path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/events.py
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-# orm/events.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""ORM event interfaces.
-from sqlalchemy import event, exc
-import inspect
-class InstrumentationEvents(event.Events):
- """Events related to class instrumentation events.
- The listeners here support being established against
- any new style class, that is any object that is a subclass
- of 'type'. Events will then be fired off for events
- against that class as well as all subclasses.
- 'type' itself is also accepted as a target
- in which case the events fire for all classes.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation import instrumentation_registry
- if isinstance(target, type):
- return instrumentation_registry
- else:
- return None
- @classmethod
- def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn, propagate=False):
- event.Events._listen(target, identifier, fn, propagate=propagate)
- @classmethod
- def _remove(cls, identifier, target, fn):
- raise NotImplementedError("Removal of instrumentation events not yet implemented")
- def class_instrument(self, cls):
- """Called after the given class is instrumented.
- To get at the :class:`.ClassManager`, use
- :func:`.manager_of_class`.
- """
- def class_uninstrument(self, cls):
- """Called before the given class is uninstrumented.
- To get at the :class:`.ClassManager`, use
- :func:`.manager_of_class`.
- """
- def attribute_instrument(self, cls, key, inst):
- """Called when an attribute is instrumented."""
-class InstanceEvents(event.Events):
- """Define events specific to object lifecycle.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- def my_load_listener(target, context):
- print "on load!"
- event.listen(SomeMappedClass, 'load', my_load_listener)
- Available targets include mapped classes, instances of
- :class:`.Mapper` (i.e. returned by :func:`.mapper`,
- :func:`.class_mapper` and similar), as well as the
- :class:`.Mapper` class and :func:`.mapper` function itself
- for global event reception::
- from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
- def some_listener(target, context):
- log.debug("Instance %s being loaded" % target)
- # attach to all mappers
- event.listen(mapper, 'load', some_listener)
- Instance events are closely related to mapper events, but
- are more specific to the instance and its instrumentation,
- rather than its system of persistence.
- When using :class:`.InstanceEvents`, several modifiers are
- available to the :func:`.event.listen` function.
- :param propagate=False: When True, the event listener should
- be applied to all inheriting mappers as well as the
- mapper which is the target of this listener.
- :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument passed
- to applicable event listener functions will be the
- instance's :class:`.InstanceState` management
- object, rather than the mapped instance itself.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation import ClassManager, manager_of_class
- from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapper, mapper
- if isinstance(target, ClassManager):
- return target
- elif isinstance(target, Mapper):
- return target.class_manager
- elif target is mapper:
- return ClassManager
- elif isinstance(target, type):
- if issubclass(target, Mapper):
- return ClassManager
- else:
- manager = manager_of_class(target)
- if manager:
- return manager
- return None
- @classmethod
- def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn, raw=False, propagate=False):
- if not raw:
- orig_fn = fn
- def wrap(state, *arg, **kw):
- return orig_fn(state.obj(), *arg, **kw)
- fn = wrap
- event.Events._listen(target, identifier, fn, propagate=propagate)
- if propagate:
- for mgr in target.subclass_managers(True):
- event.Events._listen(mgr, identifier, fn, True)
- @classmethod
- def _remove(cls, identifier, target, fn):
- raise NotImplementedError("Removal of instance events not yet implemented")
- def first_init(self, manager, cls):
- """Called when the first instance of a particular mapping is called.
- """
- def init(self, target, args, kwargs):
- """Receive an instance when it's constructor is called.
- This method is only called during a userland construction of
- an object. It is not called when an object is loaded from the
- database.
- """
- def init_failure(self, target, args, kwargs):
- """Receive an instance when it's constructor has been called,
- and raised an exception.
- This method is only called during a userland construction of
- an object. It is not called when an object is loaded from the
- database.
- """
- def load(self, target, context):
- """Receive an object instance after it has been created via
- ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has
- occurred.
- This typically occurs when the instance is created based on
- incoming result rows, and is only called once for that
- instance's lifetime.
- Note that during a result-row load, this method is called upon
- the first row received for this instance. Note that some
- attributes and collections may or may not be loaded or even
- initialized, depending on what's present in the result rows.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the
- current :class:`.Query` in progress. This argument may be
- ``None`` if the load does not correspond to a :class:`.Query`,
- such as during :meth:`.Session.merge`.
- """
- def refresh(self, target, context, attrs):
- """Receive an object instance after one or more attributes have
- been refreshed from a query.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the
- current :class:`.Query` in progress.
- :param attrs: iterable collection of attribute names which
- were populated, or None if all column-mapped, non-deferred
- attributes were populated.
- """
- def expire(self, target, attrs):
- """Receive an object instance after its attributes or some subset
- have been expired.
- 'keys' is a list of attribute names. If None, the entire
- state was expired.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param attrs: iterable collection of attribute
- names which were expired, or None if all attributes were
- expired.
- """
- def resurrect(self, target):
- """Receive an object instance as it is 'resurrected' from
- garbage collection, which occurs when a "dirty" state falls
- out of scope.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- """
- def pickle(self, target, state_dict):
- """Receive an object instance when its associated state is
- being pickled.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param state_dict: the dictionary returned by
- :class:`.InstanceState.__getstate__`, containing the state
- to be pickled.
- """
- def unpickle(self, target, state_dict):
- """Receive an object instance after it's associated state has
- been unpickled.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param state_dict: the dictionary sent to
- :class:`.InstanceState.__setstate__`, containing the state
- dictionary which was pickled.
- """
-class MapperEvents(event.Events):
- """Define events specific to mappings.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- def my_before_insert_listener(mapper, connection, target):
- # execute a stored procedure upon INSERT,
- # apply the value to the row to be inserted
- target.calculated_value = connection.scalar(
- "select my_special_function(%d)"
- % target.special_number)
- # associate the listener function with SomeMappedClass,
- # to execute during the "before_insert" hook
- event.listen(SomeMappedClass, 'before_insert', my_before_insert_listener)
- Available targets include mapped classes, instances of
- :class:`.Mapper` (i.e. returned by :func:`.mapper`,
- :func:`.class_mapper` and similar), as well as the
- :class:`.Mapper` class and :func:`.mapper` function itself
- for global event reception::
- from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
- def some_listener(mapper, connection, target):
- log.debug("Instance %s being inserted" % target)
- # attach to all mappers
- event.listen(mapper, 'before_insert', some_listener)
- Mapper events provide hooks into critical sections of the
- mapper, including those related to object instrumentation,
- object loading, and object persistence. In particular, the
- persistence methods :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_insert`,
- and :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_update` are popular
- places to augment the state being persisted - however, these
- methods operate with several significant restrictions. The
- user is encouraged to evaluate the
- :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` and
- :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_flush` methods as more
- flexible and user-friendly hooks in which to apply
- additional database state during a flush.
- When using :class:`.MapperEvents`, several modifiers are
- available to the :func:`.event.listen` function.
- :param propagate=False: When True, the event listener should
- be applied to all inheriting mappers as well as the
- mapper which is the target of this listener.
- :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument passed
- to applicable event listener functions will be the
- instance's :class:`.InstanceState` management
- object, rather than the mapped instance itself.
- :param retval=False: when True, the user-defined event function
- must have a return value, the purpose of which is either to
- control subsequent event propagation, or to otherwise alter
- the operation in progress by the mapper. Possible return
- values are:
- * ``sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.EXT_CONTINUE`` - continue event
- processing normally.
- * ``sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.EXT_STOP`` - cancel all subsequent
- event handlers in the chain.
- * other values - the return value specified by specific listeners,
- such as :meth:`~.MapperEvents.translate_row` or
- :meth:`~.MapperEvents.create_instance`.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, class_mapper, Mapper
- if target is mapper:
- return Mapper
- elif isinstance(target, type):
- if issubclass(target, Mapper):
- return target
- else:
- return class_mapper(target)
- else:
- return target
- @classmethod
- def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn,
- raw=False, retval=False, propagate=False):
- from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import EXT_CONTINUE
- if not raw or not retval:
- if not raw:
- meth = getattr(cls, identifier)
- try:
- target_index = inspect.getargspec(meth)[0].index('target') - 1
- except ValueError:
- target_index = None
- wrapped_fn = fn
- def wrap(*arg, **kw):
- if not raw and target_index is not None:
- arg = list(arg)
- arg[target_index] = arg[target_index].obj()
- if not retval:
- wrapped_fn(*arg, **kw)
- else:
- return wrapped_fn(*arg, **kw)
- fn = wrap
- if propagate:
- for mapper in target.self_and_descendants:
- event.Events._listen(mapper, identifier, fn, propagate=True)
- else:
- event.Events._listen(target, identifier, fn)
- def instrument_class(self, mapper, class_):
- """Receive a class when the mapper is first constructed,
- before instrumentation is applied to the mapped class.
- This event is the earliest phase of mapper construction.
- Most attributes of the mapper are not yet initialized.
- This listener can generally only be applied to the :class:`.Mapper`
- class overall.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param class\_: the mapped class.
- """
- def mapper_configured(self, mapper, class_):
- """Called when the mapper for the class is fully configured.
- This event is the latest phase of mapper construction.
- The mapper should be in its final state.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param class\_: the mapped class.
- """
- # TODO: need coverage for this event
- def translate_row(self, mapper, context, row):
- """Perform pre-processing on the given result row and return a
- new row instance.
- This listener is typically registered with ``retval=True``.
- It is called when the mapper first receives a row, before
- the object identity or the instance itself has been derived
- from that row. The given row may or may not be a
- :class:`.RowProxy` object - it will always be a dictionary-like
- object which contains mapped columns as keys. The
- returned object should also be a dictionary-like object
- which recognizes mapped columns as keys.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext`, which includes
- a handle to the current :class:`.Query` in progress as well
- as additional state information.
- :param row: the result row being handled. This may be
- an actual :class:`.RowProxy` or may be a dictionary containing
- :class:`.Column` objects as keys.
- :return: When configured with ``retval=True``, the function
- should return a dictionary-like row object, or ``EXT_CONTINUE``,
- indicating the original row should be used.
- """
- def create_instance(self, mapper, context, row, class_):
- """Receive a row when a new object instance is about to be
- created from that row.
- The method can choose to create the instance itself, or it can return
- EXT_CONTINUE to indicate normal object creation should take place.
- This listener is typically registered with ``retval=True``.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext`, which includes
- a handle to the current :class:`.Query` in progress as well
- as additional state information.
- :param row: the result row being handled. This may be
- an actual :class:`.RowProxy` or may be a dictionary containing
- :class:`.Column` objects as keys.
- :param class\_: the mapped class.
- :return: When configured with ``retval=True``, the return value
- should be a newly created instance of the mapped class,
- or ``EXT_CONTINUE`` indicating that default object construction
- should take place.
- """
- def append_result(self, mapper, context, row, target,
- result, **flags):
- """Receive an object instance before that instance is appended
- to a result list.
- This is a rarely used hook which can be used to alter
- the construction of a result list returned by :class:`.Query`.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext`, which includes
- a handle to the current :class:`.Query` in progress as well
- as additional state information.
- :param row: the result row being handled. This may be
- an actual :class:`.RowProxy` or may be a dictionary containing
- :class:`.Column` objects as keys.
- :param target: the mapped instance being populated. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :param result: a list-like object where results are being
- appended.
- :param \**flags: Additional state information about the
- current handling of the row.
- :return: If this method is registered with ``retval=True``,
- a return value of ``EXT_STOP`` will prevent the instance
- from being appended to the given result list, whereas a
- return value of ``EXT_CONTINUE`` will result in the default
- behavior of appending the value to the result list.
- """
- def populate_instance(self, mapper, context, row,
- target, **flags):
- """Receive an instance before that instance has
- its attributes populated.
- This usually corresponds to a newly loaded instance but may
- also correspond to an already-loaded instance which has
- unloaded attributes to be populated. The method may be called
- many times for a single instance, as multiple result rows are
- used to populate eagerly loaded collections.
- Most usages of this hook are obsolete. For a
- generic "object has been newly created from a row" hook, use
- :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load`.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext`, which includes
- a handle to the current :class:`.Query` in progress as well
- as additional state information.
- :param row: the result row being handled. This may be
- an actual :class:`.RowProxy` or may be a dictionary containing
- :class:`.Column` objects as keys.
- :param target: the mapped instance. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: When configured with ``retval=True``, a return
- value of ``EXT_STOP`` will bypass instance population by
- the mapper. A value of ``EXT_CONTINUE`` indicates that
- default instance population should take place.
- """
- def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance before an INSERT statement
- is emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to modify local, non-object related
- attributes on the instance before an INSERT occurs, as well
- as to emit additional SQL statements on the given
- connection.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class before their INSERT statements are emitted at
- once in a later step. In the extremely rare case that
- this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be
- configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause
- batches of instances to be broken up into individual
- (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event
- steps.
- Handlers should **not** modify any attributes which are
- mapped by :func:`.relationship`, nor should they attempt
- to make any modifications to the :class:`.Session` in
- this hook (including :meth:`.Session.add`,
- :meth:`.Session.delete`, etc.) - such changes will not
- take effect. For overall changes to the "flush plan",
- use :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush`.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit INSERT statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance after an INSERT statement
- is emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to modify in-Python-only
- state on the instance after an INSERT occurs, as well
- as to emit additional SQL statements on the given
- connection.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class after their INSERT statements have been
- emitted at once in a previous step. In the extremely
- rare case that this is not desirable, the
- :func:`.mapper` can be configured with ``batch=False``,
- which will cause batches of instances to be broken up
- into individual (and more poorly performing)
- event->persist->event steps.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit INSERT statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- def before_update(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance before an UPDATE statement
- is emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to modify local, non-object related
- attributes on the instance before an UPDATE occurs, as well
- as to emit additional SQL statements on the given
- connection.
- This method is called for all instances that are
- marked as "dirty", *even those which have no net changes
- to their column-based attributes*. An object is marked
- as dirty when any of its column-based attributes have a
- "set attribute" operation called or when any of its
- collections are modified. If, at update time, no
- column-based attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE
- statement will be issued. This means that an instance
- being sent to :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_update` is
- *not* a guarantee that an UPDATE statement will be
- issued, although you can affect the outcome here by
- modifying attributes so that a net change in value does
- exist.
- To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net
- changes, and will therefore generate an UPDATE statement, use
- ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance,
- include_collections=False)``.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class before their UPDATE statements are emitted at
- once in a later step. In the extremely rare case that
- this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be
- configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause
- batches of instances to be broken up into individual
- (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event
- steps.
- Handlers should **not** modify any attributes which are
- mapped by :func:`.relationship`, nor should they attempt
- to make any modifications to the :class:`.Session` in
- this hook (including :meth:`.Session.add`,
- :meth:`.Session.delete`, etc.) - such changes will not
- take effect. For overall changes to the "flush plan",
- use :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush`.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit UPDATE statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- def after_update(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance after an UPDATE statement
- is emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to modify in-Python-only
- state on the instance after an UPDATE occurs, as well
- as to emit additional SQL statements on the given
- connection.
- This method is called for all instances that are
- marked as "dirty", *even those which have no net changes
- to their column-based attributes*, and for which
- no UPDATE statement has proceeded. An object is marked
- as dirty when any of its column-based attributes have a
- "set attribute" operation called or when any of its
- collections are modified. If, at update time, no
- column-based attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE
- statement will be issued. This means that an instance
- being sent to :meth:`~.MapperEvents.after_update` is
- *not* a guarantee that an UPDATE statement has been
- issued.
- To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net
- changes, and therefore resulted in an UPDATE statement, use
- ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance,
- include_collections=False)``.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class after their UPDATE statements have been emitted at
- once in a previous step. In the extremely rare case that
- this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be
- configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause
- batches of instances to be broken up into individual
- (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event
- steps.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit UPDATE statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance before a DELETE statement
- is emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to emit additional SQL statements on
- the given connection as well as to perform application
- specific bookkeeping related to a deletion event.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class before their DELETE statements are emitted at
- once in a later step.
- Handlers should **not** modify any attributes which are
- mapped by :func:`.relationship`, nor should they attempt
- to make any modifications to the :class:`.Session` in
- this hook (including :meth:`.Session.add`,
- :meth:`.Session.delete`, etc.) - such changes will not
- take effect. For overall changes to the "flush plan",
- use :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush`.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit DELETE statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being deleted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- def after_delete(self, mapper, connection, target):
- """Receive an object instance after a DELETE statement
- has been emitted corresponding to that instance.
- This event is used to emit additional SQL statements on
- the given connection as well as to perform application
- specific bookkeeping related to a deletion event.
- The event is often called for a batch of objects of the
- same class after their DELETE statements have been emitted at
- once in a previous step.
- :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target
- of this event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to
- emit DELETE statements for this instance. This
- provides a handle into the current transaction on the
- target database specific to this instance.
- :param target: the mapped instance being deleted. If
- the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will
- instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management
- object associated with the instance.
- :return: No return value is supported by this event.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _remove(cls, identifier, target, fn):
- raise NotImplementedError("Removal of mapper events not yet implemented")
-class SessionEvents(event.Events):
- """Define events specific to :class:`.Session` lifecycle.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
- def my_before_commit(session):
- print "before commit!"
- Session = sessionmaker()
- event.listen(Session, "before_commit", my_before_commit)
- The :func:`~.event.listen` function will accept
- :class:`.Session` objects as well as the return result
- of :func:`.sessionmaker` and :func:`.scoped_session`.
- Additionally, it accepts the :class:`.Session` class which
- will apply listeners to all :class:`.Session` instances
- globally.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.orm import ScopedSession, Session
- if isinstance(target, ScopedSession):
- if not isinstance(target.session_factory, type) or \
- not issubclass(target.session_factory, Session):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Session event listen on a ScopedSession "
- "requires that its creation callable "
- "is a Session subclass.")
- return target.session_factory
- elif isinstance(target, type):
- if issubclass(target, ScopedSession):
- return Session
- elif issubclass(target, Session):
- return target
- elif isinstance(target, Session):
- return target
- else:
- return None
- @classmethod
- def _remove(cls, identifier, target, fn):
- raise NotImplementedError("Removal of session events not yet implemented")
- def before_commit(self, session):
- """Execute before commit is called.
- Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running
- transaction is ongoing."""
- def after_commit(self, session):
- """Execute after a commit has occurred.
- Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running
- transaction is ongoing."""
- def after_rollback(self, session):
- """Execute after a rollback has occurred.
- Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running
- transaction is ongoing."""
- def before_flush( self, session, flush_context, instances):
- """Execute before flush process has started.
- `instances` is an optional list of objects which were passed to
- the ``flush()`` method. """
- def after_flush(self, session, flush_context):
- """Execute after flush has completed, but before commit has been
- called.
- Note that the session's state is still in pre-flush, i.e. 'new',
- 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists still show pre-flush state as well
- as the history settings on instance attributes."""
- def after_flush_postexec(self, session, flush_context):
- """Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec
- state occurs.
- This will be when the 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists are in
- their final state. An actual commit() may or may not have
- occurred, depending on whether or not the flush started its own
- transaction or participated in a larger transaction. """
- def after_begin( self, session, transaction, connection):
- """Execute after a transaction is begun on a connection
- `transaction` is the SessionTransaction. This method is called
- after an engine level transaction is begun on a connection. """
- def after_attach(self, session, instance):
- """Execute after an instance is attached to a session.
- This is called after an add, delete or merge. """
- def after_bulk_update( self, session, query, query_context, result):
- """Execute after a bulk update operation to the session.
- This is called after a session.query(...).update()
- `query` is the query object that this update operation was
- called on. `query_context` was the query context object.
- `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation.
- """
- def after_bulk_delete( self, session, query, query_context, result):
- """Execute after a bulk delete operation to the session.
- This is called after a session.query(...).delete()
- `query` is the query object that this delete operation was
- called on. `query_context` was the query context object.
- `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation.
- """
-class AttributeEvents(event.Events):
- """Define events for object attributes.
- These are typically defined on the class-bound descriptor for the
- target class.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- def my_append_listener(target, value, initiator):
- print "received append event for target: %s" % target
- event.listen(MyClass.collection, 'append', my_append_listener)
- Listeners have the option to return a possibly modified version
- of the value, when the ``retval=True`` flag is passed
- to :func:`~.event.listen`::
- def validate_phone(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
- "Strip non-numeric characters from a phone number"
- return re.sub(r'(?![0-9])', '', value)
- # setup listener on UserContact.phone attribute, instructing
- # it to use the return value
- listen(UserContact.phone, 'set', validate_phone, retval=True)
- A validation function like the above can also raise an exception
- such as :class:`.ValueError` to halt the operation.
- Several modifiers are available to the :func:`~.event.listen` function.
- :param active_history=False: When True, indicates that the
- "set" event would like to receive the "old" value being
- replaced unconditionally, even if this requires firing off
- database loads. Note that ``active_history`` can also be
- set directly via :func:`.column_property` and
- :func:`.relationship`.
- :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will
- be established not just for the class attribute given, but
- for attributes of the same name on all current subclasses
- of that class, as well as all future subclasses of that
- class, using an additional listener that listens for
- instrumentation events.
- :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument to the
- event will be the :class:`.InstanceState` management
- object, rather than the mapped instance itself.
- :param retval=False: when True, the user-defined event
- listening must return the "value" argument from the
- function. This gives the listening function the opportunity
- to change the value that is ultimately used for a "set"
- or "append" event.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.orm import interfaces
- # TODO: coverage
- if isinstance(target, interfaces.MapperProperty):
- return getattr(target.parent.class_, target.key)
- else:
- return target
- @classmethod
- def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn, active_history=False,
- raw=False, retval=False,
- propagate=False):
- if active_history:
- target.dispatch._active_history = True
- # TODO: for removal, need to package the identity
- # of the wrapper with the original function.
- if not raw or not retval:
- orig_fn = fn
- def wrap(target, value, *arg):
- if not raw:
- target = target.obj()
- if not retval:
- orig_fn(target, value, *arg)
- return value
- else:
- return orig_fn(target, value, *arg)
- fn = wrap
- event.Events._listen(target, identifier, fn, propagate)
- if propagate:
- from sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation import manager_of_class
- manager = manager_of_class(target.class_)
- for mgr in manager.subclass_managers(True):
- event.Events._listen(mgr[target.key], identifier, fn, True)
- @classmethod
- def _remove(cls, identifier, target, fn):
- raise NotImplementedError("Removal of attribute events not yet implemented")
- def append(self, target, value, initiator):
- """Receive a collection append event.
- :param target: the object instance receiving the event.
- If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will
- be the :class:`.InstanceState` object.
- :param value: the value being appended. If this listener
- is registered with ``retval=True``, the listener
- function must return this value, or a new value which
- replaces it.
- :param initiator: the attribute implementation object
- which initiated this event.
- :return: if the event was registered with ``retval=True``,
- the given value, or a new effective value, should be returned.
- """
- def remove(self, target, value, initiator):
- """Receive a collection remove event.
- :param target: the object instance receiving the event.
- If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will
- be the :class:`.InstanceState` object.
- :param value: the value being removed.
- :param initiator: the attribute implementation object
- which initiated this event.
- :return: No return value is defined for this event.
- """
- def set(self, target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
- """Receive a scalar set event.
- :param target: the object instance receiving the event.
- If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will
- be the :class:`.InstanceState` object.
- :param value: the value being set. If this listener
- is registered with ``retval=True``, the listener
- function must return this value, or a new value which
- replaces it.
- :param oldvalue: the previous value being replaced. This
- may also be the symbol ``NEVER_SET`` or ``NO_VALUE``.
- If the listener is registered with ``active_history=True``,
- the previous value of the attribute will be loaded from
- the database if the existing value is currently unloaded
- or expired.
- :param initiator: the attribute implementation object
- which initiated this event.
- :return: if the event was registered with ``retval=True``,
- the given value, or a new effective value, should be returned.
- """