path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 625 deletions
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py
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-# orm/util.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-from sqlalchemy import sql, util, event, exc as sa_exc
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, util as sql_util, operators
-from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperExtension, EXT_CONTINUE,\
- PropComparator, MapperProperty
-from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes, exc
-import operator
-mapperlib = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.orm", "mapperlib")
-all_cascades = frozenset(("delete", "delete-orphan", "all", "merge",
- "expunge", "save-update", "refresh-expire",
- "none"))
-_INSTRUMENTOR = ('mapper', 'instrumentor')
-class CascadeOptions(dict):
- """Keeps track of the options sent to relationship().cascade"""
- def __init__(self, arg=""):
- if not arg:
- values = set()
- else:
- values = set(c.strip() for c in arg.split(','))
- for name in ['save-update', 'delete', 'refresh-expire',
- 'merge', 'expunge']:
- boolean = name in values or 'all' in values
- setattr(self, name.replace('-', '_'), boolean)
- if boolean:
- self[name] = True
- self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values
- if self.delete_orphan:
- self['delete-orphan'] = True
- if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete:
- util.warn("The 'delete-orphan' cascade option requires "
- "'delete'. This will raise an error in 0.6.")
- for x in values:
- if x not in all_cascades:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Invalid cascade option '%s'" % x)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "CascadeOptions(%s)" % repr(",".join(
- [x for x in ['delete', 'save_update', 'merge', 'expunge',
- 'delete_orphan', 'refresh-expire']
- if getattr(self, x, False) is True]))
-def _validator_events(desc, key, validator):
- """Runs a validation method on an attribute value to be set or appended."""
- def append(state, value, initiator):
- return validator(state.obj(), key, value)
- def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
- return validator(state.obj(), key, value)
- event.listen(desc, 'append', append, raw=True, retval=True)
- event.listen(desc, 'set', set_, raw=True, retval=True)
-def polymorphic_union(table_map, typecolname, aliasname='p_union', cast_nulls=True):
- """Create a ``UNION`` statement used by a polymorphic mapper.
- See :ref:`concrete_inheritance` for an example of how
- this is used.
- :param table_map: mapping of polymorphic identities to
- :class:`.Table` objects.
- :param typecolname: string name of a "discriminator" column, which will be
- derived from the query, producing the polymorphic identity for each row. If
- ``None``, no polymorphic discriminator is generated.
- :param aliasname: name of the :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias()`
- construct generated.
- :param cast_nulls: if True, non-existent columns, which are represented as labeled
- NULLs, will be passed into CAST. This is a legacy behavior that is problematic
- on some backends such as Oracle - in which case it can be set to False.
- """
- colnames = util.OrderedSet()
- colnamemaps = {}
- types = {}
- for key in table_map.keys():
- table = table_map[key]
- # mysql doesnt like selecting from a select;
- # make it an alias of the select
- if isinstance(table, sql.Select):
- table = table.alias()
- table_map[key] = table
- m = {}
- for c in table.c:
- colnames.add(c.key)
- m[c.key] = c
- types[c.key] = c.type
- colnamemaps[table] = m
- def col(name, table):
- try:
- return colnamemaps[table][name]
- except KeyError:
- if cast_nulls:
- return sql.cast(sql.null(), types[name]).label(name)
- else:
- return sql.type_coerce(sql.null(), types[name]).label(name)
- result = []
- for type, table in table_map.iteritems():
- if typecolname is not None:
- result.append(
- sql.select([col(name, table) for name in colnames] +
- [sql.literal_column(sql_util._quote_ddl_expr(type)).
- label(typecolname)],
- from_obj=[table]))
- else:
- result.append(sql.select([col(name, table) for name in colnames],
- from_obj=[table]))
- return sql.union_all(*result).alias(aliasname)
-def identity_key(*args, **kwargs):
- """Get an identity key.
- Valid call signatures:
- * ``identity_key(class, ident)``
- class
- mapped class (must be a positional argument)
- ident
- primary key, if the key is composite this is a tuple
- * ``identity_key(instance=instance)``
- instance
- object instance (must be given as a keyword arg)
- * ``identity_key(class, row=row)``
- class
- mapped class (must be a positional argument)
- row
- result proxy row (must be given as a keyword arg)
- """
- if args:
- if len(args) == 1:
- class_ = args[0]
- try:
- row = kwargs.pop("row")
- except KeyError:
- ident = kwargs.pop("ident")
- elif len(args) == 2:
- class_, ident = args
- elif len(args) == 3:
- class_, ident = args
- else:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("expected up to three "
- "positional arguments, got %s" % len(args))
- if kwargs:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("unknown keyword arguments: %s"
- % ", ".join(kwargs.keys()))
- mapper = class_mapper(class_)
- if "ident" in locals():
- return mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)
- return mapper.identity_key_from_row(row)
- instance = kwargs.pop("instance")
- if kwargs:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("unknown keyword arguments: %s"
- % ", ".join(kwargs.keys()))
- mapper = object_mapper(instance)
- return mapper.identity_key_from_instance(instance)
-class ORMAdapter(sql_util.ColumnAdapter):
- """Extends ColumnAdapter to accept ORM entities.
- The selectable is extracted from the given entity,
- and the AliasedClass if any is referenced.
- """
- def __init__(self, entity, equivalents=None,
- chain_to=None, adapt_required=False):
- self.mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(entity)
- if is_aliased_class:
- self.aliased_class = entity
- else:
- self.aliased_class = None
- sql_util.ColumnAdapter.__init__(self, selectable,
- equivalents, chain_to,
- adapt_required=adapt_required)
- def replace(self, elem):
- entity = elem._annotations.get('parentmapper', None)
- if not entity or entity.isa(self.mapper):
- return sql_util.ColumnAdapter.replace(self, elem)
- else:
- return None
-class AliasedClass(object):
- """Represents an "aliased" form of a mapped class for usage with Query.
- The ORM equivalent of a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias`
- construct, this object mimics the mapped class using a
- __getattr__ scheme and maintains a reference to a
- real :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias` object.
- Usage is via the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.aliased()` synonym::
- # find all pairs of users with the same name
- user_alias = aliased(User)
- session.query(User, user_alias).\\
- join((user_alias, User.id > user_alias.id)).\\
- filter(User.name==user_alias.name)
- """
- def __init__(self, cls, alias=None, name=None):
- self.__mapper = _class_to_mapper(cls)
- self.__target = self.__mapper.class_
- if alias is None:
- alias = self.__mapper._with_polymorphic_selectable.alias(name=name)
- self.__adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(alias,
- equivalents=self.__mapper._equivalent_columns)
- self.__alias = alias
- # used to assign a name to the RowTuple object
- # returned by Query.
- self._sa_label_name = name
- self.__name__ = 'AliasedClass_' + str(self.__target)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {
- 'mapper':self.__mapper,
- 'alias':self.__alias,
- 'name':self._sa_label_name
- }
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.__mapper = state['mapper']
- self.__target = self.__mapper.class_
- alias = state['alias']
- self.__adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(alias,
- equivalents=self.__mapper._equivalent_columns)
- self.__alias = alias
- name = state['name']
- self._sa_label_name = name
- self.__name__ = 'AliasedClass_' + str(self.__target)
- def __adapt_element(self, elem):
- return self.__adapter.traverse(elem).\
- _annotate({
- 'parententity': self,
- 'parentmapper':self.__mapper}
- )
- def __adapt_prop(self, existing, key):
- comparator = existing.comparator.adapted(self.__adapt_element)
- queryattr = attributes.QueryableAttribute(self, key,
- impl=existing.impl, parententity=self, comparator=comparator)
- setattr(self, key, queryattr)
- return queryattr
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- for base in self.__target.__mro__:
- try:
- attr = object.__getattribute__(base, key)
- except AttributeError:
- continue
- else:
- break
- else:
- raise AttributeError(key)
- if isinstance(attr, attributes.QueryableAttribute):
- return self.__adapt_prop(attr, key)
- elif hasattr(attr, 'func_code'):
- is_method = getattr(self.__target, key, None)
- if is_method and is_method.im_self is not None:
- return util.types.MethodType(attr.im_func, self, self)
- else:
- return None
- elif hasattr(attr, '__get__'):
- ret = attr.__get__(None, self)
- if isinstance(ret, PropComparator):
- return ret.adapted(self.__adapt_element)
- return ret
- else:
- return attr
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<AliasedClass at 0x%x; %s>' % (
- id(self), self.__target.__name__)
-def aliased(element, alias=None, name=None):
- if isinstance(element, expression.FromClause):
- return element.alias(name)
- else:
- return AliasedClass(element, alias=alias, name=name)
-def _orm_annotate(element, exclude=None):
- """Deep copy the given ClauseElement, annotating each element with the
- "_orm_adapt" flag.
- Elements within the exclude collection will be cloned but not annotated.
- """
- return sql_util._deep_annotate(element, {'_orm_adapt':True}, exclude)
-_orm_deannotate = sql_util._deep_deannotate
-class _ORMJoin(expression.Join):
- """Extend Join to support ORM constructs as input."""
- __visit_name__ = expression.Join.__visit_name__
- def __init__(self, left, right, onclause=None,
- isouter=False, join_to_left=True):
- adapt_from = None
- if hasattr(left, '_orm_mappers'):
- left_mapper = left._orm_mappers[1]
- if join_to_left:
- adapt_from = left.right
- else:
- left_mapper, left, left_is_aliased = _entity_info(left)
- if join_to_left and (left_is_aliased or not left_mapper):
- adapt_from = left
- right_mapper, right, right_is_aliased = _entity_info(right)
- if right_is_aliased:
- adapt_to = right
- else:
- adapt_to = None
- if left_mapper or right_mapper:
- self._orm_mappers = (left_mapper, right_mapper)
- if isinstance(onclause, basestring):
- prop = left_mapper.get_property(onclause)
- elif isinstance(onclause, attributes.QueryableAttribute):
- if adapt_from is None:
- adapt_from = onclause.__clause_element__()
- prop = onclause.property
- elif isinstance(onclause, MapperProperty):
- prop = onclause
- else:
- prop = None
- if prop:
- pj, sj, source, dest, \
- secondary, target_adapter = prop._create_joins(
- source_selectable=adapt_from,
- dest_selectable=adapt_to,
- source_polymorphic=True,
- dest_polymorphic=True,
- of_type=right_mapper)
- if sj is not None:
- left = sql.join(left, secondary, pj, isouter)
- onclause = sj
- else:
- onclause = pj
- self._target_adapter = target_adapter
- expression.Join.__init__(self, left, right, onclause, isouter)
- def join(self, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, join_to_left=True):
- return _ORMJoin(self, right, onclause, isouter, join_to_left)
- def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None, join_to_left=True):
- return _ORMJoin(self, right, onclause, True, join_to_left)
-def join(left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, join_to_left=True):
- """Produce an inner join between left and right clauses.
- In addition to the interface provided by
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.join()`, left and right may be mapped
- classes or AliasedClass instances. The onclause may be a
- string name of a relationship(), or a class-bound descriptor
- representing a relationship.
- join_to_left indicates to attempt aliasing the ON clause,
- in whatever form it is passed, to the selectable
- passed as the left side. If False, the onclause
- is used as is.
- """
- return _ORMJoin(left, right, onclause, isouter, join_to_left)
-def outerjoin(left, right, onclause=None, join_to_left=True):
- """Produce a left outer join between left and right clauses.
- In addition to the interface provided by
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.outerjoin()`, left and right may be
- mapped classes or AliasedClass instances. The onclause may be a string
- name of a relationship(), or a class-bound descriptor representing a
- relationship.
- """
- return _ORMJoin(left, right, onclause, True, join_to_left)
-def with_parent(instance, prop):
- """Create filtering criterion that relates this query's primary entity
- to the given related instance, using established :func:`.relationship()`
- configuration.
- The SQL rendered is the same as that rendered when a lazy loader
- would fire off from the given parent on that attribute, meaning
- that the appropriate state is taken from the parent object in
- Python without the need to render joins to the parent table
- in the rendered statement.
- As of 0.6.4, this method accepts parent instances in all
- persistence states, including transient, persistent, and detached.
- Only the requisite primary key/foreign key attributes need to
- be populated. Previous versions didn't work with transient
- instances.
- :param instance:
- An instance which has some :func:`.relationship`.
- :param property:
- String property name, or class-bound attribute, which indicates
- what relationship from the instance should be used to reconcile the
- parent/child relationship.
- """
- if isinstance(prop, basestring):
- mapper = object_mapper(instance)
- prop = mapper.get_property(prop)
- elif isinstance(prop, attributes.QueryableAttribute):
- prop = prop.property
- return prop.compare(operators.eq,
- instance,
- value_is_parent=True)
-def _entity_info(entity, compile=True):
- """Return mapping information given a class, mapper, or AliasedClass.
- Returns 3-tuple of: mapper, mapped selectable, boolean indicating if this
- is an aliased() construct.
- If the given entity is not a mapper, mapped class, or aliased construct,
- returns None, the entity, False. This is typically used to allow
- unmapped selectables through.
- """
- if isinstance(entity, AliasedClass):
- return entity._AliasedClass__mapper, entity._AliasedClass__alias, True
- if isinstance(entity, mapperlib.Mapper):
- mapper = entity
- elif isinstance(entity, type):
- class_manager = attributes.manager_of_class(entity)
- if class_manager is None:
- return None, entity, False
- mapper = class_manager.mapper
- else:
- return None, entity, False
- if compile and mapperlib.module._new_mappers:
- mapperlib.configure_mappers()
- return mapper, mapper._with_polymorphic_selectable, False
-def _entity_descriptor(entity, key):
- """Return a class attribute given an entity and string name.
- May return :class:`.InstrumentedAttribute` or user-defined
- attribute.
- """
- if not isinstance(entity, (AliasedClass, type)):
- entity = entity.class_
- try:
- return getattr(entity, key)
- except AttributeError:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Entity '%s' has no property '%s'" %
- (entity, key)
- )
-def _orm_columns(entity):
- mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(entity)
- if isinstance(selectable, expression.Selectable):
- return [c for c in selectable.c]
- else:
- return [selectable]
-def _orm_selectable(entity):
- mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(entity)
- return selectable
-def _attr_as_key(attr):
- if hasattr(attr, 'key'):
- return attr.key
- else:
- return expression._column_as_key(attr)
-def _is_aliased_class(entity):
- return isinstance(entity, AliasedClass)
-_state_mapper = util.dottedgetter('manager.mapper')
-def object_mapper(instance):
- """Given an object, return the primary Mapper associated with the object
- instance.
- Raises UnmappedInstanceError if no mapping is configured.
- """
- try:
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- return state.manager.mapper
- except exc.UnmappedClassError:
- raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance)
- except exc.NO_STATE:
- raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance)
-def class_mapper(class_, compile=True):
- """Given a class, return the primary Mapper associated with the key.
- Raises UnmappedClassError if no mapping is configured.
- """
- try:
- class_manager = attributes.manager_of_class(class_)
- mapper = class_manager.mapper
- except exc.NO_STATE:
- raise exc.UnmappedClassError(class_)
- if compile and mapperlib.module._new_mappers:
- mapperlib.configure_mappers()
- return mapper
-def _class_to_mapper(class_or_mapper, compile=True):
- if _is_aliased_class(class_or_mapper):
- return class_or_mapper._AliasedClass__mapper
- elif isinstance(class_or_mapper, type):
- try:
- class_manager = attributes.manager_of_class(class_or_mapper)
- mapper = class_manager.mapper
- except exc.NO_STATE:
- raise exc.UnmappedClassError(class_or_mapper)
- elif isinstance(class_or_mapper, mapperlib.Mapper):
- mapper = class_or_mapper
- else:
- raise exc.UnmappedClassError(class_or_mapper)
- if compile and mapperlib.module._new_mappers:
- mapperlib.configure_mappers()
- return mapper
-def has_identity(object):
- state = attributes.instance_state(object)
- return state.has_identity
-def _is_mapped_class(cls):
- if isinstance(cls, (AliasedClass, mapperlib.Mapper)):
- return True
- if isinstance(cls, expression.ClauseElement):
- return False
- if isinstance(cls, type):
- manager = attributes.manager_of_class(cls)
- return manager and _INSTRUMENTOR in manager.info
- return False
-def instance_str(instance):
- """Return a string describing an instance."""
- return state_str(attributes.instance_state(instance))
-def state_str(state):
- """Return a string describing an instance via its InstanceState."""
- if state is None:
- return "None"
- else:
- return '<%s at 0x%x>' % (state.class_.__name__, id(state.obj()))
-def state_class_str(state):
- """Return a string describing an instance's class via its InstanceState."""
- if state is None:
- return "None"
- else:
- return '<%s>' % (state.class_.__name__, )
-def attribute_str(instance, attribute):
- return instance_str(instance) + "." + attribute
-def state_attribute_str(state, attribute):
- return state_str(state) + "." + attribute
-def identity_equal(a, b):
- if a is b:
- return True
- if a is None or b is None:
- return False
- try:
- state_a = attributes.instance_state(a)
- state_b = attributes.instance_state(b)
- except exc.NO_STATE:
- return False
- if state_a.key is None or state_b.key is None:
- return False
- return state_a.key == state_b.key