path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/ext/sqlsoup.py
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-# ext/sqlsoup.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-SqlSoup provides a convenient way to access existing database
-tables without having to declare table or mapper classes ahead
-of time. It is built on top of the SQLAlchemy ORM and provides a
-super-minimalistic interface to an existing database.
-SqlSoup effectively provides a coarse grained, alternative
-interface to working with the SQLAlchemy ORM, providing a "self
-configuring" interface for extremely rudimental operations. It's
-somewhat akin to a "super novice mode" version of the ORM. While
-SqlSoup can be very handy, users are strongly encouraged to use
-the full ORM for non-trivial applications.
-Suppose we have a database with users, books, and loans tables
-(corresponding to the PyWebOff dataset, if you're curious).
-Creating a SqlSoup gateway is just like creating an SQLAlchemy
- >>> from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
- >>> db = SqlSoup('sqlite:///:memory:')
-or, you can re-use an existing engine::
- >>> db = SqlSoup(engine)
-You can optionally specify a schema within the database for your
- >>> db.schema = myschemaname
-Loading objects
-Loading objects is as easy as this::
- >>> users = db.users.all()
- >>> users.sort()
- >>> users
- [
- MappedUsers(name=u'Joe Student',email=u'student@example.edu',
- password=u'student',classname=None,admin=0),
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)
- ]
-Of course, letting the database do the sort is better::
- >>> db.users.order_by(db.users.name).all()
- [
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1),
- MappedUsers(name=u'Joe Student',email=u'student@example.edu',
- password=u'student',classname=None,admin=0)
- ]
-Field access is intuitive::
- >>> users[0].email
- u'student@example.edu'
-Of course, you don't want to load all users very often. Let's
-add a WHERE clause. Let's also switch the order_by to DESC while
-we're at it::
- >>> from sqlalchemy import or_, and_, desc
- >>> where = or_(db.users.name=='Bhargan Basepair', db.users.email=='student@example.edu')
- >>> db.users.filter(where).order_by(desc(db.users.name)).all()
- [
- MappedUsers(name=u'Joe Student',email=u'student@example.edu',
- password=u'student',classname=None,admin=0),
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)
- ]
-You can also use .first() (to retrieve only the first object
-from a query) or .one() (like .first when you expect exactly one
-user -- it will raise an exception if more were returned)::
- >>> db.users.filter(db.users.name=='Bhargan Basepair').one()
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)
-Since name is the primary key, this is equivalent to
- >>> db.users.get('Bhargan Basepair')
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)
-This is also equivalent to
- >>> db.users.filter_by(name='Bhargan Basepair').one()
- MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',email=u'basepair@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)
-filter_by is like filter, but takes kwargs instead of full
-clause expressions. This makes it more concise for simple
-queries like this, but you can't do complex queries like the
-or\_ above or non-equality based comparisons this way.
-Full query documentation
-Get, filter, filter_by, order_by, limit, and the rest of the
-query methods are explained in detail in
-Modifying objects
-Modifying objects is intuitive::
- >>> user = _
- >>> user.email = 'basepair+nospam@example.edu'
- >>> db.commit()
-(SqlSoup leverages the sophisticated SQLAlchemy unit-of-work
-code, so multiple updates to a single object will be turned into
-a single ``UPDATE`` statement when you commit.)
-To finish covering the basics, let's insert a new loan, then
-delete it::
- >>> book_id = db.books.filter_by(title='Regional Variation in Moss').first().id
- >>> db.loans.insert(book_id=book_id, user_name=user.name)
- MappedLoans(book_id=2,user_name=u'Bhargan Basepair',loan_date=None)
- >>> loan = db.loans.filter_by(book_id=2, user_name='Bhargan Basepair').one()
- >>> db.delete(loan)
- >>> db.commit()
-You can also delete rows that have not been loaded as objects.
-Let's do our insert/delete cycle once more, this time using the
-loans table's delete method. (For SQLAlchemy experts: note that
-no flush() call is required since this delete acts at the SQL
-level, not at the Mapper level.) The same where-clause
-construction rules apply here as to the select methods::
- >>> db.loans.insert(book_id=book_id, user_name=user.name)
- MappedLoans(book_id=2,user_name=u'Bhargan Basepair',loan_date=None)
- >>> db.loans.delete(db.loans.book_id==2)
-You can similarly update multiple rows at once. This will change the
-book_id to 1 in all loans whose book_id is 2::
- >>> db.loans.update(db.loans.book_id==2, book_id=1)
- >>> db.loans.filter_by(book_id=1).all()
- [MappedLoans(book_id=1,user_name=u'Joe Student',
- loan_date=datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 12, 0, 0))]
-Occasionally, you will want to pull out a lot of data from related
-tables all at once. In this situation, it is far more efficient to
-have the database perform the necessary join. (Here we do not have *a
-lot of data* but hopefully the concept is still clear.) SQLAlchemy is
-smart enough to recognize that loans has a foreign key to users, and
-uses that as the join condition automatically::
- >>> join1 = db.join(db.users, db.loans, isouter=True)
- >>> join1.filter_by(name='Joe Student').all()
- [
- MappedJoin(name=u'Joe Student',email=u'student@example.edu',
- password=u'student',classname=None,admin=0,book_id=1,
- user_name=u'Joe Student',loan_date=datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 12, 0, 0))
- ]
-If you're unfortunate enough to be using MySQL with the default MyISAM
-storage engine, you'll have to specify the join condition manually,
-since MyISAM does not store foreign keys. Here's the same join again,
-with the join condition explicitly specified::
- >>> db.join(db.users, db.loans, db.users.name==db.loans.user_name, isouter=True)
- <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup.MappedJoin'>
-You can compose arbitrarily complex joins by combining Join objects
-with tables or other joins. Here we combine our first join with the
-books table::
- >>> join2 = db.join(join1, db.books)
- >>> join2.all()
- [
- MappedJoin(name=u'Joe Student',email=u'student@example.edu',
- password=u'student',classname=None,admin=0,book_id=1,
- user_name=u'Joe Student',loan_date=datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 12, 0, 0),
- id=1,title=u'Mustards I Have Known',published_year=u'1989',
- authors=u'Jones')
- ]
-If you join tables that have an identical column name, wrap your join
-with `with_labels`, to disambiguate columns with their table name
-(.c is short for .columns)::
- >>> db.with_labels(join1).c.keys()
- [u'users_name', u'users_email', u'users_password',
- u'users_classname', u'users_admin', u'loans_book_id',
- u'loans_user_name', u'loans_loan_date']
-You can also join directly to a labeled object::
- >>> labeled_loans = db.with_labels(db.loans)
- >>> db.join(db.users, labeled_loans, isouter=True).c.keys()
- [u'name', u'email', u'password', u'classname',
- u'admin', u'loans_book_id', u'loans_user_name', u'loans_loan_date']
-You can define relationships on SqlSoup classes:
- >>> db.users.relate('loans', db.loans)
-These can then be used like a normal SA property:
- >>> db.users.get('Joe Student').loans
- [MappedLoans(book_id=1,user_name=u'Joe Student',
- loan_date=datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 12, 0, 0))]
- >>> db.users.filter(~db.users.loans.any()).all()
- [MappedUsers(name=u'Bhargan Basepair',
- email='basepair+nospam@example.edu',
- password=u'basepair',classname=None,admin=1)]
-relate can take any options that the relationship function
-accepts in normal mapper definition:
- >>> del db._cache['users']
- >>> db.users.relate('loans', db.loans, order_by=db.loans.loan_date, cascade='all, delete-orphan')
-Advanced Use
-Sessions, Transations and Application Integration
-**Note:** please read and understand this section thoroughly
-before using SqlSoup in any web application.
-SqlSoup uses a ScopedSession to provide thread-local sessions.
-You can get a reference to the current one like this::
- >>> session = db.session
-The default session is available at the module level in SQLSoup,
- >>> from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import Session
-The configuration of this session is ``autoflush=True``,
-``autocommit=False``. This means when you work with the SqlSoup
-object, you need to call ``db.commit()`` in order to have
-changes persisted. You may also call ``db.rollback()`` to roll
-things back.
-Since the SqlSoup object's Session automatically enters into a
-transaction as soon as it's used, it is *essential* that you
-call ``commit()`` or ``rollback()`` on it when the work within a
-thread completes. This means all the guidelines for web
-application integration at :ref:`session_lifespan` must be
-The SqlSoup object can have any session or scoped session
-configured onto it. This is of key importance when integrating
-with existing code or frameworks such as Pylons. If your
-application already has a ``Session`` configured, pass it to
-your SqlSoup object::
- >>> from myapplication import Session
- >>> db = SqlSoup(session=Session)
-If the ``Session`` is configured with ``autocommit=True``, use
-``flush()`` instead of ``commit()`` to persist changes - in this
-case, the ``Session`` closes out its transaction immediately and
-no external management is needed. ``rollback()`` is also not
-available. Configuring a new SQLSoup object in "autocommit" mode
-looks like::
- >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
- >>> db = SqlSoup('sqlite://', session=scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False, autocommit=True)))
-Mapping arbitrary Selectables
-SqlSoup can map any SQLAlchemy :class:`.Selectable` with the map
-method. Let's map an :func:`.expression.select` object that uses an aggregate
-function; we'll use the SQLAlchemy :class:`.Table` that SqlSoup
-introspected as the basis. (Since we're not mapping to a simple
-table or join, we need to tell SQLAlchemy how to find the
-*primary key* which just needs to be unique within the select,
-and not necessarily correspond to a *real* PK in the database.)::
- >>> from sqlalchemy import select, func
- >>> b = db.books._table
- >>> s = select([b.c.published_year, func.count('*').label('n')], from_obj=[b], group_by=[b.c.published_year])
- >>> s = s.alias('years_with_count')
- >>> years_with_count = db.map(s, primary_key=[s.c.published_year])
- >>> years_with_count.filter_by(published_year='1989').all()
- [MappedBooks(published_year=u'1989',n=1)]
-Obviously if we just wanted to get a list of counts associated with
-book years once, raw SQL is going to be less work. The advantage of
-mapping a Select is reusability, both standalone and in Joins. (And if
-you go to full SQLAlchemy, you can perform mappings like this directly
-to your object models.)
-An easy way to save mapped selectables like this is to just hang them on
-your db object::
- >>> db.years_with_count = years_with_count
-Python is flexible like that!
-Raw SQL
-SqlSoup works fine with SQLAlchemy's text construct, described
-in :ref:`sqlexpression_text`. You can also execute textual SQL
-directly using the `execute()` method, which corresponds to the
-`execute()` method on the underlying `Session`. Expressions here
-are expressed like ``text()`` constructs, using named parameters
-with colons::
- >>> rp = db.execute('select name, email from users where name like :name order by name', name='%Bhargan%')
- >>> for name, email in rp.fetchall(): print name, email
- Bhargan Basepair basepair+nospam@example.edu
-Or you can get at the current transaction's connection using
-`connection()`. This is the raw connection object which can
-accept any sort of SQL expression or raw SQL string passed to
-the database::
- >>> conn = db.connection()
- >>> conn.execute("'select name, email from users where name like ? order by name'", '%Bhargan%')
-Dynamic table names
-You can load a table whose name is specified at runtime with the
-entity() method:
- >>> tablename = 'loans'
- >>> db.entity(tablename) == db.loans
- True
-entity() also takes an optional schema argument. If none is
-specified, the default schema is used.
-from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, join
-from sqlalchemy import schema, sql, util
-from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine
-from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, mapper, \
- class_mapper, relationship, session,\
- object_session, attributes
-from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperExtension, EXT_CONTINUE
-from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError, InvalidRequestError, ArgumentError
-from sqlalchemy.sql import expression
-__all__ = ['PKNotFoundError', 'SqlSoup']
-Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False))
-class AutoAdd(MapperExtension):
- def __init__(self, scoped_session):
- self.scoped_session = scoped_session
- def instrument_class(self, mapper, class_):
- class_.__init__ = self._default__init__(mapper)
- def _default__init__(ext, mapper):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- setattr(self, key, value)
- return __init__
- def init_instance(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs):
- session = self.scoped_session()
- state = attributes.instance_state(instance)
- session._save_impl(state)
- def init_failed(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs):
- sess = object_session(instance)
- if sess:
- sess.expunge(instance)
-class PKNotFoundError(SQLAlchemyError):
- pass
-def _ddl_error(cls):
- msg = 'SQLSoup can only modify mapped Tables (found: %s)' \
- % cls._table.__class__.__name__
- raise InvalidRequestError(msg)
-# metaclass is necessary to expose class methods with getattr, e.g.
-# we want to pass db.users.select through to users._mapper.select
-class SelectableClassType(type):
- def insert(cls, **kwargs):
- _ddl_error(cls)
- def __clause_element__(cls):
- return cls._table
- def __getattr__(cls, attr):
- if attr == '_query':
- # called during mapper init
- raise AttributeError()
- return getattr(cls._query, attr)
-class TableClassType(SelectableClassType):
- def insert(cls, **kwargs):
- o = cls()
- o.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- return o
- def relate(cls, propname, *args, **kwargs):
- class_mapper(cls)._configure_property(propname, relationship(*args, **kwargs))
-def _is_outer_join(selectable):
- if not isinstance(selectable, sql.Join):
- return False
- if selectable.isouter:
- return True
- return _is_outer_join(selectable.left) or _is_outer_join(selectable.right)
-def _selectable_name(selectable):
- if isinstance(selectable, sql.Alias):
- return _selectable_name(selectable.element)
- elif isinstance(selectable, sql.Select):
- return ''.join(_selectable_name(s) for s in selectable.froms)
- elif isinstance(selectable, schema.Table):
- return selectable.name.capitalize()
- else:
- x = selectable.__class__.__name__
- if x[0] == '_':
- x = x[1:]
- return x
-def _class_for_table(session, engine, selectable, base_cls, mapper_kwargs):
- selectable = expression._clause_element_as_expr(selectable)
- mapname = 'Mapped' + _selectable_name(selectable)
- # Py2K
- if isinstance(mapname, unicode):
- engine_encoding = engine.dialect.encoding
- mapname = mapname.encode(engine_encoding)
- # end Py2K
- if isinstance(selectable, Table):
- klass = TableClassType(mapname, (base_cls,), {})
- else:
- klass = SelectableClassType(mapname, (base_cls,), {})
- def _compare(self, o):
- L = list(self.__class__.c.keys())
- L.sort()
- t1 = [getattr(self, k) for k in L]
- try:
- t2 = [getattr(o, k) for k in L]
- except AttributeError:
- raise TypeError('unable to compare with %s' % o.__class__)
- return t1, t2
- # python2/python3 compatible system of
- # __cmp__ - __lt__ + __eq__
- def __lt__(self, o):
- t1, t2 = _compare(self, o)
- return t1 < t2
- def __eq__(self, o):
- t1, t2 = _compare(self, o)
- return t1 == t2
- def __repr__(self):
- L = ["%s=%r" % (key, getattr(self, key, ''))
- for key in self.__class__.c.keys()]
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(L))
- for m in ['__eq__', '__repr__', '__lt__']:
- setattr(klass, m, eval(m))
- klass._table = selectable
- klass.c = expression.ColumnCollection()
- mappr = mapper(klass,
- selectable,
- extension=AutoAdd(session),
- **mapper_kwargs)
- for k in mappr.iterate_properties:
- klass.c[k.key] = k.columns[0]
- klass._query = session.query_property()
- return klass
-class SqlSoup(object):
- """Represent an ORM-wrapped database resource."""
- def __init__(self, engine_or_metadata, base=object, session=None):
- """Initialize a new :class:`.SqlSoup`.
- :param engine_or_metadata: a string database URL, :class:`.Engine`
- or :class:`.MetaData` object to associate with. If the
- argument is a :class:`.MetaData`, it should be *bound*
- to an :class:`.Engine`.
- :param base: a class which will serve as the default class for
- returned mapped classes. Defaults to ``object``.
- :param session: a :class:`.ScopedSession` or :class:`.Session` with
- which to associate ORM operations for this :class:`.SqlSoup` instance.
- If ``None``, a :class:`.ScopedSession` that's local to this
- module is used.
- """
- self.session = session or Session
- self.base=base
- if isinstance(engine_or_metadata, MetaData):
- self._metadata = engine_or_metadata
- elif isinstance(engine_or_metadata, (basestring, Engine)):
- self._metadata = MetaData(engine_or_metadata)
- else:
- raise ArgumentError("invalid engine or metadata argument %r" %
- engine_or_metadata)
- self._cache = {}
- self.schema = None
- @property
- def bind(self):
- """The :class:`.Engine` associated with this :class:`.SqlSoup`."""
- return self._metadata.bind
- engine = bind
- def delete(self, instance):
- """Mark an instance as deleted."""
- self.session.delete(instance)
- def execute(self, stmt, **params):
- """Execute a SQL statement.
- The statement may be a string SQL string,
- an :func:`.expression.select` construct, or an :func:`.expression.text`
- construct.
- """
- return self.session.execute(sql.text(stmt, bind=self.bind), **params)
- @property
- def _underlying_session(self):
- if isinstance(self.session, session.Session):
- return self.session
- else:
- return self.session()
- def connection(self):
- """Return the current :class:`.Connection` in use by the current transaction."""
- return self._underlying_session._connection_for_bind(self.bind)
- def flush(self):
- """Flush pending changes to the database.
- See :meth:`.Session.flush`.
- """
- self.session.flush()
- def rollback(self):
- """Rollback the current transction.
- See :meth:`.Session.rollback`.
- """
- self.session.rollback()
- def commit(self):
- """Commit the current transaction.
- See :meth:`.Session.commit`.
- """
- self.session.commit()
- def clear(self):
- """Synonym for :meth:`.SqlSoup.expunge_all`."""
- self.session.expunge_all()
- def expunge(self, instance):
- """Remove an instance from the :class:`.Session`.
- See :meth:`.Session.expunge`.
- """
- self.session.expunge(instance)
- def expunge_all(self):
- """Clear all objects from the current :class:`.Session`.
- See :meth:`.Session.expunge_all`.
- """
- self.session.expunge_all()
- def map_to(self, attrname, tablename=None, selectable=None,
- schema=None, base=None, mapper_args=util.immutabledict()):
- """Configure a mapping to the given attrname.
- This is the "master" method that can be used to create any
- configuration.
- (new in 0.6.6)
- :param attrname: String attribute name which will be
- established as an attribute on this :class:.`.SqlSoup`
- instance.
- :param base: a Python class which will be used as the
- base for the mapped class. If ``None``, the "base"
- argument specified by this :class:`.SqlSoup`
- instance's constructor will be used, which defaults to
- ``object``.
- :param mapper_args: Dictionary of arguments which will
- be passed directly to :func:`.orm.mapper`.
- :param tablename: String name of a :class:`.Table` to be
- reflected. If a :class:`.Table` is already available,
- use the ``selectable`` argument. This argument is
- mutually exclusive versus the ``selectable`` argument.
- :param selectable: a :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Join`, or
- :class:`.Select` object which will be mapped. This
- argument is mutually exclusive versus the ``tablename``
- argument.
- :param schema: String schema name to use if the
- ``tablename`` argument is present.
- """
- if attrname in self._cache:
- raise InvalidRequestError(
- "Attribute '%s' is already mapped to '%s'" % (
- attrname,
- class_mapper(self._cache[attrname]).mapped_table
- ))
- if tablename is not None:
- if not isinstance(tablename, basestring):
- raise ArgumentError("'tablename' argument must be a string."
- )
- if selectable is not None:
- raise ArgumentError("'tablename' and 'selectable' "
- "arguments are mutually exclusive")
- selectable = Table(tablename,
- self._metadata,
- autoload=True,
- autoload_with=self.bind,
- schema=schema or self.schema)
- elif schema:
- raise ArgumentError("'tablename' argument is required when "
- "using 'schema'.")
- elif selectable is not None:
- if not isinstance(selectable, expression.FromClause):
- raise ArgumentError("'selectable' argument must be a "
- "table, select, join, or other "
- "selectable construct.")
- else:
- raise ArgumentError("'tablename' or 'selectable' argument is "
- "required.")
- if not selectable.primary_key.columns:
- if tablename:
- raise PKNotFoundError(
- "table '%s' does not have a primary "
- "key defined" % tablename)
- else:
- raise PKNotFoundError(
- "selectable '%s' does not have a primary "
- "key defined" % selectable)
- mapped_cls = _class_for_table(
- self.session,
- self.engine,
- selectable,
- base or self.base,
- mapper_args
- )
- self._cache[attrname] = mapped_cls
- return mapped_cls
- def map(self, selectable, base=None, **mapper_args):
- """Map a selectable directly.
- The class and its mapping are not cached and will
- be discarded once dereferenced (as of 0.6.6).
- :param selectable: an :func:`.expression.select` construct.
- :param base: a Python class which will be used as the
- base for the mapped class. If ``None``, the "base"
- argument specified by this :class:`.SqlSoup`
- instance's constructor will be used, which defaults to
- ``object``.
- :param mapper_args: Dictionary of arguments which will
- be passed directly to :func:`.orm.mapper`.
- """
- return _class_for_table(
- self.session,
- self.engine,
- selectable,
- base or self.base,
- mapper_args
- )
- def with_labels(self, selectable, base=None, **mapper_args):
- """Map a selectable directly, wrapping the
- selectable in a subquery with labels.
- The class and its mapping are not cached and will
- be discarded once dereferenced (as of 0.6.6).
- :param selectable: an :func:`.expression.select` construct.
- :param base: a Python class which will be used as the
- base for the mapped class. If ``None``, the "base"
- argument specified by this :class:`.SqlSoup`
- instance's constructor will be used, which defaults to
- ``object``.
- :param mapper_args: Dictionary of arguments which will
- be passed directly to :func:`.orm.mapper`.
- """
- # TODO give meaningful aliases
- return self.map(
- expression._clause_element_as_expr(selectable).
- select(use_labels=True).
- alias('foo'), base=base, **mapper_args)
- def join(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False,
- base=None, **mapper_args):
- """Create an :func:`.expression.join` and map to it.
- The class and its mapping are not cached and will
- be discarded once dereferenced (as of 0.6.6).
- :param left: a mapped class or table object.
- :param right: a mapped class or table object.
- :param onclause: optional "ON" clause construct..
- :param isouter: if True, the join will be an OUTER join.
- :param base: a Python class which will be used as the
- base for the mapped class. If ``None``, the "base"
- argument specified by this :class:`.SqlSoup`
- instance's constructor will be used, which defaults to
- ``object``.
- :param mapper_args: Dictionary of arguments which will
- be passed directly to :func:`.orm.mapper`.
- """
- j = join(left, right, onclause=onclause, isouter=isouter)
- return self.map(j, base=base, **mapper_args)
- def entity(self, attr, schema=None):
- """Return the named entity from this :class:`.SqlSoup`, or
- create if not present.
- For more generalized mapping, see :meth:`.map_to`.
- """
- try:
- return self._cache[attr]
- except KeyError, ke:
- return self.map_to(attr, tablename=attr, schema=schema)
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return self.entity(attr)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'SqlSoup(%r)' % self._metadata