path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/schema.py
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-# sqlalchemy/schema.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""The schema module provides the building blocks for database metadata.
-Each element within this module describes a database entity which can be
-created and dropped, or is otherwise part of such an entity. Examples include
-tables, columns, sequences, and indexes.
-All entities are subclasses of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem`, and as
-defined in this module they are intended to be agnostic of any vendor-specific
-A collection of entities are grouped into a unit called
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. MetaData serves as a logical grouping of
-schema elements, and can also be associated with an actual database connection
-such that operations involving the contained elements can contact the database
-as needed.
-Two of the elements here also build upon their "syntactic" counterparts, which
-are defined in :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.`, specifically
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` and :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`.
-Since these objects are part of the SQL expression language, they are usable
-as components in SQL expressions.
-import re, inspect
-from sqlalchemy import exc, util, dialects
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, visitors
-from sqlalchemy import event, events
-sqlutil = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.sql", "util")
-url = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.engine", "url")
-sqltypes = util.importlater("sqlalchemy", "types")
-__all__ = ['SchemaItem', 'Table', 'Column', 'ForeignKey', 'Sequence', 'Index',
- 'ForeignKeyConstraint', 'PrimaryKeyConstraint', 'CheckConstraint',
- 'UniqueConstraint', 'DefaultGenerator', 'Constraint', 'MetaData',
- 'ThreadLocalMetaData', 'SchemaVisitor', 'PassiveDefault',
- 'DefaultClause', 'FetchedValue', 'ColumnDefault', 'DDL',
- 'CreateTable', 'DropTable', 'CreateSequence', 'DropSequence',
- 'AddConstraint', 'DropConstraint',
- ]
-RETAIN_SCHEMA = util.symbol('retain_schema')
-class SchemaItem(events.SchemaEventTarget, visitors.Visitable):
- """Base class for items that define a database schema."""
- __visit_name__ = 'schema_item'
- quote = None
- def _init_items(self, *args):
- """Initialize the list of child items for this SchemaItem."""
- for item in args:
- if item is not None:
- item._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- def get_children(self, **kwargs):
- """used to allow SchemaVisitor access"""
- return []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "%s()" % self.__class__.__name__
- @util.memoized_property
- def info(self):
- return {}
-def _get_table_key(name, schema):
- if schema is None:
- return name
- else:
- return schema + "." + name
-class Table(SchemaItem, expression.TableClause):
- """Represent a table in a database.
- e.g.::
- mytable = Table("mytable", metadata,
- Column('mytable_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('value', String(50))
- )
- The :class:`.Table` object constructs a unique instance of itself based on its
- name and optionl schema name within the given :class:`.MetaData` object.
- Calling the :class:`.Table`
- constructor with the same name and same :class:`.MetaData` argument
- a second time will return the *same* :class:`.Table` object - in this way
- the :class:`.Table` constructor acts as a registry function.
- Constructor arguments are as follows:
- :param name: The name of this table as represented in the database.
- This property, along with the *schema*, indicates the *singleton
- identity* of this table in relation to its parent :class:`.MetaData`.
- Additional calls to :class:`.Table` with the same name, metadata,
- and schema name will return the same :class:`.Table` object.
- Names which contain no upper case characters
- will be treated as case insensitive names, and will not be quoted
- unless they are a reserved word. Names with any number of upper
- case characters will be quoted and sent exactly. Note that this
- behavior applies even for databases which standardize upper
- case names as case insensitive such as Oracle.
- :param metadata: a :class:`.MetaData` object which will contain this
- table. The metadata is used as a point of association of this table
- with other tables which are referenced via foreign key. It also
- may be used to associate this table with a particular
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable`.
- :param \*args: Additional positional arguments are used primarily
- to add the list of :class:`.Column` objects contained within this
- table. Similar to the style of a CREATE TABLE statement, other
- :class:`.SchemaItem` constructs may be added here, including
- :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`, and :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`.
- :param autoload: Defaults to False: the Columns for this table should
- be reflected from the database. Usually there will be no Column
- objects in the constructor if this property is set.
- :param autoload_with: If autoload==True, this is an optional Engine
- or Connection instance to be used for the table reflection. If
- ``None``, the underlying MetaData's bound connectable will be used.
- :param extend_existing: When ``True``, indicates that if this Table is already
- present in the given :class:`.MetaData`, apply further arguments within
- the constructor to the existing :class:`.Table`.
- If extend_existing or keep_existing are not set, an error is
- raised if additional table modifiers are specified when
- the given :class:`.Table` is already present in the :class:`.MetaData`.
- :param implicit_returning: True by default - indicates that
- RETURNING can be used by default to fetch newly inserted primary key
- values, for backends which support this. Note that
- create_engine() also provides an implicit_returning flag.
- :param include_columns: A list of strings indicating a subset of
- columns to be loaded via the ``autoload`` operation; table columns who
- aren't present in this list will not be represented on the resulting
- ``Table`` object. Defaults to ``None`` which indicates all columns
- should be reflected.
- :param info: A dictionary which defaults to ``{}``. A space to store
- application specific data. This must be a dictionary.
- :param keep_existing: When ``True``, indicates that if this Table
- is already present in the given :class:`.MetaData`, ignore
- further arguments within the constructor to the existing
- :class:`.Table`, and return the :class:`.Table` object as
- originally created. This is to allow a function that wishes
- to define a new :class:`.Table` on first call, but on
- subsequent calls will return the same :class:`.Table`,
- without any of the declarations (particularly constraints)
- being applied a second time. Also see extend_existing.
- If extend_existing or keep_existing are not set, an error is
- raised if additional table modifiers are specified when
- the given :class:`.Table` is already present in the :class:`.MetaData`.
- :param listeners: A list of tuples of the form ``(<eventname>, <fn>)``
- which will be passed to :func:`.event.listen` upon construction.
- This alternate hook to :func:`.event.listen` allows the establishment
- of a listener function specific to this :class:`.Table` before
- the "autoload" process begins. Particularly useful for
- the :meth:`.events.column_reflect` event::
- def listen_for_reflect(table, column_info):
- "handle the column reflection event"
- # ...
- t = Table(
- 'sometable',
- autoload=True,
- listeners=[
- ('column_reflect', listen_for_reflect)
- ])
- :param mustexist: When ``True``, indicates that this Table must already
- be present in the given :class:`.MetaData`` collection, else
- an exception is raised.
- :param prefixes:
- A list of strings to insert after CREATE in the CREATE TABLE
- statement. They will be separated by spaces.
- :param quote: Force quoting of this table's name on or off, corresponding
- to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default of ``None``,
- the column identifier will be quoted according to whether the name is
- case sensitive (identifiers with at least one upper case character are
- treated as case sensitive), or if it's a reserved word. This flag
- is only needed to force quoting of a reserved word which is not known
- by the SQLAlchemy dialect.
- :param quote_schema: same as 'quote' but applies to the schema identifier.
- :param schema: The *schema name* for this table, which is required if
- the table resides in a schema other than the default selected schema
- for the engine's database connection. Defaults to ``None``.
- :param useexisting: Deprecated. Use extend_existing.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'table'
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
- if not args:
- # python3k pickle seems to call this
- return object.__new__(cls)
- try:
- name, metadata, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
- except IndexError:
- raise TypeError("Table() takes at least two arguments")
- schema = kw.get('schema', None)
- keep_existing = kw.pop('keep_existing', False)
- extend_existing = kw.pop('extend_existing', False)
- if 'useexisting' in kw:
- util.warn_deprecated("useexisting is deprecated. Use extend_existing.")
- if extend_existing:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("useexisting is synonymous "
- "with extend_existing.")
- extend_existing = kw.pop('useexisting', False)
- if keep_existing and extend_existing:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("keep_existing and extend_existing "
- "are mutually exclusive.")
- mustexist = kw.pop('mustexist', False)
- key = _get_table_key(name, schema)
- if key in metadata.tables:
- if not keep_existing and not extend_existing and bool(args):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Table '%s' is already defined for this MetaData "
- "instance. Specify 'extend_existing=True' "
- "to redefine "
- "options and columns on an "
- "existing Table object." % key)
- table = metadata.tables[key]
- if extend_existing:
- table._init_existing(*args, **kw)
- return table
- else:
- if mustexist:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Table '%s' not defined" % (key))
- table = object.__new__(cls)
- table.dispatch.before_parent_attach(table, metadata)
- metadata._add_table(name, schema, table)
- try:
- table._init(name, metadata, *args, **kw)
- table.dispatch.after_parent_attach(table, metadata)
- return table
- except:
- metadata._remove_table(name, schema)
- raise
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- """Constructor for :class:`~.schema.Table`.
- This method is a no-op. See the top-level
- documentation for :class:`~.schema.Table`
- for constructor arguments.
- """
- # __init__ is overridden to prevent __new__ from
- # calling the superclass constructor.
- def _init(self, name, metadata, *args, **kwargs):
- super(Table, self).__init__(name)
- self.metadata = metadata
- self.schema = kwargs.pop('schema', None)
- self.indexes = set()
- self.constraints = set()
- self._columns = expression.ColumnCollection()
- PrimaryKeyConstraint()._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- self.foreign_keys = set()
- self._extra_dependencies = set()
- self.kwargs = {}
- if self.schema is not None:
- self.fullname = "%s.%s" % (self.schema, self.name)
- else:
- self.fullname = self.name
- autoload = kwargs.pop('autoload', False)
- autoload_with = kwargs.pop('autoload_with', None)
- include_columns = kwargs.pop('include_columns', None)
- self.implicit_returning = kwargs.pop('implicit_returning', True)
- self.quote = kwargs.pop('quote', None)
- self.quote_schema = kwargs.pop('quote_schema', None)
- if 'info' in kwargs:
- self.info = kwargs.pop('info')
- if 'listeners' in kwargs:
- listeners = kwargs.pop('listeners')
- for evt, fn in listeners:
- event.listen(self, evt, fn)
- self._prefixes = kwargs.pop('prefixes', [])
- self._extra_kwargs(**kwargs)
- # load column definitions from the database if 'autoload' is defined
- # we do it after the table is in the singleton dictionary to support
- # circular foreign keys
- if autoload:
- if autoload_with:
- autoload_with.reflecttable(self,
- include_columns=include_columns)
- else:
- _bind_or_error(metadata,
- msg="No engine is bound to this Table's MetaData. "
- "Pass an engine to the Table via "
- "autoload_with=<someengine>, "
- "or associate the MetaData with an engine via "
- "metadata.bind=<someengine>").\
- reflecttable(self, include_columns=include_columns)
- # initialize all the column, etc. objects. done after reflection to
- # allow user-overrides
- self._init_items(*args)
- @property
- def _sorted_constraints(self):
- """Return the set of constraints as a list, sorted by creation order."""
- return sorted(self.constraints, key=lambda c:c._creation_order)
- def _init_existing(self, *args, **kwargs):
- autoload = kwargs.pop('autoload', False)
- autoload_with = kwargs.pop('autoload_with', None)
- schema = kwargs.pop('schema', None)
- if schema and schema != self.schema:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Can't change schema of existing table from '%s' to '%s'",
- (self.schema, schema))
- include_columns = kwargs.pop('include_columns', None)
- if include_columns:
- for c in self.c:
- if c.name not in include_columns:
- self._columns.remove(c)
- for key in ('quote', 'quote_schema'):
- if key in kwargs:
- setattr(self, key, kwargs.pop(key))
- if 'info' in kwargs:
- self.info = kwargs.pop('info')
- self._extra_kwargs(**kwargs)
- self._init_items(*args)
- def _extra_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
- # validate remaining kwargs that they all specify DB prefixes
- if len([k for k in kwargs
- if not re.match(
- r'^(?:%s)_' %
- '|'.join(dialects.__all__), k
- )
- ]):
- raise TypeError(
- "Invalid argument(s) for Table: %r" % kwargs.keys())
- self.kwargs.update(kwargs)
- def _init_collections(self):
- pass
- @util.memoized_property
- def _autoincrement_column(self):
- for col in self.primary_key:
- if col.autoincrement and \
- issubclass(col.type._type_affinity, sqltypes.Integer) and \
- not col.foreign_keys and \
- isinstance(col.default, (type(None), Sequence)) and \
- (col.server_default is None or col.server_default.reflected):
- return col
- @property
- def key(self):
- return _get_table_key(self.name, self.schema)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Table(%s)" % ', '.join(
- [repr(self.name)] + [repr(self.metadata)] +
- [repr(x) for x in self.columns] +
- ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in ['schema']])
- def __str__(self):
- return _get_table_key(self.description, self.schema)
- @property
- def bind(self):
- """Return the connectable associated with this Table."""
- return self.metadata and self.metadata.bind or None
- def add_is_dependent_on(self, table):
- """Add a 'dependency' for this Table.
- This is another Table object which must be created
- first before this one can, or dropped after this one.
- Usually, dependencies between tables are determined via
- ForeignKey objects. However, for other situations that
- create dependencies outside of foreign keys (rules, inheriting),
- this method can manually establish such a link.
- """
- self._extra_dependencies.add(table)
- def append_column(self, column):
- """Append a :class:`~.schema.Column` to this :class:`~.schema.Table`.
- The "key" of the newly added :class:`~.schema.Column`, i.e. the
- value of its ``.key`` attribute, will then be available
- in the ``.c`` collection of this :class:`~.schema.Table`, and the
- column definition will be included in any CREATE TABLE, SELECT,
- UPDATE, etc. statements generated from this :class:`~.schema.Table`
- construct.
- Note that this does **not** change the definition of the table
- as it exists within any underlying database, assuming that
- table has already been created in the database. Relational
- databases support the addition of columns to existing tables
- using the SQL ALTER command, which would need to be
- emitted for an already-existing table that doesn't contain
- the newly added column.
- """
- column._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- def append_constraint(self, constraint):
- """Append a :class:`~.schema.Constraint` to this :class:`~.schema.Table`.
- This has the effect of the constraint being included in any
- future CREATE TABLE statement, assuming specific DDL creation
- events have not been associated with the given :class:`~.schema.Constraint`
- object.
- Note that this does **not** produce the constraint within the
- relational database automatically, for a table that already exists
- in the database. To add a constraint to an
- existing relational database table, the SQL ALTER command must
- be used. SQLAlchemy also provides the :class:`.AddConstraint` construct
- which can produce this SQL when invoked as an executable clause.
- """
- constraint._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- def append_ddl_listener(self, event_name, listener):
- """Append a DDL event listener to this ``Table``.
- Deprecated. See :class:`.DDLEvents`.
- """
- def adapt_listener(target, connection, **kw):
- listener(event_name, target, connection, **kw)
- event.listen(self, "" + event_name.replace('-', '_'), adapt_listener)
- def _set_parent(self, metadata):
- metadata._add_table(self.name, self.schema, self)
- self.metadata = metadata
- def get_children(self, column_collections=True,
- schema_visitor=False, **kw):
- if not schema_visitor:
- return expression.TableClause.get_children(
- self, column_collections=column_collections, **kw)
- else:
- if column_collections:
- return list(self.columns)
- else:
- return []
- def exists(self, bind=None):
- """Return True if this table exists."""
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- return bind.run_callable(bind.dialect.has_table,
- self.name, schema=self.schema)
- def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False):
- """Issue a ``CREATE`` statement for this table.
- See also ``metadata.create_all()``.
- """
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.create(self, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False):
- """Issue a ``DROP`` statement for this table.
- See also ``metadata.drop_all()``.
- """
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.drop(self, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def tometadata(self, metadata, schema=RETAIN_SCHEMA):
- """Return a copy of this :class:`.Table` associated with a different
- :class:`.MetaData`.
- E.g.::
- # create two metadata
- meta1 = MetaData('sqlite:///querytest.db')
- meta2 = MetaData()
- # load 'users' from the sqlite engine
- users_table = Table('users', meta1, autoload=True)
- # create the same Table object for the plain metadata
- users_table_2 = users_table.tometadata(meta2)
- """
- if schema is RETAIN_SCHEMA:
- schema = self.schema
- key = _get_table_key(self.name, schema)
- if key in metadata.tables:
- util.warn("Table '%s' already exists within the given "
- "MetaData - not copying." % self.description)
- return metadata.tables[key]
- args = []
- for c in self.columns:
- args.append(c.copy(schema=schema))
- for c in self.constraints:
- args.append(c.copy(schema=schema))
- table = Table(
- self.name, metadata, schema=schema,
- *args, **self.kwargs
- )
- for index in self.indexes:
- # skip indexes that would be generated
- # by the 'index' flag on Column
- if len(index.columns) == 1 and \
- list(index.columns)[0].index:
- continue
- Index(index.name,
- unique=index.unique,
- *[table.c[col] for col in index.columns.keys()],
- **index.kwargs)
- table.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return table
-class Column(SchemaItem, expression.ColumnClause):
- """Represents a column in a database table."""
- __visit_name__ = 'column'
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Construct a new ``Column`` object.
- :param name: The name of this column as represented in the database.
- This argument may be the first positional argument, or specified
- via keyword.
- Names which contain no upper case characters
- will be treated as case insensitive names, and will not be quoted
- unless they are a reserved word. Names with any number of upper
- case characters will be quoted and sent exactly. Note that this
- behavior applies even for databases which standardize upper
- case names as case insensitive such as Oracle.
- The name field may be omitted at construction time and applied
- later, at any time before the Column is associated with a
- :class:`.Table`. This is to support convenient
- usage within the :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` extension.
- :param type\_: The column's type, indicated using an instance which
- subclasses :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`. If no arguments
- are required for the type, the class of the type can be sent
- as well, e.g.::
- # use a type with arguments
- Column('data', String(50))
- # use no arguments
- Column('level', Integer)
- The ``type`` argument may be the second positional argument
- or specified by keyword.
- There is partial support for automatic detection of the
- type based on that of a :class:`.ForeignKey` associated
- with this column, if the type is specified as ``None``.
- However, this feature is not fully implemented and
- may not function in all cases.
- :param \*args: Additional positional arguments include various
- :class:`.SchemaItem` derived constructs which will be applied
- as options to the column. These include instances of
- :class:`.Constraint`, :class:`.ForeignKey`, :class:`.ColumnDefault`,
- and :class:`.Sequence`. In some cases an equivalent keyword
- argument is available such as ``server_default``, ``default``
- and ``unique``.
- :param autoincrement: This flag may be set to ``False`` to
- indicate an integer primary key column that should not be
- considered to be the "autoincrement" column, that is
- the integer primary key column which generates values
- implicitly upon INSERT and whose value is usually returned
- via the DBAPI cursor.lastrowid attribute. It defaults
- to ``True`` to satisfy the common use case of a table
- with a single integer primary key column. If the table
- has a composite primary key consisting of more than one
- integer column, set this flag to True only on the
- column that should be considered "autoincrement".
- The setting *only* has an effect for columns which are:
- * Integer derived (i.e. INT, SMALLINT, BIGINT).
- * Part of the primary key
- * Are not referenced by any foreign keys
- * have no server side or client side defaults (with the exception
- of Postgresql SERIAL).
- The setting has these two effects on columns that meet the
- above criteria:
- * DDL issued for the column will include database-specific
- keywords intended to signify this column as an
- "autoincrement" column, such as AUTO INCREMENT on MySQL,
- SERIAL on Postgresql, and IDENTITY on MS-SQL. It does
- *not* issue AUTOINCREMENT for SQLite since this is a
- special SQLite flag that is not required for autoincrementing
- behavior. See the SQLite dialect documentation for
- information on SQLite's AUTOINCREMENT.
- * The column will be considered to be available as
- cursor.lastrowid or equivalent, for those dialects which
- "post fetch" newly inserted identifiers after a row has
- been inserted (SQLite, MySQL, MS-SQL). It does not have
- any effect in this regard for databases that use sequences
- to generate primary key identifiers (i.e. Firebird, Postgresql,
- Oracle).
- :param default: A scalar, Python callable, or
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` representing the
- *default value* for this column, which will be invoked upon insert
- if this column is otherwise not specified in the VALUES clause of
- the insert. This is a shortcut to using :class:`.ColumnDefault` as
- a positional argument.
- Contrast this argument to ``server_default`` which creates a
- default generator on the database side.
- :param doc: optional String that can be used by the ORM or similar
- to document attributes. This attribute does not render SQL
- comments (a future attribute 'comment' will achieve that).
- :param key: An optional string identifier which will identify this
- ``Column`` object on the :class:`.Table`. When a key is provided,
- this is the only identifier referencing the ``Column`` within the
- application, including ORM attribute mapping; the ``name`` field
- is used only when rendering SQL.
- :param index: When ``True``, indicates that the column is indexed.
- This is a shortcut for using a :class:`.Index` construct on the
- table. To specify indexes with explicit names or indexes that
- contain multiple columns, use the :class:`.Index` construct
- instead.
- :param info: A dictionary which defaults to ``{}``. A space to store
- application specific data. This must be a dictionary.
- :param nullable: If set to the default of ``True``, indicates the
- column will be rendered as allowing NULL, else it's rendered as
- NOT NULL. This parameter is only used when issuing CREATE TABLE
- statements.
- :param onupdate: A scalar, Python callable, or
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` representing a
- default value to be applied to the column within UPDATE
- statements, which wil be invoked upon update if this column is not
- present in the SET clause of the update. This is a shortcut to
- using :class:`.ColumnDefault` as a positional argument with
- ``for_update=True``.
- :param primary_key: If ``True``, marks this column as a primary key
- column. Multiple columns can have this flag set to specify
- composite primary keys. As an alternative, the primary key of a
- :class:`.Table` can be specified via an explicit
- :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object.
- :param server_default: A :class:`.FetchedValue` instance, str, Unicode
- or :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct representing
- the DDL DEFAULT value for the column.
- String types will be emitted as-is, surrounded by single quotes::
- Column('x', Text, server_default="val")
- x TEXT DEFAULT 'val'
- A :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` expression will be
- rendered as-is, without quotes::
- Column('y', DateTime, server_default=text('NOW()'))0
- Strings and text() will be converted into a :class:`.DefaultClause`
- object upon initialization.
- Use :class:`.FetchedValue` to indicate that an already-existing
- column will generate a default value on the database side which
- will be available to SQLAlchemy for post-fetch after inserts. This
- construct does not specify any DDL and the implementation is left
- to the database, such as via a trigger.
- :param server_onupdate: A :class:`.FetchedValue` instance
- representing a database-side default generation function. This
- indicates to SQLAlchemy that a newly generated value will be
- available after updates. This construct does not specify any DDL
- and the implementation is left to the database, such as via a
- trigger.
- :param quote: Force quoting of this column's name on or off,
- corresponding to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default
- of ``None``, the column identifier will be quoted according to
- whether the name is case sensitive (identifiers with at least one
- upper case character are treated as case sensitive), or if it's a
- reserved word. This flag is only needed to force quoting of a
- reserved word which is not known by the SQLAlchemy dialect.
- :param unique: When ``True``, indicates that this column contains a
- unique constraint, or if ``index`` is ``True`` as well, indicates
- that the :class:`.Index` should be created with the unique flag.
- To specify multiple columns in the constraint/index or to specify
- an explicit name, use the :class:`.UniqueConstraint` or
- :class:`.Index` constructs explicitly.
- """
- name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
- type_ = kwargs.pop('type_', None)
- args = list(args)
- if args:
- if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
- if name is not None:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "May not pass name positionally and as a keyword.")
- name = args.pop(0)
- if args:
- coltype = args[0]
- if (isinstance(coltype, sqltypes.TypeEngine) or
- (isinstance(coltype, type) and
- issubclass(coltype, sqltypes.TypeEngine))):
- if type_ is not None:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "May not pass type_ positionally and as a keyword.")
- type_ = args.pop(0)
- no_type = type_ is None
- super(Column, self).__init__(name, None, type_)
- self.key = kwargs.pop('key', name)
- self.primary_key = kwargs.pop('primary_key', False)
- self.nullable = kwargs.pop('nullable', not self.primary_key)
- self.default = kwargs.pop('default', None)
- self.server_default = kwargs.pop('server_default', None)
- self.server_onupdate = kwargs.pop('server_onupdate', None)
- self.index = kwargs.pop('index', None)
- self.unique = kwargs.pop('unique', None)
- self.quote = kwargs.pop('quote', None)
- self.doc = kwargs.pop('doc', None)
- self.onupdate = kwargs.pop('onupdate', None)
- self.autoincrement = kwargs.pop('autoincrement', True)
- self.constraints = set()
- self.foreign_keys = set()
- # check if this Column is proxying another column
- if '_proxies' in kwargs:
- self.proxies = kwargs.pop('_proxies')
- # otherwise, add DDL-related events
- elif isinstance(self.type, sqltypes.SchemaType):
- self.type._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- if self.default is not None:
- if isinstance(self.default, (ColumnDefault, Sequence)):
- args.append(self.default)
- else:
- if getattr(self.type, '_warn_on_bytestring', False):
- # Py3K
- #if isinstance(self.default, bytes):
- # Py2K
- if isinstance(self.default, str):
- # end Py2K
- util.warn("Unicode column received non-unicode "
- "default value.")
- args.append(ColumnDefault(self.default))
- if self.server_default is not None:
- if isinstance(self.server_default, FetchedValue):
- args.append(self.server_default)
- else:
- args.append(DefaultClause(self.server_default))
- if self.onupdate is not None:
- if isinstance(self.onupdate, (ColumnDefault, Sequence)):
- args.append(self.onupdate)
- else:
- args.append(ColumnDefault(self.onupdate, for_update=True))
- if self.server_onupdate is not None:
- if isinstance(self.server_onupdate, FetchedValue):
- args.append(self.server_onupdate)
- else:
- args.append(DefaultClause(self.server_onupdate,
- for_update=True))
- self._init_items(*args)
- if not self.foreign_keys and no_type:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("'type' is required on Column objects "
- "which have no foreign keys.")
- util.set_creation_order(self)
- if 'info' in kwargs:
- self.info = kwargs.pop('info')
- if kwargs:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Unknown arguments passed to Column: " + repr(kwargs.keys()))
- def __str__(self):
- if self.name is None:
- return "(no name)"
- elif self.table is not None:
- if self.table.named_with_column:
- return (self.table.description + "." + self.description)
- else:
- return self.description
- else:
- return self.description
- def references(self, column):
- """Return True if this Column references the given column via foreign
- key."""
- for fk in self.foreign_keys:
- if fk.column.proxy_set.intersection(column.proxy_set):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def append_foreign_key(self, fk):
- fk._set_parent_with_dispatch(self)
- def __repr__(self):
- kwarg = []
- if self.key != self.name:
- kwarg.append('key')
- if self.primary_key:
- kwarg.append('primary_key')
- if not self.nullable:
- kwarg.append('nullable')
- if self.onupdate:
- kwarg.append('onupdate')
- if self.default:
- kwarg.append('default')
- if self.server_default:
- kwarg.append('server_default')
- return "Column(%s)" % ', '.join(
- [repr(self.name)] + [repr(self.type)] +
- [repr(x) for x in self.foreign_keys if x is not None] +
- [repr(x) for x in self.constraints] +
- [(self.table is not None and "table=<%s>" %
- self.table.description or "")] +
- ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in kwarg])
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- if not self.name:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Column must be constructed with a non-blank name or "
- "assign a non-blank .name before adding to a Table.")
- if self.key is None:
- self.key = self.name
- if getattr(self, 'table', None) is not None:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Column object already assigned to Table '%s'" %
- self.table.description)
- if self.key in table._columns:
- col = table._columns.get(self.key)
- for fk in list(col.foreign_keys):
- col.foreign_keys.remove(fk)
- table.foreign_keys.remove(fk)
- if fk.constraint in table.constraints:
- # this might have been removed
- # already, if it's a composite constraint
- # and more than one col being replaced
- table.constraints.remove(fk.constraint)
- table._columns.replace(self)
- if self.primary_key:
- table.primary_key._replace(self)
- elif self.key in table.primary_key:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Trying to redefine primary-key column '%s' as a "
- "non-primary-key column on table '%s'" % (
- self.key, table.fullname))
- self.table = table
- if self.index:
- if isinstance(self.index, basestring):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "The 'index' keyword argument on Column is boolean only. "
- "To create indexes with a specific name, create an "
- "explicit Index object external to the Table.")
- Index(expression._generated_label('ix_%s' % self._label), self, unique=self.unique)
- elif self.unique:
- if isinstance(self.unique, basestring):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "The 'unique' keyword argument on Column is boolean "
- "only. To create unique constraints or indexes with a "
- "specific name, append an explicit UniqueConstraint to "
- "the Table's list of elements, or create an explicit "
- "Index object external to the Table.")
- table.append_constraint(UniqueConstraint(self.key))
- def _on_table_attach(self, fn):
- if self.table is not None:
- fn(self, self.table)
- event.listen(self, 'after_parent_attach', fn)
- def copy(self, **kw):
- """Create a copy of this ``Column``, unitialized.
- This is used in ``Table.tometadata``.
- """
- # Constraint objects plus non-constraint-bound ForeignKey objects
- args = \
- [c.copy(**kw) for c in self.constraints] + \
- [c.copy(**kw) for c in self.foreign_keys if not c.constraint]
- c = Column(
- name=self.name,
- type_=self.type,
- key = self.key,
- primary_key = self.primary_key,
- nullable = self.nullable,
- unique = self.unique,
- quote=self.quote,
- index=self.index,
- autoincrement=self.autoincrement,
- default=self.default,
- server_default=self.server_default,
- onupdate=self.onupdate,
- server_onupdate=self.server_onupdate,
- info=self.info,
- doc=self.doc,
- *args
- )
- c.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return c
- def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name=None):
- """Create a *proxy* for this column.
- This is a copy of this ``Column`` referenced by a different parent
- (such as an alias or select statement). The column should
- be used only in select scenarios, as its full DDL/default
- information is not transferred.
- """
- fk = [ForeignKey(f.column) for f in self.foreign_keys]
- if name is None and self.name is None:
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Cannot initialize a sub-selectable"
- " with this Column object until it's 'name' has "
- "been assigned.")
- try:
- c = self._constructor(
- name or self.name,
- self.type,
- key = name or self.key,
- primary_key = self.primary_key,
- nullable = self.nullable,
- quote=self.quote, _proxies=[self], *fk)
- except TypeError, e:
- # Py3K
- #raise TypeError(
- # "Could not create a copy of this %r object. "
- # "Ensure the class includes a _constructor() "
- # "attribute or method which accepts the "
- # "standard Column constructor arguments, or "
- # "references the Column class itself." % self.__class__) from e
- # Py2K
- raise TypeError(
- "Could not create a copy of this %r object. "
- "Ensure the class includes a _constructor() "
- "attribute or method which accepts the "
- "standard Column constructor arguments, or "
- "references the Column class itself. "
- "Original error: %s" % (self.__class__, e))
- # end Py2K
- c.table = selectable
- selectable._columns.add(c)
- if self.primary_key:
- selectable.primary_key.add(c)
- c.dispatch.after_parent_attach(c, selectable)
- return c
- def get_children(self, schema_visitor=False, **kwargs):
- if schema_visitor:
- return [x for x in (self.default, self.onupdate)
- if x is not None] + \
- list(self.foreign_keys) + list(self.constraints)
- else:
- return expression.ColumnClause.get_children(self, **kwargs)
-class ForeignKey(SchemaItem):
- """Defines a dependency between two columns.
- ``ForeignKey`` is specified as an argument to a :class:`.Column` object,
- e.g.::
- t = Table("remote_table", metadata,
- Column("remote_id", ForeignKey("main_table.id"))
- )
- Note that ``ForeignKey`` is only a marker object that defines
- a dependency between two columns. The actual constraint
- is in all cases represented by the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`
- object. This object will be generated automatically when
- a ``ForeignKey`` is associated with a :class:`.Column` which
- in turn is associated with a :class:`.Table`. Conversely,
- when :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` is applied to a :class:`.Table`,
- ``ForeignKey`` markers are automatically generated to be
- present on each associated :class:`.Column`, which are also
- associated with the constraint object.
- Note that you cannot define a "composite" foreign key constraint,
- that is a constraint between a grouping of multiple parent/child
- columns, using ``ForeignKey`` objects. To define this grouping,
- the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object must be used, and applied
- to the :class:`.Table`. The associated ``ForeignKey`` objects
- are created automatically.
- The ``ForeignKey`` objects associated with an individual
- :class:`.Column` object are available in the `foreign_keys` collection
- of that column.
- Further examples of foreign key configuration are in
- :ref:`metadata_foreignkeys`.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'foreign_key'
- def __init__(self, column, _constraint=None, use_alter=False, name=None,
- onupdate=None, ondelete=None, deferrable=None,
- initially=None, link_to_name=False):
- """
- Construct a column-level FOREIGN KEY.
- The :class:`.ForeignKey` object when constructed generates a
- :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` which is associated with the parent
- :class:`.Table` object's collection of constraints.
- :param column: A single target column for the key relationship. A
- :class:`.Column` object or a column name as a string:
- ``tablename.columnkey`` or ``schema.tablename.columnkey``.
- ``columnkey`` is the ``key`` which has been assigned to the column
- (defaults to the column name itself), unless ``link_to_name`` is
- ``True`` in which case the rendered name of the column is used.
- :param name: Optional string. An in-database name for the key if
- `constraint` is not provided.
- :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
- :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
- :param deferrable: Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT
- DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param initially: Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param link_to_name: if True, the string name given in ``column`` is
- the rendered name of the referenced column, not its locally
- assigned ``key``.
- :param use_alter: passed to the underlying
- :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` to indicate the constraint should be
- generated/dropped externally from the CREATE TABLE/ DROP TABLE
- statement. See that classes' constructor for details.
- """
- self._colspec = column
- # the linked ForeignKeyConstraint.
- # ForeignKey will create this when parent Column
- # is attached to a Table, *or* ForeignKeyConstraint
- # object passes itself in when creating ForeignKey
- # markers.
- self.constraint = _constraint
- self.use_alter = use_alter
- self.name = name
- self.onupdate = onupdate
- self.ondelete = ondelete
- self.deferrable = deferrable
- self.initially = initially
- self.link_to_name = link_to_name
- def __repr__(self):
- return "ForeignKey(%r)" % self._get_colspec()
- def copy(self, schema=None):
- """Produce a copy of this :class:`.ForeignKey` object.
- The new :class:`.ForeignKey` will not be bound
- to any :class:`.Column`.
- This method is usually used by the internal
- copy procedures of :class:`.Column`, :class:`.Table`,
- and :class:`.MetaData`.
- :param schema: The returned :class:`.ForeignKey` will
- reference the original table and column name, qualified
- by the given string schema name.
- """
- fk = ForeignKey(
- self._get_colspec(schema=schema),
- use_alter=self.use_alter,
- name=self.name,
- onupdate=self.onupdate,
- ondelete=self.ondelete,
- deferrable=self.deferrable,
- initially=self.initially,
- link_to_name=self.link_to_name
- )
- fk.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return fk
- def _get_colspec(self, schema=None):
- """Return a string based 'column specification' for this :class:`.ForeignKey`.
- This is usually the equivalent of the string-based "tablename.colname"
- argument first passed to the object's constructor.
- """
- if schema:
- return schema + "." + self.column.table.name + \
- "." + self.column.key
- elif isinstance(self._colspec, basestring):
- return self._colspec
- elif hasattr(self._colspec, '__clause_element__'):
- _column = self._colspec.__clause_element__()
- else:
- _column = self._colspec
- return "%s.%s" % (_column.table.fullname, _column.key)
- target_fullname = property(_get_colspec)
- def references(self, table):
- """Return True if the given :class:`.Table` is referenced by this :class:`.ForeignKey`."""
- return table.corresponding_column(self.column) is not None
- def get_referent(self, table):
- """Return the :class:`.Column` in the given :class:`.Table`
- referenced by this :class:`.ForeignKey`.
- Returns None if this :class:`.ForeignKey` does not reference the given
- :class:`.Table`.
- """
- return table.corresponding_column(self.column)
- @util.memoized_property
- def column(self):
- """Return the target :class:`.Column` referenced by this :class:`.ForeignKey`.
- If this :class:`.ForeignKey` was created using a
- string-based target column specification, this
- attribute will on first access initiate a resolution
- process to locate the referenced remote
- :class:`.Column`. The resolution process traverses
- to the parent :class:`.Column`, :class:`.Table`, and
- :class:`.MetaData` to proceed - if any of these aren't
- yet present, an error is raised.
- """
- # ForeignKey inits its remote column as late as possible, so tables
- # can be defined without dependencies
- if isinstance(self._colspec, basestring):
- # locate the parent table this foreign key is attached to. we
- # use the "original" column which our parent column represents
- # (its a list of columns/other ColumnElements if the parent
- # table is a UNION)
- for c in self.parent.base_columns:
- if isinstance(c, Column):
- parenttable = c.table
- break
- else:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Parent column '%s' does not descend from a "
- "table-attached Column" % str(self.parent))
- m = self._colspec.split('.')
- if m is None:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Invalid foreign key column specification: %s" %
- self._colspec)
- # A FK between column 'bar' and table 'foo' can be
- # specified as 'foo', 'foo.bar', 'dbo.foo.bar',
- # 'otherdb.dbo.foo.bar'. Once we have the column name and
- # the table name, treat everything else as the schema
- # name. Some databases (e.g. Sybase) support
- # inter-database foreign keys. See tickets#1341 and --
- # indirectly related -- Ticket #594. This assumes that '.'
- # will never appear *within* any component of the FK.
- (schema, tname, colname) = (None, None, None)
- if (len(m) == 1):
- tname = m.pop()
- else:
- colname = m.pop()
- tname = m.pop()
- if (len(m) > 0):
- schema = '.'.join(m)
- if _get_table_key(tname, schema) not in parenttable.metadata:
- raise exc.NoReferencedTableError(
- "Foreign key associated with column '%s' could not find "
- "table '%s' with which to generate a "
- "foreign key to target column '%s'" % (self.parent, tname, colname),
- tname)
- table = Table(tname, parenttable.metadata,
- mustexist=True, schema=schema)
- _column = None
- if colname is None:
- # colname is None in the case that ForeignKey argument
- # was specified as table name only, in which case we
- # match the column name to the same column on the
- # parent.
- key = self.parent
- _column = table.c.get(self.parent.key, None)
- elif self.link_to_name:
- key = colname
- for c in table.c:
- if c.name == colname:
- _column = c
- else:
- key = colname
- _column = table.c.get(colname, None)
- if _column is None:
- raise exc.NoReferencedColumnError(
- "Could not create ForeignKey '%s' on table '%s': "
- "table '%s' has no column named '%s'" % (
- self._colspec, parenttable.name, table.name, key),
- table.name, key)
- elif hasattr(self._colspec, '__clause_element__'):
- _column = self._colspec.__clause_element__()
- else:
- _column = self._colspec
- # propagate TypeEngine to parent if it didn't have one
- if isinstance(self.parent.type, sqltypes.NullType):
- self.parent.type = _column.type
- return _column
- def _set_parent(self, column):
- if hasattr(self, 'parent'):
- if self.parent is column:
- return
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This ForeignKey already has a parent !")
- self.parent = column
- self.parent.foreign_keys.add(self)
- self.parent._on_table_attach(self._set_table)
- def _set_table(self, column, table):
- # standalone ForeignKey - create ForeignKeyConstraint
- # on the hosting Table when attached to the Table.
- if self.constraint is None and isinstance(table, Table):
- self.constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint(
- [], [], use_alter=self.use_alter, name=self.name,
- onupdate=self.onupdate, ondelete=self.ondelete,
- deferrable=self.deferrable, initially=self.initially,
- )
- self.constraint._elements[self.parent] = self
- self.constraint._set_parent_with_dispatch(table)
- table.foreign_keys.add(self)
-class _NotAColumnExpr(object):
- def _not_a_column_expr(self):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This %s cannot be used directly "
- "as a column expression." % self.__class__.__name__)
- __clause_element__ = self_group = lambda self: self._not_a_column_expr()
- _from_objects = property(lambda self: self._not_a_column_expr())
-class DefaultGenerator(_NotAColumnExpr, SchemaItem):
- """Base class for column *default* values."""
- __visit_name__ = 'default_generator'
- is_sequence = False
- is_server_default = False
- column = None
- def __init__(self, for_update=False):
- self.for_update = for_update
- def _set_parent(self, column):
- self.column = column
- if self.for_update:
- self.column.onupdate = self
- else:
- self.column.default = self
- def execute(self, bind=None, **kwargs):
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- return bind._execute_default(self, **kwargs)
- @property
- def bind(self):
- """Return the connectable associated with this default."""
- if getattr(self, 'column', None) is not None:
- return self.column.table.bind
- else:
- return None
- def __repr__(self):
- return "DefaultGenerator()"
-class ColumnDefault(DefaultGenerator):
- """A plain default value on a column.
- This could correspond to a constant, a callable function,
- or a SQL clause.
- :class:`.ColumnDefault` is generated automatically
- whenever the ``default``, ``onupdate`` arguments of
- :class:`.Column` are used. A :class:`.ColumnDefault`
- can be passed positionally as well.
- For example, the following::
- Column('foo', Integer, default=50)
- Is equivalent to::
- Column('foo', Integer, ColumnDefault(50))
- """
- def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
- super(ColumnDefault, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- if isinstance(arg, FetchedValue):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "ColumnDefault may not be a server-side default type.")
- if util.callable(arg):
- arg = self._maybe_wrap_callable(arg)
- self.arg = arg
- @util.memoized_property
- def is_callable(self):
- return util.callable(self.arg)
- @util.memoized_property
- def is_clause_element(self):
- return isinstance(self.arg, expression.ClauseElement)
- @util.memoized_property
- def is_scalar(self):
- return not self.is_callable and \
- not self.is_clause_element and \
- not self.is_sequence
- def _maybe_wrap_callable(self, fn):
- """Backward compat: Wrap callables that don't accept a context."""
- if inspect.isfunction(fn):
- inspectable = fn
- elif inspect.isclass(fn):
- inspectable = fn.__init__
- elif hasattr(fn, '__call__'):
- inspectable = fn.__call__
- else:
- # probably not inspectable, try anyways.
- inspectable = fn
- try:
- argspec = inspect.getargspec(inspectable)
- except TypeError:
- return lambda ctx: fn()
- positionals = len(argspec[0])
- # Py3K compat - no unbound methods
- if inspect.ismethod(inspectable) or inspect.isclass(fn):
- positionals -= 1
- if positionals == 0:
- return lambda ctx: fn()
- defaulted = argspec[3] is not None and len(argspec[3]) or 0
- if positionals - defaulted > 1:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "ColumnDefault Python function takes zero or one "
- "positional arguments")
- return fn
- def _visit_name(self):
- if self.for_update:
- return "column_onupdate"
- else:
- return "column_default"
- __visit_name__ = property(_visit_name)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "ColumnDefault(%r)" % self.arg
-class Sequence(DefaultGenerator):
- """Represents a named database sequence.
- The :class:`.Sequence` object represents the name and configurational
- parameters of a database sequence. It also represents
- a construct that can be "executed" by a SQLAlchemy :class:`.Engine`
- or :class:`.Connection`, rendering the appropriate "next value" function
- for the target database and returning a result.
- The :class:`.Sequence` is typically associated with a primary key column::
- some_table = Table('some_table', metadata,
- Column('id', Integer, Sequence('some_table_seq'), primary_key=True)
- )
- When CREATE TABLE is emitted for the above :class:`.Table`, if the
- target platform supports sequences, a CREATE SEQUENCE statement will
- be emitted as well. For platforms that don't support sequences,
- the :class:`.Sequence` construct is ignored.
- See also: :class:`.CreateSequence` :class:`.DropSequence`
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'sequence'
- is_sequence = True
- def __init__(self, name, start=None, increment=None, schema=None,
- optional=False, quote=None, metadata=None,
- for_update=False):
- """Construct a :class:`.Sequence` object.
- :param name: The name of the sequence.
- :param start: the starting index of the sequence. This value is
- used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to the database
- as the value of the "START WITH" clause. If ``None``, the
- clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a starting
- value of 1.
- :param increment: the increment value of the sequence. This
- value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to
- the database as the value of the "INCREMENT BY" clause. If ``None``,
- the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates an
- increment of 1.
- :param schema: Optional schema name for the sequence, if located
- in a schema other than the default.
- :param optional: boolean value, when ``True``, indicates that this
- :class:`.Sequence` object only needs to be explicitly generated
- on backends that don't provide another way to generate primary
- key identifiers. Currently, it essentially means, "don't create
- this sequence on the Postgresql backend, where the SERIAL keyword
- creates a sequence for us automatically".
- :param quote: boolean value, when ``True`` or ``False``, explicitly
- forces quoting of the schema name on or off. When left at its
- default of ``None``, normal quoting rules based on casing and reserved
- words take place.
- :param metadata: optional :class:`.MetaData` object which will be
- associated with this :class:`.Sequence`. A :class:`.Sequence`
- that is associated with a :class:`.MetaData` gains access to the
- ``bind`` of that :class:`.MetaData`, meaning the :meth:`.Sequence.create`
- and :meth:`.Sequence.drop` methods will make usage of that engine
- automatically. Additionally, the appropriate CREATE SEQUENCE/
- DROP SEQUENCE DDL commands will be emitted corresponding to this
- :class:`.Sequence` when :meth:`.MetaData.create_all` and
- :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all` are invoked (new in 0.7).
- Note that when a :class:`.Sequence` is applied to a :class:`.Column`,
- the :class:`.Sequence` is automatically associated with the
- :class:`.MetaData` object of that column's parent :class:`.Table`,
- when that association is made. The :class:`.Sequence` will then
- be subject to automatic CREATE SEQUENCE/DROP SEQUENCE corresponding
- to when the :class:`.Table` object itself is created or dropped,
- rather than that of the :class:`.MetaData` object overall.
- :param for_update: Indicates this :class:`.Sequence`, when associated
- with a :class:`.Column`, should be invoked for UPDATE statements
- on that column's table, rather than for INSERT statements, when
- no value is otherwise present for that column in the statement.
- """
- super(Sequence, self).__init__(for_update=for_update)
- self.name = name
- self.start = start
- self.increment = increment
- self.optional = optional
- self.quote = quote
- self.schema = schema
- self.metadata = metadata
- self._key = _get_table_key(name, schema)
- if metadata:
- self._set_metadata(metadata)
- @util.memoized_property
- def is_callable(self):
- return False
- @util.memoized_property
- def is_clause_element(self):
- return False
- def next_value(self):
- """Return a :class:`.next_value` function element
- which will render the appropriate increment function
- for this :class:`.Sequence` within any SQL expression.
- """
- return expression.func.next_value(self, bind=self.bind)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Sequence(%s)" % ', '.join(
- [repr(self.name)] +
- ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(getattr(self, k)))
- for k in ['start', 'increment', 'optional']])
- def _set_parent(self, column):
- super(Sequence, self)._set_parent(column)
- column._on_table_attach(self._set_table)
- def _set_table(self, column, table):
- self._set_metadata(table.metadata)
- def _set_metadata(self, metadata):
- self.metadata = metadata
- self.metadata._sequences[self._key] = self
- @property
- def bind(self):
- if self.metadata:
- return self.metadata.bind
- else:
- return None
- def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True):
- """Creates this sequence in the database."""
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.create(self, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True):
- """Drops this sequence from the database."""
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.drop(self, checkfirst=checkfirst)
- def _not_a_column_expr(self):
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This %s cannot be used directly "
- "as a column expression. Use func.next_value(sequence) "
- "to produce a 'next value' function that's usable "
- "as a column element."
- % self.__class__.__name__)
-class FetchedValue(_NotAColumnExpr, events.SchemaEventTarget):
- """A marker for a transparent database-side default.
- Use :class:`.FetchedValue` when the database is configured
- to provide some automatic default for a column.
- E.g.::
- Column('foo', Integer, FetchedValue())
- Would indicate that some trigger or default generator
- will create a new value for the ``foo`` column during an
- """
- is_server_default = True
- reflected = False
- has_argument = False
- def __init__(self, for_update=False):
- self.for_update = for_update
- def _set_parent(self, column):
- self.column = column
- if self.for_update:
- self.column.server_onupdate = self
- else:
- self.column.server_default = self
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'FetchedValue(for_update=%r)' % self.for_update
-class DefaultClause(FetchedValue):
- """A DDL-specified DEFAULT column value.
- :class:`.DefaultClause` is a :class:`.FetchedValue`
- that also generates a "DEFAULT" clause when
- "CREATE TABLE" is emitted.
- :class:`.DefaultClause` is generated automatically
- whenever the ``server_default``, ``server_onupdate`` arguments of
- :class:`.Column` are used. A :class:`.DefaultClause`
- can be passed positionally as well.
- For example, the following::
- Column('foo', Integer, server_default="50")
- Is equivalent to::
- Column('foo', Integer, DefaultClause("50"))
- """
- has_argument = True
- def __init__(self, arg, for_update=False, _reflected=False):
- util.assert_arg_type(arg, (basestring,
- expression.ClauseElement,
- expression._TextClause), 'arg')
- super(DefaultClause, self).__init__(for_update)
- self.arg = arg
- self.reflected = _reflected
- def __repr__(self):
- return "DefaultClause(%r, for_update=%r)" % \
- (self.arg, self.for_update)
-class PassiveDefault(DefaultClause):
- """A DDL-specified DEFAULT column value.
- .. deprecated:: 0.6 :class:`.PassiveDefault` is deprecated.
- Use :class:`.DefaultClause`.
- """
- @util.deprecated("0.6",
- ":class:`.PassiveDefault` is deprecated. "
- "Use :class:`.DefaultClause`.",
- False)
- def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
- DefaultClause.__init__(self, *arg, **kw)
-class Constraint(SchemaItem):
- """A table-level SQL constraint."""
- __visit_name__ = 'constraint'
- def __init__(self, name=None, deferrable=None, initially=None,
- _create_rule=None):
- """Create a SQL constraint.
- :param name:
- Optional, the in-database name of this ``Constraint``.
- :param deferrable:
- Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when
- issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param initially:
- Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value> when issuing DDL
- for this constraint.
- :param _create_rule:
- a callable which is passed the DDLCompiler object during
- compilation. Returns True or False to signal inline generation of
- this Constraint.
- The AddConstraint and DropConstraint DDL constructs provide
- DDLElement's more comprehensive "conditional DDL" approach that is
- passed a database connection when DDL is being issued. _create_rule
- is instead called during any CREATE TABLE compilation, where there
- may not be any transaction/connection in progress. However, it
- allows conditional compilation of the constraint even for backends
- which do not support addition of constraints through ALTER TABLE,
- which currently includes SQLite.
- _create_rule is used by some types to create constraints.
- Currently, its call signature is subject to change at any time.
- """
- self.name = name
- self.deferrable = deferrable
- self.initially = initially
- self._create_rule = _create_rule
- util.set_creation_order(self)
- @property
- def table(self):
- try:
- if isinstance(self.parent, Table):
- return self.parent
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "This constraint is not bound to a table. Did you "
- "mean to call table.add_constraint(constraint) ?")
- def _set_parent(self, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- parent.constraints.add(self)
- def copy(self, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class ColumnCollectionMixin(object):
- def __init__(self, *columns):
- self.columns = expression.ColumnCollection()
- self._pending_colargs = [_to_schema_column_or_string(c)
- for c in columns]
- if self._pending_colargs and \
- isinstance(self._pending_colargs[0], Column) and \
- self._pending_colargs[0].table is not None:
- self._set_parent_with_dispatch(self._pending_colargs[0].table)
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- for col in self._pending_colargs:
- if isinstance(col, basestring):
- col = table.c[col]
- self.columns.add(col)
-class ColumnCollectionConstraint(ColumnCollectionMixin, Constraint):
- """A constraint that proxies a ColumnCollection."""
- def __init__(self, *columns, **kw):
- """
- :param \*columns:
- A sequence of column names or Column objects.
- :param name:
- Optional, the in-database name of this constraint.
- :param deferrable:
- Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when
- issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param initially:
- Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value> when issuing DDL
- for this constraint.
- """
- ColumnCollectionMixin.__init__(self, *columns)
- Constraint.__init__(self, **kw)
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- ColumnCollectionMixin._set_parent(self, table)
- Constraint._set_parent(self, table)
- def __contains__(self, x):
- return x in self.columns
- def copy(self, **kw):
- c = self.__class__(name=self.name, deferrable=self.deferrable,
- initially=self.initially, *self.columns.keys())
- c.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return c
- def contains_column(self, col):
- return self.columns.contains_column(col)
- def __iter__(self):
- # inlining of
- # return iter(self.columns)
- # ColumnCollection->OrderedProperties->OrderedDict
- ordered_dict = self.columns._data
- return (ordered_dict[key] for key in ordered_dict._list)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.columns._data)
-class CheckConstraint(Constraint):
- """A table- or column-level CHECK constraint.
- Can be included in the definition of a Table or Column.
- """
- def __init__(self, sqltext, name=None, deferrable=None,
- initially=None, table=None, _create_rule=None):
- """Construct a CHECK constraint.
- :param sqltext:
- A string containing the constraint definition, which will be used
- verbatim, or a SQL expression construct.
- :param name:
- Optional, the in-database name of the constraint.
- :param deferrable:
- Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when
- issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param initially:
- Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value> when issuing DDL
- for this constraint.
- """
- super(CheckConstraint, self).\
- __init__(name, deferrable, initially, _create_rule)
- self.sqltext = expression._literal_as_text(sqltext)
- if table is not None:
- self._set_parent_with_dispatch(table)
- def __visit_name__(self):
- if isinstance(self.parent, Table):
- return "check_constraint"
- else:
- return "column_check_constraint"
- __visit_name__ = property(__visit_name__)
- def copy(self, **kw):
- c = CheckConstraint(self.sqltext,
- name=self.name,
- initially=self.initially,
- deferrable=self.deferrable,
- _create_rule=self._create_rule)
- c.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return c
-class ForeignKeyConstraint(Constraint):
- """A table-level FOREIGN KEY constraint.
- Defines a single column or composite FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCES
- constraint. For a no-frills, single column foreign key, adding a
- :class:`.ForeignKey` to the definition of a :class:`.Column` is a shorthand
- equivalent for an unnamed, single column :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`.
- Examples of foreign key configuration are in :ref:`metadata_foreignkeys`.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'foreign_key_constraint'
- def __init__(self, columns, refcolumns, name=None, onupdate=None,
- ondelete=None, deferrable=None, initially=None, use_alter=False,
- link_to_name=False, table=None):
- """Construct a composite-capable FOREIGN KEY.
- :param columns: A sequence of local column names. The named columns
- must be defined and present in the parent Table. The names should
- match the ``key`` given to each column (defaults to the name) unless
- ``link_to_name`` is True.
- :param refcolumns: A sequence of foreign column names or Column
- objects. The columns must all be located within the same Table.
- :param name: Optional, the in-database name of the key.
- :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
- :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
- :param deferrable: Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT
- DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param initially: Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value> when
- issuing DDL for this constraint.
- :param link_to_name: if True, the string name given in ``column`` is
- the rendered name of the referenced column, not its locally assigned
- ``key``.
- :param use_alter: If True, do not emit the DDL for this constraint as
- part of the CREATE TABLE definition. Instead, generate it via an
- ALTER TABLE statement issued after the full collection of tables
- have been created, and drop it via an ALTER TABLE statement before
- the full collection of tables are dropped. This is shorthand for the
- usage of :class:`.AddConstraint` and :class:`.DropConstraint` applied
- as "after-create" and "before-drop" events on the MetaData object.
- This is normally used to generate/drop constraints on objects that
- are mutually dependent on each other.
- """
- super(ForeignKeyConstraint, self).\
- __init__(name, deferrable, initially)
- self.onupdate = onupdate
- self.ondelete = ondelete
- self.link_to_name = link_to_name
- if self.name is None and use_alter:
- raise exc.ArgumentError("Alterable Constraint requires a name")
- self.use_alter = use_alter
- self._elements = util.OrderedDict()
- # standalone ForeignKeyConstraint - create
- # associated ForeignKey objects which will be applied to hosted
- # Column objects (in col.foreign_keys), either now or when attached
- # to the Table for string-specified names
- for col, refcol in zip(columns, refcolumns):
- self._elements[col] = ForeignKey(
- refcol,
- _constraint=self,
- name=self.name,
- onupdate=self.onupdate,
- ondelete=self.ondelete,
- use_alter=self.use_alter,
- link_to_name=self.link_to_name
- )
- if table is not None:
- self._set_parent_with_dispatch(table)
- @property
- def columns(self):
- return self._elements.keys()
- @property
- def elements(self):
- return self._elements.values()
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- super(ForeignKeyConstraint, self)._set_parent(table)
- for col, fk in self._elements.iteritems():
- # string-specified column names now get
- # resolved to Column objects
- if isinstance(col, basestring):
- col = table.c[col]
- if not hasattr(fk, 'parent') or \
- fk.parent is not col:
- fk._set_parent_with_dispatch(col)
- if self.use_alter:
- def supports_alter(ddl, event, schema_item, bind, **kw):
- return table in set(kw['tables']) and \
- bind.dialect.supports_alter
- event.listen(table.metadata, "after_create", AddConstraint(self, on=supports_alter))
- event.listen(table.metadata, "before_drop", DropConstraint(self, on=supports_alter))
- def copy(self, **kw):
- fkc = ForeignKeyConstraint(
- [x.parent.name for x in self._elements.values()],
- [x._get_colspec(**kw) for x in self._elements.values()],
- name=self.name,
- onupdate=self.onupdate,
- ondelete=self.ondelete,
- use_alter=self.use_alter,
- deferrable=self.deferrable,
- initially=self.initially,
- link_to_name=self.link_to_name
- )
- fkc.dispatch._update(self.dispatch)
- return fkc
-class PrimaryKeyConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint):
- """A table-level PRIMARY KEY constraint.
- Defines a single column or composite PRIMARY KEY constraint. For a
- no-frills primary key, adding ``primary_key=True`` to one or more
- ``Column`` definitions is a shorthand equivalent for an unnamed single- or
- multiple-column PrimaryKeyConstraint.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'primary_key_constraint'
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- super(PrimaryKeyConstraint, self)._set_parent(table)
- if table.primary_key in table.constraints:
- table.constraints.remove(table.primary_key)
- table.primary_key = self
- table.constraints.add(self)
- for c in self.columns:
- c.primary_key = True
- def _replace(self, col):
- self.columns.replace(col)
-class UniqueConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint):
- """A table-level UNIQUE constraint.
- Defines a single column or composite UNIQUE constraint. For a no-frills,
- single column constraint, adding ``unique=True`` to the ``Column``
- definition is a shorthand equivalent for an unnamed, single column
- UniqueConstraint.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'unique_constraint'
-class Index(ColumnCollectionMixin, SchemaItem):
- """A table-level INDEX.
- Defines a composite (one or more column) INDEX. For a no-frills, single
- column index, adding ``index=True`` to the ``Column`` definition is
- a shorthand equivalent for an unnamed, single column Index.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'index'
- def __init__(self, name, *columns, **kw):
- """Construct an index object.
- :param name:
- The name of the index
- :param \*columns:
- Columns to include in the index. All columns must belong to the same
- table.
- :param unique:
- Defaults to False: create a unique index.
- :param \**kw:
- Other keyword arguments may be interpreted by specific dialects.
- """
- self.table = None
- # will call _set_parent() if table-bound column
- # objects are present
- ColumnCollectionMixin.__init__(self, *columns)
- self.name = name
- self.unique = kw.pop('unique', False)
- self.kwargs = kw
- def _set_parent(self, table):
- ColumnCollectionMixin._set_parent(self, table)
- if self.table is not None and table is not self.table:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Index '%s' is against table '%s', and "
- "cannot be associated with table '%s'." % (
- self.name,
- self.table.description,
- table.description
- )
- )
- self.table = table
- for c in self.columns:
- if c.table != self.table:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Column '%s' is not part of table '%s'." %
- (c, self.table.description)
- )
- table.indexes.add(self)
- @property
- def bind(self):
- """Return the connectable associated with this Index."""
- return self.table.bind
- def create(self, bind=None):
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.create(self)
- return self
- def drop(self, bind=None):
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.drop(self)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Index("%s", %s%s)' % (
- self.name,
- ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.columns),
- (self.unique and ', unique=True') or '')
-class MetaData(SchemaItem):
- """A collection of Tables and their associated schema constructs.
- Holds a collection of Tables and an optional binding to an ``Engine`` or
- ``Connection``. If bound, the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects
- in the collection and their columns may participate in implicit SQL
- execution.
- The `Table` objects themselves are stored in the `metadata.tables`
- dictionary.
- The ``bind`` property may be assigned to dynamically. A common pattern is
- to start unbound and then bind later when an engine is available::
- metadata = MetaData()
- # define tables
- Table('mytable', metadata, ...)
- # connect to an engine later, perhaps after loading a URL from a
- # configuration file
- metadata.bind = an_engine
- MetaData is a thread-safe object after tables have been explicitly defined
- or loaded via reflection.
- .. index::
- single: thread safety; MetaData
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'metadata'
- def __init__(self, bind=None, reflect=False):
- """Create a new MetaData object.
- :param bind:
- An Engine or Connection to bind to. May also be a string or URL
- instance, these are passed to create_engine() and this MetaData will
- be bound to the resulting engine.
- :param reflect:
- Optional, automatically load all tables from the bound database.
- Defaults to False. ``bind`` is required when this option is set.
- For finer control over loaded tables, use the ``reflect`` method of
- ``MetaData``.
- """
- self.tables = util.immutabledict()
- self._schemas = set()
- self._sequences = {}
- self.bind = bind
- if reflect:
- if not bind:
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "A bind must be supplied in conjunction "
- "with reflect=True")
- self.reflect()
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'MetaData(%r)' % self.bind
- def __contains__(self, table_or_key):
- if not isinstance(table_or_key, basestring):
- table_or_key = table_or_key.key
- return table_or_key in self.tables
- def _add_table(self, name, schema, table):
- key = _get_table_key(name, schema)
- dict.__setitem__(self.tables, key, table)
- if schema:
- self._schemas.add(schema)
- def _remove_table(self, name, schema):
- key = _get_table_key(name, schema)
- dict.pop(self.tables, key, None)
- if self._schemas:
- self._schemas = set([t.schema
- for t in self.tables.values()
- if t.schema is not None])
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {'tables': self.tables, 'schemas':self._schemas,
- 'sequences':self._sequences}
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.tables = state['tables']
- self._bind = None
- self._sequences = state['sequences']
- self._schemas = state['schemas']
- def is_bound(self):
- """True if this MetaData is bound to an Engine or Connection."""
- return self._bind is not None
- def bind(self):
- """An Engine or Connection to which this MetaData is bound.
- This property may be assigned an ``Engine`` or ``Connection``, or
- assigned a string or URL to automatically create a basic ``Engine``
- for this bind with ``create_engine()``.
- """
- return self._bind
- def _bind_to(self, bind):
- """Bind this MetaData to an Engine, Connection, string or URL."""
- if isinstance(bind, (basestring, url.URL)):
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- self._bind = create_engine(bind)
- else:
- self._bind = bind
- bind = property(bind, _bind_to)
- def clear(self):
- """Clear all Table objects from this MetaData."""
- dict.clear(self.tables)
- self._schemas.clear()
- def remove(self, table):
- """Remove the given Table object from this MetaData."""
- self._remove_table(table.name, table.schema)
- @property
- def sorted_tables(self):
- """Returns a list of ``Table`` objects sorted in order of
- dependency.
- """
- return sqlutil.sort_tables(self.tables.itervalues())
- def reflect(self, bind=None, schema=None, views=False, only=None):
- """Load all available table definitions from the database.
- Automatically creates ``Table`` entries in this ``MetaData`` for any
- table available in the database but not yet present in the
- ``MetaData``. May be called multiple times to pick up tables recently
- added to the database, however no special action is taken if a table
- in this ``MetaData`` no longer exists in the database.
- :param bind:
- A :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` used to access the
- database; if None, uses the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if
- any.
- :param schema:
- Optional, query and reflect tables from an alterate schema.
- :param views:
- If True, also reflect views.
- :param only:
- Optional. Load only a sub-set of available named tables. May be
- specified as a sequence of names or a callable.
- If a sequence of names is provided, only those tables will be
- reflected. An error is raised if a table is requested but not
- available. Named tables already present in this ``MetaData`` are
- ignored.
- If a callable is provided, it will be used as a boolean predicate to
- filter the list of potential table names. The callable is called
- with a table name and this ``MetaData`` instance as positional
- arguments and should return a true value for any table to reflect.
- """
- reflect_opts = {'autoload': True}
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- conn = None
- else:
- reflect_opts['autoload_with'] = bind
- conn = bind.contextual_connect()
- if schema is not None:
- reflect_opts['schema'] = schema
- try:
- available = util.OrderedSet(bind.engine.table_names(schema,
- connection=conn))
- if views:
- available.update(
- bind.dialect.get_view_names(conn or bind, schema)
- )
- current = set(self.tables.iterkeys())
- if only is None:
- load = [name for name in available if name not in current]
- elif util.callable(only):
- load = [name for name in available
- if name not in current and only(name, self)]
- else:
- missing = [name for name in only if name not in available]
- if missing:
- s = schema and (" schema '%s'" % schema) or ''
- raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
- 'Could not reflect: requested table(s) not available '
- 'in %s%s: (%s)' %
- (bind.engine.url, s, ', '.join(missing)))
- load = [name for name in only if name not in current]
- for name in load:
- Table(name, self, **reflect_opts)
- finally:
- if conn is not None:
- conn.close()
- def append_ddl_listener(self, event_name, listener):
- """Append a DDL event listener to this ``MetaData``.
- Deprecated. See :class:`.DDLEvents`.
- """
- def adapt_listener(target, connection, **kw):
- listener(event, target, connection, **kw)
- event.listen(self, "" + event_name.replace('-', '_'), adapt_listener)
- def create_all(self, bind=None, tables=None, checkfirst=True):
- """Create all tables stored in this metadata.
- Conditional by default, will not attempt to recreate tables already
- present in the target database.
- :param bind:
- A :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` used to access the
- database; if None, uses the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if
- any.
- :param tables:
- Optional list of ``Table`` objects, which is a subset of the total
- tables in the ``MetaData`` (others are ignored).
- :param checkfirst:
- Defaults to True, don't issue CREATEs for tables already present
- in the target database.
- """
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.create(self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables)
- def drop_all(self, bind=None, tables=None, checkfirst=True):
- """Drop all tables stored in this metadata.
- Conditional by default, will not attempt to drop tables not present in
- the target database.
- :param bind:
- A :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` used to access the
- database; if None, uses the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if
- any.
- :param tables:
- Optional list of ``Table`` objects, which is a subset of the
- total tables in the ``MetaData`` (others are ignored).
- :param checkfirst:
- Defaults to True, only issue DROPs for tables confirmed to be
- present in the target database.
- """
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- bind.drop(self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables)
-class ThreadLocalMetaData(MetaData):
- """A MetaData variant that presents a different ``bind`` in every thread.
- Makes the ``bind`` property of the MetaData a thread-local value, allowing
- this collection of tables to be bound to different ``Engine``
- implementations or connections in each thread.
- The ThreadLocalMetaData starts off bound to None in each thread. Binds
- must be made explicitly by assigning to the ``bind`` property or using
- ``connect()``. You can also re-bind dynamically multiple times per
- thread, just like a regular ``MetaData``.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'metadata'
- def __init__(self):
- """Construct a ThreadLocalMetaData."""
- self.context = util.threading.local()
- self.__engines = {}
- super(ThreadLocalMetaData, self).__init__()
- def bind(self):
- """The bound Engine or Connection for this thread.
- This property may be assigned an Engine or Connection, or assigned a
- string or URL to automatically create a basic Engine for this bind
- with ``create_engine()``."""
- return getattr(self.context, '_engine', None)
- def _bind_to(self, bind):
- """Bind to a Connectable in the caller's thread."""
- if isinstance(bind, (basestring, url.URL)):
- try:
- self.context._engine = self.__engines[bind]
- except KeyError:
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- e = create_engine(bind)
- self.__engines[bind] = e
- self.context._engine = e
- else:
- # TODO: this is squirrely. we shouldnt have to hold onto engines
- # in a case like this
- if bind not in self.__engines:
- self.__engines[bind] = bind
- self.context._engine = bind
- bind = property(bind, _bind_to)
- def is_bound(self):
- """True if there is a bind for this thread."""
- return (hasattr(self.context, '_engine') and
- self.context._engine is not None)
- def dispose(self):
- """Dispose all bound engines, in all thread contexts."""
- for e in self.__engines.itervalues():
- if hasattr(e, 'dispose'):
- e.dispose()
-class SchemaVisitor(visitors.ClauseVisitor):
- """Define the visiting for ``SchemaItem`` objects."""
- __traverse_options__ = {'schema_visitor':True}
-class DDLElement(expression.Executable, expression.ClauseElement):
- """Base class for DDL expression constructs.
- This class is the base for the general purpose :class:`.DDL` class,
- as well as the various create/drop clause constructs such as
- :class:`.CreateTable`, :class:`.DropTable`, :class:`.AddConstraint`,
- etc.
- :class:`.DDLElement` integrates closely with SQLAlchemy events,
- introduced in :ref:`event_toplevel`. An instance of one is
- itself an event receiving callable::
- event.listen(
- users,
- 'after_create',
- AddConstraint(constraint).execute_if(dialect='postgresql')
- )
- See also:
- :class:`.DDL`
- :class:`.DDLEvents`
- :ref:`event_toplevel`
- :ref:`schema_ddl_sequences`
- """
- _execution_options = expression.Executable.\
- _execution_options.union({'autocommit':True})
- target = None
- on = None
- dialect = None
- callable_ = None
- def execute(self, bind=None, target=None):
- """Execute this DDL immediately.
- Executes the DDL statement in isolation using the supplied
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` or
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` assigned to the ``.bind``
- property, if not supplied. If the DDL has a conditional ``on``
- criteria, it will be invoked with None as the event.
- :param bind:
- Optional, an ``Engine`` or ``Connection``. If not supplied, a valid
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable` must be present in the
- ``.bind`` property.
- :param target:
- Optional, defaults to None. The target SchemaItem for the
- execute call. Will be passed to the ``on`` callable if any,
- and may also provide string expansion data for the
- statement. See ``execute_at`` for more information.
- """
- if bind is None:
- bind = _bind_or_error(self)
- if self._should_execute(target, bind):
- return bind.execute(self.against(target))
- else:
- bind.engine.logger.info(
- "DDL execution skipped, criteria not met.")
- @util.deprecated("0.7", "See :class:`.DDLEvents`, as well as "
- ":meth:`.DDLElement.execute_if`.")
- def execute_at(self, event_name, target):
- """Link execution of this DDL to the DDL lifecycle of a SchemaItem.
- Links this ``DDLElement`` to a ``Table`` or ``MetaData`` instance,
- executing it when that schema item is created or dropped. The DDL
- statement will be executed using the same Connection and transactional
- context as the Table create/drop itself. The ``.bind`` property of
- this statement is ignored.
- :param event:
- One of the events defined in the schema item's ``.ddl_events``;
- e.g. 'before-create', 'after-create', 'before-drop' or 'after-drop'
- :param target:
- The Table or MetaData instance for which this DDLElement will
- be associated with.
- A DDLElement instance can be linked to any number of schema items.
- ``execute_at`` builds on the ``append_ddl_listener`` interface of
- :class:`.MetaData` and :class:`.Table` objects.
- Caveat: Creating or dropping a Table in isolation will also trigger
- any DDL set to ``execute_at`` that Table's MetaData. This may change
- in a future release.
- """
- def call_event(target, connection, **kw):
- if self._should_execute_deprecated(event_name,
- target, connection, **kw):
- return connection.execute(self.against(target))
- event.listen(target, "" + event_name.replace('-', '_'), call_event)
- @expression._generative
- def against(self, target):
- """Return a copy of this DDL against a specific schema item."""
- self.target = target
- @expression._generative
- def execute_if(self, dialect=None, callable_=None, state=None):
- """Return a callable that will execute this
- DDLElement conditionally.
- Used to provide a wrapper for event listening::
- event.listen(
- metadata,
- 'before_create',
- DDL("my_ddl").execute_if(dialect='postgresql')
- )
- :param dialect: May be a string, tuple or a callable
- predicate. If a string, it will be compared to the name of the
- executing database dialect::
- DDL('something').execute_if(dialect='postgresql')
- If a tuple, specifies multiple dialect names::
- DDL('something').execute_if(dialect=('postgresql', 'mysql'))
- :param callable_: A callable, which will be invoked with
- four positional arguments as well as optional keyword
- arguments:
- :ddl:
- This DDL element.
- :target:
- The :class:`.Table` or :class:`.MetaData` object which is the target of
- this event. May be None if the DDL is executed explicitly.
- :bind:
- The :class:`.Connection` being used for DDL execution
- :tables:
- Optional keyword argument - a list of Table objects which are to
- be created/ dropped within a MetaData.create_all() or drop_all()
- method call.
- :state:
- Optional keyword argument - will be the ``state`` argument
- passed to this function.
- :checkfirst:
- Keyword argument, will be True if the 'checkfirst' flag was
- set during the call to ``create()``, ``create_all()``,
- ``drop()``, ``drop_all()``.
- If the callable returns a true value, the DDL statement will be
- executed.
- :param state: any value which will be passed to the callable_
- as the ``state`` keyword argument.
- See also:
- :class:`.DDLEvents`
- :ref:`event_toplevel`
- """
- self.dialect = dialect
- self.callable_ = callable_
- self.state = state
- def _should_execute(self, target, bind, **kw):
- if self.on is not None and \
- not self._should_execute_deprecated(None, target, bind, **kw):
- return False
- if isinstance(self.dialect, basestring):
- if self.dialect != bind.engine.name:
- return False
- elif isinstance(self.dialect, (tuple, list, set)):
- if bind.engine.name not in self.dialect:
- return False
- if self.callable_ is not None and \
- not self.callable_(self, target, bind, state=self.state, **kw):
- return False
- return True
- def _should_execute_deprecated(self, event, target, bind, **kw):
- if self.on is None:
- return True
- elif isinstance(self.on, basestring):
- return self.on == bind.engine.name
- elif isinstance(self.on, (tuple, list, set)):
- return bind.engine.name in self.on
- else:
- return self.on(self, event, target, bind, **kw)
- def __call__(self, target, bind, **kw):
- """Execute the DDL as a ddl_listener."""
- if self._should_execute(target, bind, **kw):
- return bind.execute(self.against(target))
- def _check_ddl_on(self, on):
- if (on is not None and
- (not isinstance(on, (basestring, tuple, list, set)) and
- not util.callable(on))):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Expected the name of a database dialect, a tuple "
- "of names, or a callable for "
- "'on' criteria, got type '%s'." % type(on).__name__)
- def bind(self):
- if self._bind:
- return self._bind
- def _set_bind(self, bind):
- self._bind = bind
- bind = property(bind, _set_bind)
- def _generate(self):
- s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- return s
- def _compiler(self, dialect, **kw):
- """Return a compiler appropriate for this ClauseElement, given a
- Dialect."""
- return dialect.ddl_compiler(dialect, self, **kw)
-class DDL(DDLElement):
- """A literal DDL statement.
- Specifies literal SQL DDL to be executed by the database. DDL objects
- function as DDL event listeners, and can be subscribed to those events
- listed in :class:`.DDLEvents`, using either :class:`.Table` or :class:`.MetaData`
- objects as targets. Basic templating support allows a single DDL instance
- to handle repetitive tasks for multiple tables.
- Examples::
- from sqlalchemy import event, DDL
- tbl = Table('users', metadata, Column('uid', Integer))
- event.listen(tbl, 'before_create', DDL('DROP TRIGGER users_trigger'))
- spow = DDL('ALTER TABLE %(table)s SET secretpowers TRUE')
- event.listen(tbl, 'after_create', spow.execute_if(dialect='somedb'))
- drop_spow = DDL('ALTER TABLE users SET secretpowers FALSE')
- connection.execute(drop_spow)
- When operating on Table events, the following ``statement``
- string substitions are available::
- %(table)s - the Table name, with any required quoting applied
- %(schema)s - the schema name, with any required quoting applied
- %(fullname)s - the Table name including schema, quoted if needed
- The DDL's "context", if any, will be combined with the standard
- substutions noted above. Keys present in the context will override
- the standard substitutions.
- """
- __visit_name__ = "ddl"
- def __init__(self, statement, on=None, context=None, bind=None):
- """Create a DDL statement.
- :param statement:
- A string or unicode string to be executed. Statements will be
- processed with Python's string formatting operator. See the
- ``context`` argument and the ``execute_at`` method.
- A literal '%' in a statement must be escaped as '%%'.
- SQL bind parameters are not available in DDL statements.
- :param on:
- Deprecated. See :meth:`.DDLElement.execute_if`.
- Optional filtering criteria. May be a string, tuple or a callable
- predicate. If a string, it will be compared to the name of the
- executing database dialect::
- DDL('something', on='postgresql')
- If a tuple, specifies multiple dialect names::
- DDL('something', on=('postgresql', 'mysql'))
- If a callable, it will be invoked with four positional arguments
- as well as optional keyword arguments:
- :ddl:
- This DDL element.
- :event:
- The name of the event that has triggered this DDL, such as
- 'after-create' Will be None if the DDL is executed explicitly.
- :target:
- The ``Table`` or ``MetaData`` object which is the target of
- this event. May be None if the DDL is executed explicitly.
- :connection:
- The ``Connection`` being used for DDL execution
- :tables:
- Optional keyword argument - a list of Table objects which are to
- be created/ dropped within a MetaData.create_all() or drop_all()
- method call.
- If the callable returns a true value, the DDL statement will be
- executed.
- :param context:
- Optional dictionary, defaults to None. These values will be
- available for use in string substitutions on the DDL statement.
- :param bind:
- Optional. A :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connectable`, used by
- default when ``execute()`` is invoked without a bind argument.
- See also:
- :class:`.DDLEvents`
- :mod:`sqlalchemy.event`
- """
- if not isinstance(statement, basestring):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Expected a string or unicode SQL statement, got '%r'" %
- statement)
- self.statement = statement
- self.context = context or {}
- self._check_ddl_on(on)
- self.on = on
- self._bind = bind
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s@%s; %s>' % (
- type(self).__name__, id(self),
- ', '.join([repr(self.statement)] +
- ['%s=%r' % (key, getattr(self, key))
- for key in ('on', 'context')
- if getattr(self, key)]))
-def _to_schema_column(element):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- element = element.__clause_element__()
- if not isinstance(element, Column):
- raise exc.ArgumentError("schema.Column object expected")
- return element
-def _to_schema_column_or_string(element):
- if hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
- element = element.__clause_element__()
- return element
-class _CreateDropBase(DDLElement):
- """Base class for DDL constucts that represent CREATE and DROP or
- equivalents.
- The common theme of _CreateDropBase is a single
- ``element`` attribute which refers to the element
- to be created or dropped.
- """
- def __init__(self, element, on=None, bind=None):
- self.element = element
- self._check_ddl_on(on)
- self.on = on
- self.bind = bind
- def _create_rule_disable(self, compiler):
- """Allow disable of _create_rule using a callable.
- Pass to _create_rule using
- util.portable_instancemethod(self._create_rule_disable)
- to retain serializability.
- """
- return False
-class CreateTable(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a CREATE TABLE statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "create_table"
-class DropTable(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a DROP TABLE statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "drop_table"
-class CreateSequence(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a CREATE SEQUENCE statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "create_sequence"
-class DropSequence(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a DROP SEQUENCE statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "drop_sequence"
-class CreateIndex(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a CREATE INDEX statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "create_index"
-class DropIndex(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent a DROP INDEX statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "drop_index"
-class AddConstraint(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent an ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "add_constraint"
- def __init__(self, element, *args, **kw):
- super(AddConstraint, self).__init__(element, *args, **kw)
- element._create_rule = util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._create_rule_disable)
-class DropConstraint(_CreateDropBase):
- """Represent an ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT statement."""
- __visit_name__ = "drop_constraint"
- def __init__(self, element, cascade=False, **kw):
- self.cascade = cascade
- super(DropConstraint, self).__init__(element, **kw)
- element._create_rule = util.portable_instancemethod(
- self._create_rule_disable)
-def _bind_or_error(schemaitem, msg=None):
- bind = schemaitem.bind
- if not bind:
- name = schemaitem.__class__.__name__
- label = getattr(schemaitem, 'fullname',
- getattr(schemaitem, 'name', None))
- if label:
- item = '%s %r' % (name, label)
- else:
- item = name
- if isinstance(schemaitem, (MetaData, DDL)):
- bindable = "the %s's .bind" % name
- else:
- bindable = "this %s's .metadata.bind" % name
- if msg is None:
- msg = "The %s is not bound to an Engine or Connection. "\
- "Execution can not proceed without a database to execute "\
- "against. Either execute with an explicit connection or "\
- "assign %s to enable implicit execution." % \
- (item, bindable)
- raise exc.UnboundExecutionError(msg)
- return bind