path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py')
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py
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-# ext/associationproxy.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Contain the ``AssociationProxy`` class.
-The ``AssociationProxy`` is a Python property object which provides
-transparent proxied access to the endpoint of an association object.
-See the example ``examples/association/proxied_association.py``.
-import itertools
-import operator
-import weakref
-from sqlalchemy import exceptions
-from sqlalchemy import orm
-from sqlalchemy import util
-from sqlalchemy.orm import collections
-from sqlalchemy.sql import not_
-def association_proxy(target_collection, attr, **kw):
- """Return a Python property implementing a view of a target
- attribute which references an attribute on members of the
- target.
- Implements a read/write view over an instance's *target_collection*,
- extracting *attr* from each member of the collection. The property acts
- somewhat like this list comprehension::
- [getattr(member, *attr*)
- for member in getattr(instance, *target_collection*)]
- Unlike the list comprehension, the collection returned by the property is
- always in sync with *target_collection*, and mutations made to either
- collection will be reflected in both.
- The association proxy also works with scalar attributes, which in
- turn reference scalar attributes or collections.
- Implements a Python property representing a relationship as a collection of
- simpler values, or a scalar value. The proxied property will mimic the collection type of
- the target (list, dict or set), or, in the case of a one to one relationship,
- a simple scalar value.
- :param target_collection: Name of the relationship attribute we'll proxy to,
- usually created with :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`.
- :param attr: Attribute on the associated instance or instances we'll proxy for.
- For example, given a target collection of [obj1, obj2], a list created
- by this proxy property would look like [getattr(obj1, *attr*),
- getattr(obj2, *attr*)]
- If the relationship is one-to-one or otherwise uselist=False, then simply:
- getattr(obj, *attr*)
- :param creator: optional.
- When new items are added to this proxied collection, new instances of
- the class collected by the target collection will be created. For list
- and set collections, the target class constructor will be called with
- the 'value' for the new instance. For dict types, two arguments are
- passed: key and value.
- If you want to construct instances differently, supply a *creator*
- function that takes arguments as above and returns instances.
- For scalar relationships, creator() will be called if the target is None.
- If the target is present, set operations are proxied to setattr() on the
- associated object.
- If you have an associated object with multiple attributes, you may set
- up multiple association proxies mapping to different attributes. See
- the unit tests for examples, and for examples of how creator() functions
- can be used to construct the scalar relationship on-demand in this
- situation.
- :param \*\*kw: Passes along any other keyword arguments to
- :class:`.AssociationProxy`.
- """
- return AssociationProxy(target_collection, attr, **kw)
-class AssociationProxy(object):
- """A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute."""
- def __init__(self, target_collection, attr, creator=None,
- getset_factory=None, proxy_factory=None,
- proxy_bulk_set=None):
- """Arguments are:
- target_collection
- Name of the collection we'll proxy to, usually created with
- 'relationship()' in a mapper setup.
- attr
- Attribute on the collected instances we'll proxy for. For example,
- given a target collection of [obj1, obj2], a list created by this
- proxy property would look like [getattr(obj1, attr), getattr(obj2,
- attr)]
- creator
- Optional. When new items are added to this proxied collection, new
- instances of the class collected by the target collection will be
- created. For list and set collections, the target class constructor
- will be called with the 'value' for the new instance. For dict
- types, two arguments are passed: key and value.
- If you want to construct instances differently, supply a 'creator'
- function that takes arguments as above and returns instances.
- getset_factory
- Optional. Proxied attribute access is automatically handled by
- routines that get and set values based on the `attr` argument for
- this proxy.
- If you would like to customize this behavior, you may supply a
- `getset_factory` callable that produces a tuple of `getter` and
- `setter` functions. The factory is called with two arguments, the
- abstract type of the underlying collection and this proxy instance.
- proxy_factory
- Optional. The type of collection to emulate is determined by
- sniffing the target collection. If your collection type can't be
- determined by duck typing or you'd like to use a different
- collection implementation, you may supply a factory function to
- produce those collections. Only applicable to non-scalar relationships.
- proxy_bulk_set
- Optional, use with proxy_factory. See the _set() method for
- details.
- """
- self.target_collection = target_collection
- self.value_attr = attr
- self.creator = creator
- self.getset_factory = getset_factory
- self.proxy_factory = proxy_factory
- self.proxy_bulk_set = proxy_bulk_set
- self.owning_class = None
- self.key = '_%s_%s_%s' % (
- type(self).__name__, target_collection, id(self))
- self.collection_class = None
- def _get_property(self):
- return (orm.class_mapper(self.owning_class).
- get_property(self.target_collection))
- @util.memoized_property
- def target_class(self):
- """The class the proxy is attached to."""
- return self._get_property().mapper.class_
- @util.memoized_property
- def scalar(self):
- scalar = not self._get_property().uselist
- if scalar:
- self._initialize_scalar_accessors()
- return scalar
- @util.memoized_property
- def _value_is_scalar(self):
- return not self._get_property().\
- mapper.get_property(self.value_attr).uselist
- def __get__(self, obj, class_):
- if self.owning_class is None:
- self.owning_class = class_ and class_ or type(obj)
- if obj is None:
- return self
- if self.scalar:
- return self._scalar_get(getattr(obj, self.target_collection))
- else:
- try:
- # If the owning instance is reborn (orm session resurrect,
- # etc.), refresh the proxy cache.
- creator_id, proxy = getattr(obj, self.key)
- if id(obj) == creator_id:
- return proxy
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- proxy = self._new(_lazy_collection(obj, self.target_collection))
- setattr(obj, self.key, (id(obj), proxy))
- return proxy
- def __set__(self, obj, values):
- if self.owning_class is None:
- self.owning_class = type(obj)
- if self.scalar:
- creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class
- target = getattr(obj, self.target_collection)
- if target is None:
- setattr(obj, self.target_collection, creator(values))
- else:
- self._scalar_set(target, values)
- else:
- proxy = self.__get__(obj, None)
- if proxy is not values:
- proxy.clear()
- self._set(proxy, values)
- def __delete__(self, obj):
- if self.owning_class is None:
- self.owning_class = type(obj)
- delattr(obj, self.key)
- def _initialize_scalar_accessors(self):
- if self.getset_factory:
- get, set = self.getset_factory(None, self)
- else:
- get, set = self._default_getset(None)
- self._scalar_get, self._scalar_set = get, set
- def _default_getset(self, collection_class):
- attr = self.value_attr
- getter = operator.attrgetter(attr)
- if collection_class is dict:
- setter = lambda o, k, v: setattr(o, attr, v)
- else:
- setter = lambda o, v: setattr(o, attr, v)
- return getter, setter
- def _new(self, lazy_collection):
- creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class
- self.collection_class = util.duck_type_collection(lazy_collection())
- if self.proxy_factory:
- return self.proxy_factory(lazy_collection, creator, self.value_attr, self)
- if self.getset_factory:
- getter, setter = self.getset_factory(self.collection_class, self)
- else:
- getter, setter = self._default_getset(self.collection_class)
- if self.collection_class is list:
- return _AssociationList(lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self)
- elif self.collection_class is dict:
- return _AssociationDict(lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self)
- elif self.collection_class is set:
- return _AssociationSet(lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self)
- else:
- raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
- 'could not guess which interface to use for '
- 'collection_class "%s" backing "%s"; specify a '
- 'proxy_factory and proxy_bulk_set manually' %
- (self.collection_class.__name__, self.target_collection))
- def _inflate(self, proxy):
- creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class
- if self.getset_factory:
- getter, setter = self.getset_factory(self.collection_class, self)
- else:
- getter, setter = self._default_getset(self.collection_class)
- proxy.creator = creator
- proxy.getter = getter
- proxy.setter = setter
- def _set(self, proxy, values):
- if self.proxy_bulk_set:
- self.proxy_bulk_set(proxy, values)
- elif self.collection_class is list:
- proxy.extend(values)
- elif self.collection_class is dict:
- proxy.update(values)
- elif self.collection_class is set:
- proxy.update(values)
- else:
- raise exceptions.ArgumentError(
- 'no proxy_bulk_set supplied for custom '
- 'collection_class implementation')
- @property
- def _comparator(self):
- return self._get_property().comparator
- def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs):
- if self._value_is_scalar:
- value_expr = getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).has(criterion, **kwargs)
- else:
- value_expr = getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).any(criterion, **kwargs)
- # check _value_is_scalar here, otherwise
- # we're scalar->scalar - call .any() so that
- # the "can't call any() on a scalar" msg is raised.
- if self.scalar and not self._value_is_scalar:
- return self._comparator.has(
- value_expr
- )
- else:
- return self._comparator.any(
- value_expr
- )
- def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs):
- return self._comparator.has(
- getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).has(criterion, **kwargs)
- )
- def contains(self, obj):
- if self.scalar and not self._value_is_scalar:
- return self._comparator.has(
- getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).contains(obj)
- )
- else:
- return self._comparator.any(**{self.value_attr: obj})
- def __eq__(self, obj):
- return self._comparator.has(**{self.value_attr: obj})
- def __ne__(self, obj):
- return not_(self.__eq__(obj))
-class _lazy_collection(object):
- def __init__(self, obj, target):
- self.ref = weakref.ref(obj)
- self.target = target
- def __call__(self):
- obj = self.ref()
- if obj is None:
- raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
- "stale association proxy, parent object has gone out of "
- "scope")
- return getattr(obj, self.target)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {'obj':self.ref(), 'target':self.target}
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.ref = weakref.ref(state['obj'])
- self.target = state['target']
-class _AssociationCollection(object):
- def __init__(self, lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, parent):
- """Constructs an _AssociationCollection.
- This will always be a subclass of either _AssociationList,
- _AssociationSet, or _AssociationDict.
- lazy_collection
- A callable returning a list-based collection of entities (usually an
- object attribute managed by a SQLAlchemy relationship())
- creator
- A function that creates new target entities. Given one parameter:
- value. This assertion is assumed::
- obj = creator(somevalue)
- assert getter(obj) == somevalue
- getter
- A function. Given an associated object, return the 'value'.
- setter
- A function. Given an associated object and a value, store that
- value on the object.
- """
- self.lazy_collection = lazy_collection
- self.creator = creator
- self.getter = getter
- self.setter = setter
- self.parent = parent
- col = property(lambda self: self.lazy_collection())
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.col)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return bool(self.col)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return {'parent':self.parent, 'lazy_collection':self.lazy_collection}
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- self.parent = state['parent']
- self.lazy_collection = state['lazy_collection']
- self.parent._inflate(self)
-class _AssociationList(_AssociationCollection):
- """Generic, converting, list-to-list proxy."""
- def _create(self, value):
- return self.creator(value)
- def _get(self, object):
- return self.getter(object)
- def _set(self, object, value):
- return self.setter(object, value)
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self._get(self.col[index])
- def __setitem__(self, index, value):
- if not isinstance(index, slice):
- self._set(self.col[index], value)
- else:
- if index.stop is None:
- stop = len(self)
- elif index.stop < 0:
- stop = len(self) + index.stop
- else:
- stop = index.stop
- step = index.step or 1
- rng = range(index.start or 0, stop, step)
- if step == 1:
- for i in rng:
- del self[index.start]
- i = index.start
- for item in value:
- self.insert(i, item)
- i += 1
- else:
- if len(value) != len(rng):
- raise ValueError(
- "attempt to assign sequence of size %s to "
- "extended slice of size %s" % (len(value),
- len(rng)))
- for i, item in zip(rng, value):
- self._set(self.col[i], item)
- def __delitem__(self, index):
- del self.col[index]
- def __contains__(self, value):
- for member in self.col:
- # testlib.pragma exempt:__eq__
- if self._get(member) == value:
- return True
- return False
- def __getslice__(self, start, end):
- return [self._get(member) for member in self.col[start:end]]
- def __setslice__(self, start, end, values):
- members = [self._create(v) for v in values]
- self.col[start:end] = members
- def __delslice__(self, start, end):
- del self.col[start:end]
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate over proxied values.
- For the actual domain objects, iterate over .col instead or
- just use the underlying collection directly from its property
- on the parent.
- """
- for member in self.col:
- yield self._get(member)
- raise StopIteration
- def append(self, value):
- item = self._create(value)
- self.col.append(item)
- def count(self, value):
- return sum([1 for _ in
- itertools.ifilter(lambda v: v == value, iter(self))])
- def extend(self, values):
- for v in values:
- self.append(v)
- def insert(self, index, value):
- self.col[index:index] = [self._create(value)]
- def pop(self, index=-1):
- return self.getter(self.col.pop(index))
- def remove(self, value):
- for i, val in enumerate(self):
- if val == value:
- del self.col[i]
- return
- raise ValueError("value not in list")
- def reverse(self):
- """Not supported, use reversed(mylist)"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def sort(self):
- """Not supported, use sorted(mylist)"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def clear(self):
- del self.col[0:len(self.col)]
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return list(self) == other
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return list(self) != other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return list(self) < other
- def __le__(self, other):
- return list(self) <= other
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return list(self) > other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- return list(self) >= other
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(list(self), other)
- def __add__(self, iterable):
- try:
- other = list(iterable)
- except TypeError:
- return NotImplemented
- return list(self) + other
- def __radd__(self, iterable):
- try:
- other = list(iterable)
- except TypeError:
- return NotImplemented
- return other + list(self)
- def __mul__(self, n):
- if not isinstance(n, int):
- return NotImplemented
- return list(self) * n
- __rmul__ = __mul__
- def __iadd__(self, iterable):
- self.extend(iterable)
- return self
- def __imul__(self, n):
- # unlike a regular list *=, proxied __imul__ will generate unique
- # backing objects for each copy. *= on proxied lists is a bit of
- # a stretch anyhow, and this interpretation of the __imul__ contract
- # is more plausibly useful than copying the backing objects.
- if not isinstance(n, int):
- return NotImplemented
- if n == 0:
- self.clear()
- elif n > 1:
- self.extend(list(self) * (n - 1))
- return self
- def copy(self):
- return list(self)
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(list(self))
- def __hash__(self):
- raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__)
- for func_name, func in locals().items():
- if (util.callable(func) and func.func_name == func_name and
- not func.__doc__ and hasattr(list, func_name)):
- func.__doc__ = getattr(list, func_name).__doc__
- del func_name, func
-_NotProvided = util.symbol('_NotProvided')
-class _AssociationDict(_AssociationCollection):
- """Generic, converting, dict-to-dict proxy."""
- def _create(self, key, value):
- return self.creator(key, value)
- def _get(self, object):
- return self.getter(object)
- def _set(self, object, key, value):
- return self.setter(object, key, value)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self._get(self.col[key])
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if key in self.col:
- self._set(self.col[key], key, value)
- else:
- self.col[key] = self._create(key, value)
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- del self.col[key]
- def __contains__(self, key):
- # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__
- return key in self.col
- def has_key(self, key):
- # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__
- return key in self.col
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.col.iterkeys()
- def clear(self):
- self.col.clear()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return dict(self) == other
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return dict(self) != other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return dict(self) < other
- def __le__(self, other):
- return dict(self) <= other
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return dict(self) > other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- return dict(self) >= other
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(dict(self), other)
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(dict(self.items()))
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- try:
- return self[key]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
- if key not in self.col:
- self.col[key] = self._create(key, default)
- return default
- else:
- return self[key]
- def keys(self):
- return self.col.keys()
- def iterkeys(self):
- return self.col.iterkeys()
- def values(self):
- return [ self._get(member) for member in self.col.values() ]
- def itervalues(self):
- for key in self.col:
- yield self._get(self.col[key])
- raise StopIteration
- def items(self):
- return [(k, self._get(self.col[k])) for k in self]
- def iteritems(self):
- for key in self.col:
- yield (key, self._get(self.col[key]))
- raise StopIteration
- def pop(self, key, default=_NotProvided):
- if default is _NotProvided:
- member = self.col.pop(key)
- else:
- member = self.col.pop(key, default)
- return self._get(member)
- def popitem(self):
- item = self.col.popitem()
- return (item[0], self._get(item[1]))
- def update(self, *a, **kw):
- if len(a) > 1:
- raise TypeError('update expected at most 1 arguments, got %i' %
- len(a))
- elif len(a) == 1:
- seq_or_map = a[0]
- for item in seq_or_map:
- if isinstance(item, tuple):
- self[item[0]] = item[1]
- else:
- self[item] = seq_or_map[item]
- for key, value in kw:
- self[key] = value
- def copy(self):
- return dict(self.items())
- def __hash__(self):
- raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__)
- for func_name, func in locals().items():
- if (util.callable(func) and func.func_name == func_name and
- not func.__doc__ and hasattr(dict, func_name)):
- func.__doc__ = getattr(dict, func_name).__doc__
- del func_name, func
-class _AssociationSet(_AssociationCollection):
- """Generic, converting, set-to-set proxy."""
- def _create(self, value):
- return self.creator(value)
- def _get(self, object):
- return self.getter(object)
- def _set(self, object, value):
- return self.setter(object, value)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.col)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- if self.col:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def __contains__(self, value):
- for member in self.col:
- # testlib.pragma exempt:__eq__
- if self._get(member) == value:
- return True
- return False
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate over proxied values.
- For the actual domain objects, iterate over .col instead or just use
- the underlying collection directly from its property on the parent.
- """
- for member in self.col:
- yield self._get(member)
- raise StopIteration
- def add(self, value):
- if value not in self:
- self.col.add(self._create(value))
- # for discard and remove, choosing a more expensive check strategy rather
- # than call self.creator()
- def discard(self, value):
- for member in self.col:
- if self._get(member) == value:
- self.col.discard(member)
- break
- def remove(self, value):
- for member in self.col:
- if self._get(member) == value:
- self.col.discard(member)
- return
- raise KeyError(value)
- def pop(self):
- if not self.col:
- raise KeyError('pop from an empty set')
- member = self.col.pop()
- return self._get(member)
- def update(self, other):
- for value in other:
- self.add(value)
- def __ior__(self, other):
- if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other):
- return NotImplemented
- for value in other:
- self.add(value)
- return self
- def _set(self):
- return set(iter(self))
- def union(self, other):
- return set(self).union(other)
- __or__ = union
- def difference(self, other):
- return set(self).difference(other)
- __sub__ = difference
- def difference_update(self, other):
- for value in other:
- self.discard(value)
- def __isub__(self, other):
- if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other):
- return NotImplemented
- for value in other:
- self.discard(value)
- return self
- def intersection(self, other):
- return set(self).intersection(other)
- __and__ = intersection
- def intersection_update(self, other):
- want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self)
- remove, add = have - want, want - have
- for value in remove:
- self.remove(value)
- for value in add:
- self.add(value)
- def __iand__(self, other):
- if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other):
- return NotImplemented
- want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self)
- remove, add = have - want, want - have
- for value in remove:
- self.remove(value)
- for value in add:
- self.add(value)
- return self
- def symmetric_difference(self, other):
- return set(self).symmetric_difference(other)
- __xor__ = symmetric_difference
- def symmetric_difference_update(self, other):
- want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self)
- remove, add = have - want, want - have
- for value in remove:
- self.remove(value)
- for value in add:
- self.add(value)
- def __ixor__(self, other):
- if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other):
- return NotImplemented
- want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self)
- remove, add = have - want, want - have
- for value in remove:
- self.remove(value)
- for value in add:
- self.add(value)
- return self
- def issubset(self, other):
- return set(self).issubset(other)
- def issuperset(self, other):
- return set(self).issuperset(other)
- def clear(self):
- self.col.clear()
- def copy(self):
- return set(self)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return set(self) == other
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return set(self) != other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return set(self) < other
- def __le__(self, other):
- return set(self) <= other
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return set(self) > other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- return set(self) >= other
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(set(self))
- def __hash__(self):
- raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__)
- for func_name, func in locals().items():
- if (util.callable(func) and func.func_name == func_name and
- not func.__doc__ and hasattr(set, func_name)):
- func.__doc__ = getattr(set, func_name).__doc__
- del func_name, func