path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2825 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py
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-# orm/mapper.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Logic to map Python classes to and from selectables.
-Defines the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper` class, the central
-configurational unit which associates a class with a database table.
-This is a semi-private module; the main configurational API of the ORM is
-available in :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.`.
-import types
-import weakref
-import operator
-from itertools import chain, groupby
-deque = __import__('collections').deque
-from sqlalchemy import sql, util, log, exc as sa_exc, event, schema
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression, visitors, operators, util as sqlutil
-from sqlalchemy.orm import instrumentation, attributes, sync, \
- exc as orm_exc, unitofwork, events
-from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperProperty, EXT_CONTINUE, \
- PropComparator
-from sqlalchemy.orm.util import _INSTRUMENTOR, _class_to_mapper, \
- _state_mapper, class_mapper, instance_str, state_str
-import sys
-sessionlib = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.orm", "session")
-properties = util.importlater("sqlalchemy.orm", "properties")
-__all__ = (
- 'Mapper',
- '_mapper_registry',
- 'class_mapper',
- 'object_mapper',
- )
-_mapper_registry = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
-_new_mappers = False
-_already_compiling = False
-_none_set = frozenset([None])
-_memoized_configured_property = util.group_expirable_memoized_property()
-# a constant returned by _get_attr_by_column to indicate
-# this mapper is not handling an attribute for a particular
-# column
-# lock used to synchronize the "mapper compile" step
-_COMPILE_MUTEX = util.threading.RLock()
-class Mapper(object):
- """Define the correlation of class attributes to database table
- columns.
- Instances of this class should be constructed via the
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper` function.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- class_,
- local_table,
- properties = None,
- primary_key = None,
- non_primary = False,
- inherits = None,
- inherit_condition = None,
- inherit_foreign_keys = None,
- extension = None,
- order_by = False,
- always_refresh = False,
- version_id_col = None,
- version_id_generator = None,
- polymorphic_on=None,
- _polymorphic_map=None,
- polymorphic_identity=None,
- concrete=False,
- with_polymorphic=None,
- allow_null_pks=None,
- allow_partial_pks=True,
- batch=True,
- column_prefix=None,
- include_properties=None,
- exclude_properties=None,
- passive_updates=True,
- eager_defaults=False,
- _compiled_cache_size=100,
- ):
- """Construct a new mapper.
- Mappers are normally constructed via the
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper` function. See for details.
- """
- self.class_ = util.assert_arg_type(class_, type, 'class_')
- self.class_manager = None
- self._primary_key_argument = util.to_list(primary_key)
- self.non_primary = non_primary
- if order_by is not False:
- self.order_by = util.to_list(order_by)
- else:
- self.order_by = order_by
- self.always_refresh = always_refresh
- self.version_id_col = version_id_col
- self.version_id_generator = version_id_generator or \
- (lambda x:(x or 0) + 1)
- self.concrete = concrete
- self.single = False
- self.inherits = inherits
- self.local_table = local_table
- self.inherit_condition = inherit_condition
- self.inherit_foreign_keys = inherit_foreign_keys
- self._init_properties = properties or {}
- self.delete_orphans = []
- self.batch = batch
- self.eager_defaults = eager_defaults
- self.column_prefix = column_prefix
- self.polymorphic_on = polymorphic_on
- self._dependency_processors = []
- self._validators = {}
- self.passive_updates = passive_updates
- self._clause_adapter = None
- self._requires_row_aliasing = False
- self._inherits_equated_pairs = None
- self._memoized_values = {}
- self._compiled_cache_size = _compiled_cache_size
- self._reconstructor = None
- self._deprecated_extensions = util.to_list(extension or [])
- if allow_null_pks:
- util.warn_deprecated(
- "the allow_null_pks option to Mapper() is "
- "deprecated. It is now allow_partial_pks=False|True, "
- "defaults to True.")
- allow_partial_pks = allow_null_pks
- self.allow_partial_pks = allow_partial_pks
- if with_polymorphic == '*':
- self.with_polymorphic = ('*', None)
- elif isinstance(with_polymorphic, (tuple, list)):
- if isinstance(with_polymorphic[0], (basestring, tuple, list)):
- self.with_polymorphic = with_polymorphic
- else:
- self.with_polymorphic = (with_polymorphic, None)
- elif with_polymorphic is not None:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Invalid setting for with_polymorphic")
- else:
- self.with_polymorphic = None
- if isinstance(self.local_table, expression._SelectBase):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "When mapping against a select() construct, map against "
- "an alias() of the construct instead."
- "This because several databases don't allow a "
- "SELECT from a subquery that does not have an alias."
- )
- if self.with_polymorphic and \
- isinstance(self.with_polymorphic[1],
- expression._SelectBase):
- self.with_polymorphic = (self.with_polymorphic[0],
- self.with_polymorphic[1].alias())
- # our 'polymorphic identity', a string name that when located in a
- # result set row indicates this Mapper should be used to construct
- # the object instance for that row.
- self.polymorphic_identity = polymorphic_identity
- # a dictionary of 'polymorphic identity' names, associating those
- # names with Mappers that will be used to construct object instances
- # upon a select operation.
- if _polymorphic_map is None:
- self.polymorphic_map = {}
- else:
- self.polymorphic_map = _polymorphic_map
- if include_properties is not None:
- self.include_properties = util.to_set(include_properties)
- else:
- self.include_properties = None
- if exclude_properties:
- self.exclude_properties = util.to_set(exclude_properties)
- else:
- self.exclude_properties = None
- self.configured = False
- # prevent this mapper from being constructed
- # while a configure_mappers() is occurring (and defer a configure_mappers()
- # until construction succeeds)
- _COMPILE_MUTEX.acquire()
- try:
- self._configure_inheritance()
- self._configure_legacy_instrument_class()
- self._configure_class_instrumentation()
- self._configure_listeners()
- self._configure_properties()
- self._configure_polymorphic_setter()
- self._configure_pks()
- global _new_mappers
- _new_mappers = True
- self._log("constructed")
- self._expire_memoizations()
- finally:
- _COMPILE_MUTEX.release()
- # major attributes initialized at the classlevel so that
- # they can be Sphinx-documented.
- local_table = None
- """The :class:`.Selectable` which this :class:`.Mapper` manages.
- Typically is an instance of :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Alias`.
- May also be ``None``.
- The "local" table is the
- selectable that the :class:`.Mapper` is directly responsible for
- managing from an attribute access and flush perspective. For
- non-inheriting mappers, the local table is the same as the
- "mapped" table. For joined-table inheritance mappers, local_table
- will be the particular sub-table of the overall "join" which
- this :class:`.Mapper` represents. If this mapper is a
- single-table inheriting mapper, local_table will be ``None``.
- See also :attr:`~.Mapper.mapped_table`.
- """
- mapped_table = None
- """The :class:`.Selectable` to which this :class:`.Mapper` is mapped.
- Typically an instance of :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Join`, or
- :class:`.Alias`.
- The "mapped" table is the selectable that
- the mapper selects from during queries. For non-inheriting
- mappers, the mapped table is the same as the "local" table.
- For joined-table inheritance mappers, mapped_table references the
- full :class:`.Join` representing full rows for this particular
- subclass. For single-table inheritance mappers, mapped_table
- references the base table.
- See also :attr:`~.Mapper.local_table`.
- """
- inherits = None
- """References the :class:`.Mapper` which this :class:`.Mapper`
- inherits from, if any.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- configured = None
- """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` has been configured.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- See also :func:`.configure_mappers`.
- """
- concrete = None
- """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a concrete
- inheritance mapper.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- tables = None
- """An iterable containing the collection of :class:`.Table` objects
- which this :class:`.Mapper` is aware of.
- If the mapper is mapped to a :class:`.Join`, or an :class:`.Alias`
- representing a :class:`.Select`, the individual :class:`.Table`
- objects that comprise the full construct will be represented here.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- primary_key = None
- """An iterable containing the collection of :class:`.Column` objects
- which comprise the 'primary key' of the mapped table, from the
- perspective of this :class:`.Mapper`.
- This list is against the selectable in :attr:`~.Mapper.mapped_table`. In the
- case of inheriting mappers, some columns may be managed by a superclass
- mapper. For example, in the case of a :class:`.Join`, the primary
- key is determined by all of the primary key columns across all tables
- referenced by the :class:`.Join`.
- The list is also not necessarily the same as the primary key column
- collection associated with the underlying tables; the :class:`.Mapper`
- features a ``primary_key`` argument that can override what the
- :class:`.Mapper` considers as primary key columns.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- class_ = None
- """The Python class which this :class:`.Mapper` maps.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- class_manager = None
- """The :class:`.ClassManager` which maintains event listeners
- and class-bound descriptors for this :class:`.Mapper`.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- single = None
- """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a single table
- inheritance mapper.
- :attr:`~.Mapper.local_table` will be ``None`` if this flag is set.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- non_primary = None
- """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a "non-primary"
- mapper, e.g. a mapper that is used only to selet rows but not for
- persistence management.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- polymorphic_on = None
- """The :class:`.Column` specified as the ``polymorphic_on`` column
- for this :class:`.Mapper`, within an inheritance scenario.
- This attribute may also be of other types besides :class:`.Column`
- in a future SQLAlchemy release.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- polymorphic_map = None
- """A mapping of "polymorphic identity" identifiers mapped to :class:`.Mapper`
- instances, within an inheritance scenario.
- The identifiers can be of any type which is comparable to the
- type of column represented by :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on`.
- An inheritance chain of mappers will all reference the same
- polymorphic map object. The object is used to correlate incoming
- result rows to target mappers.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- polymorphic_identity = None
- """Represent an identifier which is matched against the :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on`
- column during result row loading.
- Used only with inheritance, this object can be of any type which is
- comparable to the type of column represented by :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on`.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- base_mapper = None
- """The base-most :class:`.Mapper` in an inheritance chain.
- In a non-inheriting scenario, this attribute will always be this
- :class:`.Mapper`. In an inheritance scenario, it references
- the :class:`.Mapper` which is parent to all other :class:`.Mapper`
- objects in the inheritance chain.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- columns = None
- """A collection of :class:`.Column` or other scalar expression
- objects maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`.
- The collection behaves the same as that of the ``c`` attribute on
- any :class:`.Table` object, except that only those columns included in
- this mapping are present, and are keyed based on the attribute name
- defined in the mapping, not necessarily the ``key`` attribute of the
- :class:`.Column` itself. Additionally, scalar expressions mapped
- by :func:`.column_property` are also present here.
- This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction.
- Behavior is undefined if directly modified.
- """
- c = None
- """A synonym for :attr:`~.Mapper.columns`."""
- dispatch = event.dispatcher(events.MapperEvents)
- def _configure_inheritance(self):
- """Configure settings related to inherting and/or inherited mappers
- being present."""
- # a set of all mappers which inherit from this one.
- self._inheriting_mappers = set()
- if self.inherits:
- if isinstance(self.inherits, type):
- self.inherits = class_mapper(self.inherits, compile=False)
- if not issubclass(self.class_, self.inherits.class_):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Class '%s' does not inherit from '%s'" %
- (self.class_.__name__, self.inherits.class_.__name__))
- if self.non_primary != self.inherits.non_primary:
- np = not self.non_primary and "primary" or "non-primary"
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Inheritance of %s mapper for class '%s' is "
- "only allowed from a %s mapper" %
- (np, self.class_.__name__, np))
- # inherit_condition is optional.
- if self.local_table is None:
- self.local_table = self.inherits.local_table
- self.mapped_table = self.inherits.mapped_table
- self.single = True
- elif not self.local_table is self.inherits.local_table:
- if self.concrete:
- self.mapped_table = self.local_table
- for mapper in self.iterate_to_root():
- if mapper.polymorphic_on is not None:
- mapper._requires_row_aliasing = True
- else:
- if self.inherit_condition is None:
- # figure out inherit condition from our table to the
- # immediate table of the inherited mapper, not its
- # full table which could pull in other stuff we dont
- # want (allows test/inheritance.InheritTest4 to pass)
- self.inherit_condition = sqlutil.join_condition(
- self.inherits.local_table,
- self.local_table)
- self.mapped_table = sql.join(
- self.inherits.mapped_table,
- self.local_table,
- self.inherit_condition)
- fks = util.to_set(self.inherit_foreign_keys)
- self._inherits_equated_pairs = sqlutil.criterion_as_pairs(
- self.mapped_table.onclause,
- consider_as_foreign_keys=fks)
- else:
- self.mapped_table = self.local_table
- if self.polymorphic_identity is not None and not self.concrete:
- self._identity_class = self.inherits._identity_class
- else:
- self._identity_class = self.class_
- if self.version_id_col is None:
- self.version_id_col = self.inherits.version_id_col
- self.version_id_generator = self.inherits.version_id_generator
- elif self.inherits.version_id_col is not None and \
- self.version_id_col is not self.inherits.version_id_col:
- util.warn(
- "Inheriting version_id_col '%s' does not match inherited "
- "version_id_col '%s' and will not automatically populate "
- "the inherited versioning column. "
- "version_id_col should only be specified on "
- "the base-most mapper that includes versioning." %
- (self.version_id_col.description,
- self.inherits.version_id_col.description)
- )
- if self.order_by is False and \
- not self.concrete and \
- self.inherits.order_by is not False:
- self.order_by = self.inherits.order_by
- self.polymorphic_map = self.inherits.polymorphic_map
- self.batch = self.inherits.batch
- self.inherits._inheriting_mappers.add(self)
- self.base_mapper = self.inherits.base_mapper
- self.passive_updates = self.inherits.passive_updates
- self._all_tables = self.inherits._all_tables
- if self.polymorphic_identity is not None:
- self.polymorphic_map[self.polymorphic_identity] = self
- if self.polymorphic_on is None:
- for mapper in self.iterate_to_root():
- # try to set up polymorphic on using
- # correesponding_column(); else leave
- # as None
- if mapper.polymorphic_on is not None:
- self.polymorphic_on = \
- self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(
- mapper.polymorphic_on)
- break
- else:
- self._all_tables = set()
- self.base_mapper = self
- self.mapped_table = self.local_table
- if self.polymorphic_identity is not None:
- self.polymorphic_map[self.polymorphic_identity] = self
- self._identity_class = self.class_
- if self.mapped_table is None:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Mapper '%s' does not have a mapped_table specified."
- % self)
- def _configure_legacy_instrument_class(self):
- if self.inherits:
- self.dispatch._update(self.inherits.dispatch)
- super_extensions = set(chain(*[m._deprecated_extensions
- for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root()]))
- else:
- super_extensions = set()
- for ext in self._deprecated_extensions:
- if ext not in super_extensions:
- ext._adapt_instrument_class(self, ext)
- def _configure_listeners(self):
- if self.inherits:
- super_extensions = set(chain(*[m._deprecated_extensions
- for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root()]))
- else:
- super_extensions = set()
- for ext in self._deprecated_extensions:
- if ext not in super_extensions:
- ext._adapt_listener(self, ext)
- if self.inherits:
- self.class_manager.dispatch._update(
- self.inherits.class_manager.dispatch)
- def _configure_class_instrumentation(self):
- """If this mapper is to be a primary mapper (i.e. the
- non_primary flag is not set), associate this Mapper with the
- given class_ and entity name.
- Subsequent calls to ``class_mapper()`` for the class_/entity
- name combination will return this mapper. Also decorate the
- `__init__` method on the mapped class to include optional
- auto-session attachment logic.
- """
- manager = attributes.manager_of_class(self.class_)
- if self.non_primary:
- if not manager or not manager.is_mapped:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Class %s has no primary mapper configured. Configure "
- "a primary mapper first before setting up a non primary "
- "Mapper." % self.class_)
- self.class_manager = manager
- self._identity_class = manager.mapper._identity_class
- _mapper_registry[self] = True
- return
- if manager is not None:
- assert manager.class_ is self.class_
- if manager.is_mapped:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Class '%s' already has a primary mapper defined. "
- "Use non_primary=True to "
- "create a non primary Mapper. clear_mappers() will "
- "remove *all* current mappers from all classes." %
- self.class_)
- #else:
- # a ClassManager may already exist as
- # ClassManager.instrument_attribute() creates
- # new managers for each subclass if they don't yet exist.
- _mapper_registry[self] = True
- self.dispatch.instrument_class(self, self.class_)
- if manager is None:
- manager = instrumentation.register_class(self.class_,
- deferred_scalar_loader = _load_scalar_attributes
- )
- self.class_manager = manager
- manager.mapper = self
- # The remaining members can be added by any mapper,
- # e_name None or not.
- if manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR, False):
- return
- event.listen(manager, 'first_init', _event_on_first_init, raw=True)
- event.listen(manager, 'init', _event_on_init, raw=True)
- event.listen(manager, 'resurrect', _event_on_resurrect, raw=True)
- for key, method in util.iterate_attributes(self.class_):
- if isinstance(method, types.FunctionType):
- if hasattr(method, '__sa_reconstructor__'):
- self._reconstructor = method
- event.listen(manager, 'load', _event_on_load, raw=True)
- elif hasattr(method, '__sa_validators__'):
- for name in method.__sa_validators__:
- self._validators[name] = method
- manager.info[_INSTRUMENTOR] = self
- @util.deprecated("0.7", message=":meth:`.Mapper.compile` "
- "is replaced by :func:`.configure_mappers`")
- def compile(self):
- """Initialize the inter-mapper relationships of all mappers that
- have been constructed thus far.
- """
- configure_mappers()
- return self
- @property
- @util.deprecated("0.7", message=":attr:`.Mapper.compiled` "
- "is replaced by :attr:`.Mapper.configured`")
- def compiled(self):
- return self.configured
- def dispose(self):
- # Disable any attribute-based compilation.
- self.configured = True
- if hasattr(self, '_configure_failed'):
- del self._configure_failed
- if not self.non_primary and \
- self.class_manager.is_mapped and \
- self.class_manager.mapper is self:
- instrumentation.unregister_class(self.class_)
- def _configure_pks(self):
- self.tables = sqlutil.find_tables(self.mapped_table)
- self._pks_by_table = {}
- self._cols_by_table = {}
- all_cols = util.column_set(chain(*[
- col.proxy_set for col in
- self._columntoproperty]))
- pk_cols = util.column_set(c for c in all_cols if c.primary_key)
- # identify primary key columns which are also mapped by this mapper.
- tables = set(self.tables + [self.mapped_table])
- self._all_tables.update(tables)
- for t in tables:
- if t.primary_key and pk_cols.issuperset(t.primary_key):
- # ordering is important since it determines the ordering of
- # mapper.primary_key (and therefore query.get())
- self._pks_by_table[t] =\
- util.ordered_column_set(t.primary_key).\
- intersection(pk_cols)
- self._cols_by_table[t] = \
- util.ordered_column_set(t.c).\
- intersection(all_cols)
- # determine cols that aren't expressed within our tables; mark these
- # as "read only" properties which are refreshed upon INSERT/UPDATE
- self._readonly_props = set(
- self._columntoproperty[col]
- for col in self._columntoproperty
- if not hasattr(col, 'table') or
- col.table not in self._cols_by_table)
- # if explicit PK argument sent, add those columns to the
- # primary key mappings
- if self._primary_key_argument:
- for k in self._primary_key_argument:
- if k.table not in self._pks_by_table:
- self._pks_by_table[k.table] = util.OrderedSet()
- self._pks_by_table[k.table].add(k)
- # otherwise, see that we got a full PK for the mapped table
- elif self.mapped_table not in self._pks_by_table or \
- len(self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]) == 0:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Mapper %s could not assemble any primary "
- "key columns for mapped table '%s'" %
- (self, self.mapped_table.description))
- elif self.local_table not in self._pks_by_table and \
- isinstance(self.local_table, schema.Table):
- util.warn("Could not assemble any primary "
- "keys for locally mapped table '%s' - "
- "no rows will be persisted in this Table."
- % self.local_table.description)
- if self.inherits and \
- not self.concrete and \
- not self._primary_key_argument:
- # if inheriting, the "primary key" for this mapper is
- # that of the inheriting (unless concrete or explicit)
- self.primary_key = self.inherits.primary_key
- else:
- # determine primary key from argument or mapped_table pks -
- # reduce to the minimal set of columns
- if self._primary_key_argument:
- primary_key = sqlutil.reduce_columns(
- [self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c) for c in
- self._primary_key_argument],
- ignore_nonexistent_tables=True)
- else:
- primary_key = sqlutil.reduce_columns(
- self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table],
- ignore_nonexistent_tables=True)
- if len(primary_key) == 0:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Mapper %s could not assemble any primary "
- "key columns for mapped table '%s'" %
- (self, self.mapped_table.description))
- self.primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
- self._log("Identified primary key columns: %s", primary_key)
- def _configure_properties(self):
- # Column and other ClauseElement objects which are mapped
- self.columns = self.c = util.OrderedProperties()
- # object attribute names mapped to MapperProperty objects
- self._props = util.OrderedDict()
- # table columns mapped to lists of MapperProperty objects
- # using a list allows a single column to be defined as
- # populating multiple object attributes
- self._columntoproperty = _ColumnMapping(self)
- # load custom properties
- if self._init_properties:
- for key, prop in self._init_properties.iteritems():
- self._configure_property(key, prop, False)
- # pull properties from the inherited mapper if any.
- if self.inherits:
- for key, prop in self.inherits._props.iteritems():
- if key not in self._props and \
- not self._should_exclude(key, key, local=False, column=None):
- self._adapt_inherited_property(key, prop, False)
- # create properties for each column in the mapped table,
- # for those columns which don't already map to a property
- for column in self.mapped_table.columns:
- if column in self._columntoproperty:
- continue
- column_key = (self.column_prefix or '') + column.key
- if self._should_exclude(
- column.key, column_key,
- local=self.local_table.c.contains_column(column),
- column=column
- ):
- continue
- # adjust the "key" used for this column to that
- # of the inheriting mapper
- for mapper in self.iterate_to_root():
- if column in mapper._columntoproperty:
- column_key = mapper._columntoproperty[column].key
- self._configure_property(column_key,
- column,
- init=False,
- setparent=True)
- def _configure_polymorphic_setter(self):
- """Configure an attribute on the mapper representing the
- 'polymorphic_on' column, if applicable, and not
- already generated by _configure_properties (which is typical).
- Also create a setter function which will assign this
- attribute to the value of the 'polymorphic_identity'
- upon instance construction, also if applicable. This
- routine will run when an instance is created.
- """
- # do a special check for the "discriminiator" column, as it
- # may only be present in the 'with_polymorphic' selectable
- # but we need it for the base mapper
- setter = False
- if self.polymorphic_on is not None:
- setter = True
- if self.polymorphic_on not in self._columntoproperty:
- col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(self.polymorphic_on)
- if col is None:
- setter = False
- instrument = False
- col = self.polymorphic_on
- if self.with_polymorphic is None \
- or self.with_polymorphic[1].corresponding_column(col) \
- is None:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Could not map polymorphic_on column "
- "'%s' to the mapped table - polymorphic "
- "loads will not function properly"
- % col.description)
- else:
- instrument = True
- if self._should_exclude(col.key, col.key, False, col):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Cannot exclude or override the discriminator column %r" %
- col.key)
- self._configure_property(
- col.key,
- properties.ColumnProperty(col, _instrument=instrument),
- init=False, setparent=True)
- polymorphic_key = col.key
- else:
- polymorphic_key = self._columntoproperty[self.polymorphic_on].key
- if setter:
- def _set_polymorphic_identity(state):
- dict_ = state.dict
- state.get_impl(polymorphic_key).set(state, dict_,
- self.polymorphic_identity, None)
- self._set_polymorphic_identity = _set_polymorphic_identity
- else:
- self._set_polymorphic_identity = None
- def _adapt_inherited_property(self, key, prop, init):
- if not self.concrete:
- self._configure_property(key, prop, init=False, setparent=False)
- elif key not in self._props:
- self._configure_property(
- key,
- properties.ConcreteInheritedProperty(),
- init=init, setparent=True)
- def _configure_property(self, key, prop, init=True, setparent=True):
- self._log("_configure_property(%s, %s)", key, prop.__class__.__name__)
- if not isinstance(prop, MapperProperty):
- # we were passed a Column or a list of Columns;
- # generate a properties.ColumnProperty
- columns = util.to_list(prop)
- column = columns[0]
- if not expression.is_column(column):
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "%s=%r is not an instance of MapperProperty or Column"
- % (key, prop))
- prop = self._props.get(key, None)
- if isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty):
- if prop.parent is self:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Implicitly combining column %s with column "
- "%s under attribute '%s'. Please configure one "
- "or more attributes for these same-named columns "
- "explicitly."
- % (prop.columns[-1], column, key))
- # existing properties.ColumnProperty from an inheriting
- # mapper. make a copy and append our column to it
- prop = prop.copy()
- prop.columns.insert(0, column)
- self._log("inserting column to existing list "
- "in properties.ColumnProperty %s" % (key))
- elif prop is None or isinstance(prop, properties.ConcreteInheritedProperty):
- mapped_column = []
- for c in columns:
- mc = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c)
- if mc is None:
- mc = self.local_table.corresponding_column(c)
- if mc is not None:
- # if the column is in the local table but not the
- # mapped table, this corresponds to adding a
- # column after the fact to the local table.
- # [ticket:1523]
- self.mapped_table._reset_exported()
- mc = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c)
- if mc is None:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "When configuring property '%s' on %s, "
- "column '%s' is not represented in the mapper's "
- "table. Use the `column_property()` function to "
- "force this column to be mapped as a read-only "
- "attribute." % (key, self, c))
- mapped_column.append(mc)
- prop = properties.ColumnProperty(*mapped_column)
- else:
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "WARNING: when configuring property '%s' on %s, "
- "column '%s' conflicts with property '%r'. "
- "To resolve this, map the column to the class under a "
- "different name in the 'properties' dictionary. Or, "
- "to remove all awareness of the column entirely "
- "(including its availability as a foreign key), "
- "use the 'include_properties' or 'exclude_properties' "
- "mapper arguments to control specifically which table "
- "columns get mapped." %
- (key, self, column.key, prop))
- if isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty):
- col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(prop.columns[0])
- # if the column is not present in the mapped table,
- # test if a column has been added after the fact to the
- # parent table (or their parent, etc.) [ticket:1570]
- if col is None and self.inherits:
- path = [self]
- for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root():
- col = m.local_table.corresponding_column(prop.columns[0])
- if col is not None:
- for m2 in path:
- m2.mapped_table._reset_exported()
- col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(
- prop.columns[0])
- break
- path.append(m)
- # subquery expression, column not present in the mapped
- # selectable.
- if col is None:
- col = prop.columns[0]
- # column is coming in after _readonly_props was
- # initialized; check for 'readonly'
- if hasattr(self, '_readonly_props') and \
- (not hasattr(col, 'table') or
- col.table not in self._cols_by_table):
- self._readonly_props.add(prop)
- else:
- # if column is coming in after _cols_by_table was
- # initialized, ensure the col is in the right set
- if hasattr(self, '_cols_by_table') and \
- col.table in self._cols_by_table and \
- col not in self._cols_by_table[col.table]:
- self._cols_by_table[col.table].add(col)
- # if this properties.ColumnProperty represents the "polymorphic
- # discriminator" column, mark it. We'll need this when rendering
- # columns in SELECT statements.
- if not hasattr(prop, '_is_polymorphic_discriminator'):
- prop._is_polymorphic_discriminator = \
- (col is self.polymorphic_on or
- prop.columns[0] is self.polymorphic_on)
- self.columns[key] = col
- for col in prop.columns:
- for col in col.proxy_set:
- self._columntoproperty[col] = prop
- prop.key = key
- if setparent:
- prop.set_parent(self, init)
- if key in self._props and \
- getattr(self._props[key], '_mapped_by_synonym', False):
- syn = self._props[key]._mapped_by_synonym
- raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
- "Can't call map_column=True for synonym %r=%r, "
- "a ColumnProperty already exists keyed to the name "
- "%r for column %r" % (syn, key, key, syn)
- )
- self._props[key] = prop
- if not self.non_primary:
- prop.instrument_class(self)
- for mapper in self._inheriting_mappers:
- mapper._adapt_inherited_property(key, prop, init)
- if init:
- prop.init()
- prop.post_instrument_class(self)
- def _post_configure_properties(self):
- """Call the ``init()`` method on all ``MapperProperties``
- attached to this mapper.
- This is a deferred configuration step which is intended
- to execute once all mappers have been constructed.
- """
- self._log("_post_configure_properties() started")
- l = [(key, prop) for key, prop in self._props.iteritems()]
- for key, prop in l:
- self._log("initialize prop %s", key)
- if prop.parent is self and not prop._compile_started:
- prop.init()
- if prop._compile_finished:
- prop.post_instrument_class(self)
- self._log("_post_configure_properties() complete")
- self.configured = True
- def add_properties(self, dict_of_properties):
- """Add the given dictionary of properties to this mapper,
- using `add_property`.
- """
- for key, value in dict_of_properties.iteritems():
- self.add_property(key, value)
- def add_property(self, key, prop):
- """Add an individual MapperProperty to this mapper.
- If the mapper has not been configured yet, just adds the
- property to the initial properties dictionary sent to the
- constructor. If this Mapper has already been configured, then
- the given MapperProperty is configured immediately.
- """
- self._init_properties[key] = prop
- self._configure_property(key, prop, init=self.configured)
- self._expire_memoizations()
- def _expire_memoizations(self):
- for mapper in self.iterate_to_root():
- _memoized_configured_property.expire_instance(mapper)
- @property
- def _log_desc(self):
- return "(" + self.class_.__name__ + \
- "|" + \
- (self.local_table is not None and
- self.local_table.description or
- str(self.local_table)) +\
- (self.non_primary and
- "|non-primary" or "") + ")"
- def _log(self, msg, *args):
- self.logger.info(
- "%s " + msg, *((self._log_desc,) + args)
- )
- def _log_debug(self, msg, *args):
- self.logger.debug(
- "%s " + msg, *((self._log_desc,) + args)
- )
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<Mapper at 0x%x; %s>' % (
- id(self), self.class_.__name__)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Mapper|%s|%s%s" % (
- self.class_.__name__,
- self.local_table is not None and
- self.local_table.description or None,
- self.non_primary and "|non-primary" or ""
- )
- def _is_orphan(self, state):
- o = False
- for mapper in self.iterate_to_root():
- for (key, cls) in mapper.delete_orphans:
- if attributes.manager_of_class(cls).has_parent(
- state, key, optimistic=bool(state.key)):
- return False
- o = o or bool(mapper.delete_orphans)
- return o
- def has_property(self, key):
- return key in self._props
- def get_property(self, key, _compile_mappers=True):
- """return a MapperProperty associated with the given key.
- """
- if _compile_mappers and _new_mappers:
- configure_mappers()
- try:
- return self._props[key]
- except KeyError:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "Mapper '%s' has no property '%s'" % (self, key))
- @util.deprecated('0.6.4',
- 'Call to deprecated function mapper._get_col_to_pr'
- 'op(). Use mapper.get_property_by_column()')
- def _get_col_to_prop(self, col):
- return self._columntoproperty[col]
- def get_property_by_column(self, column):
- """Given a :class:`.Column` object, return the
- :class:`.MapperProperty` which maps this column."""
- return self._columntoproperty[column]
- @property
- def iterate_properties(self):
- """return an iterator of all MapperProperty objects."""
- if _new_mappers:
- configure_mappers()
- return self._props.itervalues()
- def _mappers_from_spec(self, spec, selectable):
- """given a with_polymorphic() argument, return the set of mappers it
- represents.
- Trims the list of mappers to just those represented within the given
- selectable, if present. This helps some more legacy-ish mappings.
- """
- if spec == '*':
- mappers = list(self.self_and_descendants)
- elif spec:
- mappers = [_class_to_mapper(m) for m in util.to_list(spec)]
- for m in mappers:
- if not m.isa(self):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "%r does not inherit from %r" %
- (m, self))
- else:
- mappers = []
- if selectable is not None:
- tables = set(sqlutil.find_tables(selectable,
- include_aliases=True))
- mappers = [m for m in mappers if m.local_table in tables]
- return mappers
- def _selectable_from_mappers(self, mappers):
- """given a list of mappers (assumed to be within this mapper's
- inheritance hierarchy), construct an outerjoin amongst those mapper's
- mapped tables.
- """
- from_obj = self.mapped_table
- for m in mappers:
- if m is self:
- continue
- if m.concrete:
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "'with_polymorphic()' requires 'selectable' argument "
- "when concrete-inheriting mappers are used.")
- elif not m.single:
- from_obj = from_obj.outerjoin(m.local_table,
- m.inherit_condition)
- return from_obj
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _single_table_criterion(self):
- if self.single and \
- self.inherits and \
- self.polymorphic_on is not None:
- return self.polymorphic_on.in_(
- m.polymorphic_identity
- for m in self.self_and_descendants)
- else:
- return None
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _with_polymorphic_mappers(self):
- if not self.with_polymorphic:
- return [self]
- return self._mappers_from_spec(*self.with_polymorphic)
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _with_polymorphic_selectable(self):
- if not self.with_polymorphic:
- return self.mapped_table
- spec, selectable = self.with_polymorphic
- if selectable is not None:
- return selectable
- else:
- return self._selectable_from_mappers(
- self._mappers_from_spec(spec, selectable))
- def _with_polymorphic_args(self, spec=None, selectable=False):
- if self.with_polymorphic:
- if not spec:
- spec = self.with_polymorphic[0]
- if selectable is False:
- selectable = self.with_polymorphic[1]
- mappers = self._mappers_from_spec(spec, selectable)
- if selectable is not None:
- return mappers, selectable
- else:
- return mappers, self._selectable_from_mappers(mappers)
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _polymorphic_properties(self):
- return tuple(self._iterate_polymorphic_properties(
- self._with_polymorphic_mappers))
- def _iterate_polymorphic_properties(self, mappers=None):
- """Return an iterator of MapperProperty objects which will render into
- a SELECT."""
- if mappers is None:
- mappers = self._with_polymorphic_mappers
- if not mappers:
- for c in self.iterate_properties:
- yield c
- else:
- # in the polymorphic case, filter out discriminator columns
- # from other mappers, as these are sometimes dependent on that
- # mapper's polymorphic selectable (which we don't want rendered)
- for c in util.unique_list(
- chain(*[list(mapper.iterate_properties) for mapper in [self] +
- mappers])
- ):
- if getattr(c, '_is_polymorphic_discriminator', False) and \
- (self.polymorphic_on is None or
- c.columns[0] is not self.polymorphic_on):
- continue
- yield c
- @property
- def properties(self):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Public collection of MapperProperty objects is "
- "provided by the get_property() and iterate_properties "
- "accessors.")
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _get_clause(self):
- """create a "get clause" based on the primary key. this is used
- by query.get() and many-to-one lazyloads to load this item
- by primary key.
- """
- params = [(primary_key, sql.bindparam(None, type_=primary_key.type))
- for primary_key in self.primary_key]
- return sql.and_(*[k==v for (k, v) in params]), \
- util.column_dict(params)
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _equivalent_columns(self):
- """Create a map of all *equivalent* columns, based on
- the determination of column pairs that are equated to
- one another based on inherit condition. This is designed
- to work with the queries that util.polymorphic_union
- comes up with, which often don't include the columns from
- the base table directly (including the subclass table columns
- only).
- The resulting structure is a dictionary of columns mapped
- to lists of equivalent columns, i.e.
- {
- tablea.col1:
- set([tableb.col1, tablec.col1]),
- tablea.col2:
- set([tabled.col2])
- }
- """
- result = util.column_dict()
- def visit_binary(binary):
- if binary.operator == operators.eq:
- if binary.left in result:
- result[binary.left].add(binary.right)
- else:
- result[binary.left] = util.column_set((binary.right,))
- if binary.right in result:
- result[binary.right].add(binary.left)
- else:
- result[binary.right] = util.column_set((binary.left,))
- for mapper in self.base_mapper.self_and_descendants:
- if mapper.inherit_condition is not None:
- visitors.traverse(
- mapper.inherit_condition, {},
- {'binary':visit_binary})
- return result
- def _is_userland_descriptor(self, obj):
- return not isinstance(obj,
- (MapperProperty, attributes.QueryableAttribute)) and \
- hasattr(obj, '__get__') and not \
- isinstance(obj.__get__(None, obj),
- attributes.QueryableAttribute)
- def _should_exclude(self, name, assigned_name, local, column):
- """determine whether a particular property should be implicitly
- present on the class.
- This occurs when properties are propagated from an inherited class, or
- are applied from the columns present in the mapped table.
- """
- # check for descriptors, either local or from
- # an inherited class
- if local:
- if self.class_.__dict__.get(assigned_name, None) is not None \
- and self._is_userland_descriptor(
- self.class_.__dict__[assigned_name]):
- return True
- else:
- if getattr(self.class_, assigned_name, None) is not None \
- and self._is_userland_descriptor(
- getattr(self.class_, assigned_name)):
- return True
- if self.include_properties is not None and \
- name not in self.include_properties and \
- (column is None or column not in self.include_properties):
- self._log("not including property %s" % (name))
- return True
- if self.exclude_properties is not None and \
- (
- name in self.exclude_properties or \
- (column is not None and column in self.exclude_properties)
- ):
- self._log("excluding property %s" % (name))
- return True
- return False
- def common_parent(self, other):
- """Return true if the given mapper shares a common inherited parent as
- this mapper."""
- return self.base_mapper is other.base_mapper
- def _canload(self, state, allow_subtypes):
- s = self.primary_mapper()
- if self.polymorphic_on is not None or allow_subtypes:
- return _state_mapper(state).isa(s)
- else:
- return _state_mapper(state) is s
- def isa(self, other):
- """Return True if the this mapper inherits from the given mapper."""
- m = self
- while m and m is not other:
- m = m.inherits
- return bool(m)
- def iterate_to_root(self):
- m = self
- while m:
- yield m
- m = m.inherits
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def self_and_descendants(self):
- """The collection including this mapper and all descendant mappers.
- This includes not just the immediately inheriting mappers but
- all their inheriting mappers as well.
- """
- descendants = []
- stack = deque([self])
- while stack:
- item = stack.popleft()
- descendants.append(item)
- stack.extend(item._inheriting_mappers)
- return tuple(descendants)
- def polymorphic_iterator(self):
- """Iterate through the collection including this mapper and
- all descendant mappers.
- This includes not just the immediately inheriting mappers but
- all their inheriting mappers as well.
- To iterate through an entire hierarchy, use
- ``mapper.base_mapper.polymorphic_iterator()``.
- """
- return iter(self.self_and_descendants)
- def primary_mapper(self):
- """Return the primary mapper corresponding to this mapper's class key
- (class)."""
- return self.class_manager.mapper
- @property
- def primary_base_mapper(self):
- return self.class_manager.mapper.base_mapper
- def identity_key_from_row(self, row, adapter=None):
- """Return an identity-map key for use in storing/retrieving an
- item from the identity map.
- row
- A ``sqlalchemy.engine.base.RowProxy`` instance or a
- dictionary corresponding result-set ``ColumnElement``
- instances to their values within a row.
- """
- pk_cols = self.primary_key
- if adapter:
- pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols]
- return self._identity_class, \
- tuple(row[column] for column in pk_cols)
- def identity_key_from_primary_key(self, primary_key):
- """Return an identity-map key for use in storing/retrieving an
- item from an identity map.
- primary_key
- A list of values indicating the identifier.
- """
- return self._identity_class, tuple(primary_key)
- def identity_key_from_instance(self, instance):
- """Return the identity key for the given instance, based on
- its primary key attributes.
- This value is typically also found on the instance state under the
- attribute name `key`.
- """
- return self.identity_key_from_primary_key(
- self.primary_key_from_instance(instance))
- def _identity_key_from_state(self, state):
- dict_ = state.dict
- manager = state.manager
- return self._identity_class, tuple([
- manager[self._columntoproperty[col].key].\
- impl.get(state, dict_, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF)
- for col in self.primary_key
- ])
- def primary_key_from_instance(self, instance):
- """Return the list of primary key values for the given
- instance.
- """
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- return self._primary_key_from_state(state)
- def _primary_key_from_state(self, state):
- dict_ = state.dict
- manager = state.manager
- return [
- manager[self._columntoproperty[col].key].\
- impl.get(state, dict_, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF)
- for col in self.primary_key
- ]
- def _get_state_attr_by_column(self, state, dict_, column,
- passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF):
- prop = self._columntoproperty[column]
- return state.manager[prop.key].impl.get(state, dict_, passive=passive)
- def _set_state_attr_by_column(self, state, dict_, column, value):
- prop = self._columntoproperty[column]
- state.manager[prop.key].impl.set(state, dict_, value, None)
- def _get_committed_attr_by_column(self, obj, column):
- state = attributes.instance_state(obj)
- dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(obj)
- return self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(state, dict_, column)
- def _get_committed_state_attr_by_column(self, state, dict_,
- column, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF):
- prop = self._columntoproperty[column]
- return state.manager[prop.key].impl.\
- get_committed_value(state, dict_, passive=passive)
- def _optimized_get_statement(self, state, attribute_names):
- """assemble a WHERE clause which retrieves a given state by primary
- key, using a minimized set of tables.
- Applies to a joined-table inheritance mapper where the
- requested attribute names are only present on joined tables,
- not the base table. The WHERE clause attempts to include
- only those tables to minimize joins.
- """
- props = self._props
- tables = set(chain(
- *[sqlutil.find_tables(c, check_columns=True)
- for key in attribute_names
- for c in props[key].columns]
- ))
- if self.base_mapper.local_table in tables:
- return None
- class ColumnsNotAvailable(Exception):
- pass
- def visit_binary(binary):
- leftcol = binary.left
- rightcol = binary.right
- if leftcol is None or rightcol is None:
- return
- if leftcol.table not in tables:
- leftval = self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state.dict,
- leftcol,
- passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE)
- if leftval is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT or leftval is None:
- raise ColumnsNotAvailable()
- binary.left = sql.bindparam(None, leftval,
- type_=binary.right.type)
- elif rightcol.table not in tables:
- rightval = self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state.dict,
- rightcol,
- passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE)
- if rightval is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT or rightval is None:
- raise ColumnsNotAvailable()
- binary.right = sql.bindparam(None, rightval,
- type_=binary.right.type)
- allconds = []
- try:
- start = False
- for mapper in reversed(list(self.iterate_to_root())):
- if mapper.local_table in tables:
- start = True
- if start and not mapper.single:
- allconds.append(visitors.cloned_traverse(
- mapper.inherit_condition,
- {},
- {'binary':visit_binary}
- )
- )
- except ColumnsNotAvailable:
- return None
- cond = sql.and_(*allconds)
- cols = []
- for key in attribute_names:
- cols.extend(props[key].columns)
- return sql.select(cols, cond, use_labels=True)
- def cascade_iterator(self, type_, state, halt_on=None):
- """Iterate each element and its mapper in an object graph,
- for all relationships that meet the given cascade rule.
- :param type_:
- The name of the cascade rule (i.e. save-update, delete,
- etc.)
- :param state:
- The lead InstanceState. child items will be processed per
- the relationships defined for this object's mapper.
- the return value are object instances; this provides a strong
- reference so that they don't fall out of scope immediately.
- """
- visited_states = set()
- prp, mpp = object(), object()
- visitables = deque([(deque(self._props.values()), prp,
- state, state.dict)])
- while visitables:
- iterator, item_type, parent_state, parent_dict = visitables[-1]
- if not iterator:
- visitables.pop()
- continue
- if item_type is prp:
- prop = iterator.popleft()
- if type_ not in prop.cascade:
- continue
- queue = deque(prop.cascade_iterator(type_, parent_state,
- parent_dict, visited_states, halt_on))
- if queue:
- visitables.append((queue,mpp, None, None))
- elif item_type is mpp:
- instance, instance_mapper, corresponding_state, \
- corresponding_dict = iterator.popleft()
- yield instance, instance_mapper, \
- corresponding_state, corresponding_dict
- visitables.append((deque(instance_mapper._props.values()),
- prp, corresponding_state,
- corresponding_dict))
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _compiled_cache(self):
- return util.LRUCache(self._compiled_cache_size)
- @_memoized_configured_property
- def _sorted_tables(self):
- table_to_mapper = {}
- for mapper in self.base_mapper.self_and_descendants:
- for t in mapper.tables:
- table_to_mapper[t] = mapper
- sorted_ = sqlutil.sort_tables(table_to_mapper.iterkeys())
- ret = util.OrderedDict()
- for t in sorted_:
- ret[t] = table_to_mapper[t]
- return ret
- def _per_mapper_flush_actions(self, uow):
- saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll(uow, self.base_mapper)
- deletes = unitofwork.DeleteAll(uow, self.base_mapper)
- uow.dependencies.add((saves, deletes))
- for dep in self._dependency_processors:
- dep.per_property_preprocessors(uow)
- for prop in self._props.values():
- prop.per_property_preprocessors(uow)
- def _per_state_flush_actions(self, uow, states, isdelete):
- base_mapper = self.base_mapper
- save_all = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll(uow, base_mapper)
- delete_all = unitofwork.DeleteAll(uow, base_mapper)
- for state in states:
- # keep saves before deletes -
- # this ensures 'row switch' operations work
- if isdelete:
- action = unitofwork.DeleteState(uow, state, base_mapper)
- uow.dependencies.add((save_all, action))
- else:
- action = unitofwork.SaveUpdateState(uow, state, base_mapper)
- uow.dependencies.add((action, delete_all))
- yield action
- def _memo(self, key, callable_):
- if key in self._memoized_values:
- return self._memoized_values[key]
- else:
- self._memoized_values[key] = value = callable_()
- return value
- def _post_update(self, states, uowtransaction, post_update_cols):
- """Issue UPDATE statements on behalf of a relationship() which
- specifies post_update.
- """
- cached_connections = util.PopulateDict(
- lambda conn:conn.execution_options(
- compiled_cache=self._compiled_cache
- ))
- # if session has a connection callable,
- # organize individual states with the connection
- # to use for update
- if uowtransaction.session.connection_callable:
- connection_callable = \
- uowtransaction.session.connection_callable
- else:
- connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(self)
- connection_callable = None
- tups = []
- for state in _sort_states(states):
- if connection_callable:
- conn = connection_callable(self, state.obj())
- else:
- conn = connection
- mapper = _state_mapper(state)
- tups.append((state, state.dict, mapper, conn))
- table_to_mapper = self._sorted_tables
- for table in table_to_mapper:
- update = []
- for state, state_dict, mapper, connection in tups:
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table]
- params = {}
- hasdata = False
- for col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]:
- if col in pks:
- params[col._label] = \
- mapper._get_state_attr_by_column(
- state,
- state_dict, col)
- elif col in post_update_cols:
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- history = attributes.get_state_history(
- state, prop.key,
- if history.added:
- value = history.added[0]
- params[col.key] = value
- hasdata = True
- if hasdata:
- update.append((state, state_dict, params, mapper,
- connection))
- if update:
- mapper = table_to_mapper[table]
- def update_stmt():
- clause = sql.and_()
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clause.clauses.append(col == sql.bindparam(col._label,
- type_=col.type))
- return table.update(clause)
- statement = self._memo(('post_update', table), update_stmt)
- # execute each UPDATE in the order according to the original
- # list of states to guarantee row access order, but
- # also group them into common (connection, cols) sets
- # to support executemany().
- for key, grouper in groupby(
- update, lambda rec: (rec[4], rec[2].keys())
- ):
- multiparams = [params for state, state_dict,
- params, mapper, conn in grouper]
- cached_connections[connection].\
- execute(statement, multiparams)
- def _save_obj(self, states, uowtransaction, single=False):
- """Issue ``INSERT`` and/or ``UPDATE`` statements for a list
- of objects.
- This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a
- flush operation, given a list of states to be flushed. The
- base mapper in an inheritance hierarchy handles the inserts/
- updates for all descendant mappers.
- """
- # if batch=false, call _save_obj separately for each object
- if not single and not self.batch:
- for state in _sort_states(states):
- self._save_obj([state],
- uowtransaction,
- single=True)
- return
- # if session has a connection callable,
- # organize individual states with the connection
- # to use for insert/update
- if uowtransaction.session.connection_callable:
- connection_callable = \
- uowtransaction.session.connection_callable
- else:
- connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(self)
- connection_callable = None
- tups = []
- for state in _sort_states(states):
- if connection_callable:
- conn = connection_callable(self, state.obj())
- else:
- conn = connection
- has_identity = bool(state.key)
- mapper = _state_mapper(state)
- instance_key = state.key or mapper._identity_key_from_state(state)
- row_switch = None
- # call before_XXX extensions
- if not has_identity:
- mapper.dispatch.before_insert(mapper, conn, state)
- else:
- mapper.dispatch.before_update(mapper, conn, state)
- # detect if we have a "pending" instance (i.e. has
- # no instance_key attached to it), and another instance
- # with the same identity key already exists as persistent.
- # convert to an UPDATE if so.
- if not has_identity and \
- instance_key in uowtransaction.session.identity_map:
- instance = \
- uowtransaction.session.identity_map[instance_key]
- existing = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- if not uowtransaction.is_deleted(existing):
- raise orm_exc.FlushError(
- "New instance %s with identity key %s conflicts "
- "with persistent instance %s" %
- (state_str(state), instance_key,
- state_str(existing)))
- self._log_debug(
- "detected row switch for identity %s. "
- "will update %s, remove %s from "
- "transaction", instance_key,
- state_str(state), state_str(existing))
- # remove the "delete" flag from the existing element
- uowtransaction.remove_state_actions(existing)
- row_switch = existing
- tups.append(
- (state, state.dict, mapper, conn,
- has_identity, instance_key, row_switch)
- )
- # dictionary of connection->connection_with_cache_options.
- cached_connections = util.PopulateDict(
- lambda conn:conn.execution_options(
- compiled_cache=self._compiled_cache
- ))
- table_to_mapper = self._sorted_tables
- for table in table_to_mapper:
- insert = []
- update = []
- for state, state_dict, mapper, connection, has_identity, \
- instance_key, row_switch in tups:
- if table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table]
- isinsert = not has_identity and not row_switch
- params = {}
- value_params = {}
- if isinsert:
- has_all_pks = True
- for col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]:
- if col is mapper.version_id_col:
- params[col.key] = \
- mapper.version_id_generator(None)
- else:
- # pull straight from the dict for
- # pending objects
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- value = state_dict.get(prop.key, None)
- if value is None:
- if col in pks:
- has_all_pks = False
- elif col.default is None and \
- col.server_default is None:
- params[col.key] = value
- elif isinstance(value, sql.ClauseElement):
- value_params[col] = value
- else:
- params[col.key] = value
- insert.append((state, state_dict, params, mapper,
- connection, value_params, has_all_pks))
- else:
- hasdata = False
- for col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]:
- if col is mapper.version_id_col:
- params[col._label] = \
- mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- row_switch or state,
- row_switch and row_switch.dict
- or state_dict,
- col)
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- history = attributes.get_state_history(
- state, prop.key,
- )
- if history.added:
- params[col.key] = history.added[0]
- hasdata = True
- else:
- params[col.key] = \
- mapper.version_id_generator(
- params[col._label])
- # HACK: check for history, in case the
- # history is only
- # in a different table than the one
- # where the version_id_col is.
- for prop in mapper._columntoproperty.\
- itervalues():
- history = attributes.get_state_history(
- state, prop.key,
- if history.added:
- hasdata = True
- else:
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- history = attributes.get_state_history(
- state, prop.key,
- if history.added:
- if isinstance(history.added[0],
- sql.ClauseElement):
- value_params[col] = history.added[0]
- else:
- value = history.added[0]
- params[col.key] = value
- if col in pks:
- if history.deleted and \
- not row_switch:
- # if passive_updates and sync detected
- # this was a pk->pk sync, use the new
- # value to locate the row, since the
- # DB would already have set this
- if ("pk_cascaded", state, col) in \
- uowtransaction.\
- attributes:
- value = history.added[0]
- params[col._label] = value
- else:
- # use the old value to
- # locate the row
- value = history.deleted[0]
- params[col._label] = value
- hasdata = True
- else:
- # row switch logic can reach us here
- # remove the pk from the update params
- # so the update doesn't
- # attempt to include the pk in the
- # update statement
- del params[col.key]
- value = history.added[0]
- params[col._label] = value
- if value is None and hasdata:
- raise sa_exc.FlushError(
- "Can't update table "
- "using NULL for primary key "
- "value")
- else:
- hasdata = True
- elif col in pks:
- value = state.manager[prop.key].\
- impl.get(state, state_dict)
- if value is None:
- raise sa_exc.FlushError(
- "Can't update table "
- "using NULL for primary "
- "key value")
- params[col._label] = value
- if hasdata:
- update.append((state, state_dict, params, mapper,
- connection, value_params))
- if update:
- mapper = table_to_mapper[table]
- needs_version_id = mapper.version_id_col is not None and \
- table.c.contains_column(mapper.version_id_col)
- def update_stmt():
- clause = sql.and_()
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clause.clauses.append(col == sql.bindparam(col._label,
- type_=col.type))
- if needs_version_id:
- clause.clauses.append(mapper.version_id_col ==\
- sql.bindparam(mapper.version_id_col._label,
- type_=col.type))
- return table.update(clause)
- statement = self._memo(('update', table), update_stmt)
- rows = 0
- for state, state_dict, params, mapper, \
- connection, value_params in update:
- if value_params:
- c = connection.execute(
- statement.values(value_params),
- params)
- else:
- c = cached_connections[connection].\
- execute(statement, params)
- mapper._postfetch(
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c.context.prefetch_cols,
- c.context.postfetch_cols,
- c.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params)
- rows += c.rowcount
- if connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount:
- if rows != len(update):
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to update %d row(s); "
- "%d were matched." %
- (table.description, len(update), rows))
- elif needs_version_id:
- util.warn("Dialect %s does not support updated rowcount "
- "- versioning cannot be verified." %
- c.dialect.dialect_description,
- stacklevel=12)
- if insert:
- statement = self._memo(('insert', table), table.insert)
- for (connection, pkeys, hasvalue, has_all_pks), \
- records in groupby(insert,
- lambda rec: (rec[4],
- rec[2].keys(),
- bool(rec[5]),
- rec[6])
- ):
- if has_all_pks and not hasvalue:
- records = list(records)
- multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records]
- c = cached_connections[connection].\
- execute(statement, multiparams)
- for (state, state_dict, params, mapper,
- conn, value_params, has_all_pks), \
- last_inserted_params in \
- zip(records, c.context.compiled_parameters):
- mapper._postfetch(
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- c.context.prefetch_cols,
- c.context.postfetch_cols,
- last_inserted_params,
- value_params)
- else:
- for state, state_dict, params, mapper, \
- connection, value_params, \
- has_all_pks in records:
- if value_params:
- result = connection.execute(
- statement.values(value_params),
- params)
- else:
- result = cached_connections[connection].\
- execute(statement, params)
- primary_key = result.context.inserted_primary_key
- if primary_key is not None:
- # set primary key attributes
- for pk, col in zip(primary_key,
- mapper._pks_by_table[table]):
- prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col]
- if state_dict.get(prop.key) is None:
- # TODO: would rather say:
- #state_dict[prop.key] = pk
- mapper._set_state_attr_by_column(
- state,
- state_dict,
- col, pk)
- mapper._postfetch(
- uowtransaction,
- table,
- state,
- state_dict,
- result.context.prefetch_cols,
- result.context.postfetch_cols,
- result.context.compiled_parameters[0],
- value_params)
- for state, state_dict, mapper, connection, has_identity, \
- instance_key, row_switch in tups:
- if mapper._readonly_props:
- readonly = state.unmodified_intersection(
- [p.key for p in mapper._readonly_props]
- )
- if readonly:
- state.expire_attributes(state.dict, readonly)
- # if eager_defaults option is enabled,
- # refresh whatever has been expired.
- if self.eager_defaults and state.unloaded:
- state.key = self._identity_key_from_state(state)
- uowtransaction.session.query(self)._load_on_ident(
- state.key, refresh_state=state,
- only_load_props=state.unloaded)
- # call after_XXX extensions
- if not has_identity:
- mapper.dispatch.after_insert(mapper, connection, state)
- else:
- mapper.dispatch.after_update(mapper, connection, state)
- def _postfetch(self, uowtransaction, table,
- state, dict_, prefetch_cols, postfetch_cols,
- params, value_params):
- """During a flush, expire attributes in need of newly
- persisted database state."""
- if self.version_id_col is not None:
- prefetch_cols = list(prefetch_cols) + [self.version_id_col]
- for c in prefetch_cols:
- if c.key in params and c in self._columntoproperty:
- self._set_state_attr_by_column(state, dict_, c, params[c.key])
- if postfetch_cols:
- state.expire_attributes(state.dict,
- [self._columntoproperty[c].key
- for c in postfetch_cols if c in
- self._columntoproperty]
- )
- # synchronize newly inserted ids from one table to the next
- # TODO: this still goes a little too often. would be nice to
- # have definitive list of "columns that changed" here
- for m, equated_pairs in self._table_to_equated[table]:
- sync.populate(state, m, state, m,
- equated_pairs,
- uowtransaction,
- self.passive_updates)
- @util.memoized_property
- def _table_to_equated(self):
- """memoized map of tables to collections of columns to be
- synchronized upwards to the base mapper."""
- result = util.defaultdict(list)
- for table in self._sorted_tables:
- cols = set(table.c)
- for m in self.iterate_to_root():
- if m._inherits_equated_pairs and \
- cols.intersection(
- [l for l, r in m._inherits_equated_pairs]):
- result[table].append((m, m._inherits_equated_pairs))
- return result
- def _delete_obj(self, states, uowtransaction):
- """Issue ``DELETE`` statements for a list of objects.
- This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a
- flush operation.
- """
- if uowtransaction.session.connection_callable:
- connection_callable = \
- uowtransaction.session.connection_callable
- else:
- connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(self)
- connection_callable = None
- tups = []
- cached_connections = util.PopulateDict(
- lambda conn:conn.execution_options(
- compiled_cache=self._compiled_cache
- ))
- for state in _sort_states(states):
- mapper = _state_mapper(state)
- if connection_callable:
- conn = connection_callable(self, state.obj())
- else:
- conn = connection
- mapper.dispatch.before_delete(mapper, conn, state)
- tups.append((state,
- state.dict,
- _state_mapper(state),
- bool(state.key),
- conn))
- table_to_mapper = self._sorted_tables
- for table in reversed(table_to_mapper.keys()):
- delete = util.defaultdict(list)
- for state, state_dict, mapper, has_identity, connection in tups:
- if not has_identity or table not in mapper._pks_by_table:
- continue
- params = {}
- delete[connection].append(params)
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- params[col.key] = \
- value = \
- mapper._get_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state_dict, col)
- if value is None:
- raise sa_exc.FlushError(
- "Can't delete from table "
- "using NULL for primary "
- "key value")
- if mapper.version_id_col is not None and \
- table.c.contains_column(mapper.version_id_col):
- params[mapper.version_id_col.key] = \
- mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state_dict,
- mapper.version_id_col)
- mapper = table_to_mapper[table]
- need_version_id = mapper.version_id_col is not None and \
- table.c.contains_column(mapper.version_id_col)
- def delete_stmt():
- clause = sql.and_()
- for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]:
- clause.clauses.append(
- col == sql.bindparam(col.key, type_=col.type))
- if need_version_id:
- clause.clauses.append(
- mapper.version_id_col ==
- sql.bindparam(
- mapper.version_id_col.key,
- type_=mapper.version_id_col.type
- )
- )
- return table.delete(clause)
- for connection, del_objects in delete.iteritems():
- statement = self._memo(('delete', table), delete_stmt)
- rows = -1
- connection = cached_connections[connection]
- if need_version_id and \
- not connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount:
- # TODO: need test coverage for this [ticket:1761]
- if connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount:
- rows = 0
- # execute deletes individually so that versioned
- # rows can be verified
- for params in del_objects:
- c = connection.execute(statement, params)
- rows += c.rowcount
- else:
- util.warn(
- "Dialect %s does not support deleted rowcount "
- "- versioning cannot be verified." %
- connection.dialect.dialect_description,
- stacklevel=12)
- connection.execute(statement, del_objects)
- else:
- c = connection.execute(statement, del_objects)
- if connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount:
- rows = c.rowcount
- if rows != -1 and rows != len(del_objects):
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to delete %d row(s); "
- "%d were matched." %
- (table.description, len(del_objects), c.rowcount)
- )
- for state, state_dict, mapper, has_identity, connection in tups:
- mapper.dispatch.after_delete(mapper, connection, state)
- def _instance_processor(self, context, path, reduced_path, adapter,
- polymorphic_from=None,
- only_load_props=None, refresh_state=None,
- polymorphic_discriminator=None):
- """Produce a mapper level row processor callable
- which processes rows into mapped instances."""
- pk_cols = self.primary_key
- if polymorphic_from or refresh_state:
- polymorphic_on = None
- else:
- if polymorphic_discriminator is not None:
- polymorphic_on = polymorphic_discriminator
- else:
- polymorphic_on = self.polymorphic_on
- polymorphic_instances = util.PopulateDict(
- self._configure_subclass_mapper(
- context, path, reduced_path, adapter)
- )
- version_id_col = self.version_id_col
- if adapter:
- pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols]
- if polymorphic_on is not None:
- polymorphic_on = adapter.columns[polymorphic_on]
- if version_id_col is not None:
- version_id_col = adapter.columns[version_id_col]
- identity_class = self._identity_class
- new_populators = []
- existing_populators = []
- load_path = context.query._current_path + path
- def populate_state(state, dict_, row, isnew, only_load_props):
- if isnew:
- if context.propagate_options:
- state.load_options = context.propagate_options
- if state.load_options:
- state.load_path = load_path
- if not new_populators:
- self._populators(context, path, reduced_path, row, adapter,
- new_populators,
- existing_populators
- )
- if isnew:
- populators = new_populators
- else:
- populators = existing_populators
- if only_load_props:
- for key, populator in populators:
- if key in only_load_props:
- populator(state, dict_, row)
- else:
- for key, populator in populators:
- populator(state, dict_, row)
- session_identity_map = context.session.identity_map
- listeners = self.dispatch
- translate_row = listeners.translate_row or None
- create_instance = listeners.create_instance or None
- populate_instance = listeners.populate_instance or None
- append_result = listeners.append_result or None
- populate_existing = context.populate_existing or self.always_refresh
- if self.allow_partial_pks:
- is_not_primary_key = _none_set.issuperset
- else:
- is_not_primary_key = _none_set.issubset
- def _instance(row, result):
- if translate_row:
- for fn in translate_row:
- ret = fn(self, context, row)
- if ret is not EXT_CONTINUE:
- row = ret
- break
- if polymorphic_on is not None:
- discriminator = row[polymorphic_on]
- if discriminator is not None:
- _instance = polymorphic_instances[discriminator]
- if _instance:
- return _instance(row, result)
- # determine identity key
- if refresh_state:
- identitykey = refresh_state.key
- if identitykey is None:
- # super-rare condition; a refresh is being called
- # on a non-instance-key instance; this is meant to only
- # occur within a flush()
- identitykey = self._identity_key_from_state(refresh_state)
- else:
- identitykey = identity_class, tuple([row[column] for column in pk_cols])
- instance = session_identity_map.get(identitykey)
- if instance is not None:
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance)
- isnew = state.runid != context.runid
- currentload = not isnew
- loaded_instance = False
- if not currentload and \
- version_id_col is not None and \
- context.version_check and \
- self._get_state_attr_by_column(
- state,
- dict_,
- self.version_id_col) != \
- row[version_id_col]:
- raise orm_exc.StaleDataError(
- "Instance '%s' has version id '%s' which "
- "does not match database-loaded version id '%s'."
- % (state_str(state),
- self._get_state_attr_by_column(
- state, dict_,
- self.version_id_col),
- row[version_id_col]))
- elif refresh_state:
- # out of band refresh_state detected (i.e. its not in the
- # session.identity_map) honor it anyway. this can happen
- # if a _get() occurs within save_obj(), such as
- # when eager_defaults is True.
- state = refresh_state
- instance = state.obj()
- dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance)
- isnew = state.runid != context.runid
- currentload = True
- loaded_instance = False
- else:
- # check for non-NULL values in the primary key columns,
- # else no entity is returned for the row
- if is_not_primary_key(identitykey[1]):
- return None
- isnew = True
- currentload = True
- loaded_instance = True
- if create_instance:
- for fn in create_instance:
- instance = fn(self,
- context,
- row, self.class_)
- if instance is not EXT_CONTINUE:
- manager = attributes.manager_of_class(
- instance.__class__)
- # TODO: if manager is None, raise a friendly error
- # about returning instances of unmapped types
- manager.setup_instance(instance)
- break
- else:
- instance = self.class_manager.new_instance()
- else:
- instance = self.class_manager.new_instance()
- dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance)
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- state.key = identitykey
- # manually adding instance to session. for a complete add,
- # session._finalize_loaded() must be called.
- state.session_id = context.session.hash_key
- session_identity_map.add(state)
- if currentload or populate_existing:
- if isnew:
- state.runid = context.runid
- context.progress[state] = dict_
- if populate_instance:
- for fn in populate_instance:
- ret = fn(self, context, row, state,
- only_load_props=only_load_props,
- instancekey=identitykey, isnew=isnew)
- if ret is not EXT_CONTINUE:
- break
- else:
- populate_state(state, dict_, row, isnew, only_load_props)
- else:
- populate_state(state, dict_, row, isnew, only_load_props)
- if loaded_instance:
- state.manager.dispatch.load(state, context)
- elif isnew:
- state.manager.dispatch.refresh(state, context, only_load_props)
- elif state in context.partials or state.unloaded:
- # populate attributes on non-loading instances which have
- # been expired
- # TODO: apply eager loads to un-lazy loaded collections ?
- if state in context.partials:
- isnew = False
- (d_, attrs) = context.partials[state]
- else:
- isnew = True
- attrs = state.unloaded
- # allow query.instances to commit the subset of attrs
- context.partials[state] = (dict_, attrs)
- if populate_instance:
- for fn in populate_instance:
- ret = fn(self, context, row, state,
- only_load_props=attrs,
- instancekey=identitykey, isnew=isnew)
- if ret is not EXT_CONTINUE:
- break
- else:
- populate_state(state, dict_, row, isnew, attrs)
- else:
- populate_state(state, dict_, row, isnew, attrs)
- if isnew:
- state.manager.dispatch.refresh(state, context, attrs)
- if result is not None:
- if append_result:
- for fn in append_result:
- if fn(self, context, row, state,
- result, instancekey=identitykey,
- isnew=isnew) is not EXT_CONTINUE:
- break
- else:
- result.append(instance)
- else:
- result.append(instance)
- return instance
- return _instance
- def _populators(self, context, path, reduced_path, row, adapter,
- new_populators, existing_populators):
- """Produce a collection of attribute level row processor callables."""
- delayed_populators = []
- for prop in self._props.itervalues():
- newpop, existingpop, delayedpop = prop.create_row_processor(
- context, path,
- reduced_path,
- self, row, adapter)
- if newpop:
- new_populators.append((prop.key, newpop))
- if existingpop:
- existing_populators.append((prop.key, existingpop))
- if delayedpop:
- delayed_populators.append((prop.key, delayedpop))
- if delayed_populators:
- new_populators.extend(delayed_populators)
- def _configure_subclass_mapper(self, context, path, reduced_path, adapter):
- """Produce a mapper level row processor callable factory for mappers
- inheriting this one."""
- def configure_subclass_mapper(discriminator):
- try:
- mapper = self.polymorphic_map[discriminator]
- except KeyError:
- raise AssertionError(
- "No such polymorphic_identity %r is defined" %
- discriminator)
- if mapper is self:
- return None
- # replace the tip of the path info with the subclass mapper
- # being used. that way accurate "load_path" info is available
- # for options invoked during deferred loads.
- # we lose AliasedClass path elements this way, but currently,
- # those are not needed at this stage.
- # this asserts to true
- #assert mapper.isa(_class_to_mapper(path[-1]))
- return mapper._instance_processor(context, path[0:-1] + (mapper,),
- reduced_path[0:-1] + (mapper.base_mapper,),
- adapter,
- polymorphic_from=self)
- return configure_subclass_mapper
-def configure_mappers():
- """Initialize the inter-mapper relationships of all mappers that
- have been constructed thus far.
- This function can be called any number of times, but in
- most cases is handled internally.
- """
- global _new_mappers
- if not _new_mappers:
- return
- _COMPILE_MUTEX.acquire()
- try:
- global _already_compiling
- if _already_compiling:
- return
- _already_compiling = True
- try:
- # double-check inside mutex
- if not _new_mappers:
- return
- # initialize properties on all mappers
- # note that _mapper_registry is unordered, which
- # may randomly conceal/reveal issues related to
- # the order of mapper compilation
- for mapper in list(_mapper_registry):
- if getattr(mapper, '_configure_failed', False):
- e = sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
- "One or more mappers failed to initialize - "
- "can't proceed with initialization of other "
- "mappers. Original exception was: %s"
- % mapper._configure_failed)
- e._configure_failed = mapper._configure_failed
- raise e
- if not mapper.configured:
- try:
- mapper._post_configure_properties()
- mapper._expire_memoizations()
- mapper.dispatch.mapper_configured(mapper, mapper.class_)
- except:
- exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
- if not hasattr(exc, '_configure_failed'):
- mapper._configure_failed = exc
- raise
- _new_mappers = False
- finally:
- _already_compiling = False
- finally:
- _COMPILE_MUTEX.release()
-def reconstructor(fn):
- """Decorate a method as the 'reconstructor' hook.
- Designates a method as the "reconstructor", an ``__init__``-like
- method that will be called by the ORM after the instance has been
- loaded from the database or otherwise reconstituted.
- The reconstructor will be invoked with no arguments. Scalar
- (non-collection) database-mapped attributes of the instance will
- be available for use within the function. Eagerly-loaded
- collections are generally not yet available and will usually only
- contain the first element. ORM state changes made to objects at
- this stage will not be recorded for the next flush() operation, so
- the activity within a reconstructor should be conservative.
- """
- fn.__sa_reconstructor__ = True
- return fn
-def validates(*names):
- """Decorate a method as a 'validator' for one or more named properties.
- Designates a method as a validator, a method which receives the
- name of the attribute as well as a value to be assigned, or in the
- case of a collection, the value to be added to the collection. The function
- can then raise validation exceptions to halt the process from continuing
- (where Python's built-in ``ValueError`` and ``AssertionError`` exceptions are
- reasonable choices), or can modify or replace the value before proceeding.
- The function should otherwise return the given value.
- Note that a validator for a collection **cannot** issue a load of that
- collection within the validation routine - this usage raises
- an assertion to avoid recursion overflows. This is a reentrant
- condition which is not supported.
- """
- def wrap(fn):
- fn.__sa_validators__ = names
- return fn
- return wrap
-def _event_on_load(state, ctx):
- instrumenting_mapper = state.manager.info[_INSTRUMENTOR]
- if instrumenting_mapper._reconstructor:
- instrumenting_mapper._reconstructor(state.obj())
-def _event_on_first_init(manager, cls):
- """Trigger mapper compilation."""
- instrumenting_mapper = manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR)
- if instrumenting_mapper:
- if _new_mappers:
- configure_mappers()
-def _event_on_init(state, args, kwargs):
- """Run init_instance hooks."""
- instrumenting_mapper = state.manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR)
- if instrumenting_mapper and \
- instrumenting_mapper._set_polymorphic_identity:
- instrumenting_mapper._set_polymorphic_identity(state)
-def _event_on_resurrect(state):
- # re-populate the primary key elements
- # of the dict based on the mapping.
- instrumenting_mapper = state.manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR)
- if instrumenting_mapper:
- for col, val in zip(instrumenting_mapper.primary_key, state.key[1]):
- instrumenting_mapper._set_state_attr_by_column(
- state, state.dict, col, val)
-def _sort_states(states):
- return sorted(states, key=operator.attrgetter('sort_key'))
-def _load_scalar_attributes(state, attribute_names):
- """initiate a column-based attribute refresh operation."""
- mapper = _state_mapper(state)
- session = sessionlib._state_session(state)
- if not session:
- raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError(
- "Instance %s is not bound to a Session; "
- "attribute refresh operation cannot proceed" %
- (state_str(state)))
- has_key = bool(state.key)
- result = False
- if mapper.inherits and not mapper.concrete:
- statement = mapper._optimized_get_statement(state, attribute_names)
- if statement is not None:
- result = session.query(mapper).from_statement(statement).\
- _load_on_ident(None,
- only_load_props=attribute_names,
- refresh_state=state)
- if result is False:
- if has_key:
- identity_key = state.key
- else:
- # this codepath is rare - only valid when inside a flush, and the
- # object is becoming persistent but hasn't yet been assigned an identity_key.
- # check here to ensure we have the attrs we need.
- pk_attrs = [mapper._columntoproperty[col].key
- for col in mapper.primary_key]
- if state.expired_attributes.intersection(pk_attrs):
- raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Instance %s cannot be refreshed - it's not "
- " persistent and does not "
- "contain a full primary key." % state_str(state))
- identity_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state)
- if (_none_set.issubset(identity_key) and \
- not mapper.allow_partial_pks) or \
- _none_set.issuperset(identity_key):
- util.warn("Instance %s to be refreshed doesn't "
- "contain a full primary key - can't be refreshed "
- "(and shouldn't be expired, either)."
- % state_str(state))
- return
- result = session.query(mapper)._load_on_ident(
- identity_key,
- refresh_state=state,
- only_load_props=attribute_names)
- # if instance is pending, a refresh operation
- # may not complete (even if PK attributes are assigned)
- if has_key and result is None:
- raise orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError(
- "Instance '%s' has been deleted." %
- state_str(state))
-class _ColumnMapping(util.py25_dict):
- """Error reporting helper for mapper._columntoproperty."""
- def __init__(self, mapper):
- self.mapper = mapper
- def __missing__(self, column):
- prop = self.mapper._props.get(column)
- if prop:
- raise orm_exc.UnmappedColumnError(
- "Column '%s.%s' is not available, due to "
- "conflicting property '%s':%r" % (
- column.table.name, column.name, column.key, prop))
- raise orm_exc.UnmappedColumnError(
- "No column %s is configured on mapper %s..." %
- (column, self.mapper))