path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py
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--- a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.7.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py
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-# mysql/oursql.py
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
-# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
-# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"""Support for the MySQL database via the oursql adapter.
-OurSQL is available at:
- http://packages.python.org/oursql/
-Connect string format::
- mysql+oursql://<user>:<password>@<host>[:<port>]/<dbname>
-Character Sets
-oursql defaults to using ``utf8`` as the connection charset, but other
-encodings may be used instead. Like the MySQL-Python driver, unicode support
-can be completely disabled::
- # oursql sets the connection charset to utf8 automatically; all strings come
- # back as utf8 str
- create_engine('mysql+oursql:///mydb?use_unicode=0')
-To not automatically use ``utf8`` and instead use whatever the connection
-defaults to, there is a separate parameter::
- # use the default connection charset; all strings come back as unicode
- create_engine('mysql+oursql:///mydb?default_charset=1')
- # use latin1 as the connection charset; all strings come back as unicode
- create_engine('mysql+oursql:///mydb?charset=latin1')
-import re
-from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import (BIT, MySQLDialect, MySQLExecutionContext,
- MySQLCompiler, MySQLIdentifierPreparer)
-from sqlalchemy.engine import base as engine_base, default
-from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators
-from sqlalchemy import exc, log, schema, sql, types as sqltypes, util
-from sqlalchemy import processors
-class _oursqlBIT(BIT):
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- """oursql already converts mysql bits, so."""
- return None
-class MySQLExecutionContext_oursql(MySQLExecutionContext):
- @property
- def plain_query(self):
- return self.execution_options.get('_oursql_plain_query', False)
-class MySQLDialect_oursql(MySQLDialect):
- driver = 'oursql'
-# Py2K
- supports_unicode_binds = True
- supports_unicode_statements = True
-# end Py2K
- supports_native_decimal = True
- supports_sane_rowcount = True
- supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True
- execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_oursql
- colspecs = util.update_copy(
- MySQLDialect.colspecs,
- {
- sqltypes.Time: sqltypes.Time,
- BIT: _oursqlBIT,
- }
- )
- @classmethod
- def dbapi(cls):
- return __import__('oursql')
- def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
- """Provide an implementation of *cursor.execute(statement, parameters)*."""
- if context and context.plain_query:
- cursor.execute(statement, plain_query=True)
- else:
- cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
- def do_begin(self, connection):
- connection.cursor().execute('BEGIN', plain_query=True)
- def _xa_query(self, connection, query, xid):
-# Py2K
- arg = connection.connection._escape_string(xid)
-# end Py2K
-# Py3K
-# charset = self._connection_charset
-# arg = connection.connection._escape_string(xid.encode(charset)).decode(charset)
- connection.execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True).execute(query % arg)
- # Because mysql is bad, these methods have to be
- # reimplemented to use _PlainQuery. Basically, some queries
- # refuse to return any data if they're run through
- # the parameterized query API, or refuse to be parameterized
- # in the first place.
- def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid):
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA BEGIN "%s"', xid)
- def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid):
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA END "%s"', xid)
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA PREPARE "%s"', xid)
- def do_rollback_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True,
- recover=False):
- if not is_prepared:
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA END "%s"', xid)
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA ROLLBACK "%s"', xid)
- def do_commit_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True,
- recover=False):
- if not is_prepared:
- self.do_prepare_twophase(connection, xid)
- self._xa_query(connection, 'XA COMMIT "%s"', xid)
- # Q: why didn't we need all these "plain_query" overrides earlier ?
- # am i on a newer/older version of OurSQL ?
- def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None):
- return MySQLDialect.has_table(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- table_name, schema)
- def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- return MySQLDialect.get_table_options(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- table_name,
- schema = schema,
- **kw
- )
- def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
- return MySQLDialect.get_columns(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- table_name,
- schema=schema,
- **kw
- )
- def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- return MySQLDialect.get_view_names(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- schema=schema,
- **kw
- )
- def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
- return MySQLDialect.get_table_names(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- schema
- )
- def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw):
- return MySQLDialect.get_schema_names(self,
- connection.connect().\
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- **kw
- )
- def initialize(self, connection):
- return MySQLDialect.initialize(
- self,
- connection.execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True)
- )
- def _show_create_table(self, connection, table, charset=None,
- full_name=None):
- return MySQLDialect._show_create_table(self,
- connection.contextual_connect(close_with_result=True).
- execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True),
- table, charset, full_name)
- def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor):
- if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError):
- return e.errno is None and 'cursor' not in e.args[1] and e.args[1].endswith('closed')
- else:
- return e.errno in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055)
- def create_connect_args(self, url):
- opts = url.translate_connect_args(database='db', username='user',
- password='passwd')
- opts.update(url.query)
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'port', int)
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'compress', bool)
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'autoping', bool)
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'default_charset', bool)
- if opts.pop('default_charset', False):
- opts['charset'] = None
- else:
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'charset', str)
- opts['use_unicode'] = opts.get('use_unicode', True)
- util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'use_unicode', bool)
- # FOUND_ROWS must be set in CLIENT_FLAGS to enable
- # supports_sane_rowcount.
- opts.setdefault('found_rows', True)
- ssl = {}
- for key in ['ssl_ca', 'ssl_key', 'ssl_cert',
- 'ssl_capath', 'ssl_cipher']:
- if key in opts:
- ssl[key[4:]] = opts[key]
- util.coerce_kw_type(ssl, key[4:], str)
- del opts[key]
- if ssl:
- opts['ssl'] = ssl
- return [[], opts]
- def _get_server_version_info(self, connection):
- dbapi_con = connection.connection
- version = []
- r = re.compile('[.\-]')
- for n in r.split(dbapi_con.server_info):
- try:
- version.append(int(n))
- except ValueError:
- version.append(n)
- return tuple(version)
- def _extract_error_code(self, exception):
- return exception.errno
- def _detect_charset(self, connection):
- """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results."""
- return connection.connection.charset
- def _compat_fetchall(self, rp, charset=None):
- """oursql isn't super-broken like MySQLdb, yaaay."""
- return rp.fetchall()
- def _compat_fetchone(self, rp, charset=None):
- """oursql isn't super-broken like MySQLdb, yaaay."""
- return rp.fetchone()
- def _compat_first(self, rp, charset=None):
- return rp.first()
-dialect = MySQLDialect_oursql