path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py
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-# orm/query.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""The Query class and support.
-Defines the :class:`.Query` class, the central
-construct used by the ORM to construct database queries.
-The :class:`.Query` class should not be confused with the
-:class:`.Select` class, which defines database
-SELECT operations at the SQL (non-ORM) level. ``Query`` differs from
-``Select`` in that it returns ORM-mapped objects and interacts with an
-ORM session, whereas the ``Select`` construct interacts directly with the
-database to return iterable result sets.
-from itertools import chain
-from operator import itemgetter
-from sqlalchemy import sql, util, log, schema
-from sqlalchemy import exc as sa_exc
-from sqlalchemy.orm import exc as orm_exc
-from sqlalchemy.sql import util as sql_util
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, visitors, operators
-from sqlalchemy.orm import (
- attributes, interfaces, mapper, object_mapper, evaluator,
- )
-from sqlalchemy.orm.util import (
- AliasedClass, ORMAdapter, _entity_descriptor, _entity_info,
- _is_aliased_class, _is_mapped_class, _orm_columns, _orm_selectable,
- join as orm_join,with_parent, _attr_as_key, aliased
- )
-__all__ = ['Query', 'QueryContext', 'aliased']
-def _generative(*assertions):
- """Mark a method as generative."""
- @util.decorator
- def generate(fn, *args, **kw):
- self = args[0]._clone()
- for assertion in assertions:
- assertion(self, fn.func_name)
- fn(self, *args[1:], **kw)
- return self
- return generate
-class Query(object):
- """ORM-level SQL construction object.
- :class:`.Query` is the source of all SELECT statements generated by the
- ORM, both those formulated by end-user query operations as well as by
- high level internal operations such as related collection loading. It
- features a generative interface whereby successive calls return a new
- :class:`.Query` object, a copy of the former with additional
- criteria and options associated with it.
- :class:`.Query` objects are normally initially generated using the
- :meth:`~.Session.query` method of :class:`.Session`. For a full walkthrough
- of :class:`.Query` usage, see the :ref:`ormtutorial_toplevel`.
- """
- _enable_eagerloads = True
- _enable_assertions = True
- _with_labels = False
- _criterion = None
- _yield_per = None
- _lockmode = None
- _order_by = False
- _group_by = False
- _having = None
- _distinct = False
- _offset = None
- _limit = None
- _statement = None
- _correlate = frozenset()
- _populate_existing = False
- _version_check = False
- _autoflush = True
- _current_path = ()
- _only_load_props = None
- _refresh_state = None
- _from_obj = ()
- _select_from_entity = None
- _filter_aliases = None
- _from_obj_alias = None
- _joinpath = _joinpoint = util.immutabledict()
- _execution_options = util.immutabledict()
- _params = util.immutabledict()
- _attributes = util.immutabledict()
- _with_options = ()
- _with_hints = ()
- _enable_single_crit = True
- def __init__(self, entities, session=None):
- self.session = session
- self._polymorphic_adapters = {}
- self._set_entities(entities)
- def _set_entities(self, entities, entity_wrapper=None):
- if entity_wrapper is None:
- entity_wrapper = _QueryEntity
- self._entities = []
- for ent in util.to_list(entities):
- entity_wrapper(self, ent)
- self._setup_aliasizers(self._entities)
- def _setup_aliasizers(self, entities):
- if hasattr(self, '_mapper_adapter_map'):
- # usually safe to share a single map, but copying to prevent
- # subtle leaks if end-user is reusing base query with arbitrary
- # number of aliased() objects
- self._mapper_adapter_map = d = self._mapper_adapter_map.copy()
- else:
- self._mapper_adapter_map = d = {}
- for ent in entities:
- for entity in ent.entities:
- if entity not in d:
- mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = \
- _entity_info(entity)
- if not is_aliased_class and mapper.with_polymorphic:
- with_polymorphic = mapper._with_polymorphic_mappers
- if mapper.mapped_table not in \
- self._polymorphic_adapters:
- self.__mapper_loads_polymorphically_with(mapper,
- sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
- selectable,
- mapper._equivalent_columns))
- adapter = None
- elif is_aliased_class:
- adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
- selectable,
- mapper._equivalent_columns)
- with_polymorphic = None
- else:
- with_polymorphic = adapter = None
- d[entity] = (mapper, adapter, selectable,
- is_aliased_class, with_polymorphic)
- ent.setup_entity(entity, *d[entity])
- def __mapper_loads_polymorphically_with(self, mapper, adapter):
- for m2 in mapper._with_polymorphic_mappers:
- self._polymorphic_adapters[m2] = adapter
- for m in m2.iterate_to_root():
- self._polymorphic_adapters[m.mapped_table] = \
- self._polymorphic_adapters[m.local_table] = \
- adapter
- def _set_select_from(self, *obj):
- fa = []
- for from_obj in obj:
- if isinstance(from_obj, expression._SelectBase):
- from_obj = from_obj.alias()
- fa.append(from_obj)
- self._from_obj = tuple(fa)
- if len(self._from_obj) == 1 and \
- isinstance(self._from_obj[0], expression.Alias):
- equivs = self.__all_equivs()
- self._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
- self._from_obj[0], equivs)
- def _get_polymorphic_adapter(self, entity, selectable):
- self.__mapper_loads_polymorphically_with(entity.mapper,
- sql_util.ColumnAdapter(selectable,
- entity.mapper._equivalent_columns))
- def _reset_polymorphic_adapter(self, mapper):
- for m2 in mapper._with_polymorphic_mappers:
- self._polymorphic_adapters.pop(m2, None)
- for m in m2.iterate_to_root():
- self._polymorphic_adapters.pop(m.mapped_table, None)
- self._polymorphic_adapters.pop(m.local_table, None)
- def __adapt_polymorphic_element(self, element):
- if isinstance(element, expression.FromClause):
- search = element
- elif hasattr(element, 'table'):
- search = element.table
- else:
- search = None
- if search is not None:
- alias = self._polymorphic_adapters.get(search, None)
- if alias:
- return alias.adapt_clause(element)
- def _adapt_col_list(self, cols):
- return [
- self._adapt_clause(
- expression._literal_as_text(o),
- True, True)
- for o in cols
- ]
- @_generative()
- def _adapt_all_clauses(self):
- self._orm_only_adapt = False
- def _adapt_clause(self, clause, as_filter, orm_only):
- """Adapt incoming clauses to transformations which have been applied
- within this query."""
- adapters = []
- # do we adapt all expression elements or only those
- # tagged as 'ORM' constructs ?
- orm_only = getattr(self, '_orm_only_adapt', orm_only)
- if as_filter and self._filter_aliases:
- for fa in self._filter_aliases._visitor_iterator:
- adapters.append(
- (
- orm_only, fa.replace
- )
- )
- if self._from_obj_alias:
- # for the "from obj" alias, apply extra rule to the
- # 'ORM only' check, if this query were generated from a
- # subquery of itself, i.e. _from_selectable(), apply adaption
- # to all SQL constructs.
- adapters.append(
- (
- getattr(self, '_orm_only_from_obj_alias', orm_only),
- self._from_obj_alias.replace
- )
- )
- if self._polymorphic_adapters:
- adapters.append(
- (
- orm_only, self.__adapt_polymorphic_element
- )
- )
- if not adapters:
- return clause
- def replace(elem):
- if '_halt_adapt' in elem._annotations:
- return elem
- for _orm_only, adapter in adapters:
- # if 'orm only', look for ORM annotations
- # in the element before adapting.
- if not _orm_only or \
- '_orm_adapt' in elem._annotations or \
- "parententity" in elem._annotations:
- e = adapter(elem)
- if e is not None:
- return e
- return visitors.replacement_traverse(
- clause,
- {'column_collections':False},
- replace
- )
- def _entity_zero(self):
- return self._entities[0]
- def _mapper_zero(self):
- return self._select_from_entity or \
- self._entity_zero().entity_zero
- @property
- def _mapper_entities(self):
- # TODO: this is wrong, its hardcoded to "primary entity" when
- # for the case of __all_equivs() it should not be
- # the name of this accessor is wrong too
- for ent in self._entities:
- if hasattr(ent, 'primary_entity'):
- yield ent
- def _joinpoint_zero(self):
- return self._joinpoint.get(
- '_joinpoint_entity',
- self._mapper_zero()
- )
- def _mapper_zero_or_none(self):
- if not getattr(self._entities[0], 'primary_entity', False):
- return None
- return self._entities[0].mapper
- def _only_mapper_zero(self, rationale=None):
- if len(self._entities) > 1:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- rationale or
- "This operation requires a Query against a single mapper."
- )
- return self._mapper_zero()
- def _only_full_mapper_zero(self, methname):
- if len(self._entities) != 1:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "%s() can only be used against "
- "a single mapped class." % methname)
- entity = self._entity_zero()
- if not hasattr(entity, 'primary_entity'):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "%s() can only be used against "
- "a single mapped class." % methname)
- return entity.entity_zero
- def _only_entity_zero(self, rationale=None):
- if len(self._entities) > 1:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- rationale or
- "This operation requires a Query against a single mapper."
- )
- return self._entity_zero()
- def _generate_mapper_zero(self):
- if not getattr(self._entities[0], 'primary_entity', False):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "No primary mapper set up for this Query.")
- entity = self._entities[0]._clone()
- self._entities = [entity] + self._entities[1:]
- return entity
- def __all_equivs(self):
- equivs = {}
- for ent in self._mapper_entities:
- equivs.update(ent.mapper._equivalent_columns)
- return equivs
- def _get_condition(self):
- self._order_by = self._distinct = False
- return self._no_criterion_condition("get")
- def _no_criterion_condition(self, meth):
- if not self._enable_assertions:
- return
- if self._criterion is not None or \
- self._statement is not None or self._from_obj or \
- self._limit is not None or self._offset is not None or \
- self._group_by or self._order_by or self._distinct:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Query.%s() being called on a "
- "Query with existing criterion. " % meth)
- self._from_obj = ()
- self._statement = self._criterion = None
- self._order_by = self._group_by = self._distinct = False
- def _no_clauseelement_condition(self, meth):
- if not self._enable_assertions:
- return
- if self._order_by:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Query.%s() being called on a "
- "Query with existing criterion. " % meth)
- self._no_criterion_condition(meth)
- def _no_statement_condition(self, meth):
- if not self._enable_assertions:
- return
- if self._statement:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- ("Query.%s() being called on a Query with an existing full "
- "statement - can't apply criterion.") % meth)
- def _no_limit_offset(self, meth):
- if not self._enable_assertions:
- return
- if self._limit is not None or self._offset is not None:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Query.%s() being called on a Query which already has LIMIT "
- "or OFFSET applied. To modify the row-limited results of a "
- " Query, call from_self() first. "
- "Otherwise, call %s() before limit() or offset() are applied."
- % (meth, meth)
- )
- def _no_select_modifiers(self, meth):
- if not self._enable_assertions:
- return
- for attr, methname, notset in (
- ('_limit', 'limit()', None),
- ('_offset', 'offset()', None),
- ('_order_by', 'order_by()', False),
- ('_group_by', 'group_by()', False),
- ('_distinct', 'distinct()', False),
- ):
- if getattr(self, attr) is not notset:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Can't call Query.%s() when %s has been called" %
- (meth, methname)
- )
- def _get_options(self, populate_existing=None,
- version_check=None,
- only_load_props=None,
- refresh_state=None):
- if populate_existing:
- self._populate_existing = populate_existing
- if version_check:
- self._version_check = version_check
- if refresh_state:
- self._refresh_state = refresh_state
- if only_load_props:
- self._only_load_props = set(only_load_props)
- return self
- def _clone(self):
- cls = self.__class__
- q = cls.__new__(cls)
- q.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- return q
- @property
- def statement(self):
- """The full SELECT statement represented by this Query.
- The statement by default will not have disambiguating labels
- applied to the construct unless with_labels(True) is called
- first.
- """
- stmt = self._compile_context(labels=self._with_labels).\
- statement
- if self._params:
- stmt = stmt.params(self._params)
- return stmt._annotate({'_halt_adapt': True})
- def subquery(self, name=None):
- """return the full SELECT statement represented by this :class:`.Query`,
- embedded within an :class:`.Alias`.
- Eager JOIN generation within the query is disabled.
- The statement will not have disambiguating labels
- applied to the list of selected columns unless the
- :meth:`.Query.with_labels` method is used to generate a new
- :class:`.Query` with the option enabled.
- :param name: string name to be assigned as the alias;
- this is passed through to :meth:`.FromClause.alias`.
- If ``None``, a name will be deterministically generated
- at compile time.
- """
- return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.alias(name=name)
- def label(self, name):
- """Return the full SELECT statement represented by this :class:`.Query`, converted
- to a scalar subquery with a label of the given name.
- Analogous to :meth:`sqlalchemy.sql._SelectBaseMixin.label`.
- New in 0.6.5.
- """
- return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.label(name)
- def as_scalar(self):
- """Return the full SELECT statement represented by this :class:`.Query`, converted
- to a scalar subquery.
- Analogous to :meth:`sqlalchemy.sql._SelectBaseMixin.as_scalar`.
- New in 0.6.5.
- """
- return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.as_scalar()
- def __clause_element__(self):
- return self.enable_eagerloads(False).with_labels().statement
- @_generative()
- def enable_eagerloads(self, value):
- """Control whether or not eager joins and subqueries are
- rendered.
- When set to False, the returned Query will not render
- eager joins regardless of :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload`,
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.subqueryload` options
- or mapper-level ``lazy='joined'``/``lazy='subquery'``
- configurations.
- This is used primarily when nesting the Query's
- statement into a subquery or other
- selectable.
- """
- self._enable_eagerloads = value
- @_generative()
- def with_labels(self):
- """Apply column labels to the return value of Query.statement.
- Indicates that this Query's `statement` accessor should return
- a SELECT statement that applies labels to all columns in the
- form <tablename>_<columnname>; this is commonly used to
- disambiguate columns from multiple tables which have the same
- name.
- When the `Query` actually issues SQL to load rows, it always
- uses column labeling.
- """
- self._with_labels = True
- @_generative()
- def enable_assertions(self, value):
- """Control whether assertions are generated.
- When set to False, the returned Query will
- not assert its state before certain operations,
- including that LIMIT/OFFSET has not been applied
- when filter() is called, no criterion exists
- when get() is called, and no "from_statement()"
- exists when filter()/order_by()/group_by() etc.
- is called. This more permissive mode is used by
- custom Query subclasses to specify criterion or
- other modifiers outside of the usual usage patterns.
- Care should be taken to ensure that the usage
- pattern is even possible. A statement applied
- by from_statement() will override any criterion
- set by filter() or order_by(), for example.
- """
- self._enable_assertions = value
- @property
- def whereclause(self):
- """A readonly attribute which returns the current WHERE criterion for this Query.
- This returned value is a SQL expression construct, or ``None`` if no
- criterion has been established.
- """
- return self._criterion
- @_generative()
- def _with_current_path(self, path):
- """indicate that this query applies to objects loaded
- within a certain path.
- Used by deferred loaders (see strategies.py) which transfer
- query options from an originating query to a newly generated
- query intended for the deferred load.
- """
- self._current_path = path
- @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition)
- def with_polymorphic(self,
- cls_or_mappers,
- selectable=None, discriminator=None):
- """Load columns for descendant mappers of this Query's mapper.
- Using this method will ensure that each descendant mapper's
- tables are included in the FROM clause, and will allow filter()
- criterion to be used against those tables. The resulting
- instances will also have those columns already loaded so that
- no "post fetch" of those columns will be required.
- :param cls_or_mappers: a single class or mapper, or list of
- class/mappers, which inherit from this Query's mapper.
- Alternatively, it may also be the string ``'*'``, in which case
- all descending mappers will be added to the FROM clause.
- :param selectable: a table or select() statement that will
- be used in place of the generated FROM clause. This argument is
- required if any of the desired mappers use concrete table
- inheritance, since SQLAlchemy currently cannot generate UNIONs
- among tables automatically. If used, the ``selectable`` argument
- must represent the full set of tables and columns mapped by every
- desired mapper. Otherwise, the unaccounted mapped columns will
- result in their table being appended directly to the FROM clause
- which will usually lead to incorrect results.
- :param discriminator: a column to be used as the "discriminator"
- column for the given selectable. If not given, the polymorphic_on
- attribute of the mapper will be used, if any. This is useful for
- mappers that don't have polymorphic loading behavior by default,
- such as concrete table mappers.
- """
- entity = self._generate_mapper_zero()
- entity.set_with_polymorphic(self,
- cls_or_mappers,
- selectable=selectable,
- discriminator=discriminator)
- @_generative()
- def yield_per(self, count):
- """Yield only ``count`` rows at a time.
- WARNING: use this method with caution; if the same instance is present
- in more than one batch of rows, end-user changes to attributes will be
- overwritten.
- In particular, it's usually impossible to use this setting with
- eagerly loaded collections (i.e. any lazy='joined' or 'subquery')
- since those collections will be cleared for a new load when
- encountered in a subsequent result batch. In the case of 'subquery'
- loading, the full result for all rows is fetched which generally
- defeats the purpose of :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per`.
- Also note that many DBAPIs do not "stream" results, pre-buffering
- all rows before making them available, including mysql-python and
- psycopg2. :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per` will also
- set the ``stream_results`` execution
- option to ``True``, which currently is only understood by psycopg2
- and causes server side cursors to be used.
- """
- self._yield_per = count
- self._execution_options = self._execution_options.copy()
- self._execution_options['stream_results'] = True
- def get(self, ident):
- """Return an instance of the object based on the
- given identifier, or ``None`` if not found.
- The ``ident`` argument is a scalar or tuple of
- primary key column values
- in the order of the mapper's "primary key" setting, which
- defaults to the list of primary key columns for the
- mapped :class:`.Table`.
- :meth:`get` returns only a single mapped instance, or
- ``None``. It is not intended to return rows or scalar
- column values, therefore the :class:`.Query` must be
- constructed only against a single mapper or mapped class,
- not a SQL expression or multiple entities.
- Other usages raise an error.
- """
- # convert composite types to individual args
- if hasattr(ident, '__composite_values__'):
- ident = ident.__composite_values__()
- ident = util.to_list(ident)
- mapper = self._only_full_mapper_zero("get")
- if len(ident) != len(mapper.primary_key):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Incorrect number of values in identifier to formulate "
- "primary key for query.get(); primary key columns are %s" %
- ','.join("'%s'" % c for c in mapper.primary_key))
- key = mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)
- if not self._populate_existing and \
- not mapper.always_refresh and \
- self._lockmode is None:
- instance = self._get_from_identity(self.session, key, False)
- if instance is not None:
- # reject calls for id in identity map but class
- # mismatch.
- if not issubclass(instance.__class__, mapper.class_):
- return None
- return instance
- return self._load_on_ident(key)
- @_generative()
- def correlate(self, *args):
- """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given
- FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or
- :func:`~.expression.select`.
- The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs,
- and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into
- expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression
- constructs.
- The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to
- :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs.
- The correlation arguments take effect in such cases
- as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when
- a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is
- embedded in another :func:`~.expression.select` construct.
- """
- self._correlate = self._correlate.union(
- _orm_selectable(s)
- for s in args)
- @_generative()
- def autoflush(self, setting):
- """Return a Query with a specific 'autoflush' setting.
- Note that a Session with autoflush=False will
- not autoflush, even if this flag is set to True at the
- Query level. Therefore this flag is usually used only
- to disable autoflush for a specific Query.
- """
- self._autoflush = setting
- @_generative()
- def populate_existing(self):
- """Return a :class:`.Query` that will expire and refresh all instances
- as they are loaded, or reused from the current :class:`.Session`.
- :meth:`.populate_existing` does not improve behavior when
- the ORM is used normally - the :class:`.Session` object's usual
- behavior of maintaining a transaction and expiring all attributes
- after rollback or commit handles object state automatically.
- This method is not intended for general use.
- """
- self._populate_existing = True
- def with_parent(self, instance, property=None):
- """Add filtering criterion that relates the given instance
- to a child object or collection, using its attribute state
- as well as an established :func:`.relationship()`
- configuration.
- The method uses the :func:`.with_parent` function to generate
- the clause, the result of which is passed to :meth:`.Query.filter`.
- Parameters are the same as :func:`.with_parent`, with the exception
- that the given property can be None, in which case a search is
- performed against this :class:`.Query` object's target mapper.
- """
- if property is None:
- from sqlalchemy.orm import properties
- mapper = object_mapper(instance)
- for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:
- if isinstance(prop, properties.PropertyLoader) and \
- prop.mapper is self._mapper_zero():
- property = prop
- break
- else:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Could not locate a property which relates instances "
- "of class '%s' to instances of class '%s'" %
- (
- self._mapper_zero().class_.__name__,
- instance.__class__.__name__)
- )
- return self.filter(with_parent(instance, property))
- @_generative()
- def add_entity(self, entity, alias=None):
- """add a mapped entity to the list of result columns
- to be returned."""
- if alias is not None:
- entity = aliased(entity, alias)
- self._entities = list(self._entities)
- m = _MapperEntity(self, entity)
- self._setup_aliasizers([m])
- @_generative()
- def with_session(self, session):
- """Return a :class:`Query` that will use the given :class:`.Session`.
- """
- self.session = session
- def from_self(self, *entities):
- """return a Query that selects from this Query's
- SELECT statement.
- \*entities - optional list of entities which will replace
- those being selected.
- """
- fromclause = self.with_labels().enable_eagerloads(False).\
- _enable_single_crit(False).\
- statement.correlate(None)
- q = self._from_selectable(fromclause)
- if entities:
- q._set_entities(entities)
- return q
- @_generative()
- def _enable_single_crit(self, val):
- self._enable_single_crit = val
- @_generative()
- def _from_selectable(self, fromclause):
- for attr in (
- '_statement', '_criterion',
- '_order_by', '_group_by',
- '_limit', '_offset',
- '_joinpath', '_joinpoint',
- '_distinct', '_having'
- ):
- self.__dict__.pop(attr, None)
- self._set_select_from(fromclause)
- # this enables clause adaptation for non-ORM
- # expressions.
- self._orm_only_from_obj_alias = False
- old_entities = self._entities
- self._entities = []
- for e in old_entities:
- e.adapt_to_selectable(self, self._from_obj[0])
- def values(self, *columns):
- """Return an iterator yielding result tuples corresponding
- to the given list of columns"""
- if not columns:
- return iter(())
- q = self._clone()
- q._set_entities(columns, entity_wrapper=_ColumnEntity)
- if not q._yield_per:
- q._yield_per = 10
- return iter(q)
- _values = values
- def value(self, column):
- """Return a scalar result corresponding to the given
- column expression."""
- try:
- # Py3K
- #return self.values(column).__next__()[0]
- # Py2K
- return self.values(column).next()[0]
- # end Py2K
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- @_generative()
- def with_entities(self, *entities):
- """Return a new :class:`.Query` replacing the SELECT list with the given
- entities.
- e.g.::
- # Users, filtered on some arbitrary criterion
- # and then ordered by related email address
- q = session.query(User).\\
- join(User.address).\\
- filter(User.name.like('%ed%')).\\
- order_by(Address.email)
- # given *only* User.id==5, Address.email, and 'q', what
- # would the *next* User in the result be ?
- subq = q.with_entities(Address.email).\\
- order_by(None).\\
- filter(User.id==5).\\
- subquery()
- q = q.join((subq, subq.c.email < Address.email)).\\
- limit(1)
- New in 0.6.5.
- """
- self._set_entities(entities)
- @_generative()
- def add_columns(self, *column):
- """Add one or more column expressions to the list
- of result columns to be returned."""
- self._entities = list(self._entities)
- l = len(self._entities)
- for c in column:
- _ColumnEntity(self, c)
- # _ColumnEntity may add many entities if the
- # given arg is a FROM clause
- self._setup_aliasizers(self._entities[l:])
- @util.pending_deprecation("0.7",
- ":meth:`.add_column` is superseded by :meth:`.add_columns`",
- False)
- def add_column(self, column):
- """Add a column expression to the list of result columns to be returned.
- Pending deprecation: :meth:`.add_column` will be superseded by
- :meth:`.add_columns`.
- """
- return self.add_columns(column)
- def options(self, *args):
- """Return a new Query object, applying the given list of
- mapper options.
- Most supplied options regard changing how column- and
- relationship-mapped attributes are loaded. See the sections
- :ref:`deferred` and :ref:`loading_toplevel` for reference
- documentation.
- """
- return self._options(False, *args)
- def _conditional_options(self, *args):
- return self._options(True, *args)
- @_generative()
- def _options(self, conditional, *args):
- # most MapperOptions write to the '_attributes' dictionary,
- # so copy that as well
- self._attributes = self._attributes.copy()
- opts = tuple(util.flatten_iterator(args))
- self._with_options = self._with_options + opts
- if conditional:
- for opt in opts:
- opt.process_query_conditionally(self)
- else:
- for opt in opts:
- opt.process_query(self)
- @_generative()
- def with_hint(self, selectable, text, dialect_name='*'):
- """Add an indexing hint for the given entity or selectable to
- this :class:`.Query`.
- Functionality is passed straight through to
- :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_hint`,
- with the addition that ``selectable`` can be a
- :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Alias`, or ORM entity / mapped class
- /etc.
- """
- mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(selectable)
- self._with_hints += ((selectable, text, dialect_name),)
- @_generative()
- def execution_options(self, **kwargs):
- """ Set non-SQL options which take effect during execution.
- The options are the same as those accepted by
- :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`.
- Note that the ``stream_results`` execution option is enabled
- automatically if the :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per()`
- method is used.
- """
- self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(kwargs)
- @_generative()
- def with_lockmode(self, mode):
- """Return a new Query object with the specified locking mode."""
- self._lockmode = mode
- @_generative()
- def params(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """add values for bind parameters which may have been
- specified in filter().
- parameters may be specified using \**kwargs, or optionally a single
- dictionary as the first positional argument. The reason for both is
- that \**kwargs is convenient, however some parameter dictionaries
- contain unicode keys in which case \**kwargs cannot be used.
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- kwargs.update(args[0])
- elif len(args) > 0:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "params() takes zero or one positional argument, "
- "which is a dictionary.")
- self._params = self._params.copy()
- self._params.update(kwargs)
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset)
- def filter(self, criterion):
- """apply the given filtering criterion to the query and return
- the newly resulting ``Query``
- the criterion is any sql.ClauseElement applicable to the WHERE clause
- of a select.
- """
- if isinstance(criterion, basestring):
- criterion = sql.text(criterion)
- if criterion is not None and \
- not isinstance(criterion, sql.ClauseElement):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "filter() argument must be of type "
- "sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement or string")
- criterion = self._adapt_clause(criterion, True, True)
- if self._criterion is not None:
- self._criterion = self._criterion & criterion
- else:
- self._criterion = criterion
- def filter_by(self, **kwargs):
- """apply the given filtering criterion to the query and return
- the newly resulting ``Query``."""
- clauses = [_entity_descriptor(self._joinpoint_zero(), key) == value
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems()]
- return self.filter(sql.and_(*clauses))
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset)
- def order_by(self, *criterion):
- """apply one or more ORDER BY criterion to the query and return
- the newly resulting ``Query``
- All existing ORDER BY settings can be suppressed by
- passing ``None`` - this will suppress any ORDER BY configured
- on mappers as well.
- Alternatively, an existing ORDER BY setting on the Query
- object can be entirely cancelled by passing ``False``
- as the value - use this before calling methods where
- an ORDER BY is invalid.
- """
- if len(criterion) == 1:
- if criterion[0] is False:
- if '_order_by' in self.__dict__:
- del self._order_by
- return
- if criterion[0] is None:
- self._order_by = None
- return
- criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion)
- if self._order_by is False or self._order_by is None:
- self._order_by = criterion
- else:
- self._order_by = self._order_by + criterion
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset)
- def group_by(self, *criterion):
- """apply one or more GROUP BY criterion to the query and return
- the newly resulting ``Query``"""
- criterion = list(chain(*[_orm_columns(c) for c in criterion]))
- criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion)
- if self._group_by is False:
- self._group_by = criterion
- else:
- self._group_by = self._group_by + criterion
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset)
- def having(self, criterion):
- """apply a HAVING criterion to the query and return the
- newly resulting ``Query``."""
- if isinstance(criterion, basestring):
- criterion = sql.text(criterion)
- if criterion is not None and \
- not isinstance(criterion, sql.ClauseElement):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "having() argument must be of type "
- "sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement or string")
- criterion = self._adapt_clause(criterion, True, True)
- if self._having is not None:
- self._having = self._having & criterion
- else:
- self._having = criterion
- def union(self, *q):
- """Produce a UNION of this Query against one or more queries.
- e.g.::
- q1 = sess.query(SomeClass).filter(SomeClass.foo=='bar')
- q2 = sess.query(SomeClass).filter(SomeClass.bar=='foo')
- q3 = q1.union(q2)
- The method accepts multiple Query objects so as to control
- the level of nesting. A series of ``union()`` calls such as::
- x.union(y).union(z).all()
- will nest on each ``union()``, and produces::
- Whereas::
- x.union(y, z).all()
- produces::
- Note that many database backends do not allow ORDER BY to
- be rendered on a query called within UNION, EXCEPT, etc.
- To disable all ORDER BY clauses including those configured
- on mappers, issue ``query.order_by(None)`` - the resulting
- :class:`.Query` object will not render ORDER BY within
- its SELECT statement.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.union(*([self]+ list(q))))
- def union_all(self, *q):
- """Produce a UNION ALL of this Query against one or more queries.
- Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See
- that method for usage examples.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.union_all(*([self]+ list(q)))
- )
- def intersect(self, *q):
- """Produce an INTERSECT of this Query against one or more queries.
- Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See
- that method for usage examples.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.intersect(*([self]+ list(q)))
- )
- def intersect_all(self, *q):
- """Produce an INTERSECT ALL of this Query against one or more queries.
- Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See
- that method for usage examples.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.intersect_all(*([self]+ list(q)))
- )
- def except_(self, *q):
- """Produce an EXCEPT of this Query against one or more queries.
- Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See
- that method for usage examples.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.except_(*([self]+ list(q)))
- )
- def except_all(self, *q):
- """Produce an EXCEPT ALL of this Query against one or more queries.
- Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See
- that method for usage examples.
- """
- return self._from_selectable(
- expression.except_all(*([self]+ list(q)))
- )
- def join(self, *props, **kwargs):
- """Create a join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
- and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.
- Each element in \*props may be:
- * a string property name, i.e. "rooms". This will join along the
- relationship of the same name from this Query's "primary" mapper,
- if one is present.
- * a class-mapped attribute, i.e. Houses.rooms. This will create a
- join from "Houses" table to that of the "rooms" relationship.
- A two-element form of \*props may also be passed. In this form,
- the first element is a target class or selectable, the second
- is a string property name, class-mapped attribute, or clause
- construct representing an "ON" clause. This supersedes the
- previous "tuple" calling form - multiple join() calls should
- be used for multiple (target, onclause) pairs.
- e.g.::
- # join along string attribute names
- session.query(Company).join('employees')
- session.query(Company).join('employees', 'tasks')
- # join the Person entity to an alias of itself,
- # along the "friends" relationship
- PAlias = aliased(Person)
- session.query(Person).join(Palias, Person.friends)
- # join from Houses to the "rooms" attribute on the
- # "Colonials" subclass of Houses, then join to the
- # "closets" relationship on Room
- session.query(Houses).join(Colonials.rooms, Room.closets)
- # join from Company entities to the "employees" collection,
- # using "people JOIN engineers" as the target. Then join
- # to the "computers" collection on the Engineer entity.
- session.query(Company).\
- join(people.join(engineers), 'employees').\\
- join(Engineer.computers)
- # join from Articles to Keywords, using the "keywords" attribute.
- # assume this is a many-to-many relationship.
- session.query(Article).join(Article.keywords)
- # same thing, but spelled out entirely explicitly
- # including the association table.
- session.query(Article).join(article_keywords,
- Articles.id==article_keywords.c.article_id).\\
- join(Keyword,
- Keyword.id==article_keywords.c.keyword_id)
- \**kwargs include:
- aliased - when joining, create anonymous aliases of each table.
- This is used for self-referential joins or multiple joins to the
- same table. Consider usage of the aliased(SomeClass) construct as
- a more explicit approach to this.
- from_joinpoint - the given join conditions will attempt
- to join from the right endpoint of the most recent join(),
- instead of from the query's root entity. I.e. any chain
- of joins, such as::
- query.join(a, b, c)
- is equivalent to::
- query.join(a).\\
- join(b, from_joinpoint=True).\\
- join(c, from_joinpoint=True)
- """
- aliased, from_joinpoint = kwargs.pop('aliased', False),\
- kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False)
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
- ','.join(kwargs.iterkeys()))
- return self._join(props,
- outerjoin=False, create_aliases=aliased,
- from_joinpoint=from_joinpoint)
- def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs):
- """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion
- and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``.
- Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method.
- """
- aliased, from_joinpoint = kwargs.pop('aliased', False), \
- kwargs.pop('from_joinpoint', False)
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError("unknown arguments: %s" %
- ','.join(kwargs.iterkeys()))
- return self._join(props,
- outerjoin=True, create_aliases=aliased,
- from_joinpoint=from_joinpoint)
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset)
- def _join(self, keys, outerjoin, create_aliases, from_joinpoint):
- """consumes arguments from join() or outerjoin(), places them into a
- consistent format with which to form the actual JOIN constructs.
- """
- self._polymorphic_adapters = self._polymorphic_adapters.copy()
- if not from_joinpoint:
- self._reset_joinpoint()
- if len(keys) == 2 and \
- isinstance(keys[0], (expression.FromClause,
- type, AliasedClass)) and \
- isinstance(keys[1], (basestring, expression.ClauseElement,
- interfaces.PropComparator)):
- # detect 2-arg form of join and
- # convert to a tuple.
- keys = (keys,)
- for arg1 in util.to_list(keys):
- if isinstance(arg1, tuple):
- # "tuple" form of join, multiple
- # tuples are accepted as well. The simpler
- # "2-arg" form is preferred. May deprecate
- # the "tuple" usage.
- arg1, arg2 = arg1
- else:
- arg2 = None
- # determine onclause/right_entity. there
- # is a little bit of legacy behavior still at work here
- # which means they might be in either order. may possibly
- # lock this down to (right_entity, onclause) in 0.6.
- if isinstance(arg1, (interfaces.PropComparator, basestring)):
- right_entity, onclause = arg2, arg1
- else:
- right_entity, onclause = arg1, arg2
- left_entity = prop = None
- if isinstance(onclause, basestring):
- left_entity = self._joinpoint_zero()
- descriptor = _entity_descriptor(left_entity, onclause)
- onclause = descriptor
- # check for q.join(Class.propname, from_joinpoint=True)
- # and Class is that of the current joinpoint
- elif from_joinpoint and \
- isinstance(onclause, interfaces.PropComparator):
- left_entity = onclause.parententity
- left_mapper, left_selectable, left_is_aliased = \
- _entity_info(self._joinpoint_zero())
- if left_mapper is left_entity:
- left_entity = self._joinpoint_zero()
- descriptor = _entity_descriptor(left_entity,
- onclause.key)
- onclause = descriptor
- if isinstance(onclause, interfaces.PropComparator):
- if right_entity is None:
- right_entity = onclause.property.mapper
- of_type = getattr(onclause, '_of_type', None)
- if of_type:
- right_entity = of_type
- else:
- right_entity = onclause.property.mapper
- left_entity = onclause.parententity
- prop = onclause.property
- if not isinstance(onclause, attributes.QueryableAttribute):
- onclause = prop
- if not create_aliases:
- # check for this path already present.
- # don't render in that case.
- if (left_entity, right_entity, prop.key) in \
- self._joinpoint:
- self._joinpoint = \
- self._joinpoint[
- (left_entity, right_entity, prop.key)]
- continue
- elif onclause is not None and right_entity is None:
- # TODO: no coverage here
- raise NotImplementedError("query.join(a==b) not supported.")
- self._join_left_to_right(
- left_entity,
- right_entity, onclause,
- outerjoin, create_aliases, prop)
- def _join_left_to_right(self, left, right,
- onclause, outerjoin, create_aliases, prop):
- """append a JOIN to the query's from clause."""
- if left is None:
- left = self._joinpoint_zero()
- if left is right and \
- not create_aliases:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Can't construct a join from %s to %s, they "
- "are the same entity" %
- (left, right))
- left_mapper, left_selectable, left_is_aliased = _entity_info(left)
- right_mapper, right_selectable, right_is_aliased = _entity_info(right)
- if right_mapper and prop and \
- not right_mapper.common_parent(prop.mapper):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Join target %s does not correspond to "
- "the right side of join condition %s" % (right, onclause)
- )
- if not right_mapper and prop:
- right_mapper = prop.mapper
- need_adapter = False
- if right_mapper and right is right_selectable:
- if not right_selectable.is_derived_from(
- right_mapper.mapped_table):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Selectable '%s' is not derived from '%s'" %
- (right_selectable.description,
- right_mapper.mapped_table.description))
- if not isinstance(right_selectable, expression.Alias):
- right_selectable = right_selectable.alias()
- right = aliased(right_mapper, right_selectable)
- need_adapter = True
- aliased_entity = right_mapper and \
- not right_is_aliased and \
- (
- right_mapper.with_polymorphic or
- isinstance(
- right_mapper.mapped_table,
- expression.Join)
- )
- if not need_adapter and (create_aliases or aliased_entity):
- right = aliased(right)
- need_adapter = True
- # if joining on a MapperProperty path,
- # track the path to prevent redundant joins
- if not create_aliases and prop:
- self._joinpoint = jp = {
- '_joinpoint_entity':right,
- 'prev':((left, right, prop.key), self._joinpoint)
- }
- # copy backwards to the root of the _joinpath
- # dict, so that no existing dict in the path is mutated
- while 'prev' in jp:
- f, prev = jp['prev']
- prev = prev.copy()
- prev[f] = jp
- jp['prev'] = (f, prev)
- jp = prev
- self._joinpath = jp
- else:
- self._joinpoint = {
- '_joinpoint_entity':right
- }
- # if an alias() of the right side was generated here,
- # apply an adapter to all subsequent filter() calls
- # until reset_joinpoint() is called.
- if need_adapter:
- self._filter_aliases = ORMAdapter(right,
- equivalents=right_mapper and right_mapper._equivalent_columns or {},
- chain_to=self._filter_aliases)
- # if the onclause is a ClauseElement, adapt it with any
- # adapters that are in place right now
- if isinstance(onclause, expression.ClauseElement):
- onclause = self._adapt_clause(onclause, True, True)
- # if an alias() on the right side was generated,
- # which is intended to wrap a the right side in a subquery,
- # ensure that columns retrieved from this target in the result
- # set are also adapted.
- if aliased_entity:
- self.__mapper_loads_polymorphically_with(
- right_mapper,
- ORMAdapter(
- right,
- equivalents=right_mapper._equivalent_columns
- )
- )
- # this is an overly broad assumption here, but there's a
- # very wide variety of situations where we rely upon orm.join's
- # adaption to glue clauses together, with joined-table inheritance's
- # wide array of variables taking up most of the space.
- # Setting the flag here is still a guess, so it is a bug
- # that we don't have definitive criterion to determine when
- # adaption should be enabled (or perhaps that we're even doing the
- # whole thing the way we are here).
- join_to_left = not right_is_aliased and not left_is_aliased
- if self._from_obj and left_selectable is not None:
- replace_clause_index, clause = sql_util.find_join_source(
- self._from_obj,
- left_selectable)
- if clause is not None:
- # the entire query's FROM clause is an alias of itself (i.e.
- # from_self(), similar). if the left clause is that one,
- # ensure it adapts to the left side.
- if self._from_obj_alias and clause is self._from_obj[0]:
- join_to_left = True
- # An exception case where adaption to the left edge is not
- # desirable. See above note on join_to_left.
- if join_to_left and isinstance(clause, expression.Join) and \
- sql_util.clause_is_present(left_selectable, clause):
- join_to_left = False
- clause = orm_join(clause,
- right,
- onclause, isouter=outerjoin,
- join_to_left=join_to_left)
- self._from_obj = \
- self._from_obj[:replace_clause_index] + \
- (clause, ) + \
- self._from_obj[replace_clause_index + 1:]
- return
- if left_mapper:
- for ent in self._entities:
- if ent.corresponds_to(left):
- clause = ent.selectable
- break
- else:
- clause = left
- else:
- clause = None
- if clause is None:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Could not find a FROM clause to join from")
- clause = orm_join(clause, right, onclause,
- isouter=outerjoin, join_to_left=join_to_left)
- self._from_obj = self._from_obj + (clause,)
- def _reset_joinpoint(self):
- self._joinpoint = self._joinpath
- self._filter_aliases = None
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition)
- def reset_joinpoint(self):
- """return a new Query reset the 'joinpoint' of this Query reset
- back to the starting mapper. Subsequent generative calls will
- be constructed from the new joinpoint.
- Note that each call to join() or outerjoin() also starts from
- the root.
- """
- self._reset_joinpoint()
- @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition)
- def select_from(self, *from_obj):
- """Set the FROM clause of this :class:`.Query` explicitly.
- Sending a mapped class or entity here effectively replaces the
- "left edge" of any calls to :meth:`.Query.join`, when no
- joinpoint is otherwise established - usually, the default "join
- point" is the leftmost entity in the :class:`.Query` object's
- list of entities to be selected.
- Mapped entities or plain :class:`.Table` or other selectables
- can be sent here which will form the default FROM clause.
- """
- obj = []
- for fo in from_obj:
- if _is_mapped_class(fo):
- mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(fo)
- self._select_from_entity = fo
- obj.append(selectable)
- elif not isinstance(fo, expression.FromClause):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "select_from() accepts FromClause objects only.")
- else:
- obj.append(fo)
- self._set_select_from(*obj)
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- if isinstance(item, slice):
- start, stop, step = util.decode_slice(item)
- if isinstance(stop, int) and \
- isinstance(start, int) and \
- stop - start <= 0:
- return []
- # perhaps we should execute a count() here so that we
- # can still use LIMIT/OFFSET ?
- elif (isinstance(start, int) and start < 0) \
- or (isinstance(stop, int) and stop < 0):
- return list(self)[item]
- res = self.slice(start, stop)
- if step is not None:
- return list(res)[None:None:item.step]
- else:
- return list(res)
- else:
- if item == -1:
- return list(self)[-1]
- else:
- return list(self[item:item+1])[0]
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition)
- def slice(self, start, stop):
- """apply LIMIT/OFFSET to the ``Query`` based on a "
- "range and return the newly resulting ``Query``."""
- if start is not None and stop is not None:
- self._offset = (self._offset or 0) + start
- self._limit = stop - start
- elif start is None and stop is not None:
- self._limit = stop
- elif start is not None and stop is None:
- self._offset = (self._offset or 0) + start
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition)
- def limit(self, limit):
- """Apply a ``LIMIT`` to the query and return the newly resulting
- ``Query``.
- """
- self._limit = limit
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition)
- def offset(self, offset):
- """Apply an ``OFFSET`` to the query and return the newly resulting
- ``Query``.
- """
- self._offset = offset
- @_generative(_no_statement_condition)
- def distinct(self, *criterion):
- """Apply a ``DISTINCT`` to the query and return the newly resulting
- ``Query``.
- :param \*expr: optional column expressions. When present,
- the Postgresql dialect will render a ``DISTINCT ON (<expressions>>)``
- construct.
- """
- if not criterion:
- self._distinct = True
- else:
- criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion)
- if isinstance(self._distinct, list):
- self._distinct += criterion
- else:
- self._distinct = criterion
- def all(self):
- """Return the results represented by this ``Query`` as a list.
- This results in an execution of the underlying query.
- """
- return list(self)
- @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition)
- def from_statement(self, statement):
- """Execute the given SELECT statement and return results.
- This method bypasses all internal statement compilation, and the
- statement is executed without modification.
- The statement argument is either a string, a ``select()`` construct,
- or a ``text()`` construct, and should return the set of columns
- appropriate to the entity class represented by this ``Query``.
- """
- if isinstance(statement, basestring):
- statement = sql.text(statement)
- if not isinstance(statement,
- (expression._TextClause,
- expression._SelectBase)):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "from_statement accepts text(), select(), "
- "and union() objects only.")
- self._statement = statement
- def first(self):
- """Return the first result of this ``Query`` or
- None if the result doesn't contain any row.
- first() applies a limit of one within the generated SQL, so that
- only one primary entity row is generated on the server side
- (note this may consist of multiple result rows if join-loaded
- collections are present).
- Calling ``first()`` results in an execution of the underlying query.
- """
- if self._statement is not None:
- ret = list(self)[0:1]
- else:
- ret = list(self[0:1])
- if len(ret) > 0:
- return ret[0]
- else:
- return None
- def one(self):
- """Return exactly one result or raise an exception.
- Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound`` if the query selects
- no rows. Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound``
- if multiple object identities are returned, or if multiple
- rows are returned for a query that does not return object
- identities.
- Note that an entity query, that is, one which selects one or
- more mapped classes as opposed to individual column attributes,
- may ultimately represent many rows but only one row of
- unique entity or entities - this is a successful result for one().
- Calling ``one()`` results in an execution of the underlying query.
- As of 0.6, ``one()`` fully fetches all results instead of applying
- any kind of limit, so that the "unique"-ing of entities does not
- conceal multiple object identities.
- """
- ret = list(self)
- l = len(ret)
- if l == 1:
- return ret[0]
- elif l == 0:
- raise orm_exc.NoResultFound("No row was found for one()")
- else:
- raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound(
- "Multiple rows were found for one()")
- def scalar(self):
- """Return the first element of the first result or None
- if no rows present. If multiple rows are returned,
- raises MultipleResultsFound.
- >>> session.query(Item).scalar()
- <Item>
- >>> session.query(Item.id).scalar()
- 1
- >>> session.query(Item.id).filter(Item.id < 0).scalar()
- None
- >>> session.query(Item.id, Item.name).scalar()
- 1
- >>> session.query(func.count(Parent.id)).scalar()
- 20
- This results in an execution of the underlying query.
- """
- try:
- ret = self.one()
- if not isinstance(ret, tuple):
- return ret
- return ret[0]
- except orm_exc.NoResultFound:
- return None
- def __iter__(self):
- context = self._compile_context()
- context.statement.use_labels = True
- if self._autoflush and not self._populate_existing:
- self.session._autoflush()
- return self._execute_and_instances(context)
- def _connection_from_session(self, **kw):
- conn = self.session.connection(
- **kw)
- if self._execution_options:
- conn = conn.execution_options(**self._execution_options)
- return conn
- def _execute_and_instances(self, querycontext):
- conn = self._connection_from_session(
- mapper = self._mapper_zero_or_none(),
- clause = querycontext.statement,
- close_with_result=True)
- result = conn.execute(querycontext.statement, self._params)
- return self.instances(result, querycontext)
- @property
- def column_descriptions(self):
- """Return metadata about the columns which would be
- returned by this :class:`.Query`.
- Format is a list of dictionaries::
- user_alias = aliased(User, name='user2')
- q = sess.query(User, User.id, user_alias)
- # this expression:
- q.columns
- # would return:
- [
- {
- 'name':'User',
- 'type':User,
- 'aliased':False,
- 'expr':User,
- },
- {
- 'name':'id',
- 'type':Integer(),
- 'aliased':False,
- 'expr':User.id,
- },
- {
- 'name':'user2',
- 'type':User,
- 'aliased':True,
- 'expr':user_alias
- }
- ]
- """
- return [
- {
- 'name':ent._label_name,
- 'type':ent.type,
- 'aliased':getattr(ent, 'is_aliased_class', False),
- 'expr':ent.expr
- }
- for ent in self._entities
- ]
- def instances(self, cursor, __context=None):
- """Given a ResultProxy cursor as returned by connection.execute(),
- return an ORM result as an iterator.
- e.g.::
- result = engine.execute("select * from users")
- for u in session.query(User).instances(result):
- print u
- """
- session = self.session
- context = __context
- if context is None:
- context = QueryContext(self)
- context.runid = _new_runid()
- filtered = bool(list(self._mapper_entities))
- single_entity = filtered and len(self._entities) == 1
- if filtered:
- if single_entity:
- filter = lambda x: util.unique_list(x, id)
- else:
- filter = util.unique_list
- else:
- filter = None
- custom_rows = single_entity and \
- self._entities[0].mapper.dispatch.append_result
- (process, labels) = \
- zip(*[
- query_entity.row_processor(self, context, custom_rows)
- for query_entity in self._entities
- ])
- while True:
- context.progress = {}
- context.partials = {}
- if self._yield_per:
- fetch = cursor.fetchmany(self._yield_per)
- if not fetch:
- break
- else:
- fetch = cursor.fetchall()
- if custom_rows:
- rows = []
- for row in fetch:
- process[0](row, rows)
- elif single_entity:
- rows = [process[0](row, None) for row in fetch]
- else:
- rows = [util.NamedTuple([proc(row, None) for proc in process],
- labels) for row in fetch]
- if filter:
- rows = filter(rows)
- if context.refresh_state and self._only_load_props \
- and context.refresh_state in context.progress:
- context.refresh_state.commit(
- context.refresh_state.dict, self._only_load_props)
- context.progress.pop(context.refresh_state)
- session._finalize_loaded(context.progress)
- for ii, (dict_, attrs) in context.partials.iteritems():
- ii.commit(dict_, attrs)
- for row in rows:
- yield row
- if not self._yield_per:
- break
- def merge_result(self, iterator, load=True):
- """Merge a result into this Query's Session.
- Given an iterator returned by a Query of the same structure as this
- one, return an identical iterator of results, with all mapped
- instances merged into the session using Session.merge(). This is an
- optimized method which will merge all mapped instances, preserving the
- structure of the result rows and unmapped columns with less method
- overhead than that of calling Session.merge() explicitly for each
- value.
- The structure of the results is determined based on the column list of
- this Query - if these do not correspond, unchecked errors will occur.
- The 'load' argument is the same as that of Session.merge().
- """
- session = self.session
- if load:
- # flush current contents if we expect to load data
- session._autoflush()
- autoflush = session.autoflush
- try:
- session.autoflush = False
- single_entity = len(self._entities) == 1
- if single_entity:
- if isinstance(self._entities[0], _MapperEntity):
- result = [session._merge(
- attributes.instance_state(instance),
- attributes.instance_dict(instance),
- load=load, _recursive={})
- for instance in iterator]
- else:
- result = list(iterator)
- else:
- mapped_entities = [i for i, e in enumerate(self._entities)
- if isinstance(e, _MapperEntity)]
- result = []
- for row in iterator:
- newrow = list(row)
- for i in mapped_entities:
- newrow[i] = session._merge(
- attributes.instance_state(newrow[i]),
- attributes.instance_dict(newrow[i]),
- load=load, _recursive={})
- result.append(util.NamedTuple(newrow, row._labels))
- return iter(result)
- finally:
- session.autoflush = autoflush
- @classmethod
- def _get_from_identity(cls, session, key, passive):
- """Look up the given key in the given session's identity map,
- check the object for expired state if found.
- """
- instance = session.identity_map.get(key)
- if instance:
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- # expired - ensure it still exists
- if state.expired:
- if passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH:
- # TODO: no coverage here
- return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT
- elif passive is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED:
- # this mode is used within a flush and the instance's
- # expired state will be checked soon enough, if necessary
- return instance
- try:
- state(passive)
- except orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError:
- session._remove_newly_deleted(state)
- return None
- return instance
- else:
- return None
- def _load_on_ident(self, key, refresh_state=None, lockmode=None,
- only_load_props=None):
- """Load the given identity key from the database."""
- lockmode = lockmode or self._lockmode
- if key is not None:
- ident = key[1]
- else:
- ident = None
- if refresh_state is None:
- q = self._clone()
- q._get_condition()
- else:
- q = self._clone()
- if ident is not None:
- mapper = self._mapper_zero()
- (_get_clause, _get_params) = mapper._get_clause
- # None present in ident - turn those comparisons
- # into "IS NULL"
- if None in ident:
- nones = set([
- _get_params[col].key for col, value in
- zip(mapper.primary_key, ident) if value is None
- ])
- _get_clause = sql_util.adapt_criterion_to_null(
- _get_clause, nones)
- _get_clause = q._adapt_clause(_get_clause, True, False)
- q._criterion = _get_clause
- params = dict([
- (_get_params[primary_key].key, id_val)
- for id_val, primary_key in zip(ident, mapper.primary_key)
- ])
- q._params = params
- if lockmode is not None:
- q._lockmode = lockmode
- q._get_options(
- populate_existing=bool(refresh_state),
- version_check=(lockmode is not None),
- only_load_props=only_load_props,
- refresh_state=refresh_state)
- q._order_by = None
- try:
- return q.one()
- except orm_exc.NoResultFound:
- return None
- @property
- def _select_args(self):
- return {
- 'limit':self._limit,
- 'offset':self._offset,
- 'distinct':self._distinct,
- 'group_by':self._group_by or None,
- 'having':self._having
- }
- @property
- def _should_nest_selectable(self):
- kwargs = self._select_args
- return (kwargs.get('limit') is not None or
- kwargs.get('offset') is not None or
- kwargs.get('distinct', False))
- def count(self):
- """Return a count of rows this Query would return.
- This generates the SQL for this Query as follows::
- SELECT count(1) AS count_1 FROM (
- SELECT <rest of query follows...>
- ) AS anon_1
- Note the above scheme is newly refined in 0.7
- (as of 0.7b3).
- For fine grained control over specific columns
- to count, to skip the usage of a subquery or
- otherwise control of the FROM clause,
- or to use other aggregate functions,
- use :attr:`.func` expressions in conjunction
- with :meth:`~.Session.query`, i.e.::
- from sqlalchemy import func
- # count User records, without
- # using a subquery.
- session.query(func.count(User.id))
- # return count of user "id" grouped
- # by "name"
- session.query(func.count(User.id)).\\
- group_by(User.name)
- from sqlalchemy import distinct
- # count distinct "name" values
- session.query(func.count(distinct(User.name)))
- """
- col = sql.func.count(sql.literal_column('*'))
- return self.from_self(col).scalar()
- def delete(self, synchronize_session='evaluate'):
- """Perform a bulk delete query.
- Deletes rows matched by this query from the database.
- :param synchronize_session: chooses the strategy for the removal of
- matched objects from the session. Valid values are:
- False - don't synchronize the session. This option is the most
- efficient and is reliable once the session is expired, which
- typically occurs after a commit(), or explicitly using
- expire_all(). Before the expiration, objects may still remain in
- the session which were in fact deleted which can lead to confusing
- results if they are accessed via get() or already loaded
- collections.
- 'fetch' - performs a select query before the delete to find
- objects that are matched by the delete query and need to be
- removed from the session. Matched objects are removed from the
- session.
- 'evaluate' - Evaluate the query's criteria in Python straight on
- the objects in the session. If evaluation of the criteria isn't
- implemented, an error is raised. In that case you probably
- want to use the 'fetch' strategy as a fallback.
- The expression evaluator currently doesn't account for differing
- string collations between the database and Python.
- Returns the number of rows deleted, excluding any cascades.
- The method does *not* offer in-Python cascading of relationships - it
- is assumed that ON DELETE CASCADE is configured for any foreign key
- references which require it. The Session needs to be expired (occurs
- automatically after commit(), or call expire_all()) in order for the
- state of dependent objects subject to delete or delete-orphan cascade
- to be correctly represented.
- Also, the ``before_delete()`` and ``after_delete()``
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension` methods are not
- called from this method. For a delete hook here, use the
- :meth:`.SessionExtension.after_bulk_delete()` event hook.
- """
- #TODO: lots of duplication and ifs - probably needs to be
- # refactored to strategies
- #TODO: cascades need handling.
- if synchronize_session not in [False, 'evaluate', 'fetch']:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Valid strategies for session "
- "synchronization are False, 'evaluate' and "
- "'fetch'")
- self._no_select_modifiers("delete")
- self = self.enable_eagerloads(False)
- context = self._compile_context()
- if len(context.statement.froms) != 1 or \
- not isinstance(context.statement.froms[0], schema.Table):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Only deletion via a single table "
- "query is currently supported")
- primary_table = context.statement.froms[0]
- session = self.session
- if self._autoflush:
- session._autoflush()
- if synchronize_session == 'evaluate':
- try:
- evaluator_compiler = evaluator.EvaluatorCompiler()
- if self.whereclause is not None:
- eval_condition = evaluator_compiler.process(
- self.whereclause)
- else:
- def eval_condition(obj):
- return True
- except evaluator.UnevaluatableError:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Could not evaluate current criteria in Python. "
- "Specify 'fetch' or False for the synchronize_session "
- "parameter.")
- target_cls = self._mapper_zero().class_
- #TODO: detect when the where clause is a trivial primary key match
- objs_to_expunge = [
- obj for (cls, pk),obj in
- session.identity_map.iteritems()
- if issubclass(cls, target_cls) and
- eval_condition(obj)]
- elif synchronize_session == 'fetch':
- #TODO: use RETURNING when available
- select_stmt = context.statement.with_only_columns(
- primary_table.primary_key)
- matched_rows = session.execute(
- select_stmt,
- params=self._params).fetchall()
- delete_stmt = sql.delete(primary_table, context.whereclause)
- result = session.execute(delete_stmt, params=self._params)
- if synchronize_session == 'evaluate':
- for obj in objs_to_expunge:
- session._remove_newly_deleted(attributes.instance_state(obj))
- elif synchronize_session == 'fetch':
- target_mapper = self._mapper_zero()
- for primary_key in matched_rows:
- identity_key = target_mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(
- list(primary_key))
- if identity_key in session.identity_map:
- session._remove_newly_deleted(
- attributes.instance_state(
- session.identity_map[identity_key]
- )
- )
- session.dispatch.after_bulk_delete(session, self, context, result)
- return result.rowcount
- def update(self, values, synchronize_session='evaluate'):
- """Perform a bulk update query.
- Updates rows matched by this query in the database.
- :param values: a dictionary with attributes names as keys and literal
- values or sql expressions as values.
- :param synchronize_session: chooses the strategy to update the
- attributes on objects in the session. Valid values are:
- False - don't synchronize the session. This option is the most
- efficient and is reliable once the session is expired, which
- typically occurs after a commit(), or explicitly using
- expire_all(). Before the expiration, updated objects may still
- remain in the session with stale values on their attributes, which
- can lead to confusing results.
- 'fetch' - performs a select query before the update to find
- objects that are matched by the update query. The updated
- attributes are expired on matched objects.
- 'evaluate' - Evaluate the Query's criteria in Python straight on
- the objects in the session. If evaluation of the criteria isn't
- implemented, an exception is raised.
- The expression evaluator currently doesn't account for differing
- string collations between the database and Python.
- Returns the number of rows matched by the update.
- The method does *not* offer in-Python cascading of relationships - it
- is assumed that ON UPDATE CASCADE is configured for any foreign key
- references which require it.
- The Session needs to be expired (occurs automatically after commit(),
- or call expire_all()) in order for the state of dependent objects
- subject foreign key cascade to be correctly represented.
- Also, the ``before_update()`` and ``after_update()``
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MapperExtension` methods are not
- called from this method. For an update hook here, use the
- :meth:`.SessionExtension.after_bulk_update()` event hook.
- """
- #TODO: value keys need to be mapped to corresponding sql cols and
- # instr.attr.s to string keys
- #TODO: updates of manytoone relationships need to be converted to
- # fk assignments
- #TODO: cascades need handling.
- if synchronize_session == 'expire':
- util.warn_deprecated("The 'expire' value as applied to "
- "the synchronize_session argument of "
- "query.update() is now called 'fetch'")
- synchronize_session = 'fetch'
- if synchronize_session not in [False, 'evaluate', 'fetch']:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Valid strategies for session synchronization "
- "are False, 'evaluate' and 'fetch'")
- self._no_select_modifiers("update")
- self = self.enable_eagerloads(False)
- context = self._compile_context()
- if len(context.statement.froms) != 1 or \
- not isinstance(context.statement.froms[0], schema.Table):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Only update via a single table query is "
- "currently supported")
- primary_table = context.statement.froms[0]
- session = self.session
- if self._autoflush:
- session._autoflush()
- if synchronize_session == 'evaluate':
- try:
- evaluator_compiler = evaluator.EvaluatorCompiler()
- if self.whereclause is not None:
- eval_condition = evaluator_compiler.process(
- self.whereclause)
- else:
- def eval_condition(obj):
- return True
- value_evaluators = {}
- for key,value in values.iteritems():
- key = _attr_as_key(key)
- value_evaluators[key] = evaluator_compiler.process(
- expression._literal_as_binds(value))
- except evaluator.UnevaluatableError:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Could not evaluate current criteria in Python. "
- "Specify 'fetch' or False for the "
- "synchronize_session parameter.")
- target_cls = self._mapper_zero().class_
- matched_objects = []
- for (cls, pk),obj in session.identity_map.iteritems():
- evaluated_keys = value_evaluators.keys()
- if issubclass(cls, target_cls) and eval_condition(obj):
- matched_objects.append(obj)
- elif synchronize_session == 'fetch':
- select_stmt = context.statement.with_only_columns(
- primary_table.primary_key)
- matched_rows = session.execute(
- select_stmt,
- params=self._params).fetchall()
- update_stmt = sql.update(primary_table, context.whereclause, values)
- result = session.execute(update_stmt, params=self._params)
- if synchronize_session == 'evaluate':
- target_cls = self._mapper_zero().class_
- for obj in matched_objects:
- state, dict_ = attributes.instance_state(obj),\
- attributes.instance_dict(obj)
- # only evaluate unmodified attributes
- to_evaluate = state.unmodified.intersection(
- evaluated_keys)
- for key in to_evaluate:
- dict_[key] = value_evaluators[key](obj)
- state.commit(dict_, list(to_evaluate))
- # expire attributes with pending changes
- # (there was no autoflush, so they are overwritten)
- state.expire_attributes(dict_,
- set(evaluated_keys).
- difference(to_evaluate))
- elif synchronize_session == 'fetch':
- target_mapper = self._mapper_zero()
- for primary_key in matched_rows:
- identity_key = target_mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(
- list(primary_key))
- if identity_key in session.identity_map:
- session.expire(
- session.identity_map[identity_key],
- [_attr_as_key(k) for k in values]
- )
- session.dispatch.after_bulk_update(session, self, context, result)
- return result.rowcount
- def _compile_context(self, labels=True):
- context = QueryContext(self)
- if context.statement is not None:
- return context
- if self._lockmode:
- try:
- for_update = {'read': 'read',
- 'update': True,
- 'update_nowait': 'nowait',
- None: False}[self._lockmode]
- except KeyError:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Unknown lockmode %r" % self._lockmode)
- else:
- for_update = False
- for entity in self._entities:
- entity.setup_context(self, context)
- for rec in context.create_eager_joins:
- strategy = rec[0]
- strategy(*rec[1:])
- eager_joins = context.eager_joins.values()
- if context.from_clause:
- # "load from explicit FROMs" mode,
- # i.e. when select_from() or join() is used
- froms = list(context.from_clause)
- else:
- # "load from discrete FROMs" mode,
- # i.e. when each _MappedEntity has its own FROM
- froms = context.froms
- if self._enable_single_crit:
- self._adjust_for_single_inheritance(context)
- if not context.primary_columns:
- if self._only_load_props:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "No column-based properties specified for "
- "refresh operation. Use session.expire() "
- "to reload collections and related items.")
- else:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Query contains no columns with which to "
- "SELECT from.")
- if context.multi_row_eager_loaders and self._should_nest_selectable:
- # for eager joins present and LIMIT/OFFSET/DISTINCT,
- # wrap the query inside a select,
- # then append eager joins onto that
- if context.order_by:
- order_by_col_expr = list(
- chain(*[
- sql_util.find_columns(o)
- for o in context.order_by
- ])
- )
- else:
- context.order_by = None
- order_by_col_expr = []
- inner = sql.select(
- context.primary_columns + order_by_col_expr,
- context.whereclause,
- from_obj=froms,
- use_labels=labels,
- correlate=False,
- order_by=context.order_by,
- **self._select_args
- )
- for hint in self._with_hints:
- inner = inner.with_hint(*hint)
- if self._correlate:
- inner = inner.correlate(*self._correlate)
- inner = inner.alias()
- equivs = self.__all_equivs()
- context.adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(inner, equivs)
- statement = sql.select(
- [inner] + context.secondary_columns,
- for_update=for_update,
- use_labels=labels)
- from_clause = inner
- for eager_join in eager_joins:
- # EagerLoader places a 'stop_on' attribute on the join,
- # giving us a marker as to where the "splice point" of
- # the join should be
- from_clause = sql_util.splice_joins(
- from_clause,
- eager_join, eager_join.stop_on)
- statement.append_from(from_clause)
- if context.order_by:
- statement.append_order_by(
- *context.adapter.copy_and_process(
- context.order_by
- )
- )
- statement.append_order_by(*context.eager_order_by)
- else:
- if not context.order_by:
- context.order_by = None
- if self._distinct and context.order_by:
- order_by_col_expr = list(
- chain(*[
- sql_util.find_columns(o)
- for o in context.order_by
- ])
- )
- context.primary_columns += order_by_col_expr
- froms += tuple(context.eager_joins.values())
- statement = sql.select(
- context.primary_columns +
- context.secondary_columns,
- context.whereclause,
- from_obj=froms,
- use_labels=labels,
- for_update=for_update,
- correlate=False,
- order_by=context.order_by,
- **self._select_args
- )
- for hint in self._with_hints:
- statement = statement.with_hint(*hint)
- if self._correlate:
- statement = statement.correlate(*self._correlate)
- if context.eager_order_by:
- statement.append_order_by(*context.eager_order_by)
- context.statement = statement
- return context
- def _adjust_for_single_inheritance(self, context):
- """Apply single-table-inheritance filtering.
- For all distinct single-table-inheritance mappers represented in the
- columns clause of this query, add criterion to the WHERE clause of the
- given QueryContext such that only the appropriate subtypes are
- selected from the total results.
- """
- for entity, (mapper, adapter, s, i, w) in \
- self._mapper_adapter_map.iteritems():
- single_crit = mapper._single_table_criterion
- if single_crit is not None:
- if adapter:
- single_crit = adapter.traverse(single_crit)
- single_crit = self._adapt_clause(single_crit, False, False)
- context.whereclause = sql.and_(
- context.whereclause, single_crit)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._compile_context().statement)
-class _QueryEntity(object):
- """represent an entity column returned within a Query result."""
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if cls is _QueryEntity:
- entity = args[1]
- if not isinstance(entity, basestring) and \
- _is_mapped_class(entity):
- cls = _MapperEntity
- else:
- cls = _ColumnEntity
- return object.__new__(cls)
- def _clone(self):
- q = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
- q.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
- return q
-class _MapperEntity(_QueryEntity):
- """mapper/class/AliasedClass entity"""
- def __init__(self, query, entity):
- self.primary_entity = not query._entities
- query._entities.append(self)
- self.entities = [entity]
- self.entity_zero = self.expr = entity
- def setup_entity(self, entity, mapper, adapter,
- from_obj, is_aliased_class, with_polymorphic):
- self.mapper = mapper
- self.adapter = adapter
- self.selectable = from_obj
- self._with_polymorphic = with_polymorphic
- self._polymorphic_discriminator = None
- self.is_aliased_class = is_aliased_class
- if is_aliased_class:
- self.path_entity = self.entity_zero = entity
- self._path = (entity,)
- self._label_name = self.entity_zero._sa_label_name
- self._reduced_path = (self.path_entity, )
- else:
- self.path_entity = mapper
- self._path = (mapper,)
- self._reduced_path = (mapper.base_mapper, )
- self.entity_zero = mapper
- self._label_name = self.mapper.class_.__name__
- def set_with_polymorphic(self, query, cls_or_mappers,
- selectable, discriminator):
- if cls_or_mappers is None:
- query._reset_polymorphic_adapter(self.mapper)
- return
- mappers, from_obj = self.mapper._with_polymorphic_args(
- cls_or_mappers, selectable)
- self._with_polymorphic = mappers
- self._polymorphic_discriminator = discriminator
- # TODO: do the wrapped thing here too so that
- # with_polymorphic() can be applied to aliases
- if not self.is_aliased_class:
- self.selectable = from_obj
- self.adapter = query._get_polymorphic_adapter(self, from_obj)
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.mapper.class_
- def corresponds_to(self, entity):
- if _is_aliased_class(entity) or self.is_aliased_class:
- return entity is self.path_entity
- else:
- return entity.common_parent(self.path_entity)
- def adapt_to_selectable(self, query, sel):
- query._entities.append(self)
- def _get_entity_clauses(self, query, context):
- adapter = None
- if not self.is_aliased_class and query._polymorphic_adapters:
- adapter = query._polymorphic_adapters.get(self.mapper, None)
- if not adapter and self.adapter:
- adapter = self.adapter
- if adapter:
- if query._from_obj_alias:
- ret = adapter.wrap(query._from_obj_alias)
- else:
- ret = adapter
- else:
- ret = query._from_obj_alias
- return ret
- def row_processor(self, query, context, custom_rows):
- adapter = self._get_entity_clauses(query, context)
- if context.adapter and adapter:
- adapter = adapter.wrap(context.adapter)
- elif not adapter:
- adapter = context.adapter
- # polymorphic mappers which have concrete tables in
- # their hierarchy usually
- # require row aliasing unconditionally.
- if not adapter and self.mapper._requires_row_aliasing:
- adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(
- self.selectable,
- self.mapper._equivalent_columns)
- if self.primary_entity:
- _instance = self.mapper._instance_processor(
- context,
- self._path,
- self._reduced_path,
- adapter,
- only_load_props=query._only_load_props,
- refresh_state=context.refresh_state,
- polymorphic_discriminator=
- self._polymorphic_discriminator
- )
- else:
- _instance = self.mapper._instance_processor(
- context,
- self._path,
- self._reduced_path,
- adapter,
- polymorphic_discriminator=
- self._polymorphic_discriminator)
- return _instance, self._label_name
- def setup_context(self, query, context):
- adapter = self._get_entity_clauses(query, context)
- context.froms += (self.selectable,)
- if context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by:
- context.order_by = self.mapper.order_by
- # apply adaptation to the mapper's order_by if needed.
- if adapter:
- context.order_by = adapter.adapt_list(
- util.to_list(
- context.order_by
- )
- )
- if self._with_polymorphic:
- poly_properties = self.mapper._iterate_polymorphic_properties(
- self._with_polymorphic)
- else:
- poly_properties = self.mapper._polymorphic_properties
- for value in poly_properties:
- if query._only_load_props and \
- value.key not in query._only_load_props:
- continue
- value.setup(
- context,
- self,
- self._path,
- self._reduced_path,
- adapter,
- only_load_props=query._only_load_props,
- column_collection=context.primary_columns
- )
- if self._polymorphic_discriminator is not None:
- if adapter:
- pd = adapter.columns[self._polymorphic_discriminator]
- else:
- pd = self._polymorphic_discriminator
- context.primary_columns.append(pd)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.mapper)
-class _ColumnEntity(_QueryEntity):
- """Column/expression based entity."""
- def __init__(self, query, column):
- self.expr = column
- if isinstance(column, basestring):
- column = sql.literal_column(column)
- self._label_name = column.name
- elif isinstance(column, (
- attributes.QueryableAttribute,
- interfaces.PropComparator
- )):
- self._label_name = column.key
- column = column.__clause_element__()
- else:
- self._label_name = getattr(column, 'key', None)
- if not isinstance(column, expression.ColumnElement) and \
- hasattr(column, '_select_iterable'):
- for c in column._select_iterable:
- if c is column:
- break
- _ColumnEntity(query, c)
- if c is not column:
- return
- if not isinstance(column, sql.ColumnElement):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "SQL expression, column, or mapped entity "
- "expected - got '%r'" % column
- )
- # If the Column is unnamed, give it a
- # label() so that mutable column expressions
- # can be located in the result even
- # if the expression's identity has been changed
- # due to adaption.
- if not column._label:
- column = column.label(None)
- query._entities.append(self)
- self.column = column
- self.froms = set()
- # look for ORM entities represented within the
- # given expression. Try to count only entities
- # for columns whose FROM object is in the actual list
- # of FROMs for the overall expression - this helps
- # subqueries which were built from ORM constructs from
- # leaking out their entities into the main select construct
- actual_froms = set(column._from_objects)
- self.entities = util.OrderedSet(
- elem._annotations['parententity']
- for elem in visitors.iterate(column, {})
- if 'parententity' in elem._annotations
- and actual_froms.intersection(elem._from_objects)
- )
- if self.entities:
- self.entity_zero = list(self.entities)[0]
- else:
- self.entity_zero = None
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.column.type
- def adapt_to_selectable(self, query, sel):
- c = _ColumnEntity(query, sel.corresponding_column(self.column))
- c._label_name = self._label_name
- c.entity_zero = self.entity_zero
- c.entities = self.entities
- def setup_entity(self, entity, mapper, adapter, from_obj,
- is_aliased_class, with_polymorphic):
- self.selectable = from_obj
- self.froms.add(from_obj)
- def corresponds_to(self, entity):
- if self.entity_zero is None:
- return False
- elif _is_aliased_class(entity):
- return entity is self.entity_zero
- else:
- return not _is_aliased_class(self.entity_zero) and \
- entity.common_parent(self.entity_zero)
- def _resolve_expr_against_query_aliases(self, query, expr, context):
- return query._adapt_clause(expr, False, True)
- def row_processor(self, query, context, custom_rows):
- column = self._resolve_expr_against_query_aliases(
- query, self.column, context)
- if context.adapter:
- column = context.adapter.columns[column]
- def proc(row, result):
- return row[column]
- return proc, self._label_name
- def setup_context(self, query, context):
- column = self._resolve_expr_against_query_aliases(
- query, self.column, context)
- context.froms += tuple(self.froms)
- context.primary_columns.append(column)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.column)
-class QueryContext(object):
- multi_row_eager_loaders = False
- adapter = None
- froms = ()
- def __init__(self, query):
- if query._statement is not None:
- if isinstance(query._statement, expression._SelectBase) and \
- not query._statement.use_labels:
- self.statement = query._statement.apply_labels()
- else:
- self.statement = query._statement
- else:
- self.statement = None
- self.from_clause = query._from_obj
- self.whereclause = query._criterion
- self.order_by = query._order_by
- self.query = query
- self.session = query.session
- self.populate_existing = query._populate_existing
- self.version_check = query._version_check
- self.refresh_state = query._refresh_state
- self.primary_columns = []
- self.secondary_columns = []
- self.eager_order_by = []
- self.eager_joins = {}
- self.create_eager_joins = []
- self.propagate_options = set(o for o in query._with_options if
- o.propagate_to_loaders)
- self.attributes = query._attributes.copy()
-class AliasOption(interfaces.MapperOption):
- def __init__(self, alias):
- self.alias = alias
- def process_query(self, query):
- if isinstance(self.alias, basestring):
- alias = query._mapper_zero().mapped_table.alias(self.alias)
- else:
- alias = self.alias
- query._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(alias)
-_runid = 1L
-_id_lock = util.threading.Lock()
-def _new_runid():
- global _runid
- _id_lock.acquire()
- try:
- _runid += 1
- return _runid
- finally:
- _id_lock.release()