIME',
- functions.current_timestamp: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
- functions.current_user: 'CURRENT_USER',
- functions.localtime: 'LOCALTIME',
- functions.localtimestamp: 'LOCALTIMESTAMP',
- functions.random: 'random%(expr)s',
- functions.sysdate: 'sysdate',
- functions.session_user :'SESSION_USER',
- functions.user: 'USER'
- 'month': 'month',
- 'day': 'day',
- 'year': 'year',
- 'second': 'second',
- 'hour': 'hour',
- 'doy': 'doy',
- 'minute': 'minute',
- 'quarter': 'quarter',
- 'dow': 'dow',
- 'week': 'week',
- 'epoch': 'epoch',
- 'milliseconds': 'milliseconds',
- 'microseconds': 'microseconds',
- 'timezone_hour': 'timezone_hour',
- 'timezone_minute': 'timezone_minute'
- sql.CompoundSelect.UNION : 'UNION',
- sql.CompoundSelect.UNION_ALL : 'UNION ALL',
- sql.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT : 'EXCEPT',
- sql.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT_ALL : 'EXCEPT ALL',
- sql.CompoundSelect.INTERSECT : 'INTERSECT',
- sql.CompoundSelect.INTERSECT_ALL : 'INTERSECT ALL'
-class _CompileLabel(visitors.Visitable):
- """lightweight label object which acts as an expression._Label."""
- __visit_name__ = 'label'
- __slots__ = 'element', 'name'
- def __init__(self, col, name):
- self.element = col
- self.name = name
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.element.type
- @property
- def quote(self):
- return self.element.quote
-class SQLCompiler(engine.Compiled):
- """Default implementation of Compiled.
- Compiles ClauseElements into SQL strings. Uses a similar visit
- paradigm as visitors.ClauseVisitor but implements its own traversal.
- """
- extract_map = EXTRACT_MAP
- compound_keywords = COMPOUND_KEYWORDS
- # class-level defaults which can be set at the instance
- # level to define if this Compiled instance represents
- isdelete = isinsert = isupdate = False
- # holds the "returning" collection of columns if
- # the statement is CRUD and defines returning columns
- # either implicitly or explicitly
- returning = None
- # set to True classwide to generate RETURNING
- # clauses before the VALUES or WHERE clause (i.e. MSSQL)
- returning_precedes_values = False
- # SQL 92 doesn't allow bind parameters to be used
- # in the columns clause of a SELECT, nor does it allow
- # ambiguous expressions like "? = ?". A compiler
- # subclass can set this flag to False if the target
- # driver/DB enforces this
- ansi_bind_rules = False
- def __init__(self, dialect, statement, column_keys=None,
- inline=False, **kwargs):
- """Construct a new ``DefaultCompiler`` object.
- dialect
- Dialect to be used
- statement
- ClauseElement to be compiled
- column_keys
- a list of column names to be compiled into an INSERT or UPDATE
- statement.
- """
- self.column_keys = column_keys
- # compile INSERT/UPDATE defaults/sequences inlined (no pre-
- # execute)
- self.inline = inline or getattr(statement, 'inline', False)
- # a dictionary of bind parameter keys to _BindParamClause
- # instances.
- self.binds = {}
- # a dictionary of _BindParamClause instances to "compiled" names
- # that are actually present in the generated SQL
- self.bind_names = util.column_dict()
- # stack which keeps track of nested SELECT statements
- self.stack = []
- # relates label names in the final SQL to a tuple of local
- # column/label name, ColumnElement object (if any) and
- # TypeEngine. ResultProxy uses this for type processing and
- # column targeting
- self.result_map = {}
- # true if the paramstyle is positional
- self.positional = dialect.positional
- if self.positional:
- self.positiontup = []
- self.bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle]
- # an IdentifierPreparer that formats the quoting of identifiers
- self.preparer = dialect.identifier_preparer
- self.label_length = dialect.label_length \
- or dialect.max_identifier_length
- # a map which tracks "anonymous" identifiers that are created on
- # the fly here
- self.anon_map = util.PopulateDict(self._process_anon)
- # a map which tracks "truncated" names based on
- # dialect.label_length or dialect.max_identifier_length
- self.truncated_names = {}
- engine.Compiled.__init__(self, dialect, statement, **kwargs)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _bind_processors(self):
- return dict(
- (key, value) for key, value in
- ( (self.bind_names[bindparam],
- bindparam.type._cached_bind_processor(self.dialect))
- for bindparam in self.bind_names )
- if value is not None
- )
- def is_subquery(self):
- return len(self.stack) > 1
- @property
- def sql_compiler(self):
- return self
- def construct_params(self, params=None, _group_number=None):
- """return a dictionary of bind parameter keys and values"""
- if params:
- pd = {}
- for bindparam, name in self.bind_names.iteritems():
- if bindparam.key in params:
- pd[name] = params[bindparam.key]
- elif name in params:
- pd[name] = params[name]
- elif bindparam.required:
- if _group_number:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r, "
- "in parameter group %d" %
- (bindparam.key, _group_number))
- else:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "A value is required for bind parameter %r"
- % bindparam.key)
- elif bindparam.callable:
- pd[name] = bindparam.callable()
- else:
- pd[name] = bindparam.value
- return pd
- else:
- pd = {}
- for bindparam in self.bind_names:
- if bindparam.callable:
- pd[self.bind_names[bindparam]] = bindparam.callable()
- else:
- pd[self.bind_names[bindparam]] = bindparam.value
- return pd
- params = property(construct_params, doc="""
- Return the bind params for this compiled object.
- """)
- def default_from(self):
- """Called when a SELECT statement has no froms, and no FROM clause is
- to be appended.
- Gives Oracle a chance to tack on a ``FROM DUAL`` to the string output.
- """
- return ""
- def visit_grouping(self, grouping, asfrom=False, **kwargs):
- return "(" + grouping.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + ")"
- def visit_label(self, label, result_map=None,
- within_label_clause=False,
- within_columns_clause=False, **kw):
- # only render labels within the columns clause
- # or ORDER BY clause of a select. dialect-specific compilers
- # can modify this behavior.
- if within_columns_clause and not within_label_clause:
- if isinstance(label.name, sql._generated_label):
- labelname = self._truncated_identifier("colident", label.name)
- else:
- labelname = label.name
- if result_map is not None:
- result_map[labelname.lower()] = \
- (label.name, (label, label.element, labelname),\
- label.type)
- return label.element._compiler_dispatch(self,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- within_label_clause=True,
- **kw) + \
- OPERATORS[operators.as_] + \
- self.preparer.format_label(label, labelname)
- else:
- return label.element._compiler_dispatch(self,
- within_columns_clause=False,
- **kw)
- def visit_column(self, column, result_map=None, **kwargs):
- name = column.name
- if name is None:
- raise exc.CompileError("Cannot compile Column object until "
- "it's 'name' is assigned.")
- is_literal = column.is_literal
- if not is_literal and isinstance(name, sql._generated_label):
- name = self._truncated_identifier("colident", name)
- if result_map is not None:
- result_map[name.lower()] = (name, (column, ), column.type)
- if is_literal:
- name = self.escape_literal_column(name)
- else:
- name = self.preparer.quote(name, column.quote)
- table = column.table
- if table is None or not table.named_with_column:
- return name
- else:
- if table.schema:
- schema_prefix = self.preparer.quote_schema(
- table.schema,
- table.quote_schema) + '.'
- else:
- schema_prefix = ''
- tablename = table.name
- if isinstance(tablename, sql._generated_label):
- tablename = self._truncated_identifier("alias", tablename)
- return schema_prefix + \
- self.preparer.quote(tablename, table.quote) + \
- "." + name
- def escape_literal_column(self, text):
- """provide escaping for the literal_column() construct."""
- # TODO: some dialects might need different behavior here
- return text.replace('%', '%%')
- def visit_fromclause(self, fromclause, **kwargs):
- return fromclause.name
- def visit_index(self, index, **kwargs):
- return index.name
- def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause, **kwargs):
- return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(typeclause.type)
- def post_process_text(self, text):
- return text
- def visit_textclause(self, textclause, **kwargs):
- if textclause.typemap is not None:
- for colname, type_ in textclause.typemap.iteritems():
- self.result_map[colname.lower()] = (colname, None, type_)
- def do_bindparam(m):
- name = m.group(1)
- if name in textclause.bindparams:
- return self.process(textclause.bindparams[name])
- else:
- return self.bindparam_string(name)
- # un-escape any \:params
- return BIND_PARAMS_ESC.sub(lambda m: m.group(1),
- BIND_PARAMS.sub(do_bindparam,
- self.post_process_text(textclause.text))
- )
- def visit_null(self, expr, **kw):
- return 'NULL'
- def visit_true(self, expr, **kw):
- return 'true'
- def visit_false(self, expr, **kw):
- return 'false'
- def visit_clauselist(self, clauselist, **kwargs):
- sep = clauselist.operator
- if sep is None:
- sep = " "
- else:
- sep = OPERATORS[clauselist.operator]
- return sep.join(
- s for s in
- (c._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- for c in clauselist.clauses)
- if s is not None)
- def visit_case(self, clause, **kwargs):
- x = "CASE "
- if clause.value is not None:
- x += clause.value._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + " "
- for cond, result in clause.whens:
- x += "WHEN " + cond._compiler_dispatch(
- self, **kwargs
- ) + " THEN " + result._compiler_dispatch(
- self, **kwargs) + " "
- if clause.else_ is not None:
- x += "ELSE " + clause.else_._compiler_dispatch(
- self, **kwargs
- ) + " "
- x += "END"
- return x
- def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs):
- return "CAST(%s AS %s)" % \
- (cast.clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs),
- cast.typeclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs))
- def visit_over(self, over, **kwargs):
- x ="%s OVER (" % over.func._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- if over.partition_by is not None:
- x += "PARTITION BY %s" % \
- over.partition_by._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- if over.order_by is not None:
- x += " "
- if over.order_by is not None:
- x += "ORDER BY %s" % \
- over.order_by._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- x += ")"
- return x
- def visit_extract(self, extract, **kwargs):
- field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field)
- return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (field,
- extract.expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs))
- def visit_function(self, func, result_map=None, **kwargs):
- if result_map is not None:
- result_map[func.name.lower()] = (func.name, None, func.type)
- disp = getattr(self, "visit_%s_func" % func.name.lower(), None)
- if disp:
- return disp(func, **kwargs)
- else:
- name = FUNCTIONS.get(func.__class__, func.name + "%(expr)s")
- return ".".join(list(func.packagenames) + [name]) % \
- {'expr':self.function_argspec(func, **kwargs)}
- def visit_next_value_func(self, next_value, **kw):
- return self.visit_sequence(next_value.sequence)
- def visit_sequence(self, sequence):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Dialect '%s' does not support sequence increments." % self.dialect.name
- )
- def function_argspec(self, func, **kwargs):
- return func.clause_expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- def visit_compound_select(self, cs, asfrom=False,
- parens=True, compound_index=1, **kwargs):
- entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {}
- self.stack.append({'from':entry.get('from', None), 'iswrapper':True})
- keyword = self.compound_keywords.get(cs.keyword)
- text = (" " + keyword + " ").join(
- (c._compiler_dispatch(self,
- asfrom=asfrom, parens=False,
- compound_index=i, **kwargs)
- for i, c in enumerate(cs.selects))
- )
- group_by = cs._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch(
- self, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs)
- if group_by:
- text += " GROUP BY " + group_by
- text += self.order_by_clause(cs, **kwargs)
- text += (cs._limit is not None or cs._offset is not None) and \
- self.limit_clause(cs) or ""
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- if asfrom and parens:
- return "(" + text + ")"
- else:
- return text
- def visit_unary(self, unary, **kw):
- s = unary.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- if unary.operator:
- s = OPERATORS[unary.operator] + s
- if unary.modifier:
- s = s + OPERATORS[unary.modifier]
- return s
- def visit_binary(self, binary, **kw):
- # don't allow "? = ?" to render
- if self.ansi_bind_rules and \
- isinstance(binary.left, sql._BindParamClause) and \
- isinstance(binary.right, sql._BindParamClause):
- kw['literal_binds'] = True
- return self._operator_dispatch(binary.operator,
- binary,
- lambda opstr: binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) +
- opstr +
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(
- self, **kw),
- **kw
- )
- def visit_like_op(self, binary, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return '%s LIKE %s' % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)) \
- + (escape and
- (' ESCAPE ' + self.render_literal_value(escape, None))
- or '')
- def visit_notlike_op(self, binary, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return '%s NOT LIKE %s' % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)) \
- + (escape and
- (' ESCAPE ' + self.render_literal_value(escape, None))
- or '')
- def visit_ilike_op(self, binary, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return 'lower(%s) LIKE lower(%s)' % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)) \
- + (escape and
- (' ESCAPE ' + self.render_literal_value(escape, None))
- or '')
- def visit_notilike_op(self, binary, **kw):
- escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None)
- return 'lower(%s) NOT LIKE lower(%s)' % (
- binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw),
- binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)) \
- + (escape and
- (' ESCAPE ' + self.render_literal_value(escape, None))
- or '')
- def _operator_dispatch(self, operator, element, fn, **kw):
- if util.callable(operator):
- disp = getattr(self, "visit_%s" % operator.__name__, None)
- if disp:
- return disp(element, **kw)
- else:
- return fn(OPERATORS[operator])
- else:
- return fn(" " + operator + " ")
- def visit_bindparam(self, bindparam, within_columns_clause=False,
- literal_binds=False, **kwargs):
- if literal_binds or \
- (within_columns_clause and \
- self.ansi_bind_rules):
- if bindparam.value is None:
- raise exc.CompileError("Bind parameter without a "
- "renderable value not allowed here.")
- return self.render_literal_bindparam(bindparam,
- within_columns_clause=True, **kwargs)
- name = self._truncate_bindparam(bindparam)
- if name in self.binds:
- existing = self.binds[name]
- if existing is not bindparam:
- if existing.unique or bindparam.unique:
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "Bind parameter '%s' conflicts with "
- "unique bind parameter of the same name" %
- bindparam.key
- )
- elif getattr(existing, '_is_crud', False) or \
- getattr(bindparam, '_is_crud', False):
- raise exc.CompileError(
- "bindparam() name '%s' is reserved "
- "for automatic usage in the VALUES or SET "
- "clause of this "
- "insert/update statement. Please use a "
- "name other than column name when using bindparam() "
- "with insert() or update() (for example, 'b_%s')."
- % (bindparam.key, bindparam.key)
- )
- self.binds[bindparam.key] = self.binds[name] = bindparam
- return self.bindparam_string(name)
- def render_literal_bindparam(self, bindparam, **kw):
- value = bindparam.value
- processor = bindparam.type._cached_bind_processor(self.dialect)
- if processor:
- value = processor(value)
- return self.render_literal_value(value, bindparam.type)
- def render_literal_value(self, value, type_):
- """Render the value of a bind parameter as a quoted literal.
- This is used for statement sections that do not accept bind paramters
- on the target driver/database.
- This should be implemented by subclasses using the quoting services
- of the DBAPI.
- """
- if isinstance(value, basestring):
- value = value.replace("'", "''")
- return "'%s'" % value
- elif value is None:
- return "NULL"
- elif isinstance(value, (float, int, long)):
- return repr(value)
- elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
- return str(value)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Don't know how to literal-quote value %r" % value)
- def _truncate_bindparam(self, bindparam):
- if bindparam in self.bind_names:
- return self.bind_names[bindparam]
- bind_name = bindparam.key
- if isinstance(bind_name, sql._generated_label):
- bind_name = self._truncated_identifier("bindparam", bind_name)
- # add to bind_names for translation
- self.bind_names[bindparam] = bind_name
- return bind_name
- def _truncated_identifier(self, ident_class, name):
- if (ident_class, name) in self.truncated_names:
- return self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)]
- anonname = name % self.anon_map
- if len(anonname) > self.label_length:
- counter = self.truncated_names.get(ident_class, 1)
- truncname = anonname[0:max(self.label_length - 6, 0)] + \
- "_" + hex(counter)[2:]
- self.truncated_names[ident_class] = counter + 1
- else:
- truncname = anonname
- self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)] = truncname
- return truncname
- def _anonymize(self, name):
- return name % self.anon_map
- def _process_anon(self, key):
- (ident, derived) = key.split(' ', 1)
- anonymous_counter = self.anon_map.get(derived, 1)
- self.anon_map[derived] = anonymous_counter + 1
- return derived + "_" + str(anonymous_counter)
- def bindparam_string(self, name):
- if self.positional:
- self.positiontup.append(name)
- return self.bindtemplate % {
- 'name':name, 'position':len(self.positiontup)}
- else:
- return self.bindtemplate % {'name':name}
- def visit_alias(self, alias, asfrom=False, ashint=False,
- fromhints=None, **kwargs):
- if asfrom or ashint:
- if isinstance(alias.name, sql._generated_label):
- alias_name = self._truncated_identifier("alias", alias.name)
- else:
- alias_name = alias.name
- if ashint:
- return self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name)
- elif asfrom:
- ret = alias.original._compiler_dispatch(self,
- asfrom=True, **kwargs) + \
- " AS " + \
- self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name)
- if fromhints and alias in fromhints:
- hinttext = self.get_from_hint_text(alias, fromhints[alias])
- if hinttext:
- ret += " " + hinttext
- return ret
- else:
- return alias.original._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- def label_select_column(self, select, column, asfrom):
- """label columns present in a select()."""
- if isinstance(column, sql._Label):
- return column
- elif select is not None and select.use_labels and column._label:
- return _CompileLabel(column, column._label)
- elif \
- asfrom and \
- isinstance(column, sql.ColumnClause) and \
- not column.is_literal and \
- column.table is not None and \
- not isinstance(column.table, sql.Select):
- return _CompileLabel(column, sql._generated_label(column.name))
- elif not isinstance(column,
- (sql._UnaryExpression, sql._TextClause)) \
- and (not hasattr(column, 'name') or \
- isinstance(column, sql.Function)):
- return _CompileLabel(column, column.anon_label)
- else:
- return column
- def get_select_hint_text(self, byfroms):
- return None
- def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text):
- return None
- def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True,
- iswrapper=False, fromhints=None,
- compound_index=1, **kwargs):
- entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {}
- existingfroms = entry.get('from', None)
- froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms)
- correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms))
- # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for
- # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate
- # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms =
- # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms)
- self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper'
- : iswrapper})
- if compound_index==1 and not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False):
- column_clause_args = {'result_map':self.result_map}
- else:
- column_clause_args = {}
- # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list.
- inner_columns = [
- c for c in [
- self.label_select_column(select, co, asfrom=asfrom).\
- _compiler_dispatch(self,
- within_columns_clause=True,
- **column_clause_args)
- for co in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns)
- ]
- if c is not None
- ]
- text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start !
- if select._hints:
- byfrom = dict([
- (from_, hinttext % {
- 'name':from_._compiler_dispatch(
- self, ashint=True)
- })
- for (from_, dialect), hinttext in
- select._hints.iteritems()
- if dialect in ('*', self.dialect.name)
- ])
- hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom)
- if hint_text:
- text += hint_text + " "
- if select._prefixes:
- text += " ".join(
- x._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- for x in select._prefixes) + " "
- text += self.get_select_precolumns(select)
- text += ', '.join(inner_columns)
- if froms:
- text += " \nFROM "
- if select._hints:
- text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self,
- asfrom=True, fromhints=byfrom,
- **kwargs)
- for f in froms])
- else:
- text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self,
- asfrom=True, **kwargs)
- for f in froms])
- else:
- text += self.default_from()
- if select._whereclause is not None:
- t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- if t:
- text += " \nWHERE " + t
- if select._group_by_clause.clauses:
- group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch(
- self, **kwargs)
- if group_by:
- text += " GROUP BY " + group_by
- if select._having is not None:
- t = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- if t:
- text += " \nHAVING " + t
- if select._order_by_clause.clauses:
- text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs)
- if select._limit is not None or select._offset is not None:
- text += self.limit_clause(select)
- if select.for_update:
- text += self.for_update_clause(select)
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- if asfrom and parens:
- return "(" + text + ")"
- else:
- return text
- def get_select_precolumns(self, select):
- """Called when building a ``SELECT`` statement, position is just
- before column list.
- """
- return select._distinct and "DISTINCT " or ""
- def order_by_clause(self, select, **kw):
- order_by = select._order_by_clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw)
- if order_by:
- return " ORDER BY " + order_by
- else:
- return ""
- def for_update_clause(self, select):
- if select.for_update:
- return " FOR UPDATE"
- else:
- return ""
- def limit_clause(self, select):
- text = ""
- if select._limit is not None:
- text += "\n LIMIT " + self.process(sql.literal(select._limit))
- if select._offset is not None:
- if select._limit is None:
- text += "\n LIMIT -1"
- text += " OFFSET " + self.process(sql.literal(select._offset))
- return text
- def visit_table(self, table, asfrom=False, ashint=False,
- fromhints=None, **kwargs):
- if asfrom or ashint:
- if getattr(table, "schema", None):
- ret = self.preparer.quote_schema(table.schema,
- table.quote_schema) + \
- "." + self.preparer.quote(table.name,
- table.quote)
- else:
- ret = self.preparer.quote(table.name, table.quote)
- if fromhints and table in fromhints:
- hinttext = self.get_from_hint_text(table, fromhints[table])
- if hinttext:
- ret += " " + hinttext
- return ret
- else:
- return ""
- def visit_join(self, join, asfrom=False, **kwargs):
- return (
- join.left._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) +
- (join.isouter and " LEFT OUTER JOIN " or " JOIN ") +
- join.right._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) +
- " ON " +
- join.onclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
- )
- def visit_insert(self, insert_stmt):
- self.isinsert = True
- colparams = self._get_colparams(insert_stmt)
- if not colparams and \
- not self.dialect.supports_default_values and \
- not self.dialect.supports_empty_insert:
- raise exc.CompileError("The version of %s you are using does "
- "not support empty inserts." %
- self.dialect.name)
- preparer = self.preparer
- supports_default_values = self.dialect.supports_default_values
- text = "INSERT"
- prefixes = [self.process(x) for x in insert_stmt._prefixes]
- if prefixes:
- text += " " + " ".join(prefixes)
- text += " INTO " + preparer.format_table(insert_stmt.table)
- if colparams or not supports_default_values:
- text += " (%s)" % ', '.join([preparer.format_column(c[0])
- for c in colparams])
- if self.returning or insert_stmt._returning:
- self.returning = self.returning or insert_stmt._returning
- returning_clause = self.returning_clause(
- insert_stmt, self.returning)
- if self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + returning_clause
- if not colparams and supports_default_values:
- text += " DEFAULT VALUES"
- else:
- text += " VALUES (%s)" % \
- ', '.join([c[1] for c in colparams])
- if self.returning and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + returning_clause
- return text
- def visit_update(self, update_stmt):
- self.stack.append({'from': set([update_stmt.table])})
- self.isupdate = True
- colparams = self._get_colparams(update_stmt)
- text = "UPDATE " + self.preparer.format_table(update_stmt.table)
- text += ' SET ' + \
- ', '.join(
- self.preparer.quote(c[0].name, c[0].quote) +
- '=' + c[1]
- for c in colparams
- )
- if update_stmt._returning:
- self.returning = update_stmt._returning
- if self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- update_stmt, update_stmt._returning)
- if update_stmt._whereclause is not None:
- text += " WHERE " + self.process(update_stmt._whereclause)
- if self.returning and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- update_stmt, update_stmt._returning)
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def _create_crud_bind_param(self, col, value, required=False):
- bindparam = sql.bindparam(col.key, value,
- type_=col.type, required=required)
- bindparam._is_crud = True
- return bindparam._compiler_dispatch(self)
- def _get_colparams(self, stmt):
- """create a set of tuples representing column/string pairs for use
- in an INSERT or UPDATE statement.
- Also generates the Compiled object's postfetch, prefetch, and
- returning column collections, used for default handling and ultimately
- populating the ResultProxy's prefetch_cols() and postfetch_cols()
- collections.
- """
- self.postfetch = []
- self.prefetch = []
- self.returning = []
- # no parameters in the statement, no parameters in the
- # compiled params - return binds for all columns
- if self.column_keys is None and stmt.parameters is None:
- return [
- (c, self._create_crud_bind_param(c,
- None, required=True))
- for c in stmt.table.columns
- ]
- required = object()
- # if we have statement parameters - set defaults in the
- # compiled params
- if self.column_keys is None:
- parameters = {}
- else:
- parameters = dict((sql._column_as_key(key), required)
- for key in self.column_keys
- if not stmt.parameters or
- key not in stmt.parameters)
- if stmt.parameters is not None:
- for k, v in stmt.parameters.iteritems():
- parameters.setdefault(sql._column_as_key(k), v)
- # create a list of column assignment clauses as tuples
- values = []
- need_pks = self.isinsert and \
- not self.inline and \
- not stmt._returning
- implicit_returning = need_pks and \
- self.dialect.implicit_returning and \
- stmt.table.implicit_returning
- postfetch_lastrowid = need_pks and self.dialect.postfetch_lastrowid
- # iterating through columns at the top to maintain ordering.
- # otherwise we might iterate through individual sets of
- # "defaults", "primary key cols", etc.
- for c in stmt.table.columns:
- if c.key in parameters:
- value = parameters[c.key]
- if sql._is_literal(value):
- value = self._create_crud_bind_param(
- c, value, required=value is required)
- elif c.primary_key and implicit_returning:
- self.returning.append(c)
- value = self.process(value.self_group())
- else:
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- value = self.process(value.self_group())
- values.append((c, value))
- elif self.isinsert:
- if c.primary_key and \
- need_pks and \
- (
- implicit_returning or
- not postfetch_lastrowid or
- c is not stmt.table._autoincrement_column
- ):
- if implicit_returning:
- if c.default is not None:
- if c.default.is_sequence:
- if self.dialect.supports_sequences and \
- (not c.default.optional or \
- not self.dialect.sequences_optional):
- proc = self.process(c.default)
- values.append((c, proc))
- self.returning.append(c)
- elif c.default.is_clause_element:
- values.append(
- (c,
- self.process(c.default.arg.self_group()))
- )
- self.returning.append(c)
- else:
- values.append(
- (c, self._create_crud_bind_param(c, None))
- )
- self.prefetch.append(c)
- else:
- self.returning.append(c)
- else:
- if c.default is not None or \
- c is stmt.table._autoincrement_column and (
- self.dialect.supports_sequences or
- self.dialect.preexecute_autoincrement_sequences
- ):
- values.append(
- (c, self._create_crud_bind_param(c, None))
- )
- self.prefetch.append(c)
- elif c.default is not None:
- if c.default.is_sequence:
- if self.dialect.supports_sequences and \
- (not c.default.optional or \
- not self.dialect.sequences_optional):
- proc = self.process(c.default)
- values.append((c, proc))
- if not c.primary_key:
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- elif c.default.is_clause_element:
- values.append(
- (c, self.process(c.default.arg.self_group()))
- )
- if not c.primary_key:
- # dont add primary key column to postfetch
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- else:
- values.append(
- (c, self._create_crud_bind_param(c, None))
- )
- self.prefetch.append(c)
- elif c.server_default is not None:
- if not c.primary_key:
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- elif self.isupdate:
- if c.onupdate is not None and not c.onupdate.is_sequence:
- if c.onupdate.is_clause_element:
- values.append(
- (c, self.process(c.onupdate.arg.self_group()))
- )
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- else:
- values.append(
- (c, self._create_crud_bind_param(c, None))
- )
- self.prefetch.append(c)
- elif c.server_onupdate is not None:
- self.postfetch.append(c)
- return values
- def visit_delete(self, delete_stmt):
- self.stack.append({'from': set([delete_stmt.table])})
- self.isdelete = True
- text = "DELETE FROM " + self.preparer.format_table(delete_stmt.table)
- if delete_stmt._returning:
- self.returning = delete_stmt._returning
- if self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- delete_stmt, delete_stmt._returning)
- if delete_stmt._whereclause is not None:
- text += " WHERE " + self.process(delete_stmt._whereclause)
- if self.returning and not self.returning_precedes_values:
- text += " " + self.returning_clause(
- delete_stmt, delete_stmt._returning)
- self.stack.pop(-1)
- return text
- def visit_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt):
- return "SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint(savepoint_stmt)
- def visit_rollback_to_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt):
- return "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_savepoint(savepoint_stmt)
- def visit_release_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt):
- return "RELEASE SAVEPOINT %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_savepoint(savepoint_stmt)
-class DDLCompiler(engine.Compiled):
- @util.memoized_property
- def sql_compiler(self):
- return self.dialect.statement_compiler(self.dialect, None)
- @property
- def preparer(self):
- return self.dialect.identifier_preparer
- def construct_params(self, params=None):
- return None
- def visit_ddl(self, ddl, **kwargs):
- # table events can substitute table and schema name
- context = ddl.context
- if isinstance(ddl.target, schema.Table):
- context = context.copy()
- preparer = self.dialect.identifier_preparer
- path = preparer.format_table_seq(ddl.target)
- if len(path) == 1:
- table, sch = path[0], ''
- else:
- table, sch = path[-1], path[0]
- context.setdefault('table', table)
- context.setdefault('schema', sch)
- context.setdefault('fullname', preparer.format_table(ddl.target))
- return self.sql_compiler.post_process_text(ddl.statement % context)
- def visit_create_table(self, create):
- table = create.element
- preparer = self.dialect.identifier_preparer
- text = "\n" + " ".join(['CREATE'] + \
- table._prefixes + \
- ['TABLE',
- preparer.format_table(table),
- "("])
- separator = "\n"
- # if only one primary key, specify it along with the column
- first_pk = False
- for column in table.columns:
- text += separator
- separator = ", \n"
- text += "\t" + self.get_column_specification(
- column,
- first_pk=column.primary_key and \
- not first_pk
- )
- if column.primary_key:
- first_pk = True
- const = " ".join(self.process(constraint) \
- for constraint in column.constraints)
- if const:
- text += " " + const
- const = self.create_table_constraints(table)
- if const:
- text += ", \n\t" + const
- text += "\n)%s\n\n" % self.post_create_table(table)
- return text
- def create_table_constraints(self, table):
- # On some DB order is significant: visit PK first, then the
- # other constraints (engine.ReflectionTest.testbasic failed on FB2)
- constraints = []
- if table.primary_key:
- constraints.append(table.primary_key)
- constraints.extend([c for c in table._sorted_constraints
- if c is not table.primary_key])
- return ", \n\t".join(p for p in
- (self.process(constraint)
- for constraint in constraints
- if (
- constraint._create_rule is None or
- constraint._create_rule(self))
- and (
- not self.dialect.supports_alter or
- not getattr(constraint, 'use_alter', False)
- )) if p is not None
- )
- def visit_drop_table(self, drop):
- return "\nDROP TABLE " + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element)
- def _index_identifier(self, ident):
- if isinstance(ident, sql._generated_label):
- max = self.dialect.max_index_name_length or \
- self.dialect.max_identifier_length
- if len(ident) > max:
- return ident[0:max - 8] + \
- "_" + util.md5_hex(ident)[-4:]
- else:
- return ident
- else:
- self.dialect.validate_identifier(ident)
- return ident
- def visit_create_index(self, create):
- index = create.element
- preparer = self.preparer
- text = "CREATE "
- if index.unique:
- text += "UNIQUE "
- text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" \
- % (preparer.quote(self._index_identifier(index.name),
- index.quote),
- preparer.format_table(index.table),
- ', '.join(preparer.quote(c.name, c.quote)
- for c in index.columns))
- return text
- def visit_drop_index(self, drop):
- index = drop.element
- return "\nDROP INDEX " + \
- self.preparer.quote(
- self._index_identifier(index.name), index.quote)
- def visit_add_constraint(self, create):
- preparer = self.preparer
- return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s" % (
- self.preparer.format_table(create.element.table),
- self.process(create.element)
- )
- def visit_create_sequence(self, create):
- text = "CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(create.element)
- if create.element.increment is not None:
- text += " INCREMENT BY %d" % create.element.increment
- if create.element.start is not None:
- text += " START WITH %d" % create.element.start
- return text
- def visit_drop_sequence(self, drop):
- return "DROP SEQUENCE %s" % \
- self.preparer.format_sequence(drop.element)
- def visit_drop_constraint(self, drop):
- preparer = self.preparer
- return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s%s" % (
- self.preparer.format_table(drop.element.table),
- self.preparer.format_constraint(drop.element),
- drop.cascade and " CASCADE" or ""
- )
- def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs):
- colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) + " " + \
- self.dialect.type_compiler.process(column.type)
- default = self.get_column_default_string(column)
- if default is not None:
- colspec += " DEFAULT " + default
- if not column.nullable:
- colspec += " NOT NULL"
- return colspec
- def post_create_table(self, table):
- return ''
- def get_column_default_string(self, column):
- if isinstance(column.server_default, schema.DefaultClause):
- if isinstance(column.server_default.arg, basestring):
- return "'%s'" % column.server_default.arg
- else:
- return self.sql_compiler.process(column.server_default.arg)
- else:
- return None
- def visit_check_constraint(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % \
- self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- sqltext = sql_util.expression_as_ddl(constraint.sqltext)
- text += "CHECK (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process(sqltext)
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_column_check_constraint(self, constraint):
- text = "CHECK (%s)" % constraint.sqltext
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint):
- if len(constraint) == 0:
- return ''
- text = ""
- if constraint.name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % \
- self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- text += "PRIMARY KEY "
- text += "(%s)" % ', '.join(self.preparer.quote(c.name, c.quote)
- for c in constraint)
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint):
- preparer = self.dialect.identifier_preparer
- text = ""
- if constraint.name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % \
- preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- remote_table = list(constraint._elements.values())[0].column.table
- text += "FOREIGN KEY(%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)" % (
- ', '.join(preparer.quote(f.parent.name, f.parent.quote)
- for f in constraint._elements.values()),
- self.define_constraint_remote_table(
- constraint, remote_table, preparer),
- ', '.join(preparer.quote(f.column.name, f.column.quote)
- for f in constraint._elements.values())
- )
- text += self.define_constraint_cascades(constraint)
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def define_constraint_remote_table(self, constraint, table, preparer):
- """Format the remote table clause of a CREATE CONSTRAINT clause."""
- return preparer.format_table(table)
- def visit_unique_constraint(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.name is not None:
- text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % \
- self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)
- text += "UNIQUE (%s)" % (
- ', '.join(self.preparer.quote(c.name, c.quote)
- for c in constraint))
- text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint)
- return text
- def define_constraint_cascades(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.ondelete is not None:
- text += " ON DELETE %s" % constraint.ondelete
- if constraint.onupdate is not None:
- text += " ON UPDATE %s" % constraint.onupdate
- return text
- def define_constraint_deferrability(self, constraint):
- text = ""
- if constraint.deferrable is not None:
- if constraint.deferrable:
- text += " DEFERRABLE"
- else:
- text += " NOT DEFERRABLE"
- if constraint.initially is not None:
- text += " INITIALLY %s" % constraint.initially
- return text
-class GenericTypeCompiler(engine.TypeCompiler):
- def visit_CHAR(self, type_):
- return "CHAR" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_NCHAR(self, type_):
- return "NCHAR" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_FLOAT(self, type_):
- return "FLOAT"
- def visit_REAL(self, type_):
- return "REAL"
- def visit_NUMERIC(self, type_):
- if type_.precision is None:
- return "NUMERIC"
- elif type_.scale is None:
- return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" % \
- {'precision': type_.precision}
- else:
- return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % \
- {'precision': type_.precision,
- 'scale' : type_.scale}
- def visit_DECIMAL(self, type_):
- return "DECIMAL"
- def visit_INTEGER(self, type_):
- return "INTEGER"
- def visit_SMALLINT(self, type_):
- return "SMALLINT"
- def visit_BIGINT(self, type_):
- return "BIGINT"
- def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_):
- return 'TIMESTAMP'
- def visit_DATETIME(self, type_):
- return "DATETIME"
- def visit_DATE(self, type_):
- return "DATE"
- def visit_TIME(self, type_):
- return "TIME"
- def visit_CLOB(self, type_):
- return "CLOB"
- def visit_NCLOB(self, type_):
- return "NCLOB"
- def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_):
- return "VARCHAR" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_):
- return "NVARCHAR" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_BLOB(self, type_):
- return "BLOB"
- def visit_BINARY(self, type_):
- return "BINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_):
- return "VARBINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "")
- def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type_):
- return "BOOLEAN"
- def visit_TEXT(self, type_):
- return "TEXT"
- def visit_large_binary(self, type_):
- return self.visit_BLOB(type_)
- def visit_boolean(self, type_):
- return self.visit_BOOLEAN(type_)
- def visit_time(self, type_):
- return self.visit_TIME(type_)
- def visit_datetime(self, type_):
- return self.visit_DATETIME(type_)
- def visit_date(self, type_):
- return self.visit_DATE(type_)
- def visit_big_integer(self, type_):
- return self.visit_BIGINT(type_)
- def visit_small_integer(self, type_):
- return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_)
- def visit_integer(self, type_):
- return self.visit_INTEGER(type_)
- def visit_real(self, type_):
- return self.visit_REAL(type_)
- def visit_float(self, type_):
- return self.visit_FLOAT(type_)
- def visit_numeric(self, type_):
- return self.visit_NUMERIC(type_)
- def visit_string(self, type_):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_)
- def visit_unicode(self, type_):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_)
- def visit_text(self, type_):
- return self.visit_TEXT(type_)
- def visit_unicode_text(self, type_):
- return self.visit_TEXT(type_)
- def visit_enum(self, type_):
- return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_)
- def visit_null(self, type_):
- raise NotImplementedError("Can't generate DDL for the null type")
- def visit_type_decorator(self, type_):
- return self.process(type_.type_engine(self.dialect))
- def visit_user_defined(self, type_):
- return type_.get_col_spec()
-class IdentifierPreparer(object):
- """Handle quoting and case-folding of identifiers based on options."""
- reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS
- legal_characters = LEGAL_CHARACTERS
- illegal_initial_characters = ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS
- def __init__(self, dialect, initial_quote='"',
- final_quote=None, escape_quote='"', omit_schema=False):
- """Construct a new ``IdentifierPreparer`` object.
- initial_quote
- Character that begins a delimited identifier.
- final_quote
- Character that ends a delimited identifier. Defaults to
- `initial_quote`.
- omit_schema
- Prevent prepending schema name. Useful for databases that do
- not support schemae.
- """
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.initial_quote = initial_quote
- self.final_quote = final_quote or self.initial_quote
- self.escape_quote = escape_quote
- self.escape_to_quote = self.escape_quote * 2
- self.omit_schema = omit_schema
- self._strings = {}
- def _escape_identifier(self, value):
- """Escape an identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- escaping behavior.
- """
- return value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote)
- def _unescape_identifier(self, value):
- """Canonicalize an escaped identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- unescaping behavior that reverses _escape_identifier.
- """
- return value.replace(self.escape_to_quote, self.escape_quote)
- def quote_identifier(self, value):
- """Quote an identifier.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- quoting behavior.
- """
- return self.initial_quote + \
- self._escape_identifier(value) + \
- self.final_quote
- def _requires_quotes(self, value):
- """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting."""
- lc_value = value.lower()
- return (lc_value in self.reserved_words
- or value[0] in self.illegal_initial_characters
- or not self.legal_characters.match(unicode(value))
- or (lc_value != value))
- def quote_schema(self, schema, force):
- """Quote a schema.
- Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent
- quoting behavior.
- """
- return self.quote(schema, force)
- def quote(self, ident, force):
- if force is None:
- if ident in self._strings:
- return self._strings[ident]
- else:
- if self._requires_quotes(ident):
- self._strings[ident] = self.quote_identifier(ident)
- else:
- self._strings[ident] = ident
- return self._strings[ident]
- elif force:
- return self.quote_identifier(ident)
- else:
- return ident
- def format_sequence(self, sequence, use_schema=True):
- name = self.quote(sequence.name, sequence.quote)
- if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and \
- sequence.schema is not None:
- name = self.quote_schema(sequence.schema, sequence.quote) + \
- "." + name
- return name
- def format_label(self, label, name=None):
- return self.quote(name or label.name, label.quote)
- def format_alias(self, alias, name=None):
- return self.quote(name or alias.name, alias.quote)
- def format_savepoint(self, savepoint, name=None):
- return self.quote(name or savepoint.ident, savepoint.quote)
- def format_constraint(self, constraint):
- return self.quote(constraint.name, constraint.quote)
- def format_table(self, table, use_schema=True, name=None):
- """Prepare a quoted table and schema name."""
- if name is None:
- name = table.name
- result = self.quote(name, table.quote)
- if not self.omit_schema and use_schema \
- and getattr(table, "schema", None):
- result = self.quote_schema(table.schema, table.quote_schema) + \
- "." + result
- return result
- def format_column(self, column, use_table=False,
- name=None, table_name=None):
- """Prepare a quoted column name."""
- if name is None:
- name = column.name
- if not getattr(column, 'is_literal', False):
- if use_table:
- return self.format_table(
- column.table, use_schema=False,
- name=table_name) + "." + \
- self.quote(name, column.quote)
- else:
- return self.quote(name, column.quote)
- else:
- # literal textual elements get stuck into ColumnClause alot,
- # which shouldnt get quoted
- if use_table:
- return self.format_table(column.table,
- use_schema=False, name=table_name) + '.' + name
- else:
- return name
- def format_table_seq(self, table, use_schema=True):
- """Format table name and schema as a tuple."""
- # Dialects with more levels in their fully qualified references
- # ('database', 'owner', etc.) could override this and return
- # a longer sequence.
- if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and \
- getattr(table, 'schema', None):
- return (self.quote_schema(table.schema, table.quote_schema),
- self.format_table(table, use_schema=False))
- else:
- return (self.format_table(table, use_schema=False), )
- @util.memoized_property
- def _r_identifiers(self):
- initial, final, escaped_final = \
- [re.escape(s) for s in
- (self.initial_quote, self.final_quote,
- self._escape_identifier(self.final_quote))]
- r = re.compile(
- r'(?:'
- r'(?:%(initial)s((?:%(escaped)s|[^%(final)s])+)%(final)s'
- r'|([^\.]+))(?=\.|$))+' %
- { 'initial': initial,
- 'final': final,
- 'escaped': escaped_final })
- return r
- def unformat_identifiers(self, identifiers):
- """Unpack 'schema.table.column'-like strings into components."""
- r = self._r_identifiers
- return [self._unescape_identifier(i)
- for i in [a or b for a, b in r.findall(identifiers)]]
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py
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@@ -1,5127 +0,0 @@
-# sql/expression.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Defines the base components of SQL expression trees.
-All components are derived from a common base class
-:class:`.ClauseElement`. Common behaviors are organized
-based on class hierarchies, in some cases via mixins.
-All object construction from this package occurs via functions which
-in some cases will construct composite :class:`.ClauseElement` structures
-together, and in other cases simply return a single :class:`.ClauseElement`
-constructed directly. The function interface affords a more "DSL-ish"
-feel to constructing SQL expressions and also allows future class
-Even though classes are not constructed directly from the outside,
-most classes which have additional public methods are considered to be
-public (i.e. have no leading underscore). Other classes which are
-"semi-public" are marked with a single leading underscore; these
-classes usually have few or no public methods and are less guaranteed
-to stay the same in future releases.
-import itertools, re
-from operator import attrgetter
-from sqlalchemy import util, exc
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators
-from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import Visitable, cloned_traverse
-import operator
-functions = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.sql", "functions")
-sqlutil = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.sql", "util")
-sqltypes = util.importlater("sqlalchemy", "types")
-default = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.engine", "default")
-__all__ = [
- 'Alias', 'ClauseElement', 'ColumnCollection', 'ColumnElement',
- 'CompoundSelect', 'Delete', 'FromClause', 'Insert', 'Join', 'Select',
- 'Selectable', 'TableClause', 'Update', 'alias', 'and_', 'asc', 'between',
- 'bindparam', 'case', 'cast', 'column', 'delete', 'desc', 'distinct',
- 'except_', 'except_all', 'exists', 'extract', 'func', 'modifier',
- 'collate', 'insert', 'intersect', 'intersect_all', 'join', 'label',
- 'literal', 'literal_column', 'not_', 'null', 'nullsfirst', 'nullslast',
- 'or_', 'outparam', 'outerjoin', 'over', 'select', 'subquery', 'table', 'text',
- 'tuple_', 'type_coerce', 'union', 'union_all', 'update', ]
-def nullsfirst(column):
- """Return a NULLS FIRST ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
- e.g.::
- order_by = [desc(table1.mycol).nullsfirst()]
- """
- return _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.nullsfirst_op)
-def nullslast(column):
- """Return a NULLS LAST ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
- e.g.::
- order_by = [desc(table1.mycol).nullslast()]
- """
- return _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.nullslast_op)
-def desc(column):
- """Return a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
- e.g.::
- order_by = [desc(table1.mycol)]
- """
- return _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.desc_op)
-def asc(column):
- """Return an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element.
- e.g.::
- order_by = [asc(table1.mycol)]
- """
- return _UnaryExpression(column, modifier=operators.asc_op)
-def outerjoin(left, right, onclause=None):
- """Return an ``OUTER JOIN`` clause element.
- The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Join`.
- Similar functionality is also available via the :func:`outerjoin()`
- method on any :class:`.FromClause`.
- left
- The left side of the join.
- right
- The right side of the join.
- onclause
- Optional criterion for the ``ON`` clause, is derived from
- foreign key relationships established between left and right
- otherwise.
- To chain joins together, use the :func:`join()` or :func:`outerjoin()`
- methods on the resulting :class:`.Join` object.
- """
- return Join(left, right, onclause, isouter=True)
-def join(left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False):
- """Return a ``JOIN`` clause element (regular inner join).
- The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Join`.
- Similar functionality is also available via the :func:`join()` method
- on any :class:`.FromClause`.
- left
- The left side of the join.
- right
- The right side of the join.
- onclause
- Optional criterion for the ``ON`` clause, is derived from
- foreign key relationships established between left and right
- otherwise.
- To chain joins together, use the :func:`join()` or :func:`outerjoin()`
- methods on the resulting :class:`.Join` object.
- """
- return Join(left, right, onclause, isouter)
-def select(columns=None, whereclause=None, from_obj=[], **kwargs):
- """Returns a ``SELECT`` clause element.
- Similar functionality is also available via the :func:`select()`
- method on any :class:`.FromClause`.
- The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Select`.
- All arguments which accept :class:`.ClauseElement` arguments also accept
- string arguments, which will be converted as appropriate into
- either :func:`text()` or :func:`literal_column()` constructs.
- :param columns:
- A list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects, typically
- :class:`.ColumnElement` objects or subclasses, which will form the
- columns clause of the resulting statement. For all members which are
- instances of :class:`.Selectable`, the individual :class:`.ColumnElement`
- members of the :class:`.Selectable` will be added individually to the
- columns clause. For example, specifying a
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` instance will result in all the
- contained :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` objects within to be added
- to the columns clause.
- This argument is not present on the form of :func:`select()`
- available on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
- :param whereclause:
- A :class:`.ClauseElement` expression which will be used to form the
- ``WHERE`` clause.
- :param from_obj:
- A list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will be added to the
- ``FROM`` clause of the resulting statement. Note that "from" objects are
- automatically located within the columns and whereclause ClauseElements.
- Use this parameter to explicitly specify "from" objects which are not
- automatically locatable. This could include
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects that aren't otherwise present,
- or :class:`.Join` objects whose presence will supercede that of the
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects already located in the other
- clauses.
- :param autocommit:
- Deprecated. Use .execution_options(autocommit=<True|False>)
- to set the autocommit option.
- :param bind=None:
- an :class:`~.base.Engine` or :class:`~.base.Connection` instance
- to which the
- resulting :class:`.Select` object will be bound. The :class:`.Select`
- object will otherwise automatically bind to whatever
- :class:`~.base.Connectable` instances can be located within its contained
- :class:`.ClauseElement` members.
- :param correlate=True:
- indicates that this :class:`.Select` object should have its
- contained :class:`.FromClause` elements "correlated" to an enclosing
- :class:`.Select` object. This means that any :class:`.ClauseElement`
- instance within the "froms" collection of this :class:`.Select`
- which is also present in the "froms" collection of an
- enclosing select will not be rendered in the ``FROM`` clause
- of this select statement.
- :param distinct=False:
- when ``True``, applies a ``DISTINCT`` qualifier to the columns
- clause of the resulting statement.
- The boolean argument may also be a column expression or list
- of column expressions - this is a special calling form which
- is understood by the Postgresql dialect to render the
- ``DISTINCT ON (<columns>)`` syntax.
- ``distinct`` is also available via the :meth:`~.Select.distinct`
- generative method.
- .. note:: The ``distinct`` keyword's acceptance of a string
- argument for usage with MySQL is deprecated. Use
- the ``prefixes`` argument or :meth:`~.Select.prefix_with`.
- :param for_update=False:
- when ``True``, applies ``FOR UPDATE`` to the end of the
- resulting statement. Certain database dialects also support
- alternate values for this parameter, for example mysql
- supports "read" which translates to ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE``,
- and oracle supports "nowait" which translates to ``FOR UPDATE
- :param group_by:
- a list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will comprise the
- ``GROUP BY`` clause of the resulting select.
- :param having:
- a :class:`.ClauseElement` that will comprise the ``HAVING`` clause
- of the resulting select when ``GROUP BY`` is used.
- :param limit=None:
- a numerical value which usually compiles to a ``LIMIT``
- expression in the resulting select. Databases that don't
- support ``LIMIT`` will attempt to provide similar
- functionality.
- :param offset=None:
- a numeric value which usually compiles to an ``OFFSET``
- expression in the resulting select. Databases that don't
- support ``OFFSET`` will attempt to provide similar
- functionality.
- :param order_by:
- a scalar or list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will
- comprise the ``ORDER BY`` clause of the resulting select.
- :param prefixes:
- a list of strings or :class:`.ClauseElement` objects to include
- directly after the SELECT keyword in the generated statement,
- for dialect-specific query features. ``prefixes`` is
- also available via the :meth:`~.Select.prefix_with`
- generative method.
- :param use_labels=False:
- when ``True``, the statement will be generated using labels
- for each column in the columns clause, which qualify each
- column with its parent table's (or aliases) name so that name
- conflicts between columns in different tables don't occur.
- The format of the label is <tablename>_<column>. The "c"
- collection of the resulting :class:`.Select` object will use these
- names as well for targeting column members.
- use_labels is also available via the :meth:`~._SelectBase.apply_labels`
- generative method.
- """
- return Select(columns, whereclause=whereclause, from_obj=from_obj,
- **kwargs)
-def subquery(alias, *args, **kwargs):
- """Return an :class:`.Alias` object derived
- from a :class:`.Select`.
- name
- alias name
- \*args, \**kwargs
- all other arguments are delivered to the
- :func:`select` function.
- """
- return Select(*args, **kwargs).alias(alias)
-def insert(table, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs):
- """Return an :class:`.Insert` clause element.
- Similar functionality is available via the :func:`insert()` method on
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
- :param table: The table to be inserted into.
- :param values: A dictionary which specifies the column specifications of
- the ``INSERT``, and is optional. If left as None, the column
- specifications are determined from the bind parameters used during the
- compile phase of the ``INSERT`` statement. If the bind parameters also
- are None during the compile phase, then the column specifications will be
- generated from the full list of table columns. Note that the
- :meth:`~Insert.values()` generative method may also be used for this.
- :param prefixes: A list of modifier keywords to be inserted between INSERT
- and INTO. Alternatively, the :meth:`~Insert.prefix_with` generative
- method may be used.
- :param inline: if True, SQL defaults will be compiled 'inline' into the
- statement and not pre-executed.
- If both `values` and compile-time bind parameters are present, the
- compile-time bind parameters override the information specified
- within `values` on a per-key basis.
- The keys within `values` can be either :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
- objects or their string identifiers. Each key may reference one of:
- * a literal data value (i.e. string, number, etc.);
- * a Column object;
- * a SELECT statement.
- If a ``SELECT`` statement is specified which references this
- ``INSERT`` statement's table, the statement will be correlated
- against the ``INSERT`` statement.
- """
- return Insert(table, values, inline=inline, **kwargs)
-def update(table, whereclause=None, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs):
- """Return an :class:`.Update` clause element.
- Similar functionality is available via the :func:`update()` method on
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
- :param table: The table to be updated.
- :param whereclause: A :class:`.ClauseElement` describing the ``WHERE``
- condition of the ``UPDATE`` statement. Note that the
- :meth:`~Update.where()` generative method may also be used for this.
- :param values:
- A dictionary which specifies the ``SET`` conditions of the
- ``UPDATE``, and is optional. If left as None, the ``SET``
- conditions are determined from the bind parameters used during
- the compile phase of the ``UPDATE`` statement. If the bind
- parameters also are None during the compile phase, then the
- ``SET`` conditions will be generated from the full list of table
- columns. Note that the :meth:`~Update.values()` generative method may
- also be used for this.
- :param inline:
- if True, SQL defaults will be compiled 'inline' into the statement
- and not pre-executed.
- If both `values` and compile-time bind parameters are present, the
- compile-time bind parameters override the information specified
- within `values` on a per-key basis.
- The keys within `values` can be either :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
- objects or their
- string identifiers. Each key may reference one of:
- * a literal data value (i.e. string, number, etc.);
- * a Column object;
- * a SELECT statement.
- If a ``SELECT`` statement is specified which references this
- ``UPDATE`` statement's table, the statement will be correlated
- against the ``UPDATE`` statement.
- """
- return Update(
- table,
- whereclause=whereclause,
- values=values,
- inline=inline,
- **kwargs)
-def delete(table, whereclause = None, **kwargs):
- """Return a :class:`.Delete` clause element.
- Similar functionality is available via the :func:`delete()` method on
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
- :param table: The table to be updated.
- :param whereclause: A :class:`.ClauseElement` describing the ``WHERE``
- condition of the ``UPDATE`` statement. Note that the
- :meth:`~Delete.where()` generative method may be used instead.
- """
- return Delete(table, whereclause, **kwargs)
-def and_(*clauses):
- """Join a list of clauses together using the ``AND`` operator.
- The ``&`` operator is also overloaded on all
- :class:`_CompareMixin` subclasses to produce the
- same result.
- """
- if len(clauses) == 1:
- return clauses[0]
- return BooleanClauseList(operator=operators.and_, *clauses)
-def or_(*clauses):
- """Join a list of clauses together using the ``OR`` operator.
- The ``|`` operator is also overloaded on all
- :class:`_CompareMixin` subclasses to produce the
- same result.
- """
- if len(clauses) == 1:
- return clauses[0]
- return BooleanClauseList(operator=operators.or_, *clauses)
-def not_(clause):
- """Return a negation of the given clause, i.e. ``NOT(clause)``.
- The ``~`` operator is also overloaded on all
- :class:`_CompareMixin` subclasses to produce the
- same result.
- """
- return operators.inv(_literal_as_binds(clause))
-def distinct(expr):
- """Return a ``DISTINCT`` clause."""
- expr = _literal_as_binds(expr)
- return _UnaryExpression(expr, operator=operators.distinct_op, type_=expr.type)
-def between(ctest, cleft, cright):
- """Return a ``BETWEEN`` predicate clause.
- Equivalent of SQL ``clausetest BETWEEN clauseleft AND clauseright``.
- The :func:`between()` method on all
- :class:`_CompareMixin` subclasses provides
- similar functionality.
- """
- ctest = _literal_as_binds(ctest)
- return ctest.between(cleft, cright)
-def case(whens, value=None, else_=None):
- """Produce a ``CASE`` statement.
- whens
- A sequence of pairs, or alternatively a dict,
- to be translated into "WHEN / THEN" clauses.
- value
- Optional for simple case statements, produces
- a column expression as in "CASE <expr> WHEN ..."
- else\_
- Optional as well, for case defaults produces
- the "ELSE" portion of the "CASE" statement.
- The expressions used for THEN and ELSE,
- when specified as strings, will be interpreted
- as bound values. To specify textual SQL expressions
- for these, use the :func:`literal_column`
- construct.
- The expressions used for the WHEN criterion
- may only be literal strings when "value" is
- present, i.e. CASE table.somecol WHEN "x" THEN "y".
- Otherwise, literal strings are not accepted
- in this position, and either the text(<string>)
- or literal(<string>) constructs must be used to
- interpret raw string values.
- Usage examples::
- case([(orderline.c.qty > 100, item.c.specialprice),
- (orderline.c.qty > 10, item.c.bulkprice)
- ], else_=item.c.regularprice)
- case(value=emp.c.type, whens={
- 'engineer': emp.c.salary * 1.1,
- 'manager': emp.c.salary * 3,
- })
- Using :func:`literal_column()`, to allow for databases that
- do not support bind parameters in the ``then`` clause. The type
- can be specified which determines the type of the :func:`case()` construct
- overall::
- case([(orderline.c.qty > 100,
- literal_column("'greaterthan100'", String)),
- (orderline.c.qty > 10, literal_column("'greaterthan10'",
- String))
- ], else_=literal_column("'lethan10'", String))
- """
- return _Case(whens, value=value, else_=else_)
-def cast(clause, totype, **kwargs):
- """Return a ``CAST`` function.
- Equivalent of SQL ``CAST(clause AS totype)``.
- Use with a :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` subclass, i.e::
- cast(table.c.unit_price * table.c.qty, Numeric(10,4))
- or::
- cast(table.c.timestamp, DATE)
- """
- return _Cast(clause, totype, **kwargs)
-def extract(field, expr):
- """Return the clause ``extract(field FROM expr)``."""
- return _Extract(field, expr)
-def collate(expression, collation):
- """Return the clause ``expression COLLATE collation``."""
- expr = _literal_as_binds(expression)
- return _BinaryExpression(
- expr,
- _literal_as_text(collation),
- operators.collate, type_=expr.type)
-def exists(*args, **kwargs):
- """Return an ``EXISTS`` clause as applied to a :class:`.Select` object.
- Calling styles are of the following forms::
- # use on an existing select()
- s = select([table.c.col1]).where(table.c.col2==5)
- s = exists(s)
- # construct a select() at once
- exists(['*'], **select_arguments).where(criterion)
- # columns argument is optional, generates "EXISTS (SELECT *)"
- # by default.
- exists().where(table.c.col2==5)
- """
- return _Exists(*args, **kwargs)
-def union(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return a ``UNION`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- A similar :func:`union()` method is available on all
- :class:`.FromClause` subclasses.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.UNION, *selects, **kwargs)
-def union_all(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return a ``UNION ALL`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- A similar :func:`union_all()` method is available on all
- :class:`.FromClause` subclasses.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.UNION_ALL, *selects, **kwargs)
-def except_(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return an ``EXCEPT`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.EXCEPT, *selects, **kwargs)
-def except_all(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return an ``EXCEPT ALL`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.EXCEPT_ALL, *selects, **kwargs)
-def intersect(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return an ``INTERSECT`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.INTERSECT, *selects, **kwargs)
-def intersect_all(*selects, **kwargs):
- """Return an ``INTERSECT ALL`` of multiple selectables.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`.CompoundSelect`.
- \*selects
- a list of :class:`.Select` instances.
- \**kwargs
- available keyword arguments are the same as those of
- :func:`select`.
- """
- return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.INTERSECT_ALL, *selects, **kwargs)
-def alias(selectable, name=None):
- """Return an :class:`.Alias` object.
- An :class:`.Alias` represents any :class:`.FromClause`
- with an alternate name assigned within SQL, typically using the ``AS``
- clause when generated, e.g. ``SELECT * FROM table AS aliasname``.
- Similar functionality is available via the
- :meth:`~.FromClause.alias` method
- available on all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses.
- When an :class:`.Alias` is created from a :class:`.Table` object,
- this has the effect of the table being rendered
- as ``tablename AS aliasname`` in a SELECT statement.
- For :func:`.select` objects, the effect is that of creating a named
- subquery, i.e. ``(select ...) AS aliasname``.
- The ``name`` parameter is optional, and provides the name
- to use in the rendered SQL. If blank, an "anonymous" name
- will be deterministically generated at compile time.
- Deterministic means the name is guaranteed to be unique against
- other constructs used in the same statement, and will also be the
- same name for each successive compilation of the same statement
- object.
- :param selectable: any :class:`.FromClause` subclass,
- such as a table, select statement, etc.
- :param name: string name to be assigned as the alias.
- If ``None``, a name will be deterministically generated
- at compile time.
- """
- return Alias(selectable, name=name)
-def literal(value, type_=None):
- """Return a literal clause, bound to a bind parameter.
- Literal clauses are created automatically when non- :class:`.ClauseElement`
- objects (such as strings, ints, dates, etc.) are used in a comparison
- operation with a :class:`_CompareMixin`
- subclass, such as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object. Use this function to force the
- generation of a literal clause, which will be created as a
- :class:`_BindParamClause` with a bound value.
- :param value: the value to be bound. Can be any Python object supported by
- the underlying DB-API, or is translatable via the given type argument.
- :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` which
- will provide bind-parameter translation for this literal.
- """
- return _BindParamClause(None, value, type_=type_, unique=True)
-def tuple_(*expr):
- """Return a SQL tuple.
- Main usage is to produce a composite IN construct::
- tuple_(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).in_(
- [(1, 2), (5, 12), (10, 19)]
- )
- """
- return _Tuple(*expr)
-def type_coerce(expr, type_):
- """Coerce the given expression into the given type, on the Python side only.
- :func:`.type_coerce` is roughly similar to :func:.`cast`, except no
- "CAST" expression is rendered - the given type is only applied towards
- expression typing and against received result values.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator
- import uuid
- class AsGuid(TypeDecorator):
- impl = String
- def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
- if value is not None:
- return str(value)
- else:
- return None
- def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
- if value is not None:
- return uuid.UUID(value)
- else:
- return None
- conn.execute(
- select([type_coerce(mytable.c.ident, AsGuid)]).\\
- where(
- type_coerce(mytable.c.ident, AsGuid) ==
- uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'bar')
- )
- )
- """
- if hasattr(expr, '__clause_expr__'):
- return type_coerce(expr.__clause_expr__())
- elif not isinstance(expr, Visitable):
- if expr is None:
- return null()
- else:
- return literal(expr, type_=type_)
- else:
- return _Label(None, expr, type_=type_)
-def label(name, obj):
- """Return a :class:`_Label` object for the
- given :class:`.ColumnElement`.
- A label changes the name of an element in the columns clause of a
- ``SELECT`` statement, typically via the ``AS`` SQL keyword.
- This functionality is more conveniently available via the
- :func:`label()` method on :class:`.ColumnElement`.
- name
- label name
- obj
- a :class:`.ColumnElement`.
- """
- return _Label(name, obj)
-def column(text, type_=None):
- """Return a textual column clause, as would be in the columns clause of a
- ``SELECT`` statement.
- The object returned is an instance of :class:`.ColumnClause`, which
- represents the "syntactical" portion of the schema-level
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object. It is often used directly
- within :func:`~.expression.select` constructs or with lightweight :func:`~.expression.table`
- constructs.
- Note that the :func:`~.expression.column` function is not part of
- the ``sqlalchemy`` namespace. It must be imported from the ``sql`` package::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
- :param text: the name of the column. Quoting rules will be applied
- to the clause like any other column name. For textual column constructs
- that are not to be quoted, use the :func:`literal_column` function.
- :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` object
- which will provide result-set translation for this column.
- See :class:`.ColumnClause` for further examples.
- """
- return ColumnClause(text, type_=type_)
-def literal_column(text, type_=None):
- """Return a textual column expression, as would be in the columns
- clause of a ``SELECT`` statement.
- The object returned supports further expressions in the same way as any
- other column object, including comparison, math and string operations.
- The type\_ parameter is important to determine proper expression behavior
- (such as, '+' means string concatenation or numerical addition based on
- the type).
- :param text: the text of the expression; can be any SQL expression.
- Quoting rules will not be applied. To specify a column-name expression
- which should be subject to quoting rules, use the :func:`column`
- function.
- :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` object which will
- provide result-set translation and additional expression semantics for
- this column. If left as None the type will be NullType.
- """
- return ColumnClause(text, type_=type_, is_literal=True)
-def table(name, *columns):
- """Represent a textual table clause.
- The object returned is an instance of :class:`.TableClause`, which represents the
- "syntactical" portion of the schema-level :class:`~.schema.Table` object.
- It may be used to construct lightweight table constructs.
- Note that the :func:`~.expression.table` function is not part of
- the ``sqlalchemy`` namespace. It must be imported from the ``sql`` package::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
- :param name: Name of the table.
- :param columns: A collection of :func:`~.expression.column` constructs.
- See :class:`.TableClause` for further examples.
- """
- return TableClause(name, *columns)
-def bindparam(key, value=None, type_=None, unique=False, required=False, callable_=None):
- """Create a bind parameter clause with the given key.
- :param key:
- the key for this bind param. Will be used in the generated
- SQL statement for dialects that use named parameters. This
- value may be modified when part of a compilation operation,
- if other :class:`_BindParamClause` objects exist with the same
- key, or if its length is too long and truncation is
- required.
- :param value:
- Initial value for this bind param. This value may be
- overridden by the dictionary of parameters sent to statement
- compilation/execution.
- :param callable\_:
- A callable function that takes the place of "value". The function
- will be called at statement execution time to determine the
- ultimate value. Used for scenarios where the actual bind
- value cannot be determined at the point at which the clause
- construct is created, but embedded bind values are still desirable.
- :param type\_:
- A ``TypeEngine`` object that will be used to pre-process the
- value corresponding to this :class:`_BindParamClause` at
- execution time.
- :param unique:
- if True, the key name of this BindParamClause will be
- modified if another :class:`_BindParamClause` of the same name
- already has been located within the containing
- :class:`.ClauseElement`.
- :param required:
- a value is required at execution time.
- """
- if isinstance(key, ColumnClause):
- return _BindParamClause(key.name, value, type_=key.type,
- callable_=callable_,
- unique=unique, required=required)
- else:
- return _BindParamClause(key, value, type_=type_,
- callable_=callable_,
- unique=unique, required=required)
-def outparam(key, type_=None):
- """Create an 'OUT' parameter for usage in functions (stored procedures),
- for databases which support them.
- The ``outparam`` can be used like a regular function parameter.
- The "output" value will be available from the
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` object via its ``out_parameters``
- attribute, which returns a dictionary containing the values.
- """
- return _BindParamClause(
- key, None, type_=type_, unique=False, isoutparam=True)
-def text(text, bind=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """Create a SQL construct that is represented by a literal string.
- E.g.::
- t = text("SELECT * FROM users")
- result = connection.execute(t)
- The advantages :func:`text` provides over a plain string are
- backend-neutral support for bind parameters, per-statement
- execution options, as well as
- bind parameter and result-column typing behavior, allowing
- SQLAlchemy type constructs to play a role when executing
- a statement that is specified literally.
- Bind parameters are specified by name, using the format ``:name``.
- E.g.::
- t = text("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:user_id")
- result = connection.execute(t, user_id=12)
- To invoke SQLAlchemy typing logic for bind parameters, the
- ``bindparams`` list allows specification of :func:`bindparam`
- constructs which specify the type for a given name::
- t = text("SELECT id FROM users WHERE updated_at>:updated",
- bindparams=[bindparam('updated', DateTime())]
- )
- Typing during result row processing is also an important concern.
- Result column types
- are specified using the ``typemap`` dictionary, where the keys
- match the names of columns. These names are taken from what
- the DBAPI returns as ``cursor.description``::
- t = text("SELECT id, name FROM users",
- typemap={
- 'id':Integer,
- 'name':Unicode
- }
- )
- The :func:`text` construct is used internally for most cases when
- a literal string is specified for part of a larger query, such as
- within :func:`select()`, :func:`update()`,
- :func:`insert()` or :func:`delete()`. In those cases, the same
- bind parameter syntax is applied::
- s = select([users.c.id, users.c.name]).where("id=:user_id")
- result = connection.execute(s, user_id=12)
- Using :func:`text` explicitly usually implies the construction
- of a full, standalone statement. As such, SQLAlchemy refers
- to it as an :class:`.Executable` object, and it supports
- the :meth:`Executable.execution_options` method. For example,
- a :func:`text` construct that should be subject to "autocommit"
- can be set explicitly so using the ``autocommit`` option::
- t = text("EXEC my_procedural_thing()").\\
- execution_options(autocommit=True)
- Note that SQLAlchemy's usual "autocommit" behavior applies to
- :func:`text` constructs - that is, statements which begin
- with a phrase such as ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE``, ``DELETE``,
- or a variety of other phrases specific to certain backends, will
- be eligible for autocommit if no transaction is in progress.
- :param text:
- the text of the SQL statement to be created. use ``:<param>``
- to specify bind parameters; they will be compiled to their
- engine-specific format.
- :param autocommit:
- Deprecated. Use .execution_options(autocommit=<True|False>)
- to set the autocommit option.
- :param bind:
- an optional connection or engine to be used for this text query.
- :param bindparams:
- a list of :func:`bindparam()` instances which can be used to define
- the types and/or initial values for the bind parameters within
- the textual statement; the keynames of the bindparams must match
- those within the text of the statement. The types will be used
- for pre-processing on bind values.
- :param typemap:
- a dictionary mapping the names of columns represented in the
- columns clause of a ``SELECT`` statement to type objects,
- which will be used to perform post-processing on columns within
- the result set. This argument applies to any expression
- that returns result sets.
- """
- return _TextClause(text, bind=bind, *args, **kwargs)
-def over(func, partition_by=None, order_by=None):
- """Produce an OVER clause against a function.
- Used against aggregate or so-called "window" functions,
- for database backends that support window functions.
- E.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import over
- over(func.row_number(), order_by='x')
- Would produce "ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY x)".
- :param func: a :class:`.FunctionElement` construct, typically
- generated by :attr:`~.expression.func`.
- :param partition_by: a column element or string, or a list
- of such, that will be used as the PARTITION BY clause
- of the OVER construct.
- :param order_by: a column element or string, or a list
- of such, that will be used as the ORDER BY clause
- of the OVER construct.
- This function is also available from the :attr:`~.expression.func`
- construct itself via the :meth:`.FunctionElement.over` method.
- New in 0.7.
- """
- return _Over(func, partition_by=partition_by, order_by=order_by)
-def null():
- """Return a :class:`_Null` object, which compiles to ``NULL``.
- """
- return _Null()
-def true():
- """Return a :class:`_True` object, which compiles to ``true``, or the
- boolean equivalent for the target dialect.
- """
- return _True()
-def false():
- """Return a :class:`_False` object, which compiles to ``false``, or the
- boolean equivalent for the target dialect.
- """
- return _False()
-class _FunctionGenerator(object):
- """Generate :class:`.Function` objects based on getattr calls."""
- def __init__(self, **opts):
- self.__names = []
- self.opts = opts
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- # passthru __ attributes; fixes pydoc
- if name.startswith('__'):
- try:
- return self.__dict__[name]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError(name)
- elif name.endswith('_'):
- name = name[0:-1]
- f = _FunctionGenerator(**self.opts)
- f.__names = list(self.__names) + [name]
- return f
- def __call__(self, *c, **kwargs):
- o = self.opts.copy()
- o.update(kwargs)
- if len(self.__names) == 1:
- func = getattr(functions, self.__names[-1].lower(), None)
- if func is not None and \
- isinstance(func, type) and \
- issubclass(func, Function):
- return func(*c, **o)
- return Function(self.__names[-1],
- packagenames=self.__names[0:-1], *c, **o)
-# "func" global - i.e. func.count()
-func = _FunctionGenerator()
-"""Generate SQL function expressions.
- ``func`` is a special object instance which generates SQL functions based on name-based attributes, e.g.::
- >>> print func.count(1)
- count(:param_1)
- Any name can be given to ``func``. If the function name is unknown to
- SQLAlchemy, it will be rendered exactly as is. For common SQL functions
- which SQLAlchemy is aware of, the name may be interpreted as a *generic
- function* which will be compiled appropriately to the target database::
- >>> print func.current_timestamp()
- To call functions which are present in dot-separated packages, specify them in the same manner::
- >>> print func.stats.yield_curve(5, 10)
- stats.yield_curve(:yield_curve_1, :yield_curve_2)
- SQLAlchemy can be made aware of the return type of functions to enable
- type-specific lexical and result-based behavior. For example, to ensure
- that a string-based function returns a Unicode value and is similarly
- treated as a string in expressions, specify
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` as the type:
- >>> print func.my_string(u'hi', type_=Unicode) + ' ' + \
- ... func.my_string(u'there', type_=Unicode)
- my_string(:my_string_1) || :my_string_2 || my_string(:my_string_3)
- The object returned by a ``func`` call is an instance of :class:`.Function`.
- This object meets the "column" interface, including comparison and labeling
- functions. The object can also be passed the :meth:`~.Connectable.execute`
- method of a :class:`.Connection` or :class:`.Engine`, where it will be
- wrapped inside of a SELECT statement first.
- Functions which are interpreted as "generic" functions know how to
- calculate their return type automatically. For a listing of known generic
- functions, see :ref:`generic_functions`.
-# "modifier" global - i.e. modifier.distinct
-# TODO: use UnaryExpression for this instead ?
-modifier = _FunctionGenerator(group=False)
-class _generated_label(unicode):
- """A unicode subclass used to identify dynamically generated names."""
-def _escape_for_generated(x):
- if isinstance(x, _generated_label):
- return x
- else:
- return x.replace('%', '%%')
-def _clone(element):
- return element._clone()
-def _expand_cloned(elements):
- """expand the given set of ClauseElements to be the set of all 'cloned'
- predecessors.
- """
- return itertools.chain(*[x._cloned_set for x in elements])
-def _select_iterables(elements):
- """expand tables into individual columns in the
- given list of column expressions.
- """
- return itertools.chain(*[c._select_iterable for c in elements])
-def _cloned_intersection(a, b):
- """return the intersection of sets a and b, counting
- any overlap between 'cloned' predecessors.
- The returned set is in terms of the enties present within 'a'.
- """
- all_overlap = set(_expand_cloned(a)).intersection(_expand_cloned(b))
- return set(elem for elem in a
- if all_overlap.intersection(elem._cloned_set))
-def _is_literal(element):
- return not isinstance(element, Visitable) and \
- not hasattr(element, '__clause_element__')
-def _from_objects(*elements):
- return itertools.chain(*[element._from_objects for element in elements])
-def _labeled(element):
- if not hasattr(element, 'name'):
- return element.label(None)
- else:
- return element
-def _column_as_key(element):
- if isinstance(element, basestring):
- return element
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- element = element.__clause_element__()
- return element.key
-def _literal_as_text(element):
- if isinstance(element, Visitable):
- return element
- elif hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- return element.__clause_element__()
- elif isinstance(element, basestring):
- return _TextClause(unicode(element))
- elif isinstance(element, (util.NoneType, bool)):
- return _const_expr(element)
- else:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "SQL expression object or string expected."
- )
-def _const_expr(element):
- if element is None:
- return null()
- elif element is False:
- return false()
- elif element is True:
- return true()
- else:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Expected None, False, or True"
- )
-def _clause_element_as_expr(element):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- return element.__clause_element__()
- else:
- return element
-def _literal_as_column(element):
- if isinstance(element, Visitable):
- return element
- elif hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- return element.__clause_element__()
- else:
- return literal_column(str(element))
-def _literal_as_binds(element, name=None, type_=None):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- return element.__clause_element__()
- elif not isinstance(element, Visitable):
- if element is None:
- return null()
- else:
- return _BindParamClause(name, element, type_=type_, unique=True)
- else:
- return element
-def _type_from_args(args):
- for a in args:
- if not isinstance(a.type, sqltypes.NullType):
- return a.type
- else:
- return sqltypes.NullType
-def _no_literals(element):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- return element.__clause_element__()
- elif not isinstance(element, Visitable):
- raise exc.ArgumentError("Ambiguous literal: %r. Use the 'text()' "
- "function to indicate a SQL expression "
- "literal, or 'literal()' to indicate a "
- "bound value." % element)
- else:
- return element
-def _only_column_elements(element, name):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- element = element.__clause_element__()
- if not isinstance(element, ColumnElement):
- raise exc.ArgumentError("Column-based expression object expected for argument '%s'; "
- "got: '%s', type %s" % (name, element, type(element)))
- return element
-def _corresponding_column_or_error(fromclause, column,
- require_embedded=False):
- c = fromclause.corresponding_column(column,
- require_embedded=require_embedded)
- if c is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Given column '%s', attached to table '%s', "
- "failed to locate a corresponding column from table '%s'"
- %
- (column,
- getattr(column, 'table', None),fromclause.description)
- )
- return c
-def _generative(fn, *args, **kw):
- """Mark a method as generative."""
- self = args[0]._generate()
- fn(self, *args[1:], **kw)
- return self
-def is_column(col):
- """True if ``col`` is an instance of :class:`.ColumnElement`."""
- return isinstance(col, ColumnElement)
-class ClauseElement(Visitable):
- """Base class for elements of a programmatically constructed SQL
- expression.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'clause'
- _annotations = {}
- supports_execution = False
- _from_objects = []
- bind = None
- def _clone(self):
- """Create a shallow copy of this ClauseElement.
- This method may be used by a generative API. Its also used as
- part of the "deep" copy afforded by a traversal that combines
- the _copy_internals() method.
- """
- c = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- c.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- c.__dict__.pop('_cloned_set', None)
- # this is a marker that helps to "equate" clauses to each other
- # when a Select returns its list of FROM clauses. the cloning
- # process leaves around a lot of remnants of the previous clause
- # typically in the form of column expressions still attached to the
- # old table.
- c._is_clone_of = self
- return c
- @property
- def _constructor(self):
- """return the 'constructor' for this ClauseElement.
- This is for the purposes for creating a new object of
- this type. Usually, its just the element's __class__.
- However, the "Annotated" version of the object overrides
- to return the class of its proxied element.
- """
- return self.__class__
- @util.memoized_property
- def _cloned_set(self):
- """Return the set consisting all cloned anscestors of this
- ClauseElement.
- Includes this ClauseElement. This accessor tends to be used for
- FromClause objects to identify 'equivalent' FROM clauses, regardless
- of transformative operations.
- """
- s = util.column_set()
- f = self
- while f is not None:
- s.add(f)
- f = getattr(f, '_is_clone_of', None)
- return s
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- d.pop('_is_clone_of', None)
- return d
- if util.jython:
- def __hash__(self):
- """Return a distinct hash code.
- ClauseElements may have special equality comparisons which
- makes us rely on them having unique hash codes for use in
- hash-based collections. Stock __hash__ doesn't guarantee
- unique values on platforms with moving GCs.
- """
- return id(self)
- def _annotate(self, values):
- """return a copy of this ClauseElement with the given annotations
- dictionary.
- """
- return sqlutil.Annotated(self, values)
- def _deannotate(self):
- """return a copy of this ClauseElement with an empty annotations
- dictionary.
- """
- return self._clone()
- def unique_params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
- """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elments replaced.
- Same functionality as ``params()``, except adds `unique=True`
- to affected bind parameters so that multiple statements can be
- used.
- """
- return self._params(True, optionaldict, kwargs)
- def params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
- """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elments replaced.
- Returns a copy of this ClauseElement with :func:`bindparam()`
- elements replaced with values taken from the given dictionary::
- >>> clause = column('x') + bindparam('foo')
- >>> print clause.compile().params
- {'foo':None}
- >>> print clause.params({'foo':7}).compile().params
- {'foo':7}
- """
- return self._params(False, optionaldict, kwargs)
- def _params(self, unique, optionaldict, kwargs):
- if len(optionaldict) == 1:
- kwargs.update(optionaldict[0])
- elif len(optionaldict) > 1:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "params() takes zero or one positional dictionary argument")
- def visit_bindparam(bind):
- if bind.key in kwargs:
- bind.value = kwargs[bind.key]
- if unique:
- bind._convert_to_unique()
- return cloned_traverse(self, {}, {'bindparam':visit_bindparam})
- def compare(self, other, **kw):
- """Compare this ClauseElement to the given ClauseElement.
- Subclasses should override the default behavior, which is a
- straight identity comparison.
- \**kw are arguments consumed by subclass compare() methods and
- may be used to modify the criteria for comparison.
- (see :class:`.ColumnElement`)
- """
- return self is other
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- """Reassign internal elements to be clones of themselves.
- Called during a copy-and-traverse operation on newly
- shallow-copied elements to create a deep copy.
- """
- pass
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- """Return immediate child elements of this :class:`.ClauseElement`.
- This is used for visit traversal.
- \**kwargs may contain flags that change the collection that is
- returned, for example to return a subset of items in order to
- cut down on larger traversals, or to return child items from a
- different context (such as schema-level collections instead of
- clause-level).
- """
- return []
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- """Apply a 'grouping' to this :class:`.ClauseElement`.
- This method is overridden by subclasses to return a
- "grouping" construct, i.e. parenthesis. In particular
- it's used by "binary" expressions to provide a grouping
- around themselves when placed into a larger expression,
- as well as by :func:`.select` constructs when placed into
- the FROM clause of another :func:`.select`. (Note that
- subqueries should be normally created using the
- :func:`.Select.alias` method, as many platforms require
- nested SELECT statements to be named).
- As expressions are composed together, the application of
- :meth:`self_group` is automatic - end-user code should never
- need to use this method directly. Note that SQLAlchemy's
- clause constructs take operator precedence into account -
- so parenthesis might not be needed, for example, in
- an expression like ``x OR (y AND z)`` - AND takes precedence
- over OR.
- The base :meth:`self_group` method of :class:`.ClauseElement`
- just returns self.
- """
- return self
- @util.deprecated('0.7',
- 'Only SQL expressions which subclass '
- ':class:`.Executable` may provide the '
- ':func:`.execute` method.')
- def execute(self, *multiparams, **params):
- """Compile and execute this :class:`.ClauseElement`.
- """
- e = self.bind
- if e is None:
- label = getattr(self, 'description', self.__class__.__name__)
- msg = ('This %s does not support direct execution.' % label)
- raise exc.UnboundExecutionError(msg)
- return e._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params)
- @util.deprecated('0.7',
- 'Only SQL expressions which subclass '
- ':class:`.Executable` may provide the '
- ':func:`.scalar` method.')
- def scalar(self, *multiparams, **params):
- """Compile and execute this :class:`.ClauseElement`, returning
- the result's scalar representation.
- """
- return self.execute(*multiparams, **params).scalar()
- def compile(self, bind=None, dialect=None, **kw):
- """Compile this SQL expression.
- The return value is a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Compiled` object.
- Calling ``str()`` or ``unicode()`` on the returned value will yield a
- string representation of the result. The
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Compiled` object also can return a
- dictionary of bind parameter names and values
- using the ``params`` accessor.
- :param bind: An ``Engine`` or ``Connection`` from which a
- ``Compiled`` will be acquired. This argument takes precedence over
- this :class:`.ClauseElement`'s bound engine, if any.
- :param column_keys: Used for INSERT and UPDATE statements, a list of
- column names which should be present in the VALUES clause of the
- compiled statement. If ``None``, all columns from the target table
- object are rendered.
- :param dialect: A ``Dialect`` instance frmo which a ``Compiled``
- will be acquired. This argument takes precedence over the `bind`
- argument as well as this :class:`.ClauseElement`'s bound engine, if
- any.
- :param inline: Used for INSERT statements, for a dialect which does
- not support inline retrieval of newly generated primary key
- columns, will force the expression used to create the new primary
- key value to be rendered inline within the INSERT statement's
- VALUES clause. This typically refers to Sequence execution but may
- also refer to any server-side default generation function
- associated with a primary key `Column`.
- """
- if not dialect:
- if bind:
- dialect = bind.dialect
- elif self.bind:
- dialect = self.bind.dialect
- bind = self.bind
- else:
- dialect = default.DefaultDialect()
- return self._compiler(dialect, bind=bind, **kw)
- def _compiler(self, dialect, **kw):
- """Return a compiler appropriate for this ClauseElement, given a
- Dialect."""
- return dialect.statement_compiler(dialect, self, **kw)
- def __str__(self):
- # Py3K
- #return unicode(self.compile())
- # Py2K
- return unicode(self.compile()).encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
- # end Py2K
- def __and__(self, other):
- return and_(self, other)
- def __or__(self, other):
- return or_(self, other)
- def __invert__(self):
- return self._negate()
- def __nonzero__(self):
- raise TypeError("Boolean value of this clause is not defined")
- def _negate(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'negation_clause'):
- return self.negation_clause
- else:
- return _UnaryExpression(
- self.self_group(against=operators.inv),
- operator=operators.inv,
- negate=None)
- def __repr__(self):
- friendly = getattr(self, 'description', None)
- if friendly is None:
- return object.__repr__(self)
- else:
- return '<%s.%s at 0x%x; %s>' % (
- self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, id(self), friendly)
-class _Immutable(object):
- """mark a ClauseElement as 'immutable' when expressions are cloned."""
- def unique_params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("Immutable objects do not support copying")
- def params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("Immutable objects do not support copying")
- def _clone(self):
- return self
-class Operators(object):
- def __and__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.and_, other)
- def __or__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.or_, other)
- def __invert__(self):
- return self.operate(operators.inv)
- def op(self, opstring):
- def op(b):
- return self.operate(operators.op, opstring, b)
- return op
- def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError(str(op))
- def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError(str(op))
-class ColumnOperators(Operators):
- """Defines comparison and math operations."""
- timetuple = None
- """Hack, allows datetime objects to be compared on the LHS."""
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.lt, other)
- def __le__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.le, other)
- __hash__ = Operators.__hash__
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.eq, other)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.ne, other)
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.gt, other)
- def __ge__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.ge, other)
- def __neg__(self):
- return self.operate(operators.neg)
- def concat(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.concat_op, other)
- def like(self, other, escape=None):
- return self.operate(operators.like_op, other, escape=escape)
- def ilike(self, other, escape=None):
- return self.operate(operators.ilike_op, other, escape=escape)
- def in_(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.in_op, other)
- def startswith(self, other, **kwargs):
- return self.operate(operators.startswith_op, other, **kwargs)
- def endswith(self, other, **kwargs):
- return self.operate(operators.endswith_op, other, **kwargs)
- def contains(self, other, **kwargs):
- return self.operate(operators.contains_op, other, **kwargs)
- def match(self, other, **kwargs):
- return self.operate(operators.match_op, other, **kwargs)
- def desc(self):
- return self.operate(operators.desc_op)
- def asc(self):
- return self.operate(operators.asc_op)
- def nullsfirst(self):
- return self.operate(operators.nullsfirst_op)
- def nullslast(self):
- return self.operate(operators.nullslast_op)
- def collate(self, collation):
- return self.operate(operators.collate, collation)
- def __radd__(self, other):
- return self.reverse_operate(operators.add, other)
- def __rsub__(self, other):
- return self.reverse_operate(operators.sub, other)
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- return self.reverse_operate(operators.mul, other)
- def __rdiv__(self, other):
- return self.reverse_operate(operators.div, other)
- def between(self, cleft, cright):
- return self.operate(operators.between_op, cleft, cright)
- def distinct(self):
- return self.operate(operators.distinct_op)
- def __add__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.add, other)
- def __sub__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.sub, other)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.mul, other)
- def __div__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.div, other)
- def __mod__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.mod, other)
- def __truediv__(self, other):
- return self.operate(operators.truediv, other)
- def __rtruediv__(self, other):
- return self.reverse_operate(operators.truediv, other)
-class _CompareMixin(ColumnOperators):
- """Defines comparison and math operations for :class:`.ClauseElement`
- instances."""
- def __compare(self, op, obj, negate=None, reverse=False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- if obj is None or isinstance(obj, _Null):
- if op == operators.eq:
- return _BinaryExpression(self, null(), operators.is_,
- negate=operators.isnot)
- elif op == operators.ne:
- return _BinaryExpression(self, null(), operators.isnot,
- negate=operators.is_)
- else:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("Only '='/'!=' operators can "
- "be used with NULL")
- else:
- obj = self._check_literal(op, obj)
- if reverse:
- return _BinaryExpression(obj,
- self,
- op,
- type_=sqltypes.BOOLEANTYPE,
- negate=negate, modifiers=kwargs)
- else:
- return _BinaryExpression(self,
- obj,
- op,
- type_=sqltypes.BOOLEANTYPE,
- negate=negate, modifiers=kwargs)
- def __operate(self, op, obj, reverse=False):
- obj = self._check_literal(op, obj)
- if reverse:
- left, right = obj, self
- else:
- left, right = self, obj
- if left.type is None:
- op, result_type = sqltypes.NULLTYPE._adapt_expression(op,
- right.type)
- elif right.type is None:
- op, result_type = left.type._adapt_expression(op,
- sqltypes.NULLTYPE)
- else:
- op, result_type = left.type._adapt_expression(op,
- right.type)
- return _BinaryExpression(left, right, op, type_=result_type)
- # a mapping of operators with the method they use, along with their negated
- # operator for comparison operators
- operators = {
- operators.add : (__operate,),
- operators.mul : (__operate,),
- operators.sub : (__operate,),
- # Py2K
- operators.div : (__operate,),
- # end Py2K
- operators.mod : (__operate,),
- operators.truediv : (__operate,),
- operators.lt : (__compare, operators.ge),
- operators.le : (__compare, operators.gt),
- operators.ne : (__compare, operators.eq),
- operators.gt : (__compare, operators.le),
- operators.ge : (__compare, operators.lt),
- operators.eq : (__compare, operators.ne),
- operators.like_op : (__compare, operators.notlike_op),
- operators.ilike_op : (__compare, operators.notilike_op),
- }
- def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs):
- o = _CompareMixin.operators[op]
- return o[0](self, op, other[0], *o[1:], **kwargs)
- def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs):
- o = _CompareMixin.operators[op]
- return o[0](self, op, other, reverse=True, *o[1:], **kwargs)
- def in_(self, other):
- """Compare this element to the given element or collection using IN."""
- return self._in_impl(operators.in_op, operators.notin_op, other)
- def _in_impl(self, op, negate_op, seq_or_selectable):
- seq_or_selectable = _clause_element_as_expr(seq_or_selectable)
- if isinstance(seq_or_selectable, _ScalarSelect):
- return self.__compare(op, seq_or_selectable,
- negate=negate_op)
- elif isinstance(seq_or_selectable, _SelectBase):
- # TODO: if we ever want to support (x, y, z) IN (select x,
- # y, z from table), we would need a multi-column version of
- # as_scalar() to produce a multi- column selectable that
- # does not export itself as a FROM clause
- return self.__compare(op, seq_or_selectable.as_scalar(),
- negate=negate_op)
- elif isinstance(seq_or_selectable, (Selectable, _TextClause)):
- return self.__compare(op, seq_or_selectable,
- negate=negate_op)
- # Handle non selectable arguments as sequences
- args = []
- for o in seq_or_selectable:
- if not _is_literal(o):
- if not isinstance(o, _CompareMixin):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError('in() function accept'
- 's either a list of non-selectable values, '
- 'or a selectable: %r' % o)
- else:
- o = self._bind_param(op, o)
- args.append(o)
- if len(args) == 0:
- # Special case handling for empty IN's, behave like
- # comparison against zero row selectable. We use != to
- # build the contradiction as it handles NULL values
- # appropriately, i.e. "not (x IN ())" should not return NULL
- # values for x.
- util.warn('The IN-predicate on "%s" was invoked with an '
- 'empty sequence. This results in a '
- 'contradiction, which nonetheless can be '
- 'expensive to evaluate. Consider alternative '
- 'strategies for improved performance.' % self)
- return self != self
- return self.__compare(op,
- ClauseList(*args).self_group(against=op),
- negate=negate_op)
- def __neg__(self):
- return _UnaryExpression(self, operator=operators.neg)
- def startswith(self, other, escape=None):
- """Produce the clause ``LIKE '<other>%'``"""
- # use __radd__ to force string concat behavior
- return self.__compare(
- operators.like_op,
- literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.String).__radd__(
- self._check_literal(operators.like_op, other)
- ),
- escape=escape)
- def endswith(self, other, escape=None):
- """Produce the clause ``LIKE '%<other>'``"""
- return self.__compare(
- operators.like_op,
- literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.String) +
- self._check_literal(operators.like_op, other),
- escape=escape)
- def contains(self, other, escape=None):
- """Produce the clause ``LIKE '%<other>%'``"""
- return self.__compare(
- operators.like_op,
- literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.String) +
- self._check_literal(operators.like_op, other) +
- literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.String),
- escape=escape)
- def match(self, other):
- """Produce a MATCH clause, i.e. ``MATCH '<other>'``
- The allowed contents of ``other`` are database backend specific.
- """
- return self.__compare(operators.match_op,
- self._check_literal(operators.match_op,
- other))
- def label(self, name):
- """Produce a column label, i.e. ``<columnname> AS <name>``.
- This is a shortcut to the :func:`~.expression.label` function.
- if 'name' is None, an anonymous label name will be generated.
- """
- return _Label(name, self, self.type)
- def desc(self):
- """Produce a DESC clause, i.e. ``<columnname> DESC``"""
- return desc(self)
- def asc(self):
- """Produce a ASC clause, i.e. ``<columnname> ASC``"""
- return asc(self)
- def nullsfirst(self):
- """Produce a NULLS FIRST clause, i.e. ``NULLS FIRST``"""
- return nullsfirst(self)
- def nullslast(self):
- """Produce a NULLS LAST clause, i.e. ``NULLS LAST``"""
- return nullslast(self)
- def distinct(self):
- """Produce a DISTINCT clause, i.e. ``DISTINCT <columnname>``"""
- return _UnaryExpression(self, operator=operators.distinct_op,
- type_=self.type)
- def between(self, cleft, cright):
- """Produce a BETWEEN clause, i.e. ``<column> BETWEEN <cleft> AND
- <cright>``"""
- return _BinaryExpression(
- self,
- ClauseList(
- self._check_literal(operators.and_, cleft),
- self._check_literal(operators.and_, cright),
- operator=operators.and_,
- group=False),
- operators.between_op)
- def collate(self, collation):
- """Produce a COLLATE clause, i.e. ``<column> COLLATE utf8_bin``"""
- return collate(self, collation)
- def op(self, operator):
- """produce a generic operator function.
- e.g.::
- somecolumn.op("*")(5)
- produces::
- somecolumn * 5
- :param operator: a string which will be output as the infix operator
- between this :class:`.ClauseElement` and the expression passed to the
- generated function.
- This function can also be used to make bitwise operators explicit. For
- example::
- somecolumn.op('&')(0xff)
- is a bitwise AND of the value in somecolumn.
- """
- return lambda other: self.__operate(operator, other)
- def _bind_param(self, operator, obj):
- return _BindParamClause(None, obj,
- _compared_to_operator=operator,
- _compared_to_type=self.type, unique=True)
- def _check_literal(self, operator, other):
- if isinstance(other, _BindParamClause) and \
- isinstance(other.type, sqltypes.NullType):
- # TODO: perhaps we should not mutate the incoming bindparam()
- # here and instead make a copy of it. this might
- # be the only place that we're mutating an incoming construct.
- other.type = self.type
- return other
- elif hasattr(other, '__clause_element__'):
- return other.__clause_element__()
- elif not isinstance(other, ClauseElement):
- return self._bind_param(operator, other)
- elif isinstance(other, (_SelectBase, Alias)):
- return other.as_scalar()
- else:
- return other
-class ColumnElement(ClauseElement, _CompareMixin):
- """Represent an element that is usable within the "column clause" portion
- of a ``SELECT`` statement.
- This includes columns associated with tables, aliases, and
- subqueries, expressions, function calls, SQL keywords such as
- ``NULL``, literals, etc. :class:`.ColumnElement` is the ultimate base
- class for all such elements.
- :class:`.ColumnElement` supports the ability to be a *proxy* element,
- which indicates that the :class:`.ColumnElement` may be associated with
- a :class:`.Selectable` which was derived from another :class:`.Selectable`.
- An example of a "derived" :class:`.Selectable` is an :class:`.Alias` of a
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
- A :class:`.ColumnElement`, by subclassing the :class:`_CompareMixin` mixin
- class, provides the ability to generate new :class:`.ClauseElement`
- objects using Python expressions. See the :class:`_CompareMixin`
- docstring for more details.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'column'
- primary_key = False
- foreign_keys = []
- quote = None
- _label = None
- @property
- def _select_iterable(self):
- return (self, )
- @util.memoized_property
- def base_columns(self):
- return util.column_set(c for c in self.proxy_set
- if not hasattr(c, 'proxies'))
- @util.memoized_property
- def proxy_set(self):
- s = util.column_set([self])
- if hasattr(self, 'proxies'):
- for c in self.proxies:
- s.update(c.proxy_set)
- return s
- def shares_lineage(self, othercolumn):
- """Return True if the given :class:`.ColumnElement`
- has a common ancestor to this :class:`.ColumnElement`."""
- return bool(self.proxy_set.intersection(othercolumn.proxy_set))
- def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name=None):
- """Create a new :class:`.ColumnElement` representing this
- :class:`.ColumnElement` as it appears in the select list of a
- descending selectable.
- """
- if name is None:
- name = self.anon_label
- # TODO: may want to change this to anon_label,
- # or some value that is more useful than the
- # compiled form of the expression
- key = str(self)
- else:
- key = name
- co = ColumnClause(name, selectable, type_=getattr(self,
- 'type', None))
- co.proxies = [self]
- selectable._columns[key] = co
- return co
- def compare(self, other, use_proxies=False, equivalents=None, **kw):
- """Compare this ColumnElement to another.
- Special arguments understood:
- :param use_proxies: when True, consider two columns that
- share a common base column as equivalent (i.e. shares_lineage())
- :param equivalents: a dictionary of columns as keys mapped to sets
- of columns. If the given "other" column is present in this
- dictionary, if any of the columns in the correponding set() pass the
- comparison test, the result is True. This is used to expand the
- comparison to other columns that may be known to be equivalent to
- this one via foreign key or other criterion.
- """
- to_compare = (other, )
- if equivalents and other in equivalents:
- to_compare = equivalents[other].union(to_compare)
- for oth in to_compare:
- if use_proxies and self.shares_lineage(oth):
- return True
- elif oth is self:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @util.memoized_property
- def anon_label(self):
- """provides a constant 'anonymous label' for this ColumnElement.
- This is a label() expression which will be named at compile time.
- The same label() is returned each time anon_label is called so
- that expressions can reference anon_label multiple times, producing
- the same label name at compile time.
- the compiler uses this function automatically at compile time
- for expressions that are known to be 'unnamed' like binary
- expressions and function calls.
- """
- return _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(self), getattr(self,
- 'name', 'anon')))
-class ColumnCollection(util.OrderedProperties):
- """An ordered dictionary that stores a list of ColumnElement
- instances.
- Overrides the ``__eq__()`` method to produce SQL clauses between
- sets of correlated columns.
- """
- def __init__(self, *cols):
- super(ColumnCollection, self).__init__()
- self._data.update((c.key, c) for c in cols)
- self.__dict__['_all_cols'] = util.column_set(self)
- def __str__(self):
- return repr([str(c) for c in self])
- def replace(self, column):
- """add the given column to this collection, removing unaliased
- versions of this column as well as existing columns with the
- same key.
- e.g.::
- t = Table('sometable', metadata, Column('col1', Integer))
- t.columns.replace(Column('col1', Integer, key='columnone'))
- will remove the original 'col1' from the collection, and add
- the new column under the name 'columnname'.
- Used by schema.Column to override columns during table reflection.
- """
- if column.name in self and column.key != column.name:
- other = self[column.name]
- if other.name == other.key:
- del self._data[other.name]
- self._all_cols.remove(other)
- if column.key in self._data:
- self._all_cols.remove(self._data[column.key])
- self._all_cols.add(column)
- self._data[column.key] = column
- def add(self, column):
- """Add a column to this collection.
- The key attribute of the column will be used as the hash key
- for this dictionary.
- """
- self[column.key] = column
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __setattr__(self, key, object):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if key in self:
- # this warning is primarily to catch select() statements
- # which have conflicting column names in their exported
- # columns collection
- existing = self[key]
- if not existing.shares_lineage(value):
- util.warn('Column %r on table %r being replaced by '
- 'another column with the same key. Consider '
- 'use_labels for select() statements.' % (key,
- getattr(existing, 'table', None)))
- self._all_cols.remove(existing)
- self._all_cols.add(value)
- self._data[key] = value
- def clear(self):
- self._data.clear()
- self._all_cols.clear()
- def remove(self, column):
- del self._data[column.key]
- self._all_cols.remove(column)
- def update(self, value):
- self._data.update(value)
- self._all_cols.clear()
- self._all_cols.update(self._data.values())
- def extend(self, iter):
- self.update((c.key, c) for c in iter)
- __hash__ = None
- def __eq__(self, other):
- l = []
- for c in other:
- for local in self:
- if c.shares_lineage(local):
- l.append(c==local)
- return and_(*l)
- def __contains__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, basestring):
- raise exc.ArgumentError("__contains__ requires a string argument")
- return util.OrderedProperties.__contains__(self, other)
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.__dict__['_data'] = state['_data']
- self.__dict__['_all_cols'] = util.column_set(self._data.values())
- def contains_column(self, col):
- # this has to be done via set() membership
- return col in self._all_cols
- def as_immutable(self):
- return ImmutableColumnCollection(self._data, self._all_cols)
-class ImmutableColumnCollection(util.ImmutableProperties, ColumnCollection):
- def __init__(self, data, colset):
- util.ImmutableProperties.__init__(self, data)
- self.__dict__['_all_cols'] = colset
- extend = remove = util.ImmutableProperties._immutable
-class ColumnSet(util.ordered_column_set):
- def contains_column(self, col):
- return col in self
- def extend(self, cols):
- for col in cols:
- self.add(col)
- def __add__(self, other):
- return list(self) + list(other)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- l = []
- for c in other:
- for local in self:
- if c.shares_lineage(local):
- l.append(c==local)
- return and_(*l)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(tuple(x for x in self))
-class Selectable(ClauseElement):
- """mark a class as being selectable"""
- __visit_name__ = 'selectable'
-class FromClause(Selectable):
- """Represent an element that can be used within the ``FROM``
- clause of a ``SELECT`` statement.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'fromclause'
- named_with_column = False
- _hide_froms = []
- quote = None
- schema = None
- def count(self, whereclause=None, **params):
- """return a SELECT COUNT generated against this
- :class:`.FromClause`."""
- if self.primary_key:
- col = list(self.primary_key)[0]
- else:
- col = list(self.columns)[0]
- return select(
- [func.count(col).label('tbl_row_count')],
- whereclause,
- from_obj=[self],
- **params)
- def select(self, whereclause=None, **params):
- """return a SELECT of this :class:`.FromClause`."""
- return select([self], whereclause, **params)
- def join(self, right, onclause=None, isouter=False):
- """return a join of this :class:`.FromClause` against another
- :class:`.FromClause`."""
- return Join(self, right, onclause, isouter)
- def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None):
- """return an outer join of this :class:`.FromClause` against another
- :class:`.FromClause`."""
- return Join(self, right, onclause, True)
- def alias(self, name=None):
- """return an alias of this :class:`.FromClause`.
- This is shorthand for calling::
- from sqlalchemy import alias
- a = alias(self, name=name)
- See :func:`~.expression.alias` for details.
- """
- return Alias(self, name)
- def is_derived_from(self, fromclause):
- """Return True if this FromClause is 'derived' from the given
- FromClause.
- An example would be an Alias of a Table is derived from that Table.
- """
- return fromclause in self._cloned_set
- def replace_selectable(self, old, alias):
- """replace all occurrences of FromClause 'old' with the given Alias
- object, returning a copy of this :class:`.FromClause`.
- """
- return sqlutil.ClauseAdapter(alias).traverse(self)
- def correspond_on_equivalents(self, column, equivalents):
- """Return corresponding_column for the given column, or if None
- search for a match in the given dictionary.
- """
- col = self.corresponding_column(column, require_embedded=True)
- if col is None and col in equivalents:
- for equiv in equivalents[col]:
- nc = self.corresponding_column(equiv, require_embedded=True)
- if nc:
- return nc
- return col
- def corresponding_column(self, column, require_embedded=False):
- """Given a :class:`.ColumnElement`, return the exported
- :class:`.ColumnElement` object from this :class:`.Selectable`
- which corresponds to that original
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` via a common anscestor
- column.
- :param column: the target :class:`.ColumnElement` to be matched
- :param require_embedded: only return corresponding columns for
- the given :class:`.ColumnElement`, if the given
- :class:`.ColumnElement` is actually present within a sub-element
- of this :class:`.FromClause`. Normally the column will match if
- it merely shares a common anscestor with one of the exported
- columns of this :class:`.FromClause`.
- """
- # dont dig around if the column is locally present
- if self.c.contains_column(column):
- return column
- col, intersect = None, None
- target_set = column.proxy_set
- cols = self.c
- for c in cols:
- i = target_set.intersection(itertools.chain(*[p._cloned_set
- for p in c.proxy_set]))
- if i and (not require_embedded
- or c.proxy_set.issuperset(target_set)):
- if col is None:
- # no corresponding column yet, pick this one.
- col, intersect = c, i
- elif len(i) > len(intersect):
- # 'c' has a larger field of correspondence than
- # 'col'. i.e. selectable.c.a1_x->a1.c.x->table.c.x
- # matches a1.c.x->table.c.x better than
- # selectable.c.x->table.c.x does.
- col, intersect = c, i
- elif i == intersect:
- # they have the same field of correspondence. see
- # which proxy_set has fewer columns in it, which
- # indicates a closer relationship with the root
- # column. Also take into account the "weight"
- # attribute which CompoundSelect() uses to give
- # higher precedence to columns based on vertical
- # position in the compound statement, and discard
- # columns that have no reference to the target
- # column (also occurs with CompoundSelect)
- col_distance = util.reduce(operator.add,
- [sc._annotations.get('weight', 1) for sc in
- col.proxy_set if sc.shares_lineage(column)])
- c_distance = util.reduce(operator.add,
- [sc._annotations.get('weight', 1) for sc in
- c.proxy_set if sc.shares_lineage(column)])
- if c_distance < col_distance:
- col, intersect = c, i
- return col
- @property
- def description(self):
- """a brief description of this FromClause.
- Used primarily for error message formatting.
- """
- return getattr(self, 'name', self.__class__.__name__ + " object")
- def _reset_exported(self):
- """delete memoized collections when a FromClause is cloned."""
- for name in 'primary_key', '_columns', 'columns', \
- 'foreign_keys', 'locate_all_froms':
- self.__dict__.pop(name, None)
- @util.memoized_property
- def columns(self):
- """Return the collection of Column objects contained by this
- FromClause."""
- if '_columns' not in self.__dict__:
- self._init_collections()
- self._populate_column_collection()
- return self._columns.as_immutable()
- @util.memoized_property
- def primary_key(self):
- """Return the collection of Column objects which comprise the
- primary key of this FromClause."""
- self._init_collections()
- self._populate_column_collection()
- return self.primary_key
- @util.memoized_property
- def foreign_keys(self):
- """Return the collection of ForeignKey objects which this
- FromClause references."""
- self._init_collections()
- self._populate_column_collection()
- return self.foreign_keys
- c = property(attrgetter('columns'))
- _select_iterable = property(attrgetter('columns'))
- def _init_collections(self):
- assert '_columns' not in self.__dict__
- assert 'primary_key' not in self.__dict__
- assert 'foreign_keys' not in self.__dict__
- self._columns = ColumnCollection()
- self.primary_key = ColumnSet()
- self.foreign_keys = set()
- def _populate_column_collection(self):
- pass
-class _BindParamClause(ColumnElement):
- """Represent a bind parameter.
- Public constructor is the :func:`bindparam()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'bindparam'
- quote = None
- def __init__(self, key, value, type_=None, unique=False,
- callable_=None,
- isoutparam=False, required=False,
- _compared_to_operator=None,
- _compared_to_type=None):
- """Construct a _BindParamClause.
- :param key:
- the key for this bind param. Will be used in the generated
- SQL statement for dialects that use named parameters. This
- value may be modified when part of a compilation operation,
- if other :class:`_BindParamClause` objects exist with the same
- key, or if its length is too long and truncation is
- required.
- :param value:
- Initial value for this bind param. This value may be
- overridden by the dictionary of parameters sent to statement
- compilation/execution.
- :param callable\_:
- A callable function that takes the place of "value". The function
- will be called at statement execution time to determine the
- ultimate value. Used for scenarios where the actual bind
- value cannot be determined at the point at which the clause
- construct is created, but embeded bind values are still desirable.
- :param type\_:
- A ``TypeEngine`` object that will be used to pre-process the
- value corresponding to this :class:`_BindParamClause` at
- execution time.
- :param unique:
- if True, the key name of this BindParamClause will be
- modified if another :class:`_BindParamClause` of the same name
- already has been located within the containing
- :class:`.ClauseElement`.
- :param required:
- a value is required at execution time.
- :param isoutparam:
- if True, the parameter should be treated like a stored procedure
- "OUT" parameter.
- """
- if unique:
- self.key = _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(self), key
- or 'param'))
- else:
- self.key = key or _generated_label('%%(%d param)s'
- % id(self))
- self._orig_key = key or 'param'
- self.unique = unique
- self.value = value
- self.callable = callable_
- self.isoutparam = isoutparam
- self.required = required
- if type_ is None:
- if _compared_to_type is not None:
- self.type = \
- _compared_to_type._coerce_compared_value(
- _compared_to_operator, value)
- else:
- self.type = sqltypes._type_map.get(type(value),
- sqltypes.NULLTYPE)
- elif isinstance(type_, type):
- self.type = type_()
- else:
- self.type = type_
- def _clone(self):
- c = ClauseElement._clone(self)
- if self.unique:
- c.key = _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(c), c._orig_key
- or 'param'))
- return c
- def _convert_to_unique(self):
- if not self.unique:
- self.unique = True
- self.key = _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(self),
- self._orig_key or 'param'))
- def compare(self, other, **kw):
- """Compare this :class:`_BindParamClause` to the given
- clause."""
- return isinstance(other, _BindParamClause) \
- and self.type._compare_type_affinity(other.type) \
- and self.value == other.value
- def __getstate__(self):
- """execute a deferred value for serialization purposes."""
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- v = self.value
- if self.callable:
- v = self.callable()
- d['callable'] = None
- d['value'] = v
- return d
- def __repr__(self):
- return '_BindParamClause(%r, %r, type_=%r)' % (self.key,
- self.value, self.type)
-class _TypeClause(ClauseElement):
- """Handle a type keyword in a SQL statement.
- Used by the ``Case`` statement.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'typeclause'
- def __init__(self, type):
- self.type = type
-class _Generative(object):
- """Allow a ClauseElement to generate itself via the
- @_generative decorator.
- """
- def _generate(self):
- s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- return s
-class Executable(_Generative):
- """Mark a ClauseElement as supporting execution.
- :class:`.Executable` is a superclass for all "statement" types
- of objects, including :func:`select`, :func:`delete`, :func:`update`,
- :func:`insert`, :func:`text`.
- """
- supports_execution = True
- _execution_options = util.immutabledict()
- _bind = None
- @_generative
- def execution_options(self, **kw):
- """ Set non-SQL options for the statement which take effect during
- execution.
- Execution options can be set on a per-statement or
- per :class:`.Connection` basis. Additionally, the
- :class:`.Engine` and ORM :class:`~.orm.query.Query` objects provide access
- to execution options which they in turn configure upon connections.
- The :meth:`execution_options` method is generative. A new
- instance of this statement is returned that contains the options::
- statement = select([table.c.x, table.c.y])
- statement = statement.execution_options(autocommit=True)
- Note that only a subset of possible execution options can be applied
- to a statement - these include "autocommit" and "stream_results",
- but not "isolation_level" or "compiled_cache".
- See :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` for a full list of
- possible options.
- See also:
- :meth:`.Connection.execution_options()`
- :meth:`.Query.execution_options()`
- """
- if 'isolation_level' in kw:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "'isolation_level' execution option may only be specified "
- "on Connection.execution_options(), or "
- "per-engine using the isolation_level "
- "argument to create_engine()."
- )
- if 'compiled_cache' in kw:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "'compiled_cache' execution option may only be specified "
- "on Connection.execution_options(), not per statement."
- )
- self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(kw)
- def execute(self, *multiparams, **params):
- """Compile and execute this :class:`.Executable`."""
- e = self.bind
- if e is None:
- label = getattr(self, 'description', self.__class__.__name__)
- msg = ('This %s is not directly bound to a Connection or Engine.'
- 'Use the .execute() method of a Connection or Engine '
- 'to execute this construct.' % label)
- raise exc.UnboundExecutionError(msg)
- return e._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params)
- def scalar(self, *multiparams, **params):
- """Compile and execute this :class:`.Executable`, returning the
- result's scalar representation.
- """
- return self.execute(*multiparams, **params).scalar()
- @property
- def bind(self):
- """Returns the :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` to
- which this :class:`.Executable` is bound, or None if none found.
- This is a traversal which checks locally, then
- checks among the "from" clauses of associated objects
- until a bound engine or connection is found.
- """
- if self._bind is not None:
- return self._bind
- for f in _from_objects(self):
- if f is self:
- continue
- engine = f.bind
- if engine is not None:
- return engine
- else:
- return None
-# legacy, some outside users may be calling this
-_Executable = Executable
-class _TextClause(Executable, ClauseElement):
- """Represent a literal SQL text fragment.
- Public constructor is the :func:`text()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'textclause'
- _bind_params_regex = re.compile(r'(?<![:\w\x5c]):(\w+)(?!:)', re.UNICODE)
- _execution_options = \
- Executable._execution_options.union({'autocommit'
- @property
- def _select_iterable(self):
- return (self,)
- _hide_froms = []
- def __init__(
- self,
- text='',
- bind=None,
- bindparams=None,
- typemap=None,
- autocommit=None,
- ):
- self._bind = bind
- self.bindparams = {}
- self.typemap = typemap
- if autocommit is not None:
- util.warn_deprecated('autocommit on text() is deprecated. '
- 'Use .execution_options(autocommit=Tru'
- 'e)')
- self._execution_options = \
- self._execution_options.union({'autocommit'
- : autocommit})
- if typemap is not None:
- for key in typemap.keys():
- typemap[key] = sqltypes.to_instance(typemap[key])
- def repl(m):
- self.bindparams[m.group(1)] = bindparam(m.group(1))
- return ':%s' % m.group(1)
- # scan the string and search for bind parameter names, add them
- # to the list of bindparams
- self.text = self._bind_params_regex.sub(repl, text)
- if bindparams is not None:
- for b in bindparams:
- self.bindparams[b.key] = b
- @property
- def type(self):
- if self.typemap is not None and len(self.typemap) == 1:
- return list(self.typemap)[0]
- else:
- return sqltypes.NULLTYPE
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- if against is operators.in_op:
- return _Grouping(self)
- else:
- return self
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.bindparams = dict((b.key, clone(b))
- for b in self.bindparams.values())
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.bindparams.values()
-class _Null(ColumnElement):
- """Represent the NULL keyword in a SQL statement.
- Public constructor is the :func:`null()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'null'
- def __init__(self):
- self.type = sqltypes.NULLTYPE
-class _False(ColumnElement):
- """Represent the ``false`` keyword in a SQL statement.
- Public constructor is the :func:`false()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'false'
- def __init__(self):
- self.type = sqltypes.BOOLEANTYPE
-class _True(ColumnElement):
- """Represent the ``true`` keyword in a SQL statement.
- Public constructor is the :func:`true()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'true'
- def __init__(self):
- self.type = sqltypes.BOOLEANTYPE
-class ClauseList(ClauseElement):
- """Describe a list of clauses, separated by an operator.
- By default, is comma-separated, such as a column listing.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'clauselist'
- def __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs):
- self.operator = kwargs.pop('operator', operators.comma_op)
- self.group = kwargs.pop('group', True)
- self.group_contents = kwargs.pop('group_contents', True)
- if self.group_contents:
- self.clauses = [
- _literal_as_text(clause).self_group(against=self.operator)
- for clause in clauses if clause is not None]
- else:
- self.clauses = [
- _literal_as_text(clause)
- for clause in clauses if clause is not None]
- @util.memoized_property
- def type(self):
- if self.clauses:
- return self.clauses[0].type
- else:
- return sqltypes.NULLTYPE
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self.clauses)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.clauses)
- @property
- def _select_iterable(self):
- return iter(self)
- def append(self, clause):
- # TODO: not sure if i like the 'group_contents' flag. need to
- # define the difference between a ClauseList of ClauseLists,
- # and a "flattened" ClauseList of ClauseLists. flatten()
- # method ?
- if self.group_contents:
- self.clauses.append(_literal_as_text(clause).\
- self_group(against=self.operator))
- else:
- self.clauses.append(_literal_as_text(clause))
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.clauses = [clone(clause) for clause in self.clauses]
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.clauses
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return list(itertools.chain(*[c._from_objects for c in self.clauses]))
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- if self.group and operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against):
- return _Grouping(self)
- else:
- return self
- def compare(self, other, **kw):
- """Compare this :class:`.ClauseList` to the given :class:`.ClauseList`,
- including a comparison of all the clause items.
- """
- if not isinstance(other, ClauseList) and len(self.clauses) == 1:
- return self.clauses[0].compare(other, **kw)
- elif isinstance(other, ClauseList) and \
- len(self.clauses) == len(other.clauses):
- for i in range(0, len(self.clauses)):
- if not self.clauses[i].compare(other.clauses[i], **kw):
- return False
- else:
- return self.operator == other.operator
- else:
- return False
-class BooleanClauseList(ClauseList, ColumnElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'clauselist'
- def __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs):
- super(BooleanClauseList, self).__init__(*clauses, **kwargs)
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(kwargs.get('type_',
- sqltypes.Boolean))
- @property
- def _select_iterable(self):
- return (self, )
-class _Tuple(ClauseList, ColumnElement):
- def __init__(self, *clauses, **kw):
- clauses = [_literal_as_binds(c) for c in clauses]
- super(_Tuple, self).__init__(*clauses, **kw)
- self.type = _type_from_args(clauses)
- @property
- def _select_iterable(self):
- return (self, )
- def _bind_param(self, operator, obj):
- return _Tuple(*[
- _BindParamClause(None, o, _compared_to_operator=operator,
- _compared_to_type=self.type, unique=True)
- for o in obj
- ]).self_group()
-class _Case(ColumnElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'case'
- def __init__(self, whens, value=None, else_=None):
- try:
- whens = util.dictlike_iteritems(whens)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- if value is not None:
- whenlist = [
- (_literal_as_binds(c).self_group(),
- _literal_as_binds(r)) for (c, r) in whens
- ]
- else:
- whenlist = [
- (_no_literals(c).self_group(),
- _literal_as_binds(r)) for (c, r) in whens
- ]
- if whenlist:
- type_ = list(whenlist[-1])[-1].type
- else:
- type_ = None
- if value is None:
- self.value = None
- else:
- self.value = _literal_as_binds(value)
- self.type = type_
- self.whens = whenlist
- if else_ is not None:
- self.else_ = _literal_as_binds(else_)
- else:
- self.else_ = None
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- if self.value is not None:
- self.value = clone(self.value)
- self.whens = [(clone(x), clone(y)) for x, y in self.whens]
- if self.else_ is not None:
- self.else_ = clone(self.else_)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- if self.value is not None:
- yield self.value
- for x, y in self.whens:
- yield x
- yield y
- if self.else_ is not None:
- yield self.else_
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return list(itertools.chain(*[x._from_objects for x in
- self.get_children()]))
-class FunctionElement(Executable, ColumnElement, FromClause):
- """Base for SQL function-oriented constructs."""
- packagenames = ()
- def __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs):
- """Construct a :class:`.FunctionElement`.
- """
- args = [_literal_as_binds(c, self.name) for c in clauses]
- self.clause_expr = ClauseList(
- operator=operators.comma_op,
- group_contents=True, *args).\
- self_group()
- @property
- def columns(self):
- """Fulfill the 'columns' contrct of :class:`.ColumnElement`.
- Returns a single-element list consisting of this object.
- """
- return [self]
- @util.memoized_property
- def clauses(self):
- """Return the underlying :class:`.ClauseList` which contains
- the arguments for this :class:`.FunctionElement`.
- """
- return self.clause_expr.element
- def over(self, partition_by=None, order_by=None):
- """Produce an OVER clause against this function.
- Used against aggregate or so-called "window" functions,
- for database backends that support window functions.
- The expression::
- func.row_number().over(order_by='x')
- is shorthand for::
- from sqlalchemy import over
- over(func.row_number(), order_by='x')
- See :func:`~.expression.over` for a full description.
- New in 0.7.
- """
- return over(self, partition_by=partition_by, order_by=order_by)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.clauses._from_objects
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.clause_expr,
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.clause_expr = clone(self.clause_expr)
- self._reset_exported()
- util.reset_memoized(self, 'clauses')
- def select(self):
- """Produce a :func:`~.expression.select` construct
- against this :class:`.FunctionElement`.
- This is shorthand for::
- s = select([function_element])
- """
- s = select([self])
- if self._execution_options:
- s = s.execution_options(**self._execution_options)
- return s
- def scalar(self):
- """Execute this :class:`.FunctionElement` against an embedded
- 'bind' and return a scalar value.
- This first calls :meth:`~.FunctionElement.select` to
- produce a SELECT construct.
- Note that :class:`.FunctionElement` can be passed to
- the :meth:`.Connectable.scalar` method of :class:`.Connection`
- or :class:`.Engine`.
- """
- return self.select().execute().scalar()
- def execute(self):
- """Execute this :class:`.FunctionElement` against an embedded
- 'bind'.
- This first calls :meth:`~.FunctionElement.select` to
- produce a SELECT construct.
- Note that :class:`.FunctionElement` can be passed to
- the :meth:`.Connectable.execute` method of :class:`.Connection`
- or :class:`.Engine`.
- """
- return self.select().execute()
- def _bind_param(self, operator, obj):
- return _BindParamClause(None, obj, _compared_to_operator=operator,
- _compared_to_type=self.type, unique=True)
-class Function(FunctionElement):
- """Describe a named SQL function.
- See the superclass :class:`.FunctionElement` for a description
- of public methods.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'function'
- def __init__(self, name, *clauses, **kw):
- """Construct a :class:`.Function`.
- The :attr:`.func` construct is normally used to construct
- new :class:`.Function` instances.
- """
- self.packagenames = kw.pop('packagenames', None) or []
- self.name = name
- self._bind = kw.get('bind', None)
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(kw.get('type_', None))
- FunctionElement.__init__(self, *clauses, **kw)
- def _bind_param(self, operator, obj):
- return _BindParamClause(self.name, obj,
- _compared_to_operator=operator,
- _compared_to_type=self.type,
- unique=True)
-class _Cast(ColumnElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'cast'
- def __init__(self, clause, totype, **kwargs):
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(totype)
- self.clause = _literal_as_binds(clause, None)
- self.typeclause = _TypeClause(self.type)
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.clause = clone(self.clause)
- self.typeclause = clone(self.typeclause)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.clause, self.typeclause
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.clause._from_objects
-class _Extract(ColumnElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'extract'
- def __init__(self, field, expr, **kwargs):
- self.type = sqltypes.Integer()
- self.field = field
- self.expr = _literal_as_binds(expr, None)
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.expr = clone(self.expr)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.expr,
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.expr._from_objects
-class _UnaryExpression(ColumnElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'unary'
- def __init__(self, element, operator=None, modifier=None,
- type_=None, negate=None):
- self.operator = operator
- self.modifier = modifier
- self.element = _literal_as_text(element).\
- self_group(against=self.operator or self.modifier)
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(type_)
- self.negate = negate
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.element._from_objects
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.element = clone(self.element)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.element,
- def compare(self, other, **kw):
- """Compare this :class:`_UnaryExpression` against the given
- :class:`.ClauseElement`."""
- return (
- isinstance(other, _UnaryExpression) and
- self.operator == other.operator and
- self.modifier == other.modifier and
- self.element.compare(other.element, **kw)
- )
- def _negate(self):
- if self.negate is not None:
- return _UnaryExpression(
- self.element,
- operator=self.negate,
- negate=self.operator,
- modifier=self.modifier,
- type_=self.type)
- else:
- return super(_UnaryExpression, self)._negate()
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- if self.operator and operators.is_precedent(self.operator,
- against):
- return _Grouping(self)
- else:
- return self
-class _BinaryExpression(ColumnElement):
- """Represent an expression that is ``LEFT <operator> RIGHT``."""
- __visit_name__ = 'binary'
- def __init__(self, left, right, operator, type_=None,
- negate=None, modifiers=None):
- self.left = _literal_as_text(left).self_group(against=operator)
- self.right = _literal_as_text(right).self_group(against=operator)
- self.operator = operator
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(type_)
- self.negate = negate
- if modifiers is None:
- self.modifiers = {}
- else:
- self.modifiers = modifiers
- def __nonzero__(self):
- try:
- return self.operator(hash(self.left), hash(self.right))
- except:
- raise TypeError("Boolean value of this clause is not defined")
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.left._from_objects + self.right._from_objects
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.left = clone(self.left)
- self.right = clone(self.right)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.left, self.right
- def compare(self, other, **kw):
- """Compare this :class:`_BinaryExpression` against the
- given :class:`_BinaryExpression`."""
- return (
- isinstance(other, _BinaryExpression) and
- self.operator == other.operator and
- (
- self.left.compare(other.left, **kw) and
- self.right.compare(other.right, **kw) or
- (
- operators.is_commutative(self.operator) and
- self.left.compare(other.right, **kw) and
- self.right.compare(other.left, **kw)
- )
- )
- )
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- if operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against):
- return _Grouping(self)
- else:
- return self
- def _negate(self):
- if self.negate is not None:
- return _BinaryExpression(
- self.left,
- self.right,
- self.negate,
- negate=self.operator,
- type_=sqltypes.BOOLEANTYPE,
- modifiers=self.modifiers)
- else:
- return super(_BinaryExpression, self)._negate()
-class _Exists(_UnaryExpression):
- __visit_name__ = _UnaryExpression.__visit_name__
- _from_objects = []
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], (_SelectBase, _ScalarSelect)):
- s = args[0]
- else:
- if not args:
- args = ([literal_column('*')],)
- s = select(*args, **kwargs).as_scalar().self_group()
- _UnaryExpression.__init__(self, s, operator=operators.exists,
- type_=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def select(self, whereclause=None, **params):
- return select([self], whereclause, **params)
- def correlate(self, fromclause):
- e = self._clone()
- e.element = self.element.correlate(fromclause).self_group()
- return e
- def select_from(self, clause):
- """return a new exists() construct with the given expression set as
- its FROM clause.
- """
- e = self._clone()
- e.element = self.element.select_from(clause).self_group()
- return e
- def where(self, clause):
- """return a new exists() construct with the given expression added to
- its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.
- """
- e = self._clone()
- e.element = self.element.where(clause).self_group()
- return e
-class Join(FromClause):
- """represent a ``JOIN`` construct between two :class:`.FromClause`
- elements.
- The public constructor function for :class:`.Join` is the module-level
- :func:`join()` function, as well as the :func:`join()` method available
- off all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'join'
- def __init__(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False):
- """Construct a new :class:`.Join`.
- The usual entrypoint here is the :func:`~.expression.join`
- function or the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method of any
- :class:`.FromClause` object.
- """
- self.left = _literal_as_text(left)
- self.right = _literal_as_text(right).self_group()
- if onclause is None:
- self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right)
- else:
- self.onclause = onclause
- self.isouter = isouter
- self.__folded_equivalents = None
- @property
- def description(self):
- return "Join object on %s(%d) and %s(%d)" % (
- self.left.description,
- id(self.left),
- self.right.description,
- id(self.right))
- def is_derived_from(self, fromclause):
- return fromclause is self or \
- self.left.is_derived_from(fromclause) or\
- self.right.is_derived_from(fromclause)
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- return _FromGrouping(self)
- def _populate_column_collection(self):
- columns = [c for c in self.left.columns] + \
- [c for c in self.right.columns]
- self.primary_key.extend(sqlutil.reduce_columns(
- (c for c in columns if c.primary_key), self.onclause))
- self._columns.update((col._label, col) for col in columns)
- self.foreign_keys.update(itertools.chain(
- *[col.foreign_keys for col in columns]))
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self._reset_exported()
- self.left = clone(self.left)
- self.right = clone(self.right)
- self.onclause = clone(self.onclause)
- self.__folded_equivalents = None
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.left, self.right, self.onclause
- def _match_primaries(self, left, right):
- if isinstance(left, Join):
- left_right = left.right
- else:
- left_right = None
- return sqlutil.join_condition(left, right, a_subset=left_right)
- def select(self, whereclause=None, fold_equivalents=False, **kwargs):
- """Create a :class:`.Select` from this :class:`.Join`.
- The equivalent long-hand form, given a :class:`.Join` object
- ``j``, is::
- from sqlalchemy import select
- j = select([j.left, j.right], **kw).\\
- where(whereclause).\\
- select_from(j)
- :param whereclause: the WHERE criterion that will be sent to
- the :func:`select()` function
- :param fold_equivalents: based on the join criterion of this
- :class:`.Join`, do not include
- repeat column names in the column list of the resulting
- select, for columns that are calculated to be "equivalent"
- based on the join criterion of this :class:`.Join`. This will
- recursively apply to any joins directly nested by this one
- as well.
- :param \**kwargs: all other kwargs are sent to the
- underlying :func:`select()` function.
- """
- if fold_equivalents:
- collist = sqlutil.folded_equivalents(self)
- else:
- collist = [self.left, self.right]
- return select(collist, whereclause, from_obj=[self], **kwargs)
- @property
- def bind(self):
- return self.left.bind or self.right.bind
- def alias(self, name=None):
- """return an alias of this :class:`.Join`.
- Used against a :class:`.Join` object,
- :meth:`~.Join.alias` calls the :meth:`~.Join.select`
- method first so that a subquery against a
- :func:`.select` construct is generated.
- the :func:`~expression.select` construct also has the
- ``correlate`` flag set to ``False`` and will not
- auto-correlate inside an enclosing :func:`~expression.select`
- construct.
- The equivalent long-hand form, given a :class:`.Join` object
- ``j``, is::
- from sqlalchemy import select, alias
- j = alias(
- select([j.left, j.right]).\\
- select_from(j).\\
- with_labels(True).\\
- correlate(False),
- name=name
- )
- See :func:`~.expression.alias` for further details on
- aliases.
- """
- return self.select(use_labels=True, correlate=False).alias(name)
- @property
- def _hide_froms(self):
- return itertools.chain(*[_from_objects(x.left, x.right)
- for x in self._cloned_set])
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return [self] + \
- self.onclause._from_objects + \
- self.left._from_objects + \
- self.right._from_objects
-class Alias(FromClause):
- """Represents an table or selectable alias (AS).
- Represents an alias, as typically applied to any table or
- sub-select within a SQL statement using the ``AS`` keyword (or
- without the keyword on certain databases such as Oracle).
- This object is constructed from the :func:`~.expression.alias` module level
- function as well as the :meth:`.FromClause.alias` method available on all
- :class:`.FromClause` subclasses.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'alias'
- named_with_column = True
- def __init__(self, selectable, name=None):
- baseselectable = selectable
- while isinstance(baseselectable, Alias):
- baseselectable = baseselectable.element
- self.original = baseselectable
- self.supports_execution = baseselectable.supports_execution
- if self.supports_execution:
- self._execution_options = baseselectable._execution_options
- self.element = selectable
- if name is None:
- if self.original.named_with_column:
- name = getattr(self.original, 'name', None)
- name = _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(self), name
- or 'anon'))
- self.name = name
- @property
- def description(self):
- # Py3K
- #return self.name
- # Py2K
- return self.name.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
- # end Py2K
- def as_scalar(self):
- try:
- return self.element.as_scalar()
- except AttributeError:
- raise AttributeError("Element %s does not support "
- "'as_scalar()'" % self.element)
- def is_derived_from(self, fromclause):
- if fromclause in self._cloned_set:
- return True
- return self.element.is_derived_from(fromclause)
- def _populate_column_collection(self):
- for col in self.element.columns:
- col._make_proxy(self)
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self._reset_exported()
- self.element = _clone(self.element)
- baseselectable = self.element
- while isinstance(baseselectable, Alias):
- baseselectable = baseselectable.element
- self.original = baseselectable
- def get_children(self, column_collections=True,
- aliased_selectables=True, **kwargs):
- if column_collections:
- for c in self.c:
- yield c
- if aliased_selectables:
- yield self.element
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return [self]
- @property
- def bind(self):
- return self.element.bind
-class _Grouping(ColumnElement):
- """Represent a grouping within a column expression"""
- __visit_name__ = 'grouping'
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.element = element
- self.type = getattr(element, 'type', None)
- @property
- def _label(self):
- return getattr(self.element, '_label', None) or self.anon_label
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.element = clone(self.element)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.element,
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.element._from_objects
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self.element, attr)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {'element':self.element, 'type':self.type}
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.element = state['element']
- self.type = state['type']
-class _FromGrouping(FromClause):
- """Represent a grouping of a FROM clause"""
- __visit_name__ = 'grouping'
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.element = element
- def _init_collections(self):
- pass
- @property
- def columns(self):
- return self.element.columns
- @property
- def primary_key(self):
- return self.element.primary_key
- @property
- def foreign_keys(self):
- # this could be
- # self.element.foreign_keys
- # see SelectableTest.test_join_condition
- return set()
- @property
- def _hide_froms(self):
- return self.element._hide_froms
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.element,
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.element = clone(self.element)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.element._from_objects
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self.element, attr)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {'element':self.element}
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.element = state['element']
-class _Over(ColumnElement):
- """Represent an OVER clause.
- This is a special operator against a so-called
- "window" function, as well as any aggregate function,
- which produces results relative to the result set
- itself. It's supported only by certain database
- backends.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'over'
- order_by = None
- partition_by = None
- def __init__(self, func, partition_by=None, order_by=None):
- self.func = func
- if order_by is not None:
- self.order_by = ClauseList(*util.to_list(order_by))
- if partition_by is not None:
- self.partition_by = ClauseList(*util.to_list(partition_by))
- @util.memoized_property
- def type(self):
- return self.func.type
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return [c for c in
- (self.func, self.partition_by, self.order_by)
- if c is not None]
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.func = clone(self.func)
- if self.partition_by is not None:
- self.partition_by = clone(self.partition_by)
- if self.order_by is not None:
- self.order_by = clone(self.order_by)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return list(itertools.chain(
- *[c._from_objects for c in
- (self.func, self.partition_by, self.order_by)
- if c is not None]
- ))
-class _Label(ColumnElement):
- """Represents a column label (AS).
- Represent a label, as typically applied to any column-level
- element using the ``AS`` sql keyword.
- This object is constructed from the :func:`label()` module level
- function as well as the :func:`label()` method available on all
- :class:`.ColumnElement` subclasses.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'label'
- def __init__(self, name, element, type_=None):
- while isinstance(element, _Label):
- element = element.element
- self.name = self.key = self._label = name \
- or _generated_label('%%(%d %s)s' % (id(self),
- getattr(element, 'name', 'anon')))
- self._element = element
- self._type = type_
- self.quote = element.quote
- self.proxies = [element]
- @util.memoized_property
- def type(self):
- return sqltypes.to_instance(
- self._type or getattr(self._element, 'type', None)
- )
- @util.memoized_property
- def element(self):
- return self._element.self_group(against=operators.as_)
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- sub_element = self._element.self_group(against=against)
- if sub_element is not self._element:
- return _Label(self.name,
- sub_element,
- type_=self._type)
- else:
- return self._element
- @property
- def primary_key(self):
- return self.element.primary_key
- @property
- def foreign_keys(self):
- return self.element.foreign_keys
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- return self.element,
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self.element = clone(self.element)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return self.element._from_objects
- def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name = None):
- e = self.element._make_proxy(selectable, name=name or self.name)
- e.proxies.append(self)
- return e
-class ColumnClause(_Immutable, ColumnElement):
- """Represents a generic column expression from any textual string.
- This includes columns associated with tables, aliases and select
- statements, but also any arbitrary text. May or may not be bound
- to an underlying :class:`.Selectable`.
- :class:`.ColumnClause` is constructed by itself typically via
- the :func:`~.expression.column` function. It may be placed directly
- into constructs such as :func:`.select` constructs::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import column, select
- c1, c2 = column("c1"), column("c2")
- s = select([c1, c2]).where(c1==5)
- There is also a variant on :func:`~.expression.column` known
- as :func:`~.expression.literal_column` - the difference is that
- in the latter case, the string value is assumed to be an exact
- expression, rather than a column name, so that no quoting rules
- or similar are applied::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import literal_column, select
- s = select([literal_column("5 + 7")])
- :class:`.ColumnClause` can also be used in a table-like
- fashion by combining the :func:`~.expression.column` function
- with the :func:`~.expression.table` function, to produce
- a "lightweight" form of table metadata::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
- user = table("user",
- column("id"),
- column("name"),
- column("description"),
- )
- The above construct can be created in an ad-hoc fashion and is
- not associated with any :class:`.schema.MetaData`, unlike it's
- more full fledged :class:`.schema.Table` counterpart.
- :param text: the text of the element.
- :param selectable: parent selectable.
- :param type: :class:`.types.TypeEngine` object which can associate
- this :class:`.ColumnClause` with a type.
- :param is_literal: if True, the :class:`.ColumnClause` is assumed to
- be an exact expression that will be delivered to the output with no
- quoting rules applied regardless of case sensitive settings. the
- :func:`literal_column()` function is usually used to create such a
- :class:`.ColumnClause`.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'column'
- onupdate = default = server_default = server_onupdate = None
- def __init__(self, text, selectable=None, type_=None, is_literal=False):
- self.key = self.name = text
- self.table = selectable
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(type_)
- self.is_literal = is_literal
- @util.memoized_property
- def _from_objects(self):
- if self.table is not None:
- return [self.table]
- else:
- return []
- @util.memoized_property
- def description(self):
- # Py3K
- #return self.name
- # Py2K
- return self.name.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
- # end Py2K
- @util.memoized_property
- def _label(self):
- if self.is_literal:
- return None
- elif self.table is not None and self.table.named_with_column:
- if getattr(self.table, 'schema', None):
- label = self.table.schema.replace('.', '_') + "_" + \
- _escape_for_generated(self.table.name) + "_" + \
- _escape_for_generated(self.name)
- else:
- label = _escape_for_generated(self.table.name) + "_" + \
- _escape_for_generated(self.name)
- # ensure the label name doesn't conflict with that
- # of an existing column
- if label in self.table.c:
- _label = label
- counter = 1
- while _label in self.table.c:
- _label = label + "_" + str(counter)
- counter += 1
- label = _label
- return _generated_label(label)
- else:
- return self.name
- def label(self, name):
- # currently, anonymous labels don't occur for
- # ColumnClause. The use at the moment
- # is that they do not generate nicely for
- # is_literal clauses. We would like to change
- # this so that label(None) acts as would be expected.
- # See [ticket:2168].
- if name is None:
- return self
- else:
- return super(ColumnClause, self).label(name)
- def _bind_param(self, operator, obj):
- return _BindParamClause(self.name, obj,
- _compared_to_operator=operator,
- _compared_to_type=self.type,
- unique=True)
- def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name=None, attach=True):
- # propagate the "is_literal" flag only if we are keeping our name,
- # otherwise its considered to be a label
- is_literal = self.is_literal and (name is None or name == self.name)
- c = self._constructor(
- name or self.name,
- selectable=selectable,
- type_=self.type,
- is_literal=is_literal
- )
- c.proxies = [self]
- if attach:
- selectable._columns[c.name] = c
- return c
-class TableClause(_Immutable, FromClause):
- """Represents a minimal "table" construct.
- The constructor for :class:`.TableClause` is the
- :func:`~.expression.table` function. This produces
- a lightweight table object that has only a name and a
- collection of columns, which are typically produced
- by the :func:`~.expression.column` function::
- from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
- user = table("user",
- column("id"),
- column("name"),
- column("description"),
- )
- The :class:`.TableClause` construct serves as the base for
- the more commonly used :class:`~.schema.Table` object, providing
- the usual set of :class:`~.expression.FromClause` services including
- the ``.c.`` collection and statement generation methods.
- It does **not** provide all the additional schema-level services
- of :class:`~.schema.Table`, including constraints, references to other
- tables, or support for :class:`.MetaData`-level services. It's useful
- on its own as an ad-hoc construct used to generate quick SQL
- statements when a more fully fledged :class:`~.schema.Table` is not on hand.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'table'
- named_with_column = True
- def __init__(self, name, *columns):
- super(TableClause, self).__init__()
- self.name = self.fullname = name
- self._columns = ColumnCollection()
- self.primary_key = ColumnSet()
- self.foreign_keys = set()
- for c in columns:
- self.append_column(c)
- def _init_collections(self):
- pass
- @util.memoized_property
- def description(self):
- # Py3K
- #return self.name
- # Py2K
- return self.name.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
- # end Py2K
- def append_column(self, c):
- self._columns[c.name] = c
- c.table = self
- def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs):
- if column_collections:
- return [c for c in self.c]
- else:
- return []
- def count(self, whereclause=None, **params):
- """return a SELECT COUNT generated against this
- :class:`.TableClause`."""
- if self.primary_key:
- col = list(self.primary_key)[0]
- else:
- col = list(self.columns)[0]
- return select(
- [func.count(col).label('tbl_row_count')],
- whereclause,
- from_obj=[self],
- **params)
- def insert(self, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs):
- """Generate an :func:`insert()` construct."""
- return insert(self, values=values, inline=inline, **kwargs)
- def update(self, whereclause=None, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs):
- """Generate an :func:`update()` construct."""
- return update(self, whereclause=whereclause,
- values=values, inline=inline, **kwargs)
- def delete(self, whereclause=None, **kwargs):
- """Generate a :func:`delete()` construct."""
- return delete(self, whereclause, **kwargs)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return [self]
-class _SelectBase(Executable, FromClause):
- """Base class for :class:`.Select` and ``CompoundSelects``."""
- _order_by_clause = ClauseList()
- _group_by_clause = ClauseList()
- _limit = None
- _offset = None
- def __init__(self,
- use_labels=False,
- for_update=False,
- limit=None,
- offset=None,
- order_by=None,
- group_by=None,
- bind=None,
- autocommit=None):
- self.use_labels = use_labels
- self.for_update = for_update
- if autocommit is not None:
- util.warn_deprecated('autocommit on select() is '
- 'deprecated. Use .execution_options(a'
- 'utocommit=True)')
- self._execution_options = \
- self._execution_options.union({'autocommit'
- : autocommit})
- if limit is not None:
- self._limit = util.asint(limit)
- if offset is not None:
- self._offset = util.asint(offset)
- self._bind = bind
- if order_by is not None:
- self._order_by_clause = ClauseList(*util.to_list(order_by))
- if group_by is not None:
- self._group_by_clause = ClauseList(*util.to_list(group_by))
- def as_scalar(self):
- """return a 'scalar' representation of this selectable, which can be
- used as a column expression.
- Typically, a select statement which has only one column in its columns
- clause is eligible to be used as a scalar expression.
- The returned object is an instance of
- :class:`_ScalarSelect`.
- """
- return _ScalarSelect(self)
- @_generative
- def apply_labels(self):
- """return a new selectable with the 'use_labels' flag set to True.
- This will result in column expressions being generated using labels
- against their table name, such as "SELECT somecolumn AS
- tablename_somecolumn". This allows selectables which contain multiple
- FROM clauses to produce a unique set of column names regardless of
- name conflicts among the individual FROM clauses.
- """
- self.use_labels = True
- def label(self, name):
- """return a 'scalar' representation of this selectable, embedded as a
- subquery with a label.
- See also ``as_scalar()``.
- """
- return self.as_scalar().label(name)
- @_generative
- @util.deprecated('0.6',
- message=":func:`.autocommit` is deprecated. Use "
- ":func:`.Executable.execution_options` with the "
- "'autocommit' flag.")
- def autocommit(self):
- """return a new selectable with the 'autocommit' flag set to
- True."""
- self._execution_options = \
- self._execution_options.union({'autocommit': True})
- def _generate(self):
- """Override the default _generate() method to also clear out
- exported collections."""
- s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- s._reset_exported()
- return s
- @_generative
- def limit(self, limit):
- """return a new selectable with the given LIMIT criterion
- applied."""
- self._limit = util.asint(limit)
- @_generative
- def offset(self, offset):
- """return a new selectable with the given OFFSET criterion
- applied."""
- self._offset = util.asint(offset)
- @_generative
- def order_by(self, *clauses):
- """return a new selectable with the given list of ORDER BY
- criterion applied.
- The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing ORDER BY
- criterion.
- """
- self.append_order_by(*clauses)
- @_generative
- def group_by(self, *clauses):
- """return a new selectable with the given list of GROUP BY
- criterion applied.
- The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing GROUP BY
- criterion.
- """
- self.append_group_by(*clauses)
- def append_order_by(self, *clauses):
- """Append the given ORDER BY criterion applied to this selectable.
- The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing ORDER BY criterion.
- """
- if len(clauses) == 1 and clauses[0] is None:
- self._order_by_clause = ClauseList()
- else:
- if getattr(self, '_order_by_clause', None) is not None:
- clauses = list(self._order_by_clause) + list(clauses)
- self._order_by_clause = ClauseList(*clauses)
- def append_group_by(self, *clauses):
- """Append the given GROUP BY criterion applied to this selectable.
- The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing GROUP BY criterion.
- """
- if len(clauses) == 1 and clauses[0] is None:
- self._group_by_clause = ClauseList()
- else:
- if getattr(self, '_group_by_clause', None) is not None:
- clauses = list(self._group_by_clause) + list(clauses)
- self._group_by_clause = ClauseList(*clauses)
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return [self]
-class _ScalarSelect(_Grouping):
- _from_objects = []
- def __init__(self, element):
- self.element = element
- self.type = element._scalar_type()
- @property
- def columns(self):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError('Scalar Select expression has no '
- 'columns; use this object directly within a '
- 'column-level expression.')
- c = columns
- def self_group(self, **kwargs):
- return self
- def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name):
- return list(self.inner_columns)[0]._make_proxy(selectable, name)
-class CompoundSelect(_SelectBase):
- """Forms the basis of ``UNION``, ``UNION ALL``, and other
- SELECT-based set operations."""
- __visit_name__ = 'compound_select'
- UNION = util.symbol('UNION')
- UNION_ALL = util.symbol('UNION ALL')
- EXCEPT = util.symbol('EXCEPT')
- EXCEPT_ALL = util.symbol('EXCEPT ALL')
- INTERSECT = util.symbol('INTERSECT')
- def __init__(self, keyword, *selects, **kwargs):
- self._should_correlate = kwargs.pop('correlate', False)
- self.keyword = keyword
- self.selects = []
- numcols = None
- # some DBs do not like ORDER BY in the inner queries of a UNION, etc.
- for n, s in enumerate(selects):
- s = _clause_element_as_expr(s)
- if not numcols:
- numcols = len(s.c)
- elif len(s.c) != numcols:
- raise exc.ArgumentError('All selectables passed to '
- 'CompoundSelect must have identical numbers of '
- 'columns; select #%d has %d columns, select '
- '#%d has %d' % (1, len(self.selects[0].c), n
- + 1, len(s.c)))
- self.selects.append(s.self_group(self))
- _SelectBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def _scalar_type(self):
- return self.selects[0]._scalar_type()
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- return _FromGrouping(self)
- def is_derived_from(self, fromclause):
- for s in self.selects:
- if s.is_derived_from(fromclause):
- return True
- return False
- def _populate_column_collection(self):
- for cols in zip(*[s.c for s in self.selects]):
- # this is a slightly hacky thing - the union exports a
- # column that resembles just that of the *first* selectable.
- # to get at a "composite" column, particularly foreign keys,
- # you have to dig through the proxies collection which we
- # generate below. We may want to improve upon this, such as
- # perhaps _make_proxy can accept a list of other columns
- # that are "shared" - schema.column can then copy all the
- # ForeignKeys in. this would allow the union() to have all
- # those fks too.
- proxy = cols[0]._make_proxy(self, name=self.use_labels
- and cols[0]._label or None)
- # hand-construct the "proxies" collection to include all
- # derived columns place a 'weight' annotation corresponding
- # to how low in the list of select()s the column occurs, so
- # that the corresponding_column() operation can resolve
- # conflicts
- proxy.proxies = [c._annotate({'weight': i + 1}) for (i,
- c) in enumerate(cols)]
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self._reset_exported()
- self.selects = [clone(s) for s in self.selects]
- if hasattr(self, '_col_map'):
- del self._col_map
- for attr in ('_order_by_clause', '_group_by_clause'):
- if getattr(self, attr) is not None:
- setattr(self, attr, clone(getattr(self, attr)))
- def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs):
- return (column_collections and list(self.c) or []) \
- + [self._order_by_clause, self._group_by_clause] \
- + list(self.selects)
- def bind(self):
- if self._bind:
- return self._bind
- for s in self.selects:
- e = s.bind
- if e:
- return e
- else:
- return None
- def _set_bind(self, bind):
- self._bind = bind
- bind = property(bind, _set_bind)
-class Select(_SelectBase):
- """Represents a ``SELECT`` statement.
- Select statements support appendable clauses, as well as the
- ability to execute themselves and return a result set.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'select'
- _prefixes = ()
- _hints = util.immutabledict()
- _distinct = False
- def __init__(self,
- columns,
- whereclause=None,
- from_obj=None,
- distinct=False,
- having=None,
- correlate=True,
- prefixes=None,
- **kwargs):
- """Construct a Select object.
- The public constructor for Select is the
- :func:`select` function; see that function for
- argument descriptions.
- Additional generative and mutator methods are available on the
- :class:`_SelectBase` superclass.
- """
- self._should_correlate = correlate
- if distinct is not False:
- if isinstance(distinct, basestring):
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "A string argument passed to the 'distinct' "
- "keyword argument of 'select()' is deprecated "
- "- please use 'prefixes' or 'prefix_with()' "
- "to specify additional prefixes")
- if prefixes:
- prefixes = util.to_list(prefixes) + [distinct]
- else:
- prefixes = [distinct]
- elif distinct is True:
- self._distinct = True
- else:
- self._distinct = [
- _literal_as_text(e)
- for e in util.to_list(distinct)
- ]
- self._correlate = set()
- self._froms = util.OrderedSet()
- try:
- cols_present = bool(columns)
- except TypeError:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("columns argument to select() must "
- "be a Python list or other iterable")
- if cols_present:
- self._raw_columns = []
- for c in columns:
- c = _literal_as_column(c)
- if isinstance(c, _ScalarSelect):
- c = c.self_group(against=operators.comma_op)
- self._raw_columns.append(c)
- self._froms.update(_from_objects(*self._raw_columns))
- else:
- self._raw_columns = []
- if whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
- self._froms.update(_from_objects(self._whereclause))
- else:
- self._whereclause = None
- if from_obj is not None:
- for f in util.to_list(from_obj):
- if _is_literal(f):
- self._froms.add(_TextClause(f))
- else:
- self._froms.add(f)
- if having is not None:
- self._having = _literal_as_text(having)
- else:
- self._having = None
- if prefixes:
- self._prefixes = tuple([_literal_as_text(p) for p in prefixes])
- _SelectBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def _get_display_froms(self, existing_froms=None):
- """Return the full list of 'from' clauses to be displayed.
- Takes into account a set of existing froms which may be
- rendered in the FROM clause of enclosing selects; this Select
- may want to leave those absent if it is automatically
- correlating.
- """
- froms = self._froms
- toremove = itertools.chain(*[f._hide_froms for f in froms])
- if toremove:
- froms = froms.difference(toremove)
- if len(froms) > 1 or self._correlate:
- if self._correlate:
- froms = froms.difference(_cloned_intersection(froms,
- self._correlate))
- if self._should_correlate and existing_froms:
- froms = froms.difference(_cloned_intersection(froms,
- existing_froms))
- if not len(froms):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Select statement '%s"
- "' returned no FROM clauses due to "
- "auto-correlation; specify "
- "correlate(<tables>) to control "
- "correlation manually." % self)
- return froms
- def _scalar_type(self):
- elem = self._raw_columns[0]
- cols = list(elem._select_iterable)
- return cols[0].type
- @property
- def froms(self):
- """Return the displayed list of FromClause elements."""
- return self._get_display_froms()
- @_generative
- def with_hint(self, selectable, text, dialect_name='*'):
- """Add an indexing hint for the given selectable to this
- :class:`.Select`.
- The text of the hint is rendered in the appropriate
- location for the database backend in use, relative
- to the given :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Alias` passed as the
- *selectable* argument. The dialect implementation
- typically uses Python string substitution syntax
- with the token ``%(name)s`` to render the name of
- the table or alias. E.g. when using Oracle, the
- following::
- select([mytable]).\\
- with_hint(mytable, "+ index(%(name)s ix_mytable)")
- Would render SQL as::
- select /*+ index(mytable ix_mytable) */ ... from mytable
- The ``dialect_name`` option will limit the rendering of a particular
- hint to a particular backend. Such as, to add hints for both Oracle
- and Sybase simultaneously::
- select([mytable]).\\
- with_hint(mytable, "+ index(%(name)s ix_mytable)", 'oracle').\\
- with_hint(mytable, "WITH INDEX ix_mytable", 'sybase')
- """
- self._hints = self._hints.union({(selectable, dialect_name):text})
- @property
- def type(self):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Select objects don't have a type. "
- "Call as_scalar() on this Select object "
- "to return a 'scalar' version of this Select.")
- @util.memoized_instancemethod
- def locate_all_froms(self):
- """return a Set of all FromClause elements referenced by this Select.
- This set is a superset of that returned by the ``froms`` property,
- which is specifically for those FromClause elements that would
- actually be rendered.
- """
- return self._froms.union(_from_objects(*list(self._froms)))
- @property
- def inner_columns(self):
- """an iterator of all ColumnElement expressions which would
- be rendered into the columns clause of the resulting SELECT statement.
- """
- return _select_iterables(self._raw_columns)
- def is_derived_from(self, fromclause):
- if self in fromclause._cloned_set:
- return True
- for f in self.locate_all_froms():
- if f.is_derived_from(fromclause):
- return True
- return False
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- self._reset_exported()
- from_cloned = dict((f, clone(f))
- for f in self._froms.union(self._correlate))
- self._froms = util.OrderedSet(from_cloned[f] for f in self._froms)
- self._correlate = set(from_cloned[f] for f in self._correlate)
- self._raw_columns = [clone(c) for c in self._raw_columns]
- for attr in '_whereclause', '_having', '_order_by_clause', \
- '_group_by_clause':
- if getattr(self, attr) is not None:
- setattr(self, attr, clone(getattr(self, attr)))
- def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs):
- """return child elements as per the ClauseElement specification."""
- return (column_collections and list(self.columns) or []) + \
- self._raw_columns + list(self._froms) + \
- [x for x in
- (self._whereclause, self._having,
- self._order_by_clause, self._group_by_clause)
- if x is not None]
- @_generative
- def column(self, column):
- """return a new select() construct with the given column expression
- added to its columns clause.
- """
- column = _literal_as_column(column)
- if isinstance(column, _ScalarSelect):
- column = column.self_group(against=operators.comma_op)
- self._raw_columns = self._raw_columns + [column]
- self._froms = self._froms.union(_from_objects(column))
- @_generative
- def with_only_columns(self, columns):
- """return a new select() construct with its columns clause replaced
- with the given columns.
- """
- self._raw_columns = [
- isinstance(c, _ScalarSelect) and
- c.self_group(against=operators.comma_op) or c
- for c in [_literal_as_column(c) for c in columns]
- ]
- @_generative
- def where(self, whereclause):
- """return a new select() construct with the given expression added to
- its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.
- """
- self.append_whereclause(whereclause)
- @_generative
- def having(self, having):
- """return a new select() construct with the given expression added to
- its HAVING clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.
- """
- self.append_having(having)
- @_generative
- def distinct(self, *expr):
- """Return a new select() construct which will apply DISTINCT to its
- columns clause.
- :param \*expr: optional column expressions. When present,
- the Postgresql dialect will render a ``DISTINCT ON (<expressions>>)``
- construct.
- """
- if expr:
- expr = [_literal_as_text(e) for e in expr]
- if isinstance(self._distinct, list):
- self._distinct = self._distinct + expr
- else:
- self._distinct = expr
- else:
- self._distinct = True
- @_generative
- def prefix_with(self, *expr):
- """return a new select() construct which will apply the given
- expressions, typically strings, to the start of its columns clause,
- not using any commas. In particular is useful for MySQL
- keywords.
- e.g.::
- select(['a', 'b']).prefix_with('HIGH_PRIORITY',
- 'ALL')
- Would render::
- """
- expr = tuple(_literal_as_text(e) for e in expr)
- self._prefixes = self._prefixes + expr
- @_generative
- def select_from(self, fromclause):
- """return a new select() construct with the given FROM expression
- applied to its list of FROM objects.
- """
- fromclause = _literal_as_text(fromclause)
- self._froms = self._froms.union([fromclause])
- @_generative
- def correlate(self, *fromclauses):
- """return a new select() construct which will correlate the given FROM
- clauses to that of an enclosing select(), if a match is found.
- By "match", the given fromclause must be present in this select's
- list of FROM objects and also present in an enclosing select's list of
- FROM objects.
- Calling this method turns off the select's default behavior of
- "auto-correlation". Normally, select() auto-correlates all of its FROM
- clauses to those of an embedded select when compiled.
- If the fromclause is None, correlation is disabled for the returned
- select().
- """
- self._should_correlate = False
- if fromclauses == (None,):
- self._correlate = set()
- else:
- self._correlate = self._correlate.union(fromclauses)
- def append_correlation(self, fromclause):
- """append the given correlation expression to this select()
- construct."""
- self._should_correlate = False
- self._correlate = self._correlate.union([fromclause])
- def append_column(self, column):
- """append the given column expression to the columns clause of this
- select() construct.
- """
- column = _literal_as_column(column)
- if isinstance(column, _ScalarSelect):
- column = column.self_group(against=operators.comma_op)
- self._raw_columns = self._raw_columns + [column]
- self._froms = self._froms.union(_from_objects(column))
- self._reset_exported()
- def append_prefix(self, clause):
- """append the given columns clause prefix expression to this select()
- construct.
- """
- clause = _literal_as_text(clause)
- self._prefixes = self._prefixes + (clause,)
- def append_whereclause(self, whereclause):
- """append the given expression to this select() construct's WHERE
- criterion.
- The expression will be joined to existing WHERE criterion via AND.
- """
- whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
- self._froms = self._froms.union(_from_objects(whereclause))
- if self._whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = and_(self._whereclause, whereclause)
- else:
- self._whereclause = whereclause
- def append_having(self, having):
- """append the given expression to this select() construct's HAVING
- criterion.
- The expression will be joined to existing HAVING criterion via AND.
- """
- if self._having is not None:
- self._having = and_(self._having, _literal_as_text(having))
- else:
- self._having = _literal_as_text(having)
- def append_from(self, fromclause):
- """append the given FromClause expression to this select() construct's
- FROM clause.
- """
- if _is_literal(fromclause):
- fromclause = _TextClause(fromclause)
- self._froms = self._froms.union([fromclause])
- def __exportable_columns(self):
- for column in self._raw_columns:
- if isinstance(column, Selectable):
- for co in column.columns:
- yield co
- elif isinstance(column, ColumnElement):
- yield column
- else:
- continue
- def _populate_column_collection(self):
- for c in self.__exportable_columns():
- c._make_proxy(self, name=self.use_labels and c._label or None)
- def self_group(self, against=None):
- """return a 'grouping' construct as per the ClauseElement
- specification.
- This produces an element that can be embedded in an expression. Note
- that this method is called automatically as needed when constructing
- expressions.
- """
- if isinstance(against, CompoundSelect):
- return self
- return _FromGrouping(self)
- def union(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL UNION of this select() construct against the given
- selectable."""
- return union(self, other, **kwargs)
- def union_all(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL UNION ALL of this select() construct against the given
- selectable.
- """
- return union_all(self, other, **kwargs)
- def except_(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL EXCEPT of this select() construct against the given
- selectable."""
- return except_(self, other, **kwargs)
- def except_all(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL EXCEPT ALL of this select() construct against the
- given selectable.
- """
- return except_all(self, other, **kwargs)
- def intersect(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL INTERSECT of this select() construct against the given
- selectable.
- """
- return intersect(self, other, **kwargs)
- def intersect_all(self, other, **kwargs):
- """return a SQL INTERSECT ALL of this select() construct against the
- given selectable.
- """
- return intersect_all(self, other, **kwargs)
- def bind(self):
- if self._bind:
- return self._bind
- if not self._froms:
- for c in self._raw_columns:
- e = c.bind
- if e:
- self._bind = e
- return e
- else:
- e = list(self._froms)[0].bind
- if e:
- self._bind = e
- return e
- return None
- def _set_bind(self, bind):
- self._bind = bind
- bind = property(bind, _set_bind)
-class UpdateBase(Executable, ClauseElement):
- """Form the base for ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE``, and ``DELETE`` statements."""
- __visit_name__ = 'update_base'
- _execution_options = \
- Executable._execution_options.union({'autocommit': True})
- kwargs = util.immutabledict()
- def _process_colparams(self, parameters):
- if isinstance(parameters, (list, tuple)):
- pp = {}
- for i, c in enumerate(self.table.c):
- pp[c.key] = parameters[i]
- return pp
- else:
- return parameters
- def params(self, *arg, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "params() is not supported for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements."
- " To set the values for an INSERT or UPDATE statement, use"
- " stmt.values(**parameters).")
- def bind(self):
- return self._bind or self.table.bind
- def _set_bind(self, bind):
- self._bind = bind
- bind = property(bind, _set_bind)
- _returning_re = re.compile(r'(?:firebird|postgres(?:ql)?)_returning')
- def _process_deprecated_kw(self, kwargs):
- for k in list(kwargs):
- m = self._returning_re.match(k)
- if m:
- self._returning = kwargs.pop(k)
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "The %r argument is deprecated. Please "
- "use statement.returning(col1, col2, ...)" % k
- )
- return kwargs
- @_generative
- def returning(self, *cols):
- """Add a RETURNING or equivalent clause to this statement.
- The given list of columns represent columns within the table that is
- the target of the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Each element can be any
- column expression. :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects will be
- expanded into their individual columns.
- Upon compilation, a RETURNING clause, or database equivalent,
- will be rendered within the statement. For INSERT and UPDATE,
- the values are the newly inserted/updated values. For DELETE,
- the values are those of the rows which were deleted.
- Upon execution, the values of the columns to be returned
- are made available via the result set and can be iterated
- using ``fetchone()`` and similar. For DBAPIs which do not
- natively support returning values (i.e. cx_oracle),
- SQLAlchemy will approximate this behavior at the result level
- so that a reasonable amount of behavioral neutrality is
- provided.
- Note that not all databases/DBAPIs
- support RETURNING. For those backends with no support,
- an exception is raised upon compilation and/or execution.
- For those who do support it, the functionality across backends
- varies greatly, including restrictions on executemany()
- and other statements which return multiple rows. Please
- read the documentation notes for the database in use in
- order to determine the availability of RETURNING.
- """
- self._returning = cols
-class ValuesBase(UpdateBase):
- """Supplies support for :meth:`.ValuesBase.values` to INSERT and UPDATE constructs."""
- __visit_name__ = 'values_base'
- def __init__(self, table, values):
- self.table = table
- self.parameters = self._process_colparams(values)
- @_generative
- def values(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """specify the VALUES clause for an INSERT statement, or the SET
- clause for an UPDATE.
- \**kwargs
- key=<somevalue> arguments
- \*args
- A single dictionary can be sent as the first positional
- argument. This allows non-string based keys, such as Column
- objects, to be used.
- """
- if args:
- v = args[0]
- else:
- v = {}
- if self.parameters is None:
- self.parameters = self._process_colparams(v)
- self.parameters.update(kwargs)
- else:
- self.parameters = self.parameters.copy()
- self.parameters.update(self._process_colparams(v))
- self.parameters.update(kwargs)
-class Insert(ValuesBase):
- """Represent an INSERT construct.
- The :class:`.Insert` object is created using the :func:`insert()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'insert'
- _prefixes = ()
- def __init__(self,
- table,
- values=None,
- inline=False,
- bind=None,
- prefixes=None,
- returning=None,
- **kwargs):
- ValuesBase.__init__(self, table, values)
- self._bind = bind
- self.select = None
- self.inline = inline
- self._returning = returning
- if prefixes:
- self._prefixes = tuple([_literal_as_text(p) for p in prefixes])
- if kwargs:
- self.kwargs = self._process_deprecated_kw(kwargs)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- if self.select is not None:
- return self.select,
- else:
- return ()
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- # TODO: coverage
- self.parameters = self.parameters.copy()
- @_generative
- def prefix_with(self, clause):
- """Add a word or expression between INSERT and INTO. Generative.
- If multiple prefixes are supplied, they will be separated with
- spaces.
- """
- clause = _literal_as_text(clause)
- self._prefixes = self._prefixes + (clause,)
-class Update(ValuesBase):
- """Represent an Update construct.
- The :class:`.Update` object is created using the :func:`update()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'update'
- def __init__(self,
- table,
- whereclause,
- values=None,
- inline=False,
- bind=None,
- returning=None,
- **kwargs):
- ValuesBase.__init__(self, table, values)
- self._bind = bind
- self._returning = returning
- if whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
- else:
- self._whereclause = None
- self.inline = inline
- if kwargs:
- self.kwargs = self._process_deprecated_kw(kwargs)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- if self._whereclause is not None:
- return self._whereclause,
- else:
- return ()
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- # TODO: coverage
- self._whereclause = clone(self._whereclause)
- self.parameters = self.parameters.copy()
- @_generative
- def where(self, whereclause):
- """return a new update() construct with the given expression added to
- its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.
- """
- if self._whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = and_(self._whereclause,
- _literal_as_text(whereclause))
- else:
- self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
-class Delete(UpdateBase):
- """Represent a DELETE construct.
- The :class:`.Delete` object is created using the :func:`delete()` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'delete'
- def __init__(self,
- table,
- whereclause,
- bind=None,
- returning =None,
- **kwargs):
- self._bind = bind
- self.table = table
- self._returning = returning
- if whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
- else:
- self._whereclause = None
- if kwargs:
- self.kwargs = self._process_deprecated_kw(kwargs)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- if self._whereclause is not None:
- return self._whereclause,
- else:
- return ()
- @_generative
- def where(self, whereclause):
- """Add the given WHERE clause to a newly returned delete construct."""
- if self._whereclause is not None:
- self._whereclause = and_(self._whereclause,
- _literal_as_text(whereclause))
- else:
- self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause)
- def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone):
- # TODO: coverage
- self._whereclause = clone(self._whereclause)
-class _IdentifiedClause(Executable, ClauseElement):
- __visit_name__ = 'identified'
- _execution_options = \
- Executable._execution_options.union({'autocommit': False})
- quote = None
- def __init__(self, ident):
- self.ident = ident
-class SavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause):
- __visit_name__ = 'savepoint'
-class RollbackToSavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause):
- __visit_name__ = 'rollback_to_savepoint'
-class ReleaseSavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause):
- __visit_name__ = 'release_savepoint'
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# sql/functions.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes, schema
-from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import (
- ClauseList, Function, _literal_as_binds, text, _type_from_args
- )
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators
-from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import VisitableType
-class _GenericMeta(VisitableType):
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- args = [_literal_as_binds(c) for c in args]
- return type.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-class GenericFunction(Function):
- __metaclass__ = _GenericMeta
- def __init__(self, type_=None, args=(), **kwargs):
- self.packagenames = []
- self.name = self.__class__.__name__
- self._bind = kwargs.get('bind', None)
- self.clause_expr = ClauseList(
- operator=operators.comma_op,
- group_contents=True, *args).self_group()
- self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(
- type_ or getattr(self, '__return_type__', None))
-class next_value(Function):
- """Represent the 'next value', given a :class:`.Sequence`
- as it's single argument.
- Compiles into the appropriate function on each backend,
- or will raise NotImplementedError if used on a backend
- that does not provide support for sequences.
- """
- type = sqltypes.Integer()
- name = "next_value"
- def __init__(self, seq, **kw):
- assert isinstance(seq, schema.Sequence), \
- "next_value() accepts a Sequence object as input."
- self._bind = kw.get('bind', None)
- self.sequence = seq
- @property
- def _from_objects(self):
- return []
-class AnsiFunction(GenericFunction):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-class ReturnTypeFromArgs(GenericFunction):
- """Define a function whose return type is the same as its arguments."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('type_', _type_from_args(args))
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, args=args, **kwargs)
-class coalesce(ReturnTypeFromArgs):
- pass
-class max(ReturnTypeFromArgs):
- pass
-class min(ReturnTypeFromArgs):
- pass
-class sum(ReturnTypeFromArgs):
- pass
-class now(GenericFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.DateTime
-class concat(GenericFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.String
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, args=args, **kwargs)
-class char_length(GenericFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.Integer
- def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, args=[arg], **kwargs)
-class random(GenericFunction):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('type_', None)
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, args=args, **kwargs)
-class count(GenericFunction):
- """The ANSI COUNT aggregate function. With no arguments, emits COUNT \*."""
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.Integer
- def __init__(self, expression=None, **kwargs):
- if expression is None:
- expression = text('*')
- GenericFunction.__init__(self, args=(expression,), **kwargs)
-class current_date(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.Date
-class current_time(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.Time
-class current_timestamp(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.DateTime
-class current_user(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.String
-class localtime(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.DateTime
-class localtimestamp(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.DateTime
-class session_user(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.String
-class sysdate(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.DateTime
-class user(AnsiFunction):
- __return_type__ = sqltypes.String
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/operators.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# sql/operators.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Defines operators used in SQL expressions."""
-from operator import (
- and_, or_, inv, add, mul, sub, mod, truediv, lt, le, ne, gt, ge, eq, neg
- )
-# Py2K
-from operator import (div,)
-# end Py2K
-from sqlalchemy.util import symbol
-def from_():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def as_():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def exists():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def is_():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def isnot():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def collate():
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def op(a, opstring, b):
- return a.op(opstring)(b)
-def like_op(a, b, escape=None):
- return a.like(b, escape=escape)
-def notlike_op(a, b, escape=None):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def ilike_op(a, b, escape=None):
- return a.ilike(b, escape=escape)
-def notilike_op(a, b, escape=None):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def between_op(a, b, c):
- return a.between(b, c)
-def in_op(a, b):
- return a.in_(b)
-def notin_op(a, b):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def distinct_op(a):
- return a.distinct()
-def startswith_op(a, b, escape=None):
- return a.startswith(b, escape=escape)
-def endswith_op(a, b, escape=None):
- return a.endswith(b, escape=escape)
-def contains_op(a, b, escape=None):
- return a.contains(b, escape=escape)
-def match_op(a, b):
- return a.match(b)
-def comma_op(a, b):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-def concat_op(a, b):
- return a.concat(b)
-def desc_op(a):
- return a.desc()
-def asc_op(a):
- return a.asc()
-def nullsfirst_op(a):
- return a.nullsfirst()
-def nullslast_op(a):
- return a.nullslast()
-_commutative = set([eq, ne, add, mul])
-def is_commutative(op):
- return op in _commutative
-_associative = _commutative.union([concat_op, and_, or_])
-_smallest = symbol('_smallest')
-_largest = symbol('_largest')
- from_: 15,
- mul: 7,
- truediv: 7,
- # Py2K
- div: 7,
- # end Py2K
- mod: 7,
- neg: 7,
- add: 6,
- sub: 6,
- concat_op: 6,
- match_op: 6,
- ilike_op: 5,
- notilike_op: 5,
- like_op: 5,
- notlike_op: 5,
- in_op: 5,
- notin_op: 5,
- is_: 5,
- isnot: 5,
- eq: 5,
- ne: 5,
- gt: 5,
- lt: 5,
- ge: 5,
- le: 5,
- between_op: 5,
- distinct_op: 5,
- inv: 5,
- and_: 3,
- or_: 2,
- comma_op: -1,
- collate: 7,
- as_: -1,
- exists: 0,
- _smallest: -1000,
- _largest: 1000
-def is_precedent(operator, against):
- if operator is against and operator in _associative:
- return False
- else:
- return (_PRECEDENCE.get(operator, _PRECEDENCE[_smallest]) <=
- _PRECEDENCE.get(against, _PRECEDENCE[_largest]))
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-# sql/util.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-from sqlalchemy import exc, schema, util, sql, types as sqltypes
-from sqlalchemy.util import topological
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, operators, visitors
-from itertools import chain
-"""Utility functions that build upon SQL and Schema constructs."""
-def sort_tables(tables):
- """sort a collection of Table objects in order of their foreign-key dependency."""
- tables = list(tables)
- tuples = []
- def visit_foreign_key(fkey):
- if fkey.use_alter:
- return
- parent_table = fkey.column.table
- if parent_table in tables:
- child_table = fkey.parent.table
- if parent_table is not child_table:
- tuples.append((parent_table, child_table))
- for table in tables:
- visitors.traverse(table,
- {'schema_visitor':True},
- {'foreign_key':visit_foreign_key})
- tuples.extend(
- [parent, table] for parent in table._extra_dependencies
- )
- return list(topological.sort(tuples, tables))
-def find_join_source(clauses, join_to):
- """Given a list of FROM clauses and a selectable,
- return the first index and element from the list of
- clauses which can be joined against the selectable. returns
- None, None if no match is found.
- e.g.::
- clause1 = table1.join(table2)
- clause2 = table4.join(table5)
- join_to = table2.join(table3)
- find_join_source([clause1, clause2], join_to) == clause1
- """
- selectables = list(expression._from_objects(join_to))
- for i, f in enumerate(clauses):
- for s in selectables:
- if f.is_derived_from(s):
- return i, f
- else:
- return None, None
-def find_tables(clause, check_columns=False,
- include_aliases=False, include_joins=False,
- include_selects=False, include_crud=False):
- """locate Table objects within the given expression."""
- tables = []
- _visitors = {}
- if include_selects:
- _visitors['select'] = _visitors['compound_select'] = tables.append
- if include_joins:
- _visitors['join'] = tables.append
- if include_aliases:
- _visitors['alias'] = tables.append
- if include_crud:
- _visitors['insert'] = _visitors['update'] = \
- _visitors['delete'] = lambda ent: tables.append(ent.table)
- if check_columns:
- def visit_column(column):
- tables.append(column.table)
- _visitors['column'] = visit_column
- _visitors['table'] = tables.append
- visitors.traverse(clause, {'column_collections':False}, _visitors)
- return tables
-def find_columns(clause):
- """locate Column objects within the given expression."""
- cols = util.column_set()
- visitors.traverse(clause, {}, {'column':cols.add})
- return cols
-def clause_is_present(clause, search):
- """Given a target clause and a second to search within, return True
- if the target is plainly present in the search without any
- subqueries or aliases involved.
- Basically descends through Joins.
- """
- stack = [search]
- while stack:
- elem = stack.pop()
- if clause is elem:
- return True
- elif isinstance(elem, expression.Join):
- stack.extend((elem.left, elem.right))
- return False
-def bind_values(clause):
- """Return an ordered list of "bound" values in the given clause.
- E.g.::
- >>> expr = and_(
- ... table.c.foo==5, table.c.foo==7
- ... )
- >>> bind_values(expr)
- [5, 7]
- """
- v = []
- def visit_bindparam(bind):
- value = bind.value
- # evaluate callables
- if callable(value):
- value = value()
- v.append(value)
- visitors.traverse(clause, {}, {'bindparam':visit_bindparam})
- return v
-def _quote_ddl_expr(element):
- if isinstance(element, basestring):
- element = element.replace("'", "''")
- return "'%s'" % element
- else:
- return repr(element)
-def expression_as_ddl(clause):
- """Given a SQL expression, convert for usage in DDL, such as
- Converts bind params into quoted literals, column identifiers
- into detached column constructs so that the parent table
- identifier is not included.
- """
- def repl(element):
- if isinstance(element, expression._BindParamClause):
- return expression.literal_column(_quote_ddl_expr(element.value))
- elif isinstance(element, expression.ColumnClause) and \
- element.table is not None:
- return expression.column(element.name)
- else:
- return None
- return visitors.replacement_traverse(clause, {}, repl)
-def adapt_criterion_to_null(crit, nulls):
- """given criterion containing bind params, convert selected elements to IS NULL."""
- def visit_binary(binary):
- if isinstance(binary.left, expression._BindParamClause) and binary.left.key in nulls:
- # reverse order if the NULL is on the left side
- binary.left = binary.right
- binary.right = expression.null()
- binary.operator = operators.is_
- binary.negate = operators.isnot
- elif isinstance(binary.right, expression._BindParamClause) and binary.right.key in nulls:
- binary.right = expression.null()
- binary.operator = operators.is_
- binary.negate = operators.isnot
- return visitors.cloned_traverse(crit, {}, {'binary':visit_binary})
-def join_condition(a, b, ignore_nonexistent_tables=False, a_subset=None):
- """create a join condition between two tables or selectables.
- e.g.::
- join_condition(tablea, tableb)
- would produce an expression along the lines of::
- tablea.c.id==tableb.c.tablea_id
- The join is determined based on the foreign key relationships
- between the two selectables. If there are multiple ways
- to join, or no way to join, an error is raised.
- :param ignore_nonexistent_tables: Deprecated - this
- flag is no longer used. Only resolution errors regarding
- the two given tables are propagated.
- :param a_subset: An optional expression that is a sub-component
- of ``a``. An attempt will be made to join to just this sub-component
- first before looking at the full ``a`` construct, and if found
- will be successful even if there are other ways to join to ``a``.
- This allows the "right side" of a join to be passed thereby
- providing a "natural join".
- """
- crit = []
- constraints = set()
- for left in (a_subset, a):
- if left is None:
- continue
- for fk in sorted(
- b.foreign_keys,
- key=lambda fk:fk.parent._creation_order):
- try:
- col = fk.get_referent(left)
- except exc.NoReferenceError, nrte:
- if nrte.table_name == left.name:
- raise
- else:
- continue
- if col is not None:
- crit.append(col == fk.parent)
- constraints.add(fk.constraint)
- if left is not b:
- for fk in sorted(
- left.foreign_keys,
- key=lambda fk:fk.parent._creation_order):
- try:
- col = fk.get_referent(b)
- except exc.NoReferenceError, nrte:
- if nrte.table_name == b.name:
- raise
- else:
- # this is totally covered. can't get
- # coverage to mark it.
- continue
- if col is not None:
- crit.append(col == fk.parent)
- constraints.add(fk.constraint)
- if crit:
- break
- if len(crit) == 0:
- if isinstance(b, expression._FromGrouping):
- hint = " Perhaps you meant to convert the right side to a "\
- "subquery using alias()?"
- else:
- hint = ""
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Can't find any foreign key relationships "
- "between '%s' and '%s'.%s" % (a.description, b.description, hint))
- elif len(constraints) > 1:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Can't determine join between '%s' and '%s'; "
- "tables have more than one foreign key "
- "constraint relationship between them. "
- "Please specify the 'onclause' of this "
- "join explicitly." % (a.description, b.description))
- elif len(crit) == 1:
- return (crit[0])
- else:
- return sql.and_(*crit)
-class Annotated(object):
- """clones a ClauseElement and applies an 'annotations' dictionary.
- Unlike regular clones, this clone also mimics __hash__() and
- __cmp__() of the original element so that it takes its place
- in hashed collections.
- A reference to the original element is maintained, for the important
- reason of keeping its hash value current. When GC'ed, the
- hash value may be reused, causing conflicts.
- """
- def __new__(cls, *args):
- if not args:
- # clone constructor
- return object.__new__(cls)
- else:
- element, values = args
- # pull appropriate subclass from registry of annotated
- # classes
- try:
- cls = annotated_classes[element.__class__]
- except KeyError:
- cls = annotated_classes[element.__class__] = type.__new__(type,
- "Annotated%s" % element.__class__.__name__,
- (Annotated, element.__class__), {})
- return object.__new__(cls)
- def __init__(self, element, values):
- # force FromClause to generate their internal
- # collections into __dict__
- if isinstance(element, expression.FromClause):
- element.c
- self.__dict__ = element.__dict__.copy()
- self.__element = element
- self._annotations = values
- def _annotate(self, values):
- _values = self._annotations.copy()
- _values.update(values)
- clone = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- clone.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- clone._annotations = _values
- return clone
- def _deannotate(self):
- return self.__element
- def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw):
- return self.__element.__class__._compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw)
- @property
- def _constructor(self):
- return self.__element._constructor
- def _clone(self):
- clone = self.__element._clone()
- if clone is self.__element:
- # detect immutable, don't change anything
- return self
- else:
- # update the clone with any changes that have occurred
- # to this object's __dict__.
- clone.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
- return Annotated(clone, self._annotations)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.__element)
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(hash(self.__element), hash(other))
-# hard-generate Annotated subclasses. this technique
-# is used instead of on-the-fly types (i.e. type.__new__())
-# so that the resulting objects are pickleable.
-annotated_classes = {}
-for cls in expression.__dict__.values() + [schema.Column, schema.Table]:
- if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, expression.ClauseElement):
- exec "class Annotated%s(Annotated, cls):\n" \
- " pass" % (cls.__name__, ) in locals()
- exec "annotated_classes[cls] = Annotated%s" % (cls.__name__)
-def _deep_annotate(element, annotations, exclude=None):
- """Deep copy the given ClauseElement, annotating each element with the given annotations dictionary.
- Elements within the exclude collection will be cloned but not annotated.
- """
- def clone(elem):
- # check if element is present in the exclude list.
- # take into account proxying relationships.
- if exclude and \
- hasattr(elem, 'proxy_set') and \
- elem.proxy_set.intersection(exclude):
- elem = elem._clone()
- elif annotations != elem._annotations:
- elem = elem._annotate(annotations.copy())
- elem._copy_internals(clone=clone)
- return elem
- if element is not None:
- element = clone(element)
- return element
-def _deep_deannotate(element):
- """Deep copy the given element, removing all annotations."""
- def clone(elem):
- elem = elem._deannotate()
- elem._copy_internals(clone=clone)
- return elem
- if element is not None:
- element = clone(element)
- return element
-def splice_joins(left, right, stop_on=None):
- if left is None:
- return right
- stack = [(right, None)]
- adapter = ClauseAdapter(left)
- ret = None
- while stack:
- (right, prevright) = stack.pop()
- if isinstance(right, expression.Join) and right is not stop_on:
- right = right._clone()
- right._reset_exported()
- right.onclause = adapter.traverse(right.onclause)
- stack.append((right.left, right))
- else:
- right = adapter.traverse(right)
- if prevright is not None:
- prevright.left = right
- if ret is None:
- ret = right
- return ret
-def reduce_columns(columns, *clauses, **kw):
- """given a list of columns, return a 'reduced' set based on natural equivalents.
- the set is reduced to the smallest list of columns which have no natural
- equivalent present in the list. A "natural equivalent" means that two columns
- will ultimately represent the same value because they are related by a foreign key.
- \*clauses is an optional list of join clauses which will be traversed
- to further identify columns that are "equivalent".
- \**kw may specify 'ignore_nonexistent_tables' to ignore foreign keys
- whose tables are not yet configured.
- This function is primarily used to determine the most minimal "primary key"
- from a selectable, by reducing the set of primary key columns present
- in the the selectable to just those that are not repeated.
- """
- ignore_nonexistent_tables = kw.pop('ignore_nonexistent_tables', False)
- columns = util.ordered_column_set(columns)
- omit = util.column_set()
- for col in columns:
- for fk in chain(*[c.foreign_keys for c in col.proxy_set]):
- for c in columns:
- if c is col:
- continue
- try:
- fk_col = fk.column
- except exc.NoReferencedTableError:
- if ignore_nonexistent_tables:
- continue
- else:
- raise
- if fk_col.shares_lineage(c):
- omit.add(col)
- break
- if clauses:
- def visit_binary(binary):
- if binary.operator == operators.eq:
- cols = util.column_set(chain(*[c.proxy_set for c in columns.difference(omit)]))
- if binary.left in cols and binary.right in cols:
- for c in columns:
- if c.shares_lineage(binary.right):
- omit.add(c)
- break
- for clause in clauses:
- visitors.traverse(clause, {}, {'binary':visit_binary})
- return expression.ColumnSet(columns.difference(omit))
-def criterion_as_pairs(expression, consider_as_foreign_keys=None,
- consider_as_referenced_keys=None, any_operator=False):
- """traverse an expression and locate binary criterion pairs."""
- if consider_as_foreign_keys and consider_as_referenced_keys:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("Can only specify one of "
- "'consider_as_foreign_keys' or "
- "'consider_as_referenced_keys'")
- def visit_binary(binary):
- if not any_operator and binary.operator is not operators.eq:
- return
- if not isinstance(binary.left, sql.ColumnElement) or \
- not isinstance(binary.right, sql.ColumnElement):
- return
- if consider_as_foreign_keys:
- if binary.left in consider_as_foreign_keys and \
- (binary.right is binary.left or
- binary.right not in consider_as_foreign_keys):
- pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left))
- elif binary.right in consider_as_foreign_keys and \
- (binary.left is binary.right or
- binary.left not in consider_as_foreign_keys):
- pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right))
- elif consider_as_referenced_keys:
- if binary.left in consider_as_referenced_keys and \
- (binary.right is binary.left or
- binary.right not in consider_as_referenced_keys):
- pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right))
- elif binary.right in consider_as_referenced_keys and \
- (binary.left is binary.right or
- binary.left not in consider_as_referenced_keys):
- pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left))
- else:
- if isinstance(binary.left, schema.Column) and \
- isinstance(binary.right, schema.Column):
- if binary.left.references(binary.right):
- pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left))
- elif binary.right.references(binary.left):
- pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right))
- pairs = []
- visitors.traverse(expression, {}, {'binary':visit_binary})
- return pairs
-def folded_equivalents(join, equivs=None):
- """Return a list of uniquely named columns.
- The column list of the given Join will be narrowed
- down to a list of all equivalently-named,
- equated columns folded into one column, where 'equated' means they are
- equated to each other in the ON clause of this join.
- This function is used by Join.select(fold_equivalents=True).
- Deprecated. This function is used for a certain kind of
- "polymorphic_union" which is designed to achieve joined
- table inheritance where the base table has no "discriminator"
- column; [ticket:1131] will provide a better way to
- achieve this.
- """
- if equivs is None:
- equivs = set()
- def visit_binary(binary):
- if binary.operator == operators.eq and binary.left.name == binary.right.name:
- equivs.add(binary.right)
- equivs.add(binary.left)
- visitors.traverse(join.onclause, {}, {'binary':visit_binary})
- collist = []
- if isinstance(join.left, expression.Join):
- left = folded_equivalents(join.left, equivs)
- else:
- left = list(join.left.columns)
- if isinstance(join.right, expression.Join):
- right = folded_equivalents(join.right, equivs)
- else:
- right = list(join.right.columns)
- used = set()
- for c in left + right:
- if c in equivs:
- if c.name not in used:
- collist.append(c)
- used.add(c.name)
- else:
- collist.append(c)
- return collist
-class AliasedRow(object):
- """Wrap a RowProxy with a translation map.
- This object allows a set of keys to be translated
- to those present in a RowProxy.
- """
- def __init__(self, row, map):
- # AliasedRow objects don't nest, so un-nest
- # if another AliasedRow was passed
- if isinstance(row, AliasedRow):
- self.row = row.row
- else:
- self.row = row
- self.map = map
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return self.map[key] in self.row
- def has_key(self, key):
- return key in self
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.row[self.map[key]]
- def keys(self):
- return self.row.keys()
-class ClauseAdapter(visitors.ReplacingCloningVisitor):
- """Clones and modifies clauses based on column correspondence.
- E.g.::
- table1 = Table('sometable', metadata,
- Column('col1', Integer),
- Column('col2', Integer)
- )
- table2 = Table('someothertable', metadata,
- Column('col1', Integer),
- Column('col2', Integer)
- )
- condition = table1.c.col1 == table2.c.col1
- make an alias of table1::
- s = table1.alias('foo')
- calling ``ClauseAdapter(s).traverse(condition)`` converts
- condition to read::
- s.c.col1 == table2.c.col1
- """
- def __init__(self, selectable, equivalents=None, include=None, exclude=None):
- self.__traverse_options__ = {'column_collections':False, 'stop_on':[selectable]}
- self.selectable = selectable
- self.include = include
- self.exclude = exclude
- self.equivalents = util.column_dict(equivalents or {})
- def _corresponding_column(self, col, require_embedded, _seen=util.EMPTY_SET):
- newcol = self.selectable.corresponding_column(col, require_embedded=require_embedded)
- if newcol is None and col in self.equivalents and col not in _seen:
- for equiv in self.equivalents[col]:
- newcol = self._corresponding_column(equiv, require_embedded=require_embedded, _seen=_seen.union([col]))
- if newcol is not None:
- return newcol
- return newcol
- def replace(self, col):
- if isinstance(col, expression.FromClause):
- if self.selectable.is_derived_from(col):
- return self.selectable
- if not isinstance(col, expression.ColumnElement):
- return None
- if self.include and col not in self.include:
- return None
- elif self.exclude and col in self.exclude:
- return None
- return self._corresponding_column(col, True)
-class ColumnAdapter(ClauseAdapter):
- """Extends ClauseAdapter with extra utility functions.
- Provides the ability to "wrap" this ClauseAdapter
- around another, a columns dictionary which returns
- adapted elements given an original, and an
- adapted_row() factory.
- """
- def __init__(self, selectable, equivalents=None,
- chain_to=None, include=None,
- exclude=None, adapt_required=False):
- ClauseAdapter.__init__(self, selectable, equivalents, include, exclude)
- if chain_to:
- self.chain(chain_to)
- self.columns = util.populate_column_dict(self._locate_col)
- self.adapt_required = adapt_required
- def wrap(self, adapter):
- ac = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- ac.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- ac._locate_col = ac._wrap(ac._locate_col, adapter._locate_col)
- ac.adapt_clause = ac._wrap(ac.adapt_clause, adapter.adapt_clause)
- ac.adapt_list = ac._wrap(ac.adapt_list, adapter.adapt_list)
- ac.columns = util.populate_column_dict(ac._locate_col)
- return ac
- adapt_clause = ClauseAdapter.traverse
- adapt_list = ClauseAdapter.copy_and_process
- def _wrap(self, local, wrapped):
- def locate(col):
- col = local(col)
- return wrapped(col)
- return locate
- def _locate_col(self, col):
- c = self._corresponding_column(col, True)
- if c is None:
- c = self.adapt_clause(col)
- # anonymize labels in case they have a hardcoded name
- if isinstance(c, expression._Label):
- c = c.label(None)
- # adapt_required indicates that if we got the same column
- # back which we put in (i.e. it passed through),
- # it's not correct. this is used by eagerloading which
- # knows that all columns and expressions need to be adapted
- # to a result row, and a "passthrough" is definitely targeting
- # the wrong column.
- if self.adapt_required and c is col:
- return None
- return c
- def adapted_row(self, row):
- return AliasedRow(row, self.columns)
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- del d['columns']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.__dict__.update(state)
- self.columns = util.PopulateDict(self._locate_col)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c6be97d..00000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-# sql/visitors.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Visitor/traversal interface and library functions.
-SQLAlchemy schema and expression constructs rely on a Python-centric
-version of the classic "visitor" pattern as the primary way in which
-they apply functionality. The most common use of this pattern
-is statement compilation, where individual expression classes match
-up to rendering methods that produce a string result. Beyond this,
-the visitor system is also used to inspect expressions for various
-information and patterns, as well as for usage in
-some kinds of expression transformation. Other kinds of transformation
-use a non-visitor traversal system.
-For many examples of how the visit system is used, see the
-sqlalchemy.sql.util and the sqlalchemy.sql.compiler modules.
-For an introduction to clause adaption, see
-http://techspot.zzzeek.org/?p=19 .
-from collections import deque
-import re
-from sqlalchemy import util
-import operator
-__all__ = ['VisitableType', 'Visitable', 'ClauseVisitor',
- 'CloningVisitor', 'ReplacingCloningVisitor', 'iterate',
- 'iterate_depthfirst', 'traverse_using', 'traverse',
- 'cloned_traverse', 'replacement_traverse']
-class VisitableType(type):
- """Metaclass which checks for a `__visit_name__` attribute and
- applies `_compiler_dispatch` method to classes.
- """
- def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
- if cls.__name__ == 'Visitable' or not hasattr(cls, '__visit_name__'):
- super(VisitableType, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict)
- return
- _generate_dispatch(cls)
- super(VisitableType, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict)
-def _generate_dispatch(cls):
- # set up an optimized visit dispatch function
- # for use by the compiler
- if '__visit_name__' in cls.__dict__:
- visit_name = cls.__visit_name__
- if isinstance(visit_name, str):
- getter = operator.attrgetter("visit_%s" % visit_name)
- def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw):
- return getter(visitor)(self, **kw)
- else:
- def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw):
- return getattr(visitor, 'visit_%s' % self.__visit_name__)(self, **kw)
- cls._compiler_dispatch = _compiler_dispatch
-class Visitable(object):
- """Base class for visitable objects, applies the
- ``VisitableType`` metaclass.
- """
- __metaclass__ = VisitableType
-class ClauseVisitor(object):
- """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using
- the traverse() function.
- """
- __traverse_options__ = {}
- def traverse_single(self, obj, **kw):
- for v in self._visitor_iterator:
- meth = getattr(v, "visit_%s" % obj.__visit_name__, None)
- if meth:
- return meth(obj, **kw)
- def iterate(self, obj):
- """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator of all elements."""
- return iterate(obj, self.__traverse_options__)
- def traverse(self, obj):
- """traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
- return traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _visitor_dict(self):
- visitors = {}
- for name in dir(self):
- if name.startswith('visit_'):
- visitors[name[6:]] = getattr(self, name)
- return visitors
- @property
- def _visitor_iterator(self):
- """iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor."""
- v = self
- while v:
- yield v
- v = getattr(v, '_next', None)
- def chain(self, visitor):
- """'chain' an additional ClauseVisitor onto this ClauseVisitor.
- the chained visitor will receive all visit events after this one.
- """
- tail = list(self._visitor_iterator)[-1]
- tail._next = visitor
- return self
-class CloningVisitor(ClauseVisitor):
- """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using
- the cloned_traverse() function.
- """
- def copy_and_process(self, list_):
- """Apply cloned traversal to the given list of elements, and return the new list."""
- return [self.traverse(x) for x in list_]
- def traverse(self, obj):
- """traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
- return cloned_traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict)
-class ReplacingCloningVisitor(CloningVisitor):
- """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using
- the replacement_traverse() function.
- """
- def replace(self, elem):
- """receive pre-copied elements during a cloning traversal.
- If the method returns a new element, the element is used
- instead of creating a simple copy of the element. Traversal
- will halt on the newly returned element if it is re-encountered.
- """
- return None
- def traverse(self, obj):
- """traverse and visit the given expression structure."""
- def replace(elem):
- for v in self._visitor_iterator:
- e = v.replace(elem)
- if e is not None:
- return e
- return replacement_traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, replace)
-def iterate(obj, opts):
- """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator.
- traversal is configured to be breadth-first.
- """
- stack = deque([obj])
- while stack:
- t = stack.popleft()
- yield t
- for c in t.get_children(**opts):
- stack.append(c)
-def iterate_depthfirst(obj, opts):
- """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator.
- traversal is configured to be depth-first.
- """
- stack = deque([obj])
- traversal = deque()
- while stack:
- t = stack.pop()
- traversal.appendleft(t)
- for c in t.get_children(**opts):
- stack.append(c)
- return iter(traversal)
-def traverse_using(iterator, obj, visitors):
- """visit the given expression structure using the given iterator of objects."""
- for target in iterator:
- meth = visitors.get(target.__visit_name__, None)
- if meth:
- meth(target)
- return obj
-def traverse(obj, opts, visitors):
- """traverse and visit the given expression structure using the default iterator."""
- return traverse_using(iterate(obj, opts), obj, visitors)
-def traverse_depthfirst(obj, opts, visitors):
- """traverse and visit the given expression structure using the depth-first iterator."""
- return traverse_using(iterate_depthfirst(obj, opts), obj, visitors)
-def cloned_traverse(obj, opts, visitors):
- """clone the given expression structure, allowing modifications by visitors."""
- cloned = util.column_dict()
- def clone(element):
- if element not in cloned:
- cloned[element] = element._clone()
- return cloned[element]
- obj = clone(obj)
- stack = [obj]
- while stack:
- t = stack.pop()
- if t in cloned:
- continue
- t._copy_internals(clone=clone)
- meth = visitors.get(t.__visit_name__, None)
- if meth:
- meth(t)
- for c in t.get_children(**opts):
- stack.append(c)
- return obj
-def replacement_traverse(obj, opts, replace):
- """clone the given expression structure, allowing element replacement by a given replacement function."""
- cloned = util.column_dict()
- stop_on = util.column_set(opts.get('stop_on', []))
- def clone(element):
- newelem = replace(element)
- if newelem is not None:
- stop_on.add(newelem)
- return newelem
- if element not in cloned:
- cloned[element] = element._clone()
- return cloned[element]
- obj = clone(obj)
- stack = [obj]
- while stack:
- t = stack.pop()
- if t in stop_on:
- continue
- t._copy_internals(clone=clone)
- for c in t.get_children(**opts):
- stack.append(c)
- return obj