path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/events.py
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-# sqlalchemy/events.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Core event interfaces."""
-from sqlalchemy import event, exc
-class DDLEvents(event.Events):
- """
- Define event listeners for schema objects,
- that is, :class:`.SchemaItem` and :class:`.SchemaEvent`
- subclasses, including :class:`.MetaData`, :class:`.Table`,
- :class:`.Column`.
- :class:`.MetaData` and :class:`.Table` support events
- specifically regarding when CREATE and DROP
- DDL is emitted to the database.
- Attachment events are also provided to customize
- behavior whenever a child schema element is associated
- with a parent, such as, when a :class:`.Column` is associated
- with its :class:`.Table`, when a :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`
- is associated with a :class:`.Table`, etc.
- Example using the ``after_create`` event::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Metadata, Integer
- m = MetaData()
- some_table = Table('some_table', m, Column('data', Integer))
- def after_create(target, connection, **kw):
- connection.execute("ALTER TABLE %s SET name=foo_%s" %
- (target.name, target.name))
- event.listen(some_table, "after_create", after_create)
- DDL events integrate closely with the
- :class:`.DDL` class and the :class:`.DDLElement` hierarchy
- of DDL clause constructs, which are themselves appropriate
- as listener callables::
- from sqlalchemy import DDL
- event.listen(
- some_table,
- "after_create",
- DDL("ALTER TABLE %(table)s SET name=foo_%(table)s")
- )
- The methods here define the name of an event as well
- as the names of members that are passed to listener
- functions.
- See also:
- :ref:`event_toplevel`
- :class:`.DDLElement`
- :class:`.DDL`
- :ref:`schema_ddl_sequences`
- """
- def before_create(self, target, connection, **kw):
- """Called before CREATE statments are emitted.
- :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table`
- object which is the target of the event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the
- CREATE statement or statements will be emitted.
- :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant
- to the event. Currently this includes the ``tables``
- argument in the case of a :class:`.MetaData` object,
- which is the list of :class:`.Table` objects for which
- CREATE will be emitted.
- """
- def after_create(self, target, connection, **kw):
- """Called after CREATE statments are emitted.
- :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table`
- object which is the target of the event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the
- CREATE statement or statements have been emitted.
- :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant
- to the event. Currently this includes the ``tables``
- argument in the case of a :class:`.MetaData` object,
- which is the list of :class:`.Table` objects for which
- CREATE has been emitted.
- """
- def before_drop(self, target, connection, **kw):
- """Called before DROP statments are emitted.
- :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table`
- object which is the target of the event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the
- DROP statement or statements will be emitted.
- :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant
- to the event. Currently this includes the ``tables``
- argument in the case of a :class:`.MetaData` object,
- which is the list of :class:`.Table` objects for which
- DROP will be emitted.
- """
- def after_drop(self, target, connection, **kw):
- """Called after DROP statments are emitted.
- :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table`
- object which is the target of the event.
- :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the
- DROP statement or statements have been emitted.
- :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant
- to the event. Currently this includes the ``tables``
- argument in the case of a :class:`.MetaData` object,
- which is the list of :class:`.Table` objects for which
- DROP has been emitted.
- """
- def before_parent_attach(self, target, parent):
- """Called before a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with
- a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`.
- :param target: the target object
- :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached.
- :func:`.event.listen` also accepts a modifier for this event:
- :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will
- be established for any copies made of the target object,
- i.e. those copies that are generated when
- :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used.
- """
- def after_parent_attach(self, target, parent):
- """Called after a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with
- a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`.
- :param target: the target object
- :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached.
- :func:`.event.listen` also accepts a modifier for this event:
- :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will
- be established for any copies made of the target object,
- i.e. those copies that are generated when
- :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used.
- """
- def column_reflect(self, table, column_info):
- """Called for each unit of 'column info' retrieved when
- a :class:`.Table` is being reflected.
- The dictionary of column information as returned by the
- dialect is passed, and can be modified. The dictionary
- is that returned in each element of the list returned
- by :meth:`.reflection.Inspector.get_columns`.
- The event is called before any action is taken against
- this dictionary, and the contents can be modified.
- The :class:`.Column` specific arguments ``info``, ``key``,
- and ``quote`` can also be added to the dictionary and
- will be passed to the constructor of :class:`.Column`.
- Note that this event is only meaningful if either
- associated with the :class:`.Table` class across the
- board, e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy.schema import Table
- from sqlalchemy import event
- def listen_for_reflect(table, column_info):
- "receive a column_reflect event"
- # ...
- event.listen(
- Table,
- 'column_reflect',
- listen_for_reflect)
- ...or with a specific :class:`.Table` instance using
- the ``listeners`` argument::
- def listen_for_reflect(table, column_info):
- "receive a column_reflect event"
- # ...
- t = Table(
- 'sometable',
- autoload=True,
- listeners=[
- ('column_reflect', listen_for_reflect)
- ])
- This because the reflection process initiated by ``autoload=True``
- completes within the scope of the constructor for :class:`.Table`.
- """
-class SchemaEventTarget(object):
- """Base class for elements that are the targets of :class:`.DDLEvents` events.
- This includes :class:`.SchemaItem` as well as :class:`.SchemaType`.
- """
- dispatch = event.dispatcher(DDLEvents)
- def _set_parent(self, parent):
- """Associate with this SchemaEvent's parent object."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _set_parent_with_dispatch(self, parent):
- self.dispatch.before_parent_attach(self, parent)
- self._set_parent(parent)
- self.dispatch.after_parent_attach(self, parent)
-class PoolEvents(event.Events):
- """Available events for :class:`.Pool`.
- The methods here define the name of an event as well
- as the names of members that are passed to listener
- functions.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event
- def my_on_checkout(dbapi_conn, connection_rec, connection_proxy):
- "handle an on checkout event"
- events.listen(Pool, 'checkout', my_on_checkout)
- In addition to accepting the :class:`.Pool` class and :class:`.Pool` instances,
- :class:`.PoolEvents` also accepts :class:`.Engine` objects and
- the :class:`.Engine` class as targets, which will be resolved
- to the ``.pool`` attribute of the given engine or the :class:`.Pool`
- class::
- engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test")
- # will associate with engine.pool
- events.listen(engine, 'checkout', my_on_checkout)
- """
- @classmethod
- def _accept_with(cls, target):
- from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
- from sqlalchemy.pool import Pool
- if isinstance(target, type):
- if issubclass(target, Engine):
- return Pool
- elif issubclass(target, Pool):
- return target
- elif isinstance(target, Engine):
- return target.pool
- else:
- return target
- def connect(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- """Called once for each new DB-API connection or Pool's ``creator()``.
- :param dbapi_con:
- A newly connected raw DB-API connection (not a SQLAlchemy
- ``Connection`` wrapper).
- :param con_record:
- The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection
- """
- def first_connect(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- """Called exactly once for the first DB-API connection.
- :param dbapi_con:
- A newly connected raw DB-API connection (not a SQLAlchemy
- ``Connection`` wrapper).
- :param con_record:
- The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection
- """
- def checkout(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record, connection_proxy):
- """Called when a connection is retrieved from the Pool.
- :param dbapi_con:
- A raw DB-API connection
- :param con_record:
- The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection
- :param con_proxy:
- The ``_ConnectionFairy`` which manages the connection for the span of
- the current checkout.
- If you raise an ``exc.DisconnectionError``, the current
- connection will be disposed and a fresh connection retrieved.
- Processing of all checkout listeners will abort and restart
- using the new connection.
- """
- def checkin(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- """Called when a connection returns to the pool.
- Note that the connection may be closed, and may be None if the
- connection has been invalidated. ``checkin`` will not be called
- for detached connections. (They do not return to the pool.)
- :param dbapi_con:
- A raw DB-API connection
- :param con_record:
- The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection
- """
-class ConnectionEvents(event.Events):
- """Available events for :class:`.Connection`.
- The methods here define the name of an event as well as the names of members that are passed to listener functions.
- e.g.::
- from sqlalchemy import event, create_engine
- def before_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params):
- log.info("Received statement: %s" % clauseelement)
- engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test')
- event.listen(engine, "before_execute", before_execute)
- Some events allow modifiers to the listen() function.
- :param retval=False: Applies to the :meth:`.before_execute` and
- :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` events only. When True, the
- user-defined event function must have a return value, which
- is a tuple of parameters that replace the given statement
- and parameters. See those methods for a description of
- specific return arguments.
- """
- @classmethod
- def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn, retval=False):
- target._has_events = True
- if not retval:
- if identifier == 'before_execute':
- orig_fn = fn
- def wrap(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params):
- orig_fn(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params)
- return clauseelement, multiparams, params
- fn = wrap
- elif identifier == 'before_cursor_execute':
- orig_fn = fn
- def wrap(conn, cursor, statement,
- parameters, context, executemany):
- orig_fn(conn, cursor, statement,
- parameters, context, executemany)
- return statement, parameters
- fn = wrap
- elif retval and identifier not in ('before_execute', 'before_cursor_execute'):
- raise exc.ArgumentError(
- "Only the 'before_execute' and "
- "'before_cursor_execute' engine "
- "event listeners accept the 'retval=True' "
- "argument.")
- event.Events._listen(target, identifier, fn)
- def before_execute(self, conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params):
- """Intercept high level execute() events."""
- def after_execute(self, conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params, result):
- """Intercept high level execute() events."""
- def before_cursor_execute(self, conn, cursor, statement,
- parameters, context, executemany):
- """Intercept low-level cursor execute() events."""
- def after_cursor_execute(self, conn, cursor, statement,
- parameters, context, executemany):
- """Intercept low-level cursor execute() events."""
- def begin(self, conn):
- """Intercept begin() events."""
- def rollback(self, conn):
- """Intercept rollback() events."""
- def commit(self, conn):
- """Intercept commit() events."""
- def savepoint(self, conn, name=None):
- """Intercept savepoint() events."""
- def rollback_savepoint(self, conn, name, context):
- """Intercept rollback_savepoint() events."""
- def release_savepoint(self, conn, name, context):
- """Intercept release_savepoint() events."""
- def begin_twophase(self, conn, xid):
- """Intercept begin_twophase() events."""
- def prepare_twophase(self, conn, xid):
- """Intercept prepare_twophase() events."""
- def rollback_twophase(self, conn, xid, is_prepared):
- """Intercept rollback_twophase() events."""
- def commit_twophase(self, conn, xid, is_prepared):
- """Intercept commit_twophase() events."""